// Copyright (C)  2003  Dominique Devriese <devriese@kde.org>

// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.

// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
// 02110-1301, USA.

#include "other_imp.h"

#include "bogus_imp.h"
#include "point_imp.h"
#include "line_imp.h"

#include "../misc/screeninfo.h"
#include "../misc/common.h"
#include "../misc/kigtransform.h"
#include "../misc/kigpainter.h"
#include "../misc/goniometry.h"
#include "../kig/kig_view.h"

#include <klocale.h>

#include <cmath>
#include <utility>
using namespace std;


ObjectImp* AngleImp::transform( const Transformation& ) const
  // TODO ?
  return new InvalidImp;

void AngleImp::draw( KigPainter& p ) const
  p.drawAngle( mpoint, mstartangle, mangle );

AngleImp::AngleImp( const Coordinate& pt, double start_angle_in_radials,
                    double angle_in_radials )
  : mpoint( pt ), mstartangle( start_angle_in_radials ),
    mangle( angle_in_radials )

bool AngleImp::contains( const Coordinate& p, int width, const KigWidget& w ) const
  double radius = 50*w.screenInfo().pixelWidth();

  if ( fabs( (p-mpoint).length() - radius ) > w.screenInfo().normalMiss( width ) )
    return false;

  // and next we check if the angle is appropriate...
  Coordinate vect = p - mpoint;
  double angle = atan2( vect.y, vect.x );
  while ( angle < mstartangle ) angle += 2*M_PI;
  return angle <= mstartangle + mangle;

bool AngleImp::inRect( const Rect& r, int width, const KigWidget& w ) const
  // TODO ?
  return r.contains( mpoint, w.screenInfo().normalMiss( width ) );

Coordinate AngleImp::attachPoint() const
  return mpoint;

const uint AngleImp::numberOfProperties() const
  return Parent::numberOfProperties() + 3;

const QCStringList AngleImp::propertiesInternalNames() const
  QCStringList l = Parent::propertiesInternalNames();
  l << "angle-radian";
  l << "angle-degrees";
  l << "angle-bisector";
  assert( l.size() == AngleImp::numberOfProperties() );
  return l;

const QCStringList AngleImp::properties() const
  QCStringList l = Parent::properties();
  l << I18N_NOOP( "Angle in Radians" );
  l << I18N_NOOP( "Angle in Degrees" );
  l << I18N_NOOP( "Angle Bisector" );
  assert( l.size() == AngleImp::numberOfProperties() );
  return l;

const ObjectImpType* AngleImp::impRequirementForProperty( uint which ) const
  if ( which < Parent::numberOfProperties() )
    return Parent::impRequirementForProperty( which );
  else return AngleImp::stype();

const char* AngleImp::iconForProperty( uint which ) const
  int numprop = 0;
  if ( which < Parent::numberOfProperties() )
    return Parent::iconForProperty( which );
  if ( which == Parent::numberOfProperties() + numprop++ )
    return "angle_size"; // size in radians
  else if ( which == Parent::numberOfProperties() + numprop++ )
    return "angle_size"; // size in degrees
  else if ( which == Parent::numberOfProperties() + numprop++ )
    return "angle_bisector"; // angle bisector..
  else assert( false );
  return "";

ObjectImp* AngleImp::property( uint which, const KigDocument& w ) const
  int numprop = 0;
  if ( which < Parent::numberOfProperties() )
    return Parent::property( which, w );
  if ( which == Parent::numberOfProperties() + numprop++ )
    return new DoubleImp( size() );
  else if ( which == Parent::numberOfProperties() + numprop++ )
    return new DoubleImp( Goniometry::convert( size(), Goniometry::Rad, Goniometry::Deg ) );
  else if ( which == Parent::numberOfProperties() + numprop++ )
    const double angle = mstartangle + mangle / 2;
    Coordinate p2 = mpoint + Coordinate( cos( angle ), sin( angle ) ) * 10;
    return new RayImp( mpoint, p2 );
  else assert( false );
  return new InvalidImp;

const double AngleImp::size() const
  return mangle;

ObjectImp* AngleImp::copy() const
  return new AngleImp( mpoint, mstartangle, mangle );

VectorImp::VectorImp( const Coordinate& a, const Coordinate& b )
  : mdata( a, b )


ObjectImp* VectorImp::transform( const Transformation& t ) const
  Coordinate ta = t.apply( mdata.a );
  Coordinate tb = t.apply( mdata.b );
  if ( ta.valid() && tb.valid() ) return new VectorImp( ta, tb );
  else return new InvalidImp;

void VectorImp::draw( KigPainter& p ) const
  p.drawVector( mdata.a, mdata.b );

bool VectorImp::contains( const Coordinate& o, int width, const KigWidget& w ) const
  return internalContainsPoint( o, w.screenInfo().normalMiss( width ) );

bool VectorImp::inRect( const Rect& r, int width, const KigWidget& w ) const
  return lineInRect( r, mdata.a, mdata.b, width, this, w );

const uint VectorImp::numberOfProperties() const
  return Parent::numberOfProperties() + 5;

const QCStringList VectorImp::propertiesInternalNames() const
  QCStringList ret = Parent::propertiesInternalNames();
  ret << "length";
  ret << "vect-mid-point";
  ret << "length-x";
  ret << "length-y";
  ret << "vector-opposite";
  assert( ret.size() == VectorImp::numberOfProperties() );
  return ret;

const QCStringList VectorImp::properties() const
  QCStringList ret = Parent::properties();
  ret << I18N_NOOP( "Length" );
  ret << I18N_NOOP( "Midpoint" );
  ret << I18N_NOOP( "X length" );
  ret << I18N_NOOP( "Y length" );
  ret << I18N_NOOP( "Opposite Vector" );
  assert( ret.size() == VectorImp::numberOfProperties() );
  return ret;

const ObjectImpType* VectorImp::impRequirementForProperty( uint which ) const
  if ( which < Parent::numberOfProperties() )
    return Parent::impRequirementForProperty( which );
  else return VectorImp::stype();

const char* VectorImp::iconForProperty( uint which ) const
  if ( which < Parent::numberOfProperties() )
    return Parent::iconForProperty( which );
  else if ( which == Parent::numberOfProperties() )
    return "distance"; // length
  else if ( which == Parent::numberOfProperties() + 1 )
    return "bisection"; // mid point
  else if ( which == Parent::numberOfProperties() + 2 )
    return "distance"; // length-x
  else if ( which == Parent::numberOfProperties() + 3 )
    return "distance"; // length-y
  else if ( which == Parent::numberOfProperties() + 4 )
    return "opposite-vector"; // opposite vector
  else assert( false );
  return "";

ObjectImp* VectorImp::property( uint which, const KigDocument& w ) const
  if ( which < Parent::numberOfProperties() )
    return Parent::property( which, w );
  else if ( which == Parent::numberOfProperties() )
    return new DoubleImp( length() );
  else if ( which == Parent::numberOfProperties() + 1 )
    return new PointImp( ( mdata.a + mdata.b ) / 2 );
  else if ( which == Parent::numberOfProperties() + 2 )
    return new DoubleImp( fabs( mdata.a.x - mdata.b.x ) );
  else if ( which == Parent::numberOfProperties() + 3 )
    return new DoubleImp( fabs( mdata.a.y - mdata.b.y ) );
  else if ( which == Parent::numberOfProperties() + 4 ) // opposite
    return new VectorImp( mdata.a, 2*mdata.a-mdata.b );
  else assert( false );
  return new InvalidImp;

VectorImp* VectorImp::copy() const
  return new VectorImp( mdata.a, mdata.b );

const Coordinate VectorImp::dir() const
  return mdata.dir();

void AngleImp::visit( ObjectImpVisitor* vtor ) const
  vtor->visit( this );

void VectorImp::visit( ObjectImpVisitor* vtor ) const
  vtor->visit( this );

const double VectorImp::length() const
  return ( mdata.a - mdata.b ).length();

ArcImp::ArcImp( const Coordinate& center, const double radius,
                const double startangle, const double angle )
  : CurveImp(), mcenter( center ), mradius( radius ),
    msa( startangle ), ma( angle )
  if ( ma < 0 )
    // we want a positive angle..
    msa = msa + ma;
    ma = -ma;


ArcImp* ArcImp::copy() const
  return new ArcImp( mcenter, mradius, msa, ma );

ObjectImp* ArcImp::transform( const Transformation& t ) const
  // we don't have conic arcs! So it is invalid to transform an arc
  // with a nonhomothetic transformation
  if ( ! t.isHomothetic() ) return new InvalidImp();

  Coordinate nc = t.apply( mcenter );
  double nr = t.apply( mradius );
  // transform msa...
  double nmsa = msa;
  if ( t.getAffineDeterminant() > 0 )
    nmsa = msa - t.getRotationAngle();
  } else
    Coordinate ar = t.apply2by2only( Coordinate( cos(msa), sin(msa) ) );
    nmsa = atan2( ar.y, ar.x );
    nmsa -= ma;
  while ( nmsa < -M_PI ) nmsa += 2*M_PI;
  while ( nmsa > M_PI ) nmsa -= 2*M_PI;
  if ( nc.valid() ) return new ArcImp( nc, nr, nmsa, ma );
  else return new InvalidImp;

void ArcImp::draw( KigPainter& p ) const
  p.drawArc( mcenter, mradius, msa, ma );

bool ArcImp::contains( const Coordinate& p, int width, const KigWidget& w ) const
  return internalContainsPoint( p, w.screenInfo().normalMiss( width ) );

bool ArcImp::inRect( const Rect&, int, const KigWidget& ) const
  // TODO
  return false;

bool ArcImp::valid() const
  return true;

const uint ArcImp::numberOfProperties() const
  return Parent::numberOfProperties() + 9;

const QCStringList ArcImp::properties() const
  QCStringList ret = Parent::properties();
  ret << I18N_NOOP( "Center" );
  ret << I18N_NOOP( "Radius" );
  ret << I18N_NOOP( "Angle" );
  ret << I18N_NOOP( "Angle in Degrees" );
  ret << I18N_NOOP( "Angle in Radians" );
  ret << I18N_NOOP( "Sector Surface" );
  ret << I18N_NOOP( "Arc Length" );
  ret << I18N_NOOP( "First End Point" );
  ret << I18N_NOOP( "Second End Point" );
  assert( ret.size() == ArcImp::numberOfProperties() );
  return ret;

const QCStringList ArcImp::propertiesInternalNames() const
  QCStringList ret = Parent::propertiesInternalNames();
  ret << "center";
  ret << "radius";
  ret << "angle";
  ret << "angle-degrees";
  ret << "angle-radians";
  ret << "sector-surface";
  ret << "arc-length";
  ret << "end-point-A";
  ret << "end-point-B";
  return ret;

const char* ArcImp::iconForProperty( uint which ) const
  int numprop = 0;
  if ( which < Parent::numberOfProperties() )
    return Parent::iconForProperty( which );
  else if ( which == Parent::numberOfProperties() + numprop++ )
    return "arc_center"; // center
  else if ( which == Parent::numberOfProperties() + numprop++ )
    return "";
  else if ( which == Parent::numberOfProperties() + numprop++ )
    return "angle";
  else if ( which == Parent::numberOfProperties() + numprop++ )
    return "angle_size";
  else if ( which == Parent::numberOfProperties() + numprop++ )
    return "angle_size";
  else if ( which == Parent::numberOfProperties() + numprop++ )
    return "";
  else if ( which == Parent::numberOfProperties() + numprop++ )
    return "";
  else if ( which == Parent::numberOfProperties() + numprop++ )
    return "";
  else if ( which == Parent::numberOfProperties() + numprop++ )
    return "";
  else assert( false );
  return "";

ObjectImp* ArcImp::property( uint which, const KigDocument& d ) const
  int numprop = 0;
  if ( which < Parent::numberOfProperties() )
    return Parent::property( which, d );
  else if ( which == Parent::numberOfProperties() + numprop++ )
    return new PointImp( mcenter );
  else if ( which == Parent::numberOfProperties() + numprop++ )
    return new DoubleImp( mradius );
  else if ( which == Parent::numberOfProperties() + numprop++ )
    return new AngleImp( mcenter, msa, ma );
  else if ( which == Parent::numberOfProperties() + numprop++ )
    return new IntImp( static_cast<int>( Goniometry::convert( ma, Goniometry::Rad, Goniometry::Deg ) ) );
  else if ( which == Parent::numberOfProperties() + numprop++ )
    return new DoubleImp( ma );
  else if ( which == Parent::numberOfProperties() + numprop++ )
    return new DoubleImp( sectorSurface() );
  else if ( which == Parent::numberOfProperties() + numprop++ )
    return new DoubleImp( mradius * ma );
  else if ( which == Parent::numberOfProperties() + numprop++ )
    return new PointImp( firstEndPoint() );
  else if ( which == Parent::numberOfProperties() + numprop++ )
    return new PointImp( secondEndPoint() );
  else assert( false );
  return new InvalidImp;

const double ArcImp::sectorSurface() const
  return mradius * mradius * ma / 2;

const ObjectImpType* ArcImp::impRequirementForProperty( uint which ) const
  if ( which < Parent::numberOfProperties() )
    return Parent::impRequirementForProperty( which );
    return ArcImp::stype();

void ArcImp::visit( ObjectImpVisitor* vtor ) const
  vtor->visit( this );

double ArcImp::getParam( const Coordinate& c, const KigDocument& ) const
  Coordinate d = (c - mcenter).normalize();
  double angle = atan2( d.y, d.x );
  angle -= msa;
// mp: problems with large arcs
  while ( angle > ma/2 + M_PI ) angle -= 2*M_PI;
  while ( angle < ma/2 - M_PI ) angle += 2*M_PI;
  angle = max( 0., min( angle, ma ) );
  angle /= ma;
  return angle;

const Coordinate ArcImp::getPoint( double p, const KigDocument& ) const
  double angle = msa + p * ma;
  Coordinate d = Coordinate( cos( angle ), sin( angle ) ) * mradius;
  return mcenter + d;

const Coordinate ArcImp::center() const
  return mcenter;

double ArcImp::radius() const
  return mradius;

double ArcImp::startAngle() const
  return msa;

double ArcImp::angle() const
  return ma;

Coordinate ArcImp::firstEndPoint() const
  double angle = msa;
  return mcenter + Coordinate( cos( angle ), sin( angle ) ) * mradius;

Coordinate ArcImp::secondEndPoint() const
  double angle = msa + ma;
  return mcenter + Coordinate( cos( angle ), sin( angle ) ) * mradius;

const Coordinate VectorImp::a() const
  return mdata.a;

const Coordinate VectorImp::b() const
  return mdata.b;

bool ArcImp::equals( const ObjectImp& rhs ) const
  return rhs.inherits( ArcImp::stype() ) &&
    static_cast<const ArcImp&>( rhs ).radius() == radius() &&
    static_cast<const ArcImp&>( rhs ).startAngle() == startAngle() &&
    static_cast<const ArcImp&>( rhs ).angle() == angle();

bool AngleImp::equals( const ObjectImp& rhs ) const
  return rhs.inherits( AngleImp::stype() ) &&
    static_cast<const AngleImp&>( rhs ).point() == point() &&
    static_cast<const AngleImp&>( rhs ).startAngle() == startAngle() &&
    static_cast<const AngleImp&>( rhs ).angle() == angle();

bool VectorImp::equals( const ObjectImp& rhs ) const
  return rhs.inherits( VectorImp::stype() ) &&
    static_cast<const VectorImp&>( rhs ).a() == a() &&
    static_cast<const VectorImp&>( rhs ).b() == b();

const ObjectImpType* AngleImp::stype()
  static const ObjectImpType t(
    Parent::stype(), "angle",
    I18N_NOOP( "angle" ),
    I18N_NOOP( "Select this angle" ),
    I18N_NOOP( "Select angle %1" ),
    I18N_NOOP( "Remove an Angle" ),
    I18N_NOOP( "Add an Angle" ),
    I18N_NOOP( "Move an Angle" ),
    I18N_NOOP( "Attach to this angle" ),
    I18N_NOOP( "Show an Angle" ),
    I18N_NOOP( "Hide an Angle" )
  return &t;
const ObjectImpType* VectorImp::stype()
  static const ObjectImpType t(
    Parent::stype(), "vector",
    I18N_NOOP( "vector" ),
    I18N_NOOP( "Select this vector" ),
    I18N_NOOP( "Select vector %1" ),
    I18N_NOOP( "Remove a Vector" ),
    I18N_NOOP( "Add a Vector" ),
    I18N_NOOP( "Move a Vector" ),
    I18N_NOOP( "Attach to this vector" ),
    I18N_NOOP( "Show a Vector" ),
    I18N_NOOP( "Hide a Vector" )
  return &t;
const ObjectImpType* ArcImp::stype()
  static const ObjectImpType t(
    Parent::stype(), "arc",
    I18N_NOOP( "arc" ),
    I18N_NOOP( "Select this arc" ),
    I18N_NOOP( "Select arc %1" ),
    I18N_NOOP( "Remove an Arc" ),
    I18N_NOOP( "Add an Arc" ),
    I18N_NOOP( "Move an Arc" ),
    I18N_NOOP( "Attach to this arc" ),
    I18N_NOOP( "Show an Arc" ),
    I18N_NOOP( "Hide an Arc" )
  return &t;

const ObjectImpType* AngleImp::type() const
  return AngleImp::stype();

const ObjectImpType* VectorImp::type() const
  return VectorImp::stype();

const ObjectImpType* ArcImp::type() const
  return ArcImp::stype();

bool ArcImp::containsPoint( const Coordinate& p, const KigDocument& ) const
  return internalContainsPoint( p, test_threshold );

bool ArcImp::internalContainsPoint( const Coordinate& p, double threshold ) const
  return isOnArc( p, mcenter, mradius, msa, ma, threshold );

bool AngleImp::isPropertyDefinedOnOrThroughThisImp( uint which ) const
  if ( which < Parent::numberOfProperties() )
    return Parent::isPropertyDefinedOnOrThroughThisImp( which );
  return false;

bool VectorImp::isPropertyDefinedOnOrThroughThisImp( uint which ) const
  return Parent::isPropertyDefinedOnOrThroughThisImp( which );

bool ArcImp::isPropertyDefinedOnOrThroughThisImp( uint which ) const
  if ( which < Parent::numberOfProperties() )
    return Parent::isPropertyDefinedOnOrThroughThisImp( which );
  else if ( which == Parent::numberOfProperties() )
    return true;
    return false;

Rect AngleImp::surroundingRect() const
  return Rect( mpoint, 0, 0 );

Rect VectorImp::surroundingRect() const
  return Rect( mdata.a, mdata.b );

Rect ArcImp::surroundingRect() const
  // the returned rect should contain the center point(?), the two end
  // points, and all extreme x and y positions in between.
  //Rect ret( mcenter, 0, 0 );
  double a = msa;
  //ret.setContains( mcenter + mradius*Coordinate( cos( a ), sin( a ) ) );
  Rect ret ( mcenter + mradius*Coordinate( cos( a ), sin( a ) ), 0, 0 );
  a = msa + ma;
  ret.setContains( mcenter + mradius*Coordinate( cos( a ), sin( a ) ) );
  for ( a = -2*M_PI; a <= 2*M_PI; a+=M_PI/2 )
    Coordinate d = mcenter + mradius*Coordinate( cos( a ), sin( a ) );
    if ( msa <= a && a <= msa + ma )
      ret.setContains( d );
  return ret;

const Coordinate VectorImp::getPoint( double param, const KigDocument& ) const
  return mdata.a + mdata.dir() * param;

double VectorImp::getParam( const Coordinate& p, const KigDocument& ) const
  Coordinate pt = calcPointOnPerpend( mdata, p );
  pt = calcIntersectionPoint( mdata, LineData( p, pt ) );
  // if pt is over the end of the vector we set it to one of the end
  // points of the vector...
  if ( ( pt - mdata.a ).length() > dir().length() )
    pt = mdata.b;
  else if ( ( pt - mdata.b ).length() > dir().length() )
    pt = mdata.a;
  if ( mdata.b == mdata.a ) return 0;
  return ( ( pt - mdata.a ).length() ) / ( dir().length() );

bool VectorImp::containsPoint( const Coordinate& p, const KigDocument& ) const
  return internalContainsPoint( p, test_threshold );

bool VectorImp::internalContainsPoint( const Coordinate& p, double threshold ) const
  return isOnSegment( p, mdata.a, mdata.b, threshold );

LineData VectorImp::data() const
  return mdata;