]> The &kiconedit; Manual Thomas Tanghus
1997 &Thomas.Tanghus; 20012003 &Lauri.Watts; &FDLNotice; 2005-12-10 3.5.0 &kiconedit; is designed to help create icons for &kde; using the standard icon palette. KDE tdegraphics TDEIconEdit icon
&Thomas.Tanghus; &Thomas.Tanghus.mail; &kiconedit; is designed to help create icons for &kde; using the standard icon palette. I hope you will find this program somehow useful and I would appreciate any suggestions and comments.
Onscreen Fundamentals In this section will be briefly described the Icon Editor user interface. The Icon Editor window is separated in five areas: main toolbar, tools toolbar, statusbar, color palette and the grid, where you paint the icon. Main Toolbar New Create a new icon. If the current file has been modified you will be asked if you want to save the changes. After that a dialog will open where you can choose to create the icon from scratch or from a template. Open Open an existing icon file. Save Save the currently open icon. Print Print the icon. Undo Undo the last action Redo Redo the last action undone. If no actions have been undone, this action is disabled. Cut Cuts out the entire icon and put it onto the clipboard. Copy Copies the entire icon to the clipboard. Paste Paste the contents of the clipboard as a new image (if the clipboard contains a valid icon). Zoom Zoom In Zoom Out Zoom to predefined zoom factor, zoom in or zoom out. Resize Resize icon to width X height. GrayScale Gray scale the icon image. This may create colors not conformant to the &kde; icon palette. Show Grid Toggle grid on/off. Tools Toolbar This toolbar contains the tools you can use to manipulate the icon. Freehand Draw free hand. Color Picker Doesn't change the icon but changes the current drawcolor to the color clicked on. Rectangle Draw a rectangle. Filled Rectangle Draw a filled rectangle. Circle Draw a circle. Filled Circle Draw a filled circle. Ellipse Draw an ellipse Filled Ellipse Draw a filled ellipse (almost the same thing as drawing a circle.) Spray Draws a randow dotted pattern like a spraycan. Flood Fill Fill an area with the current color. Line Draw a line. Eraser (Transparent) Draw transparent (invisible). Rectangular Selection Circular Selection Select (mark) a part of the icon. Grid The grid is where you manipulate the icon contents. Statusbar The status bar keeps you informed of current operations. From left to right, it tells you the x,y coordinates of the pixel you are working on, the size of the current canvas, the zoom factor, and the current number of colors in the icon. The Menu Entries The <guimenu>File</guimenu> Menu The following functions are available from the File menu: &Ctrl;N File New Lets you create a new icon, either from a template or by specifying the size. File New Window Open a new Icon Editor window. &Ctrl;O File Open... Open an existing icon file. File Open Recent Displays a list of recently opened icons to choose from. &Ctrl;S File Save Save the currently open icon. File Save As... Save the currently open icon under a new name. &Ctrl;P File Print... Print the icon &Ctrl;W File Close Close &kiconedit;. The <guimenu>Edit</guimenu> Menu The Edit menu contains the following entries: &Ctrl;Z EditUndo Undo the last action &Ctrl;&Shift;Z EditRedo Redo the last action undone. If no actions have been undone, this action is disabled. &Ctrl;X Edit Cut Cuts out the entire icon and put it onto the clipboard. &Ctrl;C Edit Copy Copies the entire icon to the clipboard. &Ctrl;V Edit Paste Paste the contents of the clipboard (if the clipboard contains a valid icon). Edit Paste as New Paste the contents of the clipboard as a new image into a new Icon Editor window (if the clipboard contains a valid icon). Edit Clear Clear the grid and fill it with transparent color. &Ctrl;A Edit Select All Marks the entire icon as selected. EditResize... Resize icon to width X height. EditGrayScale Gray scale the icon image. This may create colors not conformant to the &kde; icon palette. The <guimenu>View</guimenu> Menu &Ctrl;+ View Zoom In Magnify the view of the icon. &Ctrl;- View Zoom Out Shrink the view icon to a smaller screen size View Zoom Zoom to a predefined zoom factor The <guimenu>Tools</guimenu> Menu Tools Freehand Draw free hand. ToolsColor Picker Select a color from the screen to use as the foreground color. Tools Rectangle Draw a rectangle. Tools Filled Rectangle Draw a filled rectangle. Tools Circle Draw a circle. Tools Filled Circle Draw a filled circle. Tools Ellipse Draw an ellipse Tools Filled Ellipse Draw a filled ellipse (almost the same thing as drawing a circle.) Tools Spray Draws a random dotted pattern like a spraycan. Tools Flood Fill Fill an area with the current color. Tools Line Draw a line. Tools Eraser (Transparent) Draw transparent (invisible). Tools Rectangular Selection Tools Circular Selection Select (mark) a part of the icon. The <guimenu>Settings</guimenu> Menu Settings Toolbars Toggle on and off the display of the toolbars. Settings Show/Hide Statusbar Toggle on and off the display of the status bar. Settings Show/Hide Grid Toggle on and off the grid. Settings Configure Shortcuts... Opens a dialog where you can customize &kiconedit;'s keyboard shortcuts. Settings Configure &kiconedit;... Opens the &kiconedit; configuration dialog configuration dialog, described separately. The <guimenu>Help</guimenu> Menu &help.menu.documentation; Configuration Configuring &kiconedit; Selecting the Settings Configure &kiconedit;... menu item will open a configuration dialog with the tree tabs Icon Templates, Background and Icon Grid. &kiconedit; configuration dialog &kiconedit; configuration dialog The <guilabel>Icon Templates</guilabel> Tab Add..., Edit... and Remove the templates for Standard File, Source File, Compressed File &etc;. The <guilabel>Background</guilabel> Tab Select to Use color or to Use pixmap as background. A Preview of your choice is displayed. The <guilabel>Icon Grid</guilabel> Tab Select to Paste transparent pixels or Show rulers and set a Solid Color or a Checkerboard as Transparency Display. You can set the Checkerboard Size: to Small, Medium or Large and choose Color 1: and Color 2: of the checkerboard. Credits and Licenses &kiconedit; Program copyright &Thomas.Tanghus; tanghus@kde.org Contributors John Califf jcaliff@compuzone.net Laurent Montel lmontel@mandrakesoft.com Aaron Seigo &Aaron.J.Seigo.mail; Nadeem Hassan nhasan@nadmm.com - Rewrote UI to use XMLGUI, Lots of fixes and cleanup Adrian Page Adrian.Page@tesco.net - Bug Fixes and &GUI; tidy up. &underFDL; &underGPL; Installation How to obtain &kiconedit; &install.intro.documentation; Compilation and Installation &install.compile.documentation;