//-*-C++-*- /* ************************************************************************** description -------------------- copyright : (C) 2002 by Luis Carvalho email : lpassos@mail.telepac.pt ************************************************************************** ************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * **************************************************************************/ #ifndef PMFOG_H #define PMFOG_H #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include "pmtexturebase.h" #include "pmcolor.h" #include "pmvector.h" /** * Class for povray fogs */ class PMFog : public PMTextureBase { typedef PMTextureBase Base; public: /** * Creates an PMFog */ PMFog( PMPart* part ); /** * Copy constructor */ PMFog( const PMFog& f ); /** * Deletes the object */ virtual ~PMFog( ); /** */ virtual PMObject* copy( ) const { return new PMFog( *this ); } /** */ virtual QString description( ) const; /** */ virtual PMMetaObject* metaObject( ) const; /** */ virtual void cleanUp( ) const; /** */ virtual void serialize( QDomElement& e, QDomDocument& doc ) const; /** */ virtual void readAttributes( const PMXMLHelper& h ); /** * Returns a new @ref PMFogEdit */ virtual PMDialogEditBase* editWidget( QWidget* parent ) const; /** */ virtual QString pixmap( ) const { return QString( "pmfog" ); } /** */ virtual void restoreMemento( PMMemento* s ); int fogType( ) const { return m_fogType; } double distance( ) const { return m_distance; } PMColor color( ) const { return m_color; } bool isTurbulenceEnabled( ) const { return m_enableTurbulence; } PMVector valueVector( ) const { return m_valueVector; } int octaves( ) const { return m_octaves; } double omega( ) const { return m_omega; } double lambda( ) const { return m_lambda; } double depth( ) const { return m_depth; } double fogOffset( ) const { return m_fogOffset; } double fogAlt( ) const { return m_fogAlt; } PMVector up( ) const { return m_up; } void setFogType( int c ); void setDistance( double c ); void setColor( const PMColor& c ); void enableTurbulence( bool c ); void setValueVector( const PMVector& v ); void setOctaves( int c ); void setOmega( double c ); void setLambda( double c ); void setDepth( double c ); void setFogOffset( double c ); void setFogAlt( double c ); void setUp( const PMVector& v ); private: /** * IDs for @ref PMMementoData */ enum PMFogMementoID { PMFogTypeID, PMDistanceID, PMColorID, PMEnableTurbulenceID, PMValueVectorID, PMOctavesID, PMOmegaID, PMLambdaID, PMDepthID, PMFogOffsetID, PMFogAltID, PMUpID }; int m_fogType; double m_distance; PMColor m_color; bool m_enableTurbulence; PMVector m_valueVector; int m_octaves; double m_omega; double m_lambda; double m_depth; double m_fogOffset; double m_fogAlt; PMVector m_up; static PMMetaObject* s_pMetaObject; }; #endif