path: root/kspaceduel/ai.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kspaceduel/ai.cpp')
1 files changed, 680 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kspaceduel/ai.cpp b/kspaceduel/ai.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5a7bec20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kspaceduel/ai.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,680 @@
+#include <math.h>
+#include "ai.h"
+#include "mathroutines.h"
+#include "options.h"
+int Ai::calcFrameIncrement[Options::EnumAiDifficulty::COUNT] = {15,8,6,2};
+int Ai::calcPositionNumber[Options::EnumAiDifficulty::COUNT] = {10,15,20,60};
+int Ai::calcShotDirections[Options::EnumAiDifficulty::COUNT] = {4,7,10,12};
+int Ai::calcCollisions[Options::EnumAiDifficulty::COUNT] = {30,15,10,10};
+int Ai::calcNextShot[Options::EnumAiDifficulty::COUNT] = {300,200,90,60};
+Ai::Ai(int pn,ShipSprite* s[2],QPtrList<BulletSprite>* b[2],
+ QPtrList<MineSprite>* m[2],SConfig *c)
+ int i;
+ playerNumber=pn;
+ opponentNumber=(pn+1)%2;
+ cfg=c;
+ for(i=0;i<2;i++)
+ {
+ ship[i]=s[i];
+ bullets[i]=b[i];
+ mines[i]=m[i];
+ shipsNextPositions[i]=new QMemArray<AiSprite>
+ ((int)(calcPositionNumber[Options::aiDifficulty(playerNumber)]/cfg->gamespeed));
+ aiMines[i]=new QMemArray<AiSprite>(cfg->maxMines);
+ mineNumber[i]=0;
+ }
+ myShots.setAutoDelete(true);
+ objectsHitByShip.setAutoDelete(true);
+ minesHitByShot.setAutoDelete(true);
+void Ai::newRound()
+ accelerateFramesNumber=0;
+ rotateFramesNumber=0;
+ shoot=false;
+ score=1e10;
+ rotation=RNONE;
+ acc=false;
+ bullet=false;
+ mine=false;
+ borderTime=-1;
+ sunTime=-1;
+ calculateCollisions=(int)(calcCollisions[Options::aiDifficulty(playerNumber)]
+ /cfg->gamespeed);
+ waitShot=(int) rint( random.getDouble() *
+ calcNextShot[Options::aiDifficulty(playerNumber)]
+ /cfg->gamespeed);
+ myShots.clear();
+ objectsHitByShip.clear();
+ minesHitByShot.clear();
+void Ai::think()
+ setSpriteFieldSize();
+ myShots.clear();
+ borderTime=-1;
+ sunTime=-1;
+ score--;
+ if(waitShot>0)
+ waitShot--;
+ calculateNextPositions();
+ if(Options::aiDifficulty(playerNumber)!=Options::EnumAiDifficulty::Trainee)
+ testForHits();
+ if(waitShot<=0)
+ {
+ tryShots();
+ shotScores();
+ }
+ chooseAction();
+ if(rotateFramesNumber<=0)
+ {
+ rotation=RNONE;
+ if(accelerateFramesNumber<=0)
+ {
+ acc=false;
+ if(shoot)
+ {
+ bullet=true;
+ shoot=false;
+ }
+ else
+ bullet=false;
+ score=1e10;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ acc=true;
+ accelerateFramesNumber--;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ rotateFramesNumber--;
+AiSprite Ai::nextPosition(AiSprite sp,double mult)
+ double abs_2,nx,ny,sq,eg;
+ if(!sp.sun)
+ {
+ abs_2=sp.x*sp.x+sp.y*sp.y;
+ if(abs_2<1)
+ abs_2=1;
+ sq=sqrt(abs_2);
+ nx=sp.x/sq;
+ ny=sp.y/sq;
+ eg=cfg->gravity*mult;
+ sp.dx-=eg*nx/abs_2;
+ sp.dy-=eg*ny/abs_2;
+ sp.x+=sp.dx*mult;
+ sp.y+=sp.dy*mult;
+ if(sp.x*sp.x+sp.y*sp.y<1600)
+ sp.sun=true;
+ else
+ {
+ //simple bounds actions
+ if(sp.x>sfwidth_2)
+ {
+ sp.x-=sfwidth;
+ sp.border=true;
+ }
+ else if(sp.x<-sfwidth_2)
+ {
+ sp.x+=sfwidth;
+ sp.border=true;
+ }
+ if(sp.y>sfheight_2)
+ {
+ sp.y-=sfheight;
+ sp.border=true;
+ }
+ else if(sp.y<-sfheight_2)
+ {
+ sp.y+=sfheight;
+ sp.border=true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return sp;
+void Ai::nextPositions(AiSprite sp,QMemArray<AiSprite> *a,int frames)
+ int i,num;
+ double fmult=cfg->gamespeed*frames;
+ (*a)[0]=nextPosition(sp,cfg->gamespeed);
+ num=a->size();
+ for(i=1;i<num;i++)
+ (*a)[i]=nextPosition((*a)[i-1],fmult);
+void Ai::calculateNextPositions()
+ unsigned int i,j;
+ MineSprite *ms;
+ j=(int)(calcPositionNumber[Options::aiDifficulty(playerNumber)]/cfg->gamespeed);
+ if(shipsNextPositions[0]->size() != j)
+ for(i=0;i<2;i++)
+ shipsNextPositions[i]->resize(j);
+ for(i=0;i<2;i++)
+ nextPositions(ship[i]->toAiSprite(),shipsNextPositions[i],
+ calcFrameIncrement[Options::aiDifficulty(playerNumber)]);
+ if(cfg->maxMines > aiMines[0]->size())
+ for(i=0;i<2;i++)
+ aiMines[i]->resize(cfg->maxMines);
+ for(i=0;i<2;i++)
+ {
+ j=0;
+ ms=mines[i]->first();
+ while(ms)
+ {
+ (*(aiMines[i]))[j]=ms->toAiSprite();
+ ms=mines[i]->next();
+ j++;
+ }
+ mineNumber[i]=j;
+ }
+void Ai::tryShots()
+ AiSprite shot,me;
+ double rot,nr,nx,ny;
+ int i,f,frameIncrement,frameNum;
+ Hit hit;
+ Shot *goodShot;
+ me=ship[playerNumber]->toAiSprite();
+ rot=ship[playerNumber]->getRotation();
+ //Each 'frameIncrement' frames a shot is tried
+ frameIncrement=(int)((2*M_PI/calcShotDirections[Options::aiDifficulty(playerNumber)])
+ /cfg->rotationSpeed);
+ if(frameIncrement==0)
+ frameIncrement=1;
+ //Number of frames needed to rotate 180 degrees
+ frameNum=(int)(M_PI/(frameIncrement*cfg->rotationSpeed));
+ //if too much bullets are on the playfield, no shot is tried
+ if(bullets[playerNumber]->count() <
+ (cfg->maxBullets+ship[playerNumber]->getBulletPowerups()))
+ {
+ for(f=0;f<=frameNum;f++)
+ {
+ if(f!=0)
+ for(i=0;i<frameIncrement;i++)
+ me=nextPosition(me,cfg->gamespeed);
+ else
+ me=nextPosition(me,cfg->gamespeed);
+ if(!ship[playerNumber]->reloadsBullet(f*frameIncrement*cfg->gamespeed))
+ {
+ for(i=0;i<2;i++)
+ {
+ if((f==0)&&(i==1))
+ continue;
+ if(i==0)
+ nr=rot+frameIncrement*f*cfg->rotationSpeed;
+ else
+ nr=rot-frameIncrement*f*cfg->rotationSpeed;
+ nx=cos(nr);
+ ny=sin(nr);
+ shot.x=me.x+nx*SHOTDIST;
+ shot.y=me.y+ny*SHOTDIST;
+ shot.dx=me.dx+nx*cfg->shotSpeed;
+ shot.dy=me.dy+ny*cfg->shotSpeed;
+ shot.sun=false;
+ shot.border=false;
+ hit=firstObject(shot,f*frameIncrement,
+ calcFrameIncrement[Options::aiDifficulty(playerNumber)]);
+ if((hit.object!=HNOTHING) &&
+ !((hit.object==HSHIP)&&(hit.playerNumber==playerNumber)))
+ {
+ goodShot=new Shot;
+ goodShot->hit=hit;
+ goodShot->rotation=(i==0?RLEFT:RRIGHT);
+ goodShot->rotationFrames=f*frameIncrement;
+ goodShot->score=1e10;
+ myShots.append(goodShot);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Hit Ai::firstObject(AiSprite shot,int time,int frames)
+ int optime,i,num,rtime,basetime,t,m;
+ double dist,distx,disty,shiplastdist=0;
+ bool shipdistgreater=true,hitfound=false;
+ Hit hit={HNOTHING,0,0,0,1e10};
+ basetime=time/frames;
+ if((time%frames)>0)
+ basetime++;
+ rtime=basetime*frames-time;
+ optime=shipsNextPositions[0]->size();
+ num=optime-basetime;
+ if(num>0)
+ {
+ for(t=0;(t<num)&&(!hitfound)&&(!shot.sun);t++)
+ {
+ if(t==0)
+ shot=nextPosition(shot,cfg->gamespeed*rtime);
+ else
+ shot=nextPosition(shot,cfg->gamespeed*frames);
+ //distance to other objects
+ for(i=0;i<2;i++)
+ {
+ distx=(*(shipsNextPositions[i]))[basetime].x-shot.x;
+ disty=(*(shipsNextPositions[i]))[basetime].y-shot.y;
+ dist=distx*distx+disty*disty;
+ //own ship
+ if(i==playerNumber)
+ {
+ if(dist<shiplastdist)
+ shipdistgreater=false;
+ if((!shipdistgreater)&&(dist<hit.distance))
+ {
+ hit.object=HSHIP;
+ hit.objectNumber=0;
+ hit.playerNumber=i;
+ hit.hitTime=basetime*frames;
+ hit.distance=dist;
+ }
+ shiplastdist=dist;
+ }
+ //other ship
+ else if(dist<hit.distance)
+ {
+ hit.object=HSHIP;
+ hit.objectNumber=0;
+ hit.playerNumber=i;
+ hit.hitTime=basetime*frames;
+ hit.distance=dist;
+ }
+ //mines
+ for(m=0;m<mineNumber[i];m++)
+ {
+ distx=(*(aiMines[i]))[m].x-shot.x;
+ disty=(*(aiMines[i]))[m].y-shot.y;
+ dist=distx*distx+disty*disty;
+ if(dist<hit.distance)
+ {
+ hit.object=HMINE;
+ hit.playerNumber=i;
+ hit.objectNumber=m;
+ hit.hitTime=basetime*frames;
+ hit.distance=dist;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(hit.distance<100)
+ hitfound=true;
+ basetime++;
+ }
+ }
+ return hit;
+void Ai::testForHits()
+ AiSprite shot;
+ unsigned int i;
+ int m,p;
+ BulletSprite *bullet;
+ Hit *h;
+ Hit hit;
+ bool hitfound=false;
+ double distance,dx,dy;
+ if(calculateCollisions>0)
+ {
+ calculateCollisions--;
+ h=objectsHitByShip.first();
+ while(h)
+ {
+ if(h->hitTime>0)
+ {
+ h->hitTime--;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ objectsHitByShip.remove();
+ h=objectsHitByShip.current();
+ }
+ }
+ h=minesHitByShot.first();
+ while(h)
+ {
+ if(h->hitTime>0)
+ {
+ h->hitTime--;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ minesHitByShot.remove();
+ h=minesHitByShot.current();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ objectsHitByShip.clear();
+ minesHitByShot.clear();
+ for(i=0;i<2;i++)
+ {
+ for(bullet=bullets[i]->first();bullet;bullet=bullets[i]->next())
+ {
+ shot=bullet->toAiSprite();
+ hit=firstObject(shot,0,calcFrameIncrement[Options::aiDifficulty(playerNumber)]);
+ if(hit.object==HMINE)
+ {
+ h=new Hit(hit);
+ minesHitByShot.append(h);
+ }
+ if((hit.object==HSHIP)&&(hit.playerNumber==playerNumber))
+ {
+ h=new Hit(hit);
+ h->object=HSHOT;
+ objectsHitByShip.append(h);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ hit.object=HNOTHING;
+ hit.distance=400;
+ for(i=0;(i<shipsNextPositions[0]->size()) &&
+ !(*shipsNextPositions[playerNumber])[i].sun;i++)
+ {
+ if((borderTime<0) && (*shipsNextPositions[playerNumber])[i].border)
+ borderTime=i*calcFrameIncrement[Options::aiDifficulty(playerNumber)];
+ dx=(*shipsNextPositions[playerNumber])[i].x;
+ dy=(*shipsNextPositions[playerNumber])[i].y;
+ distance=dx*dx+dy*dy;
+ if((distance<3025)&&(sunTime<0))
+ sunTime=i*calcFrameIncrement[Options::aiDifficulty(playerNumber)];
+ if(!hitfound)
+ for(p=0;p<2;p++)
+ for(m=0;m<mineNumber[p];m++)
+ {
+ dx=(*shipsNextPositions[playerNumber])[i].x-(*aiMines[p])[m].x;
+ dy=(*shipsNextPositions[playerNumber])[i].y-(*aiMines[p])[m].y;
+ distance=dx*dx+dy*dy;
+ if(hit.distance>distance)
+ {
+ hit.object=HMINE;
+ hit.playerNumber=p;
+ hit.objectNumber=m;
+ hit.hitTime=i*calcFrameIncrement[Options::aiDifficulty(playerNumber)];
+ hit.distance=distance;
+ if(distance<100)
+ hitfound=true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(hit.object!=HNOTHING)
+ {
+ h=new Hit(hit);
+ objectsHitByShip.append(h);
+ }
+ calculateCollisions=(int)(calcCollisions[Options::aiDifficulty(playerNumber)]/cfg->gamespeed);
+ }
+void Ai::shotScores()
+ Shot *s;
+ Hit *h,*mh;
+ bool found,foundmh;
+ double dist,dx,dy,fuel;
+ dx=(*shipsNextPositions[playerNumber])[0].x-(*shipsNextPositions[opponentNumber])[0].x;
+ dy=(*shipsNextPositions[playerNumber])[0].y-(*shipsNextPositions[opponentNumber])[0].y;
+ dist=dx*dx+dy*dy;
+ for(s=myShots.first();s;
+ {
+ fuel=(100-(ship[playerNumber]->getEnergy()-cfg->shotEnergyNeed));
+ s->score=fuel*fuel/10 + s->hit.distance+s->hit.hitTime;
+ if(dist > (75*75))
+ s->score+=waitShot*8;
+ else
+ s->score+=waitShot*4;
+ if(s->hit.object==HMINE)
+ {
+ found=false;
+ for(h=objectsHitByShip.first();h && !found;
+ {
+ if((h->object==HMINE)&&(h->playerNumber==s->hit.playerNumber)
+ &&(h->objectNumber==s->hit.objectNumber))
+ //ship will hit a mine that will be hitten by the shot
+ {
+ found=true;
+ //ship hits earlier then shot
+ if(h->hitTime<s->hit.hitTime)
+ s->score+=1000;
+ else
+ {
+ foundmh=false;
+ for(mh=minesHitByShot.first();mh && !foundmh;
+ {
+ if((mh->playerNumber==s->hit.playerNumber)
+ &&(mh->objectNumber==s->hit.objectNumber))
+ //another shot will hit the mine
+ {
+ if(mh->hitTime<s->hit.hitTime)
+ s->score+=500;
+ else
+ s->score-=300;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(!found)
+ s->score+=1000;
+ }
+ }
+void Ai::chooseAction()
+ double bestScore=1e10;
+ Shot *bestShot=NULL,*s;
+ AiSprite actualpos;
+ double posangle,movephi,phiright,phileft,torotate=0,velangle;
+ int framesleft,framesright;
+ bool rotateAndAccelerate=false;
+ Hit *nextHit=0;
+ int shotHitTime;
+ shotHitTime=1000000;
+ nextHit=0;
+/* for(h=objectsHitByShip.first();h;
+ if(h->object==HSHOT)
+ if(h->hitTime<shotHitTime)
+ {
+ nextHit=h;
+ shotHitTime=h->hitTime;
+ }*/
+ if((borderTime>0) || (sunTime>0) || (nextHit))
+ {
+ actualpos=ship[playerNumber]->toAiSprite();
+ posangle=rectToAngle(actualpos.x,actualpos.y);
+ movephi=rectToAngle((*shipsNextPositions[playerNumber])[0].x,
+ (*shipsNextPositions[playerNumber])[0].y) - posangle;
+ phileft=movephi+cfg->rotationSpeed;
+ phiright=movephi-cfg->rotationSpeed;
+ if((borderTime>0)&& !((sunTime>0)&&(sunTime<borderTime)))
+ {
+ bestScore=borderTime/cfg->gamespeed;
+ if(score>bestScore)
+ {
+ velangle=rectToAngle(actualpos.dx,actualpos.dy);
+ if(fabs(difference(posangle+3*M_PI/4,velangle))
+ < fabs(difference(posangle-3*M_PI/4,velangle)))
+ torotate=posangle-3*M_PI/4-ship[playerNumber]->getRotation();
+ else
+ torotate=posangle+3*M_PI/4-ship[playerNumber]->getRotation();
+ rotateAndAccelerate=true;
+ score=bestScore;
+ accelerateFramesNumber=(int)(8/cfg->gamespeed);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(sunTime>0)
+ {
+ bestScore=sunTime/(cfg->gamespeed*10)
+ +(actualpos.x*actualpos.x+actualpos.y*actualpos.y)/5000;
+ if(score>bestScore)
+ {
+ velangle=rectToAngle(actualpos.dx,actualpos.dy);
+ if(fabs(difference(posangle+2*M_PI/5,velangle))
+ < fabs(difference(posangle-2*M_PI/5,velangle)))
+ torotate=posangle+2*M_PI/5-ship[playerNumber]->getRotation();
+ else
+ torotate=posangle-2*M_PI/5-ship[playerNumber]->getRotation();
+ rotateAndAccelerate=true;
+ score=bestScore;
+ accelerateFramesNumber=(int)(8/cfg->gamespeed);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+/* bestScore=abs(nextHit->hitTime-90)*4/cfg->gamespeed + nextHit->distance*2
+ + (100-(ship[playerNumber]->getEnergy()-cfg->shotEnergyNeed))*4;
+ if((score>bestScore)&&(bestScore<400))
+ {
+ velangle=rectToAngle(actualpos.dx,actualpos.dy);
+ if(fabs(difference(posangle+2*M_PI/5,velangle))
+ < fabs(difference(posangle-2*M_PI/5,velangle)))
+ torotate=posangle+2*M_PI/5-ship[playerNumber]->getRotation();
+ else
+ torotate=posangle-2*M_PI/5-ship[playerNumber]->getRotation();
+ rotateAndAccelerate=true;
+ score=bestScore;
+ accelerateFramesNumber=(int)(4/cfg->gamespeed);
+ }*/
+ }
+ if(rotateAndAccelerate)
+ {
+ if(phileft<0)
+ framesleft=1000;
+ else
+ {
+ while(torotate<0)
+ torotate+=2*M_PI;
+ while(torotate>=2*M_PI)
+ torotate-=2*M_PI;
+ framesleft=(int)(torotate/phileft+0.5);
+ }
+ if(phiright>0)
+ framesright=1000;
+ else
+ {
+ while(torotate>0)
+ torotate-=2*M_PI;
+ while(torotate<=-2*M_PI)
+ torotate+=2*M_PI;
+ framesright=(int)(torotate/phiright+0.5);
+ }
+ if(framesright<framesleft)
+ {
+ rotation=RRIGHT;
+ rotateFramesNumber=framesright;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rotation=RLEFT;
+ rotateFramesNumber=framesleft;
+ }
+ shoot=false;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bestShot=0;
+ for(s=myShots.first();s;
+ if(s->score<bestScore)
+ {
+ bestScore=s->score;
+ bestShot=s;
+ }
+ if(bestShot)
+ {
+ if((bestScore<score)&&(bestScore<400))
+ {
+ rotation=bestShot->rotation;
+ rotateFramesNumber=bestShot->rotationFrames;
+ accelerateFramesNumber=0;
+ shoot=true;
+ score=bestScore;
+ calculateCollisions = 0;
+ waitShot=(int) rint( random.getDouble() *
+ calcNextShot[Options::aiDifficulty(playerNumber)]
+ /cfg->gamespeed);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void Ai::setSpriteFieldSize()
+ sfwidth=(double)(ship[playerNumber]->spriteFieldWidth());
+ sfheight=(double)(ship[playerNumber]->spriteFieldHeight());
+ sfwidth_2=sfwidth/2.0;
+ sfheight_2=sfheight/2.0;