path: root/ktouch/extras/training-gen/python
diff options
authortoma <toma@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2009-11-25 17:56:58 +0000
committertoma <toma@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2009-11-25 17:56:58 +0000
commitce599e4f9f94b4eb00c1b5edb85bce5431ab3df2 (patch)
treed3bb9f5d25a2dc09ca81adecf39621d871534297 /ktouch/extras/training-gen/python
Copy the KDE 3.5 branch to branches/trinity for new KDE 3.5 features.
BUG:215923 git-svn-id: svn:// 283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da
Diffstat (limited to 'ktouch/extras/training-gen/python')
3 files changed, 464 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ktouch/extras/training-gen/python/README b/ktouch/extras/training-gen/python/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..98115f52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ktouch/extras/training-gen/python/README
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+To get files with words:
+$ aspell dump master hash_file
+python english_word english.conf english.ktouch
diff --git a/ktouch/extras/training-gen/python/english_conf b/ktouch/extras/training-gen/python/english_conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..62fe9aa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ktouch/extras/training-gen/python/english_conf
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+# Configfile for
+# For Documentation see
+level_rows = 40
+row_length = 70
+lchars = jf
+title = mainregion jf
+rows = 10
+type = 2
+lchars = kd
+title = mainregion kd
+rows = 10
+type = 2
+lchars = ls
+title = mainregion ls
+rows = 10
+type = 2
+lchars = a;
+title = mainregion a;
+rows = 10
+type = 2
+lchars = asdfjkl;
+title = mainregion practice
+lchars = ei
+rows = 10
+type = 2
+title = practice ei
+lchars = ei
+lchars = ur
+rows = 10
+type = 2
+title = practice ru
+lchars = ru
+lchars = gh
+rows = 10
+type = 2
+lchars = gh
+title = practice gh
+lchars = ty
+type = 2
+rows = 10
+lchars = ty
+title = practice ty
+lchars = ghty
+title = practice ghty
+lchars = vn
+type = 2
+rows = 10
+lchars = vn
+title = practice vn
+lchars = mc
+type = 2
+rows = 10
+lchars = mc
+title = practice mc
+lchars = b
+type = 2
+rows = 10
+lchars = by
+title = practice by
+lchars = cvbynm
+title = practice by
+lchars = ow
+type = 2
+rows = 10
+lchars = ow
+title = practice ow
+lchars = pq
+type = 2
+rows = 10
+lchars = oq
+title = practice pq
+lchars = ['
+type = 2
+rows = 10
+lchars = qwop['
+title = practice qwoop['
+lchars = xz
+type = 2
+rows = 10
+lchars = xz
+title = practice xz
+lchars = ,.
+type = 2
+rows = 10
+lchars = JUYHNM
+type = 2
+rows = 10
+lchars = JUYHNM
+title = practice JUYHNM
+lchars = FRTGBV
+type = 2
+rows = 10
+lchars = FRTGBV
+title = practice FRTGBV
+lchars = EDCWSXQAZ
+type = 2
+rows = 10
+lchars = EDCWSXQAZ
+title = practice EDCWSXQAZ
+lchars = IKOLP;:
+type = 2
+rows = 10
+lchars = IKOLP;:
+title = practice IKOLP;:
+title = Gesamtübung
diff --git a/ktouch/extras/training-gen/python/ b/ktouch/extras/training-gen/python/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..97083c01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ktouch/extras/training-gen/python/
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+# Builds Levelfiles for ktouch
+# This is an enhanced reimplementation of a programm written by
+# Haavard Froeiland <>
+# This Version was written by
+# Hendrik Naumann <>
+# License: GPL
+# Last edited: 11.10.2001
+# Sections:
+# [Main]
+# level_rows = Generated rows per level
+# row_length = Length of the generated rows
+# [Level<Num>] Settings for the Levels to create
+# lchars = Chars that must be in the words
+# in the following levels these chars will be
+# permitted to be in the words
+# title = Title of the Level. If not given it is set to
+# lchars
+# rows = Number of rows. This overwrites level_rows.
+# type = 0 Wordlist will be used for Level. If type is
+# not given this is default.
+# type > 0 Words will be created from lchars and permitted
+# chars. The number of type indicates the length
+# of the genrated words.
+from whrandom import randint, random
+import string
+from string import join, maketrans, translate, count, strip, lower, find, upper
+import time
+import sys
+import ConfigParser
+import regex
+ ./ wordfile configfile outputfile
+ wordfile Is an file containing the words the levels are build from.
+ It should contain one word on each line
+ configfile File that contains the configuration of the levels.
+ See for documentation.
+ outputfile The name of the new levelfile. If it exists it will
+ be overwritten.
+class LevelList:
+ "Level List Class"
+ def __init__(self, Levelchars, Permitchars):
+ self.list = {0:[join(Levelchars,"")]}
+ self.wordcount = 0.0
+ self.llist = Levelchars
+ self.plist = Permitchars
+ def SelectWords(self, Wordlist):
+ """
+ SelectWords(self, Wordlist)
+ Searches for words only contain Permitchars and at least
+ one Levelchar.
+ Calculate the number of levelchars / per chars of the word
+ and fill this values in an mapping
+ {lchars/chars*1000 :[list of words with this property]}
+ """
+ Transstring = maketrans("","")
+ pliststring = join(self.plist, "")
+ lliststring = join(self.llist, "")
+ for Word in Wordlist:
+ lchar_count = 0
+ if len(translate(Word, Transstring, pliststring)) == 0:
+ lchar_count = len(Word) - len(translate(Word, Transstring, lliststring))
+ if lchar_count:
+ weight = int((float(lchar_count) / float(len(Word))) * 1000)
+ if self.list.has_key(weight):
+ self.list[weight].append(Word)
+ else:
+ self.list[weight] = [Word]
+ self.wordcount = self.wordcount + 1
+ def GetRandomList(self, listlength):
+ """
+ GetRandomList(self, listlength)
+ Returns a list of randomwords with listlength length.
+ First choose words with most Levelchars, if these are
+ not enough, words with less are chosen.
+ """
+ retlist = []
+ selectlist = []
+ length = 0
+ val = 0
+ temp = 0
+ keys = self.list.keys()
+ keys.sort()
+ keys.reverse()
+ for key in keys:
+ if length < listlength:
+ for count in range(len(self.list[key]) - 1):
+ if length < listlength and key > 0 :
+ num = randint (0, len(self.list[key]) - 1)
+ word = self.list[key][num]
+ temp = temp + key
+ del(self.list[key][num])
+ val = val + 1
+ length = length + len(word)
+ selectlist.append(word)
+ else:
+ break
+ else:
+ break
+ temp = float(temp) / val / 10
+ print 'Got words with an averages of %(temp).2f %% lchars.' %vars()
+ # Select the returnlist from selectlist
+ val = val - 1
+ length = 0
+ while length < listlength:
+ word = selectlist[randint(0, val)]
+ length = length + len(word)
+ retlist.append(word)
+ return retlist
+ def GenArtWord(self, Wordlength):
+ """
+ GenArtWord(self, Wordlength)
+ Builds an artifical word (with length Wordlength) out of Levelchars and Permitchars.
+ Does it like: random(lchar) + random(pchar) + .....
+ """
+ ret = ""
+ while len(ret) < Wordlength:
+ ret = ret + self.llist[randint(0, len(self.llist) - 1)] + self.plist[randint(0, len(self.plist) - 1)]
+ return ret
+ def GetArtList(self, Listlength, Wordlength):
+ """
+ GetArtList(self, Listlength, Wordlength)
+ Buids an Wordlist with length Listlength out of artificial words.
+ See: self.GenArtWord()
+ """
+ length = 0
+ ret = []
+ while length < Listlength:
+ word = self.GenArtWord(Wordlength)
+ ret.append(word)
+ length = length + len(word)
+ return ret
+def main(argv):
+ Wordlist = []
+ UpcaseWordlist = []
+ # Reading the Wordlist
+ try:
+ wordfile = open(argv[1], 'r')
+ except IOError:
+ print "\nWordfile couldn't be opened.\n", DOCSTRING
+ return 1
+ # Create two Wordlists, one with first char lowered
+ # (more words for the first levels) and one like it ist read
+ for wordstring in wordfile.readlines():
+ wordstring = strip(wordstring)
+ if lower(wordstring) != wordstring:
+ UpcaseWordlist.append(wordstring)
+ Wordlist.append(lower(wordstring))
+ wordfile.close()
+ # Parse the configfile
+ # Creates a List Levelops with [(Options), ]
+ # Optiontuple contains (lchars, title, rows)
+ conf = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
+ try:
+ file = open(argv[2],'r')
+ except IOError:
+ print '\nConfigfile could not be opened.\n', DOCSTRING
+ return 1
+ file.close()
+ try:
+ Rowlength = conf.getint('Main', 'row_length')
+ except ConfigParser.MissingSectionHeaderError:
+ print '\nWrong configfile. See for Documentation.' + DOCSTRING
+ Levelrows = conf.getint('Main', 'level_rows')
+ Levelops = []
+ Levelnum = 1
+ section = 'Level' + str(Levelnum)
+ while conf.has_section(section):
+ lchars = []
+ try:
+ for char in strip(conf.get(section, 'lchars')):
+ lchars.append(char)
+ except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
+ print '\nNo characters defined for level %(Levelnum)s !' %vars()
+ return 1
+ try:
+ title = conf.get(section, 'title')
+ except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
+ title = join(lchars)
+ try:
+ rows = conf.getint(section, 'rows')
+ except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
+ rows = Levelrows
+ try:
+ type = conf.getint(section, 'type')
+ except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
+ type = 0
+ Levelops.append((lchars, title, rows, type))
+ Levelnum = Levelnum + 1
+ section = 'Level' + str(Levelnum)
+ print '\nConfiguration for %(Levelnum)s levels read. \n!!! Be aware, if the Levels are not numberd correctly \n!!! they will not be read completely!' %vars()
+ # Generate Output
+ try:
+ outfile = open(argv[3], 'w')
+ except IOError:
+ print "Outputfile could not be opened.\n", DOCSTRING
+ return 1
+ outfile.write('#########################################################\n' +\
+ '# Trainingfile generaded ' + time.ctime(time.time()) + '\n' +\
+ '# Program written by Hendrik Naumann <>\n' +\
+ '# Inspired by Håvard Frøiland\'s version\n' +\
+ '#########################################################\n')
+ permit_chars = []
+ Levelnum = 0
+ for Option in Levelops:
+ cachestring = ""
+ Levelnum = Levelnum + 1
+ for new_char in Option[0]:
+ if new_char not in join(permit_chars,""):
+ permit_chars.extend(Option[0])
+ outfile.write('\n# Level %(Levelnum)s\n' %vars() + Option[1] + "\n")
+ print "Generating Level " + str(Levelnum)
+ print join(permit_chars,"")
+ # Generate a LevelList object and give the needed Wordlists
+ levelwordlist = LevelList (Option[0], permit_chars)
+ if Option[3] == 0:
+ if lower(join(permit_chars,"")) != join(permit_chars,""):
+ if upper(join(Option[0],"")) != join(Option[0],""):
+ levelwordlist.SelectWords(Wordlist)
+ levelwordlist.SelectWords(UpcaseWordlist)
+ else:
+ levelwordlist.SelectWords(Wordlist)
+ randomlist = levelwordlist.GetRandomList(Rowlength * Option[2])
+ else:
+ randomlist = levelwordlist.GetArtList(Rowlength * Option[2], Option[3])
+ # Write the randomlist
+ for word in randomlist:
+ cachestring = cachestring + " " + word
+ if len(cachestring) > Rowlength - 3:
+ outfile.write(strip(cachestring) + "\n")
+ cachestring = ""
+ outfile.close()
+ return 0
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ if len(sys.argv) == 4:
+ main(sys.argv)
+ else:
+ print '\nWrong number of parameters\n' + DOCSTRING