path: root/tdehtml/java/org/kde/javascript
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authorTimothy Pearson <>2013-01-26 13:17:21 -0600
committerTimothy Pearson <>2013-01-26 13:17:21 -0600
commitdfe289850f068f19ba4a83ab4e7e22a7e09c13c9 (patch)
treec297348a55df66c571de4525646e0b9762427353 /tdehtml/java/org/kde/javascript
parentb7658a0d5eca24a9d37c6e04f88298ef02389db0 (diff)
Rename a number of libraries and executables to avoid conflicts with KDE4
Diffstat (limited to 'tdehtml/java/org/kde/javascript')
1 files changed, 183 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tdehtml/java/org/kde/javascript/ b/tdehtml/java/org/kde/javascript/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..11e7f9f99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdehtml/java/org/kde/javascript/
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+package org.kde.javascript;
+import java.applet.Applet;
+import org.kde.kjas.server.KJASAppletContext;
+import org.kde.kjas.server.Main;
+public class JSObject extends netscape.javascript.JSObject {
+ public String returnvalue = null;
+ public Thread thread;
+ private String jsobject;
+ private int id;
+ private Applet applet;
+ private String appletID = null;
+ /* JavaScript code:
+ * __lc=[[JS objects],call func(index,script,appletname,isglobal)]
+ */
+ private final static String decls = "if(!window.__lc) window.__lc=[[window],function(i,s,a,g){var v;var len=window.__lc[0].length;if(i>=len)v='E unknown object';else{var r;try{r=eval((g?'':'window.__lc[0][i]')+s);}catch(e){v='E '+e;r='E ';}finally{var t=typeof r;if(t=='undefined')v='V ';else if(t=='number')v='N '+r;else if(t=='string'){if(r!='E ')v='S '+r;}else{window.__lc[0][len]=r;v=''+len+' '+(r==window.__lc?'[array]':r);}}}a.__lc_ret=v},0]";
+ public JSObject(Applet a, String name, int _id) {
+"JSObject.ctor: " + name);
+ jsobject = new String(name);
+ applet = a;
+ id = _id;
+ KJASAppletContext kc = (KJASAppletContext)applet.getAppletContext();
+ appletID = kc.getAppletID(a);
+ if (id == 0) {
+ kc.evaluateJavaScript(decls, appletID, null);
+ }
+ }
+ int getId() {
+ return id;
+ }
+ private String escapeString(String string) {
+ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
+ int idx = 0;
+ boolean cr = false;
+ char [] chars = string.toCharArray();
+ while (idx < chars.length) {
+ if (cr && chars[idx] != '\n') {
+ cr = false;
+ sb.append("\\n");
+ }
+ switch (chars[idx]) {
+ case '\\':
+ sb.append("\\\\");
+ break;
+ case '"':
+ sb.append("\\\"");
+ break;
+ case '\n':
+ cr = false;
+ sb.append("\\n");
+ break;
+ case '\r':
+ cr = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ sb.append(chars[idx]);
+ }
+ idx++;
+ }
+ if (cr)
+ sb.append("\\n");
+ return sb.toString();
+ }
+ private Object evaluate(String script, boolean global) throws netscape.javascript.JSException {
+"evaluate (\"" + script + "\")");
+ KJASAppletContext kc = (KJASAppletContext) applet.getAppletContext();
+ //String appletname = kc.getAppletName(appletID);
+ thread = Thread.currentThread();
+ if (!kc.evaluateJavaScript("window.__lc[1](" + id + ",\"" + escapeString(script) + "\",this" + (global ? ",true)" : ")"), appletID, this)) {
+ Main.debug("evaluate on not active applet");
+ return null;
+ }
+ boolean timedout = true;
+ try {
+ Thread.sleep(30000);
+ } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
+ timedout = false;
+ }
+ thread = null;
+ if (timedout || returnvalue == null)
+ return null;
+ /* lets see what we've got */
+ String retval = returnvalue;
+ int pos = retval.indexOf(' ');
+ String type = retval.substring(0, pos);
+ if (type.equals("V")) // Void
+ return null;
+ String value = retval.substring(pos+1);
+ if (type.equals("E")) // Error
+ throw new netscape.javascript.JSException("Script error: " + value);
+"value=" + value + " (type=" + type + ")");
+ if (type.equals("N")) // Number
+ return new Double(value);
+ if (type.equals("S")) // String
+ return value;
+ /* Is it an applet? */
+ if (value.startsWith("[object APPLET ref=")) {
+ int p1 = value.indexOf('=');
+ int p2 = value.indexOf(']', p1+1);
+ int applethashcode = Integer.parseInt(value.substring(p1+1, p2));
+ java.util.Enumeration e = kc.getApplets();
+ while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
+ Applet app = (Applet) e.nextElement();
+ if (app.hashCode() == applethashcode)
+ return app;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /* Is it a Java object then? */
+ if (value.startsWith("[object ") && value.indexOf("ref=") > 0) {
+ int p1 = value.indexOf("ref=");
+ int p2 = value.indexOf(']', p1+4);
+ int objecthashcode = Integer.parseInt(value.substring(p1+4, p2));
+ return kc.getJSReferencedObject(applet, objecthashcode);
+ }
+ /* Ok, make it a JSObject */
+ return new JSObject(applet, value, Integer.parseInt(type));
+ }
+ private String convertValueJ2JS(Object o) {
+ if (o == null)
+ return new String("null");
+ if (o instanceof java.lang.Number || o instanceof java.lang.Boolean)
+ return o.toString();
+ if (o instanceof netscape.javascript.JSObject)
+ return new String("window.__lc[0][" + ((JSObject)o).getId() + "]");
+ return new String("\"" + escapeString(o.toString()) + "\"");
+ }
+ public Object call(String func, Object [] args) throws netscape.javascript.JSException {
+" " + jsobject + "." + func);
+ String script = new String("." + func + "(");
+ for (int i = 0; args != null && i < args.length; i++)
+ script += (i > 0 ? "," : "") + convertValueJ2JS(args[i]);
+ script += ")";
+ return evaluate(script, false);
+ }
+ public Object eval(String s) throws netscape.javascript.JSException {
+ return evaluate(s, true);
+ }
+ public boolean equals(Object obj) {
+ return super.equals(obj);
+ }
+ public Object getMember(String name) throws netscape.javascript.JSException {
+"JSObject.getMember: " + jsobject + "." + name);
+ return evaluate("." + name, false);
+ }
+ public void setMember(String name, java.lang.Object o) throws netscape.javascript.JSException {
+"JSObject.setMember: " + jsobject + "." + name);
+ evaluate("." + name + "=" + convertValueJ2JS(o), false);
+ }
+ public void removeMember(String name) throws netscape.javascript.JSException {
+"JSObject.removeMember: " + jsobject + "." + name);
+ evaluate("." + name + "=null", false);
+ }
+ /* get array element; JS: this[index] */
+ public Object getSlot(int index)throws netscape.javascript.JSException {
+"JSObject.getSlot: " + jsobject + "[" + index + "]");
+ return evaluate("[" + index + "]", false);
+ }
+ public void setSlot(int index, Object o) throws netscape.javascript.JSException {
+"JSObject.setSlot: " + jsobject + "[" + index + "]");
+ evaluate("[" + index + "]=" + convertValueJ2JS(o), false);
+ }
+ public String toString(){
+"JSObject.toString: " + jsobject);
+ return new String(jsobject);
+ }
+ public static JSObject getWindow(Applet a, int dummy) {
+ return new JSObject(a, "[WINDOW]", 0);
+ }