/* This file is part of the KDE libraries Copyright (C) 2000 Max Judin Modified 2002 Andreas Zehender This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "pmdockwidget.h" #include "pmdockwidget_private.h" #include #include PMDockSplitter::PMDockSplitter(TQWidget *parent, const char *name, Qt::Orientation orient, int pos, bool highResolution) : TQWidget(parent, name) { divider = 0L; child0 = 0L; child1 = 0L; orientation = orient; mOpaqueResize = false; mKeepSize = false; mHighResolution = highResolution; setSeparatorPos( pos, false ); initialised = false; } void PMDockSplitter::activate(TQWidget *c0, TQWidget *c1) { if ( c0 ) child0 = c0; if ( c1 ) child1 = c1; setupMinMaxSize(); if (divider) delete divider; divider = new TQFrame(this, "pannerdivider"); divider->setFrameStyle(TQFrame::Panel | TQFrame::Raised); divider->setLineWidth(1); divider->raise(); if (orientation ==Qt::Horizontal) divider->setCursor(TQCursor(sizeVerCursor)); else divider->setCursor(TQCursor(sizeHorCursor)); divider->installEventFilter(this); initialised= true; updateName(); divider->show(); resizeEvent(0); } void PMDockSplitter::setupMinMaxSize() { // Set the minimum and maximum sizes int minx, maxx, miny, maxy; if (orientation ==Qt::Horizontal) { miny = child0->minimumSize().height() + child1->minimumSize().height()+4; maxy = child0->maximumSize().height() + child1->maximumSize().height()+4; minx = (child0->minimumSize().width() > child1->minimumSize().width()) ? child0->minimumSize().width() : child1->minimumSize().width(); maxx = (child0->maximumSize().width() > child1->maximumSize().width()) ? child0->maximumSize().width() : child1->maximumSize().width(); miny = (miny > 4) ? miny : 4; maxy = (maxy < 32000) ? maxy : 32000; minx = (minx > 2) ? minx : 2; maxx = (maxx < 32000) ? maxx : 32000; } else { minx = child0->minimumSize().width() + child1->minimumSize().width()+4; maxx = child0->maximumSize().width() + child1->maximumSize().width()+4; miny = (child0->minimumSize().height() > child1->minimumSize().height()) ? child0->minimumSize().height() : child1->minimumSize().height(); maxy = (child0->maximumSize().height() > child1->maximumSize().height()) ? child0->maximumSize().height() : child1->maximumSize().height(); minx = (minx > 4) ? minx : 4; maxx = (maxx < 32000) ? maxx : 32000; miny = (miny > 2) ? miny : 2; maxy = (maxy < 32000) ? maxy : 32000; } setMinimumSize(minx, miny); setMaximumSize(maxx, maxy); } void PMDockSplitter::deactivate() { if (divider) delete divider; divider = 0L; initialised= false; } void PMDockSplitter::setSeparatorPos(int pos, bool do_resize) { xpos = pos; if (do_resize) resizeEvent(0); } int PMDockSplitter::separatorPos() const { return xpos; } void PMDockSplitter::resizeEvent(TQResizeEvent *ev) { if (initialised){ int factor = (mHighResolution)? 10000:100; // real resize event, recalculate xpos if (ev && mKeepSize && isVisible()) { if (orientation ==Qt::Horizontal) { if (ev->oldSize().height() != ev->size().height()) xpos = factor * checkValue( child0->height()+1 ) / height(); } else { if (ev->oldSize().width() != ev->size().width()) xpos = factor * checkValue( child0->width()+1 ) / width(); } } int position = checkValue( (orientation ==Qt::Vertical ? width() : height()) * xpos/factor ); if (orientation ==Qt::Horizontal){ child0->setGeometry(0, 0, width(), position); child1->setGeometry(0, position+4, width(), height()-position-4); divider->setGeometry(0, position, width(), 4); } else { child0->setGeometry(0, 0, position, height()); child1->setGeometry(position+4, 0, width()-position-4, height()); divider->setGeometry(position, 0, 4, height()); } } } int PMDockSplitter::checkValue( int position ) const { if (initialised){ if (orientation ==Qt::Vertical){ if (position < (child0->minimumSize().width())) position = child0->minimumSize().width(); if ((width()-4-position) < (child1->minimumSize().width())) position = width() - (child1->minimumSize().width()) -4; } else { if (position < (child0->minimumSize().height())) position = (child0->minimumSize().height()); if ((height()-4-position) < (child1->minimumSize().height())) position = height() - (child1->minimumSize().height()) -4; } } if (position < 0) position = 0; if ((orientation ==Qt::Vertical) && (position > width())) position = width(); if ((orientation ==Qt::Horizontal) && (position > height())) position = height(); return position; } bool PMDockSplitter::eventFilter(TQObject *o, TQEvent *e) { TQMouseEvent *mev; bool handled = false; int factor = (mHighResolution)? 10000:100; switch (e->type()) { case TQEvent::MouseMove: mev= (TQMouseEvent*)e; child0->setUpdatesEnabled(mOpaqueResize); child1->setUpdatesEnabled(mOpaqueResize); if (orientation ==Qt::Horizontal) { if (!mOpaqueResize) { int position = checkValue( mapFromGlobal(mev->globalPos()).y() ); divider->move( 0, position ); } else { xpos = factor * checkValue( mapFromGlobal(mev->globalPos()).y() ) / height(); resizeEvent(0); divider->repaint(true); } } else { if (!mOpaqueResize) { int position = checkValue( mapFromGlobal(TQCursor::pos()).x() ); divider->move( position, 0 ); } else { xpos = factor * checkValue( mapFromGlobal( mev->globalPos()).x() ) / width(); resizeEvent(0); divider->repaint(true); } } handled= true; break; case TQEvent::MouseButtonRelease: child0->setUpdatesEnabled(true); child1->setUpdatesEnabled(true); mev= (TQMouseEvent*)e; if (orientation ==Qt::Horizontal){ xpos = factor* checkValue( mapFromGlobal(mev->globalPos()).y() ) / height(); resizeEvent(0); divider->repaint(true); } else { xpos = factor* checkValue( mapFromGlobal(mev->globalPos()).x() ) / width(); resizeEvent(0); divider->repaint(true); } handled= true; break; default: break; } return (handled) ? true : TQWidget::eventFilter( o, e ); } bool PMDockSplitter::event( TQEvent* e ) { if ( e->type() == TQEvent::LayoutHint ){ // change children min/max size setupMinMaxSize(); setSeparatorPos(xpos); } return TQWidget::event(e); } TQWidget* PMDockSplitter::getAnother( TQWidget* w ) const { return ( w == child0 ) ? child1 : child0; } void PMDockSplitter::updateName() { if ( !initialised ) return; TQString new_name = TQString( child0->name() ) + "," + child1->name(); parentWidget()->setName( new_name.latin1() ); parentWidget()->setCaption( child0->caption() + "," + child1->caption() ); parentWidget()->repaint( false ); ((PMDockWidget*)parentWidget())->firstName = child0->name(); ((PMDockWidget*)parentWidget())->lastName = child1->name(); ((PMDockWidget*)parentWidget())->splitterOrientation = orientation; TQWidget* p = parentWidget()->parentWidget(); if ( p != 0L && p->inherits("PMDockSplitter" ) ) ((PMDockSplitter*)p)->updateName(); } void PMDockSplitter::setOpaqueResize(bool b) { mOpaqueResize = b; } bool PMDockSplitter::opaqueResize() const { return mOpaqueResize; } void PMDockSplitter::setKeepSize(bool b) { mKeepSize = b; } bool PMDockSplitter::keepSize() const { return mKeepSize; } void PMDockSplitter::setHighResolution(bool b) { if (mHighResolution) { if (!b) xpos = xpos/100; } else { if (b) xpos = xpos*100; } mHighResolution = b; } bool PMDockSplitter::highResolution() const { return mHighResolution; } /*************************************************************************/ PMDockButton_Private::PMDockButton_Private( TQWidget *parent, const char * name ) :TQPushButton( parent, name ) { moveMouse = false; setFocusPolicy( TQWidget::NoFocus ); } PMDockButton_Private::~PMDockButton_Private() { } void PMDockButton_Private::drawButton( TQPainter* p ) { p->fillRect( 0,0, width(), height(), TQBrush(colorGroup().brush(TQColorGroup::Background)) ); p->drawPixmap( (width() - pixmap()->width()) / 2, (height() - pixmap()->height()) / 2, *pixmap() ); if ( moveMouse && !isDown() ){ p->setPen( white ); p->moveTo( 0, height() - 1 ); p->lineTo( 0, 0 ); p->lineTo( width() - 1, 0 ); p->setPen( colorGroup().dark() ); p->lineTo( width() - 1, height() - 1 ); p->lineTo( 0, height() - 1 ); } if ( isOn() || isDown() ){ p->setPen( colorGroup().dark() ); p->moveTo( 0, height() - 1 ); p->lineTo( 0, 0 ); p->lineTo( width() - 1, 0 ); p->setPen( white ); p->lineTo( width() - 1, height() - 1 ); p->lineTo( 0, height() - 1 ); } } void PMDockButton_Private::enterEvent( TQEvent * ) { moveMouse = true; repaint(); } void PMDockButton_Private::leaveEvent( TQEvent * ) { moveMouse = false; repaint(); } /*************************************************************************/ PMDockWidgetPrivate::PMDockWidgetPrivate() : TQObject() ,index(-1) ,splitPosInPercent(50) ,pendingFocusInEvent(false) ,blockHasUndockedSignal(false) { #ifndef NO_KDE2 windowType = NET::Normal; #endif _parent = 0L; transient = false; } PMDockWidgetPrivate::~PMDockWidgetPrivate() { } void PMDockWidgetPrivate::slotFocusEmbeddedWidget(TQWidget* w) { if (w) { TQWidget* embeddedWdg = ((PMDockWidget*)w)->getWidget(); if (embeddedWdg && ((embeddedWdg->focusPolicy() == TQWidget::ClickFocus) || (embeddedWdg->focusPolicy() == TQWidget::StrongFocus))) { embeddedWdg->setFocus(); } } } #ifndef NO_INCLUDE_MOCFILES // for TQt-only projects, because tmake doesn't take this name #include "pmdockwidget_private.moc" #endif