/* ************************************************************************** description -------------------- copyright : (C) 2003 by Andreas Zehender email : zehender@kde.org ************************************************************************** ************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * **************************************************************************/ #include "pmisosurfaceedit.h" #include "pmisosurface.h" #include "pmvectoredit.h" #include "pmlineedits.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include PMIsoSurfaceEdit::PMIsoSurfaceEdit( QWidget* parent, const char* name ) : Base( parent, name ) { m_pDisplayedObject = 0; } void PMIsoSurfaceEdit::createTopWidgets( ) { int i; QGridLayout* gl; QHBoxLayout* hl; Base::createTopWidgets( ); m_pFunction = new QLineEdit( this ); m_pContainedBy = new QComboBox( false, this ); m_pContainedBy->insertItem( i18n( "Box" ) ); m_pContainedBy->insertItem( i18n( "Sphere" ) ); m_pCorner1 = new PMVectorEdit( "x", "y", "z", this ); m_pCorner2 = new PMVectorEdit( "x", "y", "z", this ); m_pCenter = new PMVectorEdit( "x", "y", "z", this ); m_pRadius = new PMFloatEdit( this ); m_pCorner1Label = new QLabel( i18n( "Corner1:" ), this ); m_pCorner2Label = new QLabel( i18n( "Corner2:" ), this ); m_pCenterLabel = new QLabel( i18n( "Center:" ), this ); m_pRadiusLabel = new QLabel( i18n( "Radius:" ), this ); m_pThreshold = new PMFloatEdit( this ); m_pAccuracy = new PMFloatEdit( this ); m_pAccuracy->setValidation( true, 1e-8, false, 0 ); m_pMaxGradient = new PMFloatEdit( this ); m_pMaxGradient->setValidation( true, 1e-8, false, 0 ); m_pEvaluate = new QCheckBox( i18n( "Adapt maximum gradient" ), this ); for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) m_pEvaluateValue[i] = new PMFloatEdit( this ); m_pMaxTrace = new PMIntEdit( this ); m_pMaxTrace->setValidation( true, 1, false, 0 ); m_pAllIntersections = new QCheckBox( i18n( "All intersections" ), this ); m_pOpen = new QCheckBox( i18n( "type of the object", "Open" ), this ); gl = new QGridLayout( topLayout( ), 8, 2 ); gl->addWidget( new QLabel( i18n( "Function:" ), this ), 0, 0 ); gl->addWidget( m_pFunction, 0, 1 ); gl->addWidget( new QLabel( i18n( "Container:" ), this ), 1, 0 ); gl->addWidget( m_pContainedBy, 1, 1 ); gl->addWidget( m_pCorner1Label, 2, 0 ); gl->addWidget( m_pCorner1, 2, 1 ); gl->addWidget( m_pCorner2Label, 3, 0 ); gl->addWidget( m_pCorner2, 3, 1 ); gl->addWidget( m_pCenterLabel, 4, 0 ); gl->addWidget( m_pCenter, 4, 1 ); gl->addWidget( m_pRadiusLabel, 5, 0 ); gl->addWidget( m_pRadius, 5, 1 ); gl->addWidget( new QLabel( i18n( "Threshold:" ), this ), 6, 0 ); gl->addWidget( m_pThreshold, 6, 1 ); gl->addWidget( new QLabel( i18n( "Accuracy:" ), this ), 7, 0 ); gl->addWidget( m_pAccuracy, 7, 1 ); hl = new QHBoxLayout( topLayout( ) ); hl->addWidget( new QLabel( i18n( "Maximum gradient:" ), this ) ); hl->addWidget( m_pMaxGradient ); topLayout( )->addWidget( m_pEvaluate ); hl = new QHBoxLayout( topLayout( ) ); hl->addWidget( new QLabel( i18n( "Values:" ), this ) ); for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { hl->addWidget( new QLabel( QString( "P%1" ).arg( i ), this ) ); hl->addWidget( m_pEvaluateValue[i] ); } hl = new QHBoxLayout( topLayout( ) ); hl->addWidget( new QLabel( i18n( "Maximum traces:" ), this ) ); hl->addWidget( m_pMaxTrace ); topLayout( )->addWidget( m_pAllIntersections ); topLayout( )->addWidget( m_pOpen ); connect( m_pFunction, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString& ) ), SLOT( textChanged( const QString& ) ) ); connect( m_pContainedBy, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), SLOT( currentChanged( int ) ) ); connect( m_pCorner1, SIGNAL( dataChanged( ) ), SIGNAL( dataChanged( ) ) ); connect( m_pCorner2, SIGNAL( dataChanged( ) ), SIGNAL( dataChanged( ) ) ); connect( m_pCenter, SIGNAL( dataChanged( ) ), SIGNAL( dataChanged( ) ) ); connect( m_pRadius, SIGNAL( dataChanged( ) ), SIGNAL( dataChanged( ) ) ); connect( m_pThreshold, SIGNAL( dataChanged( ) ), SIGNAL( dataChanged( ) ) ); connect( m_pAccuracy, SIGNAL( dataChanged( ) ), SIGNAL( dataChanged( ) ) ); connect( m_pMaxGradient, SIGNAL( dataChanged( ) ), SIGNAL( dataChanged( ) ) ); connect( m_pEvaluate, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), SLOT( evaluateToggled( bool ) ) ); connect( m_pMaxTrace, SIGNAL( dataChanged( ) ), SIGNAL( dataChanged( ) ) ); for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) connect( m_pEvaluateValue[i], SIGNAL( dataChanged( ) ), SIGNAL( dataChanged( ) ) ); connect( m_pOpen, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), SLOT( toggled( bool ) ) ); connect( m_pAllIntersections, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), SLOT( allToggled( bool ) ) ); } void PMIsoSurfaceEdit::displayObject( PMObject* o ) { int i; if( o->isA( "IsoSurface" ) ) { bool readOnly = o->isReadOnly( ); m_pDisplayedObject = ( PMIsoSurface* ) o; m_pFunction->setText( m_pDisplayedObject->function( ) ); if( m_pDisplayedObject->containedBy( ) == PMIsoSurface::Box ) { m_pContainedBy->setCurrentItem( 0 ); m_pCorner1Label->show( ); m_pCorner2Label->show( ); m_pCorner1->show( ); m_pCorner2->show( ); m_pCenterLabel->hide( ); m_pCenter->hide( ); m_pRadiusLabel->hide( ); m_pRadius->hide( ); } else { m_pContainedBy->setCurrentItem( 1 ); m_pCorner1Label->hide( ); m_pCorner2Label->hide( ); m_pCorner1->hide( ); m_pCorner2->hide( ); m_pCenterLabel->show( ); m_pCenter->show( ); m_pRadiusLabel->show( ); m_pRadius->show( ); } m_pCorner1->setVector( m_pDisplayedObject->corner1( ) ); m_pCorner2->setVector( m_pDisplayedObject->corner2( ) ); m_pCenter->setVector( m_pDisplayedObject->center( ) ); m_pRadius->setValue( m_pDisplayedObject->radius( ) ); m_pThreshold->setValue( m_pDisplayedObject->threshold( ) ); m_pAccuracy->setValue( m_pDisplayedObject->accuracy( ) ); m_pMaxGradient->setValue( m_pDisplayedObject->maxGradient( ) ); bool ev = m_pDisplayedObject->evaluate( ); m_pEvaluate->setChecked( ev ); for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { m_pEvaluateValue[i]->setValue( m_pDisplayedObject->evaluateValue( i ) ); m_pEvaluateValue[i]->setEnabled( ev ); } m_pOpen->setChecked( m_pDisplayedObject->open( ) ); m_pMaxTrace->setValue( m_pDisplayedObject->maxTrace( ) ); bool all = m_pDisplayedObject->allIntersections( ); m_pAllIntersections->setChecked( all ); m_pMaxTrace->setEnabled( !all ); m_pFunction->setReadOnly( readOnly ); m_pContainedBy->setEnabled( !readOnly ); m_pCorner1->setReadOnly( readOnly ); m_pCorner2->setReadOnly( readOnly ); m_pCenter->setReadOnly( readOnly ); m_pRadius->setReadOnly( readOnly ); m_pThreshold->setReadOnly( readOnly ); m_pAccuracy->setReadOnly( readOnly ); m_pMaxGradient->setReadOnly( readOnly ); m_pEvaluate->setEnabled( !readOnly ); for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) m_pEvaluateValue[i]->setReadOnly( readOnly ); m_pOpen->setEnabled( !readOnly ); m_pMaxTrace->setReadOnly( readOnly ); m_pAllIntersections->setEnabled( !readOnly ); Base::displayObject( o ); } else kdError( PMArea ) << "PMIsoSurfaceEdit: Can't display object\n"; } void PMIsoSurfaceEdit::saveContents( ) { int i; if( m_pDisplayedObject ) { Base::saveContents( ); m_pDisplayedObject->setFunction( m_pFunction->text( ) ); if( m_pContainedBy->currentItem( ) == 0 ) { m_pDisplayedObject->setContainedBy( PMIsoSurface::Box ); m_pDisplayedObject->setCorner1( m_pCorner1->vector( ) ); m_pDisplayedObject->setCorner2( m_pCorner2->vector( ) ); } else { m_pDisplayedObject->setContainedBy( PMIsoSurface::Sphere ); m_pDisplayedObject->setCenter( m_pCenter->vector( ) ); m_pDisplayedObject->setRadius( m_pRadius->value( ) ); } m_pDisplayedObject->setThreshold( m_pThreshold->value( ) ); m_pDisplayedObject->setAccuracy( m_pAccuracy->value( ) ); m_pDisplayedObject->setMaxGradient( m_pMaxGradient->value( ) ); m_pDisplayedObject->setEvaluate( m_pEvaluate->isChecked( ) ); if( m_pEvaluate->isChecked( ) ) for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) m_pDisplayedObject->setEvaluateValue( i, m_pEvaluateValue[i]->value( ) ); m_pDisplayedObject->setOpen( m_pOpen->isChecked( ) ); m_pDisplayedObject->setAllIntersections( m_pAllIntersections->isChecked( ) ); if( !m_pAllIntersections->isChecked( ) ) m_pDisplayedObject->setMaxTrace( m_pMaxTrace->value( ) ); } } bool PMIsoSurfaceEdit::isDataValid( ) { int i; if( m_pContainedBy->currentItem( ) == 0 ) { if( !m_pCorner1->isDataValid( ) ) return false; if( !m_pCorner2->isDataValid( ) ) return false; } else { if( !m_pCenter->isDataValid( ) ) return false; if( !m_pRadius->isDataValid( ) ) return false; } if( !m_pThreshold->isDataValid( ) ) return false; if( !m_pAccuracy->isDataValid( ) ) return false; if( !m_pMaxGradient->isDataValid( ) ) return false; if( m_pEvaluate->isChecked( ) ) for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) if( !m_pEvaluateValue[i]->isDataValid( ) ) return false; if( !m_pAllIntersections->isChecked( ) && !m_pMaxTrace->isDataValid( ) ) return false; return Base::isDataValid( ); } void PMIsoSurfaceEdit::textChanged( const QString& ) { emit dataChanged( ); } void PMIsoSurfaceEdit::currentChanged( int i ) { if( i == 0 ) { m_pCorner1Label->show( ); m_pCorner2Label->show( ); m_pCorner1->show( ); m_pCorner2->show( ); m_pCenterLabel->hide( ); m_pCenter->hide( ); m_pRadiusLabel->hide( ); m_pRadius->hide( ); } else { m_pCorner1Label->hide( ); m_pCorner2Label->hide( ); m_pCorner1->hide( ); m_pCorner2->hide( ); m_pCenterLabel->show( ); m_pCenter->show( ); m_pRadiusLabel->show( ); m_pRadius->show( ); } emit dataChanged( ); } void PMIsoSurfaceEdit::evaluateToggled( bool yes ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) m_pEvaluateValue[i]->setEnabled( yes ); emit dataChanged( ); } void PMIsoSurfaceEdit::allToggled( bool yes ) { m_pMaxTrace->setEnabled( !yes ); emit dataChanged( ); } void PMIsoSurfaceEdit::toggled( bool ) { emit dataChanged( ); } #include "pmisosurfaceedit.moc"