This file describes the overall design of KReversi. Some of the classes have different names at this point, but that is indicated by a (now: XXX) tag. These names will be changed when the KDE project has converted from CVS to Subversion since Subversion has so much better support for renaming files and directories. Almost all of the classes hold more members than are mentioned here, but those are implementation details and would only obscure the overall picture. This file is only to give a helicopter view of the program, not to serve as detailed documentation. Classes ======= Class Diagram (See details below) ------------- KReversi----------------------------------------------+ | | +--------------------------------+ | | +-----------------+ | | | | | | | v v v | QReversiGameView Engine StatusBar | | | | (shows whose turn it is) | +- - - - - - - + | +----------+ | | v v | +- - - -QReversiBoardView Other widgets | | | (movelist, score) v v v QReversiGame X v Game I +=========+ I I v v Position Move[] Legend: XXXXXXXX> Inherits ========> Contains --------> Ownership pointer - - - - > Reference pointer Details ------- ReversiPosition (now: Position) Holds a Reversi position. This is the object that implements the Reversi rules. ReversiMove (now: Move) A move in a Reversi game. ReversiGame (now: Game) Holds all the moves of the game being played. Contains: ReversiPosition Holds the current position. Move[60] FIXME: Remove the ReversiPosition and let it be implicit? FIXME: Implement variations (later) Engine Can generate a move, given a ReversiPosition. QReversiGame The "document" for KReversi. Handles a game being played and sends signals to all its views when something changes. Basically, the only difference between this class and the more basic ReversiGame is that it sends signals to the views. Inherits: ReversiGame The actual game being played QReversiGameView (status: PLANNED) Shows a view of a complete game. Currently this comprises a board view, a listbox with a list of the moves, two status widgets showing the current score. Contains: *QReversiBoardView *QListBox *StatusWidget (two of them) QReversiBoardView A view for a Reversi board. The rest of the game view is implemented in the class QReversiGameView. Inherits: QWidget. Contains: *QReversiGame (not owner) FIXME: Enhance the view with timing information, clock, etc. KReversi The main class for the KReversi program Contains: KActions *QReversiGame (owner) *KReversiGameView (owner) *Engine (owner) Statusbar FIXME: Let the class also own two players. EngineView (status: PLANNED) View of the internal thought processes of an Engine (trace, etc). Some notes ---------- * KReversi follows the Model/View principle strictly.