/**************************************************************************** ** ** ** Implementation of date and time edit classes ** ** Created : 001103 ** ** Original qatetimeedit.cpp Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. **>> ExtDate modifications (C) 2004 Jason Harris ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** **********************************************************************/ //DEBUG #include #include "extdatetimeedit.h" #ifndef TQT_NO_DATETIMEEDIT //#include "../kernel/tqinternal_p.h" //#include "../kernel/tqrichtext_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //need for TQTimeEdit #define EXTDATETIMEEDIT_HIDDEN_CHAR '0' static TQString *lDateSep = 0; static TQString *lTimeSep = 0; static bool lAMPM = FALSE; static TQString *lAM = 0; static TQString *lPM = 0; static ExtDateEdit::Order lOrder = ExtDateEdit::YMD; static int refcount = 0; static void cleanup() { delete lDateSep; lDateSep = 0; delete lTimeSep; lTimeSep = 0; delete lAM; lAM = 0; delete lPM; lPM = 0; } /*! \internal try to get the order of DMY and the date/time separator from the locale settings */ static void readLocaleSettings() { int dpos, mpos, ypos; cleanup(); lDateSep = new TQString(); lTimeSep = new TQString(); #if defined(TQ_WS_WIN) TQT_WA( { TCHAR data[10]; GetLocaleInfo( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_SDATE, data, 10 ); *lDateSep = TQString::fromUcs2( (ushort*)data ); GetLocaleInfo( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_STIME, data, 10 ); *lTimeSep = TQString::fromUcs2( (ushort*)data ); GetLocaleInfo( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_ITIME, data, 10 ); lAMPM = TQString::fromUcs2( (ushort*)data ).toInt()==0; GetLocaleInfo( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_S1159, data, 10 ); TQString am = TQString::fromUcs2( (ushort*)data ); if ( !am.isEmpty() ) lAM = new TQString( am ); GetLocaleInfo( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_S2359, data, 10 ); TQString pm = TQString::fromUcs2( (ushort*)data ); if ( !pm.isEmpty() ) lPM = new TQString( pm ); } , { char data[10]; GetLocaleInfoA( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_SDATE, (char*)&data, 10 ); *lDateSep = TQString::fromLocal8Bit( data ); GetLocaleInfoA( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_STIME, (char*)&data, 10 ); *lTimeSep = TQString::fromLocal8Bit( data ); GetLocaleInfoA( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_ITIME, (char*)&data, 10 ); lAMPM = TQString::fromLocal8Bit( data ).toInt()==0; GetLocaleInfoA( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_S1159, (char*)&data, 10 ); TQString am = TQString::fromLocal8Bit( data ); if ( !am.isEmpty() ) lAM = new TQString( am ); GetLocaleInfoA( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_S2359, (char*)&data, 10 ); TQString pm = TQString::fromLocal8Bit( data ); if ( !pm.isEmpty() ) lPM = new TQString( pm ); } ); #else *lDateSep = "-"; *lTimeSep = ":"; #endif TQString d = ExtDate( 1999, 11, 22 ).toString( TQt::LocalDate ); dpos = d.find( "22" ); mpos = d.find( "11" ); ypos = d.find( "99" ); if ( dpos > -1 && mpos > -1 && ypos > -1 ) { // test for DMY, MDY, YMD, YDM if ( dpos < mpos && mpos < ypos ) { lOrder = ExtDateEdit::DMY; } else if ( mpos < dpos && dpos < ypos ) { lOrder = ExtDateEdit::MDY; } else if ( ypos < mpos && mpos < dpos ) { lOrder = ExtDateEdit::YMD; } else if ( ypos < dpos && dpos < mpos ) { lOrder = ExtDateEdit::YDM; } else { // cannot determine the dateformat - use the default return; } // this code needs to change if new formats are added #ifndef TQ_WS_WIN TQString sep = d.mid( TQMIN( dpos, mpos ) + 2, TQABS( dpos - mpos ) - 2 ); if ( d.contains( sep ) == 2 ) { *lDateSep = sep; } #endif } #ifndef TQ_WS_WIN TQString t = TQTime( 11, 22, 33 ).toString( TQt::LocalDate ); dpos = t.find( "11" ); mpos = t.find( "22" ); ypos = t.find( "33" ); // We only allow hhmmss if ( dpos > -1 && dpos < mpos && mpos < ypos ) { TQString sep = t.mid( dpos + 2, mpos - dpos - 2 ); if ( sep == t.mid( mpos + 2, ypos - mpos - 2 ) ) { *lTimeSep = sep; } } #endif } static ExtDateEdit::Order localOrder() { if ( !lDateSep ) { readLocaleSettings(); } return lOrder; } static TQString localDateSep() { if ( !lDateSep ) { readLocaleSettings(); } return *lDateSep; } static TQString localTimeSep() { if ( !lTimeSep ) { readLocaleSettings(); } return *lTimeSep; } class ExtDateTimeEditorPrivate { public: ExtDateTimeEditorPrivate() : frm( TRUE ), parag( new TQTextParagraph( 0, 0, 0, FALSE ) ), focusSec(0) { parag->formatter()->setWrapEnabled( FALSE ); cursor = new TQTextCursor( 0 ); cursor->setParagraph( parag ); offset = 0; sep = localDateSep(); refcount++; } ~ExtDateTimeEditorPrivate() { delete parag; delete cursor; if ( !--refcount ) cleanup(); } void appendSection( const TQNumberSection& sec ) { sections.append( sec ); } void clearSections() { sections.clear(); } void setSectionSelection( int sec, int selstart, int selend ) { if ( sec < 0 || sec > (int)sections.count() ) return; sections[sec].setSelectionStart( selstart ); sections[sec].setSelectionEnd( selend ); } uint sectionCount() const { return (uint)sections.count(); } void setSeparator( const TQString& s ) { sep = s; } TQString separator() const { return sep; } void setFrame( bool f ) { frm = f; } bool frame() const { return frm; } int focusSection() const { return focusSec; } int section( const TQPoint& p ) { cursor->place( p + TQPoint( offset, 0 ), parag ); int idx = cursor->index(); for ( uint i = 0; i < sections.count(); ++i ) { if ( idx >= sections[i].selectionStart() && idx <= sections[i].selectionEnd() ) return i; } return -1; } TQNumberSection section( int idx ) const { return sections[idx]; } bool setFocusSection( int idx ) { if ( idx > (int)sections.count()-1 || idx < 0 ) return FALSE; if ( idx != focusSec ) { focusSec = idx; applyFocusSelection(); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } bool inSectionSelection( int idx ) { for ( uint i = 0; i < sections.count(); ++i ) { if ( idx >= sections[i].selectionStart() && idx <= sections[i].selectionEnd() ) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void paint( const TQString& txt, bool focus, TQPainter& p, const TQColorGroup& cg, const TQRect& rect, TQStyle& style ) { int fw = 0; if ( frm ) fw = style.pixelMetric(TQStyle::PM_DefaultFrameWidth); parag->truncate( 0 ); parag->append( txt ); if ( !focus ) parag->removeSelection( TQTextDocument::Standard ); else { applyFocusSelection(); } /* color all EXTDATETIMEEDIT_HIDDEN_CHAR chars to background color */ TQTextFormat *fb = parag->formatCollection()->format( p.font(), cg.base() ); TQTextFormat *nf = parag->formatCollection()->format( p.font(), cg.text() ); for ( uint i = 0; i < txt.length(); ++i ) { parag->setFormat( i, 1, nf ); if ( inSectionSelection( i ) ) continue; if ( txt.at(i) == EXTDATETIMEEDIT_HIDDEN_CHAR ) parag->setFormat( i, 1, fb ); else parag->setFormat( i, 1, nf ); } fb->removeRef(); nf->removeRef(); TQRect r( rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width() - 2 * ( 2 + fw ), rect.height() ); parag->pseudoDocument()->docRect = r; parag->invalidate(0); parag->format(); int xoff = 2 + fw - offset; int yoff = ( rect.height() - parag->rect().height() + 1 ) / 2; if ( yoff < 0 ) yoff = 0; p.translate( xoff, yoff ); parag->paint( p, cg, 0, TRUE ); if ( frm ) p.translate( -xoff, -yoff ); } void resize( const TQSize& size ) { sz = size; } int mapSection( int sec ) { return sections[sec].index(); } protected: void applyFocusSelection() { if ( focusSec > -1 ) { int selstart = sections[ focusSec ].selectionStart(); int selend = sections[ focusSec ].selectionEnd(); parag->setSelection( TQTextDocument::Standard, selstart, selend ); parag->format(); if ( parag->at( selstart )->x < offset || parag->at( selend )->x + parag->string()->width( selend ) > offset + sz.width() ) { offset = parag->at( selstart )->x; } } } private: bool frm; TQTextParagraph *parag; TQTextCursor *cursor; TQSize sz; int focusSec; TQValueList< TQNumberSection > sections; TQString sep; int offset; }; /*! Constructs an empty datetime editor with parent \a parent and called \a name. */ ExtDateTimeEditor::ExtDateTimeEditor( ExtDateTimeEditBase * parent, const char * name ) : TQWidget( parent, name, WNoAutoErase ) { d = new ExtDateTimeEditorPrivate(); cw = parent; init(); } /*! Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources. */ ExtDateTimeEditor::~ExtDateTimeEditor() { delete d; } /*! \internal */ void ExtDateTimeEditor::init() { setBackgroundMode( PaletteBase ); setFocusSection( -1 ); installEventFilter( this ); setFocusPolicy( TQWidget::WheelFocus ); } /*! \reimp */ bool ExtDateTimeEditor::event( TQEvent *e ) { if ( e->type() == TQEvent::FocusIn || e->type() == TQEvent::FocusOut ) { if ( e->type() == TQEvent::FocusOut ) tqApp->sendEvent( cw, e ); update( rect() ); } else if ( e->type() == TQEvent::AccelOverride ) { TQKeyEvent* ke = (TQKeyEvent*) e; switch ( ke->key() ) { case Key_Delete: case Key_Backspace: case Key_Up: case Key_Down: case Key_Left: case Key_Right: ke->accept(); default: break; } } return TQWidget::event( e ); } /*! \reimp */ void ExtDateTimeEditor::resizeEvent( TQResizeEvent *e ) { d->resize( e->size() ); TQWidget::resizeEvent( e ); } /*! \reimp */ void ExtDateTimeEditor::paintEvent( TQPaintEvent * ) { TQString txt; for ( uint i = 0; i < d->sectionCount(); ++i ) { txt += cw->sectionFormattedText( i ); if ( i < d->sectionCount()-1 ) { if ( d->section( i+1 ).separator() ) txt += d->separator(); else txt += " "; } } TQSharedDoubleBuffer buffer( this ); const TQBrush &bg = colorGroup().brush( isEnabled() ? TQColorGroup::Base : TQColorGroup::Background ); buffer.painter()->fillRect( 0, 0, width(), height(), bg ); d->paint( txt, hasFocus(), *buffer.painter(), colorGroup(), rect(), style() ); buffer.end(); } /*! Returns the section index at point \a p. */ int ExtDateTimeEditor::sectionAt( const TQPoint &p ) { return d->section( p ); } int ExtDateTimeEditor::mapSection( int sec ) { return d->mapSection( sec ); } /*! \reimp */ void ExtDateTimeEditor::mousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent *e ) { TQPoint p( e->pos().x(), 0 ); int sec = sectionAt( p ); if ( sec != -1 ) { cw->setFocusSection( sec ); repaint( rect(), FALSE ); } } /*! \reimp */ bool ExtDateTimeEditor::eventFilter( TQObject *o, TQEvent *e ) { if ( o == this ) { if ( e->type() == TQEvent::KeyPress ) { TQKeyEvent *ke = (TQKeyEvent*)e; switch ( ke->key() ) { case Key_Right: if ( d->focusSection() < (int)d->sectionCount()-1 ) { if ( cw->setFocusSection( focusSection()+1 ) ) repaint( rect(), FALSE ); } return TRUE; case Key_Left: if ( d->focusSection() > 0 ) { if ( cw->setFocusSection( focusSection()-1 ) ) repaint( rect(), FALSE ); } return TRUE; case Key_Up: cw->stepUp(); return TRUE; case Key_Down: cw->stepDown(); return TRUE; case Key_Backspace: if ( ::tqqt_cast(cw) ) ((ExtDateEdit*)cw)->removeFirstNumber( d->focusSection() ); else if ( ::tqqt_cast(cw) ) ((TQTimeEdit*)cw)->removeFirstNumber( d->focusSection() ); return TRUE; case Key_Delete: cw->removeLastNumber( d->focusSection() ); return TRUE; case Key_Tab: case Key_BackTab: { if ( ke->state() == TQt::ControlButton ) return FALSE; TQWidget *w = this; bool hadDateEdit = FALSE; while ( w ) { if ( ::tqqt_cast(w) && qstrcmp( w->name(), "qt_spin_widget" ) != 0 || ::tqqt_cast(w) ) break; hadDateEdit = hadDateEdit || ::tqqt_cast(w); w = w->parentWidget(); } if ( w ) { if ( !::tqqt_cast(w) ) { w = w->parentWidget(); } else { ExtDateTimeEdit *ed = (ExtDateTimeEdit*)w; if ( hadDateEdit && ke->key() == Key_Tab ) { ed->timeEdit()->setFocus(); return TRUE; } else if ( !hadDateEdit && ke->key() == Key_BackTab ) { ed->dateEdit()->setFocus(); return TRUE; } else { while ( w && !::tqqt_cast(w) ) w = w->parentWidget(); } } tqApp->sendEvent( w, e ); return TRUE; } } break; default: TQString txt = TQString(ke->text()).lower(); if ( !txt.isEmpty() && !separator().isEmpty() && txt[0] == separator()[0] ) { // do the same thing as KEY_RIGHT when the user presses the separator key if ( d->focusSection() < 2 ) { if ( cw->setFocusSection( focusSection()+1 ) ) repaint( rect(), FALSE ); } return TRUE; } else if ( !txt.isEmpty() && ::tqqt_cast(cw) && focusSection() == (int) d->sectionCount()-1 ) { // the first character of the AM/PM indicator toggles if the section has focus TQTimeEdit *te = (TQTimeEdit*)cw; TQTime time = te->time(); if ( lAMPM && lAM && lPM && (te->display()&TQTimeEdit::AMPM) ) { if ( txt[0] == (*lAM).lower()[0] && time.hour() >= 12 ) { time.setHMS( time.hour()-12, time.minute(), time.second(), time.msec() ); te->setTime( time ); } else if ( txt[0] == (*lPM).lower()[0] && time.hour() < 12 ) { time.setHMS( time.hour()+12, time.minute(), time.second(), time.msec() ); te->setTime( time ); } } } int num = txt[0].digitValue(); if ( num != -1 ) { cw->addNumber( d->focusSection(), num ); return TRUE; } } } } return FALSE; } /*! Appends the number section \a sec to the editor. */ void ExtDateTimeEditor::appendSection( const TQNumberSection& sec ) { d->appendSection( sec ); } /*! Removes all sections from the editor. */ void ExtDateTimeEditor::clearSections() { d->clearSections(); } /*! Sets the selection of \a sec to start at \a selstart and end at \a selend. */ void ExtDateTimeEditor::setSectionSelection( int sec, int selstart, int selend ) { d->setSectionSelection( sec, selstart, selend ); } /*! Sets the separator for all numbered sections to \a s. Note that currently, only the first character of \a s is used. */ void ExtDateTimeEditor::setSeparator( const TQString& s ) { d->setSeparator( s ); update(); } /*! Returns the editor's separator. */ TQString ExtDateTimeEditor::separator() const { return d->separator(); } /*! Returns the number of the section that has focus. */ int ExtDateTimeEditor::focusSection() const { return d->focusSection(); } /*! Sets the focus to section \a sec. If \a sec does not exist, nothing happens. */ bool ExtDateTimeEditor::setFocusSection( int sec ) { return d->setFocusSection( sec ); } /*! \class ExtDateTimeEditBase ExtDatetimeedit.h \brief The ExtDateTimeEditBase class provides an abstraction for date and edit editors. \internal Small abstract class that provides some functions that are common for both ExtDateEdit and TQTimeEdit. Its used internally by ExtDateTimeEditor. */ /*! \fn TQString ExtDateTimeEditBase::sectionFormattedText( int sec ) \internal Pure virtual function which returns the formatted text of section \a sec. */ /*! \fn void ExtDateTimeEditBase::stepUp() \internal Pure virtual slot which is called whenever the user increases the number in a section by pressing the widget's arrow buttons or the keyboard's arrow keys. */ /*! \fn void ExtDateTimeEditBase::stepDown() \internal Pure virtual slot which is called whenever the user decreases the number in a section by pressing the widget's arrow buttons or the keyboard's arrow keys. */ /*! \fn void ExtDateTimeEditBase::addNumber( int sec, int num ) \internal Pure virtual function which is called whenever the user types a number. \a sec indicates the section where the number should be added. \a num is the number that was pressed. */ /*! \fn void ExtDateTimeEditBase::removeLastNumber( int sec ) \internal Pure virtual function which is called whenever the user tries to remove the last number from \a sec by pressing the delete key. */ //////////////// class ExtDateEditPrivate { public: int y; int m; int d; // remebers the last entry for the day. // if the day is 31 and you cycle through the months, // the day will be 31 again if you reach a month with 31 days // otherwise it will be the highest day in the month int dayCache; int yearSection; int monthSection; int daySection; ExtDateEdit::Order ord; bool overwrite; bool adv; int timerId; bool typing; ExtDate min; ExtDate max; bool changed; ExtDateTimeEditor *ed; TQSpinWidget *controls; }; /*! \class ExtDateEdit ExtDatetimeedit.h \brief The ExtDateEdit class provides a date editor. \ingroup advanced \ingroup time ExtDateEdit allows the user to edit dates by using the keyboard or the arrow keys to increase/decrease date values. The arrow keys can be used to move from section to section within the ExtDateEdit box. Dates appear in accordance with the local date/time settings or in year, month, day order if the system doesn't provide this information. It is recommended that the ExtDateEdit be initialised with a date, e.g. \code ExtDateEdit *dateEdit = new ExtDateEdit( ExtDate::currentDate(), this ); dateEdit->setRange( ExtDate::currentDate().addDays( -365 ), ExtDate::currentDate().addDays( 365 ) ); dateEdit->setOrder( ExtDateEdit::MDY ); dateEdit->setAutoAdvance( TRUE ); \endcode Here we've created a new ExtDateEdit object initialised with today's date and restricted the valid date range to today plus or minus 365 days. We've set the order to month, day, year. If the auto advance property is TRUE (as we've set it here) when the user completes a section of the date, e.g. enters two digits for the month, they are automatically taken to the next section. The maximum and minimum values for a date value in the date editor default to the maximum and minimum values for a ExtDate. You can change this by calling setMinValue(), setMaxValue() or setRange(). Terminology: A ExtDateEdit widget comprises three 'sections', one each for the year, month and day. You can change the separator character using ExtDateTimeEditor::setSeparator(), by default the separator will be taken from the systems settings. If that is not possible, it defaults to "-". \image html datetimewidgets.png "Date Time Widgets" \sa ExtDate TQTimeEdit ExtDateTimeEdit */ /*! \enum ExtDateEdit::Order This enum defines the order in which the sections that comprise a date appear. */ /*! \enum TQTimeEdit::Display This enum defines the sections that comprise a time \value Hours The hours section \value Minutes The minutes section \value Seconds The seconds section \value AMPM The AM/PM section The values can be or'ed together to show any combination. */ /*! Constructs an empty date editor which is a child of \a parent and called name \a name. */ ExtDateEdit::ExtDateEdit( TQWidget * parent, const char * name ) : ExtDateTimeEditBase( parent, name ) { init(); updateButtons(); } /*! \overload Constructs a date editor with the initial value \a date, parent \a parent and called \a name. The date editor is initialized with \a date. */ ExtDateEdit::ExtDateEdit( const ExtDate& date, TQWidget * parent, const char * name ) : ExtDateTimeEditBase( parent, name ) { init(); setDate( date ); } /*! \internal */ void ExtDateEdit::init() { d = new ExtDateEditPrivate(); d->controls = new ExtDateTimeSpinWidget( this, qstrcmp( name(), "qt_datetime_dateedit" ) == 0 ? "qt_spin_widget" : "date edit controls" ); d->ed = new ExtDateTimeEditor( this, "date editor" ); d->controls->setEditWidget( d->ed ); setFocusProxy( d->ed ); connect( d->controls, TQT_SIGNAL( stepUpPressed() ), TQT_SLOT( stepUp() ) ); connect( d->controls, TQT_SIGNAL( stepDownPressed() ), TQT_SLOT( stepDown() ) ); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( valueChanged(const ExtDate&) ), TQT_SLOT( updateButtons() ) ); d->ed->appendSection( TQNumberSection( 0,4 ) ); d->ed->appendSection( TQNumberSection( 5,7 ) ); d->ed->appendSection( TQNumberSection( 8,10 ) ); d->yearSection = -1; d->monthSection = -1; d->daySection = -1; d->y = 0; d->m = 0; d->d = 0; d->dayCache = 0; setOrder( localOrder() ); setFocusSection( 0 ); d->overwrite = TRUE; d->adv = FALSE; d->timerId = 0; d->typing = FALSE; d->min = ExtDate( -50000, 1, 1 ); d->max = ExtDate( 50000, 12, 31 ); d->changed = FALSE; setSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy::Minimum, TQSizePolicy::Fixed ); refcount++; } /*! Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources. */ ExtDateEdit::~ExtDateEdit() { delete d; if ( !--refcount ) cleanup(); } /*! \property ExtDateEdit::minValue \brief the editor's minimum value Setting the minimum date value is equivalent to calling ExtDateEdit::setRange( \e d, maxValue() ), where \e d is the minimum date. The default minimum date is 1752-09-14. \sa maxValue setRange() */ ExtDate ExtDateEdit::minValue() const { return d->min; } /*! \property ExtDateEdit::maxValue \brief the editor's maximum value Setting the maximum date value for the editor is equivalent to calling ExtDateEdit::setRange( minValue(), \e d ), where \e d is the maximum date. The default maximum date is 8000-12-31. \sa minValue setRange() */ ExtDate ExtDateEdit::maxValue() const { return d->max; } /*! Sets the valid input range for the editor to be from \a min to \a max inclusive. If \a min is invalid no minimum date will be set. Similarly, if \a max is invalid no maximum date will be set. */ void ExtDateEdit::setRange( const ExtDate& min, const ExtDate& max ) { if ( min.isValid() ) d->min = min; if ( max.isValid() ) d->max = max; } /*! Sets the separator to \a s. Note that currently only the first character of \a s is used. */ void ExtDateEdit::setSeparator( const TQString& s ) { d->ed->setSeparator( s ); } /*! Returns the editor's separator. */ TQString ExtDateEdit::separator() const { return d->ed->separator(); } /*! Enables/disables the push buttons according to the min/max date for this widget. */ void ExtDateEdit::updateButtons() { if ( !isEnabled() ) return; fix(); bool upEnabled = date() < maxValue(); bool downEnabled = date() > minValue(); d->controls->setUpEnabled( upEnabled ); d->controls->setDownEnabled( downEnabled ); } /*! \reimp */ void ExtDateEdit::resizeEvent( TQResizeEvent * ) { d->controls->resize( width(), height() ); } /*! \reimp */ TQSize ExtDateEdit::sizeHint() const { constPolish(); TQFontMetrics fm( font() ); int fw = style().pixelMetric( TQStyle::PM_DefaultFrameWidth, this ); int h = TQMAX( fm.lineSpacing(), 14 ) + 2; int w = 2 + fm.width( '9' ) * 8 + fm.width( d->ed->separator() ) * 2 + d->controls->upRect().width() + fw * 4; return TQSize( w, TQMAX(h + fw * 2,20) ).expandedTo( TQApplication::globalStrut() ); } /*! \reimp */ TQSize ExtDateEdit::minimumSizeHint() const { return sizeHint(); } /*! Returns the formatted number for section \a sec. This will correspond to either the year, month or day section, depending on the current display order. \sa setOrder() */ TQString ExtDateEdit::sectionFormattedText( int sec ) { TQString txt; txt = sectionText( sec ); if ( d->typing && sec == d->ed->focusSection() ) d->ed->setSectionSelection( sec, sectionOffsetEnd( sec ) - txt.length(), sectionOffsetEnd( sec ) ); else d->ed->setSectionSelection( sec, sectionOffsetEnd( sec ) - sectionLength( sec ), sectionOffsetEnd( sec ) ); txt = txt.rightJustify( sectionLength( sec ), EXTDATETIMEEDIT_HIDDEN_CHAR ); return txt; } /*! Returns the desired length (number of digits) of section \a sec. This will correspond to either the year, month or day section, depending on the current display order. \sa setOrder() */ int ExtDateEdit::sectionLength( int sec ) const { int val = 0; if ( sec == d->yearSection ) val = 4; else if ( sec == d->monthSection ) val = 2; else if ( sec == d->daySection ) val = 2; return val; } /*! Returns the text of section \a sec. This will correspond to either the year, month or day section, depending on the current display order. \sa setOrder() */ TQString ExtDateEdit::sectionText( int sec ) const { int val = 0; if ( sec == d->yearSection ) val = d->y; else if ( sec == d->monthSection ) val = d->m; else if ( sec == d->daySection ) val = d->d; return TQString::number( val ); } /*! \internal Returns the end of the section offset \a sec. */ int ExtDateEdit::sectionOffsetEnd( int sec ) const { if ( sec == d->yearSection ) { switch( d->ord ) { case DMY: case MDY: return sectionOffsetEnd( sec-1) + separator().length() + sectionLength( sec ); case YMD: case YDM: return sectionLength( sec ); } } else if ( sec == d->monthSection ) { switch( d->ord ) { case DMY: case YDM: case YMD: return sectionOffsetEnd( sec-1) + separator().length() + sectionLength( sec ); case MDY: return sectionLength( sec ); } } else if ( sec == d->daySection ) { switch( d->ord ) { case DMY: return sectionLength( sec ); case YMD: case MDY: case YDM: return sectionOffsetEnd( sec-1 ) + separator().length() + sectionLength( sec ); } } return 0; } /*! \property ExtDateEdit::order \brief the order in which the year, month and day appear The default order is locale dependent. \sa Order */ void ExtDateEdit::setOrder( ExtDateEdit::Order order ) { d->ord = order; switch( d->ord ) { case DMY: d->yearSection = 2; d->monthSection = 1; d->daySection = 0; break; case MDY: d->yearSection = 2; d->monthSection = 0; d->daySection = 1; break; case YMD: d->yearSection = 0; d->monthSection = 1; d->daySection = 2; break; case YDM: d->yearSection = 0; d->monthSection = 2; d->daySection = 1; break; } if ( isVisible() ) d->ed->repaint( d->ed->rect(), FALSE ); } ExtDateEdit::Order ExtDateEdit::order() const { return d->ord; } /*! \reimp */ void ExtDateEdit::stepUp() { int sec = d->ed->focusSection(); bool accepted = FALSE; if ( sec == d->yearSection ) { if ( !outOfRange( d->y+1, d->m, d->d ) ) { accepted = TRUE; setYear( d->y+1 ); } } else if ( sec == d->monthSection ) { if ( !outOfRange( d->y, d->m+1, d->d ) ) { accepted = TRUE; setMonth( d->m+1 ); } } else if ( sec == d->daySection ) { if ( !outOfRange( d->y, d->m, d->d+1 ) ) { accepted = TRUE; setDay( d->d+1 ); } } if ( accepted ) { d->changed = TRUE; emit valueChanged( date() ); } d->ed->repaint( d->ed->rect(), FALSE ); } /*! \reimp */ void ExtDateEdit::stepDown() { int sec = d->ed->focusSection(); bool accepted = FALSE; if ( sec == d->yearSection ) { if ( !outOfRange( d->y-1, d->m, d->d ) ) { accepted = TRUE; setYear( d->y-1 ); } } else if ( sec == d->monthSection ) { if ( !outOfRange( d->y, d->m-1, d->d ) ) { accepted = TRUE; setMonth( d->m-1 ); } } else if ( sec == d->daySection ) { if ( !outOfRange( d->y, d->m, d->d-1 ) ) { accepted = TRUE; setDay( d->d-1 ); } } if ( accepted ) { d->changed = TRUE; emit valueChanged( date() ); } d->ed->repaint( d->ed->rect(), FALSE ); } /*! Sets the year to \a year, which must be a valid year. The range currently supported is from 1752 to 8000. \sa ExtDate */ void ExtDateEdit::setYear( int year ) { if ( !outOfRange( year, d->m, d->d ) ) { d->y = year; setMonth( d->m ); } } /*! Sets the month to \a month, which must be a valid month, i.e. between 1 and 12. */ void ExtDateEdit::setMonth( int month ) { if ( month < 1 ) month = 1; if ( month > 12 ) month = 12; if ( !outOfRange( d->y, month, d->d ) ) { d->m = month; setDay( d->d ); } } /*! Sets the day to \a day, which must be a valid day. The function will ensure that the \a day set is valid for the month and year. */ void ExtDateEdit::setDay( int day ) { ExtDate test = ExtDate( d->y, d->m, 1 ); if ( day < 1 ) day = 1; if ( day > test.daysInMonth() ) day = test.daysInMonth(); d->dayCache = d->d; d->d = day; } /*! \property ExtDateEdit::date \brief the editor's date value. If the date property is not valid, the editor displays all zeroes and ExtDateEdit::date() will return an invalid date. It is strongly recommended that the editor is given a default date value (e.g. currentDate()). That way, attempts to set the date property to an invalid date will fail. When changing the date property, if the date is less than minValue(), or is greater than maxValue(), nothing happens. */ void ExtDateEdit::setDate( const ExtDate& date ) { if ( !date.isValid() ) { d->y = 0; d->m = 0; d->d = 0; d->dayCache = 0; } else { if ( date > maxValue() || date < minValue() ) return; d->y = date.year(); d->m = date.month(); d->d = date.day(); d->dayCache = d->d; emit valueChanged( date ); } d->changed = FALSE; d->ed->repaint( d->ed->rect(), FALSE ); } ExtDate ExtDateEdit::date() const { if ( ExtDate::isValid( d->y, d->m, d->d ) ) return ExtDate( d->y, d->m, d->d ); return ExtDate(); } /*! \internal Returns TRUE if \a y, \a m, \a d is out of range, otherwise returns FALSE. \sa setRange() */ bool ExtDateEdit::outOfRange( int y, int m, int d ) const { if ( ExtDate::isValid( y, m, d ) ) { ExtDate currentDate( y, m, d ); if ( currentDate > maxValue() || currentDate < minValue() ) { //## outOfRange should set overwrite? return TRUE; } return FALSE; } return FALSE; /* assume ok */ } /*! \reimp */ void ExtDateEdit::addNumber( int sec, int num ) { if ( sec == -1 ) return; killTimer( d->timerId ); bool overwrite = FALSE; bool accepted = FALSE; d->typing = TRUE; TQString txt; if ( sec == d->yearSection ) { if ( d->overwrite ) { d->y = num; d->overwrite = FALSE; accepted = TRUE; } else { txt = TQString::number( 10*d->y + num ); if ( txt.length() > 5 ) txt = txt.mid(1); d->y = txt.toInt(); accepted = TRUE; } /* txt = TQString::number( d->y ); if ( d->overwrite || txt.length() == 4 ) { accepted = TRUE; d->y = num; } else { txt += TQString::number( num ); if ( txt.length() == 4 ) { int val = txt.toInt(); if ( val < 1792 ) d->y = 1792; else if ( val > 8000 ) d->y = 8000; else if ( outOfRange( val, d->m, d->d ) ) txt = TQString::number( d->y ); else { accepted = TRUE; d->y = val; } } else { accepted = TRUE; d->y = txt.toInt(); } if ( d->adv && txt.length() == 4 ) { d->ed->setFocusSection( d->ed->focusSection()+1 ); overwrite = TRUE; } } */ } else if ( sec == d->monthSection ) { txt = TQString::number( d->m ); if ( d->overwrite || txt.length() == 2 ) { accepted = TRUE; d->m = num; } else { txt += TQString::number( num ); int temp = txt.toInt(); if ( temp > 12 ) temp = num; if ( outOfRange( d->y, temp, d->d ) ) txt = TQString::number( d->m ); else { accepted = TRUE; d->m = temp; } if ( d->adv && txt.length() == 2 ) { d->ed->setFocusSection( d->ed->focusSection()+1 ); overwrite = TRUE; } } } else if ( sec == d->daySection ) { txt = TQString::number( d->d ); if ( d->overwrite || txt.length() == 2 ) { accepted = TRUE; d->d = num; d->dayCache = d->d; } else { txt += TQString::number( num ); int temp = txt.toInt(); if ( temp > 31 ) temp = num; if ( outOfRange( d->y, d->m, temp ) ) txt = TQString::number( d->d ); else { accepted = TRUE; d->d = temp; d->dayCache = d->d; } if ( d->adv && txt.length() == 2 ) { d->ed->setFocusSection( d->ed->focusSection()+1 ); overwrite = TRUE; } } } if ( accepted ) { d->changed = TRUE; emit valueChanged( date() ); } d->overwrite = overwrite; d->timerId = startTimer( tqApp->doubleClickInterval()*4 ); d->ed->repaint( d->ed->rect(), FALSE ); } /*! \reimp */ bool ExtDateEdit::setFocusSection( int s ) { if ( s != d->ed->focusSection() ) { killTimer( d->timerId ); d->overwrite = TRUE; d->typing = FALSE; fix(); // will emit valueChanged if necessary } return d->ed->setFocusSection( s ); } /*! Attempts to fix any invalid date entries. The rules applied are as follows: - if the day is larger than the number of days in the month, - it is reset to that number - If the year has four digits it is left unchanged. - If the year has two digits, the year will be changed to four digits in the range current year - 70 to current year + 29. - If the year has three digits in the range 100..999, the current millennium, i.e. 2000, will be added giving a year in the range 2100..2999. */ void ExtDateEdit::fix() { bool changed = FALSE; ExtDate test = ExtDate( d->y, d->m, 1 ); if ( d->d > test.daysInMonth() ) { d->d = test.daysInMonth(); changed = TRUE; } int currentYear = ExtDate::currentDate().year(); int year = d->y; /* No longer valid for extended dates if ( year < 100 ) { int currentCentury = currentYear / 100; year += currentCentury * 100; if ( currentYear > year ) { if ( currentYear > year + 70 ) year += 100; } else { if ( year >= currentYear + 30 ) year -= 100; } changed = TRUE; } else if ( year < 1000 ) { int currentMillennium = currentYear / 10; year += currentMillennium * 10; changed = TRUE; } */ if ( changed && outOfRange( year, d->m, d->d ) ) { if ( minValue().isValid() && date() < minValue() ) { d->d = minValue().day(); d->dayCache = d->d; d->m = minValue().month(); d->y = minValue().year(); } if ( date() > maxValue() ) { d->d = maxValue().day(); d->dayCache = d->d; d->m = maxValue().month(); d->y = maxValue().year(); } } else if ( changed ) setYear( year ); if ( changed ) { // emit valueChanged( date() ); // d->changed = FALSE; } } /*! \reimp */ bool ExtDateEdit::event( TQEvent *e ) { if( e->type() == TQEvent::FocusOut ) { d->typing = FALSE; d->overwrite = TRUE; // the following can't be done in fix() because fix() called // from all over the place and it will break the old behaviour if ( !ExtDate::isValid( d->y, d->m, d->d ) ) { d->dayCache = d->d; int i = d->d; for ( ; i > 0; i-- ) { d->d = i; if ( ExtDate::isValid( d->y, d->m, d->d ) ) break; } d->changed = TRUE; } if ( d->changed ) { fix(); emit valueChanged( date() ); d->changed = FALSE; } } else if ( e->type() == TQEvent::LocaleChange ) { readLocaleSettings(); d->ed->setSeparator( localDateSep() ); setOrder( localOrder() ); } bool result = ExtDateTimeEditBase::event( e ); return result; } /*! \internal Function which is called whenever the user tries to remove the first number from \a sec by pressing the backspace key. */ void ExtDateEdit::removeFirstNumber( int sec ) { if ( sec == -1 ) return; TQString txt; if ( sec == d->yearSection ) { txt = TQString::number( d->y ); txt = txt.mid( 1, txt.length() ) + "0"; d->y = txt.toInt(); } else if ( sec == d->monthSection ) { txt = TQString::number( d->m ); txt = txt.mid( 1, txt.length() ) + "0"; d->m = txt.toInt(); } else if ( sec == d->daySection ) { txt = TQString::number( d->d ); txt = txt.mid( 1, txt.length() ) + "0"; d->d = txt.toInt(); d->dayCache = d->d; } d->ed->repaint( d->ed->rect(), FALSE ); } /*! \reimp */ void ExtDateEdit::removeLastNumber( int sec ) { if ( sec == -1 ) return; TQString txt; if ( sec == d->yearSection ) { txt = TQString::number( d->y ); txt = txt.mid( 0, txt.length()-1 ); d->y = txt.toInt(); } else if ( sec == d->monthSection ) { txt = TQString::number( d->m ); txt = txt.mid( 0, txt.length()-1 ); d->m = txt.toInt(); } else if ( sec == d->daySection ) { txt = TQString::number( d->d ); txt = txt.mid( 0, txt.length()-1 ); d->d = txt.toInt(); d->dayCache = d->d; } d->ed->repaint( d->ed->rect(), FALSE ); } /*! \property ExtDateEdit::autoAdvance \brief whether the editor automatically advances to the next section If autoAdvance is TRUE, the editor will automatically advance focus to the next date section if a user has completed a section. The default is FALSE. */ void ExtDateEdit::setAutoAdvance( bool advance ) { d->adv = advance; } bool ExtDateEdit::autoAdvance() const { return d->adv; } /*! \reimp */ void ExtDateEdit::timerEvent( TQTimerEvent * ) { d->overwrite = TRUE; } /*! \fn void ExtDateEdit::valueChanged( const ExtDate& date ) This signal is emitted whenever the editor's value changes. The \a date parameter is the new value. */ /////////// class TQTimeEditPrivate { public: int h; int m; int s; uint display; bool adv; bool overwrite; int timerId; bool typing; TQTime min; TQTime max; bool changed; ExtDateTimeEditor *ed; TQSpinWidget *controls; }; /*! \class TQTimeEdit ExtDatetimeedit.h \brief The TQTimeEdit class provides a time editor. \ingroup advanced \ingroup time \mainclass TQTimeEdit allows the user to edit times by using the keyboard or the arrow keys to increase/decrease time values. The arrow keys can be used to move from section to section within the TQTimeEdit box. The user can automatically be moved to the next section once they complete a section using setAutoAdvance(). Times appear in hour, minute, second order. It is recommended that the TQTimeEdit is initialised with a time, e.g. \code TQTime timeNow = TQTime::currentTime(); TQTimeEdit *timeEdit = new TQTimeEdit( timeNow, this ); timeEdit->setRange( timeNow, timeNow.addSecs( 60 * 60 ) ); \endcode Here we've created a TQTimeEdit widget set to the current time. We've also set the minimum value to the current time and the maximum time to one hour from now. The maximum and minimum values for a time value in the time editor default to the maximum and minimum values for a TQTime. You can change this by calling setMinValue(), setMaxValue() or setRange(). Terminology: A TQTimeWidget consists of three sections, one each for the hour, minute and second. You can change the separator character using setSeparator(), by default the separator is read from the system's settings. \img datetimewidgets.png Date Time Widgets \sa TQTime ExtDateEdit ExtDateTimeEdit */ // /*! // Constructs an empty time edit with parent \a parent and called \a // name. // */ // // TQTimeEdit::TQTimeEdit( TQWidget * parent, const char * name ) // : ExtDateTimeEditBase( parent, name ) // { // init(); // } // // /*! // \overload // // Constructs a time edit with the initial time value, \a time, // parent \a parent and called \a name. // */ // // TQTimeEdit::TQTimeEdit( const TQTime& time, TQWidget * parent, const char * name ) // : ExtDateTimeEditBase( parent, name ) // { // init(); // setTime( time ); // } // // /*! \internal // */ // // void TQTimeEdit::init() // { // d = new TQTimeEditPrivate(); // d->ed = new ExtDateTimeEditor( this, "time edit base" ); // d->controls = new ExtDateTimeSpinWidget( this, qstrcmp( name(), "qt_datetime_timeedit" ) == 0 ? "qt_spin_widget" : "time edit controls" ); // d->controls->setEditWidget( d->ed ); // setFocusProxy( d->ed ); // connect( d->controls, TQT_SIGNAL( stepUpPressed() ), TQT_SLOT( stepUp() ) ); // connect( d->controls, TQT_SIGNAL( stepDownPressed() ), TQT_SLOT( stepDown() ) ); // // d->ed->appendSection( TQNumberSection( 0,0, TRUE, 0 ) ); // d->ed->appendSection( TQNumberSection( 0,0, TRUE, 1 ) ); // d->ed->appendSection( TQNumberSection( 0,0, TRUE, 2 ) ); // d->ed->setSeparator( localTimeSep() ); // // d->h = 0; // d->m = 0; // d->s = 0; // d->display = Hours | Minutes | Seconds; // if ( lAMPM ) { // d->display |= AMPM; // d->ed->appendSection( TQNumberSection( 0,0, FALSE, 3 ) ); // } // d->adv = FALSE; // d->overwrite = TRUE; // d->timerId = 0; // d->typing = FALSE; // d->min = TQTime( 0, 0, 0 ); // d->max = TQTime( 23, 59, 59 ); // d->changed = FALSE; // // setSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy::Minimum, TQSizePolicy::Fixed ); // // refcount++; // } // // /*! // Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources. // */ // // TQTimeEdit::~TQTimeEdit() // { // delete d; // if ( !--refcount ) // cleanup(); // } // // /*! // \property TQTimeEdit::minValue // \brief the minimum time value // // Setting the minimum time value is equivalent to calling // TQTimeEdit::setRange( \e t, maxValue() ), where \e t is the minimum // time. The default minimum time is 00:00:00. // // \sa maxValue setRange() // */ // // TQTime TQTimeEdit::minValue() const // { // return d->min; // } // // /*! // \property TQTimeEdit::maxValue // \brief the maximum time value // // Setting the maximum time value is equivalent to calling // TQTimeEdit::setRange( minValue(), \e t ), where \e t is the maximum // time. The default maximum time is 23:59:59. // // \sa minValue setRange() // */ // // TQTime TQTimeEdit::maxValue() const // { // return d->max; // } // // // /*! // Sets the valid input range for the editor to be from \a min to \a // max inclusive. If \a min is invalid no minimum time is set. // Similarly, if \a max is invalid no maximum time is set. // */ // // void TQTimeEdit::setRange( const TQTime& min, const TQTime& max ) // { // if ( min.isValid() ) // d->min = min; // if ( max.isValid() ) // d->max = max; // } // // /*! // \property TQTimeEdit::display // \brief the sections that are displayed in the time edit // // The value can be any combination of the values in the Display enum. // By default, the widget displays hours, minutes and seconds. // */ // void TQTimeEdit::setDisplay( uint display ) // { // if ( d->display == display ) // return; // // d->ed->clearSections(); // d->display = display; // if ( d->display & Hours ) // d->ed->appendSection( TQNumberSection( 0,0, TRUE, 0 ) ); // if ( d->display & Minutes ) // d->ed->appendSection( TQNumberSection( 0,0, TRUE, 1 ) ); // if ( d->display & Seconds ) // d->ed->appendSection( TQNumberSection( 0,0, TRUE, 2 ) ); // if ( d->display & AMPM ) // d->ed->appendSection( TQNumberSection( 0,0, FALSE, 3 ) ); // // d->ed->setFocusSection( 0 ); // d->ed->update(); // } // // uint TQTimeEdit::display() const // { // return d->display; // } // // /*! // \property TQTimeEdit::time // \brief the editor's time value. // // When changing the time property, if the time is less than // minValue(), or is greater than maxValue(), nothing happens. // */ // // void TQTimeEdit::setTime( const TQTime& time ) // { // if ( !time.isValid() ) { // d->h = 0; // d->m = 0; // d->s = 0; // } else { // if ( time > maxValue() || time < minValue() ) // return; // d->h = time.hour(); // d->m = time.minute(); // d->s = time.second(); // emit valueChanged( time ); // } // d->changed = FALSE; // d->ed->repaint( d->ed->rect(), FALSE ); // } // // TQTime TQTimeEdit::time() const // { // if ( TQTime::isValid( d->h, d->m, d->s ) ) // return TQTime( d->h, d->m, d->s ); // return TQTime(); // } // // /*! // \property TQTimeEdit::autoAdvance // \brief whether the editor automatically advances to the next // section // // If autoAdvance is TRUE, the editor will automatically advance // focus to the next time section if a user has completed a section. // The default is FALSE. // */ // // void TQTimeEdit::setAutoAdvance( bool advance ) // { // d->adv = advance; // } // // bool TQTimeEdit::autoAdvance() const // { // return d->adv; // } // // /*! // Sets the separator to \a s. Note that currently only the first // character of \a s is used. // */ // // void TQTimeEdit::setSeparator( const TQString& s ) // { // d->ed->setSeparator( s ); // } // // /*! // Returns the editor's separator. // */ // // TQString TQTimeEdit::separator() const // { // return d->ed->separator(); // } // // // /*! // \fn void TQTimeEdit::valueChanged( const TQTime& time ) // // This signal is emitted whenever the editor's value changes. The \a // time parameter is the new value. // */ // // /*! \reimp // // */ // // bool TQTimeEdit::event( TQEvent *e ) // { // if ( e->type() == TQEvent::FocusOut ) { // d->typing = FALSE; // if ( d->changed ) { // emit valueChanged( time() ); // d->changed = FALSE; // } // } else if ( e->type() == TQEvent::LocaleChange ) { // readLocaleSettings(); // d->ed->setSeparator( localTimeSep() ); // } // return ExtDateTimeEditBase::event( e ); // } // // /*! \reimp // // */ // // void TQTimeEdit::timerEvent( TQTimerEvent * ) // { // d->overwrite = TRUE; // } // // // /*! \reimp // // */ // // void TQTimeEdit::stepUp() // { // int sec = d->ed->mapSection( d->ed->focusSection() ); // bool accepted = TRUE; // switch( sec ) { // case 0: // if ( !outOfRange( d->h+1, d->m, d->s ) ) // setHour( d->h+1 ); // else // setHour( d->min.hour() ); // break; // case 1: // if ( !outOfRange( d->h, d->m+1, d->s ) ) // setMinute( d->m+1 ); // else // setMinute( d->min.minute() ); // break; // case 2: // if ( !outOfRange( d->h, d->m, d->s+1 ) ) // setSecond( d->s+1 ); // else // setSecond( d->min.second() ); // break; // case 3: // if ( d->h < 12 ) // setHour( d->h+12 ); // else // setHour( d->h-12 ); // break; // default: // accepted = FALSE; // #ifdef TQT_CHECK_RANGE // tqWarning( "TQTimeEdit::stepUp: Focus section out of range!" ); // #endif // break; // } // if ( accepted ) { // d->changed = TRUE; // emit valueChanged( time() ); // } // d->ed->repaint( d->ed->rect(), FALSE ); // } // // // /*! \reimp // // */ // // void TQTimeEdit::stepDown() // { // int sec = d->ed->mapSection( d->ed->focusSection() ); // // bool accepted = TRUE; // switch( sec ) { // case 0: // if ( !outOfRange( d->h-1, d->m, d->s ) ) // setHour( d->h-1 ); // else // setHour( d->max.hour() ); // break; // case 1: // if ( !outOfRange( d->h, d->m-1, d->s ) ) // setMinute( d->m-1 ); // else // setMinute( d->max.minute() ); // break; // case 2: // if ( !outOfRange( d->h, d->m, d->s-1 ) ) // setSecond( d->s-1 ); // else // setSecond( d->max.second() ); // break; // case 3: // if ( d->h > 11 ) // setHour( d->h-12 ); // else // setHour( d->h+12 ); // break; // default: // accepted = FALSE; // #ifdef TQT_CHECK_RANGE // tqWarning( "TQTimeEdit::stepDown: Focus section out of range!" ); // #endif // break; // } // if ( accepted ) { // d->changed = TRUE; // emit valueChanged( time() ); // } // d->ed->repaint( d->ed->rect(), FALSE ); // } // // // /*! // Returns the formatted number for section \a sec. This will // correspond to either the hour, minute or second section, depending // on \a sec. // */ // // TQString TQTimeEdit::sectionFormattedText( int sec ) // { // TQString txt; // txt = sectionText( sec ); // txt = txt.rightJustify( 2, EXTDATETIMEEDIT_HIDDEN_CHAR ); // int offset = sec*2+sec*separator().length() + txt.length(); // if ( d->typing && sec == d->ed->focusSection() ) // d->ed->setSectionSelection( sec, offset - txt.length(), offset ); // else // d->ed->setSectionSelection( sec, offset - txt.length(), offset ); // // return txt; // } // // // /*! \reimp // // */ // // bool TQTimeEdit::setFocusSection( int sec ) // { // if ( sec != d->ed->focusSection() ) { // killTimer( d->timerId ); // d->overwrite = TRUE; // d->typing = FALSE; // TQString txt = sectionText( sec ); // txt = txt.rightJustify( 2, EXTDATETIMEEDIT_HIDDEN_CHAR ); // int offset = sec*2+sec*separator().length() + txt.length(); // d->ed->setSectionSelection( sec, offset - txt.length(), offset ); // if ( d->changed ) { // emit valueChanged( time() ); // d->changed = FALSE; // } // } // return d->ed->setFocusSection( sec ); // } // // // /*! // Sets the hour to \a h, which must be a valid hour, i.e. in the // range 0..24. // */ // // void TQTimeEdit::setHour( int h ) // { // if ( h < 0 ) // h = 0; // if ( h > 23 ) // h = 23; // d->h = h; // } // // // /*! // Sets the minute to \a m, which must be a valid minute, i.e. in the // range 0..59. // */ // // void TQTimeEdit::setMinute( int m ) // { // if ( m < 0 ) // m = 0; // if ( m > 59 ) // m = 59; // d->m = m; // } // // // /*! // Sets the second to \a s, which must be a valid second, i.e. in the // range 0..59. // */ // // void TQTimeEdit::setSecond( int s ) // { // if ( s < 0 ) // s = 0; // if ( s > 59 ) // s = 59; // d->s = s; // } // // // /*! \internal // // Returns the text of section \a sec. // // */ // // TQString TQTimeEdit::sectionText( int sec ) // { // sec = d->ed->mapSection( sec ); // // TQString txt; // switch( sec ) { // case 0: // if ( !(d->display & AMPM) || ( d->h < 13 && d->h ) ) { // I wished the day stared at 0:00 for everybody // txt = TQString::number( d->h ); // } else { // if ( d->h ) // txt = TQString::number( d->h - 12 ); // else // txt = "12"; // } // break; // case 1: // txt = TQString::number( d->m ); // break; // case 2: // txt = TQString::number( d->s ); // break; // case 3: // if ( d->h < 12 ) { // if ( lAM ) // txt = *lAM; // else // txt = TQString::fromLatin1( "AM" ); // } else { // if ( lPM ) // txt = *lPM; // else // txt = TQString::fromLatin1( "PM" ); // } // break; // default: // break; // } // return txt; // } // // // /*! \internal // Returns TRUE if \a h, \a m, and \a s are out of range. // */ // // bool TQTimeEdit::outOfRange( int h, int m, int s ) const // { // if ( TQTime::isValid( h, m, s ) ) { // TQTime currentTime( h, m, s ); // if ( currentTime > maxValue() || // currentTime < minValue() ) // return TRUE; // else // return FALSE; // } // return TRUE; // } // // /*! \reimp // // */ // // void TQTimeEdit::addNumber( int sec, int num ) // { // if ( sec == -1 ) // return; // sec = d->ed->mapSection( sec ); // killTimer( d->timerId ); // bool overwrite = FALSE; // bool accepted = FALSE; // d->typing = TRUE; // TQString txt; // // switch( sec ) { // case 0: // txt = ( d->display & AMPM && d->h > 12 ) ? // TQString::number( d->h - 12 ) : TQString::number( d->h ); // // if ( d->overwrite || txt.length() == 2 ) { // if ( d->display & AMPM && num == 0 ) // break; // Don't process 0 in 12 hour clock mode // if ( d->display & AMPM && d->h > 11 ) // num += 12; // if ( !outOfRange( num, d->m, d->s ) ) { // accepted = TRUE; // d->h = num; // } // } else { // txt += TQString::number( num ); // int temp = txt.toInt(); // // if ( d->display & AMPM ) { // if ( temp == 12 ) { // if ( d->h < 12 ) { // temp = 0; // } // accepted = TRUE; // } else if ( outOfRange( temp + 12, d->m, d->s ) ) { // txt = TQString::number( d->h ); // } else { // if ( d->h > 11 ) { // temp += 12; // } // accepted = TRUE; // } // } else if ( !(d->display & AMPM) && outOfRange( temp, d->m, d->s ) ) { // txt = TQString::number( d->h ); // } else { // accepted = TRUE; // } // // if ( accepted ) // d->h = temp; // // if ( d->adv && txt.length() == 2 ) { // setFocusSection( d->ed->focusSection()+1 ); // overwrite = TRUE; // } // } // break; // // case 1: // txt = TQString::number( d->m ); // if ( d->overwrite || txt.length() == 2 ) { // if ( !outOfRange( d->h, num, d->s ) ) { // accepted = TRUE; // d->m = num; // } // } else { // txt += TQString::number( num ); // int temp = txt.toInt(); // if ( temp > 59 ) // temp = num; // if ( outOfRange( d->h, temp, d->s ) ) // txt = TQString::number( d->m ); // else { // accepted = TRUE; // d->m = temp; // } // if ( d->adv && txt.length() == 2 ) { // setFocusSection( d->ed->focusSection()+1 ); // overwrite = TRUE; // } // } // break; // // case 2: // txt = TQString::number( d->s ); // if ( d->overwrite || txt.length() == 2 ) { // if ( !outOfRange( d->h, d->m, num ) ) { // accepted = TRUE; // d->s = num; // } // } else { // txt += TQString::number( num ); // int temp = txt.toInt(); // if ( temp > 59 ) // temp = num; // if ( outOfRange( d->h, d->m, temp ) ) // txt = TQString::number( d->s ); // else { // accepted = TRUE; // d->s = temp; // } // if ( d->adv && txt.length() == 2 ) { // setFocusSection( d->ed->focusSection()+1 ); // overwrite = TRUE; // } // } // break; // // case 3: // break; // // default: // break; // } // d->changed = accepted; // if ( accepted ) // emit valueChanged( time() ); // d->overwrite = overwrite; // d->timerId = startTimer( tqApp->doubleClickInterval()*4 ); // d->ed->repaint( d->ed->rect(), FALSE ); // } // // // /*! // \internal // // Function which is called whenever the user tries to // remove the first number from \a sec by pressing the backspace key. // */ // // void TQTimeEdit::removeFirstNumber( int sec ) // { // if ( sec == -1 ) // return; // sec = d->ed->mapSection( sec ); // TQString txt; // switch( sec ) { // case 0: // txt = TQString::number( d->h ); // break; // case 1: // txt = TQString::number( d->m ); // break; // case 2: // txt = TQString::number( d->s ); // break; // } // txt = txt.mid( 1, txt.length() ) + "0"; // switch( sec ) { // case 0: // d->h = txt.toInt(); // break; // case 1: // d->m = txt.toInt(); // break; // case 2: // d->s = txt.toInt(); // break; // } // d->ed->repaint( d->ed->rect(), FALSE ); // } // // /*! \reimp // // */ // void TQTimeEdit::removeLastNumber( int sec ) // { // if ( sec == -1 ) // return; // sec = d->ed->mapSection( sec ); // TQString txt; // switch( sec ) { // case 0: // txt = TQString::number( d->h ); // break; // case 1: // txt = TQString::number( d->m ); // break; // case 2: // txt = TQString::number( d->s ); // break; // } // txt = txt.mid( 0, txt.length()-1 ); // switch( sec ) { // case 0: // d->h = txt.toInt(); // break; // case 1: // d->m = txt.toInt(); // break; // case 2: // d->s = txt.toInt(); // break; // } // d->ed->repaint( d->ed->rect(), FALSE ); // } // // /*! \reimp // */ // void TQTimeEdit::resizeEvent( TQResizeEvent * ) // { // d->controls->resize( width(), height() ); // } // // /*! \reimp // */ // TQSize TQTimeEdit::sizeHint() const // { // constPolish(); // TQFontMetrics fm( font() ); // int fw = style().pixelMetric( TQStyle::PM_DefaultFrameWidth, this ); // int h = fm.lineSpacing() + 2; // int w = 2 + fm.width( '9' ) * 6 + fm.width( d->ed->separator() ) * 2 + // d->controls->upRect().width() + fw * 4; // if ( d->display & AMPM ) { // if ( lAM ) // w += fm.width( *lAM ) + 4; // else // w += fm.width( TQString::fromLatin1( "AM" ) ) + 4; // } // // return TQSize( w, TQMAX(h + fw * 2,20) ).expandedTo( TQApplication::globalStrut() ); // } // // /*! \reimp // */ // TQSize TQTimeEdit::minimumSizeHint() const // { // return sizeHint(); // } // // /*! // \internal // Enables/disables the push buttons according to the min/max time // for this widget. // */ // // // ### Remove in 4.0? // // void TQTimeEdit::updateButtons() // { // if ( !isEnabled() ) // return; // // bool upEnabled = time() < maxValue(); // bool downEnabled = time() > minValue(); // // d->controls->setUpEnabled( upEnabled ); // d->controls->setDownEnabled( downEnabled ); // } class ExtDateTimeEditPrivate { public: bool adv; }; /*! \class ExtDateTimeEdit ExtDatetimeedit.h \brief The ExtDateTimeEdit class combines a ExtDateEdit and TQTimeEdit widget into a single widget for editing datetimes. \ingroup advanced \ingroup time ExtDateTimeEdit consists of a ExtDateEdit and TQTimeEdit widget placed side by side and offers the functionality of both. The user can edit the date and time by using the keyboard or the arrow keys to increase/decrease date or time values. The Tab key can be used to move from section to section within the ExtDateTimeEdit widget, and the user can be moved automatically when they complete a section using setAutoAdvance(). The datetime can be set with setDateTime(). The date format is read from the system's locale settings. It is set to year, month, day order if that is not possible. See ExtDateEdit::setOrder() to change this. Times appear in the order hours, minutes, seconds using the 24 hour clock. It is recommended that the ExtDateTimeEdit is initialised with a datetime, e.g. \code ExtDateTimeEdit *dateTimeEdit = new ExtDateTimeEdit( ExtDateTime::currentDateTime(), this ); dateTimeEdit->dateEdit()->setRange( ExtDateTime::currentDate(), ExtDateTime::currentDate().addDays( 7 ) ); \endcode Here we've created a new ExtDateTimeEdit set to the current date and time, and set the date to have a minimum date of now and a maximum date of a week from now. Terminology: A ExtDateEdit widget consists of three 'sections', one each for the year, month and day. Similarly a TQTimeEdit consists of three sections, one each for the hour, minute and second. The character that separates each date section is specified with setDateSeparator(); similarly setTimeSeparator() is used for the time sections. \image html datetimewidgets.png "Date Time Widgets" \sa ExtDateEdit TQTimeEdit */ /*! Constructs an empty datetime edit with parent \a parent and called \a name. */ ExtDateTimeEdit::ExtDateTimeEdit( TQWidget * parent, const char * name ) : TQWidget( parent, name ) { init(); } /*! \overload Constructs a datetime edit with the initial value \a datetime, parent \a parent and called \a name. */ ExtDateTimeEdit::ExtDateTimeEdit( const ExtDateTime& datetime, TQWidget * parent, const char * name ) : TQWidget( parent, name ) { init(); setDateTime( datetime ); } /*! Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources. */ ExtDateTimeEdit::~ExtDateTimeEdit() { delete d; } /*! \reimp Intercepts and handles resize events which have special meaning for the ExtDateTimeEdit. */ void ExtDateTimeEdit::resizeEvent( TQResizeEvent * ) { int dw = de->sizeHint().width(); int tw = te->sizeHint().width(); int w = width(); int h = height(); int extra = w - ( dw + tw ); if ( tw + extra < 0 ) { dw = w; } else { dw += 9 * extra / 16; } tw = w - dw; de->setGeometry( 0, 0, dw, h ); te->setGeometry( dw, 0, tw, h ); } /*! \reimp */ TQSize ExtDateTimeEdit::minimumSizeHint() const { TQSize dsh = de->minimumSizeHint(); TQSize tsh = te->minimumSizeHint(); return TQSize( dsh.width() + tsh.width(), TQMAX( dsh.height(), tsh.height() ) ); } /*! \internal */ void ExtDateTimeEdit::init() { d = new ExtDateTimeEditPrivate(); de = new ExtDateEdit( this, "qt_datetime_dateedit" ); te = new TQTimeEdit( this, "qt_datetime_timeedit" ); d->adv = FALSE; connect( de, TQT_SIGNAL( valueChanged( const ExtDate& ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( newValue( const ExtDate& ) ) ); connect( te, TQT_SIGNAL( valueChanged( const TQTime& ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( newValue( const TQTime& ) ) ); setFocusProxy( de ); setSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy::Minimum, TQSizePolicy::Fixed ); } /*! \reimp */ TQSize ExtDateTimeEdit::sizeHint() const { constPolish(); TQSize dsh = de->sizeHint(); TQSize tsh = te->sizeHint(); return TQSize( dsh.width() + tsh.width(), TQMAX( dsh.height(), tsh.height() ) ); } /*! \property ExtDateTimeEdit::dateTime \brief the editor's datetime value The datetime edit's datetime which may be an invalid datetime. */ void ExtDateTimeEdit::setDateTime( const ExtDateTime & dt ) { if ( dt.isValid() ) { de->setDate( dt.date() ); te->setTime( dt.time() ); emit valueChanged( dt ); } } ExtDateTime ExtDateTimeEdit::dateTime() const { return ExtDateTime( de->date(), te->time() ); } /*! \fn void ExtDateTimeEdit::valueChanged( const ExtDateTime& datetime ) This signal is emitted every time the date or time changes. The \a datetime argument is the new datetime. */ /*! \internal Re-emits the value \a d. */ void ExtDateTimeEdit::newValue( const ExtDate& ) { ExtDateTime dt = dateTime(); emit valueChanged( dt ); } /*! \internal \overload Re-emits the value \a t. */ void ExtDateTimeEdit::newValue( const TQTime& ) { ExtDateTime dt = dateTime(); emit valueChanged( dt ); } /*! Sets the auto advance property of the editor to \a advance. If set to TRUE, the editor will automatically advance focus to the next date or time section if the user has completed a section. */ void ExtDateTimeEdit::setAutoAdvance( bool advance ) { de->setAutoAdvance( advance ); te->setAutoAdvance( advance ); } /*! Returns TRUE if auto-advance is enabled, otherwise returns FALSE. \sa setAutoAdvance() */ bool ExtDateTimeEdit::autoAdvance() const { return de->autoAdvance(); } /*! \fn ExtDateEdit* ExtDateTimeEdit::dateEdit() Returns the internal widget used for editing the date part of the datetime. */ /*! \fn TQTimeEdit* ExtDateTimeEdit::timeEdit() Returns the internal widget used for editing the time part of the datetime. */ #include "extdatetimeedit.moc" #endif