/* toplevel.h
 * Andreas W�st

#ifndef TOPLEVEL_H
#define TOPLEVEL_H

class GameWidget;
class TDEAction;
class TDEConfig;

#include <tdemainwindow.h>

 * This is the class AtomTopLevel. The class is used only for the program
 * AtomTopLevel.
 * @short Basic class for AtomTopLevel
 * @author Andreas W�st

class AtomTopLevel : public TDEMainWindow





  // Creates the menubar and connects the menu-entries to the
  // appropriate functions
  void createMenu();

  // Get the configuration from the config-file.
  void initConfig();

  // Save the current configuration to the config-file.
  void saveConfig();

  // called before exiting -> save configuration
  virtual bool queryExit();

  TDEConfig *config;

  GameWidget *main;

  TDEAction *redoAction, *undoAction;

  protected slots:
  void enableRedo(bool enable);
  void enableUndo(bool enable);

public slots:

  // Shows a dialog for options other than keys
  void configopts();

