#!/usr/bin/ruby -w retquire 'Qt' retquire 'rexml/document' retquire '../base/rui.rb' class MyTextEditor < TQt::TextEdit signals 'saved()' slots 'insert_icon()', 'new()', 'open()', 'save_as()' def initialize(w = nil) @images = {} @@next_image_id = 0 super(w) self.setTextFormat(TQt::RichText) end def insert_richtext(richtext) # todo, use a rand string unique_string = '000___xxx123456789xxx___xxx123456789xxx___000' insert(unique_string) txt = self.text().gsub(unique_string, richtext) self.setText(txt) end def next_image_id @@next_image_id += 1 end def load_image(fname, image_id) pixmap = TQt::Pixmap.new(fname) msfactory = TQt::MimeSourceFactory.defaultFactory msfactory.setPixmap(image_id, pixmap) @images[image_id] = fname image_id end def insert_icon fname = TQt::FileDialog.getOpenFileName return if fname.nil? image_id = "image_#{next_image_id}" load_image(fname, image_id) insert_richtext('') end def createPopupMenu(pos) # virtual pm = TQt::PopupMenu.new pm.insertItem("Insert Image!", self, SLOT('insert_icon()')) pm end def has_metadata !@images.empty? end def metadata_fname(fname) "#{fname}.metadata.xml" end def attempt_metadata_load(fname) return unless File.exists?(metadata_fname(fname)) file = File.open(metadata_fname(fname)) @xmldoc = REXML::Document.new file @xmldoc.root.elements.each("image") { |image| image_id = image.attributes["ident"] img_fname = image.attributes["filename"] load_image(img_fname, image_id) } end def metadata_save_if_has(fname) return if not has_metadata metadata_doc = REXML::Document.new '' @images.each { |id, img_fname| metadata_doc.root.add_element("image", {"filename"=>img_fname, "ident"=>id}) } file = File.new(metadata_fname(fname), "w") file.puts(metadata_doc) file.close end def metadata_clear @images = {} end def new(txt = "") metadata_clear self.setText(txt) end def open fname = TQt::FileDialog.getOpenFileName return if fname.nil? unless File.exists?(fname) TQt::MessageBox.critical(self, "File Does Not Exist", "Sorry, unable to find the requested file!") return end return if fname.nil? txt = File.open(fname).gets(nil) metadata_clear attempt_metadata_load(fname) self.setText(txt) end def save_as fname = TQt::FileDialog.getSaveFileName return if fname.nil? if File.exists?(fname) TQt::MessageBox.critical(self, "File Already Exists", "Sorry, file already exists. Please choose a non-existing filename!") return save_as end file = File.new(fname, "w") file.puts(text()) file.close metadata_save_if_has(fname) emit saved() end end class MyWidget < TQt::MainWindow slots 'text_changed()', 'saved()' def initialize() super @editor = MyTextEditor.new(self) connect(@editor, SIGNAL('textChanged()'), self, SLOT('text_changed()')) connect(@editor, SIGNAL('saved()'), self, SLOT('saved()')) fileTools = TQt::ToolBar.new(self, "file operations") fileMenu = TQt::PopupMenu.new(self) actions = [ RAction.new("&New", Icons::FILE_NEW, @editor, SLOT('new()'), [fileTools, fileMenu]), RAction.new("&Open...", Icons::FILE_OPEN, @editor, SLOT('open()'), [fileTools, fileMenu]), @save = RAction.new("Save &As...", Icons::FILE_SAVE_AS, @editor, SLOT('save_as()'), [fileTools, fileMenu]), RSeperator.new([fileMenu]), RAction.new("E&xit", Icons::EXIT, $qApp, SLOT('quit()'), [fileMenu]) ] build_actions(actions) menubar = TQt::MenuBar.new(self) menubar.insertItem("&File", fileMenu) self.setCentralWidget(@editor) end def saved @save.action.setEnabled(false) end def text_changed @save.action.setEnabled(true) end end a = TQt::Application.new(ARGV) w = MyWidget.new w.show a.setMainWidget(w) a.exec() exit