<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?> <!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> <!-- This is a machine generated file. Be careful when editing here. Short definition: lesson lesson group desc name %no its index %query is in query selection %current is current lesson type type group desc name %no its index e entry of dictionary %s is selected %m lesson member %t common expression type o original %q in query ("o" is given, "t" is wanted) %l language code %r remark %p pronunciation %width column width %t expression type (see QueryManager.h) %tf false friend from %ff false friend to %a antonym %y synonym %x example %u usage label %h paraphrase t translation .. %q in query ("t" is given, "o" is wanted) %l language code %r remark %p pronunciation %width column width %t expression type %tf false friend from %ff false friend to %a antonym %y synonym %x example %u usage label %h paraphrase %d last query date (from;to) %w dito, compressed and deprecated %g grade (from;to) %c count (from;to) %b bad count (from;to) Valid xml means: - Close all tags - Keep proper hierarchy - All attributes are quoted --><kvtml title="Computers" remark="Items surrounding your computer" cols="0" generator="kanagram" lines="11" encoding="UTF-8" > <options> <sort on="1" /> </options> <e> <o width="150" l="original" r="A device to visualize bits" >monitor</o> </e> <e> <o r="Creates waves through the air" >speakers</o> </e> <e> <o r="Used to visualize bits on paper" >printer</o> </e> <e> <o r="A way to instruct a computer" >mouse</o> </e> <e> <o r="A standard input device" >keyboard</o> </e> <e> <o r="Input device used for games" >joystick</o> </e> <e> <o r="Used to communicate over the Internet" >modem</o> </e> <e> <o r="A substance ensuring alertness" >caffeine</o> </e> <e> <o r="An ancient storage device" >floppy</o> </e> <e> <o r="Used for software backups" >tape</o> </e> <e> <o r="Creates a digital representation of a flat object" >scanner</o> </e> <e> <o r="For listening to sound privately" >headphones</o> </e> <e> <o r="Sends moving images over the Internet" >webcam</o> </e> <e> <o r="Allows you to record sound" >microphone</o> </e> </kvtml>