//C- ------------------------------------------------------------------- //C- DjVuLibre-3.5 //C- Copyright (c) 2002 Leon Bottou and Yann Le Cun. //C- Copyright (c) 2001 AT&T //C- //C- This software is subject to, and may be distributed under, the //C- GNU General Public License, Version 2. The license should have //C- accompanied the software or you may obtain a copy of the license //C- from the Free Software Foundation at http://www.fsf.org . //C- //C- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //C- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //C- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the //C- GNU General Public License for more details. //C- //C- DjVuLibre-3.5 is derived from the DjVu(r) Reference Library //C- distributed by Lizardtech Software. On July 19th 2002, Lizardtech //C- Software authorized us to replace the original DjVu(r) Reference //C- Library notice by the following text (see doc/lizard2002.djvu): //C- //C- ------------------------------------------------------------------ //C- | DjVu (r) Reference Library (v. 3.5) //C- | Copyright (c) 1999-2001 LizardTech, Inc. All Rights Reserved. //C- | The DjVu Reference Library is protected by U.S. Pat. No. //C- | 6,058,214 and patents pending. //C- | //C- | This software is subject to, and may be distributed under, the //C- | GNU General Public License, Version 2. The license should have //C- | accompanied the software or you may obtain a copy of the license //C- | from the Free Software Foundation at http://www.fsf.org . //C- | //C- | The computer code originally released by LizardTech under this //C- | license and unmodified by other parties is deemed "the LIZARDTECH //C- | ORIGINAL CODE." Subject to any third party intellectual property //C- | claims, LizardTech grants recipient a worldwide, royalty-free, //C- | non-exclusive license to make, use, sell, or otherwise dispose of //C- | the LIZARDTECH ORIGINAL CODE or of programs derived from the //C- | LIZARDTECH ORIGINAL CODE in compliance with the terms of the GNU //C- | General Public License. This grant only confers the right to //C- | infringe patent claims underlying the LIZARDTECH ORIGINAL CODE to //C- | the extent such infringement is reasonably necessary to enable //C- | recipient to make, have made, practice, sell, or otherwise dispose //C- | of the LIZARDTECH ORIGINAL CODE (or portions thereof) and not to //C- | any greater extent that may be necessary to utilize further //C- | modifications or combinations. //C- | //C- | The LIZARDTECH ORIGINAL CODE is provided "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY //C- | OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED //C- | TO ANY WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, OR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF //C- | MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. //C- +------------------------------------------------------------------ // // $Id: JB2Image.cpp,v 1.10 2004/04/17 23:56:11 leonb Exp $ // $Name: release_3_5_15 $ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #if NEED_GNUG_PRAGMAS # pragma implementation #endif // From: Leon Bottou, 1/31/2002 // Lizardtech has split the corresponding cpp file into a decoder and an encoder. // Only superficial changes. The meat is mine. #include "JB2Image.h" #include "GThreads.h" #include "GRect.h" #include "GBitmap.h" #include #ifdef HAVE_NAMESPACES namespace DJVU { # ifdef NOT_DEFINED // Just to fool emacs c++ mode } #endif #endif //////////////////////////////////////// //// CLASS JB2Codec::Decode: DECLARATION //////////////////////////////////////// // This class is accessed via the decode // functions of class JB2Image //**** Class JB2Codec // This class implements the JB2 decoder. // Contains all contextual information for decoding a JB2Image. class JB2Dict::JB2Codec::Decode : public JB2Dict::JB2Codec { public: Decode(void); void init(const GP &gbs); // virtual void code(const GP &jim); void code(JB2Image *jim) {const GP gjim(jim);code(gjim);} void code(const GP &jim); void code(JB2Dict *jim) {const GP gjim(jim);code(gjim);} void set_dict_callback(JB2DecoderCallback *cb, void *arg); protected: int CodeNum(const int lo, const int hi, NumContext &ctx); // virtual bool CodeBit(const bool bit, BitContext &ctx); void code_comment(GUTF8String &comment); void code_record_type(int &rectype); int code_match_index(int &index, JB2Dict &jim); void code_inherited_shape_count(JB2Dict &jim); void code_image_size(JB2Dict &jim); void code_image_size(JB2Image &jim); void code_absolute_location(JB2Blit *jblt, int rows, int columns); void code_absolute_mark_size(GBitmap &bm, int border=0); void code_relative_mark_size(GBitmap &bm, int cw, int ch, int border=0); void code_bitmap_directly(GBitmap &bm,const int dw, int dy, unsigned char *up2, unsigned char *up1, unsigned char *up0 ); void code_bitmap_by_cross_coding (GBitmap &bm, GBitmap &cbm, const int xd2c, const int dw, int dy, int cy, unsigned char *up1, unsigned char *up0, unsigned char *xup1, unsigned char *xup0, unsigned char *xdn1 ); int get_diff(const int x_diff,NumContext &rel_loc); private: GP gzp; JB2DecoderCallback *cbfunc; void *cbarg; }; //////////////////////////////////////// //// CLASS JB2DICT: IMPLEMENTATION //////////////////////////////////////// JB2Dict::JB2Dict() : inherited_shapes(0) { } void JB2Dict::init() { inherited_shapes = 0; inherited_dict = 0; shapes.empty(); } JB2Shape & JB2Dict::get_shape(const int shapeno) { JB2Shape *retval; if(shapeno >= inherited_shapes) { retval=&shapes[shapeno - inherited_shapes]; }else if(inherited_dict) { retval=&(inherited_dict->get_shape(shapeno)); }else { G_THROW( ERR_MSG("JB2Image.bad_number") ); } return *retval; } const JB2Shape & JB2Dict::get_shape(const int shapeno) const { const JB2Shape *retval; if(shapeno >= inherited_shapes) { retval=&shapes[shapeno - inherited_shapes]; }else if(inherited_dict) { retval=&(inherited_dict->get_shape(shapeno)); }else { G_THROW( ERR_MSG("JB2Image.bad_number") ); } return *retval; } void JB2Dict::set_inherited_dict(const GP &dict) { if (shapes.size() > 0) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("JB2Image.cant_set") ); if (inherited_dict) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("JB2Image.cant_change") ); inherited_dict = dict; inherited_shapes = dict->get_shape_count(); // Make sure that inherited bitmaps are marked as shared for (int i=0; iget_shape(i); if (jshp.bits) jshp.bits->share(); } } void JB2Dict::compress() { for (int i=shapes.lbound(); i<=shapes.hbound(); i++) shapes[i].bits->compress(); } unsigned int JB2Dict::get_memory_usage() const { unsigned int usage = sizeof(JB2Dict); usage += sizeof(JB2Shape) * shapes.size(); for (int i=shapes.lbound(); i<=shapes.hbound(); i++) if (shapes[i].bits) usage += shapes[i].bits->get_memory_usage(); return usage; } int JB2Dict::add_shape(const JB2Shape &shape) { if (shape.parent >= get_shape_count()) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("JB2Image.bad_parent_shape") ); int index = shapes.size(); shapes.touch(index); shapes[index] = shape; return index + inherited_shapes; } void JB2Dict::decode(const GP &gbs, JB2DecoderCallback *cb, void *arg) { init(); JB2Codec::Decode codec; codec.init(gbs); codec.set_dict_callback(cb,arg); codec.code(this); } //////////////////////////////////////// //// CLASS JB2IMAGE: IMPLEMENTATION //////////////////////////////////////// JB2Image::JB2Image(void) : width(0), height(0), reproduce_old_bug(false) { } void JB2Image::init(void) { width = height = 0; blits.empty(); JB2Dict::init(); } unsigned int JB2Image::get_memory_usage() const { unsigned int usage = JB2Dict::get_memory_usage(); usage += sizeof(JB2Image) - sizeof(JB2Dict); usage += sizeof(JB2Blit) * blits.size(); return usage; } void JB2Image::set_dimension(int awidth, int aheight) { width = awidth; height = aheight; } int JB2Image::add_blit(const JB2Blit &blit) { if (blit.shapeno >= (unsigned int)get_shape_count()) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("JB2Image.bad_shape") ); int index = blits.size(); blits.touch(index); blits[index] = blit; return index; } GP JB2Image::get_bitmap(int subsample, int align) const { if (width==0 || height==0) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("JB2Image.cant_create") ); int swidth = (width + subsample - 1) / subsample; int sheight = (height + subsample - 1) / subsample; int border = ((swidth + align - 1) & ~(align - 1)) - swidth; GP bm = GBitmap::create(sheight, swidth, border); bm->set_grays(1+subsample*subsample); for (int blitno = 0; blitno < get_blit_count(); blitno++) { const JB2Blit *pblit = get_blit(blitno); const JB2Shape &pshape = get_shape(pblit->shapeno); if (pshape.bits) bm->blit(pshape.bits, pblit->left, pblit->bottom, subsample); } return bm; } GP JB2Image::get_bitmap(const GRect &rect, int subsample, int align, int dispy) const { if (width==0 || height==0) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("JB2Image.cant_create") ); int rxmin = rect.xmin * subsample; int rymin = rect.ymin * subsample; int swidth = rect.width(); int sheight = rect.height(); int border = ((swidth + align - 1) & ~(align - 1)) - swidth; GP bm = GBitmap::create(sheight, swidth, border); bm->set_grays(1+subsample*subsample); for (int blitno = 0; blitno < get_blit_count(); blitno++) { const JB2Blit *pblit = get_blit(blitno); const JB2Shape &pshape = get_shape(pblit->shapeno); if (pshape.bits) bm->blit(pshape.bits, pblit->left-rxmin, pblit->bottom-rymin+dispy, subsample); } return bm; } void JB2Image::decode(const GP &gbs, JB2DecoderCallback *cb, void *arg) { init(); JB2Codec::Decode codec; codec.init(gbs); codec.set_dict_callback(cb,arg); codec.code(this); } //////////////////////////////////////// //// CLASS JB2CODEC : IMPLEMENTATION //////////////////////////////////////// #define START_OF_DATA (0) #define NEW_MARK (1) #define NEW_MARK_LIBRARY_ONLY (2) #define NEW_MARK_IMAGE_ONLY (3) #define MATCHED_REFINE (4) #define MATCHED_REFINE_LIBRARY_ONLY (5) #define MATCHED_REFINE_IMAGE_ONLY (6) #define MATCHED_COPY (7) #define NON_MARK_DATA (8) #define REQUIRED_DICT_OR_RESET (9) #define PRESERVED_COMMENT (10) #define END_OF_DATA (11) // STATIC DATA MEMBERS static const int BIGPOSITIVE = 262142; static const int BIGNEGATIVE = -262143; static const int CELLCHUNK = 20000; static const int CELLEXTRA = 500; // CONSTRUCTOR JB2Dict::JB2Codec::Decode::Decode(void) : JB2Dict::JB2Codec(0), cbfunc(0), cbarg(0) {} void JB2Dict::JB2Codec::Decode::init(const GP &gbs) { gzp=ZPCodec::create(gbs,false,true); } JB2Dict::JB2Codec::JB2Codec(const bool xencoding) : encoding(xencoding), cur_ncell(0), gbitcells(bitcells,CELLCHUNK+CELLEXTRA), gleftcell(leftcell,CELLCHUNK+CELLEXTRA), grightcell(rightcell,CELLCHUNK+CELLEXTRA), refinementp(false), gotstartrecordp(0), dist_comment_byte(0), dist_comment_length(0), dist_record_type(0), dist_match_index(0), dist_refinement_flag(0), abs_loc_x(0), abs_loc_y(0), abs_size_x(0), abs_size_y(0), image_size_dist(0), inherited_shape_count_dist(0), offset_type_dist(0), rel_loc_x_current(0), rel_loc_x_last(0), rel_loc_y_current(0), rel_loc_y_last(0), rel_size_x(0), rel_size_y(0) { memset(bitdist, 0, sizeof(bitdist)); memset(cbitdist, 0, sizeof(cbitdist)); // Initialize numcoder bitcells[0] = 0; // dummy cell leftcell[0] = rightcell[0] = 0; cur_ncell = 1; } JB2Dict::JB2Codec::~JB2Codec() {} void JB2Dict::JB2Codec::reset_numcoder() { dist_comment_byte = 0; dist_comment_length = 0; dist_record_type = 0; dist_match_index = 0; abs_loc_x = 0; abs_loc_y = 0; abs_size_x = 0; abs_size_y = 0; image_size_dist = 0; inherited_shape_count_dist = 0; rel_loc_x_current = 0; rel_loc_x_last = 0; rel_loc_y_current = 0; rel_loc_y_last = 0; rel_size_x = 0; rel_size_y = 0; gbitcells.clear(); gleftcell.clear(); grightcell.clear(); cur_ncell = 1; } void JB2Dict::JB2Codec::Decode::set_dict_callback(JB2DecoderCallback *cb, void *arg) { cbfunc = cb; cbarg = arg; } // CODE NUMBERS inline bool JB2Dict::JB2Codec::Decode::CodeBit(const bool, BitContext &ctx) { return gzp->decoder(ctx)?true:false; } int JB2Dict::JB2Codec::Decode::CodeNum(int low, int high, NumContext &ctx) { return JB2Codec::CodeNum(low,high,&ctx,0); } int JB2Dict::JB2Codec::CodeNum(int low, int high, NumContext *pctx, int v) { bool negative=false; int cutoff; // Check if (!pctx || ((int)*pctx >= cur_ncell)) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("JB2Image.bad_numcontext") ); // Start all phases cutoff = 0; for(int phase=1,range=0xffffffff;range != 1;) { if (! *pctx) { const int max_ncell=gbitcells; if (cur_ncell >= max_ncell) { const int nmax_ncell = max_ncell+CELLCHUNK; gbitcells.resize(nmax_ncell); gleftcell.resize(nmax_ncell); grightcell.resize(nmax_ncell); } *pctx = cur_ncell ++; bitcells[*pctx] = 0; leftcell[*pctx] = rightcell[*pctx] = 0; } // encode const bool decision = encoding ? ((low < cutoff && high >= cutoff) ? CodeBit((v>=cutoff),bitcells[*pctx]) : (v >= cutoff)) : ((low>=cutoff)||((high>=cutoff)&&CodeBit(false,bitcells[*pctx]))); // context for new bit pctx = decision?(&rightcell[*pctx]):(&leftcell[*pctx]); // phase dependent part switch (phase) { case 1: negative = !decision; if (negative) { if (encoding) v = - v - 1; const int temp = - low - 1; low = - high - 1; high = temp; } phase = 2; cutoff = 1; break; case 2: if (!decision) { phase = 3; range = (cutoff + 1) / 2; if (range == 1) cutoff = 0; else cutoff -= range / 2; } else { cutoff += cutoff + 1; } break; case 3: range /= 2; if (range != 1) { if (!decision) cutoff -= range / 2; else cutoff += range / 2; } else if (!decision) { cutoff --; } break; } } return (negative)?(- cutoff - 1):cutoff; } // CODE COMMENTS void JB2Dict::JB2Codec::Decode::code_comment(GUTF8String &comment) { int size=CodeNum(0, BIGPOSITIVE, dist_comment_length); comment.empty(); char *combuf = comment.getbuf(size); for (int i=0; i= s[1]) ?((s[0] > s[2])?((s[1] >= s[2])?s[1]:s[2]):s[0]) :((s[0] < s[2])?((s[1] >= s[2])?s[2]:s[1]):s[0]); } // CODE PAIRS void JB2Dict::JB2Codec::Decode::code_inherited_shape_count(JB2Dict &jim) { int size=CodeNum(0, BIGPOSITIVE, inherited_shape_count_dist); { GP dict = jim.get_inherited_dict(); if (!dict && size>0) { // Call callback function to obtain dictionary if (cbfunc) dict = (*cbfunc)(cbarg); if (dict) jim.set_inherited_dict(dict); } if (!dict && size>0) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("JB2Image.need_dict") ); if (dict && size!=dict->get_shape_count()) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("JB2Image.bad_dict") ); } } void JB2Dict::JB2Codec::Decode::code_image_size(JB2Dict &jim) { int w=CodeNum(0, BIGPOSITIVE, image_size_dist); int h=CodeNum(0, BIGPOSITIVE, image_size_dist); if (w || h) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("JB2Image.bad_dict2") ); JB2Codec::code_image_size(jim); } void JB2Dict::JB2Codec::code_image_size(JB2Dict &) { last_left = 1; last_row_left = 0; last_row_bottom = 0; last_right = 0; fill_short_list(last_row_bottom); gotstartrecordp = 1; } void JB2Dict::JB2Codec::Decode::code_image_size(JB2Image &jim) { image_columns=CodeNum(0, BIGPOSITIVE, image_size_dist); image_rows=CodeNum(0, BIGPOSITIVE, image_size_dist); if (!image_columns || !image_rows) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("JB2Image.zero_dim") ); jim.set_dimension(image_columns, image_rows); JB2Codec::code_image_size(jim); } void JB2Dict::JB2Codec::code_image_size(JB2Image &) { last_left = 1 + image_columns; last_row_left = 0; last_row_bottom = image_rows; last_right = 0; fill_short_list(last_row_bottom); gotstartrecordp = 1; } inline int JB2Dict::JB2Codec::Decode::get_diff(int,NumContext &rel_loc) { return CodeNum(BIGNEGATIVE, BIGPOSITIVE, rel_loc); } void JB2Dict::JB2Codec::code_relative_location(JB2Blit *jblt, int rows, int columns) { // Check start record if (!gotstartrecordp) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("JB2Image.no_start") ); // Find location int bottom=0, left=0, top=0, right=0; int x_diff, y_diff; if (encoding) { left = jblt->left + 1; bottom = jblt->bottom + 1; right = left + columns - 1; top = bottom + rows - 1; } // Code offset type int new_row=CodeBit((leftbottom = bottom - 1; jblt->left = left - 1; } } void JB2Dict::JB2Codec::Decode::code_absolute_location(JB2Blit *jblt, int rows, int columns) { // Check start record if (!gotstartrecordp) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("JB2Image.no_start") ); int left=CodeNum(1, image_columns, abs_loc_x); int top=CodeNum(1, image_rows, abs_loc_y); jblt->bottom = top - rows + 1 - 1; jblt->left = left - 1; } void JB2Dict::JB2Codec::Decode::code_absolute_mark_size(GBitmap &bm, int border) { int xsize=CodeNum(0, BIGPOSITIVE, abs_size_x); int ysize=CodeNum(0, BIGPOSITIVE, abs_size_y); if ((xsize!=(unsigned short)xsize) || (ysize!=(unsigned short)ysize)) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("JB2Image.bad_number") ); bm.init(ysize, xsize, border); } void JB2Dict::JB2Codec::Decode::code_relative_mark_size(GBitmap &bm, int cw, int ch, int border) { int xdiff=CodeNum(BIGNEGATIVE, BIGPOSITIVE, rel_size_x); int ydiff=CodeNum(BIGNEGATIVE, BIGPOSITIVE, rel_size_y); int xsize = cw + xdiff; int ysize = ch + ydiff; if ((xsize!=(unsigned short)xsize) || (ysize!=(unsigned short)ysize)) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("JB2Image.bad_number") ); bm.init(ysize, xsize, border); } // CODE BITMAP DIRECTLY void JB2Dict::JB2Codec::code_bitmap_directly (GBitmap &bm) { // Make sure bitmap will not be disturbed GMonitorLock lock(bm.monitor()); // ensure borders are adequate bm.minborder(3); // initialize row pointers int dy = bm.rows() - 1; code_bitmap_directly(bm,bm.columns(),dy,bm[dy+2],bm[dy+1],bm[dy]); } void JB2Dict::JB2Codec::Decode::code_bitmap_directly( GBitmap &bm,const int dw, int dy, unsigned char *up2, unsigned char *up1, unsigned char *up0 ) { ZPCodec &zp=*gzp; // iterate on rows (decoding) while (dy >= 0) { int context=get_direct_context(up2, up1, up0, 0); for(int dx=0;dx < dw;) { int n = zp.decoder(bitdist[context]); up0[dx++] = n; context=shift_direct_context(context, n, up2, up1, up0, dx); } // next row dy -= 1; up2 = up1; up1 = up0; up0 = bm[dy]; } #ifndef NDEBUG bm.check_border(); #endif } // CODE BITMAP BY CROSS CODING void JB2Dict::JB2Codec::code_bitmap_by_cross_coding (GBitmap &bm, GP &cbm, const int libno) { // Make sure bitmaps will not be disturbed GP copycbm=GBitmap::create(); if (cbm->monitor()) { // Perform a copy when the bitmap is explicitely shared GMonitorLock lock2(cbm->monitor()); copycbm->init(*cbm); cbm = copycbm; } GMonitorLock lock1(bm.monitor()); // Center bitmaps const int cw = cbm->columns(); const int dw = bm.columns(); const int dh = bm.rows(); const LibRect &l = libinfo[libno]; const int xd2c = (dw/2 - dw + 1) - ((l.right - l.left + 1)/2 - l.right); const int yd2c = (dh/2 - dh + 1) - ((l.top - l.bottom + 1)/2 - l.top); // Ensure borders are adequate bm.minborder(2); cbm->minborder(2-xd2c); cbm->minborder(2+dw+xd2c-cw); // Initialize row pointers const int dy = dh - 1; const int cy = dy + yd2c; #ifndef NDEBUG bm.check_border(); cbm->check_border(); #endif code_bitmap_by_cross_coding (bm,*cbm, xd2c, dw, dy, cy, bm[dy+1], bm[dy], (*cbm)[cy+1] + xd2c, (*cbm)[cy ] + xd2c, (*cbm)[cy-1] + xd2c); } void JB2Dict::JB2Codec::Decode::code_bitmap_by_cross_coding (GBitmap &bm, GBitmap &cbm, const int xd2c, const int dw, int dy, int cy, unsigned char *up1, unsigned char *up0, unsigned char *xup1, unsigned char *xup0, unsigned char *xdn1 ) { ZPCodec &zp=*gzp; // iterate on rows (decoding) while (dy >= 0) { int context=get_cross_context( up1, up0, xup1, xup0, xdn1, 0); for(int dx=0;dx < dw;) { const int n = zp.decoder(cbitdist[context]); up0[dx++] = n; context=shift_cross_context(context, n, up1, up0, xup1, xup0, xdn1, dx); } // next row up1 = up0; up0 = bm[--dy]; xup1 = xup0; xup0 = xdn1; xdn1 = cbm[(--cy)-1] + xd2c; #ifndef NDEBUG bm.check_border(); #endif } } // CODE JB2DICT RECORD void JB2Dict::JB2Codec::code_record( int &rectype, const GP &gjim, JB2Shape *xjshp) { GP cbm; GP bm; int shapeno = -1; // Code record type code_record_type(rectype); // Pre-coding actions switch(rectype) { case NEW_MARK_LIBRARY_ONLY: case MATCHED_REFINE_LIBRARY_ONLY: { if(!xjshp) { G_THROW( ERR_MSG("JB2Image.bad_number") ); } JB2Shape &jshp=*xjshp; if (!encoding) { jshp.bits = GBitmap::create(); jshp.parent = -1; } bm = jshp.bits; break; } } // Coding actions switch (rectype) { case START_OF_DATA: { if(!gjim) { G_THROW( ERR_MSG("JB2Image.bad_number") ); } JB2Dict &jim=*gjim; code_image_size (jim); code_eventual_lossless_refinement (); if (! encoding) init_library(jim); break; } case NEW_MARK_LIBRARY_ONLY: { code_absolute_mark_size (*bm, 4); code_bitmap_directly (*bm); break; } case MATCHED_REFINE_LIBRARY_ONLY: { if(!xjshp||!gjim) { G_THROW( ERR_MSG("JB2Image.bad_number") ); } JB2Dict &jim=*gjim; JB2Shape &jshp=*xjshp; int match = code_match_index (jshp.parent, jim); cbm = jim.get_shape(jshp.parent).bits; LibRect &l = libinfo[match]; code_relative_mark_size (*bm, l.right-l.left+1, l.top-l.bottom+1, 4); code_bitmap_by_cross_coding (*bm, cbm, jshp.parent); break; } case PRESERVED_COMMENT: { if(!gjim) { G_THROW( ERR_MSG("JB2Image.bad_number") ); } JB2Dict &jim=*gjim; code_comment(jim.comment); break; } case REQUIRED_DICT_OR_RESET: { if (! gotstartrecordp) { // Indicates need for a shape dictionary if(!gjim) { G_THROW( ERR_MSG("JB2Image.bad_number") ); } code_inherited_shape_count(*gjim); }else // Reset all numerical contexts to zero reset_numcoder(); break; } case END_OF_DATA: { break; } default: { G_THROW( ERR_MSG("JB2Image.bad_type") ); } } // Post-coding action if (!encoding) { // add shape to dictionary switch(rectype) { case NEW_MARK_LIBRARY_ONLY: case MATCHED_REFINE_LIBRARY_ONLY: { if(!xjshp||!gjim) { G_THROW( ERR_MSG("JB2Image.bad_number") ); } JB2Shape &jshp=*xjshp; shapeno = gjim->add_shape(jshp); add_library(shapeno, jshp); break; } } // make sure everything is compacted // decompaction will occur automatically when needed if (bm) bm->compress(); } } // CODE JB2DICT void JB2Dict::JB2Codec::Decode::code(const GP &gjim) { if(!gjim) { G_THROW( ERR_MSG("JB2Image.bad_number") ); } JB2Dict &jim=*gjim; // ------------------------- // THIS IS THE DECODING PART // ------------------------- int rectype; JB2Shape tmpshape; do { code_record(rectype, gjim, &tmpshape); } while(rectype != END_OF_DATA); if (!gotstartrecordp) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("JB2Image.no_start") ); jim.compress(); } // CODE JB2IMAGE RECORD void JB2Dict::JB2Codec::code_record( int &rectype, const GP &gjim, JB2Shape *xjshp, JB2Blit *jblt) { GP bm; GP cbm; int shapeno = -1; int match; // Code record type code_record_type(rectype); // Pre-coding actions switch(rectype) { case NEW_MARK: case NEW_MARK_LIBRARY_ONLY: case NEW_MARK_IMAGE_ONLY: case MATCHED_REFINE: case MATCHED_REFINE_LIBRARY_ONLY: case MATCHED_REFINE_IMAGE_ONLY: case NON_MARK_DATA: { if(!xjshp) { G_THROW( ERR_MSG("JB2Image.bad_number") ); } JB2Shape &jshp=*xjshp; if (!encoding) { jshp.bits = GBitmap::create(); jshp.parent = -1; if (rectype == NON_MARK_DATA) jshp.parent = -2; } bm = jshp.bits; break; } } // Coding actions switch (rectype) { case START_OF_DATA: { if(!gjim) { G_THROW( ERR_MSG("JB2Image.bad_number") ); } JB2Image &jim=*gjim; code_image_size (jim); code_eventual_lossless_refinement (); if (! encoding) init_library(jim); break; } case NEW_MARK: { code_absolute_mark_size (*bm, 4); code_bitmap_directly (*bm); code_relative_location (jblt, bm->rows(), bm->columns() ); break; } case NEW_MARK_LIBRARY_ONLY: { code_absolute_mark_size (*bm, 4); code_bitmap_directly (*bm); break; } case NEW_MARK_IMAGE_ONLY: { code_absolute_mark_size (*bm, 3); code_bitmap_directly (*bm); code_relative_location (jblt, bm->rows(), bm->columns() ); break; } case MATCHED_REFINE: { if(!xjshp || !gjim) { G_THROW( ERR_MSG("JB2Image.bad_number") ); } JB2Shape &jshp=*xjshp; JB2Image &jim=*gjim; match = code_match_index (jshp.parent, jim); cbm = jim.get_shape(jshp.parent).bits; LibRect &l = libinfo[match]; code_relative_mark_size (*bm, l.right-l.left+1, l.top-l.bottom+1, 4); code_bitmap_by_cross_coding (*bm, cbm, match); code_relative_location (jblt, bm->rows(), bm->columns() ); break; } case MATCHED_REFINE_LIBRARY_ONLY: { if(!xjshp||!gjim) { G_THROW( ERR_MSG("JB2Image.bad_number") ); } JB2Image &jim=*gjim; JB2Shape &jshp=*xjshp; match = code_match_index (jshp.parent, jim); cbm = jim.get_shape(jshp.parent).bits; LibRect &l = libinfo[match]; code_relative_mark_size (*bm, l.right-l.left+1, l.top-l.bottom+1, 4); break; } case MATCHED_REFINE_IMAGE_ONLY: { if(!xjshp||!gjim) { G_THROW( ERR_MSG("JB2Image.bad_number") ); } JB2Image &jim=*gjim; JB2Shape &jshp=*xjshp; match = code_match_index (jshp.parent, jim); cbm = jim.get_shape(jshp.parent).bits; LibRect &l = libinfo[match]; code_relative_mark_size (*bm, l.right-l.left+1, l.top-l.bottom+1, 4); code_bitmap_by_cross_coding (*bm, cbm, match); code_relative_location (jblt, bm->rows(), bm->columns() ); break; } case MATCHED_COPY: { int temp; if (encoding) temp = jblt->shapeno; if(!gjim) { G_THROW( ERR_MSG("JB2Image.bad_number") ); } JB2Image &jim=*gjim; match = code_match_index (temp, jim); if (!encoding) jblt->shapeno = temp; bm = jim.get_shape(jblt->shapeno).bits; LibRect &l = libinfo[match]; jblt->left += l.left; jblt->bottom += l.bottom; if (jim.reproduce_old_bug) code_relative_location (jblt, bm->rows(), bm->columns() ); else code_relative_location (jblt, l.top-l.bottom+1, l.right-l.left+1 ); jblt->left -= l.left; jblt->bottom -= l.bottom; break; } case NON_MARK_DATA: { code_absolute_mark_size (*bm, 3); code_bitmap_directly (*bm); code_absolute_location (jblt, bm->rows(), bm->columns() ); break; } case PRESERVED_COMMENT: { if(!gjim) { G_THROW( ERR_MSG("JB2Image.bad_number") ); } JB2Image &jim=*gjim; code_comment(jim.comment); break; } case REQUIRED_DICT_OR_RESET: { if(!gjim) { G_THROW( ERR_MSG("JB2Image.bad_number") ); } JB2Image &jim=*gjim; if (! gotstartrecordp) // Indicates need for a shape dictionary code_inherited_shape_count(jim); else // Reset all numerical contexts to zero reset_numcoder(); break; } case END_OF_DATA: { break; } default: { G_THROW( ERR_MSG("JB2Image.unknown_type") ); } } // Post-coding action if (!encoding) { // add shape to image switch(rectype) { case NEW_MARK: case NEW_MARK_LIBRARY_ONLY: case NEW_MARK_IMAGE_ONLY: case MATCHED_REFINE: case MATCHED_REFINE_LIBRARY_ONLY: case MATCHED_REFINE_IMAGE_ONLY: case NON_MARK_DATA: { if(!xjshp||!gjim) { G_THROW( ERR_MSG("JB2Image.bad_number") ); } JB2Shape &jshp=*xjshp; shapeno = gjim->add_shape(jshp); shape2lib.touch(shapeno); shape2lib[shapeno] = -1; break; } } // add shape to library switch(rectype) { case NEW_MARK: case NEW_MARK_LIBRARY_ONLY: case MATCHED_REFINE: case MATCHED_REFINE_LIBRARY_ONLY: if(!xjshp) { G_THROW( ERR_MSG("JB2Image.bad_number") ); } add_library(shapeno, *xjshp); break; } // make sure everything is compacted // decompaction will occur automatically on cross-coding bitmaps if (bm) bm->compress(); // add blit to image switch (rectype) { case NEW_MARK: case NEW_MARK_IMAGE_ONLY: case MATCHED_REFINE: case MATCHED_REFINE_IMAGE_ONLY: case NON_MARK_DATA: jblt->shapeno = shapeno; case MATCHED_COPY: if(!gjim) { G_THROW( ERR_MSG("JB2Image.bad_number") ); } gjim->add_blit(* jblt); break; } } } // CODE JB2IMAGE void JB2Dict::JB2Codec::Decode::code(const GP &gjim) { if(!gjim) { G_THROW( ERR_MSG("JB2Image.bad_number") ); } JB2Image &jim=*gjim; // ------------------------- // THIS IS THE DECODING PART // ------------------------- int rectype; JB2Blit tmpblit; JB2Shape tmpshape; do { code_record(rectype, gjim, &tmpshape, &tmpblit); } while(rectype!=END_OF_DATA); if (!gotstartrecordp) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("JB2Image.no_start") ); jim.compress(); } //////////////////////////////////////// //// HELPERS //////////////////////////////////////// void JB2Dict::JB2Codec::LibRect::compute_bounding_box(const GBitmap &bm) { // First lock the stuff. GMonitorLock lock(bm.monitor()); // Get size const int w = bm.columns(); const int h = bm.rows(); const int s = bm.rowsize(); // Right border for(right=w-1;right >= 0;--right) { unsigned char const *p = bm[0] + right; unsigned char const * const pe = p+(s*h); for (;(p= 0;--top) { unsigned char const *p = bm[top]; unsigned char const * const pe = p+w; for (;(p JB2Dict::create(void) { return new JB2Dict(); } #ifdef HAVE_NAMESPACES } # ifndef NOT_USING_DJVU_NAMESPACE using namespace DJVU; # endif #endif