]> The &konquest; Handbook Nicholas Robbins
Russ Steffen
Lauri Watts
2000 Nicholas Robbins &FDLNotice; 2005-12-16 1.1 &konquest; is a wonderfully complex game for universal domination, or konquest, if you like. :) KDE Konquest kdegames
Introduction This the &kde; version of Gnu-Lactic &konquest;, a multi-player strategy game. The goal of the game is to expand your interstellar empire across the galaxy and of course, crush your rivals in the process. Using &konquest; More &konquest; features A really entertaining game of universal domination. Configuration When you start a &konquest; game, a settings window pops up. From here you need to enter player names, decide the number of planets, and how many turns are allowed. (Don't worry, you can add more later) You can also reject the map, until a you find a galaxy layout you like. After this, just click OK to start the game. Command Reference The Main &konquest; Window The Planet Status indicator on the right is your source for intelligence on the state of the Galaxy. Your spies will report on the status of your rivals, but not on the native-controlled planets. The information present in the display is: Planet name, Owner, Production rate, fleet strength (Ships and Kill percent). The Production rate is the number of ships that planet will construct in one turn. The fleet strength is the number of Ships currently in place at the planet. And, the Kill percent is a measure of the effectiveness of the ships produced at that planet. Attack fleets take the kill percentage of their planet of departure, and defense fleets use the kill percentage of the planet they are defending. The <guimenu>Game</guimenu> Menu &Ctrl;N Game New Starts a new game. &Ctrl;End Game End Game End the current game, without closing &konquest; Game Measure Distance Click with the &LMB; on two planets to see their distance. Game Show Standings Opens a window to display the detailed current standings for all players Game Fleet Overview Opens a window to display detailed informations for all fleets &Ctrl;Q Game Quit Quits the game. The <guimenu>Settings</guimenu> Menu Settings Show Toolbar Toggle the toolbar display on and off. Settings Configure Shortcuts... Opens a standard &kde; shortcut configuration dialog to change the keyboard shortcuts used by &konquest;. Settings Configure Toolbars... Brings up the standard &kde; toolbar configuration dialog to customize the &konquest; toolbar icons. The <guimenu>Help</guimenu> Menu &help.menu.documentation; Credits and License &konquest; &GNU;-Lactic Conquest Project, &kde; version by &Russ.Steffen;, &Russ.Steffen.mail;. Copyright © 1998 by the &GNU;-Lactic Conquest Project Documentation copyright 2000 Nicholas Robbins &Nicholas.Robbins.mail; &underFDL; &underGPL; Installation How to obtain &konquest; &install.intro.documentation; Requirements In order to successfully use &konquest;, you need &kde; 3.0. It is also reccomended that you have your X server set to over 8bpp, as the plants are scanned and require a rather high color depth. Compilation and Installation &install.compile.documentation; &documentation.index;