/* Yo Emacs, this -*- C++ -*- Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Jens Hoefkens jens@hoefkens.com This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. $Id$ */ #include "kplayerlist.moc" #include "kplayerlist.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kbgfibs.h" #include "version.h" /* * Simple container for information on columns of the list view. * * index : the internal index in the list * width : width of the column in pixel * show : whether the column is visible * cb : check box for the setup dialog */ class KFibsPlayerListCI { public: int index, width; bool show; QCheckBox *cb; QString key, name; }; /* * Extension of the QListViewItem class that has a custom key function * that can deal with the different items of the player list. */ class KFibsPlayerListLVI : public KListViewItem { public: /* * Constructor */ KFibsPlayerListLVI(KFibsPlayerList *parent) : KListViewItem(parent) { _plist = parent; } /* * Destructor */ virtual ~KFibsPlayerListLVI() {} /* * Overloaded key function for sorting */ virtual QString key(int col, bool) const { int real_col = _plist->cIndex(col); QString s = text(col); switch (real_col) { case KFibsPlayerList::Player: case KFibsPlayerList::Opponent: case KFibsPlayerList::Watches: case KFibsPlayerList::Client: case KFibsPlayerList::Email: case KFibsPlayerList::Status: case KFibsPlayerList::Host: s = s.lower(); break; case KFibsPlayerList::Idle: case KFibsPlayerList::Experience: s.sprintf("%08d", s.toInt()); break; case KFibsPlayerList::Rating: s.sprintf("%08d", (int)(1000*s.toDouble())); break; case KFibsPlayerList::Time: s = s.lower(); break; default: kdDebug(10500) << "KFibsPlayerListLVI::key(): illegal column" << endl; break; } return s; } private: KFibsPlayerList *_plist; }; /* * Private data of the player list */ class KFibsPlayerListPrivate { public: /* * Named constants for the popup menu actions */ enum MenuID {Info, Talk, Mail, InviteD, Invite1, Invite2, Invite3, Invite4, Invite5, Invite6, Invite7, InviteR, InviteU, Look, Watch, Unwatch, BlindAct, Update, Reload, Close, ActionEnd}; /* * Various actions for the context menu */ KAction *mAct[ActionEnd]; /* * All relevant information on the columns */ KFibsPlayerListCI *mCol[KFibsPlayerList::LVEnd]; /* * Context menus for player related commands */ QPopupMenu *mPm[2]; /* * ID of the invite menu in the context menu */ int mInID; /* * Are we watching? */ bool mWatch; /* * count similar clients - KFibs & kbackgammon */ int mCount[2]; /* * Short abbreviations for Blind, Ready, and Away. */ QString mAbrv[KFibsPlayerList::MaxStatus]; /* * Name of the last selected player - for internal purposes */ QString mUser; /* * Our own name */ QString mName; /* * Email address of the last selected player - for internal purposes */ QString mMail; }; // == constructor, destructor and setup ======================================== /* * Construct the playerlist and do some initial setup */ KFibsPlayerList::KFibsPlayerList(QWidget *parent, const char *name) : KListView(parent, name) { d = new KFibsPlayerListPrivate(); KActionCollection* actions = new KActionCollection(this); /* * Allocate the column information */ for (int i = 0; i < LVEnd; i++) d->mCol[i] = new KFibsPlayerListCI(); /* * Initialize variables */ d->mCol[Player]->name = i18n("Player"); d->mCol[Opponent]->name = i18n("Opponent"); d->mCol[Watches]->name = i18n("Watches"); d->mCol[Status]->name = i18n("Status"); d->mCol[Rating]->name = i18n("Rating"); d->mCol[Experience]->name = i18n("Exp."); d->mCol[Idle]->name = i18n("Idle"); d->mCol[Time]->name = i18n("Time"); d->mCol[Host]->name = i18n("Host name"); d->mCol[Client]->name = i18n("Client"); d->mCol[Email]->name = i18n("Email"); // These strings shouldn't be translated!! d->mCol[Player]->key = "player"; d->mCol[Opponent]->key = "opponent"; d->mCol[Watches]->key = "watches"; d->mCol[Status]->key = "status"; d->mCol[Rating]->key = "rating"; d->mCol[Experience]->key = "experience"; d->mCol[Idle]->key = "idle"; d->mCol[Time]->key = "time"; d->mCol[Host]->key = "hostname"; d->mCol[Client]->key = "client"; d->mCol[Email]->key = "email"; d->mCount[0] = d->mCount[1] = 0; d->mAbrv[Blind] = i18n("abreviate blind", "B"); d->mAbrv[Away ] = i18n("abreviate away", "A"); d->mAbrv[Ready] = i18n("abreviate ready", "R"); d->mName = QString::null; d->mWatch = false; /* * Get a sane caption, initialize some eye candy and read the * configuration - needed for the column information. */ updateCaption(); setIcon(kapp->miniIcon()); QWhatsThis::add(this, i18n("This window contains the player list. It shows " "all players that are currently logged into FIBS." "Use the right mouse button to get a context " "menu with helpful information and commands.")); readColumns(); /* * Put the columns into the list view */ for (int i = 0; i < LVEnd; i++) { if (d->mCol[i]->show) { d->mCol[i]->index = addColumn(d->mCol[i]->name, d->mCol[i]->width); if (i == Experience || i == Rating || i == Time || i == Idle) setColumnAlignment(d->mCol[i]->index, AlignRight); } else { d->mCol[i]->index = -1; } } setAllColumnsShowFocus(true); /* * Create context menus */ d->mPm[0] = new QPopupMenu(); d->mPm[1] = new QPopupMenu(); /* * Create the whole set of actions */ d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::Info] = new KAction(i18n("Info"), QIconSet(kapp->iconLoader()->loadIcon ("help.xpm", KIcon::Small)), 0, this, SLOT(slotInfo()), actions); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::Talk] = new KAction(i18n("Talk"), QIconSet(kapp->iconLoader()->loadIcon (PROG_NAME "-chat.png", KIcon::Small)), 0, this, SLOT(slotTalk()), actions); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::Look] = new KAction(i18n("Look"), 0, this, SLOT(slotLook()), actions); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::Watch] = new KAction(i18n("Watch"), 0, this, SLOT(slotWatch()), actions); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::Unwatch] = new KAction(i18n("Unwatch"), 0, this, SLOT(slotUnwatch()),actions); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::BlindAct] = new KAction(i18n("Blind"), 0, this, SLOT(slotBlind()), actions); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::Update] = new KAction(i18n("Update"), 0, this, SLOT(slotUpdate()), actions); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::Reload] = KStdAction::redisplay(this, SLOT(slotReload()), actions); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::Mail] = KStdAction::mail(this, SLOT(slotMail()), actions); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::Close] = KStdAction::close(this, SLOT(hide()), actions); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::InviteD] = new KAction(i18n("Use Dialog"), 0, this, SLOT(slotInviteD()), actions); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::Invite1] = new KAction(i18n("1 Point Match"), 0, this, SLOT(slotInvite1()), actions); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::Invite2] = new KAction(i18n("2 Point Match"), 0, this, SLOT(slotInvite2()), actions); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::Invite3] = new KAction(i18n("3 Point Match"), 0, this, SLOT(slotInvite3()), actions); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::Invite4] = new KAction(i18n("4 Point Match"), 0, this, SLOT(slotInvite4()), actions); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::Invite5] = new KAction(i18n("5 Point Match"), 0, this, SLOT(slotInvite5()), actions); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::Invite6] = new KAction(i18n("6 Point Match"), 0, this, SLOT(slotInvite6()), actions); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::Invite7] = new KAction(i18n("7 Point Match"), 0, this, SLOT(slotInvite7()), actions); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::InviteU] = new KAction(i18n("Unlimited"), 0, this, SLOT(slotInviteU()), actions); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::InviteR] = new KAction(i18n("Resume"), 0, this, SLOT(slotInviteR()), actions); /* * Fill normal context menu */ d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::Info]->plug(d->mPm[0]); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::Talk]->plug(d->mPm[0]); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::Mail]->plug(d->mPm[0]); d->mPm[0]->insertSeparator(); d->mInID = d->mPm[0]->insertItem(i18n("Invite"), d->mPm[1]); // save ID for later d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::Look ]->plug(d->mPm[0]); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::Watch ]->plug(d->mPm[0]); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::Unwatch ]->plug(d->mPm[0]); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::BlindAct]->plug(d->mPm[0]); d->mPm[0]->insertSeparator(); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::Update]->plug(d->mPm[0]); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::Reload]->plug(d->mPm[0]); d->mPm[0]->insertSeparator(); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::Close]->plug(d->mPm[0]); /* * Fill the invitation menu */ d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::InviteD]->plug(d->mPm[1]); d->mPm[1]->insertSeparator(); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::Invite1]->plug(d->mPm[1]); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::Invite2]->plug(d->mPm[1]); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::Invite3]->plug(d->mPm[1]); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::Invite4]->plug(d->mPm[1]); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::Invite5]->plug(d->mPm[1]); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::Invite6]->plug(d->mPm[1]); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::Invite7]->plug(d->mPm[1]); d->mPm[1]->insertSeparator(); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::InviteU]->plug(d->mPm[1]); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::InviteR]->plug(d->mPm[1]); /* * Right mouse button gets context menu, double click gets player info */ connect(this, SIGNAL(contextMenu(KListView *, QListViewItem *, const QPoint &)), this, SLOT(showContextMenu(KListView *, QListViewItem *, const QPoint &))); connect(this, SIGNAL(doubleClicked(QListViewItem *, const QPoint &, int)), this, SLOT(getPlayerInfo(QListViewItem *, const QPoint &, int))); } /* * Destructor deletes members */ KFibsPlayerList::~KFibsPlayerList() { for (int i = 0; i < LVEnd; i++) delete d->mCol[i]; delete d->mPm[0]; delete d->mPm[1]; delete d; } // == settings and config ====================================================== /* * Called when the setup dialog is positively closed */ void KFibsPlayerList::setupOk() { int i; bool change = false; for (i = 1; i < LVEnd; i++) change |= (d->mCol[i]->cb->isChecked() != d->mCol[i]->show); /* * Only juggle with the columns if something changed */ if (change) { /* * It's important to remove the columns in reverse order */ for (i = LVEnd-1; i > 0; i--) if (d->mCol[i]->show) removeColumn(d->mCol[i]->index); /* * Now add all columns that are selected */ for (i = 1; i < LVEnd; i++) { if ((d->mCol[i]->show = d->mCol[i]->cb->isChecked())) { d->mCol[i]->index = addColumn(d->mCol[i]->name, d->mCol[i]->width); if (i == Experience || i == Rating || i == Time || i == Idle) setColumnAlignment(d->mCol[i]->index, AlignRight); } else { d->mCol[i]->index = -1; } } /* * Reload the list */ slotReload(); } /* * store the new settings */ saveConfig(); } /* * Setup dialog page of the player list - allow the user to select the * columns to show */ void KFibsPlayerList::getSetupPages(KTabCtl *nb, int space) { int i; /* * Main Widget */ QWidget *w = new QWidget(nb); QGridLayout *gl = new QGridLayout(w, 2, 1, space); /* * Label */ QGroupBox *gbl = new QGroupBox(w); gbl->setTitle(i18n("Column Selection")); gl->addWidget(gbl, 0, 0); /* * Note that the first column (Player == 0) is always there */ QLabel *lb = new QLabel(i18n("Select all the columns that you would\n" "like to be shown in the player list."), gbl); for (i = 1; i < LVEnd; i++) { d->mCol[i]->cb = new QCheckBox(d->mCol[i]->name, gbl); d->mCol[i]->cb->setChecked(d->mCol[i]->show); } gl = new QGridLayout(gbl, LVEnd, 2, 20); gl->addWidget(lb, 0, 0); // two column layout.... for (i = 1; i < LVEnd/2; i++) { gl->addWidget(d->mCol[2*i-1]->cb, i, 0); gl->addWidget(d->mCol[2*i ]->cb, i, 1); } gl->addWidget(d->mCol[2*i-1]->cb, i, 0); if (2*i < LVEnd) gl->addWidget(d->mCol[2*i]->cb, i, 1); /* * put in the page and connect */ nb->addTab(w, i18n("&Playerlist")); connect(nb, SIGNAL(applyButtonPressed()), this, SLOT(setupOk())); } /* * Nothing to cancel/undo */ void KFibsPlayerList::setupCancel() { // do nothing } /* * By default all entries are checked */ void KFibsPlayerList::setupDefault() { for (int i = 0; i < LVEnd; i++) d->mCol[i]->cb->setChecked(true); } /* * Restore the columns */ void KFibsPlayerList::readColumns() { KConfig* config = kapp->config(); config->setGroup(name()); for (int i = 0; i < LVEnd; i++) { d->mCol[i]->show = config->readBoolEntry("col-" + d->mCol[i]->key, true); d->mCol[i]->width = config->readNumEntry("col-w-" + d->mCol[i]->key, -1); } } /* * Restore the saved settings */ void KFibsPlayerList::readConfig() { KConfig* config = kapp->config(); config->setGroup(name()); QPoint pos, defpos(10, 10); pos = config->readPointEntry("ori", &defpos); setGeometry(pos.x(), pos.y(), config->readNumEntry("wdt",460), config->readNumEntry("hgt",190)); (config->readBoolEntry("vis", false)) ? show() : hide(); readColumns(); } /* * Save current settings */ void KFibsPlayerList::saveConfig() { KConfig* config = kapp->config(); config->setGroup(name()); config->writeEntry("ori", pos()); config->writeEntry("hgt", height()); config->writeEntry("wdt", width()); config->writeEntry("vis", isVisible()); for (int i = 0; i < LVEnd; i++) { config->writeEntry("col-" + d->mCol[i]->key, d->mCol[i]->show); config->writeEntry("col-w-" + d->mCol[i]->key, (d->mCol[i]->show) ? columnWidth(d->mCol[i]->index) : -1); } } // == popup menu slots and functions =========================================== /* * Save selected player, update the menu entries and show the popup menu */ void KFibsPlayerList::showContextMenu(KListView *, QListViewItem *i, const QPoint &p) { /* * Get the name of the selected player */ d->mUser = (i ? i->text(Player) : QString::null); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::Info ]->setText(i18n("Info on %1" ).arg(d->mUser)); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::Talk ]->setText(i18n("Talk to %1" ).arg(d->mUser)); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::Mail ]->setText(i18n("Email to %1").arg(d->mUser)); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::Look ]->setText(i18n("Look at %1" ).arg(d->mUser)); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::Watch ]->setText(i18n("Watch %1" ).arg(d->mUser)); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::Update]->setText(i18n("Update %1" ).arg(d->mUser)); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::Info ]->setEnabled(i); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::Talk ]->setEnabled(i); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::Mail ]->setEnabled(i); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::Look ]->setEnabled(i); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::Watch ]->setEnabled(i); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::Update ]->setEnabled(i); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::BlindAct]->setEnabled(i); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::Unwatch]->setEnabled(d->mWatch); d->mPm[0]->setItemEnabled(d->mInID, i && d->mName != d->mUser); d->mPm[0]->changeItem(d->mInID, i18n("Invite %1").arg(d->mUser)); d->mMail = (i && d->mCol[Email]->show ? i->text(d->mCol[Email]->index) : QString::null); d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::Mail]->setEnabled(!d->mMail.isEmpty()); if (i && d->mCol[Status]->show) d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::BlindAct]->setText ((i->text(d->mCol[Status]->index).contains(d->mAbrv[Blind])) ? i18n("Unblind %1").arg(d->mUser) : i18n("Blind %1").arg(d->mUser)); else d->mAct[KFibsPlayerListPrivate::BlindAct]->setText(i18n("Blind")); // show the menu d->mPm[0]->popup(p); } /* * Reload the entire list */ void KFibsPlayerList::slotReload() { emit fibsCommand("rawwho"); clear(); } /* * Stop watching */ void KFibsPlayerList::slotUnwatch() { emit fibsCommand("unwatch"); } /* * Blind/Unblind user */ void KFibsPlayerList::slotBlind() { emit fibsCommand("blind " + d->mUser); } /* * Start talking to user */ void KFibsPlayerList::slotTalk() { emit fibsTalk(d->mUser); } /* * Request information on user */ void KFibsPlayerList::slotInfo() { emit fibsCommand("whois " + d->mUser); } /* * Look at user */ void KFibsPlayerList::slotLook() { emit fibsCommand("look " + d->mUser); } /* * Send an email to player user at address email */ void KFibsPlayerList::slotMail() { kapp->invokeMailer(d->mMail, QString::null); } /* * Request a new entry for user */ void KFibsPlayerList::slotUpdate() { emit fibsCommand("rawwho " + d->mUser); } /* * Watch user and get an updated board */ void KFibsPlayerList::slotWatch() { emit fibsCommand("watch " + d->mUser); emit fibsCommand("board"); } /* * Request information about the selected user */ void KFibsPlayerList::getPlayerInfo(QListViewItem *i, const QPoint &, int col) { int num = cIndex(col); if (col < 0 || num < 0 || num > 2 || i->text(num).isEmpty()) num = 0; emit fibsCommand("whois " + i->text(num)); } /* * Invite the selected user. */ void KFibsPlayerList::slotInviteD() { emit fibsInvite(d->mUser); } void KFibsPlayerList::slotInvite1() { emit fibsCommand("invite " + d->mUser + " 1"); } void KFibsPlayerList::slotInvite2() { emit fibsCommand("invite " + d->mUser + " 2"); } void KFibsPlayerList::slotInvite3() { emit fibsCommand("invite " + d->mUser + " 3"); } void KFibsPlayerList::slotInvite4() { emit fibsCommand("invite " + d->mUser + " 4"); } void KFibsPlayerList::slotInvite5() { emit fibsCommand("invite " + d->mUser + " 5"); } void KFibsPlayerList::slotInvite6() { emit fibsCommand("invite " + d->mUser + " 6"); } void KFibsPlayerList::slotInvite7() { emit fibsCommand("invite " + d->mUser + " 7"); } void KFibsPlayerList::slotInviteU() { emit fibsCommand("invite " + d->mUser + " unlimited"); } void KFibsPlayerList::slotInviteR() { emit fibsCommand("invite " + d->mUser); } // == inserting and updating the list ========================================== /* * Add or change the entry of player with the corresponding string * from the server - rawwho */ void KFibsPlayerList::changePlayer(const QString &line) { char entry[LVEnd][100]; char ready[2], away[2]; QListViewItem *i; QDateTime fromEpoch; QString str_entry[LVEnd], tmp; entry[Status][0] = '\0'; // the line comes from FIBS and is 7 bit ASCII sscanf(line.latin1(), "%99s %99s %99s %1s %1s %99s %99s %99s %99s %99s %99s %99s", entry[Player], entry[Opponent], entry[Watches], ready, away, entry[Rating], entry[Experience], entry[Idle], entry[Time], entry[Host], entry[Client], entry[Email]); // convert time tmp = entry[Time]; fromEpoch.setTime_t(tmp.toUInt()); strcpy(entry[Time], fromEpoch.toString().latin1()); // clear empty strings and copy for (int j = 0; j < LVEnd; j++) { if ((str_entry[j] = entry[j]) == "-") str_entry[j] = ""; } str_entry[Status].replace(Ready, 1, ready[0] == '0' ? "-" : d->mAbrv[Ready]); str_entry[Status].replace(Away, 1, away [0] == '0' ? "-" : d->mAbrv[Away ]); str_entry[Status].replace(Blind, 1, "-"); // disable drawing until the end of update setUpdatesEnabled(false); // try to find the item in the list QListViewItemIterator it(this); for ( ; it.current(); ++it) { if (it.current()->text(0) == str_entry[Player]) { i = it.current(); goto found; } } // getting here means we have to create a new entry i = new KFibsPlayerListLVI(this); // count the KFibs and KBackgammon clients if (str_entry[Client].contains("KFibs")) d->mCount[0]++; else if (str_entry[Client].contains(PROG_NAME)) d->mCount[1]++; // new entry requires an update to the player count updateCaption(); goto update; found: // getting here means the player is in the list - update private status str_entry[Status].replace(Blind,1,i->text(Status).contains (d->mAbrv[Blind]) ? d->mAbrv[Blind] : "-"); update: for (int j = 0; j < LVEnd; j++) { if (d->mCol[j]->show) i->setText(d->mCol[j]->index, str_entry[j]); } // find out if we are watching somebody if (d->mName == str_entry[Player]) d->mWatch = !str_entry[Watches].isEmpty(); } /* * Remove player from the list */ void KFibsPlayerList::deletePlayer(const QString &player) { QListViewItemIterator it(this); for ( ; it.current(); ++it) { if (it.current()->text(0) == player) { if (it.current()->text(Client).contains(PROG_NAME)) --d->mCount[1]; else if (it.current()->text(Client).contains("KFibs")) --d->mCount[0]; delete it.current(); updateCaption(); return; } } } /* * Set/Unset the status stat in the corresponding column of the list */ void KFibsPlayerList::changePlayerStatus(const QString &player, int stat, bool flag) { QListViewItem *i = 0; /* * Find the correct line */ QListViewItemIterator it(this); for ( ; it.current(); ++it) { if (it.current()->text(Player) == player) { i = it.current(); break; } } if (!i) return; /* * Update the status flag */ i->setText(Status, i->text(Status).replace(stat, 1, (flag) ? d->mAbrv[stat] : "-")); } // == various slots and functions ============================================== /* * Reverse column to index mapping. Return negative on error. */ int KFibsPlayerList::cIndex(int col) { for (int i = 0; i < LVEnd; i++) if (d->mCol[i]->index == col) return i; return -1; } /* * Catch hide events, so the engine's menu can be update. */ void KFibsPlayerList::showEvent(QShowEvent *e) { KListView::showEvent(e); emit windowVisible(true); } /* * Catch hide events, so the engine's menu can be update. */ void KFibsPlayerList::hideEvent(QHideEvent *e) { emit windowVisible(false); KListView::hideEvent(e); } /* * Called at the end of updates to re-enable the UI */ void KFibsPlayerList::stopUpdate() { setUpdatesEnabled(true); triggerUpdate(); } /* * Knowing our own name allows us to disable certain menu entries for * ourselves. */ void KFibsPlayerList::setName(const QString &name) { d->mName = name; } /* * Update the caption of the list by including the current client * count */ void KFibsPlayerList::updateCaption() { setCaption(i18n("Player List - %1 - %2/%3").arg(childCount()).arg(d->mCount[0]).arg(d->mCount[1])); } /* * Clear the list and reset the client counters */ void KFibsPlayerList::clear() { d->mCount[0] = 0; d->mCount[1] = 0; QListView::clear(); } // EOF