//-*-C++-*- /* ************************************************************************** description -------------------- copyright : (C) 2000-2001 by Andreas Zehender email : zehender@kde.org ************************************************************************** ************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * **************************************************************************/ #ifndef PMDIALOGEDITBASE_H #define PMDIALOGEDITBASE_H #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include "pmobject.h" class QBoxLayout; class QCheckBox; class QLayout; class QPushButton; class QVBox; class KConfig; class PMPart; class PMPovrayRenderWidget; class PMPovrayOutputWidget; /** * Base class for all widgets for editing object attributes. * * Ensures a consistent layout for all widgets. Widgets should not * created within the constructor, but with the functions @ref createTopWidgets * and @ref createBottomWidgets. * * Each subclass uses the functionality of the base class. For example all * widgets for solid objects have the same base class that shows attributes * of solid objects. Subclasses like the widget for the box object add their * object specific controls. */ class PMDialogEditBase : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT public: /** * Creates a new PMDialogEditBase widget objectType is * @ref PMObject->description( ). * * No widgets are created within the constructor! You have to call * @ref createWidgets after creating a new edit widget. */ PMDialogEditBase( QWidget* parent, const char* name = 0 ); /** * Destructor */ virtual ~PMDialogEditBase( ); /** * Creates child widgets. * * This function is necessary because virtual functions do not work * properly inside the constructor. * * Calls @ref createTopWidgets and @ref createBottomWidgets */ void createWidgets( ); /** * Displays the object o. * Always call displayObject( ) of the base class after displaying the * objects data */ virtual void displayObject( PMObject* o ); /** * returns a pointer to the displayed object */ PMObject* displayedObject( ) const { return m_pDisplayedObject; } /** * Function that is called, when the "Apply" button is pressed. * * Returns true if successful */ bool saveData( ); /** * Called, when the contents have to be checked. * * Display an error message and return false, if the data is invalid. * Otherwise return isDataValid( ) of the base class. */ virtual bool isDataValid( ) { return true; } /** * Returns the help topic */ const QString& helpTopic( ) { return m_helpTopic; } /** * Discards changes and redisplays the object */ void redisplay( ); /** * Called when the control point selection has changed */ virtual void updateControlPointSelection( ) { }; /** * Sets the check box to state s */ static void setCheckBox( QCheckBox* box, PMThreeState s ); /** * Gets the state of the checkbox */ static PMThreeState checkBoxState( QCheckBox* box ); /** * Sets the part */ void setPart( PMPart* p ) { m_pPart = p; } /** * Returns the part */ PMPart* part( ) const { return m_pPart; } /** * Returns the size of the texture preview widget */ static int previewSize( ) { return s_previewSize; } /** * Sets the texture preview size */ static void setPreviewSize( int size ); /** * Returns true if a sphere should be renderend */ static bool previewShowSphere( ) { return s_showSphere; } /** * Enable/disable the sphere in the texture preview widget */ static void previewShowSphere( bool show ) { s_showSphere = show; } /** * Returns true if a cylinder should be renderend */ static bool previewShowCylinder( ) { return s_showCylinder; } /** * Enable/disable the cylinder in the texture preview widget */ static void previewShowCylinder( bool show ) { s_showCylinder = show; } /** * Returns true if a box should be renderend */ static bool previewShowBox( ) { return s_showBox; } /** * Enable/disable the box in the texture preview widget */ static void previewShowBox( bool show ) { s_showBox = show; } /** * Returns true if AA is enabled */ static bool isPreviewAAEnabled( ) { return s_previewAA; } /** * Enables/disables AA */ static void setPreviewAAEnabled( bool enable ) { s_previewAA = enable; } /** * Returns the AA depth */ static int previewAADepth( ) { return s_previewAADepth; } /** * Sets the AA depth */ static void setPreviewAADepth( int d ); /** * Returns the AA threshold */ static double previewAAThreshold( ) { return s_previewAAThreshold; } /** * Sets the AA threshold */ static void setPreviewAAThreshold( double t ) { s_previewAAThreshold = t; } /** * Returns true if the floor should be rendered */ static bool previewShowFloor( ) { return s_showFloor; } /** * Enables/disables the floor */ static void previewShowFloor( bool show ) { s_showFloor = show; } /** * Returns true if the wall should be rendered */ static bool previewShowWall( ) { return s_showWall; } /** * Enables/disables the wall */ static void previewShowWall( bool show ) { s_showWall = show; } /** * Returns the first wall color */ static QColor previewWallColor1( ) { return s_wallColor1; } /** * Sets the first wall color */ static void setPreviewWallColor1( const QColor& c ) { s_wallColor1 = c; } /** * Returns the second wall color */ static QColor previewWallColor2( ) { return s_wallColor2; } /** * Sets the second wall color */ static void setPreviewWallColor2( const QColor& c ) { s_wallColor2 = c; } /** * Returns the first floor color */ static QColor previewFloorColor1( ) { return s_floorColor1; } /** * Sets the first floor color */ static void setPreviewFloorColor1( const QColor& c ) { s_floorColor1 = c; } /** * Returns the second floor color */ static QColor previewFloorColor2( ) { return s_floorColor2; } /** * Sets the second floor color */ static void setPreviewFloorColor2( const QColor& c ) { s_floorColor2 = c; } /** * Returns the local flag for texture preview */ static bool previewLocal( ) { return s_previewLocal; } /** * Sets the local flag */ static void setPreviewLocal( bool l ) { s_previewLocal = l; } /** * Returns the gamma value for the texture preview */ static double previewGamma( ) { return s_previewGamma; } /** * Sets the gamma value for the texture preview */ static void setPreviewGamma( double g ) { s_previewGamma = g; } static void saveConfig( KConfig* cfg ); static void restoreConfig( KConfig* cfg ); protected: /** * Sets the help topic * @param anchor Defined anchor in your docbook sources */ void setHelp( const QString& anchor ); /** * Create widgets here, that should be placed on top of the widgets * of the sub class. * * First call the function of the base class, then create and append * the widgets to the top layout. */ virtual void createTopWidgets( ) { }; /** * Create widgets here, that should be placed under the widgets * of the sub class. * * First create and append the widgets to the top layout, then * call the function of the base class */ virtual void createBottomWidgets( ); /** * Save here the class specific data and call saveContents( ) * of the base class */ virtual void saveContents( ); /** * Returns a pointer to the top layout */ QBoxLayout* topLayout( ) const { return m_pTopLayout; } protected slots: void slotTexturePreview( ); void slotPreviewLocal( bool on ); void slotPreviewFinished( int exitStatus ); void slotPovrayOutput( ); signals: /** * Emit this, if data has changed */ void dataChanged( ); /** * Emit this, if the size of the widget has changed */ void sizeChanged( ); /** * Emit this, if the control point selection has changed */ void controlPointSelectionChanged( ); /** * Emit this signal, before the displayed object or texture is rendered */ void aboutToRender( ); private: void findTextures( PMObject*& global, PMObject*& local ) const; PMObject* m_pDisplayedObject; QBoxLayout* m_pTopLayout; QString m_helpTopic; PMPart* m_pPart; QWidget* m_pTexturePreviewWidget; PMPovrayRenderWidget* m_pRenderWidget; PMPovrayOutputWidget* m_pOutputWidget; QVBox* m_pRenderFrame; QCheckBox* m_pPreviewLocalBox; QPushButton* m_pPreviewButton; QPushButton* m_pOutputButton; static int s_previewSize; static bool s_showSphere; static bool s_showCylinder; static bool s_showBox; static bool s_previewAA; static int s_previewAADepth; static double s_previewAAThreshold; static bool s_showFloor; static bool s_showWall; static QColor s_wallColor1, s_wallColor2; static QColor s_floorColor1, s_floorColor2; static bool s_previewLocal; static double s_previewGamma; }; #endif