path: root/kio/kfile/kicondialog.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kio/kfile/kicondialog.cpp')
1 files changed, 772 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kio/kfile/kicondialog.cpp b/kio/kfile/kicondialog.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..21a6ff6cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kio/kfile/kicondialog.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,772 @@
+/* vi: ts=8 sts=4 sw=4
+ *
+ * This file is part of the KDE project, module kfile.
+ * Copyright (C) 2000 Geert Jansen <>
+ * (C) 2000 Kurt Granroth <>
+ * (C) 1997 Christoph Neerfeld <>
+ * (C) 2002 Carsten Pfeiffer <>
+ *
+ * This is free software; it comes under the GNU Library General
+ * Public License, version 2. See the file "COPYING.LIB" for the
+ * exact licensing terms.
+ */
+#include "kicondialog.h"
+#include <config.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <kiconviewsearchline.h>
+#include <kapplication.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kglobal.h>
+#include <kstandarddirs.h>
+#include <kiconloader.h>
+#include <kprogress.h>
+#include <kiconview.h>
+#include <kfiledialog.h>
+#include <kimagefilepreview.h>
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <qstring.h>
+#include <qstringlist.h>
+#include <qsortedlist.h>
+#include <qimage.h>
+#include <qpixmap.h>
+#include <qlabel.h>
+#include <qcombobox.h>
+#include <qtimer.h>
+#include <qbuttongroup.h>
+#include <qradiobutton.h>
+#include <qfileinfo.h>
+#include <qtoolbutton.h>
+#include <qwhatsthis.h>
+#include <svgicons/ksvgiconengine.h>
+#include <svgicons/ksvgiconpainter.h>
+class KIconCanvas::KIconCanvasPrivate
+ public:
+ KIconCanvasPrivate() { m_bLoading = false; }
+ ~KIconCanvasPrivate() {}
+ bool m_bLoading;
+ * Helper class for sorting icon paths by icon name
+ */
+class IconPath : public QString
+ QString m_iconName;
+ IconPath(const QString &ip) : QString (ip)
+ {
+ int n = findRev('/');
+ m_iconName = (n==-1) ? static_cast<QString>(*this) : mid(n+1);
+ }
+ IconPath() : QString ()
+ { }
+ bool operator== (const IconPath &ip) const
+ { return m_iconName == ip.m_iconName; }
+ bool operator< (const IconPath &ip) const
+ { return m_iconName < ip.m_iconName; }
+ * KIconCanvas: Iconview for the iconloader dialog.
+ */
+KIconCanvas::KIconCanvas(QWidget *parent, const char *name)
+ : KIconView(parent, name)
+ d = new KIconCanvasPrivate;
+ mpTimer = new QTimer(this);
+ connect(mpTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(slotLoadFiles()));
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(currentChanged(QIconViewItem *)),
+ SLOT(slotCurrentChanged(QIconViewItem *)));
+ setGridX(80);
+ setWordWrapIconText(false);
+ setShowToolTips(true);
+ delete mpTimer;
+ delete d;
+void KIconCanvas::loadFiles(const QStringList& files)
+ clear();
+ mFiles = files;
+ emit startLoading(mFiles.count());
+ mpTimer->start(10, true); // #86680
+ d->m_bLoading = false;
+void KIconCanvas::slotLoadFiles()
+ setResizeMode(Fixed);
+ QApplication::setOverrideCursor(waitCursor);
+ // disable updates to not trigger paint events when adding child items
+ setUpdatesEnabled( false );
+ KSVGIconEngine *svgEngine = new KSVGIconEngine();
+ d->m_bLoading = true;
+ int i;
+ QStringList::ConstIterator it;
+ uint emitProgress = 10; // so we will emit it once in the beginning
+ QStringList::ConstIterator end(mFiles.end());
+ for (it=mFiles.begin(), i=0; it!=end; ++it, i++)
+ {
+ // Calling kapp->processEvents() makes the iconview flicker like hell
+ // (it's being repainted once for every new item), so we don't do this.
+ // Instead, we directly repaint the progress bar without going through
+ // the event-loop. We do that just once for every 10th item so that
+ // the progress bar doesn't flicker in turn. (pfeiffer)
+ if ( emitProgress >= 10 ) {
+ emit progress(i);
+ emitProgress = 0;
+ }
+ emitProgress++;
+// kapp->processEvents();
+ if ( !d->m_bLoading ) // user clicked on a button that will load another set of icons
+ break;
+ QImage img;
+ // Use the extension as the format. Works for XPM and PNG, but not for SVG
+ QString path= *it;
+ QString ext = path.right(3).upper();
+ if (ext != "SVG" && ext != "VGZ")
+ img.load(*it);
+ else
+ if (svgEngine->load(60, 60, *it))
+ img = *svgEngine->painter()->image();
+ if (img.isNull())
+ continue;
+ if (img.width() > 60 || img.height() > 60)
+ {
+ if (img.width() > img.height())
+ {
+ int height = (int) ((60.0 / img.width()) * img.height());
+ img = img.smoothScale(60, height);
+ } else
+ {
+ int width = (int) ((60.0 / img.height()) * img.width());
+ img = img.smoothScale(width, 60);
+ }
+ }
+ QPixmap pm;
+ pm.convertFromImage(img);
+ QFileInfo fi(*it);
+ QIconViewItem *item = new QIconViewItem(this, fi.baseName(), pm);
+ item->setKey(*it);
+ item->setDragEnabled(false);
+ item->setDropEnabled(false);
+ }
+ delete svgEngine;
+ // enable updates since we have to draw the whole view now
+ setUpdatesEnabled( true );
+ QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
+ d->m_bLoading = false;
+ emit finished();
+ setResizeMode(Adjust);
+QString KIconCanvas::getCurrent() const
+ if (!currentItem())
+ return QString::null;
+ return currentItem()->key();
+void KIconCanvas::stopLoading()
+ d->m_bLoading = false;
+void KIconCanvas::slotCurrentChanged(QIconViewItem *item)
+ emit nameChanged((item != 0L) ? item->text() : QString::null);
+class KIconDialog::KIconDialogPrivate
+ public:
+ KIconDialogPrivate() {
+ m_bStrictIconSize = true;
+ m_bLockUser = false;
+ m_bLockCustomDir = false;
+ searchLine = 0;
+ }
+ ~KIconDialogPrivate() {}
+ bool m_bStrictIconSize, m_bLockUser, m_bLockCustomDir;
+ QString custom;
+ QString customLocation;
+ KIconViewSearchLine *searchLine;
+ * KIconDialog: Dialog for selecting icons. Both system and user
+ * specified icons can be chosen.
+ */
+KIconDialog::KIconDialog(QWidget *parent, const char *name)
+ : KDialogBase(parent, name, true, i18n("Select Icon"), Ok|Cancel, Ok)
+ d = new KIconDialogPrivate;
+ mpLoader = KGlobal::iconLoader();
+ init();
+KIconDialog::KIconDialog(KIconLoader *loader, QWidget *parent,
+ const char *name)
+ : KDialogBase(parent, name, true, i18n("Select Icon"), Ok|Cancel, Ok)
+ d = new KIconDialogPrivate;
+ mpLoader = loader;
+ init();
+void KIconDialog::init()
+ mGroupOrSize = KIcon::Desktop;
+ mContext = KIcon::Any;
+ mType = 0;
+ mFileList = KGlobal::dirs()->findAllResources("appicon", QString::fromLatin1("*.png"));
+ QWidget *main = new QWidget( this );
+ setMainWidget(main);
+ QVBoxLayout *top = new QVBoxLayout(main);
+ top->setSpacing( spacingHint() );
+ QButtonGroup *bgroup = new QButtonGroup(0, Qt::Vertical, i18n("Icon Source"), main);
+ bgroup->layout()->setSpacing(KDialog::spacingHint());
+ bgroup->layout()->setMargin(KDialog::marginHint());
+ top->addWidget(bgroup);
+ connect(bgroup, SIGNAL(clicked(int)), SLOT(slotButtonClicked(int)));
+ QGridLayout *grid = new QGridLayout(bgroup->layout(), 3, 2);
+ mpRb1 = new QRadioButton(i18n("S&ystem icons:"), bgroup);
+ grid->addWidget(mpRb1, 1, 0);
+ mpCombo = new QComboBox(bgroup);
+ connect(mpCombo, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(slotContext(int)));
+ grid->addWidget(mpCombo, 1, 1);
+ mpRb2 = new QRadioButton(i18n("O&ther icons:"), bgroup);
+ grid->addWidget(mpRb2, 2, 0);
+ mpBrowseBut = new QPushButton(i18n("&Browse..."), bgroup);
+ grid->addWidget(mpBrowseBut, 2, 1);
+ //
+ //
+ QHBoxLayout *searchLayout = new QHBoxLayout(0, 0, KDialog::spacingHint());
+ top->addLayout(searchLayout);
+ QToolButton *clearSearch = new QToolButton(main);
+ clearSearch->setTextLabel(i18n("Clear Search"), true);
+ clearSearch->setIconSet(SmallIconSet(QApplication::reverseLayout() ? "clear_left" :"locationbar_erase"));
+ searchLayout->addWidget(clearSearch);
+ QLabel *searchLabel = new QLabel(i18n("&Search:"), main);
+ searchLayout->addWidget(searchLabel);
+ d->searchLine = new KIconViewSearchLine(main, "searchLine");
+ searchLayout->addWidget(d->searchLine);
+ searchLabel->setBuddy(d->searchLine);
+ // signals and slots connections
+ connect(clearSearch, SIGNAL(clicked()), d->searchLine, SLOT(clear()));
+ QString wtstr = i18n("Search interactively for icon names (e.g. folder).");
+ QWhatsThis::add(searchLabel, wtstr);
+ QWhatsThis::add(d->searchLine, wtstr);
+ mpCanvas = new KIconCanvas(main);
+ connect(mpCanvas, SIGNAL(executed(QIconViewItem *)), SLOT(slotAcceptIcons()));
+ connect(mpCanvas, SIGNAL(returnPressed(QIconViewItem *)), SLOT(slotAcceptIcons()));
+ mpCanvas->setMinimumSize(400, 125);
+ top->addWidget(mpCanvas);
+ d->searchLine->setIconView(mpCanvas);
+ mpProgress = new KProgress(main);
+ top->addWidget(mpProgress);
+ connect(mpCanvas, SIGNAL(startLoading(int)), SLOT(slotStartLoading(int)));
+ connect(mpCanvas, SIGNAL(progress(int)), SLOT(slotProgress(int)));
+ connect(mpCanvas, SIGNAL(finished()), SLOT(slotFinished()));
+ // When pressing Ok or Cancel, stop loading icons
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(hidden()), mpCanvas, SLOT(stopLoading()));
+ static const char* const context_text[] = {
+ I18N_NOOP( "Actions" ),
+ I18N_NOOP( "Animations" ),
+ I18N_NOOP( "Applications" ),
+ I18N_NOOP( "Categories" ),
+ I18N_NOOP( "Devices" ),
+ I18N_NOOP( "Emblems" ),
+ I18N_NOOP( "Emotes" ),
+ I18N_NOOP( "Filesystems" ),
+ I18N_NOOP( "International" ),
+ I18N_NOOP( "Mimetypes" ),
+ I18N_NOOP( "Places" ),
+ I18N_NOOP( "Status" ) };
+ static const KIcon::Context context_id[] = {
+ KIcon::Action,
+ KIcon::Animation,
+ KIcon::Application,
+ KIcon::Category,
+ KIcon::Device,
+ KIcon::Emblem,
+ KIcon::Emote,
+ KIcon::FileSystem,
+ KIcon::International,
+ KIcon::MimeType,
+ KIcon::Place,
+ KIcon::StatusIcon };
+ mNumContext = 0;
+ int cnt = sizeof( context_text ) / sizeof( context_text[ 0 ] );
+ // check all 3 arrays have same sizes
+ assert( cnt == sizeof( context_id ) / sizeof( context_id[ 0 ] )
+ && cnt == sizeof( mContextMap ) / sizeof( mContextMap[ 0 ] ));
+ for( int i = 0;
+ i < cnt;
+ ++i )
+ {
+ if( mpLoader->hasContext( context_id[ i ] ))
+ {
+ mpCombo->insertItem(i18n( context_text[ i ] ));
+ mContextMap[ mNumContext++ ] = context_id[ i ];
+ }
+ }
+ mpCombo->setFixedSize(mpCombo->sizeHint());
+ mpBrowseBut->setFixedWidth(mpCombo->width());
+ // Make the dialog a little taller
+ incInitialSize(QSize(0,100));
+ delete d;
+void KIconDialog::slotAcceptIcons()
+ d->custom=QString::null;
+ slotOk();
+void KIconDialog::showIcons()
+ mpCanvas->clear();
+ QStringList filelist;
+ if (mType == 0)
+ if (d->m_bStrictIconSize)
+ filelist=mpLoader->queryIcons(mGroupOrSize, mContext);
+ else
+ filelist=mpLoader->queryIconsByContext(mGroupOrSize, mContext);
+ else if ( !d->customLocation.isNull() )
+ filelist=mpLoader->queryIconsByDir( d->customLocation );
+ else
+ filelist=mFileList;
+ QSortedList <IconPath>iconlist;
+ iconlist.setAutoDelete(true);
+ QStringList::Iterator it;
+ for( it = filelist.begin(); it != filelist.end(); ++it )
+ iconlist.append(new IconPath(*it));
+ iconlist.sort();
+ filelist.clear();
+ for ( IconPath *ip=iconlist.first(); ip != 0; )
+ filelist.append(*ip);
+ d->searchLine->clear();
+ mpCanvas->loadFiles(filelist);
+void KIconDialog::setStrictIconSize(bool b)
+ d->m_bStrictIconSize=b;
+bool KIconDialog::strictIconSize() const
+ return d->m_bStrictIconSize;
+void KIconDialog::setIconSize( int size )
+ // see KIconLoader, if you think this is weird
+ if ( size == 0 )
+ mGroupOrSize = KIcon::Desktop; // default Group
+ else
+ mGroupOrSize = -size; // yes, KIconLoader::queryIconsByContext is weird
+int KIconDialog::iconSize() const
+ // 0 or any other value ==> mGroupOrSize is a group, so we return 0
+ return (mGroupOrSize < 0) ? -mGroupOrSize : 0;
+#ifndef KDE_NO_COMPAT
+QString KIconDialog::selectIcon(KIcon::Group group, KIcon::Context context, bool user)
+ setup( group, context, false, 0, user );
+ return openDialog();
+void KIconDialog::setup(KIcon::Group group, KIcon::Context context,
+ bool strictIconSize, int iconSize, bool user )
+ d->m_bStrictIconSize = strictIconSize;
+ mGroupOrSize = (iconSize == 0) ? group : -iconSize;
+ mType = user ? 1 : 0;
+ mpRb1->setChecked(!user);
+ mpRb2->setChecked(user);
+ mpCombo->setEnabled(!user);
+ mpBrowseBut->setEnabled(user);
+ setContext( context );
+void KIconDialog::setup(KIcon::Group group, KIcon::Context context,
+ bool strictIconSize, int iconSize, bool user,
+ bool lockUser, bool lockCustomDir )
+ d->m_bStrictIconSize = strictIconSize;
+ d->m_bLockUser = lockUser;
+ d->m_bLockCustomDir = lockCustomDir;
+ mGroupOrSize = (iconSize == 0) ? group : -iconSize;
+ mType = user ? 1 : 0;
+ mpRb1->setChecked(!user);
+ mpRb1->setEnabled( !lockUser || !user );
+ mpRb2->setChecked(user);
+ mpRb2->setEnabled( !lockUser || user );
+ mpCombo->setEnabled(!user);
+ mpBrowseBut->setEnabled( user && !lockCustomDir );
+ setContext( context );
+void KIconDialog::setContext( KIcon::Context context )
+ mContext = context;
+ for( int i = 0;
+ i < mNumContext;
+ ++i )
+ if( mContextMap[ i ] == context )
+ {
+ mpCombo->setCurrentItem( i );
+ return;
+ }
+void KIconDialog::setCustomLocation( const QString& location )
+ d->customLocation = location;
+QString KIconDialog::openDialog()
+ showIcons();
+ if ( exec() == Accepted )
+ {
+ if (!d->custom.isNull())
+ return d->custom;
+ QString name = mpCanvas->getCurrent();
+ if (name.isEmpty() || (mType == 1))
+ return name;
+ QFileInfo fi(name);
+ return fi.baseName();
+ }
+ return QString::null;
+void KIconDialog::showDialog()
+ setModal(false);
+ showIcons();
+ show();
+void KIconDialog::slotOk()
+ QString name;
+ if (!d->custom.isNull())
+ {
+ name = d->custom;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ name = mpCanvas->getCurrent();
+ if (!name.isEmpty() && (mType != 1))
+ {
+ QFileInfo fi(name);
+ name = fi.baseName();
+ }
+ }
+ emit newIconName(name);
+ KDialogBase::slotOk();
+QString KIconDialog::getIcon(KIcon::Group group, KIcon::Context context,
+ bool strictIconSize, int iconSize, bool user,
+ QWidget *parent, const QString &caption)
+ KIconDialog dlg(parent, "icon dialog");
+ dlg.setup( group, context, strictIconSize, iconSize, user );
+ if (!caption.isNull())
+ dlg.setCaption(caption);
+ return dlg.openDialog();
+void KIconDialog::slotButtonClicked(int id)
+ QString file;
+ switch (id)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ if(mType!=0)
+ {
+ mType = 0;
+ mpBrowseBut->setEnabled(false);
+ mpCombo->setEnabled(true);
+ showIcons();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ if(mType!=1)
+ {
+ mType = 1;
+ mpBrowseBut->setEnabled( !d->m_bLockCustomDir );
+ mpCombo->setEnabled(false);
+ showIcons();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ {
+ // Create a file dialog to select a PNG, XPM or SVG file,
+ // with the image previewer shown.
+ // KFileDialog::getImageOpenURL doesn't allow svg.
+ KFileDialog dlg(QString::null, i18n("*.png *.xpm *.svg *.svgz|Icon Files (*.png *.xpm *.svg *.svgz)"),
+ this, "filedialog", true);
+ dlg.setOperationMode( KFileDialog::Opening );
+ dlg.setCaption( i18n("Open") );
+ dlg.setMode( KFile::File );
+ KImageFilePreview *ip = new KImageFilePreview( &dlg );
+ dlg.setPreviewWidget( ip );
+ dlg.exec();
+ file = dlg.selectedFile();
+ if (!file.isEmpty())
+ {
+ d->custom = file;
+ if ( mType == 1 )
+ d->customLocation = QFileInfo( file ).dirPath( true );
+ slotOk();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+void KIconDialog::slotContext(int id)
+ mContext = static_cast<KIcon::Context>( mContextMap[ id ] );
+ showIcons();
+void KIconDialog::slotStartLoading(int steps)
+ if (steps < 10)
+ mpProgress->hide();
+ else
+ {
+ mpProgress->setTotalSteps(steps);
+ mpProgress->setProgress(0);
+ mpProgress->show();
+ }
+void KIconDialog::slotProgress(int p)
+ mpProgress->setProgress(p);
+ // commented out the following since setProgress already paints ther
+ // progress bar. ->repaint() only makes it flicker
+ //mpProgress->repaint();
+void KIconDialog::slotFinished()
+ mpProgress->hide();
+class KIconButton::KIconButtonPrivate
+ public:
+ KIconButtonPrivate() {
+ m_bStrictIconSize = false;
+ iconSize = 0; // let KIconLoader choose the default
+ }
+ ~KIconButtonPrivate() {}
+ bool m_bStrictIconSize;
+ int iconSize;
+ * KIconButton: A "choose icon" pushbutton.
+ */
+KIconButton::KIconButton(QWidget *parent, const char *name)
+ : QPushButton(parent, name)
+ init( KGlobal::iconLoader() );
+KIconButton::KIconButton(KIconLoader *loader,
+ QWidget *parent, const char *name)
+ : QPushButton(parent, name)
+ init( loader );
+void KIconButton::init( KIconLoader *loader )
+ d = new KIconButtonPrivate;
+ mGroup = KIcon::Desktop;
+ mContext = KIcon::Application;
+ mbUser = false;
+ mpLoader = loader;
+ mpDialog = 0L;
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotChangeIcon()));
+ delete mpDialog;
+ delete d;
+void KIconButton::setStrictIconSize(bool b)
+ d->m_bStrictIconSize=b;
+bool KIconButton::strictIconSize() const
+ return d->m_bStrictIconSize;
+void KIconButton::setIconSize( int size )
+ d->iconSize = size;
+int KIconButton::iconSize() const
+ return d->iconSize;
+void KIconButton::setIconType(KIcon::Group group, KIcon::Context context, bool user)
+ mGroup = group;
+ mContext = context;
+ mbUser = user;
+void KIconButton::setIcon(const QString& icon)
+ mIcon = icon;
+ setIconSet(mpLoader->loadIconSet(mIcon, mGroup, d->iconSize));
+ if (!mpDialog)
+ {
+ mpDialog = new KIconDialog(mpLoader, this);
+ connect(mpDialog, SIGNAL(newIconName(const QString&)), SLOT(newIconName(const QString&)));
+ }
+ if ( mbUser )
+ mpDialog->setCustomLocation( QFileInfo( mpLoader->iconPath(mIcon, mGroup, true) ).dirPath( true ) );
+void KIconButton::resetIcon()
+ mIcon = QString::null;
+ setIconSet(QIconSet());
+void KIconButton::slotChangeIcon()
+ if (!mpDialog)
+ {
+ mpDialog = new KIconDialog(mpLoader, this);
+ connect(mpDialog, SIGNAL(newIconName(const QString&)), SLOT(newIconName(const QString&)));
+ }
+ mpDialog->setup( mGroup, mContext, d->m_bStrictIconSize, d->iconSize, mbUser );
+ mpDialog->showDialog();
+void KIconButton::newIconName(const QString& name)
+ if (name.isEmpty())
+ return;
+ QIconSet iconset = mpLoader->loadIconSet(name, mGroup, d->iconSize);
+ setIconSet(iconset);
+ mIcon = name;
+ if ( mbUser )
+ mpDialog->setCustomLocation( QFileInfo( mpLoader->iconPath(mIcon, mGroup, true) ).dirPath( true ) );
+ emit iconChanged(name);
+void KIconCanvas::virtual_hook( int id, void* data )
+{ KIconView::virtual_hook( id, data ); }
+void KIconDialog::virtual_hook( int id, void* data )
+{ KDialogBase::virtual_hook( id, data ); }
+#include "kicondialog.moc"