    copyright            : (C) 2000-2001 by Andreas Zehender
    email                : zehender@kde.org

*                                                                        *
*  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
*  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
*  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
*  (at your option) any later version.                                   *
*                                                                        *

#ifndef PMMATRIX_H
#define PMMATRIX_H

#include <config.h>

#include "pmmath.h"
#include "math.h"

#include <tqstring.h>

#include <GL/gl.h>

class PMVector;

 * 4x4 matrix for transformations with homogenous coordinates
 * Optimized for OpenGL.
class PMMatrix
    * Creates a zero matrix
   PMMatrix( );
    * Deletes the matrix
   ~PMMatrix( );
    * Assigns m to the matrix
   PMMatrix& operator= ( const PMMatrix& m );
    * Creates an identity matrix
   static PMMatrix identity( );
    * Creates a matrix for translation.
   static PMMatrix translation( double x, double y, double z );
    * Creates a matrix for rotations. Rotation first around the x, then y
    * and then around the z axis.
    * x, y and z in rad
   static PMMatrix rotation( double x, double y, double z );
    * Creates a matrix for rotation around the direction n with angle a.
    * a in rad.
   static PMMatrix rotation( const PMVector& n, double a );
    * Creates a viewing matrix.
    * The viewpoint is specified by the parameter eye. The parameter
    * lookAt specifies any point along the line of sight. The up vector
    * indicate which direction is up.
   static PMMatrix viewTransformation( const PMVector& eye,
                                       const PMVector& lookAt,
                                       const PMVector& up );
    * Backwards calculate the rotations from the matrix
   void toRotation( double* x, double* y, double* z );
    * Creates a matrix for scale.
   static PMMatrix scale( double x, double y, double z );
    * Returns the current gl modelview matrix
   static PMMatrix modelviewMatrix( );
    * Returns a pointer to the column (!) at position index.
    * That means matrix[i][j] is the element at column i and row j*/
   GLdouble* operator[] ( int index ) { return &( m_elements[index*4] ); }
    * Returns a pointer to the column (!) at position index.
    * That means matrix[i][j] is the element at column i and row j*/
   const GLdouble* operator[] ( int index ) const
      { return &(m_elements[index*4]); }
    * Returns true if an inverse matrix can be calculated
   bool canBuildInverse( ) const { return ! approxZero( det( ) ); }
    * Returns the inverse matrix if possible, otherwise a identity matrix
   PMMatrix inverse( ) const;
    * Returns the determinant of the matrix
   double det( ) const;
    * Multiplies m to the matrix from the right side
   PMMatrix& operator*= ( const PMMatrix& m );
    * Multiplies each element with d
   PMMatrix& operator*= ( const double d );
    * Divides each element by d
   PMMatrix& operator/= ( const double d );

    * Returns a matrix with negated elements
   friend PMMatrix operator- ( const PMMatrix& m );
    * Multiplies m2 with m1 from the right side (m1*m2)*/
   friend PMMatrix operator* ( const PMMatrix& m1, const PMMatrix& m2 );
    * Multiplies d to all elements
   friend PMMatrix operator* ( const PMMatrix& m, const double d );
    * Multiplies d to all elements
   friend PMMatrix operator* ( const GLdouble d, const PMMatrix& m );
    * Divides all elements by d
   friend PMMatrix operator/ ( const PMMatrix& m, const double d );

    * Only for tests
   void testOutput( );
    * Returns a pointer to the data. Can be used in glMultMatrixd
   const GLdouble* data( ) const { return m_elements; }
    * Returns a string for xml output
   TQString serializeXML( ) const;
    * loads the vector data from the xml string
   bool loadXML( const TQString& str );
    * Exchanges two rows
   void exchangeRows( int r1, int r2 );
    * Finds a row with not zero element in column index. Begins to
    * search in row at position index. Used for det() and inverse()
    * Returns -1 if all rows are zero in that column
   int notNullElementRow( const int index ) const;
   GLdouble m_elements[16];
