/* This file is part of KWordQuiz Copyright (C) 2003 Peter Hedlund This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include "wqquiz.h" #include "prefs.h" WQQuiz::WQQuiz(KWordQuizView * parent, const char *name) : TQObject(parent, name) { m_table = parent; m_list.clear(); m_errorList.clear(); m_quizList.clear(); } void WQQuiz::activateErrorList() { m_list.clear(); WQListItem l; QuizList::iterator it; for ( it = m_errorList.begin(); it != m_errorList.end(); ++it ) m_list.append(*it); m_errorList.clear(); m_questionCount = m_list.count(); } void WQQuiz::activateBaseList() { m_list.clear(); if (m_quizMode > 2) { listRandom(); }; QuizList::iterator it; for (it = m_quizList.begin(); it != m_quizList.end(); ++it) m_list.append(*it); m_questionCount = m_list.count(); } void WQQuiz::addToList(int aCol, int bCol) { //build a list of row numbers containing text in both columns typedef TQValueList IntList; IntList tempList; for (int current = 0; current < m_table ->numRows(); ++current) { if (!m_table->text(current, 0).isEmpty() && !m_table->text(current, 1).isEmpty()) { tempList.append(current); } } KRandomSequence *rs = new KRandomSequence(0); int count = tempList.count(); IntList::ConstIterator it; for ( it = tempList.begin(); it != tempList.end(); ++it ) { WQListItem *li; li = new WQListItem(); li->setQuestion(aCol); li->setCorrect(1); li->setOneOp(*it); if (count > 2) { int a, b; do a = rs->getLong(count); //rand() % count; while(a==*it); li->setTwoOp(a); do b = rs->getLong(count); //rand() % count; while(b == *it || b == a /*|| b < 0*/); li->setThreeOp(b); } m_quizList.append(*li); } } bool WQQuiz::init() { bool result = false; if (Prefs::enableBlanks()) { result = m_table->checkSyntax(true, true); } else { result = true; } if (!result) { return false; } int aCol; int bCol; switch (m_quizMode) { case 1: aCol = 0; bCol = 1; break; case 2: aCol = 1; bCol = 0; break; case 3: aCol = 0; bCol = 1; break; case 4: aCol = 1; bCol = 0; break; case 5: default: aCol = 0; bCol = 1; break; } addToList(aCol, bCol); //check if enough in list switch (m_quizType) { case qtEditor: // break; case qtFlash: result = (m_quizList.count() > 0); break; case qtQA: result = (m_quizList.count() > 0); break; case qtMultiple: result = (m_quizList.count() > 2); break; } if (!result) { return false; } if (m_quizMode == 5) { aCol = 1; bCol = 0; addToList(aCol, bCol); } //Prepare final lists activateBaseList(); return true; } void WQQuiz::listRandom() { TQPtrList list; for(int i = 0; i < m_quizList.count(); i++) list.append((void*) i); KRandomSequence seq; seq.randomize(&list); QuizList items; for(int i = 0; i < m_quizList.count(); i++) items.append(m_quizList[(long) list.take()]); m_quizList.clear(); for(int i = 0; i < items.count(); i++) m_quizList.append(items[i]); } bool WQQuiz::checkAnswer(int i, const TQString & a) { bool result = false; WQListItem li = m_list[i]; int j; if (li.question() == 0) { j = 1; } else { j= 0; } TQString ans = a; TQString tTemp = m_table -> text(li.oneOp(), j); tTemp = tTemp.stripWhiteSpace(); ans = ans.stripWhiteSpace(); if (m_quizType == qtQA) { if (TQString(m_correctBlank).length() > 0) { TQStringList la, ls; if (ans.find(";") > 0) ls = TQStringList::split(";", ans); else ls.append(ans); if (m_correctBlank.find(";") > 0) la = TQStringList::split(";", m_correctBlank); else la.append(m_correctBlank); result = (ls.count() == la.count()); if (result) { for (uint counter = 0; counter < la.count(); counter++) { result = (ls[counter].stripWhiteSpace() == la[counter].stripWhiteSpace()); if (!result) break; } } } else { result = (ans == tTemp); } } else { if (m_quizType == qtMultiple) { if (Prefs::enableBlanks()) { tTemp.remove("["); tTemp.remove("]"); } result = (ans == tTemp); } else { result = (ans == tTemp); } } if (!result) { m_errorList.append(li); } return result; } TQStringList WQQuiz::multiOptions(int i) { TQString *s; TQStringList Result; WQListItem li = m_list[i]; typedef TQPtrList LS; LS *ls; ls = new TQPtrList(); int j; if (li.question() == 0) { j = 1; } else { j= 0; } s= new TQString(m_table->text(li.oneOp(), j)); if (Prefs::enableBlanks()) { s->remove("["); s->remove("]"); } ls->append(s); s = new TQString(m_table->text(li.twoOp(), j)); if (Prefs::enableBlanks()) { s->remove("["); s->remove("]"); } ls->append(s); s = new TQString(m_table->text(li.threeOp(), j)); if (Prefs::enableBlanks()) { s->remove("["); s->remove("]"); } ls->append(s); KRandomSequence rs; rs.randomize(ls); while (ls->count()) { Result.append(*ls->first()); ls->removeFirst(); } return Result; } TQString WQQuiz::quizIcon(int i, QuizIcon ico) { TQString s; WQListItem li = m_list[i]; if (ico == qiLeftCol) { if (li.question() == 0) s = "question"; else s = "answer"; } if (ico == qiRightCol) { if (li.question() == 0) s = "answer"; else s = "question"; } return s; } TQString WQQuiz::yourAnswer(int i, const TQString & s) { TQString result =""; if (TQString(m_answerBlank).length() > 0) { TQStringList ls; if (s.find(";") > 0) ls = TQStringList::split(";", s, true); else ls.append(s); result = m_answerBlank.replace("..........", ""); int offset = 0, counter = 0; while (offset >= 0) { offset = result.find("", offset); if (offset >= 0) { result.insert(offset + 3, ls[counter]); offset++; counter++; } } result.append(""); result.prepend(""); } else { result = s; } return result; } TQString WQQuiz::hint(int i) { if (TQString(m_correctBlank).length() > 0) { return m_correctBlank; } else { return answer(i); } } void WQQuiz::setQuizType(QuizType qt) { m_quizType = qt; } void WQQuiz::setQuizMode(int qm) { m_quizMode = qm; } TQString WQQuiz::question(int i) { WQListItem li = m_list[i]; TQString s = m_table->text(li.oneOp(), li.question()); if (Prefs::enableBlanks()) { s.remove("["); s.remove("]"); } if (m_quizType != qtFlash && i > 0) { WQListItem li2 = m_list[i - 1]; emit checkingAnswer(li2.oneOp()); } else emit checkingAnswer(li.oneOp()); return s; } TQString WQQuiz::blankAnswer(int i) { TQString r = ""; m_correctBlank = ""; m_answerBlank = ""; TQString tTemp; if (m_quizType == qtQA && Prefs::enableBlanks()) { WQListItem li = m_list[i]; int j; if (li.question() == 0) { j = 1; } else { j= 0; } tTemp = m_table->text(li.oneOp(), j); r = tTemp; TQRegExp rx; rx.setMinimal(true); rx.setPattern("\\[.*\\]"); r.replace(rx, ".........."); if (r != tTemp) { m_answerBlank = r; int offset = 0; while (offset >= 0) { offset = rx.search(tTemp, offset); if (offset >= 0) { if (m_correctBlank.length() > 0) m_correctBlank = m_correctBlank + ";" + " " + tTemp.mid(offset + 1, tTemp.find(']', offset) - offset - 1); else m_correctBlank = tTemp.mid(offset + 1, tTemp.find(']', offset) - offset - 1); offset++; } } } } return m_answerBlank; } TQString WQQuiz::answer(int i) { TQString s; WQListItem li = m_list[i]; int j; if (li.question() == 0) { j = 1; } else { j= 0; } if (m_quizType == qtQA) { s = m_table->text(li.oneOp(), j); if (Prefs::enableBlanks()) { s.replace("[", ""); s.replace("]", ""); s.prepend(""); s.append(""); } } else { s = m_table->text(li.oneOp(), j); if (Prefs::enableBlanks()) { s.remove("["); s.remove("]"); } } return s; } TQString WQQuiz::langQuestion(int i) { WQListItem li = m_list[i]; return m_table->horizontalHeader()->label(li.question()); } TQString WQQuiz::langAnswer(int i) { WQListItem li = m_list[i]; int j; if (li.question() == 0) { j = 1; } else { j= 0; } return m_table->horizontalHeader()->label(j); } int WQQuiz::kbAnswer(int i) { /* WQListItem *li = m_list->at(i); if (li->question() == 0) { //@todo return m_table ->layoutLeft(); } else { //@todo return m_table -> layoutRight(); }*/ return 0; } int WQQuiz::questionCount() { return m_questionCount; } void WQQuiz::finish() { emit checkingAnswer(-1); } #include "wqquiz.moc"