                          statisticsview.cpp  -  the statistic window
    begin                : Tue Mar 08 17:20:00 CET 2002
    copyright            : (C) 2001 - 2004 by Sebastian Stein, Eva Brucherseifer
    email                : seb.kde@hpfsc.de

 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                         *

#include "statisticsview.h"
#include "statisticsview.moc"

/* the includes are needed for TQt support */
#include <tqlabel.h>
#include <tqlayout.h>
#include <tqpushbutton.h>
#include <tqtooltip.h>
#include <tqwhatsthis.h>

#include <klocale.h>
#include <kdebug.h>

#include "settingsclass.h"

/* constructor */
StatisticsView::StatisticsView(TQWidget * parent, const char * name):
		TQWidget(parent, name), m_count(0), m_correct(0)
#ifdef DEBUG
	kdDebug() << "constructor StatisticsView()" << endl;

	// load statistics from config file
	m_count = SettingsClass::count();
	m_correct = SettingsClass::correct();

	TQPalette pal;
	TQColorGroup cg;

	/* set the caption of the window */
	//	setCaption(i18n("Statistics"));

	/* add a tqlayout as a base */
	tqlayout1 = new TQVBoxLayout(this);

	/* now add a v-spacer */
	TQSpacerItem * v_spacer = new TQSpacerItem(1, 1);

	/* create a grid to show the labels */
	labelGrid = new TQGridLayout(tqlayout1, 3, 2);

	/* add 6 labels to the grid */
	info1Label = new TQLabel(this);
	info1Label->setText(i18n("Tasks so far:"));
	labelGrid->addWidget(info1Label, 1, 0);

	result1Label = new TQLabel(this);
	labelGrid->addWidget(result1Label, 1, 1);
	              i18n("This is the current total number of solved tasks."));

	info2Label = new TQLabel(this);
	labelGrid->addWidget(info2Label, 2, 0);

	result2Label = new TQLabel(this);

	/* set green text color for this label */
	pal = result2Label->palette();
	cg = pal.active();
	cg.setColor(TQColorGroup::Foreground, TQColor(6, 179, 0));
	cg = pal.inactive();
	cg.setColor(TQColorGroup::Foreground, TQColor(6, 179, 0));

	labelGrid->addWidget(result2Label, 2, 1);
	              i18n("This is the current total number of correctly solved tasks."));

	info3Label = new TQLabel(this);
	labelGrid->addWidget(info3Label, 3, 0);

	result3Label = new TQLabel(this);

	/* set red text color for this label */
	pal = result3Label->palette();
	cg = pal.active();
	cg.setColor(TQColorGroup::Foreground, TQColor(red));
	cg = pal.inactive();
	cg.setColor(TQColorGroup::Foreground, TQColor(red));

	labelGrid->addWidget(result3Label, 3, 1);
	              i18n("This is the current total number of unsolved tasks."));

	/* now add a v-spacer */
	v_spacer = new TQSpacerItem(1, 1);

	/* the Reset button */
	buttonLayout = new TQHBoxLayout(tqlayout1);
	resetBtn = new TQPushButton(i18n("&Reset"), this);
	TQObject::connect(resetBtn, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(resetStatistics()));
	TQToolTip::add(resetBtn, i18n("Press the button to reset the statistics."));
	TQSpacerItem* spacer = new TQSpacerItem(0,0);

	/* calculate the statistics */
	(void) calc();

	// add tooltip and qwhatsthis help to the widget
	TQToolTip::add(this, i18n("This part of the window shows the statistics."));
	TQWhatsThis::add(this, i18n("This part of the window shows the statistics.  Each exercise you do is counted. You can reset the statistics by clicking on the button below. Also, if you do not want to see the statistics, use the vertical bar on the left to reduce the size of this window part."));

/* destructor */
#ifdef DEBUG
	kdDebug() << "destructor StatisticsView()" << endl;
	// save statistics for next run

	/* no need to delete any child widgets, TQt does it by itself */

/* called, if a task solved correctly */
void StatisticsView::addCorrect()
	(void) calc(); /* tqrepaint the statistics */

/* called, if a task was solved wrong */
void StatisticsView::addWrong()
	(void) calc(); /* tqrepaint the statistics */

/* ------ private member functions ------ */

/* recalculates the statistics and changes the corresponding labels */
void StatisticsView::calc()
	TQString new_text;
	TQString number;

	new_text = TQString("<b>%1</b>").tqarg(m_count);

	/* we have to be careful with division by 0 */
	if (m_count == 0)
		result2Label->setText("- (- %)");
		result3Label->setText("- (- %)");
	} else {
		/* set the correct label */
		new_text = TQString("%1 (%2 %)").tqarg(m_correct).tqarg(int(double(m_correct) / m_count * 100));

		/* set the incorrect label */
		new_text = TQString("%1 (%2 %)").tqarg(m_count - m_correct).tqarg(int(double(m_count - m_correct) / m_count * 100));

/* ------ private slots ------ */

/* called by the reset button */
void StatisticsView::resetStatistics()
	m_count = 0;
	m_correct = 0;
	(void) calc();