Testsuite-Check ----------------- - = none working o = half working x = fully working c = crashed p = could not check e = crash on destruction http://www.zvon.org/HowTo/Output/category_SVG.html Group 1: [Animation] animation-add-BE-09.svg: - animation-extRef-BE-13.svg: - animation-href-BE-02.svg: - animation-inherit-BE-10.svg: - animation-motion-BE-11.svg: - animation-motion-BE-12.svg: - animation-overall-BE-01.svg: - animation-targAtt-BE-04.svg: - animation-targElt-BE-03.svg: - animation-timing-BE-05.svg: - animation-values-BE-06.svg: - animation-values-BE-07.svg: - animation-values-BE-08.svg: - Group 2: [Color] - 21.09.2003 color-colorProf-BE-03.svg: x color-datatypes-BE-01.svg: x color-property-BE-02.svg: x Group 3: [Coordinates] - 21.09.2003 coords-transforms-BE-02.svg: x coords-units-BE-01.svg: x coords-unitsProc-BE-04.svg: x coords-unitsProc-BE-05.svg: x coords-viewBox-BE-03.svg: x Group 4: [DOM] - 21.09.2003 dom-core-BE-01.svg: x dom-eventListener-BE-04.svg: x dom-featureString-BE-03.svg: x dom-svg-BE-02.svg: x Group 5: [Extending SVG] - 21.09.2003 extend-multiNS-BE-01.svg: x Group 6: [Filters] TODO Group 7: [Fonts] - 21.09.2003 fonts-fontElement-BE-01.svg: o FONTS SUPPORT MISSING Group 8: [Gradient Patterns] - 21.09.2003 gradPatt-linearGr-BE-01.svg: x gradPatt-linearGr-BE-02.svg: x gradPatt-linearGr-BE-03.svg: x gradPatt-pattern-BE-07.svg: x gradPatt-radialGr-BE-04.svg: x gradPatt-radialGr-BE-05.svg: x gradPatt-referenc-BE-08.svg: x gradPatt-stop-BE-06.svg: x gradPatt-stop-BE-10.svg: x gradPatt-transfrm-BE-09.svg: x Group 9: [Interactive] - 21.09.2003 interact-onload-BE-07.svg: x interact-bubble-BE-04.svg: o interact-cursor-BE-08.svg: o CSS interact-pEvents-BE-05.svg: x interact-pEvents-BE-06.svg: x interact-zoomPan-BE-01.svg: x interact-zoomPan-BE-02.svg: x Group 10: [Linking] - 21.09.2003 linking-inBound-BE-03.svg x linking-outBound-BE-01.svg o linking-view-BE-04.svg o linking-view-BE-05.svg o linking-xlinkAttr-BE-02.svg x Group 11: [Masking] - 21.09.2003 tqmasking-clipPath-BE-01.svg: x tqmasking-clipPath-BE-02.svg: x tqmasking-clipPath-BE-08.svg: x tqmasking-clipRule-BE-03.svg: x tqmasking-groupOpac-BE-04.svg: x tqmasking-tqmask-BE-05.svg: x tqmasking-tqmask-BE-06.svg: x tqmasking-property-BE-07.svg: x tqmasking-vportClip-BE-09.svg: x Group 12: [Metadata] - 21.09.2003 metadata-sample-BE-01.svg: x PLANE REFERENCE IMAGE LOOKS WRONG - WE MATCH BATIK'S OUTPUT Group 13: [Misc] - 21.09.2003 Group 14: [Paint] - 21.09.2003 paint-colIntProp-BE-05.svg: x paint-fill-BE-01.svg: x paint-inherit-BE-06.svg: x paint-markers-BE-03.svg: x paint-markers-BE-04.svg: x paint-stroke-BE-02.svg: x Group 15: [Paths] - 21.09.2003 path-curves-BE-02.svg: x path-curves-BE-03.svg: x path-curves-BE-04.svg: x path-lines-BE-01.svg: x Group 16: [Rendering] - 21.09.2003 rendering-orderGr-BE-01.svg: x rendering-tqshape-BE-03.svg: x rendering-text-BE-02.svg: x Group 17: [Script] - 21.09.2003 script-eventDom-BE-01.svg: x script-uiEvents-BE-02.svg: x Group 18: [Shapes] - 21.09.2003 tqshapes-circle-BE-03.svg: x tqshapes-ellipse-BE-02.svg: x tqshapes-line-BE-04.svg: x tqshapes-polygon-BE-05.svg: x tqshapes-polyline-BE-06.svg: x tqshapes-rect-BE-01.svg: x Group 19: [Structure] - 21.09.2003 structure-allElem-BE-09.svg: x structure-basicG-BE-03.svg: x structure-empty-BE-01.svg: x structure-defs-BE-04.svg: x structure-extRef-BE-10.svg: o CSS SUPPORT MISSING structure-image-BE-06.svg: x structure-imggamma-BE-11.svg: x structure-lang-BE-08.svg: x structure-nested-BE-02.svg: x structure-switch-BE-07.svg: x structure-symbol-BE-05.svg: x Group 20: [Style] - 21.09.2003 style-selector-BE-01.svg: o style-selector-BE-02.svg: o style-selector-BE-03.svg: o Group 21: [Text] - 29.09.2003 text-tqalignment-BE-10.svg: x text-tqalignment-BE-11.svg: x text-altGlyph-BE-07.svg: o FONTS SUPPORT MISSING text-decoration-BE-12.svg: x text-extTref-BE-18.svg: x text-font-BE-15.svg: x text-font-BE-16.svg: x text-i18n-BE-09.svg: x text-selection-BE-13.svg: o SELECTION NOT DONE YET text-spacing-BE-14.svg: x text-textAnchor-BE-05.svg: x BROKEN BECAUSE OF TEXT ON PATH text-text-BE-01.svg: x text-textLength-BE-17.svg: x text-textOnPath-BE-03.svg: x IN GENERAL TEXTPATH GLYPHS CAN BE BETTER ALIGNED text-tref-BE-04.svg: x text-tspan-BE-02.svg: x text-whiteSpace-BE-06.svg: x Group 22: [Transformations] TODO