path: root/kdoctools/man-template.docbook
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Diffstat (limited to 'kdoctools/man-template.docbook')
1 files changed, 121 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kdoctools/man-template.docbook b/kdoctools/man-template.docbook
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index 000000000..bda3c8e97
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+++ b/kdoctools/man-template.docbook
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+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdex.dtd" [
+<!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE">
+<refentry lang="&language;">
+<title>KDE User's Manual</title>
+<firstname><!-- --Your first name-- --></firstname>
+<surname><!-- --Your last name-- --></surname>
+<affiliation><address><email><!-- --Your email address-- --></email></address></affiliation></author>
+<date><!-- --Date when this manpage was written, in the ISO 8601 format
+'yyyy-mm-dd'-- --></date>
+<productname>K Desktop Environment</productname>
+<refentrytitle><command><!-- --The command this page is about-- --></command></refentrytitle>
+<manvolnum><!-- --The section this page should be in-- --></manvolnum>
+<refname><command><!-- --The command this page is about-- --></command></refname>
+<refpurpose><!-- --Very brief description, suitable for 'whatis'-- --></refpurpose>
+<command><!-- --The command this page is about-- --></command>
+<arg choice="req"><!-- --Required command specific options-- --></arg>
+<arg choice="opt"><!-- --Optional command specific options-- --></arg>
+<arg choice="opt">KDE Generic Options</arg>
+<arg choice="opt">Qt Generic Options</arg>
+<para><!-- --Description of the app, what it's for, what it does and doesn't
+do.-- --> </para>
+<para>App options, in a variablelist</para>
+<!-- --The Following sections are optional, but recommended if they are
+applicable.-- -->
+<para><!-- --Environment variablesars that affect this command, how to set
+them, who sets them, how they affect it, probably in a variablelist. Only for
+man sections 1, 6, 7 and 8-- --></para>
+<para><!-- --Files used by this command (eg, rc files, locations of caches
+etc.) who puts them there, how they are configured, and if it's safe
+to remove them, probably in a variablelist.-- --></para>
+<title>See Also</title>
+<para><!-- --foo(1)-style references, use a simplelist for these-- --></para>
+<para>More detailed user documentation is available from <ulink
+url="help:/<!-- --commandname-- -->">help:/<!-- --command-- --></ulink>
+(either enter this <acronym>URL</acronym> into &konqueror;, or run
+<parameter>help:/<!-- --command-- --></parameter></userinput>).</para>
+<para>There is also further information available at <!-- --link to
+website if applicable-- --></para>
+<para><!-- -- Give examples on how to use the program with different parameters
+here, don't forget to explain what each invocation does exactly. Be verbose,
+many users find this the most useful part of the documentation! -- --></para>
+<para><!-- --If the app adheres to any particular standards or RFC's, note
+them here.-- --> </para>
+<para><!-- --Programs derived from other sources sometimes have this, or you
+might keep a modification log here. If the log gets overly long or detailed,
+consider maintaining it in a separate file, though.-- -->
+<para><!-- --Things that cause specific errors, so that people may avoid it,
+or at least will be prepared for it.-- -->
+<para><!-- --Bugs you don't plan to fix. :-)-- --></para>
+<para><!-- --Author information of the developer and man page writer.-- --></para>