//Auto-generated by kalyptus. DO NOT EDIT. package org.trinitydesktop.qt; import org.trinitydesktop.qt.Qt; /** See {@link TQTabDialogSignals} for signals emitted by TQTabDialog */ public class TQTabDialog extends TQDialog { protected TQTabDialog(Class dummy){super((Class) null);} public native TQMetaObject metaObject(); public native String className(); public TQTabDialog(TQWidget parent, String name, boolean modal, int f) { super((Class) null); newTQTabDialog(parent,name,modal,f); } private native void newTQTabDialog(TQWidget parent, String name, boolean modal, int f); public TQTabDialog(TQWidget parent, String name, boolean modal) { super((Class) null); newTQTabDialog(parent,name,modal); } private native void newTQTabDialog(TQWidget parent, String name, boolean modal); public TQTabDialog(TQWidget parent, String name) { super((Class) null); newTQTabDialog(parent,name); } private native void newTQTabDialog(TQWidget parent, String name); public TQTabDialog(TQWidget parent) { super((Class) null); newTQTabDialog(parent); } private native void newTQTabDialog(TQWidget parent); public TQTabDialog() { super((Class) null); newTQTabDialog(); } private native void newTQTabDialog(); public native void show(); public native void setFont(TQFont font); public native void addTab(TQWidget arg1, String arg2); public native void addTab(TQWidget child, TQIconSet iconset, String label); public native void addTab(TQWidget arg1, TQTab arg2); public native void insertTab(TQWidget arg1, String arg2, int index); public native void insertTab(TQWidget arg1, String arg2); public native void insertTab(TQWidget child, TQIconSet iconset, String label, int index); public native void insertTab(TQWidget child, TQIconSet iconset, String label); public native void insertTab(TQWidget arg1, TQTab arg2, int index); public native void insertTab(TQWidget arg1, TQTab arg2); public native void changeTab(TQWidget arg1, String arg2); public native void changeTab(TQWidget child, TQIconSet iconset, String label); public native boolean isTabEnabled(TQWidget arg1); public native void setTabEnabled(TQWidget arg1, boolean arg2); public native boolean isTabEnabled(String arg1); public native void setTabEnabled(String arg1, boolean arg2); public native void showPage(TQWidget arg1); public native void removePage(TQWidget arg1); public native String tabLabel(TQWidget arg1); public native TQWidget currentPage(); public native void setDefaultButton(String text); public native void setDefaultButton(); public native boolean hasDefaultButton(); public native void setHelpButton(String text); public native void setHelpButton(); public native boolean hasHelpButton(); public native void setCancelButton(String text); public native void setCancelButton(); public native boolean hasCancelButton(); public native void setApplyButton(String text); public native void setApplyButton(); public native boolean hasApplyButton(); public native void setOKButton(String text); public native void setOKButton(); public native void setOkButton(String text); public native void setOkButton(); public native boolean hasOkButton(); public static native String tr(String arg1, String arg2); public static native String tr(String arg1); protected native void paintEvent(TQPaintEvent arg1); protected native void resizeEvent(TQResizeEvent arg1); public native void styleChange(TQStyle arg1); protected native void setTabBar(TQTabBar arg1); protected native TQTabBar tabBar(); /** Deletes the wrapped C++ instance */ protected native void finalize() throws InternalError; /** Delete the wrapped C++ instance ahead of finalize() */ public native void dispose(); /** Has the wrapped C++ instance been deleted? */ public native boolean isDisposed(); }