To be continued:

Object ScanParams:
- Resizing. On startup, the object comes up in a nearly fixed size, suiting the
  mustek-backend very well ;) - thats the one I use at home. The cool solution
  would be if the object 'knows' and tells what size (especially height) it wants
  to have. 
  -> This should be done now. Please check, if it works for other than mustek


- Changing the 'Dont ask me on startup'-decision. If the user checks the button
  in the startup dialog never to ask which scan device to use, it is not possible
  to revert this decision. Need a page in the Preferences dialog.


- The ocr result window does not appear properly on very large result images
  provided by gocr. Kooka should resize the result image to a reasonable size.

Scan Packager:

- The scan packager needs major rework. Enhancements like metadata in XML etc
  should be included.