path: root/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends')
32 files changed, 8732 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/CMakeLists.txt b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f5b916a95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# (C) 2013 Golubev Alexander
+# fatzer2 (AT)
+# Improvements and feedback are welcome
+# This file is released under GPL >= 2
+tde_conditional_add_subdirectory( WITH_NETWORK_MANAGER_BACKEND network-manager )
diff --git a/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/CMakeLists.txt b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f00b5e482
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# (C) 2013 Golubev Alexander
+# fatzer2 (AT)
+# Improvements and feedback are welcome
+# This file is released under GPL >= 2
+add_subdirectory( dbus-introspection )
+include_directories (
+ ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/tdecore
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tdecore
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tdecore/tdehw
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/dbus-introspection
+tde_add_library( network_manager_backend STATIC_PIC AUTOMOC
+ SOURCES network-manager.cpp
+ EMBED tdenm_dbus-static
+ LINK tdenm_dbus-static ${DBUS_TQT_LIBRARIES}
diff --git a/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/CMakeLists.txt b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..144d56569
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# (C) 2010 Serghei Amelian
+# serghei (DOT) amelian (AT)
+# Improvements and feedback are welcome
+# This file is released under GPL >= 2
+##### tdenm_dbus (static) #########################
+# options:
+# p - generate proxy files
+# i - generate interface files
+# n - generate node files
+function( add_dbus_xml option basename classname namespace xmlfile )
+ if( classname )
+ set( classname -c ${classname} )
+ endif( )
+ add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${basename}.cpp ${basename}.h
+ COMMAND ${DBUSXML2QT3_EXECUTABLE} -${option} ${basename} ${classname} -N ${namespace} ${INTROSPECTIONPATH}/${xmlfile} 2>/dev/null
+endfunction( )
+add_dbus_xml( p networkmanagerproxy NetworkManagerProxy DBus nm-manager.xml )
+add_dbus_xml( p networkmanagerpppproxy NetworkManagerPPPProxy DBus nm-ppp-manager.xml )
+add_dbus_xml( p deviceproxy DeviceProxy DBus nm-device.xml )
+add_dbus_xml( p wifiproxy WiFiDeviceProxy DBus nm-device-wifi.xml )
+add_dbus_xml( p wimaxproxy WiMaxDeviceProxy DBus nm-device-wimax.xml )
+add_dbus_xml( p olpcmeshproxy OlpcMeshDeviceProxy DBus nm-device-olpc-mesh.xml )
+add_dbus_xml( p bluetoothproxy BluetoothDeviceProxy DBus nm-device-bt.xml )
+add_dbus_xml( p ethernetproxy EthernetDeviceProxy DBus nm-device-ethernet.xml )
+add_dbus_xml( p infinibandproxy InfinibandDeviceProxy DBus nm-device-infiniband.xml )
+add_dbus_xml( p modemproxy ModemDeviceProxy DBus nm-device-modem.xml )
+add_dbus_xml( p accesspointproxy AccessPointProxy DBus nm-access-point.xml )
+add_dbus_xml( p activeconnectionproxy ActiveConnectionProxy DBus nm-active-connection.xml )
+add_dbus_xml( p vpnconnectionproxy VPNConnectionProxy DBus nm-vpn-connection.xml )
+add_dbus_xml( p vpnpluginproxy VPNPluginProxy DBus nm-vpn-plugin.xml )
+add_dbus_xml( p networkmanagersettings SettingsInterface DBus nm-settings.xml )
+add_dbus_xml( p connectionsettings ConnectionSettingsInterface DBus nm-settings-connection.xml )
+# generate moc files
+set( MOCHEADERS accesspointproxy.h deviceproxy.h networkmanagerproxy.h networkmanagerpppproxy.h bluetoothproxy.h olpcmeshproxy.h ethernetproxy.h
+ infinibandproxy.h wifiproxy.h wimaxproxy.h activeconnectionproxy.h vpnconnectionproxy.h vpnpluginproxy.h modemproxy.h
+ networkmanagersettings.h connectionsettings.h )
+foreach( _header_file ${MOCHEADERS} )
+ get_filename_component( _basename "${_header_file}" NAME_WE )
+ set( _moc_file ${_basename}.moc )
+ list( APPEND _moc_files ${_moc_file} )
+ add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${_moc_file}
+ COMMAND ${TMOC_EXECUTABLE} ${_header_file} -o ${_moc_file}
+ DEPENDS ${_header_file} )
+endforeach( )
+add_custom_command( OUTPUT mocfiles.cpp
+ COMMAND cat ${_moc_files} > mocfiles.cpp
+ DEPENDS ${_moc_files} )
+# tde_automoc( accesspointproxy.h deviceproxy.h networkmanagerproxy.h
+# networkmanagerpppproxy.h bluetoothproxy.h olpcmeshproxy.h
+# ethernetproxy.h infinibandproxy.h wifiproxy.h wimaxproxy.h
+# activeconnectionproxy.h vpnconnectionproxy.h vpnpluginproxy.h
+# modemproxy.h networkmanagersettings.h connectionsettings.h )
+# build the library
+tde_add_library( tdenm_dbus STATIC_PIC
+ networkmanagerproxy.cpp networkmanagerpppproxy.cpp
+ deviceproxy.cpp bluetoothproxy.cpp olpcmeshproxy.cpp ethernetproxy.cpp
+ infinibandproxy.cpp wifiproxy.cpp wimaxproxy.cpp accesspointproxy.cpp
+ networkmanagersettings.cpp connectionsettings.cpp
+ mocfiles.cpp activeconnectionproxy.cpp vpnconnectionproxy.cpp
+ vpnpluginproxy.cpp modemproxy.cpp
diff --git a/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-access-point.xml b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-access-point.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..21f238ffa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-access-point.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<node name="/" xmlns:tp="">
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.AccessPoint">
+ <property name="Flags" type="u" access="read" tp:type="NM_802_11_AP_FLAGS">
+ <tp:docstring>Flags describing the capabilities of the access point.</tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="WpaFlags" type="u" access="read" tp:type="NM_802_11_AP_SEC">
+ <tp:docstring>Flags describing the access point's capabilities according to WPA (Wifi Protected Access).</tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="RsnFlags" type="u" access="read" tp:type="NM_802_11_AP_SEC">
+ <tp:docstring>Flags describing the access point's capabilities according to the RSN (Robust Secure Network) protocol.</tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="Ssid" type="ay" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>The Service Set Identifier identifying the access point.</tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="Frequency" type="u" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>The radio channel frequency in use by the access point, in MHz.</tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="HwAddress" type="s" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>The hardware address (BSSID) of the access point.</tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="Mode" type="u" access="read" tp:type="NM_802_11_MODE">
+ <tp:docstring>Describes the operating mode of the access point.</tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="MaxBitrate" type="u" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>The maximum bitrate this access point is capable of, in kilobits/second (Kb/s).</tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="Strength" type="y" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>The current signal quality of the access point, in percent.</tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <signal name="PropertiesChanged">
+ <arg name="properties" type="a{sv}" tp:type="String_Variant_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A dictionary mapping property names to variant boxed values
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </signal>
+ <tp:flags name="NM_802_11_AP_FLAGS" value-prefix="NM_802_11_AP_FLAGS" type="u">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Flags describing the general capabilities of the access point.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:flag suffix="NONE" value="0x0">
+ <tp:docstring>Null capability - says nothing about the access point.</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="PRIVACY" value="0x1">
+ <tp:docstring>Access point supports privacy measures.</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ </tp:flags>
+ <tp:flags name="NM_802_11_AP_SEC" value-prefix="NM_802_11_AP_SEC" type="u">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Flags describing the security capabilities of the access point.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:flag suffix="NONE" value="0x0">
+ <tp:docstring>Null flag.</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="PAIR_WEP40" value="0x1">
+ <tp:docstring>Access point supports pairwise 40-bit WEP encryption.</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="PAIR_WEP104" value="0x2">
+ <tp:docstring>Access point supports pairwise 104-bit WEP encryption.</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="PAIR_TKIP" value="0x4">
+ <tp:docstring>Access point supports pairwise TKIP encryption.</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="PAIR_CCMP" value="0x8">
+ <tp:docstring>Access point supports pairwise CCMP encryption.</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="GROUP_WEP40" value="0x10">
+ <tp:docstring>Access point supports a group 40-bit WEP cipher.</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="GROUP_WEP104" value="0x20">
+ <tp:docstring>Access point supports a group 104-bit WEP cipher.</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="GROUP_TKIP" value="0x40">
+ <tp:docstring>Access point supports a group TKIP cipher.</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="GROUP_CCMP" value="0x80">
+ <tp:docstring>Access point supports a group CCMP cipher.</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="KEY_MGMT_PSK" value="0x100">
+ <tp:docstring>Access point supports PSK key management.</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="KEY_MGMT_802_1X" value="0x200">
+ <tp:docstring>Access point supports 802.1x key management.</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ </tp:flags>
+ </interface>
diff --git a/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-active-connection.xml b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-active-connection.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ef01ab160
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-active-connection.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<node name="/" xmlns:tp="">
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Connection.Active">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Objects that implement the Connection.Active interface represent an attempt
+ to connect to a network using the details provided by a Connection object.
+ The Connection.Active object tracks the life-cycle of the connection
+ attempt and if successful indicates whether the connected network is the
+ "default" or preferred network for access.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <property name="Connection" type="o" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>The path of the connection.</tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="SpecificObject" type="o" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>A specific object associated with the active connection.</tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="Uuid" type="s" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The UUID of the connection, provided as a convenience so that clients
+ do not have to retrieve all connection details.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="Devices" type="ao" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>Array of object paths representing devices which are part of this active connection.</tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="State" type="u" access="read" tp:type="NM_ACTIVE_CONNECTION_STATE">
+ <tp:docstring>The state of this active connection.</tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="Default" type="b" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>Whether this active connection is the default IPv4 connection, i.e. whether it currently owns the default IPv4 route.</tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="Default6" type="b" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>Whether this active connection is the default IPv6 connection, i.e. whether it currently owns the default IPv6 route.</tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="Vpn" type="b" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>Whether this active connection is also a VPN connection.</tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="Master" type="o" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>The path to the master device if the connection is a slave.</tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <signal name="PropertiesChanged">
+ <arg name="properties" type="a{sv}" tp:type="String_Variant_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A dictionary mapping property names to variant boxed values
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </signal>
+ <tp:enum name="NM_ACTIVE_CONNECTION_STATE" type="u">
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="UNKNOWN" value="0">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The active connection is in an unknown state.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="ACTIVATING" value="1">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The connection is activating.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="ACTIVATED" value="2">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The connection is activated.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="DEACTIVATING" value="3">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The connection is being torn down and cleaned up.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ </tp:enum>
+ </interface>
diff --git a/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-agent-manager.xml b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-agent-manager.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e26caacf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-agent-manager.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<node name="/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/AgentManager" xmlns:tp="">
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.AgentManager">
+ <method name="Register">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Called by secret Agents to register their ability to provide and save
+ network secrets.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_agent_manager_register"/>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
+ <arg name="identifier" type="s" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Identifies this agent; only one agent in each user session may use the
+ same identifier. Identifier formatting follows the same rules as
+ D-Bus bus names with the exception that the ':' character is not
+ allowed. The valid set of characters is "[A-Z][a-z][0-9]_-." and the
+ identifier is limited in length to 255 characters with a minimum
+ of 3 characters. An example valid identifier is 'org.gnome.nm-applet'
+ (without quotes).
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <method name="Unregister">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Called by secret Agents to notify NetworkManager that they will no
+ longer handle requests for network secrets. Agents are automatically
+ unregistered when they disconnect from D-Bus.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_agent_manager_unregister"/>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
+ </method>
+ </interface>
diff --git a/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-device-adsl.xml b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-device-adsl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ec50d1104
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-device-adsl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<node name="/" xmlns:tp="">
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Device.Adsl">
+ <signal name="PropertiesChanged">
+ <arg name="properties" type="a{sv}" tp:type="String_Variant_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A dictionary mapping property names to variant boxed values
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </signal>
+ <property name="Carrier" type="b" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Indicates whether the physical carrier is found.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ </interface>
diff --git a/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-device-bond.xml b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-device-bond.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9d200ef8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-device-bond.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<node name="/" xmlns:tp="">
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Device.Bond">
+ <property name="HwAddress" type="s" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Hardware address of the device.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="Carrier" type="b" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Indicates whether the physical carrier is found (e.g. whether a cable is plugged in or not).
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <signal name="PropertiesChanged">
+ <arg name="properties" type="a{sv}" tp:type="String_Variant_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A dictionary mapping property names to variant boxed values
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </signal>
+ </interface>
diff --git a/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-device-bt.xml b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-device-bt.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cc4a9b544
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-device-bt.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<node name="/" xmlns:tp="">
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Device.Bluetooth">
+ <property name="HwAddress" type="s" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Bluetooth hardware address of the device.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="Name" type="s" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Bluetooth name of the device.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="BtCapabilities" type="u" access="read" tp:type="NM_BT_CAPABILITIES">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Bluetooth capabilities of the device (either DUN or NAP).
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <signal name="PropertiesChanged">
+ <arg name="properties" type="a{sv}" tp:type="String_Variant_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A dictionary mapping property names to variant boxed values
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </signal>
+ <tp:flags name="NM_BT_CAPABILITIES" value-prefix="NM_BT_CAPABILITY" type="u">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Flags describing the capabilities of a Bluetooth device.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:flag suffix="NONE" value="0x0">
+ <tp:docstring>The device has no recognized capabilities.</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="DUN" value="0x1">
+ <tp:docstring>The device supports Bluetooth Dial-Up Networking.</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="PAN" value="0x2">
+ <tp:docstring>The device supports Bluetooth Personal Area Networking.</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ </tp:flags>
+ </interface>
diff --git a/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-device-ethernet.xml b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-device-ethernet.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..000caf752
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-device-ethernet.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<node name="/" xmlns:tp="">
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Device.Wired">
+ <property name="HwAddress" type="s" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Active hardware address of the device.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="PermHwAddress" type="s" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Permanent hardware address of the device.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="Speed" type="u" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Design speed of the device, in megabits/second (Mb/s).
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="Carrier" type="b" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Indicates whether the physical carrier is found (e.g. whether a cable is plugged in or not).
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <signal name="PropertiesChanged">
+ <arg name="properties" type="a{sv}" tp:type="String_Variant_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A dictionary mapping property names to variant boxed values
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </signal>
+ </interface>
diff --git a/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-device-infiniband.xml b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-device-infiniband.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..097714c69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-device-infiniband.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<node name="/" xmlns:tp="">
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Device.Infiniband">
+ <property name="HwAddress" type="s" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Hardware address of the device.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="Carrier" type="b" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Indicates whether the physical carrier is found (e.g. whether a cable is plugged in or not).
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <signal name="PropertiesChanged">
+ <arg name="properties" type="a{sv}" tp:type="String_Variant_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A dictionary mapping property names to variant boxed values
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </signal>
+ </interface>
diff --git a/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-device-modem.xml b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-device-modem.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0ca101fd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-device-modem.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<node name="/" xmlns:tp="">
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Device.Modem">
+ <signal name="PropertiesChanged">
+ <arg name="properties" type="a{sv}" tp:type="String_Variant_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A dictionary mapping property names to variant boxed values
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </signal>
+ <property name="ModemCapabilities" type="u" access="read" tp:type="NM_DEVICE_MODEM_CAPABILITIES">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The generic family of access technologies the modem supports. Not all
+ capabilities are available at the same time however; some modems require
+ a firmware reload or other reinitialization to switch between eg CDMA/EVDO
+ and GSM/UMTS.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="CurrentCapabilities" type="u" access="read" tp:type="NM_DEVICE_MODEM_CAPABILITIES">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The generic family of access technologies the modem currently supports
+ without a firmware reload or reinitialization.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <tp:flags name="NM_DEVICE_MODEM_CAPABILITIES" value-prefix="NM_DEVICE_MODEM_CAPABILITY" type="u">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Flags describing one or more of the general access technology families
+ that a modem device supports.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:flag suffix="NONE" value="0x0">
+ <tp:docstring>Modem has no capabilties.</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="POTS" value="0x1">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Modem supports the analog wired telephone network (ie 56k dialup) and
+ does not have wireless/cellular capabilities.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="CDMA_EVDO" value="0x2">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Modem supports at least one of CDMA 1xRTT, EVDO revision 0, EVDO
+ revision A, or EVDO revision B.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="GSM_UMTS" value="0x4">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Modem supports at least one of GSM, GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, HSDPA, HSUPA, or
+ HSPA+ packet switched data capability.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="LTE" value="0x8">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Modem has at LTE data capability.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ </tp:flags>
+ </interface>
diff --git a/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-device-olpc-mesh.xml b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-device-olpc-mesh.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c30ecfc60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-device-olpc-mesh.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<node name="/" xmlns:tp="">
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Device.OlpcMesh">
+ <property name="HwAddress" type="s" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The hardware address of the device.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="Companion" type="o" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The object path of the companion device.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="ActiveChannel" type="u" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The currently active channel.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <signal name="PropertiesChanged">
+ <arg name="properties" type="a{sv}" tp:type="String_Variant_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A dictionary containing the FIXME: check changed parameters.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Emitted when the wireless device's properties changed.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ </interface>
diff --git a/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-device-vlan.xml b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-device-vlan.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..54b7bbe48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-device-vlan.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<node name="/" xmlns:tp="">
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Device.Vlan">
+ <property name="HwAddress" type="s" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Hardware address of the device.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="Carrier" type="b" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Indicates whether the physical carrier is found (e.g. whether a cable is plugged in or not).
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="VlanId" type="u" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The VLAN ID of this VLAN interface.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <signal name="PropertiesChanged">
+ <arg name="properties" type="a{sv}" tp:type="String_Variant_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A dictionary mapping property names to variant boxed values
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </signal>
+ </interface>
diff --git a/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-device-wifi.xml b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-device-wifi.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..531fc8930
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-device-wifi.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<node name="/" xmlns:tp="">
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Device.Wireless">
+ <method name="GetAccessPoints">
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_device_get_access_points"/>
+ <arg name="access_points" type="ao" direction="out">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ List of access point object paths
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Get the list of access points visible to this device.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </method>
+ <method name="RequestScan">
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_device_request_scan"/>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
+ <arg name="options" type="a{sv}" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Options of scan
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Request the device to scan
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </method>
+ <property name="HwAddress" type="s" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The active hardware address of the device.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="PermHwAddress" type="s" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The permanent hardware address of the device.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="Mode" type="u" access="read" tp:type="NM_802_11_MODE">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The operating mode of the wireless device.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="Bitrate" type="u" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The bit rate currently used by the wireless device, in kilobits/second (Kb/s).
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="ActiveAccessPoint" type="o" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Object path of the access point currently used by the wireless device.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="WirelessCapabilities" type="u" access="read" tp:type="NM_802_11_DEVICE_CAP">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The capabilities of the wireless device.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <signal name="PropertiesChanged">
+ <arg name="properties" type="a{sv}" tp:type="String_Variant_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A dictionary containing the FIXME: check changed parameters.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Emitted when the wireless device's properties changed.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <signal name="AccessPointAdded">
+ <arg name="access_point" type="o">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The object path of the newly found access point.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Emitted when a new access point is found by the device.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <signal name="AccessPointRemoved">
+ <arg name="access_point" type="o">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The object path of the access point that has disappeared.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Emitted when an access point disappears from view of the device.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <tp:flags name="NM_802_11_DEVICE_CAP" type="u">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Flags describing the capabilities of a wireless device.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:flag suffix="NONE" value="0x0">
+ <tp:docstring>Null capability - syntactic sugar for no capabilities supported. Do not AND this with other capabilities!</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="CIPHER_WEP40" value="0x1">
+ <tp:docstring>The device supports the 40-bit WEP cipher.</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="CIPHER_WEP104" value="0x2">
+ <tp:docstring>The device supports the 104-bit WEP cipher.</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="CIPHER_TKIP" value="0x4">
+ <tp:docstring>The device supports the TKIP cipher.</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="CIPHER_CCMP" value="0x8">
+ <tp:docstring>The device supports the CCMP cipher.</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="WPA" value="0x10">
+ <tp:docstring>The device supports the WPA encryption/authentication protocol.</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="RSN" value="0x20">
+ <tp:docstring>The device supports the RSN encryption/authentication protocol.</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ </tp:flags>
+ </interface>
diff --git a/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-device-wimax.xml b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-device-wimax.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6e414087f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-device-wimax.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<node name="/" xmlns:tp="">
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Device.WiMax">
+ <method name="GetNspList">
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_device_get_nsp_list"/>
+ <arg name="nsps" type="ao" direction="out">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ List of NSP object paths
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Get the list of NSPs visible to this device.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </method>
+ <property name="HwAddress" type="s" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Hardware address of the device.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="CenterFrequency" type="u" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Center frequency (in KHz) of the radio channel the device is using to
+ communicate with the network when connected. Has no meaning when the
+ device is not connected.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="Rssi" type="i" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ RSSI of the current radio link in dBm. This value indicates how strong
+ the raw received RF signal from the base station is, but does not
+ indicate the overall quality of the radio link. Has no meaning when the
+ device is not connected.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="Cinr" type="i" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ CINR (Carrier to Interference + Noise Ratio) of the current radio link
+ in dB. CINR is a more accurate measure of radio link quality. Has no
+ meaning when the device is not connected.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="TxPower" type="i" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Average power of the last burst transmitted by the device, in units of
+ 0.5 dBm. i.e. a TxPower of -11 represents an actual device TX power of
+ -5.5 dBm. Has no meaning when the device is not connected.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="Bsid" type="s" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The ID of the serving base station as received from the network. Has
+ no meaning when the device is not connected.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="ActiveNsp" type="o" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Object path of the NSP currently used by the WiMax device.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <signal name="PropertiesChanged">
+ <arg name="properties" type="a{sv}" tp:type="String_Variant_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A dictionary mapping property names to variant boxed values.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Emitted when the WiMax device's properties changed.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <signal name="NspAdded">
+ <arg name="nsp" type="o">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The object path of the newly found NSP.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Emitted when a new NSP is found by the device.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <signal name="NspRemoved">
+ <arg name="nsp" type="o">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The object path of the NSP that has disappeared.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Emitted when an NSP disappears from view of the device.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ </interface>
diff --git a/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-device.xml b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-device.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5b2c98b3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-device.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,577 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<node name="/" xmlns:tp="">
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Device">
+ <property name="Udi" type="s" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Operating-system specific transient device hardware identifier. This
+ is an opaque string representing the underlying hardware for the device,
+ and shouldn't be used to keep track of individual devices. For some
+ device types (Bluetooth, Modems) it is an identifier used by the
+ hardware service (ie bluez or ModemManager) to refer to that device,
+ and client programs use it get additional information from those
+ services which NM does not provide. The Udi is not guaranteed to be
+ consistent across reboots or hotplugs of the hardware. If you're looking
+ for a way to uniquely track each device in your application, use the
+ object path. If you're looking for a way to track a specific piece of
+ hardware across reboot or hotplug, use a MAC address or USB serial
+ number.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="Interface" type="s" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The name of the device's control (and often data) interface.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="IpInterface" type="s" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The name of the device's data interface when available. This property
+ may not refer to the actual data interface until the device has
+ successfully established a data connection, indicated by the device's
+ State becoming ACTIVATED.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="Driver" type="s" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The driver handling the device.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="DriverVersion" type="s" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The version of the driver handling the device.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="FirmwareVersion" type="s" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The firmware version for the device.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="Capabilities" type="u" access="read" tp:type="NM_DEVICE_CAP">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Flags describing the capabilities of the device.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="Ip4Address" type="i" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The IPv4 address bound to the device. FIXME: what about devices with >1 IP address?
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="State" type="u" access="read" tp:type="NM_DEVICE_STATE">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The current state of the device.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="StateReason" type="(uu)" access="read" tp:type="NM_DEVICE_STATE_REASON_STRUCT">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The current state and reason for changing to that state.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="ActiveConnection" type="o" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Object path of an ActiveConnection object that "owns" this device during
+ activation. The ActiveConnection object tracks the life-cycle of a
+ connection to a specific network and implements the
+ org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Connection.Active D-Bus interface.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="Ip4Config" type="o" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Object path of the Ip4Config object describing the configuration of the device. Only valid when the device is in the NM_DEVICE_STATE_ACTIVATED state.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="Dhcp4Config" type="o" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Object path of the Dhcp4Config object describing the DHCP options returned by the DHCP server. Only valid when the device is in the NM_DEVICE_STATE_ACTIVATED state.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="Ip6Config" type="o" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Object path of the Ip6Config object describing the configuration of the device. Only valid when the device is in the NM_DEVICE_STATE_ACTIVATED state.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="Dhcp6Config" type="o" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Object path of the Dhcp6Config object describing the DHCP options
+ returned by the DHCP server. Only valid when the device is in the
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="Managed" type="b" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Whether or not this device is managed by NetworkManager.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="Autoconnect" type="b" access="readwrite">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ If TRUE, indicates the device is allowed to autoconnect. If FALSE,
+ manual intervention is required before the device will automatically
+ connect to a known network, such as activating a connection using the
+ device, or setting this property to TRUE.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="FirmwareMissing" type="b" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ If TRUE, indicates the device is likely missing firmware necessary for
+ its operation.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="DeviceType" type="u" access="read" tp:type="NM_DEVICE_TYPE">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The general type of the network device; ie Ethernet, WiFi, etc.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="AvailableConnections" type="ao" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An array of object paths of every configured connection that is currently 'available' through this device.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <method name="Disconnect">
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_device_disconnect"/>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Disconnects a device and prevents the device from automatically activating further connections without user intervention.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </method>
+ <signal name="StateChanged">
+ <arg name="new_state" type="u" tp:type="NM_DEVICE_STATE">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The new state of the device.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="old_state" type="u" tp:type="NM_DEVICE_STATE">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The previous state of the device.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="reason" type="u" tp:type="NM_DEVICE_STATE_REASON">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A reason for the state transition.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </signal>
+ <tp:enum name="NM_DEVICE_STATE" type="u">
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="UNKNOWN" value="0">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The device is in an unknown state.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="UNMANAGED" value="10">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The device is recognized but not managed by NetworkManager.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="UNAVAILABLE" value="20">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The device cannot be used (carrier off, rfkill, etc).
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="DISCONNECTED" value="30">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The device is not connected.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="PREPARE" value="40">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The device is preparing to connect.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="CONFIG" value="50">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The device is being configured.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="NEED_AUTH" value="60">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The device is awaiting secrets necessary to continue connection.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="IP_CONFIG" value="70">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The IP settings of the device are being requested and configured.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="IP_CHECK" value="80">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The device's IP connectivity ability is being determined.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="SECONDARIES" value="90">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The device is waiting for secondary connections to be activated.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="ACTIVATED" value="100">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The device is active.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="DEACTIVATING" value="110">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The device's network connection is being torn down.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="FAILED" value="120">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The device is in a failure state following an attempt to activate it.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ </tp:enum>
+ <tp:enum name="NM_DEVICE_TYPE" type="u">
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="UNKNOWN" value="0">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The device type is unknown.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="ETHERNET" value="1">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The device is wired Ethernet device.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="WIFI" value="2">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The device is an 802.11 WiFi device.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="UNUSED1" value="3">
+ <tp:docstring>Unused</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="UNUSED2" value="4">
+ <tp:docstring>Unused</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="BT" value="5">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The device is Bluetooth device that provides PAN or DUN capabilities.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="OLPC_MESH" value="6">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The device is an OLPC mesh networking device.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="WIMAX" value="7">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The device is an 802.16e Mobile WiMAX device.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="MODEM" value="8">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The device is a modem supporting one or more of analog telephone,
+ CDMA/EVDO, GSM/UMTS/HSPA, or LTE standards to access a cellular or
+ wireline data network.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="INFINIBAND" value="9">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The device is an IP-capable InfiniBand interface.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="BOND" value="10">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The device is a bond master interface.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="VLAN" value="11">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The device is a VLAN interface.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="ADSL" value="12">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The device is an ADSL device supporting PPPoE and PPPoATM protocols.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ </tp:enum>
+ <tp:flags name="NM_DEVICE_CAP" value-prefix="NM_DEVICE_CAP" type="u">
+ <tp:flag suffix="NONE" value="0x0">
+ <tp:docstring>Null capability.</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="NM_SUPPORTED" value="0x1">
+ <tp:docstring>The device is supported by NetworkManager.</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="CARRIER_DETECT" value="0x2">
+ <tp:docstring>The device supports carrier detection.</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ </tp:flags>
+ <tp:enum name="NM_DEVICE_STATE_REASON" type="u">
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="UNKNOWN" value="0">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The reason for the device state change is unknown.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="NONE" value="1">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The state change is normal.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="NOW_MANAGED" value="2">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The device is now managed.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="NOW_UNMANAGED" value="3">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The device is no longer managed.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="CONFIG_FAILED" value="4">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The device could not be readied for configuration.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="CONFIG_UNAVAILABLE" value="5">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ IP configuration could not be reserved (no available address, timeout, etc).
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="CONFIG_EXPIRED" value="6">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The IP configuration is no longer valid.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="NO_SECRETS" value="7">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Secrets were required, but not provided.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="SUPPLICANT_DISCONNECT" value="8">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The 802.1X supplicant disconnected from the access point or authentication server.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="SUPPLICANT_CONFIG_FAILED" value="9">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Configuration of the 802.1X supplicant failed.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="SUPPLICANT_FAILED" value="10">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The 802.1X supplicant quit or failed unexpectedly.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="SUPPLICANT_TIMEOUT" value="11">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The 802.1X supplicant took too long to authenticate.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="PPP_START_FAILED" value="12">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The PPP service failed to start within the allowed time.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="PPP_DISCONNECT" value="13">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The PPP service disconnected unexpectedly.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="PPP_FAILED" value="14">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The PPP service quit or failed unexpectedly.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="DHCP_START_FAILED" value="15">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The DHCP service failed to start within the allowed time.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="DHCP_ERROR" value="16">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The DHCP service reported an unexpected error.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="DHCP_FAILED" value="17">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The DHCP service quit or failed unexpectedly.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="SHARED_START_FAILED" value="18">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The shared connection service failed to start.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="SHARED_FAILED" value="19">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The shared connection service quit or failed unexpectedly.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="AUTOIP_START_FAILED" value="20">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The AutoIP service failed to start.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="AUTOIP_ERROR" value="21">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The AutoIP service reported an unexpected error.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="AUTOIP_FAILED" value="22">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The AutoIP service quit or failed unexpectedly.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="MODEM_BUSY" value="23">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Dialing failed because the line was busy.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="MODEM_NO_DIAL_TONE" value="24">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Dialing failed because there was no dial tone.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="MODEM_NO_CARRIER" value="25">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Dialing failed because there was carrier.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="MODEM_DIAL_TIMEOUT" value="26">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Dialing timed out.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="MODEM_DIAL_FAILED" value="27">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Dialing failed.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="MODEM_INIT_FAILED" value="28">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Modem initialization failed.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="GSM_APN_FAILED" value="29">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Failed to select the specified GSM APN.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="GSM_REGISTRATION_NOT_SEARCHING" value="30">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Not searching for networks.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="GSM_REGISTRATION_DENIED" value="31">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Network registration was denied.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="GSM_REGISTRATION_TIMEOUT" value="32">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Network registration timed out.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="GSM_REGISTRATION_FAILED" value="33">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Failed to register with the requested GSM network.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="GSM_PIN_CHECK_FAILED" value="34">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ PIN check failed.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="FIRMWARE_MISSING" value="35">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Necessary firmware for the device may be missing.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="REMOVED" value="36">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The device was removed.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="SLEEPING" value="37">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ NetworkManager went to sleep.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="CONNECTION_REMOVED" value="38">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The device's active connection was removed or disappeared.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="USER_REQUESTED" value="39">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A user or client requested the disconnection.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="CARRIER" value="40">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The device's carrier/link changed.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="CONNECTION_ASSUMED" value="41">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The device's existing connection was assumed.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="SUPPLICANT_AVAILABLE" value="42">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The 802.1x supplicant is now available.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="MODEM_NOT_FOUND" value="43">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The modem could not be found.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="BT_FAILED" value="44">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The Bluetooth connection timed out or failed.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="GSM_SIM_NOT_INSERTED" value="45">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ GSM Modem's SIM Card not inserted.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="GSM_SIM_PIN_REQUIRED" value="46">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ GSM Modem's SIM Pin required.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="GSM_SIM_PUK_REQUIRED" value="47">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ GSM Modem's SIM Puk required.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="GSM_SIM_WRONG" value="48">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ GSM Modem's SIM wrong
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="INFINIBAND_MODE" value="49">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ InfiniBand device does not support connected mode.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="DEPENDENCY_FAILED" value="50">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A dependency of the connection failed.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="BR2684_FAILED" value="51">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Problem with the RFC 2684 Ethernet over ADSL bridge.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ </tp:enum>
+ <tp:struct name="NM_DEVICE_STATE_REASON_STRUCT">
+ <tp:member type="u" name="state" tp:type="NM_DEVICE_STATE">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The device state.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:member>
+ <tp:member type="u" name="reason" tp:type="NM_DEVICE_STATE_REASON">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The reason for originally changing to the device state.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:member>
+ </tp:struct>
+ </interface>
diff --git a/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-dhcp4-config.xml b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-dhcp4-config.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c0821ada9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-dhcp4-config.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<node name="/" xmlns:tp="">
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.DHCP4Config">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Options and configuration returned by the IPv4 DHCP server.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <property name="Options" type="a{sv}" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>Configuration options returned by a DHCP server, if any.</tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <signal name="PropertiesChanged">
+ <arg name="properties" type="a{sv}" tp:type="String_Variant_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A dictionary mapping property names to variant boxed values
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </signal>
+ </interface>
diff --git a/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-dhcp6-config.xml b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-dhcp6-config.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..93b0f1c8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-dhcp6-config.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<node name="/" xmlns:tp="">
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.DHCP6Config">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Options and configuration returned by the IPv6 DHCP server.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <property name="Options" type="a{sv}" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>Configuration options returned by a DHCP server, if any.</tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <signal name="PropertiesChanged">
+ <arg name="properties" type="a{sv}" tp:type="String_Variant_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A dictionary mapping property names to variant boxed values
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </signal>
+ </interface>
diff --git a/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-ip4-config.xml b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-ip4-config.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..70d3e1ce4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-ip4-config.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<node name="/" xmlns:tp="">
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.IP4Config">
+ <property name="Addresses" type="aau" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>Array of tuples of IPv4 address/prefix/gateway. All 3
+ elements of each tuple are in network byte order. Essentially:
+ [(addr, prefix, gateway), (addr, prefix, gateway), ...]
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="Nameservers" type="au" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>The nameservers in use.</tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="WinsServers" type="au" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>The Windows Internet Name Service servers associated with the connection. Each address is in network byte order.</tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="Domains" type="as" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>A list of domains this address belongs to.</tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="Routes" type="aau" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>Tuples of IPv4 route/prefix/next-hop/metric. All 4 elements
+ of each tuple are in network byte order. 'route' and 'next hop' are IPv4
+ addresses, while prefix and metric are simple unsigned integers. Essentially:
+ [(route, prefix, next-hop, metric), (route, prefix, next-hop, metric), ...]
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ </interface>
diff --git a/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-ip6-config.xml b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-ip6-config.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..604781857
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-ip6-config.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<node name="/" xmlns:tp="">
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.IP6Config">
+ <property name="Addresses" type="a(ayuay)" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>Tuples of IPv6 address/prefix/gateway.</tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="Nameservers" type="aay" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>The nameservers in use.</tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="Domains" type="as" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>A list of domains this address belongs to.</tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="Routes" type="a(ayuayu)" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>Tuples of IPv6 route/prefix/next-hop/metric.</tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ </interface>
diff --git a/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-manager.xml b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-manager.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f5fd7abcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-manager.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<node name="/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager" xmlns:tp="">
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager">
+ <method name="GetDevices">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Get the list of network devices.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_manager_get_devices"/>
+ <arg name="devices" type="ao" direction="out">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ List of object paths of network devices known to the system.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <method name="GetDeviceByIpIface">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Return the object path of the network device referenced by its IP
+ interface name. Note that some devices (usually modems) only have an
+ IP interface name when they are connected.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_manager_get_device_by_ip_iface"/>
+ <arg name="iface" type="s" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Interface name of the device to find.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="device" type="o" direction="out">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Object path of the network device.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <method name="ActivateConnection">
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_manager_activate_connection"/>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Activate a connection using the supplied device.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg name="connection" type="o" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The connection to activate the devices with.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="device" type="o" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The object path of device to be activated for physical connections. This parameter is ignored for VPN connections, because the specific_object (if provided) specifies the device to use.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="specific_object" type="o" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The path of a connection-type-specific object this activation should use.
+ This parameter is currently ignored for wired and mobile broadband connections,
+ and the value of "/" should be used (ie, no specific object). For WiFi
+ connections, pass the object path of a specific AP from the card's scan
+ list, or "/" to pick and AP automatically. For VPN connections, pass
+ the object path of an ActiveConnection object that should serve as the
+ "base" connection (to which the VPN connections lifetime will be tied),
+ or pass "/" and NM will automatically use the current default device.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="active_connection" type="o" direction="out">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The path of the active connection object representing this active connection.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Error.UnknownConnection"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Error.UnknownDevice"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Error.ConnectionActivating">
+ <tp:docstring>Another connection is already activating or the same connection is already active. FIXME: check if the error name is correct. FIXME: split into 2 errors?</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Error.ConnectionInvalid">
+ <tp:docstring>The connection is invalid for this device.</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <method name="AddAndActivateConnection">
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_manager_add_and_activate_connection"/>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Adds a new connection using the given details (if any) as a template
+ (automatically filling in missing settings with the capabilities of the
+ given device and specific object), then activate the new connection.
+ Cannot be used for VPN connections at this time.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg name="connection" type="a{sa{sv}}" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Connection settings and properties; if incomplete missing settings will
+ be automatically completed using the given device and specific object.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="device" type="o" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The object path of device to be activated using the given connection.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="specific_object" type="o" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The path of a connection-type-specific object this activation should use.
+ This parameter is currently ignored for wired and mobile broadband connections,
+ and the value of "/" should be used (ie, no specific object). For WiFi
+ connections, pass the object path of a specific AP from the card's scan
+ list, which will be used to complete the details of the newly added
+ connection.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="path" type="o" direction="out">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Object path of the new connection that was just added.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="active_connection" type="o" direction="out">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The path of the active connection object representing this active connection.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Error.UnknownConnection"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Error.UnknownDevice"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Error.ConnectionInvalid">
+ <tp:docstring>The connection is invalid for this device.</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <method name="DeactivateConnection">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Deactivate an active connection.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_manager_deactivate_connection"/>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
+ <arg name="active_connection" type="o" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The currently active connection to deactivate.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <method name="Sleep">
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_manager_sleep"/>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Control the NetworkManager daemon's sleep state. When asleep, all
+ interfaces that it manages are deactivated. When awake, devices are
+ available to be activated. This command should not be called directly
+ by users or clients; it is intended for system suspend/resume tracking.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg name="sleep" type="b" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Indicates whether the NetworkManager daemon should sleep or wake.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <method name="Enable">
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_manager_enable"/>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Control whether overall networking is enabled or disabled. When
+ disabled, all interfaces that NM manages are deactivated. When enabled,
+ all managed interfaces are re-enabled and available to be activated.
+ This command should be used by clients that provide to users the ability
+ to enable/disable all networking.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg name="enable" type="b" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ If FALSE, indicates that all networking should be disabled. If TRUE,
+ indicates that NetworkManager should begin managing network devices.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <method name="GetPermissions">
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_manager_get_permissions"/>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Returns the permissions a caller has for various authenticated operations
+ that NetworkManager provides, like Enable/Disable networking, changing
+ WiFi, WWAN, and WiMAX state, etc.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg name="permissions" type="a{ss}" direction="out">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Dictionary of available permissions and results. Each permission
+ is represented by a name (ie "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Foobar")
+ and each result is one of the following values: "yes" (the permission
+ is available), "auth" (the permission is available after a successful
+ authentication), or "no" (the permission is denied). Clients may use
+ these values in the UI to indicate the ability to perform certain
+ operations.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <signal name="CheckPermissions">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Emitted when system authorization details change, indicating that
+ clients may wish to recheck permissions with GetPermissions.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <method name="SetLogging">
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_manager_set_logging"/>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Set logging verbosity and which operations are logged.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg name="level" type="s" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ One of [ERR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG].
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="domains" type="s" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A combination of logging domains separated by commas (','), or "NONE"
+ to disable logging. Each domain enables logging for operations
+ related to that domain. Available domains are: [NONE, HW, RFKILL,
+ DEVICE, OLPC]. If an empty string is given, the log level is changed
+ but the current set of log domains remains unchanged.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <method name="state">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The overall networking state as determined by the NetworkManager daemon,
+ based on the state of network devices under it's management.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_manager_get_state"/>
+ <arg name="state" type="u" direction="out" tp:type="NM_STATE"/>
+ </method>
+ <property name="NetworkingEnabled" type="b" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Indicates if overall networking is currently enabled or not. See the
+ Enable() method.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="WirelessEnabled" type="b" access="readwrite">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Indicates if wireless is currently enabled or not.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="WirelessHardwareEnabled" type="b" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Indicates if the wireless hardware is currently enabled, i.e. the state of the RF kill switch.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="WwanEnabled" type="b" access="readwrite">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Indicates if mobile broadband devices are currently enabled or not.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="WwanHardwareEnabled" type="b" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Indicates if the mobile broadband hardware is currently enabled, i.e. the state of the RF kill switch.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="WimaxEnabled" type="b" access="readwrite">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Indicates if WiMAX devices are currently enabled or not.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="WimaxHardwareEnabled" type="b" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Indicates if the WiMAX hardware is currently enabled, i.e. the state of the RF kill switch.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="ActiveConnections" type="ao" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ List of active connection object paths.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="Version" type="s" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ NetworkManager version.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="State" type="u" access="read" tp:type="NM_STATE">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The overall state of the NetworkManager daemon.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <signal name="StateChanged">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ NetworkManager's state changed.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg name="state" type="u" tp:type="NM_STATE">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The new state of NetworkManager.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </signal>
+ <signal name="PropertiesChanged">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ NetworkManager's properties changed.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg name="properties" type="a{sv}" tp:type="String_Variant_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The changed properties.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </signal>
+ <signal name="DeviceAdded">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A device was added to the system
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg name="device_path" type="o">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The object path of the newly added device.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </signal>
+ <signal name="DeviceRemoved">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A device was removed from the system, and is no longer available.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg name="device_path" type="o">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The object path of the device that was just removed.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </signal>
+ <tp:enum name="NM_STATE" type="u">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Describes the overall state of the daemon.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="UNKNOWN" value="0">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Networking state is unknown.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="ASLEEP" value="10">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Networking is inactive and all devices are disabled.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="DISCONNECTED" value="20">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ There is no active network connection.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="DISCONNECTING" value="30">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Network connections are being cleaned up.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="CONNECTING" value="40">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A network device is connecting to a network and there is no other
+ available network connection.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="CONNECTED_LOCAL" value="50">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A network device is connected, but there is only link-local connectivity.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="CONNECTED_SITE" value="60">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A network device is connected, but there is only site-local connectivity.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="CONNECTED_GLOBAL" value="70">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A network device is connected, with global network connectivity.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ </tp:enum>
+ </interface>
diff --git a/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-ppp-manager.xml b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-ppp-manager.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9e2dfdb1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-ppp-manager.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<node name="/">
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.PPP">
+ <method name="NeedSecrets">
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_ppp_manager_need_secrets"/>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
+ <arg name="username" type="s" direction="out"/>
+ <arg name="password" type="s" direction="out"/>
+ </method>
+ <method name="SetIp4Config">
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_ppp_manager_set_ip4_config"/>
+ <arg name="config" type="a{sv}" direction="in"/>
+ </method>
+ <method name="SetState">
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_ppp_manager_set_state"/>
+ <arg name="state" type="u" direction="in"/>
+ </method>
+ </interface>
diff --git a/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-secret-agent.xml b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-secret-agent.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..81a1321b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-secret-agent.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<node name="/" xmlns:tp="">
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.SecretAgent">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Private D-Bus interface used by secret agents that store and provide
+ secrets to NetworkManager. If an agent provides secrets to
+ NetworkManager as part of connection creation, and the some of those
+ secrets are "agent owned" the agent should store those secrets
+ itself and should not expect its SaveSecrets() method to be called.
+ SaveSecrets() will be called eg if some program other than the
+ agent itself (like a connection editor) changes the secrets out of
+ band.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <method name="GetSecrets">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Retrieve and return stored secrets, if any, or request new
+ secrets from the agent's user.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_secret_agent_get_secrets"/>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
+ <arg name="connection" type="a{sa{sv}}" direction="in" tp:type="String_String_Variant_Map_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Nested settings maps containing the connection for which
+ secrets are being requested. This may contain system-owned
+ secrets if the agent has successfully authenticated to
+ modify system network settings and the GetSecrets request
+ flags allow user interaction.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="connection_path" type="o" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Object path of the connection for which secrets are being
+ requested.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="setting_name" type="s" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Setting name for which secrets are being requested.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="hints" type="as" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Array of strings of key names in the requested setting for
+ which NetworkManager thinks a secrets may be required,
+ and/or well-known identifiers and data that may be useful
+ to the client in processing the secrets request. The Agent
+ should return any secrets it has, or that it thinks are
+ required, regardless of what hints NetworkManager sends
+ in this request.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="flags" type="u" direction="in" tp:type="NM_SECRET_AGENT_GET_SECRETS_FLAGS">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Flags which modify the behavior of the secrets request.
+ If true, new secrets are assumed to be invalid or incorrect,
+ and the agent should ask the user for new secrets. If false,
+ existing secrets should be retrieved from storage and
+ returned without interrupting the user.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="secrets" type="a{sa{sv}}" direction="out" tp:type="String_String_Variant_Map_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Nested settings maps containing secrets. Each setting MUST
+ contain at least the 'name' field, containing the name of
+ the setting, and one or more secrets.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <tp:flags name="NM_SECRET_AGENT_GET_SECRETS_FLAGS" value-prefix="NM_SECRET_AGENT_GET_SECRETS_FLAG" type="u">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Flags modifying the behavior of GetSecrets request.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:flag suffix="NONE" value="0x0">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ No special behavior; by default no user interaction is allowed and
+ requests for secrets are fulfilled from persistent storage, or
+ if no secrets are available an error is returned.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="ALLOW_INTERACTION" value="0x1">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Allows the request to interact with the user, possibly prompting
+ via UI for secrets if any are required, or if none are found in
+ persistent storage.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="REQUEST_NEW" value="0x2">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Explicitly prompt for new secrets from the user. This flag
+ signals that NetworkManager thinks any existing secrets are
+ invalid or wrong. This flag implies that interaction is allowed.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="USER_REQUESTED" value="0x4">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Set if the request was initiated by user-requested action via the
+ D-Bus interface, as opposed to automatically initiated by
+ NetworkManager in response to (for example) scan results or
+ carrier changes.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ </tp:flags>
+ <method name="CancelGetSecrets">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Cancel a pending GetSecrets request for secrets of the given
+ connection. Any matching request should be canceled.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_secret_agent_cancel_get_secrets"/>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
+ <arg name="connection_path" type="o" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Object path of the connection for which, if secrets are being
+ requested, the request should be canceled.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="setting_name" type="s" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Setting name for which secrets for this connection were
+ originally being requested.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <method name="SaveSecrets">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Save given secrets to backing storage.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_secret_agent_save_secrets"/>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
+ <arg name="connection" type="a{sa{sv}}" direction="in" tp:type="String_String_Variant_Map_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Nested settings maps containing the entire connection
+ (including secrets), for which the agent should save the
+ secrets to backing storage. This method will not be called
+ when the agent itself is the process creating or updating
+ a connection; in that case the agent is assumed to have
+ already saved those secrets since it had them already.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="connection_path" type="o" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Object path of the connection for which the agent should
+ save secrets to backing storage.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <method name="DeleteSecrets">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Delete secrets from backing storage.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_secret_agent_delete_secrets"/>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
+ <arg name="connection" type="a{sa{sv}}" direction="in" tp:type="String_String_Variant_Map_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Nested settings maps containing the connection properties
+ (sans secrets), for which the agent should delete the
+ secrets from backing storage.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="connection_path" type="o" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Object path of the connection for which the agent should
+ delete secrets from backing storage.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ </interface>
diff --git a/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-settings-connection.xml b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-settings-connection.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9089b009a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-settings-connection.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<node name="/" xmlns:tp="">
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Settings.Connection">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Represents a single network connection configuration.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <method name="Update">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Update the connection with new settings and properties, replacing
+ all previous settings and properties. Secrets may be part of the
+ update request, and will be either stored in persistent storage or
+ given to a Secret Agent for storage, depending on the request.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_settings_connection_update"/>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
+ <arg name="properties" type="a{sa{sv}}" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ New connection settings, properties, and (optionally) secrets.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <method name="Delete">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Delete the connection.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_settings_connection_delete"/>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
+ </method>
+ <method name="GetSettings">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Get the settings maps describing this network configuration.
+ This will never include any secrets required for connection
+ to the network, as those are often protected. Secrets must
+ be requested separately using the GetSecrets() call.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_settings_connection_get_settings"/>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
+ <arg name="settings" type="a{sa{sv}}" direction="out" tp:type="String_String_Variant_Map_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The nested settings maps describing this object.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <method name="GetSecrets">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Get the secrets belonging to this network configuration. Only
+ secrets from persistent storage or a Secret Agent running in
+ the requestor's session will be returned. The user will never
+ be prompted for secrets as a result of this request.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_settings_connection_get_secrets"/>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
+ <arg name="setting_name" type="s" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Name of the setting to return secrets for. If empty, all
+ all secrets will be returned.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="secrets" type="a{sa{sv}}" direction="out" tp:type="String_String_Variant_Map_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Nested settings maps containing secrets.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <signal name="Updated">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Emitted when any settings or permissions change. When handling
+ this signal, clients should re-read the connection using the
+ GetSettings method to get the changes and to ensure the client
+ still has permission to access the connection.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <signal name="Removed">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Emitted when this connection is no longer available. This
+ happens when the connection is deleted or if it is no longer
+ accessable by any of the system's logged-in users. After
+ receipt of this signal, the object no longer exists.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ </interface>
diff --git a/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-settings.xml b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-settings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..301cde76d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-settings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<node name="/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Settings" xmlns:tp="">
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Settings">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The Settings interface allows clients to view and administrate the connections stored and used by NetworkManager.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <method name="ListConnections">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ List the connections stored by this Settings object.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_settings_list_connections"/>
+ <arg name="connections" type="ao" direction="out">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ List of connections.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <method name="GetConnectionByUuid">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Retrieve the object path of a connection, given that connection's UUID.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_settings_get_connection_by_uuid"/>
+ <arg name="uuid" type="s" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The UUID to find the connection object path for.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="connection" type="o" direction="out">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The connection's object path.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <method name="AddConnection">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Add new connection.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_settings_add_connection"/>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
+ <arg name="connection" type="a{sa{sv}}" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Connection settings and properties.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="path" type="o" direction="out">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Object path of the new connection that was just added.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <method name="SaveHostname">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Save the hostname to persistent configuration.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_settings_save_hostname"/>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
+ <arg name="hostname" type="s" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The hostname to save to persistent configuration. If blank, the persistent hostname is cleared.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <property name="Hostname" type="s" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The machine hostname stored in persistent configuration.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="CanModify" type="b" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ If true, adding and modifying connections is supported.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <signal name="PropertiesChanged">
+ <arg name="properties" type="a{sv}" tp:type="String_Variant_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A dictionary mapping property names to variant boxed values
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </signal>
+ <signal name="NewConnection">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Emitted when a new connection has been added.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg name="connection" type="o">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Object path of the new connection.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </signal>
+ </interface>
diff --git a/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-vpn-connection.xml b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-vpn-connection.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..65b917854
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-vpn-connection.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<node name="/" xmlns:tp="">
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.VPN.Connection">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Represents an active connection to a Virtual Private Network.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <signal name="PropertiesChanged">
+ <arg name="properties" type="a{sv}" tp:type="String_Variant_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A dictionary mapping property names to variant boxed values
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </signal>
+ <property name="VpnState" type="u" access="read" tp:type="NM_VPN_CONNECTION_STATE">
+ <tp:docstring>The VPN-specific state of the connection.</tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="Banner" type="s" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>The banner string of the VPN connection.</tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <signal name="VpnStateChanged">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Emitted when the state of the VPN connection has changed.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg name="state" type="u" tp:type="NM_VPN_CONNECTION_STATE">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The new state of the VPN connection.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="reason" type="u" tp:type="NM_VPN_CONNECTION_STATE_REASON">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Reason code describing the change to the new state.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </signal>
+ <tp:enum name="NM_VPN_CONNECTION_STATE" type="u">
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="UNKNOWN" value="0">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The state of the VPN connection is unknown.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="PREPARE" value="1">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The VPN connection is preparing to connect.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="NEED_AUTH" value="2">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The VPN connection needs authorization credentials.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="CONNECT" value="3">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The VPN connection is being established. FIXME: Should be CONNECTING or CONNECTED.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="IP_CONFIG_GET" value="4">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The VPN connection is getting an IP address. FIXME: Should be an -ING
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="ACTIVATED" value="5">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The VPN connection is active.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="FAILED" value="6">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The VPN connection failed.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="DISCONNECTED" value="7">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The VPN connection is disconnected.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ </tp:enum>
+ <tp:enum name="NM_VPN_CONNECTION_STATE_REASON" type="u">
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="UNKNOWN" value="0">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The reason for the VPN connection state change is unknown.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="NONE" value="1">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ No reason was given for the VPN connection state change.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="USER_DISCONNECTED" value="2">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The VPN connection changed state because the user disconnected it.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="DEVICE_DISCONNECTED" value="3">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The VPN connection changed state because the device it was using was disconnected.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="SERVICE_STOPPED" value="4">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The service providing the VPN connection was stopped.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="IP_CONFIG_INVALID" value="5">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The IP config of the VPN connection was invalid.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="CONNECT_TIMEOUT" value="6">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The connection attempt to the VPN service timed out.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="SERVICE_START_TIMEOUT" value="7">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A timeout occurred while starting the service providing the VPN connection.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="SERVICE_START_FAILED" value="8">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Starting the service starting the service providing the VPN connection failed.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="NO_SECRETS" value="9">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Necessary secrets for the VPN connection were not provided.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="LOGIN_FAILED" value="10">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Authentication to the VPN server failed.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="CONNECTION_REMOVED" value="11">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The connection was deleted from settings.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ </tp:enum>
+ </interface>
diff --git a/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-vpn-plugin.xml b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-vpn-plugin.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5fb11622a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-vpn-plugin.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<node name="/" xmlns:tp="">
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.VPN.Plugin">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ This interface is provided by plugins providing VPN services to the NetworkManager daemon.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <method name="Connect">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Tells the plugin to connect.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_vpn_plugin_connect"/>
+ <arg name="connection" type="a{sa{sv}}" direction="in" tp:type="String_String_Variant_Map_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Describes the connection to be established.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.VPN.Error.StartingInProgress"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.VPN.Error.AlreadyStarted"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.VPN.Error.StoppingInProgress"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.VPN.Error.BadArguments"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.VPN.Error.LaunchFailed"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <method name="NeedSecrets">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Asks the plugin whether the provided connection will require secrets to connect successfully.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_vpn_plugin_need_secrets"/>
+ <arg name="settings" type="a{sa{sv}}" direction="in" tp:type="String_String_Variant_Map_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Describes the connection that may need secrets.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="setting_name" type="s" direction="out">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The setting name within the provided connection that requires secrets, if any.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.VPN.Error.ConnectionInvalid"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <method name="Disconnect">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Disconnect the plugin.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_vpn_plugin_disconnect"/>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.VPN.Error.StoppingInProgress"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.VPN.Error.AlreadyStopped"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <method name="SetConfig">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Set generic connection details on the connection.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_vpn_plugin_set_config"/>
+ <arg name="config" type="a{sv}" direction="in" tp:type="String_Variant_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Generic configuration details for the connection.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <method name="SetIp4Config">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Set IPv4 details on the connection.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_vpn_plugin_set_ip4_config"/>
+ <arg name="config" type="a{sv}" direction="in" tp:type="String_Variant_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Ip4Config details for the connection. You must call
+ SetConfig() before calling this.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <method name="SetIp6Config">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Set IPv6 details on the connection.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_vpn_plugin_set_ip6_config"/>
+ <arg name="config" type="a{sv}" direction="in" tp:type="String_Variant_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Ip6Config details for the connection. You must call
+ SetConfig() before calling this.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <method name="SetFailure">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Indicate a failure to the plugin.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_vpn_plugin_set_failure"/>
+ <arg name="reason" type="s" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The reason for the failure.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <property name="State" type="u" access="read" tp:type="NM_VPN_CONNECTION_STATE">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The state of the plugin.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <signal name="StateChanged">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Emitted when the plugin state changes.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg name="state" type="u" tp:type="NM_VPN_CONNECTION_STATE">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The new state of the plugin.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </signal>
+ <signal name="Config">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The plugin obtained generic configuration information.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg name="config" type="a{sv}" tp:type="String_Variant_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The configuration information.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </signal>
+ <signal name="Ip4Config">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The plugin obtained an IPv4 configuration.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg name="ip4config" type="a{sv}" tp:type="String_Variant_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The IPv4 configuration.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </signal>
+ <signal name="Ip6Config">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The plugin obtained an IPv6 configuration.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg name="ip6config" type="a{sv}" tp:type="String_Variant_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The IPv6 configuration.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </signal>
+ <signal name="LoginBanner">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Emitted when the plugin receives a login banner from the VPN service.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg name="banner" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The login banner string.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </signal>
+ <signal name="Failure">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Emitted when a failure in the VPN plugin occurs.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg name="reason" type="u" tp:type="NM_VPN_PLUGIN_FAILURE">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Reason code for the failure.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </signal>
+ <tp:enum name="NM_VPN_PLUGIN_FAILURE" type="u">
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="LOGIN_FAILED" value="0">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Login failed.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="CONNECT_FAILED" value="1">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Connect failed.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="BAD_IP_CONFIG" value="2">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Invalid IP configuration returned from the VPN plugin.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ </tp:enum>
+ </interface>
diff --git a/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-wimax-nsp.xml b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-wimax-nsp.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..55ac4abcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/dbus-introspection/nm-wimax-nsp.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<node name="/" xmlns:tp="">
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.WiMax.Nsp">
+ <property name="Name" type="s" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>The name of the NSP.</tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="SignalQuality" type="u" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>The current signal quality of the NSP, in percent.</tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="NetworkType" type="u" access="read" tp:type="NM_WIMAX_NSP_NETWORK_TYPE">
+ <tp:docstring>The network type of the NSP.</tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <signal name="PropertiesChanged">
+ <arg name="properties" type="a{sv}" tp:type="String_Variant_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A dictionary mapping property names to variant boxed values.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </signal>
+ <tp:flags name="NM_WIMAX_NSP_NETWORK_TYPE" value-prefix="NM_WIMAX_NSP_NETWORK_TYPE" type="u">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Network type of the NSP.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:flag suffix="UNKNOWN" value="0x0">
+ <tp:docstring>Unknown network.</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="HOME" value="0x1">
+ <tp:docstring>Home network.</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="PARTNER" value="0x2">
+ <tp:docstring>Partner network.</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="ROAMING_PARTNER" value="0x3">
+ <tp:docstring>Roaming partner network.</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ </tp:flags>
+ </interface>
diff --git a/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/network-manager.cpp b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/network-manager.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a7295beac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/network-manager.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,5627 @@
+/* This file is part of the TDE libraries
+ Copyright (C) 2012 Timothy Pearson <>
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include <tqdir.h>
+#include <tqdbusmessage.h>
+#include "tdeconfig.h"
+#include "tdehardwaredevices.h"
+#include "network-manager.h"
+#include "network-manager_p.h"
+#define PRINT_ERROR(x) printf("[TDE NM Backend ERROR] [%s:%d] %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, x.ascii());
+#define PRINT_WARNING(x) printf("[TDE NM Backend WARNING] [%s:%d] %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, x.ascii());
+#define PRINT_WARNING(x)
+#define UPDATE_STRING_SETTING_IF_VALID(string, key, settingsMap) if (!string.isNull()) settingsMap[key] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromString(string)); \
+ else settingsMap.remove(key);
+#define NM_ASYNC_TIMEOUT_MS 1000
+// Give the user 5 minutes to authenticate to DBUS before timing out
+TQ_UINT32 reverseIPV4ByteOrder(TQ_UINT32 address) {
+ TQ_UINT32 ret;
+ unsigned char valuearray[4];
+ valuearray[0] = (address & 0xff000000) >> 24;
+ valuearray[1] = (address & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
+ valuearray[2] = (address & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
+ valuearray[3] = (address & 0x000000ff) >> 0;
+ ret = 0;
+ ret = ret | (valuearray[0] << 0);
+ ret = ret | (valuearray[1] << 8);
+ ret = ret | (valuearray[2] << 16);
+ ret = ret | (valuearray[3] << 24);
+ return ret;
+TQT_DBusData convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData object) {
+ TQT_DBusVariant variant;
+ variant.value = object;
+ variant.signature = variant.value.buildDBusSignature();
+ return TQT_DBusData::fromVariant(variant);
+void printDBUSObjectStructure(TQT_DBusData object, int level=0, TQString mapKey=TQString::null) {
+ int i;
+ TQString levelIndent = "";
+ for (i=0; i<level; i++) {
+ levelIndent = levelIndent + " ";
+ }
+ TQCString signature = object.buildDBusSignature();
+ if (object.type() == TQT_DBusData::String) {
+ printf("%s%s\t%s%s'%s'\n", levelIndent.ascii(),, (mapKey.isNull())?"":mapKey.ascii(), (mapKey.isNull())?"":" = ", object.toString().ascii()); fflush(stdout);
+ }
+ else if (object.type() == TQT_DBusData::Bool) {
+ printf("%s%s\t%s%s'%s'\n", levelIndent.ascii(),, (mapKey.isNull())?"":mapKey.ascii(), (mapKey.isNull())?"":" = ", (object.toBool())?"true":"false"); fflush(stdout);
+ }
+ else if (object.type() == TQT_DBusData::Byte) {
+ printf("%s%s\t%s%s'%d'\n", levelIndent.ascii(),, (mapKey.isNull())?"":mapKey.ascii(), (mapKey.isNull())?"":" = ", object.toByte()); fflush(stdout);
+ }
+ else if (object.type() == TQT_DBusData::Int16) {
+ printf("%s%s\t%s%s'%d'\n", levelIndent.ascii(),, (mapKey.isNull())?"":mapKey.ascii(), (mapKey.isNull())?"":" = ", object.toInt16()); fflush(stdout);
+ }
+ else if (object.type() == TQT_DBusData::UInt16) {
+ printf("%s%s\t%s%s'%d'\n", levelIndent.ascii(),, (mapKey.isNull())?"":mapKey.ascii(), (mapKey.isNull())?"":" = ", object.toUInt16()); fflush(stdout);
+ }
+ else if (object.type() == TQT_DBusData::Int32) {
+ printf("%s%s\t%s%s'%d'\n", levelIndent.ascii(),, (mapKey.isNull())?"":mapKey.ascii(), (mapKey.isNull())?"":" = ", object.toInt32()); fflush(stdout);
+ }
+ else if (object.type() == TQT_DBusData::UInt32) {
+ printf("%s%s\t%s%s'%d'\n", levelIndent.ascii(),, (mapKey.isNull())?"":mapKey.ascii(), (mapKey.isNull())?"":" = ", object.toUInt32()); fflush(stdout);
+ }
+ else if (object.type() == TQT_DBusData::Int64) {
+ printf("%s%s\t%s%s'%lld'\n", levelIndent.ascii(),, (mapKey.isNull())?"":mapKey.ascii(), (mapKey.isNull())?"":" = ", object.toInt64()); fflush(stdout);
+ }
+ else if (object.type() == TQT_DBusData::UInt64) {
+ printf("%s%s\t%s%s'%lld'\n", levelIndent.ascii(),, (mapKey.isNull())?"":mapKey.ascii(), (mapKey.isNull())?"":" = ", object.toUInt64()); fflush(stdout);
+ }
+ else {
+ printf("%s%s\n", levelIndent.ascii(),; fflush(stdout);
+ }
+ if (object.type() == TQT_DBusData::Map) {
+ // HACK
+ // NetworkManager currently uses string key maps exclusively as far as I can tell, so this should be adequate for the time being
+ TQMap<TQString, TQT_DBusData> outerMap = object.toStringKeyMap().toTQMap();
+ TQMap<TQString, TQT_DBusData>::const_iterator it;
+ for (it = outerMap.begin(); it != outerMap.end(); ++it) {
+ printDBUSObjectStructure(*it, level+1, it.key());
+ }
+ }
+ else if (object.type() == TQT_DBusData::List) {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList = object.toTQValueList();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList::const_iterator it;
+ for (it = valueList.begin(); it != valueList.end(); ++it) {
+ printDBUSObjectStructure(*it, level+1);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (object.type() == TQT_DBusData::Variant) {
+ TQT_DBusVariant dataValueVariant = object.toVariant();
+ TQT_DBusData dataValue = dataValueVariant.value;
+ printDBUSObjectStructure(dataValue, level+1, mapKey);
+ }
+TDENetworkGlobalManagerFlags::TDENetworkGlobalManagerFlags nmGlobalStateToTDEGlobalState(TQ_UINT32 nmType) {
+ TDENetworkGlobalManagerFlags::TDENetworkGlobalManagerFlags ret = TDENetworkGlobalManagerFlags::Unknown;
+ if (nmType == NM_STATE_UNKNOWN) {
+ ret |= TDENetworkGlobalManagerFlags::Unknown;
+ }
+ else if (nmType == NM_STATE_ASLEEP) {
+ ret |= TDENetworkGlobalManagerFlags::Disconnected;
+ ret |= TDENetworkGlobalManagerFlags::Sleeping;
+ }
+ else if (nmType == NM_STATE_DISCONNECTED) {
+ ret |= TDENetworkGlobalManagerFlags::Disconnected;
+ }
+ else if (nmType == NM_STATE_DISCONNECTING) {
+ ret |= TDENetworkGlobalManagerFlags::Connected;
+ ret |= TDENetworkGlobalManagerFlags::DeactivatingLink;
+ }
+ else if (nmType == NM_STATE_CONNECTING) {
+ ret |= TDENetworkGlobalManagerFlags::Disconnected;
+ ret |= TDENetworkGlobalManagerFlags::EstablishingLink;
+ }
+ else if (nmType == NM_STATE_CONNECTED_LOCAL) {
+ ret |= TDENetworkGlobalManagerFlags::Connected;
+ ret |= TDENetworkGlobalManagerFlags::LinkLocalAccess;
+ }
+ else if (nmType == NM_STATE_CONNECTED_SITE) {
+ ret |= TDENetworkGlobalManagerFlags::Connected;
+ ret |= TDENetworkGlobalManagerFlags::SiteLocalAccess;
+ }
+ else if (nmType == NM_STATE_CONNECTED_GLOBAL) {
+ ret |= TDENetworkGlobalManagerFlags::Connected;
+ ret |= TDENetworkGlobalManagerFlags::GlobalAccess;
+ }
+ return ret;
+TDENetworkGlobalManagerFlags::TDENetworkGlobalManagerFlags nmVPNStateToTDEGlobalState(TQ_UINT32 nmType) {
+ TDENetworkGlobalManagerFlags::TDENetworkGlobalManagerFlags ret = TDENetworkGlobalManagerFlags::Unknown;
+ if (nmType == NM_VPN_STATE_UNKNOWN) {
+ ret |= TDENetworkGlobalManagerFlags::VPNUnknown;
+ }
+ else if (nmType == NM_VPN_STATE_PREPARE) {
+ ret |= TDENetworkGlobalManagerFlags::VPNDisconnected;
+ ret |= TDENetworkGlobalManagerFlags::VPNEstablishingLink;
+ }
+ else if (nmType == NM_VPN_STATE_NEED_AUTH) {
+ ret |= TDENetworkGlobalManagerFlags::VPNDisconnected;
+ ret |= TDENetworkGlobalManagerFlags::VPNNeedAuthorization;
+ }
+ else if (nmType == NM_VPN_STATE_CONNECT) {
+ ret |= TDENetworkGlobalManagerFlags::VPNDisconnected;
+ ret |= TDENetworkGlobalManagerFlags::VPNConfiguringProtocols;
+ }
+ else if (nmType == NM_VPN_STATE_IP_CONFIG_GET) {
+ ret |= TDENetworkGlobalManagerFlags::VPNDisconnected;
+ ret |= TDENetworkGlobalManagerFlags::VPNVerifyingProtocols;
+ }
+ else if (nmType == NM_VPN_STATE_ACTIVATED) {
+ ret |= TDENetworkGlobalManagerFlags::VPNConnected;
+ }
+ else if (nmType == NM_VPN_STATE_FAILED) {
+ ret |= TDENetworkGlobalManagerFlags::VPNDisconnected;
+ ret |= TDENetworkGlobalManagerFlags::VPNFailed;
+ }
+ else if (nmType == NM_VPN_STATE_DISCONNECTED) {
+ ret |= TDENetworkGlobalManagerFlags::VPNDisconnected;
+ }
+ return ret;
+TDENetworkConnectionStatus::TDENetworkConnectionStatus nmDeviceStateToTDEDeviceState(TQ_UINT32 nmType) {
+ TDENetworkConnectionStatus::TDENetworkConnectionStatus ret = TDENetworkConnectionStatus::None;
+ if (nmType == NM_DEVICE_STATE_UNKNOWN) {
+ ret |= TDENetworkConnectionStatus::Invalid;
+ }
+ else if (nmType == NM_DEVICE_STATE_UNMANAGED) {
+ ret |= TDENetworkConnectionStatus::UnManaged;
+ }
+ else if (nmType == NM_DEVICE_STATE_UNAVAILABLE) {
+ ret |= TDENetworkConnectionStatus::Disconnected;
+ ret |= TDENetworkConnectionStatus::LinkUnavailable;
+ }
+ else if (nmType == NM_DEVICE_STATE_DISCONNECTED) {
+ ret |= TDENetworkConnectionStatus::Disconnected;
+ }
+ else if (nmType == NM_DEVICE_STATE_PREPARE) {
+ ret |= TDENetworkConnectionStatus::Disconnected;
+ ret |= TDENetworkConnectionStatus::EstablishingLink;
+ }
+ else if (nmType == NM_DEVICE_STATE_CONFIG) {
+ ret |= TDENetworkConnectionStatus::Disconnected;
+ ret |= TDENetworkConnectionStatus::EstablishingLink;
+ }
+ else if (nmType == NM_DEVICE_STATE_NEED_AUTH) {
+ ret |= TDENetworkConnectionStatus::Disconnected;
+ ret |= TDENetworkConnectionStatus::NeedAuthorization;
+ }
+ else if (nmType == NM_DEVICE_STATE_IP_CONFIG) {
+ ret |= TDENetworkConnectionStatus::Disconnected;
+ ret |= TDENetworkConnectionStatus::ConfiguringProtocols;
+ }
+ else if (nmType == NM_DEVICE_STATE_IP_CHECK) {
+ ret |= TDENetworkConnectionStatus::Disconnected;
+ ret |= TDENetworkConnectionStatus::VerifyingProtocols;
+ }
+ else if (nmType == NM_DEVICE_STATE_SECONDARIES) {
+ ret |= TDENetworkConnectionStatus::Disconnected;
+ ret |= TDENetworkConnectionStatus::DependencyWait;
+ }
+ else if (nmType == NM_DEVICE_STATE_ACTIVATED) {
+ ret |= TDENetworkConnectionStatus::Connected;
+ }
+ else if (nmType == NM_DEVICE_STATE_DEACTIVATING) {
+ ret |= TDENetworkConnectionStatus::Connected;
+ ret |= TDENetworkConnectionStatus::DeactivatingLink;
+ }
+ else if (nmType == NM_DEVICE_STATE_FAILED) {
+ ret |= TDENetworkConnectionStatus::Disconnected;
+ ret |= TDENetworkConnectionStatus::Failed;
+ }
+ return ret;
+TDENetworkDeviceType::TDENetworkDeviceType TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM::nmDeviceTypeToTDEDeviceType(TQ_UINT32 nmType) {
+ TDENetworkDeviceType::TDENetworkDeviceType ret = TDENetworkDeviceType::Other;
+ if (nmType == NM_DEVICE_TYPE_UNKNOWN) {
+ ret = TDENetworkDeviceType::Other;
+ }
+ else if (nmType == NM_DEVICE_TYPE_ETHERNET) {
+ ret = TDENetworkDeviceType::WiredEthernet;
+ }
+ else if (nmType == NM_DEVICE_TYPE_WIFI) {
+ ret = TDENetworkDeviceType::WiFi;
+ }
+ else if (nmType == NM_DEVICE_TYPE_UNUSED1) {
+ }
+ else if (nmType == NM_DEVICE_TYPE_UNUSED2) {
+ }
+ else if (nmType == NM_DEVICE_TYPE_BT) {
+ ret = TDENetworkDeviceType::Bluetooth;
+ }
+ else if (nmType == NM_DEVICE_TYPE_OLPC_MESH) {
+ ret = TDENetworkDeviceType::OLPCMesh;
+ }
+ else if (nmType == NM_DEVICE_TYPE_WIMAX) {
+ ret = TDENetworkDeviceType::WiMax;
+ }
+ else if (nmType == NM_DEVICE_TYPE_MODEM) {
+ ret = TDENetworkDeviceType::Modem;
+ }
+ else if (nmType == NM_DEVICE_TYPE_INFINIBAND) {
+ ret = TDENetworkDeviceType::Infiniband;
+ }
+ else if (nmType == NM_DEVICE_TYPE_BOND) {
+ ret = TDENetworkDeviceType::Bond;
+ }
+ else if (nmType == NM_DEVICE_TYPE_VLAN) {
+ ret = TDENetworkDeviceType::VLAN;
+ }
+ else if (nmType == NM_DEVICE_TYPE_ADSL) {
+ ret = TDENetworkDeviceType::ADSL;
+ }
+ return ret;
+TDENetworkConnectionType::TDENetworkConnectionType nmConnectionTypeToTDEConnectionType(TQString nm) {
+ TDENetworkConnectionType::TDENetworkConnectionType ret = TDENetworkConnectionType::Other;
+ if (nm.lower() == "802-3-ethernet") {
+ ret = TDENetworkConnectionType::WiredEthernet;
+ }
+ else if (nm.lower() == "infiniband") {
+ ret = TDENetworkConnectionType::Infiniband;
+ }
+ else if (nm.lower() == "802-11-wireless") {
+ ret = TDENetworkConnectionType::WiFi;
+ }
+ else if (nm.lower() == "vpn") {
+ ret = TDENetworkConnectionType::VPN;
+ }
+ else if (nm.lower() == "wimax") {
+ ret = TDENetworkConnectionType::WiMax;
+ }
+ else if (nm.lower() == "vlan") {
+ ret = TDENetworkConnectionType::VLAN;
+ }
+ else if (nm.lower() == "802-11-olpc-mesh") {
+ ret = TDENetworkConnectionType::OLPCMesh;
+ }
+ else if (nm.lower() == "bluetooth") {
+ ret = TDENetworkConnectionType::Bluetooth;
+ }
+ else if (nm.lower() == "cdma") {
+ ret = TDENetworkConnectionType::Modem;
+ }
+ else if (nm.lower() == "gsm") {
+ ret = TDENetworkConnectionType::Modem;
+ }
+ return ret;
+TQString tdeConnectionTypeToNMConnectionType(TDENetworkConnectionType::TDENetworkConnectionType type, TDEModemConnectionType::TDEModemConnectionType modemType=TDEModemConnectionType::Other) {
+ TQString ret;
+ if (type == TDENetworkConnectionType::WiredEthernet) {
+ ret = "802-3-ethernet";
+ }
+ else if (type == TDENetworkConnectionType::Infiniband) {
+ ret = "infiniband";
+ }
+ else if (type == TDENetworkConnectionType::WiFi) {
+ ret = "802-11-wireless";
+ }
+ else if (type == TDENetworkConnectionType::VPN) {
+ ret = "vpn";
+ }
+ else if (type == TDENetworkConnectionType::WiMax) {
+ ret = "wimax";
+ }
+ else if (type == TDENetworkConnectionType::VLAN) {
+ ret = "vlan";
+ }
+ else if (type == TDENetworkConnectionType::OLPCMesh) {
+ ret = "802-11-olpc-mesh";
+ }
+ else if (type == TDENetworkConnectionType::Bluetooth) {
+ ret = "bluetooth";
+ }
+ else if (type == TDENetworkConnectionType::Modem) {
+ if (modemType == TDEModemConnectionType::CDMA) {
+ ret = "cdma";
+ }
+ else if (modemType == TDEModemConnectionType::GSM) {
+ ret = "gsm";
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::TDENetworkIEEE8021xType nmEAPTypeToTDEEAPType(TQString nm) {
+ TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::TDENetworkIEEE8021xType ret = TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::None;
+ if (nm.lower() == "") {
+ ret = TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::None;
+ }
+ else if (nm.lower() == "leap") {
+ ret = TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::LEAP;
+ }
+ else if (nm.lower() == "md5") {
+ ret = TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::MD5;
+ }
+ else if (nm.lower() == "pap") {
+ ret = TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::PAP;
+ }
+ else if (nm.lower() == "chap") {
+ ret = TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::CHAP;
+ }
+ else if (nm.lower() == "mschap") {
+ ret = TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::MSCHAP;
+ }
+ else if (nm.lower() == "mschapv2") {
+ ret = TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::MSCHAPV2;
+ }
+ else if (nm.lower() == "fast") {
+ ret = TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::Fast;
+ }
+ else if (nm.lower() == "psk") {
+ ret = TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::PSK;
+ }
+ else if (nm.lower() == "pax") {
+ ret = TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::PAX;
+ }
+ else if (nm.lower() == "sake") {
+ ret = TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::SAKE;
+ }
+ else if (nm.lower() == "gpsk") {
+ ret = TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::GPSK;
+ }
+ else if (nm.lower() == "tls") {
+ ret = TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::TLS;
+ }
+ else if (nm.lower() == "peap") {
+ ret = TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::PEAP;
+ }
+ else if (nm.lower() == "ttls") {
+ ret = TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::TTLS;
+ }
+ else if (nm.lower() == "sim") {
+ ret = TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::SIM;
+ }
+ else if (nm.lower() == "gtc") {
+ ret = TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::GTC;
+ }
+ else if (nm.lower() == "otp") {
+ ret = TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::OTP;
+ }
+ else {
+ PRINT_ERROR(TQString("unknown EAP type %s requested in existing connection").arg(nm.lower()))
+ }
+ return ret;
+TQString tdeEAPTypeToNMEAPType(TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::TDENetworkIEEE8021xType eaptype) {
+ TQString ret = "";
+ if (eaptype == TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::None) {
+ ret = "";
+ }
+ else if (eaptype == TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::LEAP) {
+ ret = "leap";
+ }
+ else if (eaptype == TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::MD5) {
+ ret = "md5";
+ }
+ else if (eaptype == TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::PAP) {
+ ret = "pap";
+ }
+ else if (eaptype == TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::CHAP) {
+ ret = "chap";
+ }
+ else if (eaptype == TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::MSCHAP) {
+ ret = "mschap";
+ }
+ else if (eaptype == TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::MSCHAPV2) {
+ ret = "mschapv2";
+ }
+ else if (eaptype == TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::Fast) {
+ ret = "fast";
+ }
+ else if (eaptype == TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::PSK) {
+ ret = "psk";
+ }
+ else if (eaptype == TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::PAX) {
+ ret = "pax";
+ }
+ else if (eaptype == TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::SAKE) {
+ ret = "sake";
+ }
+ else if (eaptype == TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::GPSK) {
+ ret = "gpsk";
+ }
+ else if (eaptype == TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::TLS) {
+ ret = "tls";
+ }
+ else if (eaptype == TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::PEAP) {
+ ret = "peap";
+ }
+ else if (eaptype == TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::TTLS) {
+ ret = "ttls";
+ }
+ else if (eaptype == TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::SIM) {
+ ret = "sim";
+ }
+ else if (eaptype == TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::GTC) {
+ ret = "gtc";
+ }
+ else if (eaptype == TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::OTP) {
+ ret = "otp";
+ }
+ else {
+ PRINT_ERROR(TQString("unknown TDE EAP type %d requested in new or updated connection").arg(eaptype))
+ }
+ return ret;
+TDENetworkIEEE8021xFastFlags::TDENetworkIEEE8021xFastFlags nmEAPFastFlagsToTDEEAPFastFlags(TQString nm) {
+ TDENetworkIEEE8021xFastFlags::TDENetworkIEEE8021xFastFlags ret = TDENetworkIEEE8021xFastFlags::AllowUnauthenticated | TDENetworkIEEE8021xFastFlags::AllowAuthenticated;
+ unsigned int nm_int = nm.toUInt();
+ ret = TDENetworkIEEE8021xFastFlags::None;
+ }
+ ret = TDENetworkIEEE8021xFastFlags::AllowUnauthenticated;
+ }
+ ret = TDENetworkIEEE8021xFastFlags::AllowAuthenticated;
+ }
+ else if (nm_int == NM_EAP_FAST_PROVISIONING_BOTH) {
+ ret = TDENetworkIEEE8021xFastFlags::AllowUnauthenticated | TDENetworkIEEE8021xFastFlags::AllowAuthenticated;
+ }
+ else {
+ PRINT_ERROR(TQString("unknown EAP fast flag %s requested in existing connection").arg(nm.lower()))
+ }
+ return ret;
+TQString tdeEAPFastFlagsToNMEAPFastFlags(TDENetworkIEEE8021xFastFlags::TDENetworkIEEE8021xFastFlags eaptype) {
+ TQString ret = "";
+ if ((eaptype & TDENetworkIEEE8021xFastFlags::AllowUnauthenticated) && (eaptype & TDENetworkIEEE8021xFastFlags::AllowAuthenticated)) {
+ ret = TQString("%1").arg(NM_EAP_FAST_PROVISIONING_BOTH);
+ }
+ else if (eaptype & TDENetworkIEEE8021xFastFlags::AllowAuthenticated) {
+ }
+ else if (eaptype & TDENetworkIEEE8021xFastFlags::AllowUnauthenticated) {
+ }
+ else {
+ }
+ return ret;
+TDEWiFiMode::TDEWiFiMode nmWiFiModeToTDEWiFiMode(TQString nm) {
+ TDEWiFiMode::TDEWiFiMode ret = TDEWiFiMode::Infrastructure;
+ if (nm.lower() == "infrastructure") {
+ ret = TDEWiFiMode::Infrastructure;
+ }
+ else if (nm.lower() == "adhoc") {
+ ret = TDEWiFiMode::AdHoc;
+ }
+ return ret;
+TQString tdeWiFiModeToNMWiFiMode(TDEWiFiMode::TDEWiFiMode mode) {
+ TQString ret;
+ if (mode == TDEWiFiMode::Infrastructure) {
+ ret = "infrastructure";
+ }
+ else if (mode == TDEWiFiMode::AdHoc) {
+ ret = "adhoc";
+ }
+ return ret;
+TDEWiFiMode::TDEWiFiMode nmWiFiModeToTDEWiFiMode(TQ_UINT32 nm) {
+ TDEWiFiMode::TDEWiFiMode ret = TDEWiFiMode::Infrastructure;
+ if (nm == NM_802_11_MODE_INFRASTRUCTURE) {
+ ret = TDEWiFiMode::Infrastructure;
+ }
+ else if (nm == NM_802_11_MODE_ADHOC) {
+ ret = TDEWiFiMode::AdHoc;
+ }
+ return ret;
+TDENetworkWiFiClientFlags::TDENetworkWiFiClientFlags tdeWiFiFlagsToNMWiFiFlags(TQ_UINT32 nm) {
+ TDENetworkWiFiClientFlags::TDENetworkWiFiClientFlags ret = TDENetworkWiFiClientFlags::None;
+ if (nm & NM_802_11_DEVICE_CAP_CIPHER_WEP40) {
+ ret | TDENetworkWiFiClientFlags::CipherWEP40;
+ }
+ if (nm & NM_802_11_DEVICE_CAP_CIPHER_WEP104) {
+ ret | TDENetworkWiFiClientFlags::CipherWEP104;
+ }
+ if (nm & NM_802_11_DEVICE_CAP_CIPHER_TKIP) {
+ ret | TDENetworkWiFiClientFlags::CipherTKIP;
+ }
+ if (nm & NM_802_11_DEVICE_CAP_CIPHER_CCMP) {
+ ret | TDENetworkWiFiClientFlags::CipherCCMP;
+ }
+ if (nm & NM_802_11_DEVICE_CAP_WPA) {
+ ret | TDENetworkWiFiClientFlags::CipherWPA;
+ }
+ if (nm & NM_802_11_DEVICE_CAP_RSN) {
+ ret | TDENetworkWiFiClientFlags::CipherRSN;
+ }
+ return ret;
+TDEBluetoothConnectionType::TDEBluetoothConnectionType nmBluetoothModeToTDEBluetoothMode(TQString nm) {
+ TDEBluetoothConnectionType::TDEBluetoothConnectionType ret = TDEBluetoothConnectionType::PAN;
+ if (nm.lower() == "dun") {
+ ret = TDEBluetoothConnectionType::DUN;
+ }
+ else if (nm.lower() == "panu") {
+ ret = TDEBluetoothConnectionType::PAN;
+ }
+ return ret;
+TQString tdeBluetoothModeToNMBluetoothMode(TDEBluetoothConnectionType::TDEBluetoothConnectionType type) {
+ TQString ret;
+ if (type == TDEBluetoothConnectionType::DUN) {
+ ret = "dun";
+ }
+ else if (type == TDEBluetoothConnectionType::PAN) {
+ ret = "panu";
+ }
+ return ret;
+TDEGSMNetworkType::TDEGSMNetworkType nmGSMModeToTDEGSMMode(TQ_INT32 nm) {
+ TDEGSMNetworkType::TDEGSMNetworkType ret = TDEGSMNetworkType::Any;
+ if (nm == NM_GSM_3G_ONLY) {
+ ret = TDEGSMNetworkType::Only3G;
+ }
+ else if (nm == NM_GSM_GPRS_EDGE_ONLY) {
+ ret = TDEGSMNetworkType::GPRSEdge;
+ }
+ else if (nm == NM_GSM_PREFER_3G) {
+ ret = TDEGSMNetworkType::Prefer3G;
+ }
+ else if (nm == NM_GSM_PREFER_2G) {
+ ret = TDEGSMNetworkType::Prefer2G;
+ }
+ return ret;
+TQ_INT32 tdeGSMModeToNMGSMMode(TDEGSMNetworkType::TDEGSMNetworkType type) {
+ TQ_INT32 ret = -1;
+ if (type == TDEGSMNetworkType::Only3G) {
+ ret = NM_GSM_3G_ONLY;
+ }
+ else if (type == TDEGSMNetworkType::GPRSEdge) {
+ }
+ else if (type == TDEGSMNetworkType::Prefer3G) {
+ ret = NM_GSM_PREFER_3G;
+ }
+ else if (type == TDEGSMNetworkType::Prefer2G) {
+ ret = NM_GSM_PREFER_2G;
+ }
+ return ret;
+TDEWiFiFrequencyBand::TDEWiFiFrequencyBand nmWiFiFrequencyBandToTDEWiFiFrequencyBand(TQString nm) {
+ TDEWiFiFrequencyBand::TDEWiFiFrequencyBand ret = TDEWiFiFrequencyBand::Other;
+ if (nm.lower() == "") {
+ ret = TDEWiFiFrequencyBand::None;
+ }
+ else if (nm.lower() == "bg") {
+ ret = TDEWiFiFrequencyBand::Band2_4GHz;
+ }
+ else if (nm.lower() == "a") {
+ ret = TDEWiFiFrequencyBand::Band5GHz;
+ }
+ return ret;
+TQString tdeWiFiFrequencyBandToNMWiFiFrequencyBand(TDEWiFiFrequencyBand::TDEWiFiFrequencyBand mode) {
+ TQString ret;
+ if (mode == TDEWiFiFrequencyBand::None) {
+ ret = TQString::null;
+ }
+ else if (mode == TDEWiFiFrequencyBand::Band2_4GHz) {
+ ret = "bg";
+ }
+ else if (mode == TDEWiFiFrequencyBand::Band5GHz) {
+ ret = "a";
+ }
+ return ret;
+TDENetworkWiFiKeyType::TDENetworkWiFiKeyType nmWiFiKeyTypeToTDEWiFiKeyType(TQString nm) {
+ TDENetworkWiFiKeyType::TDENetworkWiFiKeyType ret = TDENetworkWiFiKeyType::Other;
+ if (nm.lower() == "none") {
+ ret = TDENetworkWiFiKeyType::WEP;
+ }
+ else if (nm.lower() == "ieee8021x") {
+ ret = TDENetworkWiFiKeyType::DynamicWEP;
+ }
+ else if (nm.lower() == "wpa-none") {
+ ret = TDENetworkWiFiKeyType::WPAAdHoc;
+ }
+ else if (nm.lower() == "wpa-psk") {
+ ret = TDENetworkWiFiKeyType::WPAInfrastructure;
+ }
+ else if (nm.lower() == "wpa-eap") {
+ ret = TDENetworkWiFiKeyType::WPAEnterprise;
+ }
+ return ret;
+TQString tdeWiFiKeyTypeToNMWiFiKeyType(TDENetworkWiFiKeyType::TDENetworkWiFiKeyType type) {
+ TQString ret;
+ if (type == TDENetworkWiFiKeyType::WEP) {
+ return "none";
+ }
+ else if (type == TDENetworkWiFiKeyType::DynamicWEP) {
+ return "ieee8021x";
+ }
+ else if (type == TDENetworkWiFiKeyType::WPAAdHoc) {
+ return "wpa-none";
+ }
+ else if (type == TDENetworkWiFiKeyType::WPAInfrastructure) {
+ return "wpa-psk";
+ }
+ else if (type == TDENetworkWiFiKeyType::WPAEnterprise) {
+ return "wpa-eap";
+ }
+ return ret;
+TDENetworkWiFiAuthType::TDENetworkWiFiAuthType nmWiFiAuthTypeToTDEWiFiAuthType(TQString nm) {
+ TDENetworkWiFiAuthType::TDENetworkWiFiAuthType ret = TDENetworkWiFiAuthType::Other;
+ if (nm.lower() == "open") {
+ ret = TDENetworkWiFiAuthType::Open;
+ }
+ else if (nm.lower() == "shared") {
+ ret = TDENetworkWiFiAuthType::Shared;
+ }
+ else if (nm.lower() == "leap") {
+ ret = TDENetworkWiFiAuthType::LEAP;
+ }
+ return ret;
+TQString tdeWiFiAuthTypeToNMWiFiAuthType(TDENetworkWiFiAuthType::TDENetworkWiFiAuthType type) {
+ TQString ret;
+ if (type == TDENetworkWiFiAuthType::Open) {
+ return "open";
+ }
+ else if (type == TDENetworkWiFiAuthType::Shared) {
+ return "shared";
+ }
+ else if (type == TDENetworkWiFiAuthType::LEAP) {
+ return "leap";
+ }
+ return ret;
+TDENetworkWiFiWPAVersionFlags::TDENetworkWiFiWPAVersionFlags nmWiFiWPAVersionToTDEWiFiWPAVersion(TQStringList nm) {
+ TDENetworkWiFiWPAVersionFlags::TDENetworkWiFiWPAVersionFlags ret = TDENetworkWiFiWPAVersionFlags::None;
+ if ((nm.contains("wpa") && nm.contains("rsn")) || (nm.count() < 1)) {
+ ret |= TDENetworkWiFiWPAVersionFlags::Any;
+ }
+ else if (nm.contains("wpa")) {
+ ret |= TDENetworkWiFiWPAVersionFlags::WPA;
+ }
+ else if (nm.contains("rsn")) {
+ ret |= TDENetworkWiFiWPAVersionFlags::RSN;
+ }
+ return ret;
+TQStringList tdeWiFiWPAVersionToNMWiFiWPAVersion(TDENetworkWiFiWPAVersionFlags::TDENetworkWiFiWPAVersionFlags type) {
+ TQStringList ret;
+ if (type & TDENetworkWiFiWPAVersionFlags::WPA) {
+ ret.append("wpa");
+ }
+ if (type & TDENetworkWiFiWPAVersionFlags::RSN) {
+ ret.append("rsn");
+ }
+ return ret;
+TDENetworkWiFiConnectionCipher::TDENetworkWiFiConnectionCipher nmWiFiCipherToTDEWiFiCipher(TQString nm) {
+ TDENetworkWiFiConnectionCipher::TDENetworkWiFiConnectionCipher ret = TDENetworkWiFiConnectionCipher::None;
+ if (nm.lower() == "wep40") {
+ ret = TDENetworkWiFiConnectionCipher::CipherWEP40;
+ }
+ else if (nm.lower() == "wep104") {
+ ret = TDENetworkWiFiConnectionCipher::CipherWEP104;
+ }
+ else if (nm.lower() == "tkip") {
+ ret = TDENetworkWiFiConnectionCipher::CipherTKIP;
+ }
+ else if (nm.lower() == "ccmp") {
+ ret = TDENetworkWiFiConnectionCipher::CipherCCMP;
+ }
+ return ret;
+TQString tdeWiFiCipherToNMWiFiCipher(TDENetworkWiFiConnectionCipher::TDENetworkWiFiConnectionCipher cipher) {
+ TQString ret;
+ if (cipher == TDENetworkWiFiConnectionCipher::CipherWEP40) {
+ ret = "wep40";
+ }
+ else if (cipher == TDENetworkWiFiConnectionCipher::CipherWEP104) {
+ ret = "wep104";
+ }
+ else if (cipher == TDENetworkWiFiConnectionCipher::CipherTKIP) {
+ ret = "tkip";
+ }
+ else if (cipher == TDENetworkWiFiConnectionCipher::CipherCCMP) {
+ ret = "ccmp";
+ }
+ return ret;
+TDENetworkSlaveDeviceType::TDENetworkSlaveDeviceType nmSlaveTypeToTDESlaveType(TQString nm) {
+ TDENetworkSlaveDeviceType::TDENetworkSlaveDeviceType ret = TDENetworkSlaveDeviceType::None;
+ if (nm.lower() == "bond") {
+ ret = TDENetworkSlaveDeviceType::Bond;
+ }
+ return ret;
+TQString tdeSlaveTypeToNMSlaveType(TDENetworkSlaveDeviceType::TDENetworkSlaveDeviceType slavetype) {
+ TQString ret;
+ if (slavetype == TDENetworkSlaveDeviceType::Bond) {
+ ret = "bond";
+ }
+ return ret;
+TDENetworkPasswordHandlingFlags::TDENetworkPasswordHandlingFlags nmPasswordFlagsToTDEPasswordFlags(unsigned int nm) {
+ TDENetworkPasswordHandlingFlags::TDENetworkPasswordHandlingFlags ret = TDENetworkPasswordHandlingFlags::None;
+ ret |= TDENetworkPasswordHandlingFlags::ExternalStorage;
+ }
+ ret |= TDENetworkPasswordHandlingFlags::NoSave;
+ }
+ ret |= TDENetworkPasswordHandlingFlags::NoPrompt;
+ }
+ return ret;
+unsigned int tdePasswordFlagsToNMPasswordFlags(TDENetworkPasswordHandlingFlags::TDENetworkPasswordHandlingFlags flags) {
+ unsigned int ret = 0;
+ if (flags & TDENetworkPasswordHandlingFlags::ExternalStorage) {
+ }
+ if (flags & TDENetworkPasswordHandlingFlags::NoSave) {
+ }
+ if (flags & TDENetworkPasswordHandlingFlags::NoPrompt) {
+ }
+ return ret;
+TDENetworkVLANFlags::TDENetworkVLANFlags nmVLANFlagsToTDEVLANFlags(unsigned int nm) {
+ TDENetworkVLANFlags::TDENetworkVLANFlags ret = TDENetworkVLANFlags::None;
+ ret |= TDENetworkVLANFlags::ReorderPacketHeaders;
+ }
+ if (nm & NM_VLAN_USE_GVRP) {
+ ret |= TDENetworkVLANFlags::UseGVRP;
+ }
+ ret |= TDENetworkVLANFlags::LooseBinding;
+ }
+ return ret;
+unsigned int tdeVLANFlagsToNMVLANFlags(TDENetworkVLANFlags::TDENetworkVLANFlags flags) {
+ unsigned int ret = 0;
+ if (flags & TDENetworkVLANFlags::ReorderPacketHeaders) {
+ }
+ if (flags & TDENetworkVLANFlags::UseGVRP) {
+ ret |= NM_VLAN_USE_GVRP;
+ }
+ if (flags & TDENetworkVLANFlags::LooseBinding) {
+ }
+ return ret;
+TDENetworkParity::TDENetworkParity nmParityToTDEParity(char nm) {
+ TDENetworkParity::TDENetworkParity ret = TDENetworkParity::None;
+ if (nm == 'E') {
+ ret = TDENetworkParity::Even;
+ }
+ else if (nm == 'o') {
+ ret = TDENetworkParity::Odd;
+ }
+ return ret;
+char tdeParityToNMParity(TDENetworkParity::TDENetworkParity parity) {
+ char ret = 'n';
+ if (parity == TDENetworkParity::Even) {
+ ret = 'E';
+ }
+ else if (parity == TDENetworkParity::Odd) {
+ ret = 'o';
+ }
+ return ret;
+TDENetworkWepKeyType::TDENetworkWepKeyType nmWepKeyTypeToTDEWepKeyType(unsigned int nm, TQString key=TQString::null) {
+ TDENetworkWepKeyType::TDENetworkWepKeyType ret = TDENetworkWepKeyType::Hexadecimal;
+ if (key.isNull()) {
+ ret = TDENetworkWepKeyType::Hexadecimal;
+ }
+ else {
+ if ((key.length() == 10) || (key.length() == 26)) {
+ ret = TDENetworkWepKeyType::Hexadecimal;
+ }
+ else {
+ ret = TDENetworkWepKeyType::Ascii;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (nm == NM_WEP_TYPE_PASSPHRASE) {
+ ret = TDENetworkWepKeyType::Passphrase;
+ }
+ return ret;
+unsigned int tdeWepKeyTypeToNMWepKeyType(TDENetworkWepKeyType::TDENetworkWepKeyType type) {
+ unsigned int ret = 0;
+ if (type == TDENetworkWepKeyType::Hexadecimal) {
+ }
+ else if (type == TDENetworkWepKeyType::Ascii) {
+ }
+ else if (type == TDENetworkWepKeyType::Passphrase) {
+ }
+ return ret;
+TDENetworkDeviceCapabilityFlags::TDENetworkDeviceCapabilityFlags nmCapabilityFlagsToTDECapabilityFlags(unsigned int nm) {
+ TDENetworkDeviceCapabilityFlags::TDENetworkDeviceCapabilityFlags ret = TDENetworkDeviceCapabilityFlags::None;
+ ret |= TDENetworkDeviceCapabilityFlags::Supported;
+ }
+ ret |= TDENetworkDeviceCapabilityFlags::CanDetectLink;
+ }
+ return ret;
+unsigned int tdeCapabilityFlagsToNMCapabilityFlags(TDENetworkDeviceCapabilityFlags::TDENetworkDeviceCapabilityFlags flags) {
+ unsigned int ret = 0;
+ if (flags & TDENetworkDeviceCapabilityFlags::Supported) {
+ }
+ if (flags & TDENetworkDeviceCapabilityFlags::CanDetectLink) {
+ }
+ return ret;
+TDENetworkWiFiAPFlags::TDENetworkWiFiAPFlags nmAPSecFlagsToTDEAPSecFlags(unsigned int genflags, unsigned int nm) {
+ TDENetworkWiFiAPFlags::TDENetworkWiFiAPFlags ret = TDENetworkWiFiAPFlags::None;
+ if (genflags & NM_ACCESS_POINT_CAP_PRIVACY) {
+ ret |= TDENetworkWiFiAPFlags::PrivacySupport;
+ }
+ ret |= TDENetworkWiFiAPFlags::PairWEP40;
+ }
+ ret |= TDENetworkWiFiAPFlags::PairWEP104;
+ }
+ ret |= TDENetworkWiFiAPFlags::PairTKIP;
+ }
+ ret |= TDENetworkWiFiAPFlags::PairCCMP;
+ }
+ ret |= TDENetworkWiFiAPFlags::GroupWEP40;
+ }
+ ret |= TDENetworkWiFiAPFlags::GroupWEP104;
+ }
+ ret |= TDENetworkWiFiAPFlags::GroupTKIP;
+ }
+ ret |= TDENetworkWiFiAPFlags::GroupCCMP;
+ }
+ ret |= TDENetworkWiFiAPFlags::KeyManagementPSK;
+ }
+ if (nm & NM_ACCESS_POINT_SEC_KEY_MGMT_802_1X) {
+ ret |= TDENetworkWiFiAPFlags::KeyManagement80211;
+ }
+ return ret;
+unsigned int tdeAPSecFlagsToNMAPGenSecFlags(TDENetworkWiFiAPFlags::TDENetworkWiFiAPFlags flags) {
+ unsigned int ret = 0;
+ if (flags & TDENetworkWiFiAPFlags::PrivacySupport) {
+ }
+ return ret;
+unsigned int tdeAPSecFlagsToNMAPSecFlags(TDENetworkWiFiAPFlags::TDENetworkWiFiAPFlags flags) {
+ unsigned int ret = 0;
+ if (flags & TDENetworkWiFiAPFlags::PairWEP40) {
+ }
+ if (flags & TDENetworkWiFiAPFlags::PairWEP104) {
+ }
+ if (flags & TDENetworkWiFiAPFlags::PairTKIP) {
+ }
+ if (flags & TDENetworkWiFiAPFlags::PairCCMP) {
+ }
+ if (flags & TDENetworkWiFiAPFlags::GroupWEP40) {
+ }
+ if (flags & TDENetworkWiFiAPFlags::GroupWEP104) {
+ }
+ if (flags & TDENetworkWiFiAPFlags::GroupTKIP) {
+ }
+ if (flags & TDENetworkWiFiAPFlags::GroupCCMP) {
+ }
+ if (flags & TDENetworkWiFiAPFlags::KeyManagementPSK) {
+ }
+ if (flags & TDENetworkWiFiAPFlags::KeyManagement80211) {
+ }
+ return ret;
+TDENetworkInfinibandTransportMode::TDENetworkInfinibandTransportMode nmIBTransportToTDEIBTransport(TQString nm) {
+ TDENetworkInfinibandTransportMode::TDENetworkInfinibandTransportMode ret = TDENetworkInfinibandTransportMode::Other;
+ if (nm.lower() == "datagram") {
+ ret = TDENetworkInfinibandTransportMode::Datagram;
+ }
+ else if (nm.lower() == "connected") {
+ ret = TDENetworkInfinibandTransportMode::Connected;
+ }
+ return ret;
+TQString tdeIBTransportToNMIBTransport(TDENetworkInfinibandTransportMode::TDENetworkInfinibandTransportMode mode) {
+ TQString ret;
+ if (mode == TDENetworkInfinibandTransportMode::Datagram) {
+ ret = "datagram";
+ }
+ else if (mode == TDENetworkInfinibandTransportMode::Connected) {
+ ret = "connected";
+ }
+ return ret;
+TQString TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM::deviceInterfaceString(TQString macAddress) {
+ if (d->m_networkManagerProxy) {
+ TQT_DBusObjectPathList devices;
+ TQT_DBusError error;
+ bool ret;
+ ret = d->m_networkManagerProxy->GetDevices(devices, error);
+ if (ret) {
+ TQT_DBusObjectPathList::iterator it;
+ for (it = devices.begin(); it != devices.end(); ++it) {
+ DBus::DeviceProxy genericDevice(NM_DBUS_SERVICE, (*it));
+ genericDevice.setConnection(TQT_DBusConnection::systemBus());
+ TDENetworkDeviceType::TDENetworkDeviceType deviceType = nmDeviceTypeToTDEDeviceType(genericDevice.getDeviceType(error));
+ if (error.isValid()) {
+ // Error!
+ PRINT_ERROR(( + ": " + error.message()))
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (deviceType == TDENetworkDeviceType::WiredEthernet) {
+ DBus::EthernetDeviceProxy ethernetDevice(NM_DBUS_SERVICE, (*it));
+ ethernetDevice.setConnection(TQT_DBusConnection::systemBus());
+ TQString candidateMACAddress = ethernetDevice.getPermHwAddress(error);
+ if (!error.isValid()) {
+ if (candidateMACAddress.lower() == macAddress.lower()) {
+ return (*it);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (deviceType == TDENetworkDeviceType::Infiniband) {
+ DBus::InfinibandDeviceProxy infinibandDevice(NM_DBUS_SERVICE, (*it));
+ infinibandDevice.setConnection(TQT_DBusConnection::systemBus());
+ TQString candidateMACAddress = infinibandDevice.getHwAddress(error);
+ if (!error.isValid()) {
+ if (candidateMACAddress.lower() == macAddress.lower()) {
+ return (*it);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (deviceType == TDENetworkDeviceType::WiFi) {
+ DBus::WiFiDeviceProxy wiFiDevice(NM_DBUS_SERVICE, (*it));
+ wiFiDevice.setConnection(TQT_DBusConnection::systemBus());
+ TQString candidateMACAddress = wiFiDevice.getPermHwAddress(error);
+ if (!error.isValid()) {
+ if (candidateMACAddress.lower() == macAddress.lower()) {
+ return (*it);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (deviceType == TDENetworkDeviceType::WiMax) {
+ DBus::WiMaxDeviceProxy wiMaxDevice(NM_DBUS_SERVICE, (*it));
+ wiMaxDevice.setConnection(TQT_DBusConnection::systemBus());
+ TQString candidateMACAddress = wiMaxDevice.getHwAddress(error);
+ if (!error.isValid()) {
+ if (candidateMACAddress.lower() == macAddress.lower()) {
+ return (*it);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (deviceType == TDENetworkDeviceType::OLPCMesh) {
+ DBus::OlpcMeshDeviceProxy olpcMeshDevice(NM_DBUS_SERVICE, (*it));
+ olpcMeshDevice.setConnection(TQT_DBusConnection::systemBus());
+ TQString candidateMACAddress = olpcMeshDevice.getHwAddress(error);
+ if (!error.isValid()) {
+ if (candidateMACAddress.lower() == macAddress.lower()) {
+ return (*it);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (deviceType == TDENetworkDeviceType::Bluetooth) {
+ DBus::BluetoothDeviceProxy bluetoothDevice(NM_DBUS_SERVICE, (*it));
+ bluetoothDevice.setConnection(TQT_DBusConnection::systemBus());
+ TQString candidateMACAddress = bluetoothDevice.getHwAddress(error);
+ if (!error.isValid()) {
+ if (candidateMACAddress.lower() == macAddress.lower()) {
+ return (*it);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // FIXME
+ // Add other supported device types here
+ }
+ return "";
+ }
+ else {
+ // Error!
+ PRINT_ERROR(( + ": " + error.message()))
+ return "";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ return "";
+ }
+TQString macAddressForGenericDevice(TQT_DBusObjectPath path) {
+ TQT_DBusError error;
+ DBus::DeviceProxy genericDevice(NM_DBUS_SERVICE, path);
+ genericDevice.setConnection(TQT_DBusConnection::systemBus());
+ TQ_UINT32 deviceType = genericDevice.getDeviceType(error);
+ if (error.isValid()) {
+ // Error!
+ PRINT_ERROR(( + ": " + error.message()))
+ return TQString();
+ }
+ else if (deviceType == NM_DEVICE_TYPE_ETHERNET) {
+ DBus::EthernetDeviceProxy ethernetDevice(NM_DBUS_SERVICE, path);
+ ethernetDevice.setConnection(TQT_DBusConnection::systemBus());
+ TQString candidateMACAddress = ethernetDevice.getPermHwAddress(error);
+ if (!error.isValid()) {
+ return candidateMACAddress.lower();
+ }
+ }
+ else if (deviceType == NM_DEVICE_TYPE_INFINIBAND) {
+ DBus::InfinibandDeviceProxy infinibandDevice(NM_DBUS_SERVICE, path);
+ infinibandDevice.setConnection(TQT_DBusConnection::systemBus());
+ TQString candidateMACAddress = infinibandDevice.getHwAddress(error);
+ if (!error.isValid()) {
+ return candidateMACAddress.lower();
+ }
+ }
+ else if (deviceType == NM_DEVICE_TYPE_WIFI) {
+ DBus::WiFiDeviceProxy wiFiDevice(NM_DBUS_SERVICE, path);
+ wiFiDevice.setConnection(TQT_DBusConnection::systemBus());
+ TQString candidateMACAddress = wiFiDevice.getPermHwAddress(error);
+ if (!error.isValid()) {
+ return candidateMACAddress.lower();
+ }
+ }
+ else if (deviceType == NM_DEVICE_TYPE_WIMAX) {
+ DBus::WiMaxDeviceProxy wiMaxDevice(NM_DBUS_SERVICE, path);
+ wiMaxDevice.setConnection(TQT_DBusConnection::systemBus());
+ TQString candidateMACAddress = wiMaxDevice.getHwAddress(error);
+ if (!error.isValid()) {
+ return candidateMACAddress.lower();
+ }
+ }
+ else if (deviceType == NM_DEVICE_TYPE_OLPC_MESH) {
+ DBus::OlpcMeshDeviceProxy olpcMeshDevice(NM_DBUS_SERVICE, path);
+ olpcMeshDevice.setConnection(TQT_DBusConnection::systemBus());
+ TQString candidateMACAddress = olpcMeshDevice.getHwAddress(error);
+ if (!error.isValid()) {
+ return candidateMACAddress.lower();
+ }
+ }
+ else if (deviceType == NM_DEVICE_TYPE_BT) {
+ DBus::BluetoothDeviceProxy bluetoothDevice(NM_DBUS_SERVICE, path);
+ bluetoothDevice.setConnection(TQT_DBusConnection::systemBus());
+ TQString candidateMACAddress = bluetoothDevice.getHwAddress(error);
+ if (!error.isValid()) {
+ return candidateMACAddress.lower();
+ }
+ }
+ // FIXME
+ // Add other supported device types here
+ return TQString::null;
+TQString tdeDeviceUUIDForMACAddress(TQString macAddress) {
+ TDEHardwareDevices *hwdevices = TDEGlobal::hardwareDevices();
+ if (!hwdevices) {
+ return TQString::null;
+ }
+ TDEGenericHardwareList devices = hwdevices->listByDeviceClass(TDEGenericDeviceType::Network);
+ for (TDEGenericHardwareList::iterator it = devices.begin(); it != devices.end(); ++it) {
+ TDENetworkDevice* dev = dynamic_cast<TDENetworkDevice*>(*it);
+ if (dev) {
+ if (macAddress.lower() == dev->macAddress().lower()) {
+ return dev->uniqueID();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return TQString::null;
+TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM_DBusSignalReceiver::TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM_DBusSignalReceiver(TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNMPrivate* parent) : m_parent(parent) {
+ //
+TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM_DBusSignalReceiver::~TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM_DBusSignalReceiver() {
+ //
+void TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM_DBusSignalReceiver::dbusSignal(const TQT_DBusMessage& message) {
+ if (message.type() == TQT_DBusMessage::SignalMessage) {
+ TQString interface = message.interface();
+ TQString sender = message.sender();
+ TQString member = message.member();
+ TQString path = message.path();
+// printf("[DEBUG] In dbusSignal: sender: %s, member: %s, interface: %s, path: %s, parent path: %s\n", sender.ascii(), member.ascii(), interface.ascii(), path.ascii(), m_parent->m_dbusDeviceString.ascii()); fflush(stdout);
+ if (interface == NM_VPN_DBUS_CONNECTION_SERVICE) {
+ if (member == "VpnStateChanged") {
+ // Demarshal data
+ TQ_UINT32 state = message[0].toUInt32();
+ TQ_UINT32 reason = message[1].toUInt32();
+ if (state == NM_VPN_STATE_FAILED) {
+ m_parent->internalProcessVPNFailure(reason);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (interface == NM_DBUS_DEVICE_SERVICE) {
+ if (path == m_parent->m_dbusDeviceString) {
+ if (member == "StateChanged") {
+ // Demarshal data
+ TQ_UINT32 new_state = message[0].toUInt32();
+ TQ_UINT32 old_state = message[1].toUInt32();
+ TQ_UINT32 reason = message[2].toUInt32();
+ m_parent->internalProcessDeviceStateChanged(new_state, old_state, reason);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM::TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM(TQString macAddress) : TDENetworkConnectionManager(macAddress) {
+ d = new TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNMPrivate(this);
+ // Set up proxy interfaces
+ d->m_networkManagerProxy = new DBus::NetworkManagerProxy(NM_DBUS_SERVICE, NM_DBUS_PATH);
+ d->m_networkManagerProxy->setConnection(TQT_DBusConnection::systemBus());
+ d->m_networkManagerSettings = new DBus::SettingsInterface(NM_DBUS_SERVICE, NM_DBUS_PATH_SETTINGS);
+ d->m_networkManagerSettings->setConnection(TQT_DBusConnection::systemBus());
+ d->m_vpnProxy->setConnection(TQT_DBusConnection::systemBus());
+ d->m_dbusDeviceString = deviceInterfaceString(macAddress);
+ if (d->m_dbusDeviceString != "") {
+ d->m_networkDeviceProxy = new DBus::DeviceProxy(NM_DBUS_SERVICE, d->m_dbusDeviceString);
+ d->m_networkDeviceProxy->setConnection(TQT_DBusConnection::systemBus());
+ if (deviceType() == TDENetworkDeviceType::WiFi) {
+ d->m_wiFiDeviceProxy = new DBus::WiFiDeviceProxy(NM_DBUS_SERVICE, d->m_dbusDeviceString);
+ d->m_wiFiDeviceProxy->setConnection(TQT_DBusConnection::systemBus());
+ }
+ }
+ // Connect global signals
+ connect(d->m_networkManagerProxy, SIGNAL(StateChanged(TQ_UINT32)), d, SLOT(internalProcessGlobalStateChanged(TQ_UINT32)));
+ // Connect VPN signals
+ if (d->m_vpnProxy) {
+ connect(d->m_vpnProxy, SIGNAL(StateChanged(TQ_UINT32)), d, SLOT(internalProcessVPNStateChanged(TQ_UINT32)));
+ connect(d->m_vpnProxy, SIGNAL(LoginBanner(const TQString&)), d, SLOT(internalProcessVPNLoginBanner(const TQString&)));
+ connect(d->m_vpnProxy, SIGNAL(Failure(TQ_UINT32)), d, SLOT(internalProcessVPNFailure(TQ_UINT32)));
+ }
+ // Connect local signals
+ if (d->m_networkDeviceProxy) {
+ connect(d->m_networkDeviceProxy, SIGNAL(StateChanged(TQ_UINT32, TQ_UINT32, TQ_UINT32)), d, SLOT(internalProcessDeviceStateChanged(TQ_UINT32, TQ_UINT32, TQ_UINT32)));
+ }
+ if (d->m_wiFiDeviceProxy) {
+ connect(d->m_wiFiDeviceProxy, SIGNAL(AccessPointAdded(const TQT_DBusObjectPath&)), d, SLOT(internalProcessWiFiAccessPointAdded(const TQT_DBusObjectPath&)));
+ connect(d->m_wiFiDeviceProxy, SIGNAL(AccessPointRemoved(const TQT_DBusObjectPath&)), d, SLOT(internalProcessWiFiAccessPointRemoved(const TQT_DBusObjectPath&)));
+ connect(d->m_wiFiDeviceProxy, SIGNAL(PropertiesChanged(const TQMap<TQString, TQT_DBusVariant>&)), d, SLOT(internalProcessWiFiPropertiesChanged(const TQMap<TQString, TQT_DBusVariant>&)));
+ }
+ // Create public lists
+ m_connectionList = new TDENetworkConnectionList;
+ m_hwNeighborList = new TDENetworkHWNeighborList;
+ // Run site survey to populate neighbor list with initial data
+ siteSurvey();
+TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM::~TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM() {
+ // Destroy public lists
+ clearTDENetworkConnectionList();
+ delete m_connectionList;
+ clearTDENetworkHWNeighborList();
+ delete m_hwNeighborList;
+ // Tear down proxy interfaces
+ if (d->m_networkManagerProxy) delete d->m_networkManagerProxy;
+ if (d->m_networkManagerSettings) delete d->m_networkManagerSettings;
+ if (d->m_networkDeviceProxy) delete d->m_networkDeviceProxy;
+ delete d;
+void TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNMPrivate::internalProcessGlobalStateChanged(TQ_UINT32 state) {
+ m_parent->internalNetworkConnectionStateChanged(m_parent->backendStatus());
+void TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNMPrivate::internalProcessVPNStateChanged(TQ_UINT32 state) {
+ m_parent->internalNetworkConnectionStateChanged(m_parent->backendStatus());
+void TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNMPrivate::internalProcessVPNLoginBanner(const TQString& banner) {
+ m_parent->internalVpnEvent(TDENetworkVPNEventType::LoginBanner, banner);
+void TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNMPrivate::internalProcessVPNFailure(TQ_UINT32 reason) {
+ // FIXME
+ // This should provide a plain-text interpretation of the NetworkManager-specific error code
+ m_parent->internalVpnEvent(TDENetworkVPNEventType::Failure, TQString("VPN connection attempt failed!<br>NetworkManager returned error %1.").arg(reason));
+void TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNMPrivate::internalProcessDeviceStateChanged(TQ_UINT32 newState, TQ_UINT32 oldState, TQ_UINT32 reason) {
+ Q_UNUSED(oldState)
+ if (m_prevDeviceState == newState) return;
+ m_prevDeviceState = newState;
+ if (newState == NM_DEVICE_STATE_FAILED) {
+ TQString errorString;
+ if (reason == NM_DEVICE_STATE_REASON_NONE) {
+ errorString = TQString("Connection attempt failed!");
+ }
+ else if (reason == NM_DEVICE_STATE_REASON_UNKNOWN) {
+ errorString = TQString("Connection attempt failed!<br>Unknown error detected.");
+ }
+ else if (reason == NM_DEVICE_STATE_REASON_NOW_MANAGED) {
+ errorString = TQString("Connection attempt failed!<br>Network device is now managed.");
+ }
+ errorString = TQString("Connection attempt failed!<br>Network device is now unmanaged.");
+ }
+ errorString = TQString("Connection attempt failed!<br>Configuration failed.");
+ }
+ errorString = TQString("Connection attempt failed!<br>IP configuration unavailable.");
+ }
+ errorString = TQString("Connection attempt failed!<br>IP configuration expired.");
+ }
+ else if (reason == NM_DEVICE_STATE_REASON_NO_SECRETS) {
+ errorString = i18n("Connection attempt failed!<br>Secrets were required to establish a connection, but no secrets were available.");
+ }
+ errorString = TQString("Connection attempt failed!<br>The supplicant was disconnected while attempting to establish a wireless connection.");
+ }
+ errorString = TQString("Connection attempt failed!<br>Supplicant configuration failed while attempting to establish a wireless connection.");
+ }
+ errorString = i18n("Connection attempt failed!<br>The supplicant failed while attempting to establish a wireless connection.");
+ }
+ errorString = i18n("Connection attempt failed!<br>The supplicant timed out while attempting to establish a wireless connection.");
+ }
+ errorString = i18n("Connection attempt failed!<br>The PPP client failed to start.");
+ }
+ errorString = i18n("Connection attempt failed!<br>The PPP client was disconnected.");
+ }
+ else if (reason == NM_DEVICE_STATE_REASON_PPP_FAILED) {
+ errorString = i18n("Connection attempt failed!<br>Unknown PPP failure.");
+ }
+ errorString = i18n("Connection attempt failed!<br>The DHCP client failed to start.");
+ }
+ else if (reason == NM_DEVICE_STATE_REASON_DHCP_ERROR) {
+ errorString = i18n("Connection attempt failed!<br>The DHCP client encountered an error.");
+ }
+ else if (reason == NM_DEVICE_STATE_REASON_DHCP_FAILED) {
+ errorString = i18n("Connection attempt failed!<br>Uknown DHCP failure.");
+ }
+ errorString = i18n("Connection attempt failed!<br>The connection sharing service failed to start.");
+ }
+ errorString = i18n("Connection attempt failed!<br>The connection sharing service encountered an error.");
+ }
+ errorString = i18n("Connection attempt failed!<br>The AutoIP service failed to start.");
+ }
+ errorString = i18n("Connection attempt failed!<br>The AutoIP service encountered an error.");
+ }
+ errorString = i18n("Connection attempt failed!<br>Unknown AutoIP failure.");
+ }
+ else if (reason == NM_DEVICE_STATE_REASON_MODEM_BUSY) {
+ errorString = i18n("Connection attempt failed!<br>Modem was busy.");
+ }
+ errorString = i18n("Connection attempt failed!<br>No dial tone.");
+ }
+ errorString = i18n("Connection attempt failed!<br>No carrier detected.");
+ }
+ errorString = i18n("Connection attempt failed!<br>Modem timed out while dialing.");
+ }
+ errorString = i18n("Connection attempt failed!<br>The modem failed to dial.");
+ }
+ errorString = i18n("Connection attempt failed!<br>Modem initialization failed.");
+ }
+ errorString = i18n("Connection attempt failed!<br>GSM APN failure.");
+ }
+ errorString = i18n("Connection attempt failed!<br>GSM registration failed to search for networks.");
+ }
+ errorString = i18n("Connection attempt failed!<br>GSM registration attempt was rejected.");
+ }
+ errorString = i18n("Connection attempt failed!<br>GSM registration attempt timed out.");
+ }
+ errorString = i18n("Connection attempt failed!<br>GSM registration attempt failed.");
+ }
+ errorString = i18n("Connection attempt failed!<br>GSM PIN check failed.");
+ }
+ errorString = i18n("Connection attempt failed!<br>Network device firmware is missing.");
+ }
+ else if (reason == NM_DEVICE_STATE_REASON_REMOVED) {
+ errorString = i18n("Connection attempt failed!<br>Network device was removed.");
+ }
+ else if (reason == NM_DEVICE_STATE_REASON_SLEEPING) {
+ errorString = i18n("Connection attempt failed!<br>Network device is sleeping.");
+ }
+ errorString = i18n("Connection attempt failed!<br>Connection was removed.");
+ }
+ errorString = i18n("Connection attempt failed!<br>User requested device disconnection.");
+ }
+ else if (reason == NM_DEVICE_STATE_REASON_CARRIER) {
+ errorString = i18n("Connection attempt failed!<br>Carrier or link status changed.");
+ }
+ errorString = i18n("Connection attempt failed!<br>Device and/or connection already active.");
+ }
+ errorString = i18n("Connection attempt failed!<br>The supplicant is now available.");
+ }
+ errorString = i18n("Connection attempt failed!<br>Requested modem was not found.");
+ }
+ else if (reason == NM_DEVICE_STATE_REASON_BT_FAILED) {
+ errorString = i18n("Connection attempt failed!<br>Bluetooth connection timeout.");
+ }
+ errorString = i18n("Connection attempt failed!<br>GSM SIM not inserted.");
+ }
+ errorString = i18n("Connection attempt failed!<br>GSM PIN required.");
+ }
+ errorString = i18n("Connection attempt failed!<br>GSM PUK required.");
+ }
+ else if (reason == NM_DEVICE_STATE_REASON_GSM_SIM_WRONG) {
+ errorString = i18n("Connection attempt failed!<br>GSM SIM incorrect.");
+ }
+ errorString = i18n("Connection attempt failed!<br>Incorrect Infiniband mode.");
+ }
+ errorString = i18n("Connection attempt failed!<br>Dependency failure.");
+ }
+ else if (reason == NM_DEVICE_STATE_REASON_BR2684_FAILED) {
+ errorString = i18n("Connection attempt failed!<br>Unknown bridge failure.");
+ }
+ errorString = i18n("Connection attempt failed!<br>ModemManager not available.");
+ }
+ errorString = i18n("Connection attempt failed!<br>SSID not found.");
+ }
+ errorString = i18n("Connection attempt failed!<br>Secondary connection failure.");
+ }
+ else {
+ // FIXME
+ // This should provide a plain-text interpretation of the NetworkManager-specific error code
+ errorString = TQString("Connection attempt failed!<br>NetworkManager returned error %1.").arg(reason);
+ }
+ m_parent->internalNetworkDeviceEvent(TDENetworkDeviceEventType::Failure, errorString);
+ }
+ m_parent->internalNetworkDeviceStateChanged(nmDeviceStateToTDEDeviceState(newState), m_parent->m_macAddress);
+void TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNMPrivate::internalProcessWiFiAccessPointAdded(const TQT_DBusObjectPath& dbuspath) {
+ TDENetworkWiFiAPInfo* apInfo = m_parent->getAccessPointDetails(dbuspath);
+ if (apInfo) {
+ if (!m_accessPointProxyList.contains(dbuspath)) {
+ // Set up monitoring object
+ DBus::AccessPointProxy* apProxy = new DBus::AccessPointProxy(NM_DBUS_SERVICE, dbuspath);
+ apProxy->setConnection(TQT_DBusConnection::systemBus());
+ connect(apProxy, SIGNAL(PropertiesChanged(const TQMap<TQString, TQT_DBusVariant>&)), this, SLOT(internalProcessAPPropertiesChanged(const TQMap<TQString, TQT_DBusVariant>&)));
+ m_accessPointProxyList[dbuspath] = (apProxy);
+ // Notify client applications
+ m_parent->internalAccessPointStatusChanged(apInfo->BSSID, TDENetworkAPEventType::Discovered);
+ }
+ delete apInfo;
+ }
+void TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNMPrivate::internalProcessWiFiAccessPointRemoved(const TQT_DBusObjectPath& dbuspath) {
+ TDENetworkWiFiAPInfo* apInfo = m_parent->getAccessPointDetails(dbuspath);
+ if (apInfo) {
+ // Notify client applications
+ m_parent->internalAccessPointStatusChanged(apInfo->BSSID, TDENetworkAPEventType::Lost);
+ delete apInfo;
+ // Destroy related monitoring object
+ DBus::AccessPointProxy* apProxy = m_accessPointProxyList[dbuspath];
+ m_accessPointProxyList.remove(dbuspath);
+ if (apProxy) {
+ delete apProxy;
+ }
+ }
+void TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNMPrivate::internalProcessWiFiPropertiesChanged(const TQMap<TQString, TQT_DBusVariant>& props) {
+ if (m_wiFiDeviceProxy) {
+ if (props.contains("ActiveAccessPoint")) {
+ TQT_DBusError error;
+ TDENetworkWiFiAPInfo* apInfo = m_parent->getAccessPointDetails(m_wiFiDeviceProxy->getActiveAccessPoint(error));
+ if (apInfo) {
+ m_parent->internalAccessPointStatusChanged(apInfo->BSSID, TDENetworkAPEventType::AccessPointChanged);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (props.contains("Bitrate")) {
+ m_parent->internalNetworkDeviceEvent(TDENetworkDeviceEventType::BitRateChanged, TQString::null);
+ }
+ }
+void TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNMPrivate::internalProcessAPPropertiesChanged(const TQMap<TQString, TQT_DBusVariant>& props) {
+ const DBus::AccessPointProxy* apProxy = dynamic_cast<const DBus::AccessPointProxy*>(sender());
+ if (apProxy) {
+ TQT_DBusError error;
+ BSSID.fromString(apProxy->getHwAddress(error));
+ if (props.contains("Strength")) {
+ m_parent->internalAccessPointStatusChanged(BSSID, TDENetworkAPEventType::SignalStrengthChanged);
+ }
+ }
+TDENetworkDeviceType::TDENetworkDeviceType TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM::deviceType() {
+ if (m_macAddress == "") {
+ return TDENetworkDeviceType::BackendOnly;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (d->m_dbusDeviceString != "") {
+ // Query NM for the device type
+ TQT_DBusError error;
+ d->m_dbusDeviceString = deviceInterfaceString(m_macAddress);
+ DBus::DeviceProxy genericDevice(NM_DBUS_SERVICE, d->m_dbusDeviceString);
+ genericDevice.setConnection(TQT_DBusConnection::systemBus());
+ TDENetworkDeviceType::TDENetworkDeviceType ret = nmDeviceTypeToTDEDeviceType(genericDevice.getDeviceType(error));
+ if (error.isValid()) {
+ // Error!
+ PRINT_ERROR(( + ": " + error.message()))
+ return TDENetworkDeviceType::Other;
+ }
+ else {
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // Error!
+ PRINT_ERROR(TQString("Invalid DBUS device string '%1'").arg(d->m_dbusDeviceString))
+ return TDENetworkDeviceType::Other;
+ }
+ }
+TDENetworkConnectionType::TDENetworkConnectionType TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM::connectionType(TQString dbusPath) {
+ TDENetworkConnectionType::TDENetworkConnectionType connType = TDENetworkConnectionType::Other;
+ TQ_UINT32 ret;
+ TQT_DBusError error;
+ // Obtain connection settings from the path specified
+ DBus::ConnectionSettingsInterface connectionSettings(NM_DBUS_SERVICE, dbusPath);
+ connectionSettings.setConnection(TQT_DBusConnection::systemBus());
+ TQT_DBusTQStringDataMap connectionSettingsMap;
+ ret = connectionSettings.GetSettings(connectionSettingsMap, error);
+ if (ret && error.isValid()) {
+ ret = 0;
+ PRINT_ERROR(( + ": " + error.message()))
+ }
+ if (ret) {
+ // Obtain connection settings from the path specified
+ DBus::ConnectionSettingsInterface connectionSettings(NM_DBUS_SERVICE, dbusPath);
+ connectionSettings.setConnection(TQT_DBusConnection::systemBus());
+ connect(&connectionSettings, SIGNAL(GetSettingsAsyncReply(int, const TQT_DBusDataMap<TQString>&)), d, SLOT(processConnectionSettingsAsyncReply(int, const TQT_DBusDataMap<TQString>&)));
+ int asyncCallID;
+ ret = connectionSettings.GetSettingsAsync(asyncCallID, error);
+ if (ret && error.isValid()) {
+ ret = 0;
+ PRINT_ERROR(( + ": " + error.message()))
+ }
+ if (ret) {
+ // Wait for the asynchronous call to return...
+ d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncCallWaiting[asyncCallID] = true;
+ TQTimer nmCallTimeoutTimer;
+ nmCallTimeoutTimer.start(NM_ASYNC_TIMEOUT_MS, TRUE);
+ while (d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncCallWaiting[asyncCallID]) {
+ tqApp->processEvents();
+ if (!nmCallTimeoutTimer.isActive()) {
+ PRINT_ERROR(TQString("DBUS asynchronous call timed out!"))
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ TQT_DBusTQStringDataMap connectionSettingsMap = d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncSettingsResponse[asyncCallID];
+ if (d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncSettingsErrorResponse.contains(asyncCallID)) {
+ PRINT_ERROR((d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncSettingsErrorResponse[asyncCallID].name() + ": " + d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncSettingsErrorResponse[asyncCallID].message()));
+ d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncSettingsErrorResponse.remove(asyncCallID);
+ }
+ d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncCallWaiting.remove(asyncCallID);
+ if (d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncSettingsResponse.contains(asyncCallID)) {
+ d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncSettingsResponse.remove(asyncCallID);
+ }
+ // Parse settings to find connection type
+ TQT_DBusTQStringDataMap::const_iterator it2;
+ for (it2 = connectionSettingsMap.begin(); it2 != connectionSettingsMap.end(); ++it2) {
+ TQString outerKeyValue = it2.key();
+ TQT_DBusData dataValue =;
+ TQT_DBusTQStringDataMap nestedConnectionSettingsMap = dataValue.toStringKeyMap();
+ TQT_DBusTQStringDataMap::const_iterator it3;
+ for (it3 = nestedConnectionSettingsMap.begin(); it3 != nestedConnectionSettingsMap.end(); ++it3) {
+ TQString keyValue = it3.key();
+ TQT_DBusData dataValue =;
+ if (dataValue.type() == TQT_DBusData::Variant) {
+ TQT_DBusVariant dataValueVariant = dataValue.toVariant();
+ TQT_DBusData dataValue2 = dataValueVariant.value;
+ if (dataValue2.type() != TQT_DBusData::Variant) {
+ if (outerKeyValue.lower() == "connection") {
+ if (keyValue.lower() == "type") {
+ connType = nmConnectionTypeToTDEConnectionType(dataValue2.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return connType;
+TQString TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM::backendName() {
+ return i18n("NetworkManager");
+TDENetworkGlobalManagerFlags::TDENetworkGlobalManagerFlags TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM::backendStatus() {
+ if (d->m_networkManagerProxy) {
+ TQ_UINT32 ret;
+ TQT_DBusError error;
+ ret = d->m_networkManagerProxy->getState(error);
+ if (error.isValid()) {
+ // Error!
+ PRINT_ERROR(( + ": " + error.message()))
+ return TDENetworkGlobalManagerFlags::BackendUnavailable;
+ }
+ else {
+ TDENetworkGlobalManagerFlags::TDENetworkGlobalManagerFlags globalFlags = nmGlobalStateToTDEGlobalState(ret);
+ TDENetworkGlobalManagerFlags::TDENetworkGlobalManagerFlags vpnFlags = TDENetworkGlobalManagerFlags::Unknown;
+ if (d->m_vpnProxy) {
+ ret = d->m_vpnProxy->getState(error);
+ if (error.isValid()) {
+ // Error!
+ bool print_error = true;
+ if ( == "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown") {
+ if (d->vpn_service_error_notified) {
+ print_error = false;
+ }
+ else {
+ d->vpn_service_error_notified = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (print_error) {
+ PRINT_ERROR(TQString("Attempting to access the network-manager VPN service returned: %1").arg( + ": " + error.message()))
+ }
+ vpnFlags = TDENetworkGlobalManagerFlags::VPNUnknown;
+ }
+ else {
+ vpnFlags = nmVPNStateToTDEGlobalState(ret);
+ }
+ }
+ return globalFlags | vpnFlags;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ return TDENetworkGlobalManagerFlags::BackendUnavailable;
+ }
+TDENetworkDeviceInformation TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM::deviceInformation() {
+ TQT_DBusError error;
+ TDENetworkDeviceInformation ret;
+ if (d->m_networkDeviceProxy) {
+ ret.statusFlags = nmDeviceStateToTDEDeviceState(d->m_networkDeviceProxy->getState(error));
+ ret.UUID = d->m_networkDeviceProxy->getUdi(error);
+ ret.backendDriver = d->m_networkDeviceProxy->getDriver(error);
+ ret.backendDriverVersion = d->m_networkDeviceProxy->getDriverVersion(error);
+ ret.firmwareVersion = d->m_networkDeviceProxy->getFirmwareVersion(error);
+ ret.capabilityFlags = nmCapabilityFlagsToTDECapabilityFlags(d->m_networkDeviceProxy->getCapabilities(error));
+ // ipConfiguration is not filled in, as the TDE HW library provides complementary functionality and is more reliable/easier to use and maintain
+ ret.managed = d->m_networkDeviceProxy->getManaged(error);
+ ret.autoConnect = d->m_networkDeviceProxy->getAutoconnect(error);
+ ret.firmwareMissing = d->m_networkDeviceProxy->getFirmwareMissing(error);
+ ret.deviceType = nmDeviceTypeToTDEDeviceType(d->m_networkDeviceProxy->getDeviceType(error));
+ if (error.isValid()) {
+ // Error!
+ bool print_error = true;
+ if ( == "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied") {
+ if (error.message().contains("org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Device")) {
+ // Unable to determine if device allows autoconnect
+ // Assume true!
+ ret.autoConnect = true;
+ if (d->device_autoconnect_error_notified) {
+ print_error = false;
+ }
+ else {
+ d->device_autoconnect_error_notified = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (print_error) {
+ PRINT_ERROR(( + ": " + error.message()))
+ }
+ // Reset error object to avoid spurious error messages on the command line
+ error = TQT_DBusError();
+ }
+ // Populate wiFiInfo
+ if ((deviceType() == TDENetworkDeviceType::WiFi) && (d->m_wiFiDeviceProxy)) {
+ ret.wiFiInfo.valid = true;
+ ret.wiFiInfo.hwAddress.fromString(d->m_wiFiDeviceProxy->getHwAddress(error));
+ ret.wiFiInfo.permanentHWAddress.fromString(d->m_wiFiDeviceProxy->getPermHwAddress(error));
+ ret.wiFiInfo.operatingMode = nmWiFiModeToTDEWiFiMode(d->m_wiFiDeviceProxy->getMode(error));
+ ret.wiFiInfo.bitrate = d->m_wiFiDeviceProxy->getBitrate(error);
+ TDENetworkWiFiAPInfo* apInfo = getAccessPointDetails(d->m_wiFiDeviceProxy->getActiveAccessPoint(error));
+ if (error.isValid()) {
+ PRINT_ERROR(( + ": " + error.message()))
+ // Reset error object to avoid spurious error messages on the command line
+ error = TQT_DBusError();
+ }
+ if (apInfo) {
+ ret.wiFiInfo.activeAccessPointBSSID = apInfo->BSSID;
+ TDENetworkWiFiAPInfo* neighborListAPInfo = findAccessPointByBSSID(ret.wiFiInfo.activeAccessPointBSSID);
+ if (neighborListAPInfo) {
+ *neighborListAPInfo = *apInfo;
+ }
+ delete apInfo;
+ }
+ else {
+ ret.wiFiInfo.activeAccessPointBSSID = TDEMACAddress();
+ }
+ ret.wiFiInfo.wirelessFlags = tdeWiFiFlagsToNMWiFiFlags(d->m_wiFiDeviceProxy->getWirelessCapabilities(error));
+ }
+ else {
+ ret.wiFiInfo.valid = false;
+ }
+ // Get active connection UUID
+ TQT_DBusObjectPath connectionPath = d->m_networkDeviceProxy->getActiveConnection(error);
+ if (!error.isValid()) {
+ DBus::ActiveConnectionProxy activeConnection(NM_DBUS_SERVICE, connectionPath);
+ activeConnection.setConnection(TQT_DBusConnection::systemBus());
+ ret.activeConnectionUUID = activeConnection.getUuid(error);
+ if (error.isValid()) {
+ ret.activeConnectionUUID = TQString::null;
+ }
+ }
+ ret.valid = true;
+ }
+ return ret;
+TDENetworkDeviceInformation TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM::deviceStatus() {
+ TQT_DBusError error;
+ TDENetworkDeviceInformation ret;
+ if (d->m_networkDeviceProxy) {
+ ret.statusFlags = nmDeviceStateToTDEDeviceState(d->m_networkDeviceProxy->getState(error));
+ ret.UUID = d->m_networkDeviceProxy->getUdi(error);
+ // Get active connection UUID
+ TQT_DBusObjectPath connectionPath = d->m_networkDeviceProxy->getActiveConnection(error);
+ if (!error.isValid()) {
+ DBus::ActiveConnectionProxy activeConnection(NM_DBUS_SERVICE, connectionPath);
+ activeConnection.setConnection(TQT_DBusConnection::systemBus());
+ ret.activeConnectionUUID = activeConnection.getUuid(error);
+ if (error.isValid()) {
+ ret.activeConnectionUUID = TQString::null;
+ }
+ }
+ ret.valid = true;
+ }
+ return ret;
+void TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNMPrivate::processConnectionSettingsAsyncReply(int asyncCallId, const TQT_DBusDataMap<TQString>& settings) {
+ nmConnectionSettingsAsyncCallWaiting[asyncCallId] = false;
+ nmConnectionSettingsAsyncSettingsResponse[asyncCallId] = settings;
+void TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNMPrivate::processConnectionSettingsUpdateAsyncReply(int asyncCallId) {
+ nmConnectionSettingsAsyncCallWaiting[asyncCallId] = false;
+void TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNMPrivate::processAddConnectionAsyncReply(int asyncCallId, const TQT_DBusObjectPath& path) {
+ nmConnectionSettingsAsyncCallWaiting[asyncCallId] = false;
+ nmAddConnectionAsyncResponse[asyncCallId] = path;
+void TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNMPrivate::processConnectionSettingsAsyncError(int asyncCallId, const TQT_DBusError error) {
+ nmConnectionSettingsAsyncSettingsErrorResponse[asyncCallId] = error;
+void TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNMPrivate::processConnectionSettingsUpdateAsyncError(int asyncCallId, const TQT_DBusError error) {
+ nmConnectionSettingsUpdateAsyncSettingsErrorResponse[asyncCallId] = error;
+void TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNMPrivate::processAddConnectionAsyncError(int asyncCallId, const TQT_DBusError error) {
+ nmAddConnectionAsyncErrorResponse[asyncCallId] = error;
+void TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM::loadConnectionInformation() {
+ if (d->nonReentrantCallActive) return;
+ d->nonReentrantCallActive = true;
+ TDEMACAddress deviceMACAddress;
+ deviceMACAddress.fromString(m_macAddress);
+ if (d->m_networkManagerSettings) {
+ clearTDENetworkConnectionList();
+ TQT_DBusObjectPathList connections;
+ TQT_DBusError error;
+ bool ret;
+ int state;
+ ret = d->m_networkManagerSettings->ListConnections(connections, error);
+ if (ret) {
+ TQT_DBusObjectPathList::iterator it;
+ for (it = connections.begin(); it != connections.end(); ++it) {
+ TDENetworkConnection* connection;
+ TDEWiredEthernetConnection* ethernetConnection = NULL;
+ TDEWiredInfinibandConnection* infinibandConnection = NULL;
+ TDEWiFiConnection* wiFiConnection = NULL;
+ TDEVPNConnection* vpnConnection = NULL;
+ TDEWiMaxConnection* wiMaxConnection = NULL;
+ TDEVLANConnection* vlanConnection = NULL;
+ TDEOLPCMeshConnection* olpcMeshConnection = NULL;
+ TDEBluetoothConnection* bluetoothConnection = NULL;
+ TDEModemConnection* modemConnection = NULL;
+ TDENetworkConnectionType::TDENetworkConnectionType connType = connectionType((*it));
+ if (connType == TDENetworkConnectionType::WiredEthernet) {
+ connection = ethernetConnection = new TDEWiredEthernetConnection;
+ }
+ else if (connType == TDENetworkConnectionType::Infiniband) {
+ connection = infinibandConnection = new TDEWiredInfinibandConnection;
+ }
+ else if (connType == TDENetworkConnectionType::WiFi) {
+ connection = wiFiConnection = new TDEWiFiConnection;
+ }
+ else if (connType == TDENetworkConnectionType::VPN) {
+ connection = vpnConnection = new TDEVPNConnection;
+ }
+ else if (connType == TDENetworkConnectionType::WiMax) {
+ connection = wiMaxConnection = new TDEWiMaxConnection;
+ }
+ else if (connType == TDENetworkConnectionType::VLAN) {
+ connection = vlanConnection = new TDEVLANConnection;
+ }
+ else if (connType == TDENetworkConnectionType::OLPCMesh) {
+ connection = olpcMeshConnection = new TDEOLPCMeshConnection;
+ }
+ else if (connType == TDENetworkConnectionType::Bluetooth) {
+ connection = bluetoothConnection = new TDEBluetoothConnection;
+ }
+ else if (connType == TDENetworkConnectionType::Modem) {
+ connection = modemConnection = new TDEModemConnection;
+ }
+ else {
+ connection = new TDENetworkConnection;
+ }
+ // Set up defaults
+ connection->ipConfig.connectionFlags = TDENetworkIPConfigurationFlags::IPV4DHCPIP | \
+ TDENetworkIPConfigurationFlags::IPV4DHCPDNS | \
+ TDENetworkIPConfigurationFlags::IPV4DHCPRoutes | \
+ TDENetworkIPConfigurationFlags::IPV4MayUseAsDefaultRoute | \
+ TDENetworkIPConfigurationFlags::IPV6DHCPIP | \
+ TDENetworkIPConfigurationFlags::IPV6DHCPDNS | \
+ TDENetworkIPConfigurationFlags::IPV6DHCPRoutes | \
+ TDENetworkIPConfigurationFlags::IPV6MayUseAsDefaultRoute;
+ // Set up NM-specific defaults
+ // Keep in sync with latest NM default settings!
+ // NM 0.9 setting descriptions and default values are available at:
+ //
+ connection->autoConnect = true;
+ if (wiFiConnection) {
+ wiFiConnection->securitySettings.authType = TDENetworkWiFiAuthType::Open;
+ }
+ printf("[network-manager comm debug] %s\n", (*it).data()); fflush(stdout);
+ // Obtain connection settings from the path specified
+ DBus::ConnectionSettingsInterface connectionSettings(NM_DBUS_SERVICE, (*it));
+ connectionSettings.setConnection(TQT_DBusConnection::systemBus());
+ TQT_DBusTQStringDataMap connectionSettingsMap;
+ ret = connectionSettings.GetSettings(connectionSettingsMap, error);
+ if (ret && error.isValid()) {
+ ret = 0;
+ PRINT_ERROR(( + ": " + error.message()))
+ }
+ if (ret) {
+ // Obtain connection settings from the path specified
+ DBus::ConnectionSettingsInterface connectionSettings(NM_DBUS_SERVICE, (*it));
+ connectionSettings.setConnection(TQT_DBusConnection::systemBus());
+ connect(&connectionSettings, SIGNAL(GetSettingsAsyncReply(int, const TQT_DBusDataMap<TQString>&)), d, SLOT(processConnectionSettingsAsyncReply(int, const TQT_DBusDataMap<TQString>&)));
+ connect(&connectionSettings, SIGNAL(AsyncErrorResponseDetected(int, const TQT_DBusError)), d, SLOT(processConnectionSettingsAsyncError(int, const TQT_DBusError)));
+ int asyncCallID;
+ ret = connectionSettings.GetSettingsAsync(asyncCallID, error);
+ if (ret && error.isValid()) {
+ ret = 0;
+ PRINT_ERROR(( + ": " + error.message()))
+ }
+ if (ret) {
+ // Wait for the asynchronous call to return...
+ d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncCallWaiting[asyncCallID] = true;
+ TQTimer nmCallTimeoutTimer;
+ nmCallTimeoutTimer.start(NM_ASYNC_TIMEOUT_MS, TRUE);
+ while (d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncCallWaiting[asyncCallID]) {
+ tqApp->processEvents();
+ if (!nmCallTimeoutTimer.isActive()) {
+ PRINT_ERROR(TQString("DBUS asynchronous call timed out!"))
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ TQT_DBusTQStringDataMap connectionSettingsMap = d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncSettingsResponse[asyncCallID];
+ if (d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncSettingsErrorResponse.contains(asyncCallID)) {
+ PRINT_ERROR((d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncSettingsErrorResponse[asyncCallID].name() + ": " + d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncSettingsErrorResponse[asyncCallID].message()));
+ d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncSettingsErrorResponse.remove(asyncCallID);
+ }
+ d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncCallWaiting.remove(asyncCallID);
+ if (d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncSettingsResponse.contains(asyncCallID)) {
+ d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncSettingsResponse.remove(asyncCallID);
+ }
+ printf("[network-manager comm debug] received DBUS object structure map follows:\n"); fflush(stdout);
+ printDBUSObjectStructure(TQT_DBusData::fromStringKeyMap(connectionSettingsMap));
+ // Parse settings
+ TQT_DBusTQStringDataMap::const_iterator it2;
+ for (it2 = connectionSettingsMap.begin(); it2 != connectionSettingsMap.end(); ++it2) {
+ TQString outerKeyValue = it2.key();
+ TQT_DBusData dataValue =;
+ printf("[network-manager comm debug] [%s]\n", outerKeyValue.ascii()); fflush(stdout);
+ TQT_DBusTQStringDataMap nestedConnectionSettingsMap = dataValue.toStringKeyMap();
+ TQT_DBusTQStringDataMap::const_iterator it3;
+ for (it3 = nestedConnectionSettingsMap.begin(); it3 != nestedConnectionSettingsMap.end(); ++it3) {
+ TQString keyValue = it3.key();
+ TQT_DBusData dataValue =;
+ if (dataValue.type() != TQT_DBusData::Variant) {
+ printf("[network-manager comm debug] %s = %s (type %d(%s))\n", keyValue.ascii(), dataValue.toString().ascii(), dataValue.type(), dataValue.typeName()); fflush(stdout);
+ // No NM settings are known which use this style
+ }
+ else {
+ TQT_DBusVariant dataValueVariant = dataValue.toVariant();
+ TQT_DBusData dataValue2 = dataValueVariant.value;
+ if (dataValue2.type() != TQT_DBusData::Variant) {
+ printf("[network-manager comm debug] %s = %s (type %d(%s), signature %s)\n", keyValue.ascii(), dataValue2.toString().ascii(), dataValue2.type(), dataValue2.typeName(), dataValueVariant.signature.ascii()); fflush(stdout);
+ // Most NM settings use this style
+ if (outerKeyValue.lower() == "connection") {
+ if (keyValue.lower() == "id") {
+ connection->friendlyName = dataValue2.toString();
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "uuid") {
+ connection->UUID = dataValue2.toString().lower();
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "permissions") {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList = dataValue2.toTQValueList();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList::const_iterator it4;
+ for (it4 = valueList.begin(); it4 != valueList.end(); ++it4) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerDataValue = *it4;
+ TQString authString = innerDataValue.toString();
+ TQStringList pieces = TQStringList::split(":", authString);
+ if (pieces[0].lower() == "user") {
+ connection->authorizedUsers.append(pieces[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "autoconnect") {
+ connection->autoConnect = dataValue2.toBool();
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "read-only") {
+ connection->readOnly = dataValue2.toBool();
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "master") {
+ connection->masterConnectionUUID = dataValue2.toString().lower();
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "slave-type") {
+ connection->slaveType = nmSlaveTypeToTDESlaveType(dataValue2.toString());
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "timestamp") {
+ connection->lastKnownConnection.setTime_t(dataValue2.toUInt64());
+ }
+ }
+ else if (outerKeyValue.lower() == "802-1x") {
+ if (keyValue.lower() == "eap") {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList = dataValue2.toTQValueList();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList::const_iterator it4;
+ state = 0;
+ for (it4 = valueList.begin(); it4 != valueList.end(); ++it4) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerDataValue = *it4;
+ if (state == 0) {
+ // EAP type
+ connection->eapConfig.type = nmEAPTypeToTDEEAPType(innerDataValue.toString());
+ }
+ state++;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "identity") {
+ connection->eapConfig.userName = dataValue2.toString();
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "anonymous-identity") {
+ connection->eapConfig.anonymousUserName = dataValue2.toString();
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "pac-file") {
+ connection->eapConfig.pacFileName = dataValue2.toString();
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "ca-cert") {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList = dataValue2.toTQValueList();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList::const_iterator it4;
+ int count=0;
+ for (it4 = valueList.begin(); it4 != valueList.end(); ++it4) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerDataValue = *it4;
+ count++;
+ connection->eapConfig.caCertificate.resize(count+1);
+ connection->eapConfig.caCertificate[count] = innerDataValue.toByte();
+ }
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "ca-path") {
+ connection->eapConfig.additionalCAFilesPath = dataValue2.toString();
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "subject-match") {
+ connection->eapConfig.authServerCertSubjectMatch = dataValue2.toString();
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "altsubject-matches") {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList = dataValue2.toTQValueList();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList::const_iterator it4;
+ for (it4 = valueList.begin(); it4 != valueList.end(); ++it4) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerDataValue = *it4;
+ connection->eapConfig.alternateAuthServerCertSubjectMatch.append(innerDataValue.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "client-cert") {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList = dataValue2.toTQValueList();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList::const_iterator it4;
+ int count=0;
+ for (it4 = valueList.begin(); it4 != valueList.end(); ++it4) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerDataValue = *it4;
+ count++;
+ connection->eapConfig.clientCertificate.resize(count+1);
+ connection->eapConfig.clientCertificate[count] = innerDataValue.toByte();
+ }
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "phase1-peapver") {
+ connection->eapConfig.forcePEAPVersion = dataValue2.toString();
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "phase1-peaplabel") {
+ connection->eapConfig.forcePEAPLabel = dataValue2.toString();
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "phase1-fast-provisioning") {
+ connection->eapConfig.fastProvisioningFlags = nmEAPFastFlagsToTDEEAPFastFlags(dataValue2.toString());
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "phase2-auth") {
+ connection->eapConfig.phase2NonEAPAuthMethod = nmEAPTypeToTDEEAPType(dataValue2.toString());
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "phase2-autheap") {
+ connection->eapConfig.phase2EAPAuthMethod = nmEAPTypeToTDEEAPType(dataValue2.toString());
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "phase2-ca-cert") {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList = dataValue2.toTQValueList();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList::const_iterator it4;
+ int count=0;
+ for (it4 = valueList.begin(); it4 != valueList.end(); ++it4) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerDataValue = *it4;
+ count++;
+ connection->eapConfig.phase2CaCertificate.resize(count+1);
+ connection->eapConfig.phase2CaCertificate[count] = innerDataValue.toByte();
+ }
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "phase2-ca-path") {
+ connection->eapConfig.phase2CaFilesPath = dataValue2.toString();
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "phase2-subject-match") {
+ connection->eapConfig.phase2AuthServerCertSubjectMatch = dataValue2.toString();
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "phase2-altsubject-matches") {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList = dataValue2.toTQValueList();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList::const_iterator it4;
+ for (it4 = valueList.begin(); it4 != valueList.end(); ++it4) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerDataValue = *it4;
+ connection->eapConfig.phase2AlternateAuthServerCertSubjectMatch.append(innerDataValue.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "phase2-client-cert") {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList = dataValue2.toTQValueList();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList::const_iterator it4;
+ int count=0;
+ for (it4 = valueList.begin(); it4 != valueList.end(); ++it4) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerDataValue = *it4;
+ count++;
+ connection->eapConfig.phase2ClientCertificate.resize(count+1);
+ connection->eapConfig.phase2ClientCertificate[count] = innerDataValue.toByte();
+ }
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "password-flags") {
+ connection->eapConfig.passwordFlags = nmPasswordFlagsToTDEPasswordFlags(dataValue2.toUInt32());
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "password-raw-flags") {
+ connection->eapConfig.binaryPasswordFlags = nmPasswordFlagsToTDEPasswordFlags(dataValue2.toUInt32());
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "private-key") {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList = dataValue2.toTQValueList();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList::const_iterator it4;
+ int count=0;
+ for (it4 = valueList.begin(); it4 != valueList.end(); ++it4) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerDataValue = *it4;
+ count++;
+ connection->eapConfig.privateKey.resize(count+1);
+ connection->eapConfig.privateKey[count] = innerDataValue.toByte();
+ }
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "private-key-password-flags") {
+ connection->eapConfig.privateKeyPasswordFlags = nmPasswordFlagsToTDEPasswordFlags(dataValue2.toUInt32());
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "phase2-private-key") {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList = dataValue2.toTQValueList();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList::const_iterator it4;
+ int count=0;
+ for (it4 = valueList.begin(); it4 != valueList.end(); ++it4) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerDataValue = *it4;
+ count++;
+ connection->eapConfig.phase2PrivateKey.resize(count+1);
+ connection->eapConfig.phase2PrivateKey[count] = innerDataValue.toByte();
+ }
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "phase2-private-key-password-flags") {
+ connection->eapConfig.phase2PrivateKeyPasswordFlags = nmPasswordFlagsToTDEPasswordFlags(dataValue2.toUInt32());
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "system-ca-certs") {
+ connection->eapConfig.forceSystemCaCertificates = dataValue2.toBool();
+ }
+ connection->eapConfig.valid = true;
+ }
+ else if (outerKeyValue.lower() == "802-3-ethernet") {
+ if (keyValue.lower() == "duplex") {
+ connection->fullDuplex = (dataValue2.toString().lower() == "full")?true:false;
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "mac-address") {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList = dataValue2.toTQValueList();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList::const_iterator it4;
+ TDENetworkByteList macAddress;
+ for (it4 = valueList.begin(); it4 != valueList.end(); ++it4) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerDataValue = *it4;
+ macAddress.append(innerDataValue.toByte());
+ }
+ connection->lockedHWAddress.setAddress(macAddress);
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "cloned-mac-address") {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList = dataValue2.toTQValueList();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList::const_iterator it4;
+ TDENetworkByteList macAddress;
+ for (it4 = valueList.begin(); it4 != valueList.end(); ++it4) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerDataValue = *it4;
+ macAddress.append(innerDataValue.toByte());
+ }
+ connection->manualHWAddress.setAddress(macAddress);
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "mtu") {
+ connection->mtu = dataValue2.toUInt32();
+ }
+ }
+ else if (outerKeyValue.lower() == "infiniband") {
+ if (keyValue.lower() == "mac-address") {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList = dataValue2.toTQValueList();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList::const_iterator it4;
+ TDENetworkByteList macAddress;
+ for (it4 = valueList.begin(); it4 != valueList.end(); ++it4) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerDataValue = *it4;
+ macAddress.append(innerDataValue.toByte());
+ }
+ connection->lockedHWAddress.setAddress(macAddress);
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "mtu") {
+ connection->mtu = dataValue2.toUInt32();
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "transport-mode") {
+ infinibandConnection->transportMode = nmIBTransportToTDEIBTransport(dataValue2.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ else if (outerKeyValue.lower() == "802-11-wireless") {
+ if (keyValue.lower() == "ssid") {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList = dataValue2.toTQValueList();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList::const_iterator it4;
+ int count = 0;
+ for (it4 = valueList.begin(); it4 != valueList.end(); ++it4) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerDataValue = *it4;
+ wiFiConnection->SSID.resize(count+1);
+ wiFiConnection->SSID[count] = innerDataValue.toByte();
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "mac-address") {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList = dataValue2.toTQValueList();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList::const_iterator it4;
+ TDENetworkByteList macAddress;
+ for (it4 = valueList.begin(); it4 != valueList.end(); ++it4) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerDataValue = *it4;
+ macAddress.append(innerDataValue.toByte());
+ }
+ connection->lockedHWAddress.setAddress(macAddress);
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "cloned-mac-address") {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList = dataValue2.toTQValueList();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList::const_iterator it4;
+ TDENetworkByteList macAddress;
+ for (it4 = valueList.begin(); it4 != valueList.end(); ++it4) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerDataValue = *it4;
+ macAddress.append(innerDataValue.toByte());
+ }
+ connection->manualHWAddress.setAddress(macAddress);
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "mtu") {
+ connection->mtu = dataValue2.toUInt32();
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "mode") {
+ wiFiConnection->operatingMode = nmWiFiModeToTDEWiFiMode(dataValue2.toString());
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "band") {
+ wiFiConnection->bandRestriction = nmWiFiFrequencyBandToTDEWiFiFrequencyBand(dataValue2.toString());
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "channel") {
+ wiFiConnection->channelRestriction = dataValue2.toUInt32();
+ if (wiFiConnection->channelRestriction == 0) wiFiConnection->channelRestriction = -1;
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "rate") {
+ wiFiConnection->bitRateRestriction = dataValue2.toUInt32()*1000;
+ if (wiFiConnection->bitRateRestriction == 0) wiFiConnection->bitRateRestriction = -1;
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "tx-power") {
+ wiFiConnection->powerRestriction = dataValue2.toUInt32();
+ if (wiFiConnection->powerRestriction == 0) wiFiConnection->powerRestriction = -1;
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "bssid") {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList = dataValue2.toTQValueList();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList::const_iterator it4;
+ TDENetworkByteList macAddress;
+ for (it4 = valueList.begin(); it4 != valueList.end(); ++it4) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerDataValue = *it4;
+ macAddress.append(innerDataValue.toByte());
+ }
+ wiFiConnection->accessPointRestriction.setAddress(macAddress);
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "mac-address-blacklist") {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList = dataValue2.toTQValueList();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList::const_iterator it4;
+ for (it4 = valueList.begin(); it4 != valueList.end(); ++it4) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerDataValue = *it4;
+ TDEMACAddress hwAddress;
+ hwAddress.fromString(innerDataValue.toString());
+ wiFiConnection->blacklistedBSSIDs.append(hwAddress);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "seen-bssids") {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList = dataValue2.toTQValueList();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList::const_iterator it4;
+ for (it4 = valueList.begin(); it4 != valueList.end(); ++it4) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerDataValue = *it4;
+ TDEMACAddress hwAddress;
+ hwAddress.fromString(innerDataValue.toString());
+ wiFiConnection->heardBSSIDs.append(hwAddress);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "security") {
+ TQString setting;
+ if (setting.lower() == "802-11-wireless-security") {
+ wiFiConnection->securityRequired = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ wiFiConnection->securityRequired = false;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "hidden") {
+ wiFiConnection->isHiddenNetwork = dataValue2.toBool();
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((outerKeyValue.lower() == "802-11-wireless-security") && (wiFiConnection)) {
+ if (keyValue.lower() == "key-mgmt") {
+ wiFiConnection->securitySettings.keyType = nmWiFiKeyTypeToTDEWiFiKeyType(dataValue2.toString());
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "wep-tx-keyidx") {
+ wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKeyIndex = dataValue2.toUInt32();
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "auth-alg") {
+ wiFiConnection->securitySettings.authType = nmWiFiAuthTypeToTDEWiFiAuthType(dataValue2.toString());
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "proto") {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList = dataValue2.toTQValueList();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList::const_iterator it4;
+ TQStringList strings;
+ for (it4 = valueList.begin(); it4 != valueList.end(); ++it4) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerDataValue = *it4;
+ strings.append(innerDataValue.toString());
+ }
+ wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wpaVersion = nmWiFiWPAVersionToTDEWiFiWPAVersion(strings);
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "pairwise") {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList = dataValue2.toTQValueList();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList::const_iterator it4;
+ TQStringList strings;
+ for (it4 = valueList.begin(); it4 != valueList.end(); ++it4) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerDataValue = *it4;
+ wiFiConnection->securitySettings.allowedPairWiseCiphers.append(nmWiFiCipherToTDEWiFiCipher(innerDataValue.toString()));
+ }
+ if ((wiFiConnection->securitySettings.allowedPairWiseCiphers.contains(TDENetworkWiFiConnectionCipher::CipherWEP40))
+ || (wiFiConnection->securitySettings.allowedPairWiseCiphers.contains(TDENetworkWiFiConnectionCipher::CipherWEP104))
+ || (wiFiConnection->securitySettings.allowedPairWiseCiphers.contains(TDENetworkWiFiConnectionCipher::CipherTKIP))
+ || (wiFiConnection->securitySettings.allowedPairWiseCiphers.contains(TDENetworkWiFiConnectionCipher::CipherCCMP))) {
+ wiFiConnection->securitySettings.allowedPairWiseCiphers.append(TDENetworkWiFiConnectionCipher::Any);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "group") {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList = dataValue2.toTQValueList();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList::const_iterator it4;
+ TQStringList strings;
+ for (it4 = valueList.begin(); it4 != valueList.end(); ++it4) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerDataValue = *it4;
+ wiFiConnection->securitySettings.allowedGroupWiseCiphers.append(nmWiFiCipherToTDEWiFiCipher(innerDataValue.toString()));
+ }
+ if ((wiFiConnection->securitySettings.allowedGroupWiseCiphers.contains(TDENetworkWiFiConnectionCipher::CipherWEP40))
+ || (wiFiConnection->securitySettings.allowedGroupWiseCiphers.contains(TDENetworkWiFiConnectionCipher::CipherWEP104))
+ || (wiFiConnection->securitySettings.allowedGroupWiseCiphers.contains(TDENetworkWiFiConnectionCipher::CipherTKIP))
+ || (wiFiConnection->securitySettings.allowedGroupWiseCiphers.contains(TDENetworkWiFiConnectionCipher::CipherCCMP))) {
+ wiFiConnection->securitySettings.allowedGroupWiseCiphers.append(TDENetworkWiFiConnectionCipher::Any);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "leap-username") {
+ wiFiConnection->securitySettings.leapUsername = dataValue2.toString();
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "wep-key-flags") {
+ wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKeyFlags = nmPasswordFlagsToTDEPasswordFlags(dataValue2.toUInt32());
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "wep-key-type") {
+ wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKeyType = nmWepKeyTypeToTDEWepKeyType(dataValue2.toUInt32());
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "psk-flags") {
+ wiFiConnection->securitySettings.pskFlags = nmPasswordFlagsToTDEPasswordFlags(dataValue2.toUInt32());
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "leap-password-flags") {
+ wiFiConnection->securitySettings.leapPasswordFlags = nmPasswordFlagsToTDEPasswordFlags(dataValue2.toUInt32());
+ }
+ wiFiConnection->securitySettings.valid = true;
+ }
+ else if (outerKeyValue.lower() == "vpn") {
+ if (keyValue.lower() == "service-type") {
+ TQString plugin = dataValue2.toString();
+ plugin.replace("org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.", "");
+ vpnConnection->vpnPluginID = plugin;
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "user-name") {
+ vpnConnection->lockedUserName = dataValue2.toString();
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "data") {
+ vpnConnection->pluginData.clear();
+ TQT_DBusTQStringDataMap nestedConnectionSettingsMap = dataValue2.toStringKeyMap();
+ TQT_DBusTQStringDataMap::const_iterator it4;
+ for (it4 = nestedConnectionSettingsMap.begin(); it4 != nestedConnectionSettingsMap.end(); ++it4) {
+ TQString keyValue4 = it4.key();
+ TQT_DBusData dataValue4 =;
+ if (dataValue4.type() == TQT_DBusData::String) {
+ vpnConnection->pluginData[keyValue4] = dataValue4.toString();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (outerKeyValue.lower() == "wimax") {
+ if (keyValue.lower() == "mac-address") {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList = dataValue2.toTQValueList();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList::const_iterator it4;
+ TDENetworkByteList macAddress;
+ for (it4 = valueList.begin(); it4 != valueList.end(); ++it4) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerDataValue = *it4;
+ macAddress.append(innerDataValue.toByte());
+ }
+ connection->lockedHWAddress.setAddress(macAddress);
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "network-name") {
+ wiMaxConnection->networkServiceProvider = dataValue2.toString();
+ }
+ }
+ else if (outerKeyValue.lower() == "vlan") {
+ if (keyValue.lower() == "interface-name") {
+ vlanConnection->kernelName = dataValue2.toString();
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "parent") {
+ vlanConnection->parentConnectionUUID = dataValue2.toString();
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "id") {
+ vlanConnection->vlanID = dataValue2.toUInt32();
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "flags") {
+ vlanConnection->vlanFlags = nmVLANFlagsToTDEVLANFlags(dataValue2.toUInt32());
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "ingress-priority-map") {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList = dataValue2.toTQValueList();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList::const_iterator it4;
+ for (it4 = valueList.begin(); it4 != valueList.end(); ++it4) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerDataValue = *it4;
+ TQStringList pieces = TQStringList::split(":", innerDataValue.toString(), TRUE);
+ vlanConnection->ingressPriorityMap[pieces[0].toUInt()] = pieces[1].toUInt();;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "egress-priority-map") {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList = dataValue2.toTQValueList();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList::const_iterator it4;
+ for (it4 = valueList.begin(); it4 != valueList.end(); ++it4) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerDataValue = *it4;
+ TQStringList pieces = TQStringList::split(":", innerDataValue.toString(), TRUE);
+ vlanConnection->egressPriorityMap[pieces[0].toUInt()] = pieces[1].toUInt();;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (outerKeyValue.lower() == "serial") {
+ if (keyValue.lower() == "baud") {
+ connection->serialConfig.baudRate = dataValue2.toUInt32();
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "bits") {
+ connection->serialConfig.byteWidth = dataValue2.toUInt32();
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "parity") {
+ connection->serialConfig.parity = nmParityToTDEParity(dataValue2.toByte());
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "stopbits") {
+ connection->serialConfig.stopBits = dataValue2.toUInt32();
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "send-delay") {
+ connection->serialConfig.txDelay = dataValue2.toUInt64();
+ }
+ connection->serialConfig.valid = true;
+ }
+ else if (outerKeyValue.lower() == "ppp") {
+ if (keyValue.lower() == "noauth") {
+ connection->pppConfig.requireServerAuthentication = !(dataValue2.toBool());
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "refuse-eap") {
+ if (dataValue2.toBool()) connection->pppConfig.flags |= TDENetworkPPPFlags::DisableEAP;
+ else connection->pppConfig.flags &= ~TDENetworkPPPFlags::DisableEAP;
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "refuse-pap") {
+ if (dataValue2.toBool()) connection->pppConfig.flags |= TDENetworkPPPFlags::DisablePAP;
+ else connection->pppConfig.flags &= ~TDENetworkPPPFlags::DisablePAP;
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "refuse-chap") {
+ if (dataValue2.toBool()) connection->pppConfig.flags |= TDENetworkPPPFlags::DisableCHAP;
+ else connection->pppConfig.flags &= ~TDENetworkPPPFlags::DisableCHAP;
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "refuse-mschap") {
+ if (dataValue2.toBool()) connection->pppConfig.flags |= TDENetworkPPPFlags::DisableMSCHAP;
+ else connection->pppConfig.flags &= ~TDENetworkPPPFlags::DisableMSCHAP;
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "refuse-mschapv2") {
+ if (dataValue2.toBool()) connection->pppConfig.flags |= TDENetworkPPPFlags::DisableMSCHAPv2;
+ else connection->pppConfig.flags &= ~TDENetworkPPPFlags::DisableMSCHAPv2;
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "nobsdcomp") {
+ if (dataValue2.toBool()) connection->pppConfig.flags &= ~TDENetworkPPPFlags::AllowBSDCompression;
+ else connection->pppConfig.flags |= TDENetworkPPPFlags::AllowBSDCompression;
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "nodeflate") {
+ if (dataValue2.toBool()) connection->pppConfig.flags &= ~TDENetworkPPPFlags::AllowDeflateCompression;
+ else connection->pppConfig.flags |= TDENetworkPPPFlags::AllowDeflateCompression;
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "no-vj-comp") {
+ if (dataValue2.toBool()) connection->pppConfig.flags &= ~TDENetworkPPPFlags::AllowVJCompression;
+ else connection->pppConfig.flags |= TDENetworkPPPFlags::AllowVJCompression;
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "require-mppe") {
+ if (dataValue2.toBool()) connection->pppConfig.flags |= TDENetworkPPPFlags::RequireMPPE;
+ else connection->pppConfig.flags &= ~TDENetworkPPPFlags::RequireMPPE;
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "require-mppe-128") {
+ if (dataValue2.toBool()) connection->pppConfig.flags |= TDENetworkPPPFlags::RequireMPPE128;
+ else connection->pppConfig.flags &= ~TDENetworkPPPFlags::RequireMPPE128;
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "mppe-stateful") {
+ if (dataValue2.toBool()) connection->pppConfig.flags |= TDENetworkPPPFlags::StatefulMPPE;
+ else connection->pppConfig.flags &= ~TDENetworkPPPFlags::StatefulMPPE;
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "crtscts") {
+ if (dataValue2.toBool()) connection->pppConfig.flags |= TDENetworkPPPFlags::UseHardwareFlowControl;
+ else connection->pppConfig.flags &= ~TDENetworkPPPFlags::UseHardwareFlowControl;
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "baud") {
+ connection->pppConfig.baudRate = dataValue2.toUInt32();
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "mru") {
+ connection->pppConfig.mru = dataValue2.toUInt32();
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "mtu") {
+ connection->pppConfig.mtu = dataValue2.toUInt32();
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "lcp-echo-interval") {
+ connection->pppConfig.lcpEchoPingInterval = dataValue2.toUInt32();
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "lcp-echo-failure") {
+ connection->pppConfig.lcpEchoFailureThreshold = dataValue2.toUInt32();
+ }
+ connection->pppConfig.valid = true;
+ }
+ else if (outerKeyValue.lower() == "pppoe") {
+ if (keyValue.lower() == "service") {
+ connection->pppoeConfig.networkServiceProvider = dataValue2.toString();
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "username") {
+ connection->pppoeConfig.username = dataValue2.toString();
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "password-flags") {
+ connection->pppoeConfig.passwordFlags = nmPasswordFlagsToTDEPasswordFlags(dataValue2.toUInt32());
+ }
+ connection->pppoeConfig.secretsValid = true;
+ }
+ else if ((outerKeyValue.lower() == "802-11-olpc-mesh") && (olpcMeshConnection)) {
+ if (keyValue.lower() == "ssid") {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList = dataValue2.toTQValueList();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList::const_iterator it4;
+ int count = 0;
+ for (it4 = valueList.begin(); it4 != valueList.end(); ++it4) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerDataValue = *it4;
+ olpcMeshConnection->SSID.resize(count+1);
+ olpcMeshConnection->SSID[count] = innerDataValue.toByte();
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "channel") {
+ olpcMeshConnection->channel = dataValue2.toUInt32();
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "dhcp-anycast-address") {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList = dataValue2.toTQValueList();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList::const_iterator it4;
+ int count = 0;
+ for (it4 = valueList.begin(); it4 != valueList.end(); ++it4) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerDataValue = *it4;
+ olpcMeshConnection->anycastDHCPHWAddress.resize(count+1);
+ olpcMeshConnection->anycastDHCPHWAddress[count] = innerDataValue.toByte();
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((outerKeyValue.lower() == "bluetooth") && (bluetoothConnection)) {
+ if (keyValue.lower() == "bdaddr") {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList = dataValue2.toTQValueList();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList::const_iterator it4;
+ TDENetworkByteList macAddress;
+ for (it4 = valueList.begin(); it4 != valueList.end(); ++it4) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerDataValue = *it4;
+ macAddress.append(innerDataValue.toByte());
+ }
+ connection->lockedHWAddress.setAddress(macAddress);
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "type") {
+ bluetoothConnection->type = nmBluetoothModeToTDEBluetoothMode(dataValue2.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((outerKeyValue.lower() == "cdma") && (modemConnection)) {
+ if (keyValue.lower() == "number") {
+ modemConnection->cdmaConfig.providerDataNumber = dataValue2.toString();
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "username") {
+ modemConnection->cdmaConfig.username = dataValue2.toString();
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "password-flags") {
+ modemConnection->cdmaConfig.passwordFlags = nmPasswordFlagsToTDEPasswordFlags(dataValue2.toUInt32());
+ }
+ modemConnection->type = TDEModemConnectionType::CDMA;
+ modemConnection->cdmaConfig.valid = true;
+ }
+ else if ((outerKeyValue.lower() == "gsm") && (modemConnection)) {
+ if (keyValue.lower() == "number") {
+ modemConnection->gsmConfig.providerDataNumber = dataValue2.toString();
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "username") {
+ modemConnection->gsmConfig.username = dataValue2.toString();
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "password-flags") {
+ modemConnection->gsmConfig.passwordFlags = nmPasswordFlagsToTDEPasswordFlags(dataValue2.toUInt32());
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "apn") {
+ modemConnection->gsmConfig.accessPointName = dataValue2.toString();
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "network-id") {
+ modemConnection->gsmConfig.networkID = dataValue2.toString();
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "network-type") {
+ modemConnection->gsmConfig.networkType = nmGSMModeToTDEGSMMode(dataValue2.toInt32());
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "pin-flags") {
+ modemConnection->gsmConfig.pinFlags = nmPasswordFlagsToTDEPasswordFlags(dataValue2.toUInt32());
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "allowed-bands") {
+ modemConnection->gsmConfig.allowedFrequencyBands = dataValue2.toUInt32();
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "home-only") {
+ modemConnection->gsmConfig.allowRoaming = !dataValue2.toBool();
+ }
+ modemConnection->type = TDEModemConnectionType::GSM;
+ modemConnection->gsmConfig.valid = true;
+ }
+ else if (outerKeyValue.lower() == "ipv4") {
+ if (keyValue.lower() == "addresses") {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList = dataValue2.toTQValueList();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList::const_iterator it4;
+ for (it4 = valueList.begin(); it4 != valueList.end(); ++it4) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerDataValue = *it4;
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList innerValueList = innerDataValue.toTQValueList();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList::const_iterator it5;
+ state = 0;
+ TDENetworkSingleIPConfiguration ipConfig;
+ for (it5 = innerValueList.begin(); it5 != innerValueList.end(); ++it5) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerMostDataValue = *it5;
+ if (state == 0) {
+ // Address
+ ipConfig.ipAddress = TQHostAddress(reverseIPV4ByteOrder(innerMostDataValue.toUInt32()));
+ }
+ else if (state == 1) {
+ // Network mask
+ ipConfig.networkMask.fromCIDRMask(innerMostDataValue.toUInt32());
+ }
+ else if (state == 2) {
+ // Gateway
+ ipConfig.gateway = TQHostAddress(reverseIPV4ByteOrder(innerMostDataValue.toUInt32()));
+ }
+ state++;
+ }
+ ipConfig.valid = true;
+ connection->ipConfig.ipConfigurations.append(ipConfig);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "dhcp-client-id") {
+ connection->ipConfig.dhcpClientIdentifier = dataValue2.toString();
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "dns") {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList = dataValue2.toTQValueList();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList::const_iterator it4;
+ for (it4 = valueList.begin(); it4 != valueList.end(); ++it4) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerDataValue = *it4;
+ connection->ipConfig.resolvers.append(TQHostAddress(reverseIPV4ByteOrder(innerDataValue.toUInt32())));
+ }
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "dns-search") {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList = dataValue2.toTQValueList();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList::const_iterator it4;
+ for (it4 = valueList.begin(); it4 != valueList.end(); ++it4) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerDataValue = *it4;
+ connection->ipConfig.searchDomains.append(TDENetworkSearchDomain(innerDataValue.toString(), false));
+ }
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "ignore-auto-dns") {
+ bool nm_static_dns = dataValue2.toBool();
+ if (nm_static_dns) {
+ connection->ipConfig.connectionFlags &= ~TDENetworkIPConfigurationFlags::IPV4DHCPDNS;
+ }
+ else {
+ connection->ipConfig.connectionFlags |= TDENetworkIPConfigurationFlags::IPV4DHCPDNS;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "may-fail") {
+ bool nm_may_fail = dataValue2.toBool();
+ connection->requireIPV4 = !nm_may_fail;
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "method") {
+ TQString nm_method = dataValue2.toString().lower();
+ if (nm_method == "auto") {
+ connection->ipConfig.connectionFlags |= TDENetworkIPConfigurationFlags::IPV4DHCPIP;
+ }
+ else if (nm_method == "manual") {
+ connection->ipConfig.connectionFlags &= ~TDENetworkIPConfigurationFlags::IPV4DHCPIP;
+ }
+ else if (nm_method == "link-local") {
+ connection->ipConfig.connectionFlags &= ~TDENetworkIPConfigurationFlags::IPV4LocalOnly;
+ }
+ else if (nm_method == "shared") {
+ connection->ipConfig.connectionFlags &= ~TDENetworkIPConfigurationFlags::IPV4StartConnectionSharingServer;
+ }
+ else if (nm_method == "disabled") {
+ connection->ipConfig.connectionFlags &= ~TDENetworkIPConfigurationFlags::IPV4Disabled;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "ignore-auto-routes") {
+ bool nm_static_routes = dataValue2.toBool();
+ if (nm_static_routes) {
+ connection->ipConfig.connectionFlags &= ~TDENetworkIPConfigurationFlags::IPV4DHCPRoutes;
+ }
+ else {
+ connection->ipConfig.connectionFlags |= TDENetworkIPConfigurationFlags::IPV4DHCPRoutes;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "never-default") {
+ bool nm_can_default_route = !dataValue2.toBool();
+ if (nm_can_default_route) {
+ connection->ipConfig.connectionFlags |= TDENetworkIPConfigurationFlags::IPV4MayUseAsDefaultRoute;
+ }
+ else {
+ connection->ipConfig.connectionFlags &= ~TDENetworkIPConfigurationFlags::IPV4MayUseAsDefaultRoute;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "routes") {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList = dataValue2.toTQValueList();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList::const_iterator it4;
+ for (it4 = valueList.begin(); it4 != valueList.end(); ++it4) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerDataValue = *it4;
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList innerValueList = innerDataValue.toTQValueList();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList::const_iterator it5;
+ state = 0;
+ TDENetworkSingleRouteConfiguration routeConfig;
+ for (it5 = innerValueList.begin(); it5 != innerValueList.end(); ++it5) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerMostDataValue = *it5;
+ if (state == 0) {
+ // Address
+ routeConfig.ipAddress = TQHostAddress(reverseIPV4ByteOrder(innerMostDataValue.toUInt32()));
+ }
+ else if (state == 1) {
+ // Network mask
+ routeConfig.networkMask.fromCIDRMask(innerMostDataValue.toUInt32());
+ }
+ else if (state == 2) {
+ // Gateway
+ routeConfig.gateway = TQHostAddress(reverseIPV4ByteOrder(innerMostDataValue.toUInt32()));
+ }
+ else if (state == 3) {
+ // Metric
+ routeConfig.metric = innerMostDataValue.toUInt32();
+ }
+ state++;
+ }
+ routeConfig.valid = true;
+ connection->ipConfig.routeConfigurations.append(routeConfig);
+ }
+ }
+ connection->ipConfig.valid = true;
+ }
+ else if (outerKeyValue.lower() == "ipv6") {
+ if (keyValue.lower() == "addresses") {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList = dataValue2.toTQValueList();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList::const_iterator it4;
+ for (it4 = valueList.begin(); it4 != valueList.end(); ++it4) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerDataValue = *it4;
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList innerValueList = innerDataValue.toStruct();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList::const_iterator it5;
+ TDENetworkSingleIPConfiguration ipConfig;
+ // Address
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList innerMostValueList;
+ innerMostValueList = innerValueList[0].toTQValueList();
+ TQ_UINT8 nm_v6address[16];
+ unsigned char nm_addr_ptr = 0;
+ memset(nm_v6address, 0, sizeof(TQ_UINT8)*16);
+ for (it5 = innerMostValueList.begin(); it5 != innerMostValueList.end(); ++it5) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerMostDataValue = *it5;
+ if (nm_addr_ptr < 16) {
+ nm_v6address[nm_addr_ptr] = innerMostDataValue.toByte();
+ nm_addr_ptr++;
+ }
+ }
+ ipConfig.ipAddress = TQHostAddress(nm_v6address);
+ // Netmask
+ ipConfig.networkMask.fromCIDRMask(innerValueList[1].toUInt32(), true);
+ // Gateway
+ memset(nm_v6address, 0, sizeof(TQ_UINT8)*16);
+ for (it5 = innerMostValueList.begin(); it5 != innerMostValueList.end(); ++it5) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerMostDataValue = *it5;
+ if (nm_addr_ptr < 16) {
+ nm_v6address[nm_addr_ptr] = innerMostDataValue.toByte();
+ nm_addr_ptr++;
+ }
+ }
+ ipConfig.gateway = TQHostAddress(nm_v6address);
+ ipConfig.valid = true;
+ connection->ipConfig.ipConfigurations.append(ipConfig);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "dns") {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList = dataValue2.toTQValueList();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList::const_iterator it4;
+ for (it4 = valueList.begin(); it4 != valueList.end(); ++it4) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerDataValue = *it4;
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList innerValueList = innerDataValue.toTQValueList();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList::const_iterator it5;
+ TQ_UINT8 nm_v6address[16];
+ unsigned char nm_addr_ptr = 0;
+ memset(nm_v6address, 0, sizeof(TQ_UINT8)*16);
+ for (it5 = innerValueList.begin(); it5 != innerValueList.end(); ++it5) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerMostDataValue = *it5;
+ if (nm_addr_ptr < 16) {
+ nm_v6address[nm_addr_ptr] = innerMostDataValue.toByte();
+ nm_addr_ptr++;
+ }
+ }
+ connection->ipConfig.resolvers.append(TQHostAddress(nm_v6address));
+ }
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "dns-search") {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList = dataValue2.toTQValueList();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList::const_iterator it4;
+ for (it4 = valueList.begin(); it4 != valueList.end(); ++it4) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerDataValue = *it4;
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList innerValueList = innerDataValue.toTQValueList();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList::const_iterator it5;
+ connection->ipConfig.searchDomains.append(TDENetworkSearchDomain(innerDataValue.toString(), true));
+ }
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "ignore-auto-dns") {
+ bool nm_static_dns = dataValue2.toBool();
+ if (nm_static_dns) {
+ connection->ipConfig.connectionFlags &= ~TDENetworkIPConfigurationFlags::IPV4DHCPDNS;
+ }
+ else {
+ connection->ipConfig.connectionFlags |= TDENetworkIPConfigurationFlags::IPV4DHCPDNS;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "may-fail") {
+ bool nm_may_fail = dataValue2.toBool();
+ connection->requireIPV6 = !nm_may_fail;
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "method") {
+ TQString nm_method = dataValue2.toString().lower();
+ if (nm_method == "auto") {
+ connection->ipConfig.connectionFlags |= TDENetworkIPConfigurationFlags::IPV6DHCPIP;
+ }
+ else if (nm_method == "manual") {
+ connection->ipConfig.connectionFlags &= ~TDENetworkIPConfigurationFlags::IPV6DHCPIP;
+ }
+ else if (nm_method == "link-local") {
+ connection->ipConfig.connectionFlags &= ~TDENetworkIPConfigurationFlags::IPV6LocalOnly;
+ }
+ else if (nm_method == "shared") {
+ connection->ipConfig.connectionFlags &= ~TDENetworkIPConfigurationFlags::IPV6StartConnectionSharingServer;
+ }
+ else if (nm_method == "ignore") {
+ connection->ipConfig.connectionFlags &= ~TDENetworkIPConfigurationFlags::IPV6Disabled;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "ignore-auto-routes") {
+ bool nm_static_routes = dataValue2.toBool();
+ if (nm_static_routes) {
+ connection->ipConfig.connectionFlags &= ~TDENetworkIPConfigurationFlags::IPV6DHCPRoutes;
+ }
+ else {
+ connection->ipConfig.connectionFlags |= TDENetworkIPConfigurationFlags::IPV6DHCPRoutes;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "never-default") {
+ bool nm_can_default_route = !dataValue2.toBool();
+ if (nm_can_default_route) {
+ connection->ipConfig.connectionFlags |= TDENetworkIPConfigurationFlags::IPV6MayUseAsDefaultRoute;
+ }
+ else {
+ connection->ipConfig.connectionFlags &= ~TDENetworkIPConfigurationFlags::IPV6MayUseAsDefaultRoute;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "routes") {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList = dataValue2.toTQValueList();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList::const_iterator it4;
+ for (it4 = valueList.begin(); it4 != valueList.end(); ++it4) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerDataValue = *it4;
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList innerValueList = innerDataValue.toStruct();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList::const_iterator it5;
+ TDENetworkSingleRouteConfiguration routeConfig;
+ // Address
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList innerMostValueList;
+ innerMostValueList = innerValueList[0].toTQValueList();
+ TQ_UINT8 nm_v6address[16];
+ unsigned char nm_addr_ptr = 0;
+ memset(nm_v6address, 0, sizeof(TQ_UINT8)*16);
+ for (it5 = innerMostValueList.begin(); it5 != innerMostValueList.end(); ++it5) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerMostDataValue = *it5;
+ if (nm_addr_ptr < 16) {
+ nm_v6address[nm_addr_ptr] = innerMostDataValue.toByte();
+ nm_addr_ptr++;
+ }
+ }
+ routeConfig.ipAddress = TQHostAddress(nm_v6address);
+ // Netmask
+ routeConfig.networkMask.fromCIDRMask(innerValueList[1].toUInt32(), true);
+ // Gateway
+ innerMostValueList = innerValueList[2].toTQValueList();
+ nm_addr_ptr = 0;
+ memset(nm_v6address, 0, sizeof(TQ_UINT8)*16);
+ for (it5 = innerMostValueList.begin(); it5 != innerMostValueList.end(); ++it5) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerMostDataValue = *it5;
+ if (nm_addr_ptr < 16) {
+ nm_v6address[nm_addr_ptr] = innerMostDataValue.toByte();
+ nm_addr_ptr++;
+ }
+ }
+ routeConfig.gateway = TQHostAddress(nm_v6address);
+ // Metric
+ routeConfig.metric = innerValueList[3].toUInt32();
+ routeConfig.valid = true;
+ connection->ipConfig.routeConfigurations.append(routeConfig);
+ }
+ }
+ connection->ipConfig.valid = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // FIXME
+ // There are several advanced properties which appear to use string maps
+ // For example, s390-options
+ // Support should eventually be added for these, e.g. in a backend-specific Advanced tab somewhere
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // If the connection's MAC matches my MAC, or if the connection is not locked to any MAC address,
+ // or if this manager object is not locked to a device, then add this connection to the list
+ if ((deviceMACAddress == connection->lockedHWAddress) || (!connection->lockedHWAddress.isValid()) || (!deviceMACAddress.isValid())) {
+ loadConnectionAllowedValues(connection);
+ m_connectionList->append(connection);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // Error!
+ PRINT_ERROR(( + ": " + error.message()))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // Error!
+ PRINT_ERROR(( + ": " + error.message()))
+ }
+ internalNetworkManagementEvent(TDENetworkGlobalEventType::ConnectionListChanged);
+ }
+ d->nonReentrantCallActive = false;
+void TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM::loadConnectionAllowedValues(TDENetworkConnection* connection) {
+ if (connection) {
+ // Insert all allowed EAP phase 2 methods
+ connection->eapConfig.allowedPhase2NonEAPMethods.clear();
+ connection->eapConfig.allowedPhase2NonEAPMethods.append(TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::MD5);
+ connection->eapConfig.allowedPhase2NonEAPMethods.append(TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::MSCHAPV2);
+ connection->eapConfig.allowedPhase2NonEAPMethods.append(TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::OTP);
+ connection->eapConfig.allowedPhase2NonEAPMethods.append(TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::GTC);
+ connection->eapConfig.allowedPhase2NonEAPMethods.append(TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::TLS);
+ connection->eapConfig.allowedPhase2EAPMethods.clear();
+ connection->eapConfig.allowedPhase2EAPMethods.append(TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::PAP);
+ connection->eapConfig.allowedPhase2EAPMethods.append(TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::CHAP);
+ connection->eapConfig.allowedPhase2EAPMethods.append(TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::MSCHAP);
+ connection->eapConfig.allowedPhase2EAPMethods.append(TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::MSCHAPV2);
+ connection->eapConfig.allowedPhase2EAPMethods.append(TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::OTP);
+ connection->eapConfig.allowedPhase2EAPMethods.append(TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::GTC);
+ connection->eapConfig.allowedPhase2EAPMethods.append(TDENetworkIEEE8021xType::TLS);
+ connection->eapConfig.allowedValid = true;
+ }
+// NOTE
+// While this separate separate routine is needed to get the secrets, note that secrets must
+// be saved using the same connection map save routine that all other settings use above.
+bool TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM::loadConnectionSecrets(TQString uuid) {
+ TDENetworkConnection* connection = findConnectionByUUID(uuid);
+ if (!connection) {
+ PRINT_ERROR(TQString("Unable to locate connection with uuid '%1' in local database. Did you run loadConnectionInformation() first?"));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ //TDEWiredEthernetConnection* ethernetConnection = dynamic_cast<TDEWiredEthernetConnection*>(connection);
+ //TDEWiredInfinibandConnection* infinibandConnection = dynamic_cast<TDEWiredInfinibandConnection*>(connection);
+ TDEWiFiConnection* wiFiConnection = dynamic_cast<TDEWiFiConnection*>(connection);
+ TDEVPNConnection* vpnConnection = dynamic_cast<TDEVPNConnection*>(connection);
+ //TDEWiMaxConnection* wiMaxConnection = dynamic_cast<TDEWiMaxConnection*>(connection);
+ //TDEVLANConnection* vlanConnection = dynamic_cast<TDEVLANConnection*>(connection);
+ //TDEOLPCMeshConnection* olpcMeshConnection = dynamic_cast<TDEVLANConnection*>(connection);
+ //TDEBluetoothConnection* bluetoothConnection = dynamic_cast<TDEBluetoothConnection*>(connection);
+ TDEModemConnection* modemConnection = dynamic_cast<TDEModemConnection*>(connection);
+ bool ret = TRUE;
+ ret = ret && loadConnectionSecretsForGroup(uuid, "802-1x");
+ if (wiFiConnection) {
+ ret = ret && loadConnectionSecretsForGroup(uuid, "802-11-wireless-security");
+ }
+ if (vpnConnection) {
+ ret = ret && loadConnectionSecretsForGroup(uuid, "vpn");
+ }
+ ret = ret && loadConnectionSecretsForGroup(uuid, "pppoe");
+ if (modemConnection) {
+ ret = ret && loadConnectionSecretsForGroup(uuid, "cdma");
+ ret = ret && loadConnectionSecretsForGroup(uuid, "gsm");
+ }
+ return ret;
+bool TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM::loadConnectionSecretsForGroup(TQString uuid, TQString group) {
+ TDENetworkConnection* connection = findConnectionByUUID(uuid);
+ if (!connection) {
+ PRINT_ERROR(TQString("Unable to locate connection with uuid '%1' in local database. Did you run loadConnectionInformation() first?"));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ //TDEWiredEthernetConnection* ethernetConnection = dynamic_cast<TDEWiredEthernetConnection*>(connection);
+ //TDEWiredInfinibandConnection* infinibandConnection = dynamic_cast<TDEWiredInfinibandConnection*>(connection);
+ TDEWiFiConnection* wiFiConnection = dynamic_cast<TDEWiFiConnection*>(connection);
+ TDEVPNConnection* vpnConnection = dynamic_cast<TDEVPNConnection*>(connection);
+ //TDEWiMaxConnection* wiMaxConnection = dynamic_cast<TDEWiMaxConnection*>(connection);
+ //TDEVLANConnection* vlanConnection = dynamic_cast<TDEVLANConnection*>(connection);
+ //TDEOLPCMeshConnection* olpcMeshConnection = dynamic_cast<TDEVLANConnection*>(connection);
+ //TDEBluetoothConnection* bluetoothConnection = dynamic_cast<TDEBluetoothConnection*>(connection);
+ TDEModemConnection* modemConnection = dynamic_cast<TDEModemConnection*>(connection);
+ TQT_DBusObjectPath existingConnection;
+ TQT_DBusError error;
+ bool ret;
+ TQT_DBusTQStringDataMap connectionSecretsMap(TQT_DBusData::String);
+ ret = d->m_networkManagerSettings->GetConnectionByUuid(uuid, existingConnection, error);
+ if (ret) {
+ // Obtain connection settings from the path specified
+ DBus::ConnectionSettingsInterface connectionSettings(NM_DBUS_SERVICE, existingConnection);
+ connectionSettings.setConnection(TQT_DBusConnection::systemBus());
+ ret = connectionSettings.GetSecrets(group, connectionSecretsMap, error);
+ if (ret && error.isValid()) {
+ ret = 0;
+ PRINT_ERROR(( + ": " + error.message()))
+ }
+ if (ret) {
+ // Obtain connection secrets from the path specified
+ DBus::ConnectionSettingsInterface connectionSettings(NM_DBUS_SERVICE, existingConnection);
+ connectionSettings.setConnection(TQT_DBusConnection::systemBus());
+ connect(&connectionSettings, SIGNAL(GetSecretsAsyncReply(int, const TQT_DBusDataMap<TQString>&)), d, SLOT(processConnectionSettingsAsyncReply(int, const TQT_DBusDataMap<TQString>&)));
+ int asyncCallID;
+ ret = connectionSettings.GetSecretsAsync(asyncCallID, group, error);
+ if (ret && error.isValid()) {
+ ret = 0;
+ PRINT_ERROR(( + ": " + error.message()))
+ }
+ if (ret) {
+ // Wait for the asynchronous call to return...
+ d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncCallWaiting[asyncCallID] = true;
+ TQTimer nmCallTimeoutTimer;
+ while (d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncCallWaiting[asyncCallID]) {
+ tqApp->processEvents();
+ if (!nmCallTimeoutTimer.isActive()) {
+ PRINT_ERROR(TQString("DBUS asynchronous call timed out!"))
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ connectionSecretsMap = d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncSettingsResponse[asyncCallID];
+ if (d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncSettingsErrorResponse.contains(asyncCallID)) {
+ PRINT_ERROR((d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncSettingsErrorResponse[asyncCallID].name() + ": " + d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncSettingsErrorResponse[asyncCallID].message()));
+ d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncSettingsErrorResponse.remove(asyncCallID);
+ }
+ d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncCallWaiting.remove(asyncCallID);
+ if (d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncSettingsResponse.contains(asyncCallID)) {
+ d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncSettingsResponse.remove(asyncCallID);
+ }
+ printf("[network-manager comm debug] received DBUS object structure map follows:\n"); fflush(stdout);
+ printDBUSObjectStructure(TQT_DBusData::fromStringKeyMap(connectionSecretsMap));
+ // Parse settings
+ TQT_DBusTQStringDataMap::const_iterator it2;
+ for (it2 = connectionSecretsMap.begin(); it2 != connectionSecretsMap.end(); ++it2) {
+ TQString outerKeyValue = it2.key();
+ TQT_DBusData dataValue =;
+ printf("[network-manager comm debug] [%s]\n", outerKeyValue.ascii()); fflush(stdout);
+ TQT_DBusTQStringDataMap nestedConnectionSettingsMap = dataValue.toStringKeyMap();
+ TQT_DBusTQStringDataMap::const_iterator it3;
+ for (it3 = nestedConnectionSettingsMap.begin(); it3 != nestedConnectionSettingsMap.end(); ++it3) {
+ TQString keyValue = it3.key();
+ TQT_DBusData dataValue =;
+ if (dataValue.type() != TQT_DBusData::Variant) {
+ printf("[network-manager comm debug] %s = %s (type %d(%s))\n", keyValue.ascii(), dataValue.toString().ascii(), dataValue.type(), dataValue.typeName()); fflush(stdout);
+ // No NM settings are known which use this style
+ }
+ else {
+ TQT_DBusVariant dataValueVariant = dataValue.toVariant();
+ TQT_DBusData dataValue2 = dataValueVariant.value;
+ if (dataValue2.type() != TQT_DBusData::Variant) {
+ printf("[network-manager comm debug] %s = %s (type %d(%s), signature %s)\n", keyValue.ascii(), dataValue2.toString().ascii(), dataValue2.type(), dataValue2.typeName(), dataValueVariant.signature.ascii()); fflush(stdout);
+ // Most NM settings use this style
+ if (outerKeyValue.lower() == "802-1x") {
+ if (keyValue.lower() == "password") {
+ connection->eapConfig.password = dataValue2.toString();
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "password-raw") {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList = dataValue2.toTQValueList();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList::const_iterator it4;
+ int count=0;
+ for (it4 = valueList.begin(); it4 != valueList.end(); ++it4) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerDataValue = *it4;
+ count++;
+ connection->eapConfig.binaryPassword.resize(count+1);
+ connection->eapConfig.binaryPassword[count] = innerDataValue.toByte();
+ }
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "private-key-password") {
+ connection->eapConfig.privateKeyPassword = dataValue2.toString();
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "phase2-private-key-password") {
+ connection->eapConfig.phase2PrivateKeyPassword = dataValue2.toString();
+ }
+ connection->eapConfig.secretsValid = true;
+ }
+ if ((outerKeyValue.lower() == "802-11-wireless-security") && (wiFiConnection)) {
+ if (keyValue.lower() == "wep-key0") {
+ wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKey0 = dataValue2.toString();
+ wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKeyType = nmWepKeyTypeToTDEWepKeyType(tdeWepKeyTypeToNMWepKeyType(wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKeyType), wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKey0);
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "wep-key1") {
+ wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKey1 = dataValue2.toString();
+ wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKeyType = nmWepKeyTypeToTDEWepKeyType(tdeWepKeyTypeToNMWepKeyType(wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKeyType), wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKey1);
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "wep-key2") {
+ wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKey2 = dataValue2.toString();
+ wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKeyType = nmWepKeyTypeToTDEWepKeyType(tdeWepKeyTypeToNMWepKeyType(wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKeyType), wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKey2);
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "wep-key3") {
+ wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKey3 = dataValue2.toString();
+ wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKeyType = nmWepKeyTypeToTDEWepKeyType(tdeWepKeyTypeToNMWepKeyType(wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKeyType), wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKey3);
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "psk") {
+ wiFiConnection->securitySettings.psk = dataValue2.toString();
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "eap-password") {
+ wiFiConnection->securitySettings.leapPassword = dataValue2.toString();
+ }
+ }
+ if ((outerKeyValue.lower() == "vpn") && (vpnConnection)) {
+ if (keyValue.lower() == "secrets") {
+ TQT_DBusTQStringDataMap nestedConnectionSettingsMap = dataValue2.toStringKeyMap();
+ TQT_DBusTQStringDataMap::const_iterator it4;
+ for (it4 = nestedConnectionSettingsMap.begin(); it4 != nestedConnectionSettingsMap.end(); ++it4) {
+ vpnConnection->pluginSecrets.clear();
+ TQString keyValue4 = it4.key();
+ TQT_DBusData dataValue4 =;
+ if (dataValue4.type() == TQT_DBusData::String) {
+ vpnConnection->pluginSecrets[keyValue4] = dataValue4.toString();
+ }
+ }
+ vpnConnection->secretsValid = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (outerKeyValue.lower() == "pppoe") {
+ if (keyValue.lower() == "password") {
+ connection->pppoeConfig.password = dataValue2.toString();
+ }
+ connection->pppoeConfig.secretsValid = true;
+ }
+ if (outerKeyValue.lower() == "cdma") {
+ if (keyValue.lower() == "password") {
+ modemConnection->cdmaConfig.password = dataValue2.toString();
+ }
+ modemConnection->cdmaConfig.secretsValid = true;
+ }
+ if (outerKeyValue.lower() == "gsm") {
+ if (keyValue.lower() == "password") {
+ modemConnection->gsmConfig.password = dataValue2.toString();
+ }
+ else if (keyValue.lower() == "pin") {
+ modemConnection-> = dataValue2.toString();
+ }
+ modemConnection->gsmConfig.secretsValid = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ else {
+ PRINT_ERROR(TQString("Unable to load secrets for connection with uuid '%1'").arg(uuid))
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ PRINT_WARNING(TQString("connection for provided uuid '%1' was not found").arg(uuid));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+bool TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM::saveConnection(TDENetworkConnection* connection) {
+ bool timed_out = FALSE;
+ bool command_failed = FALSE;
+ if (!connection) {
+ PRINT_ERROR(TQString("connection cannot be NULL!"));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // If the UUID is blank, generate a new UUID for this connection and also guarantee that it it truly unique
+ if (connection->UUID == "") {
+ bool unique = false;
+ while (!unique) {
+ connection->UUID = TQUuid::createUuid().toString();
+ connection->UUID.replace("{", "");
+ connection->UUID.replace("}", "");
+ if (!findConnectionByUUID(connection->UUID)) {
+ unique = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Find path for connection with specified UUID, if it exists
+ // This is so that any settings that we are not aware of can be loaded now and preserved through the update operation
+ TDEWiredEthernetConnection* ethernetConnection = dynamic_cast<TDEWiredEthernetConnection*>(connection);
+ TDEWiredInfinibandConnection* infinibandConnection = dynamic_cast<TDEWiredInfinibandConnection*>(connection);
+ TDEWiFiConnection* wiFiConnection = dynamic_cast<TDEWiFiConnection*>(connection);
+ TDEVPNConnection* vpnConnection = dynamic_cast<TDEVPNConnection*>(connection);
+ TDEWiMaxConnection* wiMaxConnection = dynamic_cast<TDEWiMaxConnection*>(connection);
+ TDEVLANConnection* vlanConnection = dynamic_cast<TDEVLANConnection*>(connection);
+ TDEOLPCMeshConnection* olpcMeshConnection = dynamic_cast<TDEOLPCMeshConnection*>(connection);
+ TDEBluetoothConnection* bluetoothConnection = dynamic_cast<TDEBluetoothConnection*>(connection);
+ TDEModemConnection* modemConnection = dynamic_cast<TDEModemConnection*>(connection);
+ TQT_DBusObjectPath existingConnection;
+ TQT_DBusError error;
+ bool ret;
+ bool existing;
+ TQT_DBusTQStringDataMap connectionSettingsMap(TQT_DBusData::String);
+ existing = false;
+ ret = d->m_networkManagerSettings->GetConnectionByUuid(connection->UUID, existingConnection, error);
+ if (ret) {
+ // Obtain connection settings from the path specified
+ DBus::ConnectionSettingsInterface connectionSettings(NM_DBUS_SERVICE, existingConnection);
+ connectionSettings.setConnection(TQT_DBusConnection::systemBus());
+ ret = connectionSettings.GetSettings(connectionSettingsMap, error);
+ if (ret && error.isValid()) {
+ ret = 0;
+ PRINT_ERROR(( + ": " + error.message()))
+ }
+ if (ret) {
+ // Obtain connection settings from the path specified
+ DBus::ConnectionSettingsInterface connectionSettings(NM_DBUS_SERVICE, existingConnection);
+ connectionSettings.setConnection(TQT_DBusConnection::systemBus());
+ connect(&connectionSettings, SIGNAL(GetSettingsAsyncReply(int, const TQT_DBusDataMap<TQString>&)), d, SLOT(processConnectionSettingsAsyncReply(int, const TQT_DBusDataMap<TQString>&)));
+ int asyncCallID;
+ ret = connectionSettings.GetSettingsAsync(asyncCallID, error);
+ if (ret && error.isValid()) {
+ ret = 0;
+ PRINT_ERROR(( + ": " + error.message()))
+ }
+ if (ret) {
+ // Wait for the asynchronous call to return...
+ d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncCallWaiting[asyncCallID] = true;
+ TQTimer nmCallTimeoutTimer;
+ nmCallTimeoutTimer.start(NM_ASYNC_TIMEOUT_MS, TRUE);
+ while (d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncCallWaiting[asyncCallID]) {
+ tqApp->processEvents();
+ if (!nmCallTimeoutTimer.isActive()) {
+ PRINT_ERROR(TQString("DBUS asynchronous call timed out!"))
+ timed_out = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ connectionSettingsMap = d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncSettingsResponse[asyncCallID];
+ if (d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncSettingsErrorResponse.contains(asyncCallID)) {
+ PRINT_ERROR((d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncSettingsErrorResponse[asyncCallID].name() + ": " + d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncSettingsErrorResponse[asyncCallID].message()));
+ d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncSettingsErrorResponse.remove(asyncCallID);
+ }
+ d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncCallWaiting.remove(asyncCallID);
+ if (d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncSettingsResponse.contains(asyncCallID)) {
+ d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncSettingsResponse.remove(asyncCallID);
+ }
+ existing = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // Create and/or update settings map from provided connection information
+ // We start at the outermost layer and work our way inwards, in a structure which should match the parser in loadConnectionInformation() very closely
+ bool groupValid;
+ TQT_DBusData dbusData;
+ TQT_DBusData innerDbusData;
+ TQMap<TQString, TQT_DBusData> outerMap = connectionSettingsMap.toTQMap();
+ {
+ groupValid = false;
+ dbusData = outerMap["connection"];
+ {
+ TQMap<TQString, TQT_DBusData> settingsMap = dbusData.toStringKeyMap().toTQMap();
+ {
+ settingsMap["id"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromString(connection->friendlyName));
+ {
+ TQString type;
+ if (ethernetConnection) type = "802-3-ethernet";
+ else if (infinibandConnection) type = "infiniband";
+ else if (wiFiConnection) type = "802-11-wireless";
+ else if (vpnConnection) type = "vpn";
+ else if (wiMaxConnection) type = "wimax";
+ else if (vlanConnection) type = "vlan";
+ else if (olpcMeshConnection) type = "802-11-olpc-mesh";
+ else if (bluetoothConnection) type = "bluetooth";
+ else if (modemConnection) {
+ if (modemConnection->type == TDEModemConnectionType::CDMA) {
+ type = "cdma";
+ }
+ else if (modemConnection->type == TDEModemConnectionType::GSM) {
+ type = "gsm";
+ }
+ }
+ if (!type.isNull()) settingsMap["type"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromString(type));
+ }
+ settingsMap["uuid"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromString(connection->UUID));
+ {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList;
+ {
+ for (TQStringList::Iterator it = connection->authorizedUsers.begin(); it != connection->authorizedUsers.end(); ++it) {
+ TQString assembledString = TQString("user:%1:").arg(*it);
+ valueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromString(assembledString));
+ }
+ }
+ if (valueList.count() > 0) settingsMap["permissions"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromTQValueList(valueList));
+ else settingsMap.remove("permissions");
+ }
+ settingsMap["autoconnect"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromBool(connection->autoConnect));
+ settingsMap["read-only"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromBool(connection->readOnly));
+ UPDATE_STRING_SETTING_IF_VALID(connection->masterConnectionUUID, "master", settingsMap)
+ {
+ TQString slaveType = tdeSlaveTypeToNMSlaveType(connection->slaveType);
+ if (slaveType != "") settingsMap["slave-type"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromString(slaveType));
+ else settingsMap.remove("slave-type");
+ }
+ // settingsMap["timestamp"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromUInt64(connection->lastKnownConnection.toTime_t())); // Probably read-only to us
+ }
+ dbusData = TQT_DBusData::fromStringKeyMap(TQT_DBusDataMap<TQString>(settingsMap));
+ groupValid = (settingsMap.count() > 0);
+ }
+ if (groupValid) outerMap.insert("connection", dbusData, TRUE); else outerMap.remove("connection");
+ groupValid = false;
+ dbusData = outerMap["802-1x"];
+ {
+ TQMap<TQString, TQT_DBusData> settingsMap = dbusData.toStringKeyMap().toTQMap();
+ {
+ if (connection->eapConfig.valid) {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList;
+ {
+ // WARNING: The exact order of the data in the list is critical, therefore extreme caution should be exercised when modifying the code below!
+ // EAP type
+ valueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromString(tdeEAPTypeToNMEAPType(connection->eapConfig.type)));
+ }
+ settingsMap["eap"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromTQValueList(valueList));
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap.remove("eap");
+ }
+ if (connection->eapConfig.valid) {
+ UPDATE_STRING_SETTING_IF_VALID(connection->eapConfig.userName, "identity", settingsMap)
+ UPDATE_STRING_SETTING_IF_VALID(connection->eapConfig.anonymousUserName, "anonymous-identity", settingsMap)
+ UPDATE_STRING_SETTING_IF_VALID(connection->eapConfig.pacFileName, "pac-file", settingsMap)
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap.remove("identity");
+ settingsMap.remove("anonymous-identity");
+ settingsMap.remove("pac-file");
+ }
+ if (connection->eapConfig.valid) {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList;
+ {
+ unsigned int count;
+ for (count=0; count<connection->eapConfig.caCertificate.count(); count++) {
+ valueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromByte(connection->eapConfig.caCertificate[count]));
+ }
+ }
+ if (valueList.count() > 0) settingsMap["ca-cert"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromTQValueList(valueList));
+ else settingsMap.remove("ca-cert");
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap.remove("ca-cert");
+ }
+ if (connection->eapConfig.valid) {
+ UPDATE_STRING_SETTING_IF_VALID(connection->eapConfig.additionalCAFilesPath, "ca-path", settingsMap)
+ UPDATE_STRING_SETTING_IF_VALID(connection->eapConfig.authServerCertSubjectMatch, "subject-match", settingsMap)
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap.remove("ca-path");
+ settingsMap.remove("subject-match");
+ }
+ if (connection->eapConfig.valid) {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList;
+ {
+ for (TQStringList::Iterator it = connection->eapConfig.alternateAuthServerCertSubjectMatch.begin(); it != connection->eapConfig.alternateAuthServerCertSubjectMatch.end(); ++it) {
+ valueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromString(*it));
+ }
+ }
+ if (valueList.count() > 0) settingsMap["altsubject-matches"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromTQValueList(valueList));
+ else settingsMap.remove("altsubject-matches");
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap.remove("altsubject-matches");
+ }
+ if (connection->eapConfig.valid) {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList;
+ {
+ unsigned int count;
+ for (count=0; count<connection->eapConfig.clientCertificate.count(); count++) {
+ valueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromByte(connection->eapConfig.clientCertificate[count]));
+ }
+ }
+ if (valueList.count() > 0) settingsMap["client-cert"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromTQValueList(valueList));
+ else settingsMap.remove("client-cert");
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap.remove("client-cert");
+ }
+ if (connection->eapConfig.valid) {
+ UPDATE_STRING_SETTING_IF_VALID(connection->eapConfig.forcePEAPVersion, "phase1-peapver", settingsMap)
+ UPDATE_STRING_SETTING_IF_VALID(connection->eapConfig.forcePEAPLabel, "phase1-peaplabel", settingsMap)
+ UPDATE_STRING_SETTING_IF_VALID(tdeEAPFastFlagsToNMEAPFastFlags(connection->eapConfig.fastProvisioningFlags), "phase1-fast-provisioning", settingsMap)
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap.remove("phase1-peapver");
+ settingsMap.remove("phase1-peaplabel");
+ settingsMap.remove("phase1-fast-provisioning");
+ }
+ if (connection->eapConfig.valid) {
+ settingsMap["phase2-auth"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromString(tdeEAPTypeToNMEAPType(connection->eapConfig.phase2NonEAPAuthMethod)));
+ settingsMap["phase2-autheap"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromString(tdeEAPTypeToNMEAPType(connection->eapConfig.phase2EAPAuthMethod)));
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap.remove("phase2-auth");
+ settingsMap.remove("phase2-autheap");
+ }
+ if (connection->eapConfig.valid) {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList;
+ {
+ unsigned int count;
+ for (count=0; count<connection->eapConfig.phase2CaCertificate.count(); count++) {
+ valueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromByte(connection->eapConfig.phase2CaCertificate[count]));
+ }
+ }
+ if (valueList.count() > 0) settingsMap["phase2-ca-cert"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromTQValueList(valueList));
+ else settingsMap.remove("phase2-ca-cert");
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap.remove("phase2-ca-cert");
+ }
+ if (connection->eapConfig.valid) {
+ UPDATE_STRING_SETTING_IF_VALID(connection->eapConfig.phase2CaFilesPath, "phase2-ca-path", settingsMap)
+ UPDATE_STRING_SETTING_IF_VALID(connection->eapConfig.phase2AuthServerCertSubjectMatch, "phase2-subject-match", settingsMap)
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap.remove("phase2-ca-path");
+ settingsMap.remove("phase2-subject-match");
+ }
+ if (connection->eapConfig.valid) {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList;
+ {
+ for (TQStringList::Iterator it = connection->eapConfig.phase2AlternateAuthServerCertSubjectMatch.begin(); it != connection->eapConfig.phase2AlternateAuthServerCertSubjectMatch.end(); ++it) {
+ valueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromString(*it));
+ }
+ }
+ if (valueList.count() > 0) settingsMap["phase2-altsubject-matches"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromTQValueList(valueList));
+ else settingsMap.remove("phase2-altsubject-matches");
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap.remove("phase2-altsubject-matches");
+ }
+ if (connection->eapConfig.valid) {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList;
+ {
+ unsigned int count;
+ for (count=0; count<connection->eapConfig.phase2ClientCertificate.count(); count++) {
+ valueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromByte(connection->eapConfig.phase2ClientCertificate[count]));
+ }
+ }
+ if (valueList.count() > 0) settingsMap["phase2-client-cert"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromTQValueList(valueList));
+ else settingsMap.remove("phase2-client-cert");
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap.remove("phase2-client-cert");
+ }
+ if (connection->eapConfig.valid) {
+ settingsMap["password-flags"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromUInt32(tdePasswordFlagsToNMPasswordFlags(connection->eapConfig.passwordFlags)));
+ settingsMap["password-raw-flags"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromUInt32(tdePasswordFlagsToNMPasswordFlags(connection->eapConfig.binaryPasswordFlags)));
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap.remove("password-flags");
+ settingsMap.remove("password-raw-flags");
+ }
+ if (connection->eapConfig.valid) {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList;
+ {
+ unsigned int count;
+ for (count=0; count<connection->eapConfig.privateKey.count(); count++) {
+ valueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromByte(connection->eapConfig.privateKey[count]));
+ }
+ }
+ if (valueList.count() > 0) settingsMap["private-key"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromTQValueList(valueList));
+ else settingsMap.remove("private-key");
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap.remove("private-key");
+ }
+ if (connection->eapConfig.valid) {
+ settingsMap["private-key-password-flags"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromUInt32(tdePasswordFlagsToNMPasswordFlags(connection->eapConfig.privateKeyPasswordFlags)));
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap.remove("private-key-password-flags");
+ }
+ if (connection->eapConfig.valid) {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList;
+ {
+ unsigned int count;
+ for (count=0; count<connection->eapConfig.phase2PrivateKey.count(); count++) {
+ valueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromByte(connection->eapConfig.phase2PrivateKey[count]));
+ }
+ }
+ if (valueList.count() > 0) settingsMap["phase2-private-key"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromTQValueList(valueList));
+ else settingsMap.remove("phase2-private-key");
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap.remove("phase2-private-key");
+ }
+ if (connection->eapConfig.valid) {
+ settingsMap["phase2-private-key-password-flags"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromUInt32(tdePasswordFlagsToNMPasswordFlags(connection->eapConfig.phase2PrivateKeyPasswordFlags)));
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap.remove("phase2-private-key-password-flags");
+ }
+ if (connection->eapConfig.valid) {
+ settingsMap["system-ca-certs"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromBool(connection->eapConfig.forceSystemCaCertificates));
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap.remove("system-ca-certs");
+ }
+ if (connection->eapConfig.secretsValid) {
+ settingsMap["password"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromString(connection->eapConfig.password));
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap.remove("password");
+ }
+ if (connection->eapConfig.valid) {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList;
+ {
+ unsigned int count;
+ for (count=0; count<connection->eapConfig.binaryPassword.count(); count++) {
+ valueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromByte(connection->eapConfig.binaryPassword[count]));
+ }
+ }
+ if (valueList.count() > 0) settingsMap["password-raw"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromTQValueList(valueList));
+ else settingsMap.remove("password-raw");
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap.remove("password-raw");
+ }
+ if (connection->eapConfig.secretsValid) {
+ settingsMap["private-key-password"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromString(connection->eapConfig.privateKeyPassword));
+ settingsMap["phase2-private-key-password"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromString(connection->eapConfig.phase2PrivateKeyPassword));
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap.remove("private-key-password");
+ settingsMap.remove("phase2-private-key-password");
+ }
+ }
+ dbusData = TQT_DBusData::fromStringKeyMap(TQT_DBusDataMap<TQString>(settingsMap));
+ groupValid = (settingsMap.count() > 0);
+ }
+ if (groupValid) outerMap.insert("802-1x", dbusData, TRUE); else outerMap.remove("802-1x");
+ groupValid = false;
+ dbusData = outerMap["802-3-ethernet"];
+ if (ethernetConnection) {
+ TQMap<TQString, TQT_DBusData> settingsMap = dbusData.toStringKeyMap().toTQMap();
+ {
+ settingsMap["duplex"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromString((connection->fullDuplex)?"full":"half"));
+ if (connection->lockedHWAddress.isValid()) {
+ TDENetworkByteList address = connection->lockedHWAddress.address();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList;
+ TDENetworkByteList::iterator it;
+ for (it = address.begin(); it != address.end(); ++it) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerDataValue = TQT_DBusData::fromByte(*it);
+ valueList.append(innerDataValue);
+ }
+ TQT_DBusData nmHWAddress = TQT_DBusData::fromTQValueList(valueList);
+ settingsMap["mac-address"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(nmHWAddress);
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap.remove("mac-address");
+ }
+ if (connection->manualHWAddress.isValid()) {
+ TDENetworkByteList address = connection->manualHWAddress.address();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList;
+ TDENetworkByteList::iterator it;
+ for (it = address.begin(); it != address.end(); ++it) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerDataValue = TQT_DBusData::fromByte(*it);
+ valueList.append(innerDataValue);
+ }
+ TQT_DBusData nmHWAddress = TQT_DBusData::fromTQValueList(valueList);
+ settingsMap["cloned-mac-address"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(nmHWAddress);
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap.remove("cloned-mac-address");
+ }
+ if (connection->mtu > 0) {
+ settingsMap["mtu"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromUInt32(connection->mtu));
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap.remove("mtu");
+ }
+ }
+ dbusData = TQT_DBusData::fromStringKeyMap(TQT_DBusDataMap<TQString>(settingsMap));
+ groupValid = (settingsMap.count() > 0);
+ }
+ if (groupValid) outerMap.insert("802-3-ethernet", dbusData, TRUE); else outerMap.remove("802-3-ethernet");
+ groupValid = false;
+ dbusData = outerMap["infiniband"];
+ if (infinibandConnection) {
+ TQMap<TQString, TQT_DBusData> settingsMap = dbusData.toStringKeyMap().toTQMap();
+ {
+ if (connection->lockedHWAddress.isValid()) {
+ TDENetworkByteList address = connection->lockedHWAddress.address();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList;
+ TDENetworkByteList::iterator it;
+ for (it = address.begin(); it != address.end(); ++it) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerDataValue = TQT_DBusData::fromByte(*it);
+ valueList.append(innerDataValue);
+ }
+ TQT_DBusData nmHWAddress = TQT_DBusData::fromTQValueList(valueList);
+ settingsMap["mac-address"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(nmHWAddress);
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap.remove("mac-address");
+ }
+ if (connection->mtu > 0) {
+ settingsMap["mtu"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromUInt32(connection->mtu));
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap.remove("mtu");
+ }
+ UPDATE_STRING_SETTING_IF_VALID(tdeIBTransportToNMIBTransport(infinibandConnection->transportMode), "transport-mode", settingsMap)
+ }
+ dbusData = TQT_DBusData::fromStringKeyMap(TQT_DBusDataMap<TQString>(settingsMap));
+ groupValid = (settingsMap.count() > 0);
+ }
+ if (groupValid) outerMap.insert("infiniband", dbusData, TRUE); else outerMap.remove("infiniband");
+ groupValid = false;
+ dbusData = outerMap["802-11-wireless"];
+ if (wiFiConnection) {
+ TQMap<TQString, TQT_DBusData> settingsMap = dbusData.toStringKeyMap().toTQMap();
+ {
+ {
+ unsigned int i;
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList;
+ for (i=0; i<wiFiConnection->SSID.count(); i++) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerDataValue = TQT_DBusData::fromByte(wiFiConnection->SSID[i]);
+ valueList.append(innerDataValue);
+ }
+ settingsMap["ssid"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromTQValueList(valueList));
+ }
+ if (connection->lockedHWAddress.isValid()) {
+ TDENetworkByteList address = connection->lockedHWAddress.address();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList;
+ TDENetworkByteList::iterator it;
+ for (it = address.begin(); it != address.end(); ++it) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerDataValue = TQT_DBusData::fromByte(*it);
+ valueList.append(innerDataValue);
+ }
+ TQT_DBusData nmHWAddress = TQT_DBusData::fromTQValueList(valueList);
+ settingsMap["mac-address"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(nmHWAddress);
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap.remove("mac-address");
+ }
+ if (connection->manualHWAddress.isValid()) {
+ TDENetworkByteList address = connection->manualHWAddress.address();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList;
+ TDENetworkByteList::iterator it;
+ for (it = address.begin(); it != address.end(); ++it) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerDataValue = TQT_DBusData::fromByte(*it);
+ valueList.append(innerDataValue);
+ }
+ TQT_DBusData nmHWAddress = TQT_DBusData::fromTQValueList(valueList);
+ settingsMap["cloned-mac-address"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(nmHWAddress);
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap.remove("cloned-mac-address");
+ }
+ if (connection->mtu > 0) {
+ settingsMap["mtu"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromUInt32(connection->mtu));
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap.remove("mtu");
+ }
+ UPDATE_STRING_SETTING_IF_VALID(tdeWiFiModeToNMWiFiMode(wiFiConnection->operatingMode), "mode", settingsMap)
+ UPDATE_STRING_SETTING_IF_VALID(tdeWiFiFrequencyBandToNMWiFiFrequencyBand(wiFiConnection->bandRestriction), "band", settingsMap)
+ if (wiFiConnection->channelRestriction > 0) {
+ settingsMap["channel"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromUInt32(wiFiConnection->channelRestriction));
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap.remove("channel");
+ }
+ if (wiFiConnection->bitRateRestriction > 0) {
+ settingsMap["rate"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromUInt32(wiFiConnection->bitRateRestriction/1000));
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap.remove("rate");
+ }
+ if (wiFiConnection->powerRestriction > 0) {
+ settingsMap["tx-power"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromUInt32(wiFiConnection->powerRestriction));
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap.remove("tx-power");
+ }
+ if (wiFiConnection->accessPointRestriction.isValid()) {
+ TDENetworkByteList address = wiFiConnection->accessPointRestriction.address();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList;
+ TDENetworkByteList::iterator it;
+ for (it = address.begin(); it != address.end(); ++it) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerDataValue = TQT_DBusData::fromByte(*it);
+ valueList.append(innerDataValue);
+ }
+ TQT_DBusData nmHWAddress = TQT_DBusData::fromTQValueList(valueList);
+ settingsMap["bssid"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(nmHWAddress);
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap.remove("bssid");
+ }
+ {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList;
+ TDEMACAddressList::iterator it;
+ for (it = wiFiConnection->blacklistedBSSIDs.begin(); it != wiFiConnection->blacklistedBSSIDs.end(); ++it) {
+ valueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromString((*it).toString()));
+ }
+ if (valueList.count() > 0) settingsMap["mac-address-blacklist"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromTQValueList(valueList));
+ }
+ {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList;
+ TDEMACAddressList::iterator it;
+ for (it = wiFiConnection->heardBSSIDs.begin(); it != wiFiConnection->heardBSSIDs.end(); ++it) {
+ valueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromString((*it).toString()));
+ }
+ if (valueList.count() > 0) settingsMap["seen-bssids"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromTQValueList(valueList));
+ }
+ {
+ if (wiFiConnection->securityRequired) {
+ settingsMap["security"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromString("802-11-wireless-security"));
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap.remove("security");
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ if (wiFiConnection->isHiddenNetwork) {
+ settingsMap["hidden"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromBool(true));
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap.remove("hidden");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dbusData = TQT_DBusData::fromStringKeyMap(TQT_DBusDataMap<TQString>(settingsMap));
+ groupValid = (settingsMap.count() > 0);
+ }
+ if (groupValid) outerMap.insert("802-11-wireless", dbusData, TRUE); else outerMap.remove("802-11-wireless");
+ groupValid = false;
+ dbusData = outerMap["802-11-wireless-security"];
+ if (wiFiConnection) {
+ TQMap<TQString, TQT_DBusData> settingsMap = dbusData.toStringKeyMap().toTQMap();
+ {
+ if (wiFiConnection->securityRequired) {
+ if (wiFiConnection->securityRequired) {
+ settingsMap["key-mgmt"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromString(tdeWiFiKeyTypeToNMWiFiKeyType(wiFiConnection->securitySettings.keyType)));
+ }
+ if (wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKeyIndex > 0) {
+ settingsMap["wep-tx-keyidx"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromUInt32(wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKeyIndex));
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap.remove("wep-tx-keyidx");
+ }
+ UPDATE_STRING_SETTING_IF_VALID(tdeWiFiAuthTypeToNMWiFiAuthType(wiFiConnection->securitySettings.authType), "auth-alg", settingsMap)
+ {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList;
+ {
+ TQStringList strings = tdeWiFiWPAVersionToNMWiFiWPAVersion(wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wpaVersion);
+ for (TQStringList::Iterator it = strings.begin(); it != strings.end(); ++it) {
+ valueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromString(*it));
+ }
+ }
+ if (valueList.count() > 0) settingsMap["proto"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromTQValueList(valueList));
+ else settingsMap.remove("proto");
+ }
+ {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList;
+ {
+ if (wiFiConnection->securitySettings.allowedPairWiseCiphers.contains(TDENetworkWiFiConnectionCipher::Any)) {
+ if (!wiFiConnection->securitySettings.allowedPairWiseCiphers.contains(TDENetworkWiFiConnectionCipher::CipherWEP40)) wiFiConnection->securitySettings.allowedPairWiseCiphers.append(TDENetworkWiFiConnectionCipher::CipherWEP40);
+ if (!wiFiConnection->securitySettings.allowedPairWiseCiphers.contains(TDENetworkWiFiConnectionCipher::CipherWEP104)) wiFiConnection->securitySettings.allowedPairWiseCiphers.append(TDENetworkWiFiConnectionCipher::CipherWEP104);
+ if (!wiFiConnection->securitySettings.allowedPairWiseCiphers.contains(TDENetworkWiFiConnectionCipher::CipherTKIP)) wiFiConnection->securitySettings.allowedPairWiseCiphers.append(TDENetworkWiFiConnectionCipher::CipherTKIP);
+ if (!wiFiConnection->securitySettings.allowedPairWiseCiphers.contains(TDENetworkWiFiConnectionCipher::CipherCCMP)) wiFiConnection->securitySettings.allowedPairWiseCiphers.append(TDENetworkWiFiConnectionCipher::CipherCCMP);
+ }
+ for (TDENetworkWiFiConnectionCipherList::Iterator it = wiFiConnection->securitySettings.allowedPairWiseCiphers.begin(); it != wiFiConnection->securitySettings.allowedPairWiseCiphers.end(); ++it) {
+ valueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromString(tdeWiFiCipherToNMWiFiCipher(*it)));
+ }
+ }
+ if (valueList.count() > 0) settingsMap["pairwise"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromTQValueList(valueList));
+ else settingsMap.remove("pairwise");
+ }
+ {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList;
+ {
+ if (wiFiConnection->securitySettings.allowedGroupWiseCiphers.contains(TDENetworkWiFiConnectionCipher::Any)) {
+ if (!wiFiConnection->securitySettings.allowedGroupWiseCiphers.contains(TDENetworkWiFiConnectionCipher::CipherWEP40)) wiFiConnection->securitySettings.allowedGroupWiseCiphers.append(TDENetworkWiFiConnectionCipher::CipherWEP40);
+ if (!wiFiConnection->securitySettings.allowedGroupWiseCiphers.contains(TDENetworkWiFiConnectionCipher::CipherWEP104)) wiFiConnection->securitySettings.allowedGroupWiseCiphers.append(TDENetworkWiFiConnectionCipher::CipherWEP104);
+ if (!wiFiConnection->securitySettings.allowedGroupWiseCiphers.contains(TDENetworkWiFiConnectionCipher::CipherTKIP)) wiFiConnection->securitySettings.allowedGroupWiseCiphers.append(TDENetworkWiFiConnectionCipher::CipherTKIP);
+ if (!wiFiConnection->securitySettings.allowedGroupWiseCiphers.contains(TDENetworkWiFiConnectionCipher::CipherCCMP)) wiFiConnection->securitySettings.allowedGroupWiseCiphers.append(TDENetworkWiFiConnectionCipher::CipherCCMP);
+ }
+ for (TDENetworkWiFiConnectionCipherList::Iterator it = wiFiConnection->securitySettings.allowedGroupWiseCiphers.begin(); it != wiFiConnection->securitySettings.allowedGroupWiseCiphers.end(); ++it) {
+ valueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromString(tdeWiFiCipherToNMWiFiCipher(*it)));
+ }
+ }
+ if (valueList.count() > 0) settingsMap["group"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromTQValueList(valueList));
+ else settingsMap.remove("group");
+ }
+ UPDATE_STRING_SETTING_IF_VALID(wiFiConnection->securitySettings.leapUsername, "leap-username", settingsMap)
+ settingsMap["wep-key-flags"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromUInt32(tdePasswordFlagsToNMPasswordFlags(wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKeyFlags)));
+ settingsMap["wep-key-type"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromUInt32(tdeWepKeyTypeToNMWepKeyType(wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKeyType)));
+ settingsMap["psk-flags"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromUInt32(tdePasswordFlagsToNMPasswordFlags(wiFiConnection->securitySettings.pskFlags)));
+ settingsMap["leap-password-flags"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromUInt32(tdePasswordFlagsToNMPasswordFlags(wiFiConnection->securitySettings.leapPasswordFlags)));
+ if (wiFiConnection->securitySettings.secretsValid) {
+ UPDATE_STRING_SETTING_IF_VALID(wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKey0, "wep-key0", settingsMap)
+ UPDATE_STRING_SETTING_IF_VALID(wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKey1, "wep-key1", settingsMap)
+ UPDATE_STRING_SETTING_IF_VALID(wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKey2, "wep-key2", settingsMap)
+ UPDATE_STRING_SETTING_IF_VALID(wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKey3, "wep-key3", settingsMap)
+ UPDATE_STRING_SETTING_IF_VALID(wiFiConnection->securitySettings.psk, "psk", settingsMap)
+ UPDATE_STRING_SETTING_IF_VALID(wiFiConnection->securitySettings.leapPassword, "leap-password", settingsMap)
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap.remove("wep-key0");
+ settingsMap.remove("wep-key1");
+ settingsMap.remove("wep-key2");
+ settingsMap.remove("wep-key3");
+ settingsMap.remove("psk");
+ settingsMap.remove("leap-password");
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap.remove("key-mgmt");
+ settingsMap.remove("wep-tx-keyidx");
+ settingsMap.remove("auth-alg");
+ settingsMap.remove("proto");
+ settingsMap.remove("pairwise");
+ settingsMap.remove("group");
+ settingsMap.remove("leap-username");
+ settingsMap.remove("wep-key-flags");
+ settingsMap.remove("wep-key-type");
+ settingsMap.remove("psk-flags");
+ settingsMap.remove("leap-password-flags");
+ settingsMap.remove("wep-key0");
+ settingsMap.remove("wep-key1");
+ settingsMap.remove("wep-key2");
+ settingsMap.remove("wep-key3");
+ settingsMap.remove("psk");
+ settingsMap.remove("leap-password");
+ }
+ }
+ dbusData = TQT_DBusData::fromStringKeyMap(TQT_DBusDataMap<TQString>(settingsMap));
+ groupValid = (settingsMap.count() > 0);
+ }
+ if (groupValid) outerMap.insert("802-11-wireless-security", dbusData, TRUE); else outerMap.remove("802-11-wireless-security");
+ groupValid = false;
+ dbusData = outerMap["vpn"];
+ if (vpnConnection) {
+ TQMap<TQString, TQT_DBusData> settingsMap = dbusData.toStringKeyMap().toTQMap();
+ {
+ {
+ TQString pluginService = vpnConnection->vpnPluginID;
+ if (pluginService != "") {
+ pluginService = "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager." + pluginService;
+ }
+ UPDATE_STRING_SETTING_IF_VALID(pluginService, "service-type", settingsMap)
+ }
+ UPDATE_STRING_SETTING_IF_VALID(vpnConnection->lockedUserName, "user-name", settingsMap)
+ {
+ TQMap<TQString, TQT_DBusData> nestedConnectionSettingsMap;
+ TDENetworkSettingsMap::const_iterator it;
+ for (it = vpnConnection->pluginData.begin(); it != vpnConnection->pluginData.end(); ++it) {
+ nestedConnectionSettingsMap[it.key()] = TQT_DBusData::fromString(;
+ }
+ if (nestedConnectionSettingsMap.count() > 0) settingsMap["data"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromStringKeyMap(TQT_DBusDataMap<TQString>(nestedConnectionSettingsMap)));
+ else settingsMap.remove("data");
+ }
+ if (vpnConnection->secretsValid) {
+ TQMap<TQString, TQT_DBusData> nestedConnectionSettingsMap;
+ TDENetworkSettingsMap::const_iterator it;
+ for (it = vpnConnection->pluginSecrets.begin(); it != vpnConnection->pluginSecrets.end(); ++it) {
+ nestedConnectionSettingsMap[it.key()] = TQT_DBusData::fromString(;
+ }
+ if (nestedConnectionSettingsMap.count() > 0) settingsMap["secrets"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromStringKeyMap(TQT_DBusDataMap<TQString>(nestedConnectionSettingsMap)));
+ else settingsMap.remove("secrets");
+ }
+ }
+ dbusData = TQT_DBusData::fromStringKeyMap(TQT_DBusDataMap<TQString>(settingsMap));
+ groupValid = (settingsMap.count() > 0);
+ }
+ if (groupValid) outerMap.insert("vpn", dbusData, TRUE); else outerMap.remove("vpn");
+ groupValid = false;
+ dbusData = outerMap["wimax"];
+ if (wiMaxConnection) {
+ TQMap<TQString, TQT_DBusData> settingsMap = dbusData.toStringKeyMap().toTQMap();
+ {
+ if (connection->lockedHWAddress.isValid()) {
+ TDENetworkByteList address = connection->lockedHWAddress.address();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList;
+ TDENetworkByteList::iterator it;
+ for (it = address.begin(); it != address.end(); ++it) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerDataValue = TQT_DBusData::fromByte(*it);
+ valueList.append(innerDataValue);
+ }
+ TQT_DBusData nmHWAddress = TQT_DBusData::fromTQValueList(valueList);
+ settingsMap["mac-address"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(nmHWAddress);
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap.remove("mac-address");
+ }
+ UPDATE_STRING_SETTING_IF_VALID(wiMaxConnection->networkServiceProvider, "network-name", settingsMap)
+ }
+ dbusData = TQT_DBusData::fromStringKeyMap(TQT_DBusDataMap<TQString>(settingsMap));
+ groupValid = (settingsMap.count() > 0);
+ }
+ if (groupValid) outerMap.insert("wimax", dbusData, TRUE); else outerMap.remove("wimax");
+ groupValid = false;
+ dbusData = outerMap["vlan"];
+ if (vlanConnection) {
+ TQMap<TQString, TQT_DBusData> settingsMap = dbusData.toStringKeyMap().toTQMap();
+ {
+ UPDATE_STRING_SETTING_IF_VALID(vlanConnection->kernelName, "interface-name", settingsMap)
+ UPDATE_STRING_SETTING_IF_VALID(vlanConnection->parentConnectionUUID, "parent", settingsMap)
+ settingsMap["id"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromUInt32(vlanConnection->vlanID));
+ settingsMap["flags"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromUInt32(tdeVLANFlagsToNMVLANFlags(vlanConnection->vlanFlags)));
+ {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList;
+ TDENetworkPriorityMap::const_iterator it;
+ for (it = vlanConnection->ingressPriorityMap.begin(); it != vlanConnection->ingressPriorityMap.end(); ++it) {
+ valueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromString(TQString("%1:%2").arg(it.key()).arg(;
+ }
+ if (valueList.count() > 0) settingsMap["ingress-priority-map"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromTQValueList(valueList));
+ }
+ {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList;
+ TDENetworkPriorityMap::const_iterator it;
+ for (it = vlanConnection->egressPriorityMap.begin(); it != vlanConnection->egressPriorityMap.end(); ++it) {
+ valueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromString(TQString("%1:%2").arg(it.key()).arg(;
+ }
+ if (valueList.count() > 0) settingsMap["egress-priority-map"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromTQValueList(valueList));
+ }
+ }
+ dbusData = TQT_DBusData::fromStringKeyMap(TQT_DBusDataMap<TQString>(settingsMap));
+ groupValid = (settingsMap.count() > 0);
+ }
+ if (groupValid) outerMap.insert("vlan", dbusData, TRUE); else outerMap.remove("vlan");
+ groupValid = false;
+ dbusData = outerMap["serial"];
+ if (connection->serialConfig.valid) {
+ TQMap<TQString, TQT_DBusData> settingsMap = dbusData.toStringKeyMap().toTQMap();
+ {
+ settingsMap["baud"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromUInt32(connection->serialConfig.baudRate));
+ settingsMap["bits"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromUInt32(connection->serialConfig.byteWidth));
+ settingsMap["parity"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromByte(tdeParityToNMParity(connection->serialConfig.parity)));
+ settingsMap["stopbits"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromUInt32(connection->serialConfig.stopBits));
+ settingsMap["send-delay"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromUInt64(connection->serialConfig.txDelay));
+ }
+ dbusData = TQT_DBusData::fromStringKeyMap(TQT_DBusDataMap<TQString>(settingsMap));
+ groupValid = (settingsMap.count() > 0);
+ }
+ if (groupValid) outerMap.insert("serial", dbusData, TRUE); else outerMap.remove("serial");
+ groupValid = false;
+ dbusData = outerMap["ppp"];
+ if (connection->pppConfig.valid) {
+ TQMap<TQString, TQT_DBusData> settingsMap = dbusData.toStringKeyMap().toTQMap();
+ {
+ settingsMap["noauth"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromBool(!(connection->pppConfig.requireServerAuthentication)));
+ settingsMap["refuse-eap"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromBool(connection->pppConfig.flags & TDENetworkPPPFlags::DisableEAP));
+ settingsMap["refuse-pap"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromBool(connection->pppConfig.flags & TDENetworkPPPFlags::DisablePAP));
+ settingsMap["refuse-chap"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromBool(connection->pppConfig.flags & TDENetworkPPPFlags::DisableCHAP));
+ settingsMap["refuse-mschap"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromBool(connection->pppConfig.flags & TDENetworkPPPFlags::DisableMSCHAP));
+ settingsMap["refuse-mschapv2"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromBool(connection->pppConfig.flags & TDENetworkPPPFlags::DisableMSCHAPv2));
+ settingsMap["nobsdcomp"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromBool(!(connection->pppConfig.flags & TDENetworkPPPFlags::AllowBSDCompression)));
+ settingsMap["nodeflate"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromBool(!(connection->pppConfig.flags & TDENetworkPPPFlags::AllowDeflateCompression)));
+ settingsMap["no-vj-comp"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromBool(!(connection->pppConfig.flags & TDENetworkPPPFlags::AllowVJCompression)));
+ settingsMap["require-mppe"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromBool(connection->pppConfig.flags & TDENetworkPPPFlags::RequireMPPE));
+ settingsMap["require-mppe-128"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromBool(connection->pppConfig.flags & TDENetworkPPPFlags::RequireMPPE128));
+ settingsMap["mppe-stateful"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromBool(connection->pppConfig.flags & TDENetworkPPPFlags::StatefulMPPE));
+ settingsMap["crtscts"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromBool(connection->pppConfig.flags & TDENetworkPPPFlags::UseHardwareFlowControl));
+ settingsMap["baud"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromUInt32(connection->pppConfig.baudRate));
+ if (connection->pppConfig.mru > 0) {
+ settingsMap["mru"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromUInt32(connection->pppConfig.mru));
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap.remove("mru");
+ }
+ if (connection->pppConfig.mtu > 0) {
+ settingsMap["mtu"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromUInt32(connection->pppConfig.mtu));
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap.remove("mtu");
+ }
+ if (connection->pppConfig.mtu > 0) {
+ settingsMap["lcp-echo-interval"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromUInt32(connection->pppConfig.lcpEchoPingInterval));
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap.remove("lcp-echo-interval");
+ }
+ if (connection->pppConfig.mtu > 0) {
+ settingsMap["lcp-echo-failure"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromUInt32(connection->pppConfig.lcpEchoFailureThreshold));
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap.remove("lcp-echo-failure");
+ }
+ }
+ dbusData = TQT_DBusData::fromStringKeyMap(TQT_DBusDataMap<TQString>(settingsMap));
+ groupValid = (settingsMap.count() > 0);
+ }
+ if (groupValid) outerMap.insert("ppp", dbusData, TRUE); else outerMap.remove("ppp");
+ groupValid = false;
+ dbusData = outerMap["pppoe"];
+ if (connection->pppoeConfig.valid) {
+ TQMap<TQString, TQT_DBusData> settingsMap = dbusData.toStringKeyMap().toTQMap();
+ {
+ UPDATE_STRING_SETTING_IF_VALID(connection->pppoeConfig.networkServiceProvider, "service", settingsMap)
+ UPDATE_STRING_SETTING_IF_VALID(connection->pppoeConfig.username, "username", settingsMap)
+ if (connection->pppoeConfig.secretsValid) {
+ UPDATE_STRING_SETTING_IF_VALID(connection->pppoeConfig.password, "password", settingsMap)
+ }
+ settingsMap["password-flags"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromUInt32(tdePasswordFlagsToNMPasswordFlags(connection->pppoeConfig.passwordFlags)));
+ }
+ dbusData = TQT_DBusData::fromStringKeyMap(TQT_DBusDataMap<TQString>(settingsMap));
+ groupValid = (settingsMap.count() > 0);
+ }
+ if (groupValid) outerMap.insert("pppoe", dbusData, TRUE); else outerMap.remove("pppoe");
+ groupValid = false;
+ dbusData = outerMap["802-11-olpc-mesh"];
+ if (olpcMeshConnection) {
+ TQMap<TQString, TQT_DBusData> settingsMap = dbusData.toStringKeyMap().toTQMap();
+ {
+ {
+ unsigned int i;
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList;
+ for (i=0; i<olpcMeshConnection->SSID.count(); i++) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerDataValue = TQT_DBusData::fromByte(olpcMeshConnection->SSID[i]);
+ valueList.append(innerDataValue);
+ }
+ settingsMap["ssid"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromTQValueList(valueList));
+ }
+ settingsMap["channel"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromUInt32(olpcMeshConnection->channel));
+ {
+ unsigned int i;
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList;
+ for (i=0; i<olpcMeshConnection->anycastDHCPHWAddress.count(); i++) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerDataValue = TQT_DBusData::fromByte(olpcMeshConnection->anycastDHCPHWAddress[i]);
+ valueList.append(innerDataValue);
+ }
+ settingsMap["dhcp-anycast-address"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromTQValueList(valueList));
+ }
+ }
+ dbusData = TQT_DBusData::fromStringKeyMap(TQT_DBusDataMap<TQString>(settingsMap));
+ groupValid = (settingsMap.count() > 0);
+ }
+ if (groupValid) outerMap.insert("802-11-olpc-mesh", dbusData, TRUE); else outerMap.remove("802-11-olpc-mesh");
+ groupValid = false;
+ dbusData = outerMap["bluetooth"];
+ if (bluetoothConnection) {
+ TQMap<TQString, TQT_DBusData> settingsMap = dbusData.toStringKeyMap().toTQMap();
+ {
+ if (connection->lockedHWAddress.isValid()) {
+ TDENetworkByteList address = connection->lockedHWAddress.address();
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList;
+ TDENetworkByteList::iterator it;
+ for (it = address.begin(); it != address.end(); ++it) {
+ TQT_DBusData innerDataValue = TQT_DBusData::fromByte(*it);
+ valueList.append(innerDataValue);
+ }
+ TQT_DBusData nmHWAddress = TQT_DBusData::fromTQValueList(valueList);
+ settingsMap["bdaddr"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(nmHWAddress);
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap.remove("bdaddr");
+ }
+ UPDATE_STRING_SETTING_IF_VALID(tdeBluetoothModeToNMBluetoothMode(bluetoothConnection->type), "type", settingsMap)
+ }
+ dbusData = TQT_DBusData::fromStringKeyMap(TQT_DBusDataMap<TQString>(settingsMap));
+ groupValid = (settingsMap.count() > 0);
+ }
+ if (groupValid) outerMap.insert("bluetooth", dbusData, TRUE); else outerMap.remove("bluetooth");
+ groupValid = false;
+ dbusData = outerMap["cdma"];
+ if ((modemConnection) && (modemConnection->type == TDEModemConnectionType::CDMA)) {
+ TQMap<TQString, TQT_DBusData> settingsMap = dbusData.toStringKeyMap().toTQMap();
+ {
+ UPDATE_STRING_SETTING_IF_VALID(modemConnection->cdmaConfig.providerDataNumber, "number", settingsMap)
+ UPDATE_STRING_SETTING_IF_VALID(modemConnection->cdmaConfig.username, "username", settingsMap)
+ if (connection->pppoeConfig.secretsValid) {
+ UPDATE_STRING_SETTING_IF_VALID(modemConnection->cdmaConfig.password, "password", settingsMap)
+ }
+ settingsMap["password-flags"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromUInt32(tdePasswordFlagsToNMPasswordFlags(modemConnection->cdmaConfig.passwordFlags)));
+ }
+ dbusData = TQT_DBusData::fromStringKeyMap(TQT_DBusDataMap<TQString>(settingsMap));
+ groupValid = (settingsMap.count() > 0);
+ }
+ if (groupValid) outerMap.insert("cdma", dbusData, TRUE); else outerMap.remove("cdma");
+ groupValid = false;
+ dbusData = outerMap["gsm"];
+ if ((modemConnection) && (modemConnection->type == TDEModemConnectionType::GSM)) {
+ TQMap<TQString, TQT_DBusData> settingsMap = dbusData.toStringKeyMap().toTQMap();
+ {
+ UPDATE_STRING_SETTING_IF_VALID(modemConnection->gsmConfig.providerDataNumber, "number", settingsMap)
+ UPDATE_STRING_SETTING_IF_VALID(modemConnection->gsmConfig.username, "username", settingsMap)
+ if (connection->pppoeConfig.secretsValid) {
+ UPDATE_STRING_SETTING_IF_VALID(modemConnection->gsmConfig.password, "password", settingsMap)
+ }
+ settingsMap["password-flags"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromUInt32(tdePasswordFlagsToNMPasswordFlags(modemConnection->gsmConfig.passwordFlags)));
+ UPDATE_STRING_SETTING_IF_VALID(modemConnection->gsmConfig.accessPointName, "apn", settingsMap)
+ UPDATE_STRING_SETTING_IF_VALID(modemConnection->gsmConfig.networkID, "network-id", settingsMap)
+ settingsMap["network-type"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromInt32(tdeGSMModeToNMGSMMode(modemConnection->gsmConfig.networkType)));
+ if (connection->pppoeConfig.secretsValid) {
+ UPDATE_STRING_SETTING_IF_VALID(modemConnection->, "pin", settingsMap)
+ }
+ settingsMap["pin-flags"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromUInt32(tdePasswordFlagsToNMPasswordFlags(modemConnection->gsmConfig.pinFlags)));
+ settingsMap["allowed-bands"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromUInt32(modemConnection->gsmConfig.allowedFrequencyBands));
+ settingsMap["home-only"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromBool(!(modemConnection->gsmConfig.allowRoaming)));
+ }
+ dbusData = TQT_DBusData::fromStringKeyMap(TQT_DBusDataMap<TQString>(settingsMap));
+ groupValid = (settingsMap.count() > 0);
+ }
+ if (groupValid) outerMap.insert("gsm", dbusData, TRUE); else outerMap.remove("gsm");
+ groupValid = false;
+ dbusData = outerMap["ipv4"];
+ {
+ TQMap<TQString, TQT_DBusData> settingsMap = dbusData.toStringKeyMap().toTQMap();
+ {
+ {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList;
+ TDENetworkSingleIPConfigurationList::iterator it;
+ for (it = connection->ipConfig.ipConfigurations.begin(); it != connection->ipConfig.ipConfigurations.end(); ++it) {
+ if ((*it).isIPv4()) {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList innerValueList;
+ // WARNING: The exact order of the data in the list is critical, therefore extreme caution should be exercised when modifying the code below!
+ // Address
+ innerValueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromUInt32(reverseIPV4ByteOrder((*it).ipAddress.toIPv4Address())));
+ // Netmask
+ innerValueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromUInt32((*it).networkMask.toCIDRMask()));
+ // Gateway
+ innerValueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromUInt32(reverseIPV4ByteOrder((*it).gateway.toIPv4Address())));
+ valueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromTQValueList(innerValueList));
+ }
+ }
+ if (valueList.count() <= 0) {
+ // Create an empty list with the correct DBUS type structure
+ TQT_DBusData valueList;
+ valueList = TQT_DBusData::fromList(TQT_DBusDataList(TQT_DBusData::UInt32));
+ settingsMap["addresses"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromList(TQT_DBusDataList(valueList)));
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap["addresses"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromTQValueList(valueList));
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ if (!connection->ipConfig.dhcpClientIdentifier.isNull()) {
+ settingsMap["dhcp-client-id"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromString(connection->ipConfig.dhcpClientIdentifier));
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList;
+ TDENetworkAddressList::iterator it;
+ for (it = connection->ipConfig.resolvers.begin(); it != connection->ipConfig.resolvers.end(); ++it) {
+ if ((*it).isIPv4Address()) {
+ valueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromUInt32(reverseIPV4ByteOrder((*it).toIPv4Address())));
+ }
+ }
+ if (valueList.count() <= 0) {
+ // Create an empty list with the correct DBUS type structure
+ settingsMap["dns"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromList(TQT_DBusDataList(TQT_DBusData::UInt32)));
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap["dns"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromTQValueList(valueList));
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList;
+ TDENetworkSearchDomainList::iterator it;
+ for (it = connection->ipConfig.searchDomains.begin(); it != connection->ipConfig.searchDomains.end(); ++it) {
+ if ((*it).isIPv4()) {
+ valueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromString((*it).searchDomain()));
+ }
+ }
+ if (valueList.count() > 0) settingsMap["dns-search"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromTQValueList(valueList));
+ }
+ {
+ settingsMap["ignore-auto-dns"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromBool(!(connection->ipConfig.connectionFlags & TDENetworkIPConfigurationFlags::IPV4DHCPDNS)));
+ }
+ {
+ settingsMap["may-fail"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromBool(!connection->requireIPV4));
+ }
+ {
+ TQString method;
+ if (connection->ipConfig.connectionFlags & TDENetworkIPConfigurationFlags::IPV4DHCPIP) {
+ method = "auto";
+ }
+ else if (connection->ipConfig.connectionFlags & TDENetworkIPConfigurationFlags::IPV4LocalOnly) {
+ method = "link-local";
+ }
+ else if (connection->ipConfig.connectionFlags & TDENetworkIPConfigurationFlags::IPV4StartConnectionSharingServer) {
+ method = "shared";
+ }
+ else if (connection->ipConfig.connectionFlags & TDENetworkIPConfigurationFlags::IPV4Disabled) {
+ method = "disabled";
+ }
+ else {
+ method = "manual";
+ }
+ if (!method.isNull())
+ settingsMap["method"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromString(method));
+ }
+ {
+ settingsMap["ignore-auto-routes"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromBool(!(connection->ipConfig.connectionFlags & TDENetworkIPConfigurationFlags::IPV4DHCPRoutes)));
+ }
+ {
+ settingsMap["never-default"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromBool(!(connection->ipConfig.connectionFlags & TDENetworkIPConfigurationFlags::IPV4MayUseAsDefaultRoute)));
+ }
+ {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList;
+ TDENetworkSingleRouteConfigurationList::iterator it;
+ for (it = connection->ipConfig.routeConfigurations.begin(); it != connection->ipConfig.routeConfigurations.end(); ++it) {
+ if ((*it).isIPv4()) {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList innerValueList;
+ // WARNING: The exact order of the data in the list is critical, therefore extreme caution should be exercised when modifying the code below!
+ // Address
+ innerValueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromUInt32(reverseIPV4ByteOrder((*it).ipAddress.toIPv4Address())));
+ // Netmask
+ innerValueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromUInt32((*it).networkMask.toCIDRMask()));
+ // Gateway
+ innerValueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromUInt32(reverseIPV4ByteOrder((*it).gateway.toIPv4Address())));
+ // Metric
+ innerValueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromUInt32((*it).metric));
+ valueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromTQValueList(innerValueList));
+ }
+ }
+ if (valueList.count() <= 0) {
+ // Create an empty list with the correct DBUS type structure
+ TQT_DBusData valueList;
+ valueList = TQT_DBusData::fromList(TQT_DBusDataList(TQT_DBusData::UInt32));
+ settingsMap["routes"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromList(TQT_DBusDataList(valueList)));
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap["routes"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromTQValueList(valueList));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dbusData = TQT_DBusData::fromStringKeyMap(TQT_DBusDataMap<TQString>(settingsMap));
+ groupValid = (settingsMap.count() > 0);
+ }
+ if (groupValid) outerMap.insert("ipv4", dbusData, TRUE); else outerMap.remove("ipv4");
+ groupValid = false;
+ dbusData = outerMap["ipv6"];
+ {
+ TQMap<TQString, TQT_DBusData> settingsMap = dbusData.toStringKeyMap().toTQMap();
+ {
+ {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList;
+ TDENetworkSingleIPConfigurationList::iterator it;
+ for (it = connection->ipConfig.ipConfigurations.begin(); it != connection->ipConfig.ipConfigurations.end(); ++it) {
+ if ((*it).isIPv6()) {
+ int i;
+ Q_IPV6ADDR v6address;
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList innerValueList;
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList innerMostValueList;
+ // WARNING: The exact order of the data in the list is critical, therefore extreme caution should be exercised when modifying the code below!
+ // Address
+ innerMostValueList.clear();
+ v6address = (*it).ipAddress.toIPv6Address();
+ for (i=0; i<16; i++) {
+ innerMostValueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromByte(v6address.c[i]));
+ }
+ innerValueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromTQValueList(innerMostValueList));
+ // Netmask
+ innerValueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromUInt32((*it).networkMask.toCIDRMask()));
+ // Gateway
+ innerMostValueList.clear();
+ v6address = (*it).gateway.toIPv6Address();
+ for (i=0; i<16; i++) {
+ innerMostValueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromByte(v6address.c[i]));
+ }
+ innerValueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromTQValueList(innerMostValueList));
+ valueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromStruct(innerValueList));
+ }
+ }
+ if (valueList.count() <= 0) {
+ // Create an empty list with the correct DBUS type structure
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList innerValueList;
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList innerMostValueList;
+ // WARNING: The exact order of the data in the list is critical, therefore extreme caution should be exercised when modifying the code below!
+ // Address
+ innerMostValueList.clear();
+ innerMostValueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromByte(0));
+ innerValueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromTQValueList(innerMostValueList));
+ // Netmask
+ innerValueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromUInt32(0));
+ // Gateway
+ innerMostValueList.clear();
+ innerMostValueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromByte(0));
+ innerValueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromTQValueList(innerMostValueList));
+ settingsMap["addresses"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromList(TQT_DBusDataList(TQT_DBusData::fromStruct(innerValueList))));
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap["addresses"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromTQValueList(valueList));
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList;
+ TDENetworkAddressList::iterator it;
+ for (it = connection->ipConfig.resolvers.begin(); it != connection->ipConfig.resolvers.end(); ++it) {
+ if ((*it).isIPv6Address()) {
+ int i;
+ Q_IPV6ADDR v6address;
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList innerValueList;
+ v6address = (*it).toIPv6Address();
+ for (i=0; i<16; i++) {
+ innerValueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromByte(v6address.c[i]));
+ }
+ valueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromTQValueList(innerValueList));
+ }
+ }
+ if (valueList.count() <= 0) {
+ // Create an empty list with the correct DBUS type structure
+ TQT_DBusData valueList;
+ valueList = TQT_DBusData::fromList(TQT_DBusDataList(TQT_DBusData::Byte));
+ settingsMap["dns"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromList(TQT_DBusDataList(valueList)));
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap["dns"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromTQValueList(valueList));
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList;
+ TDENetworkSearchDomainList::iterator it;
+ for (it = connection->ipConfig.searchDomains.begin(); it != connection->ipConfig.searchDomains.end(); ++it) {
+ if ((*it).isIPv6()) {
+ valueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromString((*it).searchDomain()));
+ }
+ }
+ if (valueList.count() > 0) settingsMap["dns-search"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromTQValueList(valueList));
+ }
+ {
+ settingsMap["ignore-auto-dns"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromBool(!(connection->ipConfig.connectionFlags & TDENetworkIPConfigurationFlags::IPV4DHCPDNS)));
+ }
+ {
+ settingsMap["may-fail"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromBool(!connection->requireIPV6));
+ }
+ {
+ TQString method;
+ if (connection->ipConfig.connectionFlags & TDENetworkIPConfigurationFlags::IPV6DHCPIP) {
+ method = "auto";
+ }
+ else if (connection->ipConfig.connectionFlags & TDENetworkIPConfigurationFlags::IPV6LocalOnly) {
+ method = "link-local";
+ }
+ else if (connection->ipConfig.connectionFlags & TDENetworkIPConfigurationFlags::IPV6StartConnectionSharingServer) {
+ method = "shared";
+ }
+ else if (connection->ipConfig.connectionFlags & TDENetworkIPConfigurationFlags::IPV6Disabled) {
+ method = "ignore";
+ }
+ else {
+ method = "manual";
+ }
+ if (!method.isNull())
+ settingsMap["method"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromString(method));
+ }
+ {
+ settingsMap["ignore-auto-routes"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromBool(!(connection->ipConfig.connectionFlags & TDENetworkIPConfigurationFlags::IPV6DHCPRoutes)));
+ }
+ {
+ settingsMap["never-default"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromBool(!(connection->ipConfig.connectionFlags & TDENetworkIPConfigurationFlags::IPV6MayUseAsDefaultRoute)));
+ }
+ {
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList valueList;
+ TDENetworkSingleRouteConfigurationList::iterator it;
+ for (it = connection->ipConfig.routeConfigurations.begin(); it != connection->ipConfig.routeConfigurations.end(); ++it) {
+ if ((*it).isIPv6()) {
+ int i;
+ Q_IPV6ADDR v6address;
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList innerValueList;
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList innerMostValueList;
+ // WARNING: The exact order of the data in the list is critical, therefore extreme caution should be exercised when modifying the code below!
+ // Address
+ innerMostValueList.clear();
+ v6address = (*it).ipAddress.toIPv6Address();
+ for (i=0; i<16; i++) {
+ innerMostValueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromByte(v6address.c[i]));
+ }
+ innerValueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromTQValueList(innerMostValueList));
+ // Netmask
+ innerValueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromUInt32((*it).networkMask.toCIDRMask()));
+ // Gateway
+ innerMostValueList.clear();
+ v6address = (*it).gateway.toIPv6Address();
+ for (i=0; i<16; i++) {
+ innerMostValueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromByte(v6address.c[i]));
+ }
+ innerValueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromTQValueList(innerMostValueList));
+ // Metric
+ innerValueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromUInt32((*it).metric));
+ valueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromStruct(innerValueList));
+ }
+ }
+ if (valueList.count() <= 0) {
+ // Create an empty list with the correct DBUS type structure
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList innerValueList;
+ TQT_DBusDataValueList innerMostValueList;
+ // WARNING: The exact order of the data in the list is critical, therefore extreme caution should be exercised when modifying the code below!
+ // Address
+ innerMostValueList.clear();
+ innerMostValueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromByte(0));
+ innerValueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromTQValueList(innerMostValueList));
+ // Netmask
+ innerValueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromUInt32(0));
+ // Gateway
+ innerMostValueList.clear();
+ innerMostValueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromByte(0));
+ innerValueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromTQValueList(innerMostValueList));
+ // Metric
+ innerValueList.append(TQT_DBusData::fromUInt32(0));
+ settingsMap["routes"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromList(TQT_DBusDataList(TQT_DBusData::fromStruct(innerValueList))));
+ }
+ else {
+ settingsMap["routes"] = convertDBUSDataToVariantData(TQT_DBusData::fromTQValueList(valueList));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dbusData = TQT_DBusData::fromStringKeyMap(TQT_DBusDataMap<TQString>(settingsMap));
+ groupValid = (settingsMap.count() > 0);
+ }
+ if (groupValid) outerMap.insert("ipv6", dbusData, TRUE); else outerMap.remove("ipv6");
+ }
+ connectionSettingsMap = TQT_DBusDataMap<TQString>(outerMap);
+ // If existing==true, a connection already existed and simply needs to be updated
+ // If existing==false, a new connection must be created
+ // To update: Use 'DBus::ConnectionSettingsInterface' with the connection path 'existingConnection' and call 'virtual bool UpdateAsync(int& asyncCallId, const TQT_DBusDataMap<TQString>& properties, TQT_DBusError& error);'
+ // To create new: Use 'd->m_networkManagerSettings' and call 'virtual bool AddConnectionAsync(int& asyncCallId, const TQT_DBusDataMap<TQString>& connection, TQT_DBusError& error);'
+ printf("[network-manager comm debug] uploaded DBUS object structure map follows:\n"); fflush(stdout);
+ printDBUSObjectStructure(TQT_DBusData::fromStringKeyMap(connectionSettingsMap));
+ if (existing) {
+ printf("[network-manager comm debug] Updating existing connection\n"); fflush(stdout);
+ // Save connection settings to the path specified
+ DBus::ConnectionSettingsInterface connectionSettings(NM_DBUS_SERVICE, existingConnection);
+ connectionSettings.setConnection(TQT_DBusConnection::systemBus());
+ connect(&connectionSettings, SIGNAL(UpdateAsyncReply(int)), d, SLOT(processConnectionSettingsUpdateAsyncReply(int)));
+ int asyncCallID;
+ ret = connectionSettings.UpdateAsync(asyncCallID, connectionSettingsMap, error);
+ if (ret && error.isValid()) {
+ ret = 0;
+ PRINT_ERROR(( + ": " + error.message()))
+ }
+ if (ret) {
+ // Wait for the asynchronous call to return...
+ d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncCallWaiting[asyncCallID] = true;
+ TQTimer nmCallTimeoutTimer;
+ nmCallTimeoutTimer.start(NM_ASYNC_TIMEOUT_MS, TRUE);
+ while (d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncCallWaiting[asyncCallID]) {
+ tqApp->processEvents();
+ if (!nmCallTimeoutTimer.isActive()) {
+ PRINT_ERROR(TQString("DBUS asynchronous call timed out!"))
+ timed_out = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncCallWaiting.remove(asyncCallID);
+ return !timed_out;
+ }
+ else {
+ // Error!
+ PRINT_ERROR(( + ": " + error.message()))
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ printf("[network-manager comm debug] Creating new connection\n"); fflush(stdout);
+ // Create new connection
+ connect(d->m_networkManagerSettings, SIGNAL(AddConnectionAsyncReply(int, const TQT_DBusObjectPath&)), d, SLOT(processAddConnectionAsyncReply(int, const TQT_DBusObjectPath&)));
+ connect(d->m_networkManagerSettings, SIGNAL(AsyncErrorResponseDetected(int, const TQT_DBusError)), d, SLOT(processAddConnectionAsyncError(int, const TQT_DBusError)));
+ int asyncCallID;
+ ret = d->m_networkManagerSettings->AddConnectionAsync(asyncCallID, connectionSettingsMap, error);
+ if (ret && error.isValid()) {
+ ret = 0;
+ PRINT_ERROR(( + ": " + error.message()))
+ }
+ if (ret) {
+ // Wait for the asynchronous call to return...
+ d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncCallWaiting[asyncCallID] = true;
+ TQTimer nmCallTimeoutTimer;
+ nmCallTimeoutTimer.start(NM_ASYNC_TIMEOUT_MS, TRUE);
+ while (d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncCallWaiting[asyncCallID]) {
+ if (!nmCallTimeoutTimer.isActive()) {
+ PRINT_ERROR(TQString("DBUS asynchronous call timed out!"))
+ timed_out = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ tqApp->processEvents();
+ }
+ if (d->nmAddConnectionAsyncErrorResponse.contains(asyncCallID)) {
+ PRINT_ERROR((d->nmAddConnectionAsyncErrorResponse[asyncCallID].name() + ": " + d->nmAddConnectionAsyncErrorResponse[asyncCallID].message()));
+ d->nmAddConnectionAsyncErrorResponse.remove(asyncCallID);
+ }
+ if (!d->nmAddConnectionAsyncResponse[asyncCallID].data()) {
+ PRINT_ERROR(TQString("NetworkManager did not return a new connection object!"))
+ command_failed = true;
+ }
+ d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncCallWaiting.remove(asyncCallID);
+ if (d->nmAddConnectionAsyncResponse.contains(asyncCallID)) {
+ d->nmAddConnectionAsyncResponse.remove(asyncCallID);
+ }
+ return ((!timed_out) && (!command_failed));
+ }
+ else {
+ // Error!
+ PRINT_ERROR(( + ": " + error.message()))
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+bool TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM::deleteConnection(TQString uuid) {
+ TQT_DBusObjectPath existingConnection;
+ TQT_DBusError error;
+ bool timed_out = false;
+ bool ret;
+ if (d->m_networkManagerSettings) {
+ ret = d->m_networkManagerSettings->GetConnectionByUuid(uuid, existingConnection, error);
+ if (ret) {
+ // Obtain connection secrets from the path specified
+ DBus::ConnectionSettingsInterface connectionSettings(NM_DBUS_SERVICE, existingConnection);
+ connectionSettings.setConnection(TQT_DBusConnection::systemBus());
+ connect(&connectionSettings, SIGNAL(DeleteAsyncReply(int)), d, SLOT(processConnectionSettingsUpdateAsyncReply(int)));
+ int asyncCallID;
+ ret = connectionSettings.DeleteAsync(asyncCallID, error);
+ if (ret && error.isValid()) {
+ ret = 0;
+ PRINT_ERROR(( + ": " + error.message()))
+ }
+ if (ret) {
+ // Wait for the asynchronous call to return...
+ d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncCallWaiting[asyncCallID] = true;
+ TQTimer nmCallTimeoutTimer;
+ nmCallTimeoutTimer.start(NM_ASYNC_TIMEOUT_MS, TRUE);
+ while (d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncCallWaiting[asyncCallID]) {
+ tqApp->processEvents();
+ if (!nmCallTimeoutTimer.isActive()) {
+ PRINT_ERROR(TQString("DBUS asynchronous call timed out!"))
+ timed_out = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncCallWaiting.remove(asyncCallID);
+ return !timed_out;
+ }
+ else {
+ PRINT_ERROR(TQString("Unable to remove connection with uuid '%1'").arg(uuid))
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ PRINT_WARNING(TQString("connection for provided uuid '%1' was not found").arg(uuid));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ PRINT_ERROR(TQString("invalid internal network-manager settings proxy object"));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+bool TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM::verifyConnectionSettings(TDENetworkConnection* connection, TDENetworkConnectionErrorFlags::TDENetworkConnectionErrorFlags* type, TDENetworkErrorStringMap* reason) {
+ // FIXME
+ // This should actually attempt to validate all the settings!
+ if (!connection) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (connection->friendlyName == "") {
+ if (reason) (*reason)[TDENetworkConnectionErrorFlags::InvalidConnectionSetting] = i18n("Connection name is invalid");
+ if (type) *type |= TDENetworkConnectionErrorFlags::InvalidConnectionSetting;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (connection->ipConfig.valid) {
+ // Iterate over all addresses
+ TDENetworkSingleIPConfigurationList::iterator it;
+ for (it = connection->ipConfig.ipConfigurations.begin(); it != connection->ipConfig.ipConfigurations.end(); ++it) {
+ if ((*it).isIPv4()) {
+ if (!(connection->ipConfig.connectionFlags & TDENetworkIPConfigurationFlags::IPV4DHCPIP)) {
+ if (!TDENetworkConnectionManager::validateIPAddress((*it).ipAddress)) {
+ if (reason) (*reason)[TDENetworkConnectionErrorFlags::InvalidIPv4Setting] = i18n("IPv4 address is invalid");
+ if (type) *type |= TDENetworkConnectionErrorFlags::InvalidIPv4Setting;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((*it).isIPv6()) {
+ if (!(connection->ipConfig.connectionFlags & TDENetworkIPConfigurationFlags::IPV6DHCPIP)) {
+ if (!TDENetworkConnectionManager::validateIPAddress((*it).ipAddress)) {
+ if (reason) (*reason)[TDENetworkConnectionErrorFlags::InvalidIPv6Setting] = i18n("IPv6 address is invalid");
+ if (type) *type |= TDENetworkConnectionErrorFlags::InvalidIPv6Setting;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ TDEWiFiConnection* wiFiConnection = dynamic_cast<TDEWiFiConnection*>(connection);
+ if (wiFiConnection) {
+ if (wiFiConnection->SSID.count() < 1) {
+ if (reason) (*reason)[TDENetworkConnectionErrorFlags::InvalidWirelessSetting] = i18n("No SSID provided");
+ if (type) *type |= TDENetworkConnectionErrorFlags::InvalidWirelessSetting;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (wiFiConnection->securityRequired) {
+ if (wiFiConnection->securitySettings.secretsValid) {
+ if ((wiFiConnection->securitySettings.keyType == TDENetworkWiFiKeyType::WEP) || ((wiFiConnection->securitySettings.keyType == TDENetworkWiFiKeyType::DynamicWEP) && ((wiFiConnection->securitySettings.authType == TDENetworkWiFiAuthType::Open) || (wiFiConnection->securitySettings.authType == TDENetworkWiFiAuthType::Shared)))) {
+ if (wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKeyType == TDENetworkWepKeyType::Hexadecimal) {
+ if (wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKey0 != "") {
+ if ((wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKey0.length() != 10) && (wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKey0.length() != 26)) {
+ if (reason) (*reason)[TDENetworkConnectionErrorFlags::InvalidWirelessKey] = i18n("WEP key 0 has invalid length");
+ if (type) *type |= TDENetworkConnectionErrorFlags::InvalidWirelessKey;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKey1 != "") {
+ if ((wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKey1.length() != 10) && (wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKey1.length() != 26)) {
+ if (reason) (*reason)[TDENetworkConnectionErrorFlags::InvalidWirelessKey] = i18n("WEP key 1 has invalid length");
+ if (type) *type |= TDENetworkConnectionErrorFlags::InvalidWirelessKey;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKey2 != "") {
+ if ((wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKey2.length() != 10) && (wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKey2.length() != 26)) {
+ if (reason) (*reason)[TDENetworkConnectionErrorFlags::InvalidWirelessKey] = i18n("WEP key 2 has invalid length");
+ if (type) *type |= TDENetworkConnectionErrorFlags::InvalidWirelessKey;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKey3 != "") {
+ if ((wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKey3.length() != 10) && (wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKey3.length() != 26)) {
+ if (reason) (*reason)[TDENetworkConnectionErrorFlags::InvalidWirelessKey] = i18n("WEP key 3 has invalid length");
+ if (type) *type |= TDENetworkConnectionErrorFlags::InvalidWirelessKey;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKey0 == "") && (wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKey1 == "") && (wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKey2 == "") && (wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKey3 == "")) {
+ if (reason) (*reason)[TDENetworkConnectionErrorFlags::InvalidWirelessKey] = i18n("No WEP key(s) provided");
+ if (type) *type |= TDENetworkConnectionErrorFlags::InvalidWirelessKey;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKeyType == TDENetworkWepKeyType::Ascii) {
+ if (wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKey0 != "") {
+ if ((wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKey0.length() != 5) && (wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKey0.length() != 13)) {
+ if (reason) (*reason)[TDENetworkConnectionErrorFlags::InvalidWirelessKey] = i18n("WEP key 0 has invalid length");
+ if (type) *type |= TDENetworkConnectionErrorFlags::InvalidWirelessKey;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKey1 != "") {
+ if ((wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKey1.length() != 5) && (wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKey1.length() != 13)) {
+ if (reason) (*reason)[TDENetworkConnectionErrorFlags::InvalidWirelessKey] = i18n("WEP key 1 has invalid length");
+ if (type) *type |= TDENetworkConnectionErrorFlags::InvalidWirelessKey;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKey2 != "") {
+ if ((wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKey2.length() != 5) && (wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKey2.length() != 13)) {
+ if (reason) (*reason)[TDENetworkConnectionErrorFlags::InvalidWirelessKey] = i18n("WEP key 2 has invalid length");
+ if (type) *type |= TDENetworkConnectionErrorFlags::InvalidWirelessKey;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKey3 != "") {
+ if ((wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKey3.length() != 5) && (wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKey3.length() != 13)) {
+ if (reason) (*reason)[TDENetworkConnectionErrorFlags::InvalidWirelessKey] = i18n("WEP key 3 has invalid length");
+ if (type) *type |= TDENetworkConnectionErrorFlags::InvalidWirelessKey;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKey0 == "") && (wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKey1 == "") && (wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKey2 == "") && (wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKey3 == "")) {
+ if (reason) (*reason)[TDENetworkConnectionErrorFlags::InvalidWirelessKey] = i18n("No WEP key(s) provided");
+ if (type) *type |= TDENetworkConnectionErrorFlags::InvalidWirelessKey;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKeyType == TDENetworkWepKeyType::Ascii) {
+ if ((wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKey0 == "") && (wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKey1 == "") && (wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKey2 == "") && (wiFiConnection->securitySettings.wepKey3 == "")) {
+ if (reason) (*reason)[TDENetworkConnectionErrorFlags::InvalidWirelessKey] = i18n("No WEP key(s) provided");
+ if (type) *type |= TDENetworkConnectionErrorFlags::InvalidWirelessKey;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((wiFiConnection->securitySettings.keyType == TDENetworkWiFiKeyType::DynamicWEP) && (wiFiConnection->securitySettings.authType == TDENetworkWiFiAuthType::LEAP)) {
+ if ((wiFiConnection->securitySettings.leapUsername.length() < 1) || (wiFiConnection->securitySettings.leapPassword.length() < 1)) {
+ if (reason) (*reason)[TDENetworkConnectionErrorFlags::InvalidWirelessKey] = i18n("LEAP username and/or password not provided");
+ if (type) *type |= TDENetworkConnectionErrorFlags::InvalidWirelessKey;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((wiFiConnection->securitySettings.keyType == TDENetworkWiFiKeyType::WPAAdHoc) || (wiFiConnection->securitySettings.keyType == TDENetworkWiFiKeyType::WPAInfrastructure) || (wiFiConnection->securitySettings.keyType == TDENetworkWiFiKeyType::WPAEnterprise)) {
+ if (wiFiConnection->securitySettings.psk.length() == 64) {
+ // Verify that only hex characters are present in the string
+ bool ok;
+ wiFiConnection->securitySettings.psk.toULongLong(&ok, 16);
+ if (!ok) {
+ if (reason) (*reason)[TDENetworkConnectionErrorFlags::InvalidWirelessKey] = i18n("Hexadecimal length PSK contains non-hexadecimal characters");
+ if (type) *type |= TDENetworkConnectionErrorFlags::InvalidWirelessKey;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((wiFiConnection->securitySettings.psk.length() < 8) || (wiFiConnection->securitySettings.psk.length() > 63)) {
+ if (reason) (*reason)[TDENetworkConnectionErrorFlags::InvalidWirelessKey] = i18n("No PSK provided");
+ if (type) *type |= TDENetworkConnectionErrorFlags::InvalidWirelessKey;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+TDENetworkConnectionStatus::TDENetworkConnectionStatus TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM::initiateConnection(TQString uuid) {
+ TQT_DBusObjectPath existingConnection;
+ TQT_DBusError error;
+ bool ret;
+ if ((d->m_networkManagerSettings) && (d->m_networkManagerProxy)) {
+ ret = d->m_networkManagerSettings->GetConnectionByUuid(uuid, existingConnection, error);
+ if (ret) {
+ if (m_macAddress == "") {
+ d->m_dbusDeviceString = "/";
+ }
+ else {
+ d->m_dbusDeviceString = deviceInterfaceString(m_macAddress);
+ }
+ TQT_DBusObjectPath active_connection;
+ ret = d->m_networkManagerProxy->ActivateConnection(existingConnection, TQT_DBusObjectPath(d->m_dbusDeviceString.ascii()), TQT_DBusObjectPath("/"), active_connection, error);
+ if (ret && error.isValid()) {
+ ret = 0;
+ PRINT_ERROR(( + ": " + error.message()))
+ }
+ return checkConnectionStatus(uuid);
+ connect(d->m_networkManagerProxy, SIGNAL(ActivateConnectionAsyncReply(int, const TQT_DBusObjectPath&)), d, SLOT(processAddConnectionAsyncReply(int, const TQT_DBusObjectPath&)));
+ connect(d->m_networkManagerProxy, SIGNAL(AsyncErrorResponseDetected(int, const TQT_DBusError)), d, SLOT(processAddConnectionAsyncError(int, const TQT_DBusError)));
+ int asyncCallID;
+ ret = d->m_networkManagerProxy->ActivateConnectionAsync(asyncCallID, existingConnection, TQT_DBusObjectPath(d->m_dbusDeviceString.ascii()), TQT_DBusObjectPath("/"), error);
+ if (ret && error.isValid()) {
+ ret = 0;
+ PRINT_ERROR(( + ": " + error.message()))
+ }
+ if (ret) {
+ // Wait for the asynchronous call to return...
+ d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncCallWaiting[asyncCallID] = true;
+ TQTimer nmCallTimeoutTimer;
+ nmCallTimeoutTimer.start(NM_ASYNC_TIMEOUT_MS, TRUE);
+ while (d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncCallWaiting[asyncCallID]) {
+ if (!nmCallTimeoutTimer.isActive()) {
+ PRINT_ERROR(TQString("DBUS asynchronous call timed out!"))
+ break;
+ }
+ tqApp->processEvents();
+ }
+ d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncCallWaiting.remove(asyncCallID);
+ if (d->nmAddConnectionAsyncErrorResponse.contains(asyncCallID)) {
+ PRINT_ERROR((d->nmAddConnectionAsyncErrorResponse[asyncCallID].name() + ": " + d->nmAddConnectionAsyncErrorResponse[asyncCallID].message()));
+ d->nmAddConnectionAsyncErrorResponse.remove(asyncCallID);
+ }
+ if (!d->nmAddConnectionAsyncResponse[asyncCallID].data()) {
+ PRINT_ERROR(TQString("NetworkManager did not return a new connection object!"))
+ }
+ if (d->nmAddConnectionAsyncResponse.contains(asyncCallID)) {
+ d->nmAddConnectionAsyncResponse.remove(asyncCallID);
+ }
+ return checkConnectionStatus(uuid);
+ }
+ else {
+ // Error!
+ PRINT_ERROR(( + ": " + error.message()))
+ return checkConnectionStatus(uuid);
+ }
+ return checkConnectionStatus(uuid);
+ }
+ else {
+ PRINT_WARNING(TQString("connection for provided uuid '%1' was not found").arg(uuid));
+ return TDENetworkConnectionStatus::Invalid;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ PRINT_ERROR(TQString("invalid internal network-manager settings proxy object"));
+ return TDENetworkConnectionStatus::Invalid;
+ }
+TDENetworkConnectionStatus::TDENetworkConnectionStatus TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM::checkConnectionStatus(TQString uuid) {
+ TQT_DBusObjectPath existingConnection;
+ TQT_DBusError error;
+ if (d->m_networkManagerProxy) {
+ TQT_DBusObjectPathList activeConnections = d->m_networkManagerProxy->getActiveConnections(error);
+ TQT_DBusObjectPathList::iterator it;
+ for (it = activeConnections.begin(); it != activeConnections.end(); ++it) {
+ DBus::ActiveConnectionProxy activeConnection(NM_DBUS_SERVICE, (*it));
+ activeConnection.setConnection(TQT_DBusConnection::systemBus());
+ if (activeConnection.getUuid(error) == uuid) {
+ return nmDeviceStateToTDEDeviceState(activeConnection.getState(error));
+ }
+ }
+ PRINT_WARNING(TQString("active connection for provided uuid '%1' was not found").arg(uuid));
+ return TDENetworkConnectionStatus::Invalid;
+ }
+ else {
+ PRINT_ERROR(TQString("invalid internal network-manager settings proxy object"));
+ return TDENetworkConnectionStatus::Invalid;
+ }
+TQCString TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM::getActiveConnectionPath(TQString uuid) {
+ TQT_DBusObjectPath existingConnection;
+ TQT_DBusError error;
+ if (d->m_networkManagerProxy) {
+ TQT_DBusObjectPathList activeConnections = d->m_networkManagerProxy->getActiveConnections(error);
+ TQT_DBusObjectPathList::iterator it;
+ for (it = activeConnections.begin(); it != activeConnections.end(); ++it) {
+ DBus::ActiveConnectionProxy activeConnection(NM_DBUS_SERVICE, (*it));
+ activeConnection.setConnection(TQT_DBusConnection::systemBus());
+ if (activeConnection.getUuid(error) == uuid) {
+ return (*it);
+ }
+ }
+ PRINT_WARNING(TQString("active connection for provided uuid '%1' was not found").arg(uuid));
+ return TQT_DBusObjectPath();
+ }
+ else {
+ PRINT_ERROR(TQString("invalid internal network-manager settings proxy object"));
+ return TQT_DBusObjectPath();
+ }
+TQStringList TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM::connectionPhysicalDeviceUUIDs(TQString uuid) {
+ if (deviceType() == TDENetworkDeviceType::BackendOnly) {
+ return TQStringList();
+ }
+ TQT_DBusObjectPath existingConnection;
+ TQT_DBusError error;
+ if (d->m_networkManagerProxy) {
+ TQT_DBusObjectPathList activeConnections = d->m_networkManagerProxy->getActiveConnections(error);
+ TQT_DBusObjectPathList::iterator it;
+ TQStringList ret;
+ for (it = activeConnections.begin(); it != activeConnections.end(); ++it) {
+ DBus::ActiveConnectionProxy activeConnection(NM_DBUS_SERVICE, (*it));
+ activeConnection.setConnection(TQT_DBusConnection::systemBus());
+ if (activeConnection.getUuid(error) == uuid) {
+ TQValueList<TQT_DBusObjectPath> deviceList = activeConnection.getDevices(error);
+ TQT_DBusObjectPathList::iterator it2;
+ for (it2 = deviceList.begin(); it2 != deviceList.end(); ++it2) {
+ TQString macAddress = macAddressForGenericDevice(*it2);
+ TQString devUUID = tdeDeviceUUIDForMACAddress(macAddress);
+ if (devUUID != "") {
+ ret.append(devUUID);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ else {
+ PRINT_ERROR(TQString("invalid internal network-manager settings proxy object"));
+ return TQStringList();
+ }
+TDENetworkVPNTypeList TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM::availableVPNTypes() {
+ TDENetworkVPNTypeList ret;
+ // Query NetworkManager to verify plugin availability before claiming support for a VPN type
+ TQDir serviceDir(NM_PLUGIN_SERVICE_DIR, TQString(), TQDir::Name|TQDir::IgnoreCase, TQDir::Files);
+ TQStringList services = serviceDir.entryList ().grep (".name", true);
+ if (services.count () > 0) {
+ // read in all available Services
+ for (TQStringList::Iterator i = services.begin (); i != services.end (); ++i) {
+ TQString service = NM_PLUGIN_SERVICE_DIR + TQString ("/") + *i;
+ TDEConfig* tdeconfig = new TDEConfig (service, true, true, "config");
+ tdeconfig->setGroup ("VPN Connection");
+ TQString serviceName = tdeconfig->readEntry("name", TQString());
+ serviceName = serviceName.lower();
+ if (serviceName == "openvpn") {
+ ret.append(TDENetworkVPNType::OpenVPN);
+ }
+ if (serviceName == "pptp") {
+ ret.append(TDENetworkVPNType::PPTP);
+ }
+ if (serviceName == "strongswan") {
+ ret.append(TDENetworkVPNType::StrongSwan);
+ }
+ if (serviceName == "vpnc") {
+ ret.append(TDENetworkVPNType::VPNC);
+ }
+ delete tdeconfig;
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+TDENetworkConnectionStatus::TDENetworkConnectionStatus TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM::deactivateConnection(TQString uuid) {
+ TQT_DBusObjectPath existingConnection;
+ TQT_DBusError error;
+ bool ret;
+ if ((d->m_networkManagerSettings) && (d->m_networkManagerProxy)) {
+ existingConnection = getActiveConnectionPath(uuid);
+ if (existingConnection.isValid()) {
+ if (m_macAddress == "") {
+ d->m_dbusDeviceString = "/";
+ }
+ else {
+ d->m_dbusDeviceString = deviceInterfaceString(m_macAddress);
+ }
+ ret = d->m_networkManagerProxy->DeactivateConnection(existingConnection, error);
+ if (ret && error.isValid()) {
+ ret = 0;
+ PRINT_ERROR(( + ": " + error.message()))
+ }
+ return checkConnectionStatus(uuid);
+ connect(d->m_networkManagerProxy, SIGNAL(DeactivateConnectionAsyncReply(int)), d, SLOT(processConnectionSettingsUpdateAsyncReply(int)));
+ int asyncCallID;
+ ret = d->m_networkManagerProxy->DeactivateConnectionAsync(asyncCallID, existingConnection, error);
+ if (ret && error.isValid()) {
+ ret = 0;
+ PRINT_ERROR(( + ": " + error.message()))
+ }
+ if (ret) {
+ // Wait for the asynchronous call to return...
+ d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncCallWaiting[asyncCallID] = true;
+ TQTimer nmCallTimeoutTimer;
+ nmCallTimeoutTimer.start(NM_ASYNC_TIMEOUT_MS, TRUE);
+ while (d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncCallWaiting[asyncCallID]) {
+ if (!nmCallTimeoutTimer.isActive()) {
+ PRINT_ERROR(TQString("DBUS asynchronous call timed out!"))
+ break;
+ }
+ tqApp->processEvents();
+ }
+ d->nmConnectionSettingsAsyncCallWaiting.remove(asyncCallID);
+ return checkConnectionStatus(uuid);
+ }
+ else {
+ // Error!
+ PRINT_ERROR(( + ": " + error.message()))
+ return checkConnectionStatus(uuid);
+ }
+ return checkConnectionStatus(uuid);
+ }
+ else {
+ PRINT_WARNING(TQString("connection for provided uuid '%1' was not found").arg(uuid));
+ return TDENetworkConnectionStatus::Invalid;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ PRINT_ERROR(TQString("invalid internal network-manager settings proxy object"));
+ return TDENetworkConnectionStatus::Invalid;
+ }
+TQStringList TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM::validSettings() {
+ TQStringList ret;
+ ret.append("TDENetworkSingleIPConfiguration::ipAddress");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkSingleIPConfiguration::networkMask");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkSingleIPConfiguration::gateway");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkSingleRouteConfiguration::ipAddress");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkSingleRouteConfiguration::networkMask");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkSingleRouteConfiguration::gateway");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkIEEE8021xConfiguration::valid");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkIEEE8021xConfiguration::allowedValid");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkIEEE8021xConfiguration::secretsValid");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkIEEE8021xConfiguration::type");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkIEEE8021xConfiguration::userName");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkIEEE8021xConfiguration::anonymousUserName");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkIEEE8021xConfiguration::pacFileName");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkIEEE8021xConfiguration::caCertificate");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkIEEE8021xConfiguration::additionalCAFilesPath");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkIEEE8021xConfiguration::authServerCertSubjectMatch");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkIEEE8021xConfiguration::alternateAuthServerCertSubjectMatch");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkIEEE8021xConfiguration::clientCertificate");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkIEEE8021xConfiguration::forcePEAPVersion");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkIEEE8021xConfiguration::forcePEAPLabel");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkIEEE8021xConfiguration::fastProvisioningFlags");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkIEEE8021xConfiguration::phase2NonEAPAuthMethod");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkIEEE8021xConfiguration::phase2EAPAuthMethod");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkIEEE8021xConfiguration::allowedPhase2NonEAPMethods");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkIEEE8021xConfiguration::allowedPhase2EAPMethods");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkIEEE8021xConfiguration::phase2CaCertificate");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkIEEE8021xConfiguration::phase2CaFilesPath");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkIEEE8021xConfiguration::phase2AuthServerCertSubjectMatch");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkIEEE8021xConfiguration::phase2AlternateAuthServerCertSubjectMatch");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkIEEE8021xConfiguration::phase2ClientCertificate");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkIEEE8021xConfiguration::password");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkIEEE8021xConfiguration::passwordFlags");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkIEEE8021xConfiguration::binaryPassword");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkIEEE8021xConfiguration::binaryPasswordFlags");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkIEEE8021xConfiguration::privateKey");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkIEEE8021xConfiguration::privateKeyPassword");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkIEEE8021xConfiguration::privateKeyPasswordFlags");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkIEEE8021xConfiguration::phase2PrivateKey");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkIEEE8021xConfiguration::phase2PrivateKeyPassword");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkIEEE8021xConfiguration::phase2PrivateKeyPasswordFlags");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkIEEE8021xConfiguration::forceSystemCaCertificates");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkPPPConfiguration::valid");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkPPPConfiguration::requireServerAuthentication");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkPPPConfiguration::flags");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkPPPConfiguration::baudRate");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkPPPConfiguration::mru");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkPPPConfiguration::mtu");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkPPPConfiguration::lcpEchoPingInterval");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkPPPConfiguration::lcpEchoFailureThreshold");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkPPPOEConfiguration::valid");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkPPPOEConfiguration::secretsValid");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkPPPOEConfiguration::networkServiceProvider");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkPPPOEConfiguration::username");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkPPPOEConfiguration::password");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkPPPOEConfiguration::passwordFlags");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkSerialConfiguration::valid");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkSerialConfiguration::baudRate");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkSerialConfiguration::byteWidth");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkSerialConfiguration::parity");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkSerialConfiguration::stopBits");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkSerialConfiguration::txDelay");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkCDMAConfiguration::valid");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkCDMAConfiguration::secretsValid");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkCDMAConfiguration::providerDataNumber");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkCDMAConfiguration::username");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkCDMAConfiguration::password");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkCDMAConfiguration::passwordFlags");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkGSMConfiguration::valid");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkGSMConfiguration::secretsValid");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkGSMConfiguration::providerDataNumber");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkGSMConfiguration::username");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkGSMConfiguration::password");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkGSMConfiguration::passwordFlags");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkGSMConfiguration::accessPointName");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkGSMConfiguration::networkID");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkGSMConfiguration::networkType");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkGSMConfiguration::pin");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkGSMConfiguration::pinFlags");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkGSMConfiguration::allowedFrequencyBands");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkGSMConfiguration::allowRoaming");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkWiFiSecurityConfiguration::valid");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkWiFiSecurityConfiguration::secretsValid");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkWiFiSecurityConfiguration::keyType");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkWiFiSecurityConfiguration::authType");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkWiFiSecurityConfiguration::wpaVersion");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkWiFiSecurityConfiguration::cipher");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkWiFiSecurityConfiguration::wepKey0");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkWiFiSecurityConfiguration::wepKey1");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkWiFiSecurityConfiguration::wepKey2");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkWiFiSecurityConfiguration::wepKey3");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkWiFiSecurityConfiguration::wepKeyFlags");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkWiFiSecurityConfiguration::wepKeyIndex");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkWiFiSecurityConfiguration::wepKeyType");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkWiFiSecurityConfiguration::allowedPairWiseCiphers");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkWiFiSecurityConfiguration::allowedGroupWiseCiphers");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkWiFiSecurityConfiguration::psk");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkWiFiSecurityConfiguration::pskFlags");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkWiFiSecurityConfiguration::leapUsername");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkWiFiSecurityConfiguration::leapPassword");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkWiFiSecurityConfiguration::leapPasswordFlags");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkIPConfiguration::valid");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkIPConfiguration::connectionFlags");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkIPConfiguration::ipConfigurations");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkIPConfiguration::routeConfigurations");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkIPConfiguration::broadcast");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkIPConfiguration::destination");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkIPConfiguration::resolvers");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkIPConfiguration::searchDomains");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkIPConfiguration::dhcpClientIdentifier");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkConnection::UUID");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkConnection::friendlyName");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkConnection::ipConfig");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkConnection::lockedHWAddress");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkConnection::manualHWAddress");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkConnection::readOnly");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkConnection::autoConnect");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkConnection::fullDuplex");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkConnection::requireIPV4");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkConnection::requireIPV6");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkConnection::mtu");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkConnection::eapConfig");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkConnection::pppConfig");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkConnection::pppoeConfig");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkConnection::serialConfig");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkConnection::authorizedUsers");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkConnection::masterConnectionUUID");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkConnection::slaveType");
+ ret.append("TDENetworkConnection::lastKnownConnection");
+ ret.append("TDEWiFiConnection::SSID");
+ ret.append("TDEWiFiConnection::operatingMode");
+ ret.append("TDEWiFiConnection::bandRestriction");
+ ret.append("TDEWiFiConnection::channelRestriction");
+ ret.append("TDEWiFiConnection::bitRateRestriction");
+ ret.append("TDEWiFiConnection::powerRestriction");
+ ret.append("TDEWiFiConnection::accessPointRestriction");
+ ret.append("TDEWiFiConnection::blacklistedBSSIDs");
+ ret.append("TDEWiFiConnection::heardBSSIDs");
+ ret.append("TDEWiFiConnection::isHiddenNetwork");
+ ret.append("TDEWiFiConnection::securityRequired");
+ ret.append("TDEWiFiConnection::securitySettings");
+ ret.append("TDEWiredInfinibandConnection::transportMode");
+ ret.append("TDEVPNConnection::vpnPluginID");
+ ret.append("TDEVPNConnection::lockedUserName");
+ ret.append("TDEVPNConnection::pluginData");
+ ret.append("TDEVPNConnection::secretsValid");
+ ret.append("TDEVPNConnection::pluginSecrets");
+ ret.append("TDEWiMaxConnection::networkServiceProvider");
+ ret.append("TDEVLANConnection::kernelName");
+ ret.append("TDEVLANConnection::parentConnectionUUID");
+ ret.append("TDEVLANConnection::vlanID");
+ ret.append("TDEVLANConnection::vlanFlags");
+ ret.append("TDEVLANConnection::ingressPriorityMap");
+ ret.append("TDEVLANConnection::egressPriorityMap");
+ ret.append("TDEOLPCMeshConnection::SSID");
+ ret.append("TDEOLPCMeshConnection::channel");
+ ret.append("TDEOLPCMeshConnection::anycastDHCPHWAddress");
+ ret.append("TDEBluetoothConnection::type");
+ ret.append("TDEModemConnection::type");
+ ret.append("TDEModemConnection::cdmaConfig");
+ ret.append("TDEModemConnection::gsmConfig");
+ ret.append("TDEWiredInfinibandConnection::transportMode");
+ return ret;
+TDENetworkWiFiAPInfo* TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM::getAccessPointDetails(TQString dbusPath) {
+ if (dbusPath == "") {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ TDENetworkWiFiAPInfo* apInfo = new TDENetworkWiFiAPInfo;
+ TQT_DBusError error;
+ unsigned int index;
+ DBus::AccessPointProxy accessPoint(NM_DBUS_SERVICE, dbusPath);
+ accessPoint.setConnection(TQT_DBusConnection::systemBus());
+ TQValueList<TQ_UINT8> nmSSID = accessPoint.getSsid(error);
+ if (error.isValid()) {
+ delete apInfo;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ TQValueList<TQ_UINT8>::iterator it;
+ index = 0;
+ for (it = nmSSID.begin(); it != nmSSID.end(); ++it) {
+ apInfo->SSID.resize(index+1);
+ apInfo->SSID[index] = (*it);
+ index++;
+ }
+ apInfo->wpaFlags = nmAPSecFlagsToTDEAPSecFlags(accessPoint.getFlags(error), accessPoint.getWpaFlags(error));
+ apInfo->rsnFlags = nmAPSecFlagsToTDEAPSecFlags(accessPoint.getFlags(error), accessPoint.getRsnFlags(error));
+ apInfo->frequency = accessPoint.getFrequency(error);
+ apInfo->BSSID.fromString(accessPoint.getHwAddress(error));
+ apInfo->maxBitrate = accessPoint.getMaxBitrate(error);
+ apInfo->signalQuality = (accessPoint.getStrength(error)/100.0);
+ apInfo->valid = true;
+ return apInfo;
+TDENetworkHWNeighborList* TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM::siteSurvey() {
+ TQT_DBusError error;
+ bool ret;
+ TDENetworkDeviceType::TDENetworkDeviceType myDeviceType = deviceType();
+ d->m_dbusDeviceString = deviceInterfaceString(m_macAddress);
+ clearTDENetworkHWNeighborList();
+ if (myDeviceType == TDENetworkDeviceType::WiFi) {
+ DBus::WiFiDeviceProxy wiFiDevice(NM_DBUS_SERVICE, d->m_dbusDeviceString);
+ wiFiDevice.setConnection(TQT_DBusConnection::systemBus());
+ // FIXME
+ // Should call wiFiDevice.RequestScanAsync first to rescan all access points
+ TQT_DBusObjectPathList accessPoints;
+ ret = wiFiDevice.GetAccessPoints(accessPoints, error);
+ if (ret) {
+ TQT_DBusObjectPathList::iterator it;
+ for (it = accessPoints.begin(); it != accessPoints.end(); ++it) {
+ TDENetworkWiFiAPInfo* apInfo = getAccessPointDetails(TQString(*it));
+ if (apInfo) {
+ m_hwNeighborList->append(apInfo);
+ // Ensure that this AP is monitored for changes
+ d->internalProcessWiFiAccessPointAdded(*it);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return m_hwNeighborList;
+bool TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM::networkingEnabled() {
+ if (d->m_networkManagerProxy) {
+ bool ret;
+ TQT_DBusError error;
+ ret = d->m_networkManagerProxy->getNetworkingEnabled(error);
+ if (error.isValid()) {
+ // Error!
+ PRINT_ERROR(( + ": " + error.message()))
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ else {
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+bool TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM::wiFiHardwareEnabled() {
+ if (d->m_networkManagerProxy) {
+ bool ret;
+ TQT_DBusError error;
+ ret = d->m_networkManagerProxy->getWirelessHardwareEnabled(error);
+ if (error.isValid()) {
+ // Error!
+ PRINT_ERROR(( + ": " + error.message()))
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ else {
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+bool TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM::enableNetworking(bool enable) {
+ // FIXME
+ // Yes, this abuses the Sleep command
+ // Is there a better way to do it?
+ if (d->m_networkManagerProxy) {
+ int asynccallid;
+ TQT_DBusError error;
+ d->m_networkManagerProxy->SleepAsync(asynccallid, !enable, error);
+ if (error.isValid()) {
+ // Error!
+ PRINT_ERROR(( + ": " + error.message()))
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ else {
+ // FIXME
+ // Wait for async reply before returning...
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+bool TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM::enableWiFi(bool enable) {
+ if (d->m_networkManagerProxy) {
+ TQT_DBusError error;
+ d->m_networkManagerProxy->setWirelessEnabled(enable, error);
+ if (error.isValid()) {
+ // Error!
+ PRINT_ERROR(( + ": " + error.message()))
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ else {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+bool TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM::wiFiEnabled() {
+ if (d->m_networkManagerProxy) {
+ bool ret;
+ TQT_DBusError error;
+ ret = d->m_networkManagerProxy->getWirelessEnabled(error);
+ if (error.isValid()) {
+ // Error!
+ PRINT_ERROR(( + ": " + error.message()))
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ else {
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+TQStringList TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM::defaultNetworkDevices() {
+ // Cycle through all available connections and see which one is default, then find all devices for that connection...
+ TQStringList ret;
+ TQT_DBusObjectPath existingConnection;
+ TQT_DBusError error;
+ if (d->m_networkManagerProxy) {
+ TQT_DBusObjectPathList activeConnections = d->m_networkManagerProxy->getActiveConnections(error);
+ TQT_DBusObjectPathList::iterator it;
+ for (it = activeConnections.begin(); it != activeConnections.end(); ++it) {
+ DBus::ActiveConnectionProxy activeConnection(NM_DBUS_SERVICE, (*it));
+ activeConnection.setConnection(TQT_DBusConnection::systemBus());
+ if (activeConnection.getDefault(error)) {
+ // This is the default ipv4 connection
+ TQString uuid = activeConnection.getUuid(error);
+ TQStringList devices = connectionPhysicalDeviceUUIDs(uuid);
+ for (TQStringList::Iterator it2 = devices.begin(); it2 != devices.end(); ++it2) {
+ ret.append(*it);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (activeConnection.getDefault6(error)) {
+ // This is the default ipv6 connection
+ TQString uuid = activeConnection.getUuid(error);
+ TQStringList devices = connectionPhysicalDeviceUUIDs(uuid);
+ for (TQStringList::Iterator it2 = devices.begin(); it2 != devices.end(); ++it2) {
+ ret.append(*it);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ else {
+ PRINT_ERROR(TQString("invalid internal network-manager settings proxy object"));
+ return TQStringList();
+ }
+TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNMPrivate::TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNMPrivate(TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM* parent) : m_networkManagerProxy(NULL), m_networkManagerSettings(NULL), m_networkDeviceProxy(NULL), m_wiFiDeviceProxy(NULL), m_vpnProxy(NULL), nonReentrantCallActive(false), vpn_service_error_notified(false), device_autoconnect_error_notified(false), m_parent(parent), m_prevDeviceState(-1) {
+ // Set up global signal handler
+ m_dbusSignalConnection = new TQT_DBusConnection(TQT_DBusConnection::systemBus());
+ m_dbusSignalReceiver = new TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM_DBusSignalReceiver(this);
+ m_dbusSignalConnection->connect(m_dbusSignalReceiver, TQT_SLOT(dbusSignal(const TQT_DBusMessage&)));
+TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNMPrivate::~TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNMPrivate() {
+ // Destroy global signal handler
+ if (m_dbusSignalConnection) delete m_dbusSignalConnection;
+ if (m_dbusSignalReceiver) delete m_dbusSignalReceiver;
+ // Destroy proxy objects
+ TQMap<TQString, DBus::AccessPointProxy*>::iterator it;
+ for (it = m_accessPointProxyList.begin(); it != m_accessPointProxyList.end(); ++it) {
+ DBus::AccessPointProxy *apProxy =;
+ if (apProxy) {
+ delete apProxy;
+ }
+ }
+ m_accessPointProxyList.clear();
+#include "network-manager.moc"
+#include "network-manager_p.moc" \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/network-manager.h b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/network-manager.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a9042f1c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/network-manager.h
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+/* This file is part of the TDE libraries
+ Copyright (C) 2012 Timothy Pearson <>
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include "tdenetworkconnections.h"
+// General NetworkManager DBUS service paths
+#define NM_DBUS_PATH "/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager"
+#define NM_DBUS_PATH_SETTINGS "/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Settings"
+#define NM_DBUS_PATH_SETTINGS_CONNECTION "/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Settings/Connection"
+#define NM_VPN_DBUS_PLUGIN_PATH "/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/VPN/Plugin"
+#define NM_DBUS_SERVICE "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager"
+#define NM_DBUS_ACTIVE_CONNECTION_SERVICE "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Connection.Active"
+#define NM_DBUS_DEVICE_SERVICE "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Device"
+#define NM_DBUS_WIRED_DEVICE_SERVICE "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Device.Wired"
+#define NM_DBUS_WIRELESS_DEVICE_SERVICE "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Device.Wireless"
+#define NM_DBUS_SETTINGS_SERVICE "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Settings"
+#define NM_DBUS_SETTINGS_CONNECTION_SERVICE "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Settings.Connection"
+#define NM_VPN_DBUS_PLUGIN_SERVICE "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.VPN.Plugin"
+#define NM_VPN_DBUS_CONNECTION_SERVICE "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.VPN.Connection"
+// These defines MUST be kept in sync with their respective introspection XML files
+#define NM_DEVICE_TYPE_BT 5
+#define NM_STATE_ASLEEP 10
+#define NM_ACCESS_POINT_SEC_KEY_MGMT_802_1X 0x200
+#define NM_VLAN_USE_GVRP 0x02
+#define NM_GSM_3G_ALL -1
+#define NM_GSM_3G_ONLY 0
+#define NM_GSM_PREFER_3G 2
+#define NM_GSM_PREFER_2G 3
+#define NM_802_11_MODE_UNKNOWN 0
+#define NM_802_11_MODE_ADHOC 1
+#define NM_802_11_MODE_INFRASTRUCTURE 2
+#define NM_802_11_DEVICE_CAP_NONE 0x0
+#define NM_802_11_DEVICE_CAP_CIPHER_WEP40 0x1
+#define NM_802_11_DEVICE_CAP_CIPHER_WEP104 0x2
+#define NM_802_11_DEVICE_CAP_CIPHER_TKIP 0x4
+#define NM_802_11_DEVICE_CAP_CIPHER_CCMP 0x8
+#define NM_802_11_DEVICE_CAP_WPA 0x10
+#define NM_802_11_DEVICE_CAP_RSN 0x20
+#define NM_PLUGIN_SERVICE_DIR "/etc/NetworkManager/VPN"
+// Device state change reason codes
+// Taken from NetworkManager.h
+class TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNMPrivate;
+class TDECORE_EXPORT TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM : public TDENetworkConnectionManager
+ public:
+ TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM(TQString macAddress);
+ ~TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM();
+ virtual TQString backendName();
+ virtual TDENetworkDeviceType::TDENetworkDeviceType deviceType();
+ virtual TDENetworkGlobalManagerFlags::TDENetworkGlobalManagerFlags backendStatus();
+ virtual TDENetworkDeviceInformation deviceInformation();
+ virtual TDENetworkDeviceInformation deviceStatus();
+ virtual void loadConnectionInformation();
+ virtual void loadConnectionAllowedValues(TDENetworkConnection* connection);
+ virtual bool loadConnectionSecrets(TQString uuid);
+ virtual bool saveConnection(TDENetworkConnection* connection);
+ virtual bool deleteConnection(TQString uuid);
+ virtual bool verifyConnectionSettings(TDENetworkConnection* connection, TDENetworkConnectionErrorFlags::TDENetworkConnectionErrorFlags* type=NULL, TDENetworkErrorStringMap* reason=NULL);
+ virtual TDENetworkConnectionStatus::TDENetworkConnectionStatus initiateConnection(TQString uuid);
+ virtual TDENetworkConnectionStatus::TDENetworkConnectionStatus checkConnectionStatus(TQString uuid);
+ virtual TDENetworkConnectionStatus::TDENetworkConnectionStatus deactivateConnection(TQString uuid);
+ virtual TQStringList validSettings();
+ virtual TDENetworkHWNeighborList* siteSurvey();
+ virtual TQStringList connectionPhysicalDeviceUUIDs(TQString uuid);
+ virtual TDENetworkVPNTypeList availableVPNTypes();
+ virtual bool networkingEnabled();
+ virtual bool wiFiHardwareEnabled();
+ virtual bool enableNetworking(bool enable);
+ virtual bool enableWiFi(bool enable);
+ virtual bool wiFiEnabled();
+ virtual TQStringList defaultNetworkDevices();
+ private:
+ TDENetworkDeviceType::TDENetworkDeviceType nmDeviceTypeToTDEDeviceType(TQ_UINT32 nmType);
+ TQString deviceInterfaceString(TQString macAddress);
+ bool loadConnectionSecretsForGroup(TQString uuid, TQString group);
+ TDENetworkWiFiAPInfo* getAccessPointDetails(TQString dbusPath);
+ TDENetworkConnectionType::TDENetworkConnectionType connectionType(TQString dbusPath);
+ TQCString getActiveConnectionPath(TQString uuid);
+ private:
+ TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNMPrivate* d;
+ friend class TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNMPrivate;
+#endif // _TDENETWORKBACKEND_NETWORKMANAGER_H \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/network-manager_p.h b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/network-manager_p.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..925fd4389
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdecore/tdehw/networkbackends/network-manager/network-manager_p.h
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+/* This file is part of the TDE libraries
+ Copyright (C) 2012 Timothy Pearson <>
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+/* TQt headers */
+#include <tqvaluelist.h>
+#include <tqapplication.h>
+#include <tqtimer.h>
+#include <tquuid.h>
+/* TDE headers */
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <tdelocale.h>
+/* TQDbus headers */
+#include <tqdbusconnection.h>
+#include <tqdbusobjectpath.h>
+#include <tqdbusdata.h>
+#include <tqdbuserror.h>
+#include <tqdbusdatamap.h>
+#include <tqdbusvariant.h>
+#include <tqdbusdatalist.h>
+/* NM headers */
+//#include <NetworkManager.h>
+/* Proxy headers */
+#include "networkmanagerproxy.h"
+#include "networkmanagersettings.h"
+#include "connectionsettings.h"
+#include "deviceproxy.h"
+#include "ethernetproxy.h"
+#include "infinibandproxy.h"
+#include "wifiproxy.h"
+#include "wimaxproxy.h"
+#include "bluetoothproxy.h"
+#include "olpcmeshproxy.h"
+#include "activeconnectionproxy.h"
+#include "accesspointproxy.h"
+#include "vpnpluginproxy.h"
+typedef TQT_DBusDataMap<TQString> TQT_DBusTQStringDataMap;
+typedef TQValueList<TQT_DBusData> TQT_DBusDataValueList;
+typedef TQMap<uint, bool> NMAsyncCallIDMap;
+typedef TQMap<uint, TQT_DBusTQStringDataMap> NMAsyncSettingsResponseMap;
+typedef TQMap<uint, TQT_DBusObjectPath> NMAddConnectionAsyncResponseMap;
+typedef TQMap<uint, TQT_DBusError> NMAddConnectionAsyncErrorResponseMap;
+typedef TQValueList<TQT_DBusObjectPath> TQT_DBusObjectPathList;
+class TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM;
+class TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNMPrivate;
+class TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM_DBusSignalReceiver : public TQObject
+ public:
+ TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM_DBusSignalReceiver(TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNMPrivate*);
+ ~TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM_DBusSignalReceiver();
+ public slots:
+ void dbusSignal(const TQT_DBusMessage&);
+ private:
+ TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNMPrivate* m_parent;
+class TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNMPrivate : public TQObject
+ public:
+ TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNMPrivate(TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM*);
+ ~TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNMPrivate();
+ public:
+ DBus::NetworkManagerProxy* m_networkManagerProxy;
+ DBus::SettingsInterface* m_networkManagerSettings;
+ DBus::DeviceProxy* m_networkDeviceProxy;
+ DBus::WiFiDeviceProxy* m_wiFiDeviceProxy;
+ DBus::VPNPluginProxy* m_vpnProxy;
+ NMAsyncCallIDMap nmConnectionSettingsAsyncCallWaiting;
+ NMAsyncSettingsResponseMap nmConnectionSettingsAsyncSettingsResponse;
+ NMAddConnectionAsyncResponseMap nmAddConnectionAsyncResponse;
+ NMAddConnectionAsyncErrorResponseMap nmConnectionSettingsAsyncSettingsErrorResponse;
+ NMAddConnectionAsyncErrorResponseMap nmConnectionSettingsUpdateAsyncSettingsErrorResponse;
+ NMAddConnectionAsyncErrorResponseMap nmAddConnectionAsyncErrorResponse;
+ bool nonReentrantCallActive;
+ TQString m_dbusDeviceString;
+ bool vpn_service_error_notified;
+ bool device_autoconnect_error_notified;
+ public slots:
+ void processConnectionSettingsAsyncReply(int, const TQT_DBusDataMap<TQString>&);
+ void processConnectionSettingsUpdateAsyncReply(int);
+ void processAddConnectionAsyncReply(int, const TQT_DBusObjectPath&);
+ void processConnectionSettingsAsyncError(int, const TQT_DBusError);
+ void processConnectionSettingsUpdateAsyncError(int, const TQT_DBusError);
+ void processAddConnectionAsyncError(int, const TQT_DBusError);
+ void internalProcessGlobalStateChanged(TQ_UINT32 state);
+ void internalProcessVPNStateChanged(TQ_UINT32 state);
+ void internalProcessVPNLoginBanner(const TQString& banner);
+ void internalProcessVPNFailure(TQ_UINT32 reason);
+ void internalProcessDeviceStateChanged(TQ_UINT32 newState, TQ_UINT32 oldState, TQ_UINT32 reason);
+ void internalProcessWiFiAccessPointAdded(const TQT_DBusObjectPath&);
+ void internalProcessWiFiAccessPointRemoved(const TQT_DBusObjectPath&);
+ void internalProcessWiFiPropertiesChanged(const TQMap<TQString, TQT_DBusVariant>&);
+ void internalProcessAPPropertiesChanged(const TQMap<TQString, TQT_DBusVariant>&);
+ private:
+ TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM* m_parent;
+ TQMap<TQString, DBus::AccessPointProxy*> m_accessPointProxyList;
+ TQT_DBusConnection *m_dbusSignalConnection;
+ TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM_DBusSignalReceiver *m_dbusSignalReceiver;
+ TQ_UINT32 m_prevDeviceState;
+ friend class TDENetworkConnectionManager_BackendNM_DBusSignalReceiver;
+#endif // _TDENETWORKBACKEND_NETWORKMANAGER_P_H \ No newline at end of file