    copyright            : (C) 2000-2001 by Andreas Zehender
    email                : zehender@kde.org

*                                                                        *
*  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
*  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
*  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
*  (at your option) any later version.                                   *
*                                                                        *


#include <config.h>

#include "pmvector.h"
#include <tqptrlist.h>
#include <tqstring.h>

class TDEConfig;

 * Interface between the graphical views and the PMObject.
 * PMControlPoint is the interface between graphical view and PMObjects that
 * can be changed graphically with the mouse. A @ref PMObject has a
 * PMControlPoint for each changeable attribute.
 * There is one subclass for each change behavior like 3dpoint, normal vector,
 * radius, rotation ...
 * Each control point has an id to be indentified by the PMObject. The id has
 * to be unique within a PMObject.

class PMControlPoint
    * Creates a PMControlPoint with an id and a description.
   PMControlPoint( int id, const TQString& description );
    * Deletes the PMControlPoint
   virtual ~PMControlPoint( );
    * Starts a graphical change at 3d cursor position startPoint. viewNormal
    * is the normal vector of the view
   void startChange( const PMVector& startPoint, const PMVector& viewNormal );
    * Graphical change with 3d end cursor position endPoint
   void change( const PMVector& endPoint );
    * Snaps the control point to the grid
   virtual void snapToGrid( ) = 0;
    * 3d coordinates of the control point for rendering*/
   virtual PMVector position( ) const { return PMVector( ); }
    * Returns true if the point should be displayed (rendered)
   virtual bool display( ) const { return true; }
    * Returns the id of the control point
   int id( ) const { return m_id; }
    * Type of the control point
    * CPPoint: The control point is displayed as point, the mouse cursor
    * has to be over the control point to be active (e.g. 3DControlPoint)
    * CPCross: The control point is displayed as cross, the control point
    * can be changed with the mouse in the whole view (e.g. Translation)
   enum PMCPDisplayType { CPPoint = 0, CPCross = 1 };
    * Returns the type of the control point (see @ref PMCPDisplayType)
   virtual PMCPDisplayType displayType( ) const { return CPPoint; };
    * Returns the description
   TQString description( ) const { return m_description; }
    * Selects/deselects the control point
   void setSelected( bool yes ) { m_bSelected = yes; }
    * Returns true if the control point is selected
   bool selected( ) const { return m_bSelected; }

    * Returns true, if the control point was changed and sets the
    * changed flag to false.
   bool changed( );

    * Returns true if an extra line should be displayed in addition to
    * the view structure
   virtual bool hasExtraLine( ) const { return false; }
    * Returns the start point of the extra line
   virtual PMVector extraLineStart( ) const { return PMVector( 0, 0, 0 ); }
    * Returns the end point of the extra line
   virtual PMVector extraLineEnd( ) const { return PMVector( 0, 0, 0 ); }
    * Returns the grid distance for 3d points, vectors and movements
   static double moveGrid( ) { return s_moveGrid; }
    * Sets the grid distance
   static void setMoveGrid( double d );
    * Returns the grid distance rotations
   static double rotateGrid( ) { return s_rotateGrid; }
    * Sets the grid distance
   static void setRotateGrid( double d );
    * Returns the grid distance for scales
   static double scaleGrid( ) { return s_scaleGrid; }
    * Sets the grid distance
   static void setScaleGrid( double d );
   static void saveConfig( TDEConfig* cfg );
   static void restoreConfig( TDEConfig* cfg );
    * Called when a graphical change was started
   virtual void graphicalChangeStarted( ) = 0;
    * Called when the control point was changed
   virtual void graphicalChange( const PMVector& startPoint,
                                 const PMVector& viewNormal,
                                 const PMVector& endPoint ) = 0;
    * Sets the changed flag
   void setChanged( ) { m_bChanged = true; }
   int m_id;
   PMVector m_startPoint;
   PMVector m_normalVector;
   bool m_bChanged;
   bool m_bSelected;
   TQString m_description;

   static double s_moveGrid;
   static double s_rotateGrid;
   static double s_scaleGrid;

typedef TQPtrList<PMControlPoint> PMControlPointList;
typedef TQPtrListIterator<PMControlPoint> PMControlPointListIterator;
