// QtSlot.cs - Represents C# slot connections // // Copyright (C) 2002 Nick Zigarovich (nick@chemlab.org) // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. namespace Qt { using System; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; internal class QtSlot { protected TTQObject receiver; protected string slot; private string name; private string args; protected MethodInfo slotInfo; private IntPtr wrapperPtr; private Delegate callback; public TTQObject Receiver { get { return receiver; } } public string Slot { get { return slot; } } public MethodInfo Info { get { return slotInfo; } } public string Identifier { get { return receiver.RawObject.ToString()+slot; } } public string Name { get { return name; } } public string Args { get { return args; } } public string NormalizedArgs { get { return NormalizeSlotArgs(args); } } public IntPtr WrapperPtr { get { return wrapperPtr; } set { wrapperPtr = value; } } public Delegate Callback { get { return callback; } set { callback = value; } } public bool IsCSharpSlot { get { return slotInfo != null; } } public QtSlot() {} public QtSlot(TTQObject receiver, string slot) { this.receiver = receiver; this.slot = slot; string[] slotsplit = slot.Split(new char[] {'('}); try { name = slotsplit[0]; args = "("+slotsplit[1]; } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { throw new ArgumentException ("Invalid slot format: " + slot); } slotInfo = LookupSlot(receiver, name, NormalizedArgs); wrapperPtr = IntPtr.Zero; callback = null; } public void SlotBridge_QString (IntPtr value0) { TTQString csvalue0 = QtSupport.LookupObject (value0, typeof (TTQString)) as TTQString; Invoke (new object[] {csvalue0}); } public void SlotBridge_QDockWindow (IntPtr value0) { TTQDockWindow csvalue0 = QtSupport.LookupObject (value0, typeof (TTQDockWindow)) as TTQDockWindow; Invoke (new object[] {csvalue0}); } public void SlotBridge_QDropEvent (IntPtr value0) { TTQDropEvent csvalue0 = QtSupport.LookupObject (value0, typeof (TTQDropEvent)) as TTQDropEvent; Invoke (new object[] {csvalue0}); } public void SlotBridge_QDropEventTQListViewItem (IntPtr value0, IntPtr value1) { TTQDropEvent csvalue0 = QtSupport.LookupObject (value0, typeof (TTQDropEvent)) as TTQDropEvent; TTQListViewItem csvalue1 = QtSupport.LookupObject (value1, typeof (TTQListViewItem)) as TTQListViewItem; Invoke (new object[] {csvalue0, csvalue1}); } public void SlotBridge_QIconViewItem (IntPtr value0) { TTQIconViewItem csvalue0 = QtSupport.LookupObject (value0, typeof (TTQIconViewItem)) as TTQIconViewItem; Invoke (new object[] {csvalue0}); } public void SlotBridge_QListBoxItem (IntPtr value0) { TTQListBoxItem csvalue0 = QtSupport.LookupObject (value0, typeof (TTQListBoxItem)) as TTQListBoxItem; Invoke (new object[] {csvalue0}); } public void SlotBridge_QListViewItem (IntPtr value0) { TTQListViewItem csvalue0 = QtSupport.LookupObject (value0, typeof (TTQListViewItem)) as TTQListViewItem; Invoke (new object[] {csvalue0}); } public void SlotBridge_QListViewItemTQListViewItem (IntPtr value0, IntPtr value1) { TTQListViewItem csvalue0 = QtSupport.LookupObject (value0, typeof (TTQListViewItem)) as TTQListViewItem; TTQListViewItem csvalue1 = QtSupport.LookupObject (value1, typeof (TTQListViewItem)) as TTQListViewItem; Invoke (new object[] {csvalue0, csvalue1}); } public void SlotBridge_QListViewItemTQListViewItemTQListViewItem (IntPtr value0, IntPtr value1, IntPtr value2) { TTQListViewItem csvalue0 = QtSupport.LookupObject (value0, typeof (TTQListViewItem)) as TTQListViewItem; TTQListViewItem csvalue1 = QtSupport.LookupObject (value1, typeof (TTQListViewItem)) as TTQListViewItem; TTQListViewItem csvalue2 = QtSupport.LookupObject (value2, typeof (TTQListViewItem)) as TTQListViewItem; Invoke (new object[] {csvalue0, csvalue1, csvalue2}); } public void SlotBridge_QNetworkOperation (IntPtr value0) { TTQNetworkOperation csvalue0 = QtSupport.LookupObject (value0, typeof (TTQNetworkOperation)) as TTQNetworkOperation; Invoke (new object[] {csvalue0}); } public void SlotBridge_QObject (IntPtr value0) { TTQObject csvalue0 = QtSupport.LookupObject (value0, typeof (TTQObject)) as TTQObject; Invoke (new object[] {csvalue0}); } public void SlotBridge_QToolBar (IntPtr value0) { TTQToolBar csvalue0 = QtSupport.LookupObject (value0, typeof (TTQToolBar)) as TTQToolBar; Invoke (new object[] {csvalue0}); } public void SlotBridge_QWidget (IntPtr value0) { TTQWidget csvalue0 = QtSupport.LookupObject (value0, typeof (TTQWidget)) as TTQWidget; Invoke (new object[] {csvalue0}); } public void SlotBridge_intTQIconViewItem (int value0, IntPtr value1) { TTQIconViewItem csvalue1 = QtSupport.LookupObject (value1, typeof (TTQIconViewItem)) as TTQIconViewItem; Invoke (new object[] {value0, csvalue1}); } public void SlotBridge_intTQListBoxItem (int value0, IntPtr value1) { TTQListBoxItem csvalue1 = QtSupport.LookupObject (value1, typeof (TTQListBoxItem)) as TTQListBoxItem; Invoke (new object[] {value0, csvalue1}); } public void Invoke(object[] args) { if (slotInfo != null) { slotInfo.Invoke(receiver, args); } } private static MethodInfo LookupSlot(TTQObject receiver, string name, string args) { MethodInfo ret = null; foreach (MethodInfo info in receiver.GetType().GetMethods( BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance )) { string infoargs = "(" + ShortArgs (info.ToString().Split(new char[] {'('})[1].Replace(" ", "")) + ")"; string nargs = args.Replace ("string", "String"); // FIXME if (nargs.CompareTo(infoargs) == 0 && name.CompareTo(info.Name) == 0) { ret = info; break; } } return ret; } private static string ShortArgs (string args) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder (); string [] s = args.TrimEnd (')').Split (','); foreach (string st in s) { string [] str = st.Trim (' ').Split ('.'); string stri = str [str.Length -1]; builder.Append (stri+", "); } return builder.ToString ().TrimEnd (',', ' '); } private static string NormalizeSlotArgs(string methodargs) { string[] args = methodargs.Replace("(", "").Replace(")", "").Split(new char[] {','}); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("("); int count = 0; // FIXME Handle unsigned, bool, and byte cases. Would lookups in a hashtable be faster? foreach (string arg in args) { if (count > 0) sb.Append(","); if (arg == "short") sb.Append("Int16"); else if (arg == "int") sb.Append("Int32"); else if (arg == "long") sb.Append("Int64"); else if (arg == "float") sb.Append("Single"); else if (arg == "double") sb.Append("Double"); else if (arg == "char") sb.Append("Char"); else sb.Append(arg); count++; } sb.Append(")"); return sb.ToString(); } // For ArrayList storage. public override bool Equals(object obj) { return ((QtSlot)obj).Identifier == Identifier; } } }