/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005 by Carsten Niehaus * * cniehaus@kde.org * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "element.h" #include "prefs.h" #include "spectrum.h" #include "isotope.h" #include "kalziumdataobject.h" #include "kalziumutils.h" #include "tempunit.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include Element::Element() { m_radioactive = false; m_artificial = false; m_abundance = 0; } Isotope* Element::isotopeByNucleons( int numberOfNucleons ) { TQValueList::ConstIterator it = m_isotopeList.begin(); const TQValueList::ConstIterator itEnd = m_isotopeList.end(); for ( ; it != itEnd; ++it ) { if ( ( ( *it )->neutrons() + ( *it )->protones() ) == numberOfNucleons ) return *it; } return 0; } TQString Element::parsedOrbits( bool canBeEmpty ) { if ( m_orbits.isEmpty() ) if ( !canBeEmpty ) return i18n( "structure means orbital configuration in this case", "Unknown structure" ); else return ""; TQString orbits = m_orbits; TQRegExp rxs("([a-z])([0-9]+)"); TQRegExp rxb("([a-z]{2}) ",false); orbits.tqreplace(rxs,"\\1\\2"); //superscript around electron number orbits.tqreplace(rxb,"\\1 "); //bold around element symbols return orbits; } Element::~Element() { } double Element::meanmass() { return m_mass/m_number; } const TQString Element::adjustRadius( RADIUSTYPE rtype ) { double val = 0.0; TQString v; switch ( rtype ) { case ATOMIC: val = m_RadiusAR; break; case IONIC: val = m_RadiusIon; break; case COVALENT: val = m_RadiusCR; break; case VDW: val = m_RadiusVDW; break; } if ( val <= 0 ) v = i18n( "Value unknown" ); else v = i18n( "%1 is a length, eg: 12.3 pm", "%1 pm" ).arg( KalziumUtils::localizedValue( val, 6 ) ); return v; } const TQString Element::adjustUnits( const int type, double value ) { TQString v; if ( type == IE ) //an ionization energy { if ( Prefs::energies() == 0 ) { value*=96.6; v = KalziumUtils::localizedValue( value, 6 ); v.append( " kJ/mol" ); } else // use electronvolt { v = KalziumUtils::localizedValue( value, 6 ); v.append( " eV" ); } } return v; } const TQString Element::adjustUnits( const int type ) { TQString v = TQString::null; double val = 0.0; //the value to convert if ( type == BOILINGPOINT || type == MELTINGPOINT ) // convert a temperature { if ( type == BOILINGPOINT ) val = boiling(); else val = melting(); if ( val <= 0 ) v = i18n( "Value unknown" ); else { double newvalue = TempUnit::convert( val, (int)TempUnit::Kelvin, Prefs::temperature() ); TQString strVal = KalziumUtils::localizedValue( newvalue, 6 ); switch (Prefs::temperature()) { case 0: //Kelvin v = i18n( "%1 is the temperature in Kelvin", "%1 K" ).arg( strVal ); break; case 1://Kelvin to Celsius v = i18n( "%1 is the temperature in Celsius", "%1 %2C" ).arg( strVal ).arg( TQChar(0xB0) ); break; case 2: // Kelvin to Fahrenheit v = i18n( "%1 is the temperature in Fahrenheit", "%1 %2F" ).arg( strVal ).arg( TQChar(0xB0) ); break; case 3: // Kelvin to Rankine v = i18n( "%1 is the temperature in Rankine", "%1 %2Ra" ).arg( strVal ).arg( TQChar(0xB0) ); break; case 4: // Kelvin to Reaumur v = i18n( "%1 is the temperature in Reaumur", "%1 %2R" ).arg( strVal ).arg( TQChar(0xB0) ); break; } } } else if ( type == EN ) //Electronegativity { val = electroneg(); if ( val <= 0 ) v = i18n( "Value not defined" ); else { v = KalziumUtils::localizedValue( val, 6 ); } } else if ( type == EA ) //Electron affinity { val = electroaf(); if ( val == 0.0 ) v = i18n( "Value not defined" ); else { if ( Prefs::energies() == 0 ) { v = i18n( "%1 kJ/mol" ).arg( KalziumUtils::localizedValue( val, 6 ) ); } else // use electronvolt { val/=96.6; v = i18n( "%1 eV" ).arg( KalziumUtils::localizedValue( val, 6 ) ); } } } else if ( type == MASS ) // its a mass { val = mass(); if ( val <= 0 ) v = i18n( "Value unknown" ); else v = i18n( "%1 u" ).arg( KalziumUtils::localizedValue( val, 6 ) ); } else if ( type == DENSITY ) // its a density { val = density(); if ( val <= 0 ) v = i18n( "Value unknown" ); else { if ( boiling() < 295.0 && melting() < 295.0)//gasoline { v = i18n( "%1 g/L" ).arg( KalziumUtils::localizedValue( val, 6 ) ); } else//liquid or solid { v = i18n( "%1 g/cm3" ).arg( KalziumUtils::localizedValue( val, 6 )); } } } else if ( type == DATE ) //its a date { val = date(); if ( val < 1600 ) { v = i18n( "This element was known to ancient cultures" ); } else { v = i18n( "This element was discovered in the year %1" ).arg( TQString::number( val ) ); } } return v; } void Element::drawStateOfMatter( TQPainter* p, double temp ) { //the height of a "line" inside an element int h_small = 15; //the size for the small units like elementnumber //The X-coordiante int X = xPos(); //The Y-coordinate int Y = yPos(); TQColor color = currentColor( temp ); p->setPen( color ); p->fillRect( X, Y,ELEMENTSIZE,ELEMENTSIZE, color ); TQString text; TQFont symbol_font = p->font(); symbol_font.setPointSize( 10 ); TQFont f = p->font(); f.setPointSize( 9 ); p->setFont( f ); //top left p->setPen( Qt::black ); text = KalziumUtils::localizedValue( KalziumUtils::strippedValue( mass( ) ), 6 ); p->drawText( X,Y ,ELEMENTSIZE,h_small,Qt::AlignCenter, text ); text = TQString::number( number() ); p->drawText( X,Y+ELEMENTSIZE-h_small , ELEMENTSIZE, h_small,Qt::AlignCenter, text ); p->setFont( symbol_font ); p->drawText( X,Y, ELEMENTSIZE,ELEMENTSIZE,Qt::AlignCenter, symbol() ); //border p->setPen( Qt::black ); p->drawRect( X, Y,ELEMENTSIZE+1,ELEMENTSIZE+1); } TQColor Element::currentColor( const double temp ) { TQColor color; //take the colours for the given temperature const double iButton_melting = melting(); const double iButton_boiling = boiling(); //If either the mp or bp is not known return //This is to avoid undefined behaviour // if ( iButton_boiling <= 0.0 || iButton_melting <= 0.0 ) // return Qt::lightGray; if ( temp < iButton_melting ) { //the element is solid color= Prefs::color_solid(); } else if ( temp > iButton_melting && temp < iButton_boiling ) { //the element is liquid color= Prefs::color_liquid(); } else if ( temp > iButton_boiling && iButton_boiling > 0.0 ) { //the element is vaporous color= Prefs::color_vapor(); } else color = Qt::lightGray; return color; } void Element::drawGradient( TQPainter* p, const TQString& value, const TQColor& c) { //Set the elementColor to c to make the overviewwidget show //the correct color setElementColor( c ); //the height of a "line" inside an element int h_small = 10; //the size for the small units like elementnumber //The X-coordiante int X = xPos(); //The Y-coordinate int Y = yPos(); p->setPen( c ); p->fillRect( X, Y,ELEMENTSIZE,ELEMENTSIZE, c ); p->setPen( Qt::black ); TQFont symbol_font = p->font(); TQFont f = p->font(); f.setPointSize( KalziumUtils::maxSize(value, TQRect( X,Y+ELEMENTSIZE-h_small, ELEMENTSIZE, h_small ),f, p ) ); p->setFont( f ); p->drawText( X,Y+ELEMENTSIZE-h_small , ELEMENTSIZE, h_small,Qt::AlignCenter, value ); const TQRect rect = TQRect( X,Y,ELEMENTSIZE-2,ELEMENTSIZE-10 ); int goodsize = KalziumUtils::maxSize( symbol(), rect, symbol_font, p ); symbol_font.setPointSize( goodsize ); p->setFont( symbol_font ); p->drawText( X+1,Y+5, ELEMENTSIZE-2,ELEMENTSIZE-10,Qt::AlignCenter, symbol() ); //border p->setPen( Qt::black ); p->drawRect( X, Y,ELEMENTSIZE+1,ELEMENTSIZE+1); } void Element::drawGrayedOut( TQPainter *p ) { //The X-coordiante int X = xPos(); //The Y-coordinate int Y = yPos(); p->fillRect( X, Y,ELEMENTSIZE,ELEMENTSIZE, Qt::lightGray ); p->setPen( Qt::darkGray ); TQFont symbol_font = p->font(); const TQRect rect = TQRect( X,Y,ELEMENTSIZE-2,ELEMENTSIZE-10 ); int goodsize = KalziumUtils::maxSize( symbol(), rect, symbol_font, p ); symbol_font.setPointSize( goodsize ); p->setFont( symbol_font ); p->drawText( X+1,Y+5, ELEMENTSIZE-2,ELEMENTSIZE-10,Qt::AlignCenter, symbol() ); p->setPen( Qt::black ); p->drawRect( X, Y,ELEMENTSIZE+1,ELEMENTSIZE+1); } void Element::drawSelf( TQPainter* p, bool simple, bool isCrystal ) { //the height of a "line" inside an element int h_small = 12; //the size for the small units like elementnumber //The X-coordiante int X = xPos(); //The Y-coordinate int Y = yPos(); p->setPen( elementColor() ); p->fillRect( X, Y,ELEMENTSIZE,ELEMENTSIZE, elementColor() ); p->setPen( Qt::black ); TQString text; TQFont symbol_font = p->font(); const int max = ELEMENTSIZE-10; const TQRect rect = TQRect( X,Y,ELEMENTSIZE-2,max ); int goodsize = KalziumUtils::maxSize( symbol(), rect, symbol_font, p ); symbol_font.setPointSize( goodsize ); p->setFont( symbol_font ); if ( !simple ) p->drawText( X+1,Y+5, ELEMENTSIZE-2,max,Qt::AlignCenter, symbol() ); else p->drawText( X+1,Y+5, ELEMENTSIZE-2,max,Qt::AlignHCenter, symbol() ); TQFont f = p->font(); TQRect smallRect( X,Y ,ELEMENTSIZE-4,h_small ); f.setPointSize( KalziumUtils::maxSize( TQString::number( number() ), smallRect, f, p ) ); p->setFont( f ); if ( !simple ) {//the user only wants a simple periodic table, don't weight the cell TQString text; if ( isCrystal ) { TQString structure = crystalstructure(); /** * hcp: hexagonal close packed * fcc: face centered cubic * krz/bcc body centered cubic// kubisch raumzentriert * kdp: kubisch dicht gepackt * hdp: hexagonal dicht gepackt * ccp: cubic close packed // kubisch dichteste Kugelpackung * d : diamond * sc : simple cubic * tet: tetragonal * rh : rhombohedral * or : orthorhombic * mono: monoclinic */ if ( structure == "own") text = i18n( "this means, the element has its 'own' structur", "own" ); else if ( structure == "bcc" ) text = i18n( "Crystalsystem body centered cubic", "bcc" ); else if ( structure == "hdp" ) text = i18n( "Crystalsystem hexagonal dense packed", "hdp" ); else if ( structure == "ccp" ) text = i18n( "Crystalsystem cubic close packed", "ccp" ); } else text = KalziumUtils::localizedValue( KalziumUtils::strippedValue( mass( ) ), 6 ); p->drawText( X+2,Y ,ELEMENTSIZE-4 ,h_small,Qt::AlignCenter, text ); } text = TQString::number( number() ); p->drawText( X+2,Y+ELEMENTSIZE-h_small , ELEMENTSIZE-4, h_small,Qt::AlignCenter, text ); p->drawRect( X, Y,ELEMENTSIZE+1,ELEMENTSIZE+1); } /*! This looks pretty evil and it is. The problem is that a PerodicTableView is pretty irregular and you cannot "calculate" the position. */ void Element::setupXY() { static const int posXRegular[111] = {1,18, 1,2,13,14,15,16,17,18, 1,2,13,14,15,16,17,18, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18, //Element 54 (Xe) 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, //Element 71 (Lu) 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, //Element 71 (Lr) 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11}; static const int posYRegular[111] = {1,1, 2,2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3,3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, //Element 54 (Xe) 6,6,6,8,8,8,8,8,8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, //Element 71 (Lr) 6,6,6,6,6,6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7,7,7,9,9,9,9,9,9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7}; x = posXRegular[m_number-1]; y = posYRegular[m_number-1]; } void Element::setRadius( RADIUSTYPE type, double value, const TQString& name ) { switch ( type ) { case ATOMIC: m_RadiusAR = value; break; case IONIC: m_RadiusIon = value; m_ionvalue = name; break; case COVALENT: m_RadiusCR = value; break; case VDW: m_RadiusVDW = value; break; } } double Element::radius( RADIUSTYPE type ) { switch ( type ) { case ATOMIC: return m_RadiusAR; break; case IONIC: return m_RadiusIon; break; case COVALENT: return m_RadiusCR; break; case VDW: return m_RadiusVDW; break; } return 0.0; } int Element::xPos() const { return ( x-1 )*ELEMENTSIZE; } int Element::yPos() const { // mind the small gap over rare earth! int tmp_y = ( y-1 )*ELEMENTSIZE + ELEMENTSIZE; // 57=Lanthanum, 72=Hafnium, 89=Actinium & 104=Rutherfordium (i.e., if // n_number is in rare earth's block) if ( (m_number > 57 && m_number < 72) || (m_number > 89 && m_number < 104) ) tmp_y += ELEMENTSIZE/3; return tmp_y; } TQPoint Element::pos() const { return TQPoint( xPos(), yPos() ); } TQPoint Element::coords() const { return TQPoint( x, y ); }