path: root/tdemarkdown/md4c/test/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tdemarkdown/md4c/test/')
1 files changed, 128 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tdemarkdown/md4c/test/ b/tdemarkdown/md4c/test/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..76cb9dfc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdemarkdown/md4c/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import re
+import argparse
+import sys
+import platform
+from cmark import CMark
+from timeit import default_timer as timer
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run cmark tests.')
+ parser.add_argument('-p', '--program', dest='program', nargs='?', default=None,
+ help='program to test')
+ parser.add_argument('--library-dir', dest='library_dir', nargs='?',
+ default=None, help='directory containing dynamic library')
+ args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
+cmark = CMark(prog=args.program, library_dir=args.library_dir)
+# list of pairs consisting of input and a regex that must match the output.
+pathological = {
+ # note - some pythons have limit of 65535 for {num-matches} in re.
+ "U+0000":
+ ("abc\u0000de\u0000",
+ re.compile("abc\ufffd?de\ufffd?")),
+ "U+FEFF (Unicode BOM)":
+ ("\ufefffoo",
+ re.compile("<p>foo</p>")),
+ "nested strong emph":
+ (("*a **a " * 65000) + "b" + (" a** a*" * 65000),
+ re.compile("(<em>a <strong>a ){65000}b( a</strong> a</em>){65000}")),
+ "many emph closers with no openers":
+ (("a_ " * 65000),
+ re.compile("(a[_] ){64999}a_")),
+ "many emph openers with no closers":
+ (("_a " * 65000),
+ re.compile("(_a ){64999}_a")),
+ "many 3-emph openers with no closers":
+ (("a***" * 65000),
+ re.compile("(a<em><strong>a</strong></em>){32500}")),
+ "many link closers with no openers":
+ (("a]" * 65000),
+ re.compile("(a\]){65000}")),
+ "many link openers with no closers":
+ (("[a" * 65000),
+ re.compile("(\[a){65000}")),
+ "mismatched openers and closers":
+ (("*a_ " * 50000),
+ re.compile("([*]a[_] ){49999}[*]a_")),
+ "openers and closers multiple of 3":
+ (("a**b" + ("c* " * 50000)),
+ re.compile("a[*][*]b(c[*] ){49999}c[*]")),
+ "link openers and emph closers":
+ (("[ a_" * 50000),
+ re.compile("(\[ a_){50000}")),
+ "hard link/emph case":
+ ("**x [a*b**c*](d)",
+ re.compile("\\*\\*x <a href=\"d\">a<em>b\\*\\*c</em></a>")),
+ "nested brackets":
+ (("[" * 50000) + "a" + ("]" * 50000),
+ re.compile("\[{50000}a\]{50000}")),
+ "nested block quotes":
+ ((("> " * 50000) + "a"),
+ re.compile("(<blockquote>\r?\n){50000}")),
+ "backticks":
+ ("".join(map(lambda x: ("e" + "`" * x), range(1,1000))),
+ re.compile("^<p>[e`]*</p>\r?\n$")),
+ "many links":
+ ("[t](/u) " * 50000,
+ re.compile("(<a href=\"/u\">t</a> ?){50000}")),
+ "many references":
+ ("".join(map(lambda x: ("[" + str(x) + "]: u\n"), range(1,20000 * 16))) + "[0] " * 20000,
+ re.compile("(\[0\] ){19999}")),
+ "deeply nested lists":
+ ("".join(map(lambda x: (" " * x + "* a\n"), range(0,1000))),
+ re.compile("<ul>\r?\n(<li>a<ul>\r?\n){999}<li>a</li>\r?\n</ul>\r?\n(</li>\r?\n</ul>\r?\n){999}")),
+ "many html openers and closers":
+ (("<>" * 50000),
+ re.compile("(&lt;&gt;){50000}")),
+ "many html proc. inst. openers":
+ (("x" + "<?" * 50000),
+ re.compile("x(&lt;\\?){50000}")),
+ "many html CDATA openers":
+ (("x" + "<![CDATA[" * 50000),
+ re.compile("x(&lt;!\\[CDATA\\[){50000}")),
+ "many backticks and escapes":
+ (("\\``" * 50000),
+ re.compile("(``){50000}")),
+ "many broken link titles":
+ (("[ (](" * 50000),
+ re.compile("(\[ \(\]\(){50000}")),
+ "broken thematic break":
+ (("* " * 50000 + "a"),
+ re.compile("<ul>\r?\n(<li><ul>\r?\n){49999}<li>a</li>\r?\n</ul>\r?\n(</li>\r?\n</ul>\r?\n){49999}")),
+ "nested invalid link references":
+ (("[" * 50000 + "]" * 50000 + "\n\n[a]: /b"),
+ re.compile("\[{50000}\]{50000}"))
+whitespace_re = re.compile('/s+/')
+passed = 0
+errored = 0
+failed = 0
+#print("Testing pathological cases:")
+for description in pathological:
+ (inp, regex) = pathological[description]
+ start = timer()
+ [rc, actual, err] = cmark.to_html(inp)
+ end = timer()
+ if rc != 0:
+ errored += 1
+ print('{:35} [ERRORED (return code %d)]'.format(description, rc))
+ print(err)
+ elif
+ print('{:35} [PASSED] {:.3f} secs'.format(description, end-start))
+ passed += 1
+ else:
+ print('{:35} [FAILED]'.format(description))
+ print(repr(actual))
+ failed += 1
+print("%d passed, %d failed, %d errored" % (passed, failed, errored))
+if (failed == 0 and errored == 0):
+ exit(0)
+ exit(1)