/* Copyright (C) 2001-2003 KSVG Team This file is part of the KDE project This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #define USE_VALGRIND 0 #if USE_VALGRIND #include #endif #include "SVGEvent.h" #include "SVGMatrixImpl.h" #include "SVGWindowImpl.h" #include "SVGElementImpl.h" #include "SVGDocumentImpl.moc" #include "SVGSVGElementImpl.h" #include "SVGImageElementImpl.h" #include "SVGScriptElementImpl.h" #include "SVGTitleElementImpl.h" #include "SVGAnimationElementImpl.h" #include "KSVGReader.h" #include "KSVGLoader.h" #include "KSVGCanvas.h" #include "CanvasItem.h" #include using namespace KSVG; #include "SVGDocumentImpl.lut.h" #include "ksvg_scriptinterpreter.h" #include "ksvg_bridge.h" #include "ksvg_ecma.h" // A sequence of prime numbers that sets the m_elemDict's hash table size as the // number of elements in the dictionary passes each level. This keeps the lookup // performance high as the number of elements grows. See the QDict documentation. unsigned int SVGDocumentImpl::elemDictHashSizes [] = { 101, 211, 401, 809, 1601, 3203, 6421, 12809, 25601, 51203, 102407, 204803, 409609, 819229 }; const int SVGDocumentImpl::numElemDictHashSizes = sizeof(elemDictHashSizes) / sizeof(elemDictHashSizes[0]); SVGDocumentImpl::SVGDocumentImpl(bool anim, bool fit, SVGImageElementImpl *parentImage) : QObject(), DOM::DomShared(), DOM::Document(), SVGDOMNodeBridge(static_cast(*this)) { m_animations = anim; m_reader = 0; m_loader = 0; m_canvas = 0; m_rootElement = 0; m_lastTarget = 0; m_window = 0; m_elemDictHashSizeIndex = 0; m_elemDict.resize(elemDictHashSizes[m_elemDictHashSizeIndex]); m_timeScheduler = new SVGTimeScheduler(this); m_ecmaEngine = new KSVGEcma(this); m_ecmaEngine->setup(); m_finishedParsing = false; m_finishedLoading = false; m_resortZIndicesOnFinishedLoading = false; m_fit = fit; m_parentImage = parentImage; if(m_parentImage) m_parentImage->ref(); } SVGDocumentImpl::~SVGDocumentImpl() { if(rootElement() && rootElement()->hasEventListener(SVGEvent::UNLOAD_EVENT, true)) rootElement()->dispatchEvent(SVGEvent::UNLOAD_EVENT, false, false); QPtrList killList; DOM::Node node = firstChild(); for(; !node.isNull(); node = node.nextSibling()) { SVGShapeImpl *shape = dynamic_cast(getElementFromHandle(node.handle())); if(shape) killList.append(shape); } SVGShapeImpl *rend = 0; for(rend = killList.first(); rend; rend = killList.next()) delete rend; delete m_timeScheduler; delete m_ecmaEngine; delete m_reader; delete m_loader; if(m_window) m_window->deref(); if(m_parentImage) m_parentImage->deref(); } SVGWindowImpl *SVGDocumentImpl::window() { if(!m_window) { m_window = new SVGWindowImpl(const_cast(this)); m_window->ref(); } return m_window; } float SVGDocumentImpl::screenPixelsPerMillimeterX() const { if(canvas() && canvas()->drawWindow()) { QPaintDeviceMetrics metrics(canvas()->drawWindow()); return float(metrics.width()) / float(metrics.widthMM()); } else return 90.0; } float SVGDocumentImpl::screenPixelsPerMillimeterY() const { if(canvas() && canvas()->drawWindow()) { QPaintDeviceMetrics metrics(canvas()->drawWindow()); return float(metrics.height()) / float(metrics.heightMM()); } else return 90.0; } DOM::DOMString SVGDocumentImpl::title() const { DOM::Node n; for(n = rootElement()->firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling()) { SVGElementImpl *elem = getElementFromHandle(n.handle()); if(dynamic_cast(elem)) return elem->collectText(); } return ""; } DOM::DOMString SVGDocumentImpl::referrer() const { return m_referrer; } DOM::DOMString SVGDocumentImpl::domain() const { return m_baseURL.host(); } DOM::DOMString SVGDocumentImpl::URL() const { return m_baseURL.prettyURL(); } void SVGDocumentImpl::setReferrer(const DOM::DOMString &referrer) { // TODO : better may be to request for referrer instead of storing it m_referrer = referrer; } void SVGDocumentImpl::setRootElement(SVGSVGElementImpl *elem) { m_rootElement = elem; } SVGSVGElementImpl *SVGDocumentImpl::rootElement() const { return m_rootElement; } SVGElementImpl *SVGDocumentImpl::createElement(const DOM::DOMString &name, DOM::Element impl, SVGDocumentImpl *doc) { DOM::ElementImpl *handle = reinterpret_cast(impl.handle()); SVGElementImpl *element = SVGElementImpl::Factory::self()->create(std::string(name.string().latin1()), handle); if(!element) element = new SVGElementImpl(handle); element->setOwnerDoc(doc); element->ref(); return element; } bool SVGDocumentImpl::open(const ::KURL &url) { if(!url.prettyURL().isEmpty()) { m_baseURL = url; if(!m_loader) m_loader = new KSVGLoader(); connect(m_loader, SIGNAL(gotResult(QIODevice *)), this, SLOT(slotSVGContent(QIODevice *))); m_loader->getSVGContent(url); } else return false; return true; } void SVGDocumentImpl::slotSVGContent(QIODevice *dev) { QXmlInputSource *inputSource = new QXmlInputSource(dev); if(m_reader) delete m_reader; KSVGReader::ParsingArgs args; args.fit = m_fit; args.getURLMode = false; QString url = m_baseURL.prettyURL(); int pos = url.find('#'); // url can become like this.svg#svgView(viewBox(63,226,74,74)), get part after '#' if(pos > -1) args.SVGFragmentId = url.mid(pos + 1); m_reader = new KSVGReader(this, m_canvas, args); connect(m_reader, SIGNAL(finished(bool, const QString &)), this, SLOT(slotFinishedParsing(bool, const QString &))); m_t.start(); #if USE_VALGRIND CALLTREE_ZERO_STATS(); #endif m_reader->parse(inputSource); delete dev; } void SVGDocumentImpl::parseSVG(QXmlInputSource *inputSource, bool getURLMode) { if(m_reader) delete m_reader; KSVGReader::ParsingArgs args; args.fit = m_fit; args.getURLMode = getURLMode; m_reader = new KSVGReader(this, 0, args); connect(m_reader, SIGNAL(finished(bool, const QString &)), this, SLOT(slotFinishedParsing(bool, const QString &))); #if USE_VALGRIND CALLTREE_ZERO_STATS(); #endif m_reader->parse(inputSource); } void SVGDocumentImpl::finishParsing(bool error, const QString &errorDesc) { if(m_reader) m_reader->finishParsing(error, errorDesc); } void SVGDocumentImpl::slotFinishedParsing(bool error, const QString &errorDesc) { kdDebug(26000) << k_funcinfo << "total time : " << m_t.elapsed() << endl; #if USE_VALGRIND CALLTREE_DUMP_STATS(); #endif if(m_animations) m_timeScheduler->startAnimations(); if(m_canvas && !error && rootElement()) executeScripts(); m_finishedParsing = true; emit finishedParsing(error, errorDesc); if(!error) emit finishedRendering(); checkFinishedLoading(); } void SVGDocumentImpl::newImageJob(SVGImageElementImpl *image) { kdDebug(26002) << "SVGDocumentImpl::newImageJob, " << image << endl; m_loader->newImageJob(image, m_baseURL); } void SVGDocumentImpl::notifyImageLoading(SVGImageElementImpl *image) { m_imagesLoading.append(image); } void SVGDocumentImpl::notifyImageLoaded(SVGImageElementImpl *image) { m_imagesLoading.remove(image); if(m_imagesLoading.isEmpty()) checkFinishedLoading(); } void SVGDocumentImpl::checkFinishedLoading() { if(m_finishedParsing && m_imagesLoading.isEmpty()) { m_finishedLoading = true; if(m_resortZIndicesOnFinishedLoading) { // Only resort if we're the 'outermost' document, i.e. we're not an svg image // inside another document. We could resort as each image finishes loading, but it // slows down the parsing phase. if(m_parentImage == 0 && m_canvas && m_rootElement) { m_canvas->setElementItemZIndexRecursive(m_rootElement, 0); m_canvas->update(); } } emit finishedLoading(); } } void SVGDocumentImpl::addForwardReferencingUseElement(SVGUseElementImpl *use) { if(!m_forwardReferencingUseElements.contains(use)) m_forwardReferencingUseElements.append(use); } void SVGDocumentImpl::slotPaint() { rerender(); } void SVGDocumentImpl::rerender() { m_canvas->update(); emit finishedRendering(); } void SVGDocumentImpl::attach(KSVG::KSVGCanvas *c) { m_canvas = c; } void SVGDocumentImpl::detach() { m_canvas = 0; } KSVG::KSVGCanvas *SVGDocumentImpl::canvas() const { return m_canvas; } void SVGDocumentImpl::syncCachedMatrices() { if(rootElement()) { SVGMatrixImpl *parentMatrix = SVGSVGElementImpl::createSVGMatrix(); rootElement()->checkCachedScreenCTM(parentMatrix); parentMatrix->deref(); } } void SVGDocumentImpl::executeScriptsRecursive(DOM::Node start) { DOM::Node node = start.firstChild(); for(; !node.isNull(); node = node.nextSibling()) { SVGElementImpl *element = getElementFromHandle(node.handle()); SVGContainerImpl *container = dynamic_cast(element); if(container) executeScriptsRecursive(node); SVGScriptElementImpl *script = dynamic_cast(element); if(script) script->executeScript(DOM::Node()); } } bool SVGDocumentImpl::executeScriptsRecursiveCheck(DOM::Node start) { bool test = true; DOM::Node node = start.firstChild(); for(; !node.isNull(); node = node.nextSibling()) { SVGElementImpl *element = getElementFromHandle(node.handle()); SVGContainerImpl *container = dynamic_cast(element); if(container) { if(!executeScriptsRecursiveCheck(node)) return false; } SVGScriptElementImpl *script = dynamic_cast(element); if(script) { if(!script->canExecuteScript()) { test = false; break; } } } return test; } void SVGDocumentImpl::executeScripts() { bool test = executeScriptsRecursiveCheck(*rootElement()); if(!test) QTimer::singleShot(50, this, SLOT(executeScripts())); else { executeScriptsRecursive(*rootElement()); // mop: only rerender if an loadevent has been found if(dispatchRecursiveEvent(SVGEvent::LOAD_EVENT, lastChild())) m_canvas->update(); } } // Dispatches a non-cancelable, non-bubbles event to every child bool SVGDocumentImpl::dispatchRecursiveEvent(SVGEvent::EventId id, DOM::Node start) { bool eventExecuted = false; // Iterate the tree, backwards, and dispatch the event to every child DOM::Node node = start; for(; !node.isNull(); node = node.previousSibling()) { SVGElementImpl *element = getElementFromHandle(node.handle()); if(element && element->hasChildNodes()) { // Dispatch to all children eventExecuted = dispatchRecursiveEvent(id, element->lastChild()) ? true : eventExecuted; // Dispatch, locally if(element->hasEventListener(id, true)) { element->dispatchEvent(id, false, false); eventExecuted = true; } } else if(element && element->hasEventListener(id, true)) { element->dispatchEvent(id, false, false); eventExecuted = true; } } return eventExecuted; } SVGEventListener *SVGDocumentImpl::createEventListener(DOM::DOMString type) { return m_ecmaEngine->createEventListener(type); } SVGElementImpl *SVGDocumentImpl::recursiveSearch(DOM::Node start, const DOM::DOMString &id) { DOM::Node node = start.firstChild(); for(; !node.isNull(); node = node.nextSibling()) { SVGElementImpl *test = getElementFromHandle(node.handle()); // Look in containers SVGContainerImpl *container = dynamic_cast(test); if(container) { SVGElementImpl *found = recursiveSearch(node, id); if(found) return found; } // Look in SVGSVGElementImpl's SVGSVGElementImpl *svgtest = dynamic_cast(test); if(svgtest) { SVGElementImpl *element = svgtest->getElementById(id); if(element) return element; } } return 0; } /* @namespace KSVG @begin SVGDocumentImpl::s_hashTable 9 title SVGDocumentImpl::Title DontDelete|ReadOnly referrer SVGDocumentImpl::Referrer DontDelete|ReadOnly domain SVGDocumentImpl::Domain DontDelete|ReadOnly URL SVGDocumentImpl::Url DontDelete|ReadOnly doctype SVGDocumentImpl::DocType DontDelete|ReadOnly implementation SVGDocumentImpl::Implementation DontDelete|ReadOnly rootElement SVGDocumentImpl::RootElement DontDelete|ReadOnly documentElement SVGDocumentImpl::DocumentElement DontDelete|ReadOnly @end @namespace KSVG @begin SVGDocumentImplProto::s_hashTable 7 createTextNode SVGDocumentImpl::CreateTextNode DontDelete|Function 1 createElement SVGDocumentImpl::CreateElement DontDelete|Function 1 createElementNS SVGDocumentImpl::CreateElementNS DontDelete|Function 2 getElementById SVGDocumentImpl::GetElementById DontDelete|Function 1 getElementsByTagName SVGDocumentImpl::GetElementsByTagName DontDelete|Function 1 getElementsByTagNameNS SVGDocumentImpl::GetElementsByTagNameNS DontDelete|Function 2 @end */ KSVG_IMPLEMENT_PROTOTYPE("SVGDocument", SVGDocumentImplProto, SVGDocumentImplProtoFunc) Value SVGDocumentImpl::getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const { switch(token) { case Title: return String(title().string()); case Referrer: return String(referrer().string()); case Domain: return String(domain().string()); case Url: return String(URL().string()); case DocType: return getDOMNode(exec, doctype()); case Implementation: return (new SVGDOMDOMImplementationBridge(implementation()))->cache(exec); case RootElement: case DocumentElement: return m_rootElement->cache(exec); default: kdWarning() << "Unhandled token in " << k_funcinfo << " : " << token << endl; return Undefined(); } } Value SVGDocumentImplProtoFunc::call(ExecState *exec, Object &thisObj, const List &args) { KSVG_CHECK_THIS(SVGDocumentImpl) switch(id) { case SVGDocumentImpl::CreateTextNode: return getDOMNode(exec, obj->createTextNode(args[0].toString(exec).string())); case SVGDocumentImpl::CreateElement: case SVGDocumentImpl::CreateElementNS: { SVGElementImpl *newElement = 0; if(id == SVGDocumentImpl::CreateElement) newElement = obj->createElement(args[0].toString(exec).qstring(), static_cast(obj)->createElement(args[0].toString(exec).string()), obj); else if(id == SVGDocumentImpl::CreateElementNS) newElement = obj->createElement(args[1].toString(exec).qstring(), static_cast(obj)->createElementNS(args[0].toString(exec).string(), args[1].toString(exec).string()), obj); newElement->setOwnerSVGElement(obj->rootElement()); // FIXME: Correct in all situations? newElement->setViewportElement(obj->rootElement()); newElement->setAttributes(); return getDOMNode(exec, *newElement); } case SVGDocumentImpl::GetElementById: { Value ret; SVGElementImpl *element = obj->rootElement()->getElementById(args[0].toString(exec).string()); if(element) ret = getDOMNode(exec, *element); else { element = obj->recursiveSearch(*obj, args[0].toString(exec).string()); if(!element) return Null(); ret = getDOMNode(exec, *element); } return ret; } case SVGDocumentImpl::GetElementsByTagName: return (new SVGDOMNodeListBridge(obj->getElementsByTagName(args[0].toString(exec).string())))->cache(exec); case SVGDocumentImpl::GetElementsByTagNameNS: return (new SVGDOMNodeListBridge(obj->getElementsByTagNameNS(args[0].toString(exec).string(), args[1].toString(exec).string())))->cache(exec); default: break; } return KJS::Undefined(); } SVGElementImpl *SVGDocumentImpl::getElementFromHandle(DOM::NodeImpl *handle) const { return m_elemDict[handle]; } void SVGDocumentImpl::addToElemDict(DOM::NodeImpl *handle, SVGElementImpl *obj) { m_elemDict.insert(handle, obj); if(m_elemDict.count()>m_elemDict.size() && m_elemDictHashSizeIndexgetElementById(elementId); if(element) return element; } // #2 Search in all child SVGSVGElementImpl's element = recursiveSearch(*this, elementId); if(element) return element; // #3 Search in other documents if(!dontSearch) { QPtrDictIterator it(m_documentDict); for(; it.current(); ++it) { SVGElementImpl *temp = it.current()->getElementByIdRecursive(0, elementId, true); if(temp) return temp; } } return element; } // vim:ts=4:noet