/* Copyright (c) 1997 Christian Esken (esken@kde.org) 2000 Charles Samuels (charles@kde.org) 2000 Stefan Schimanski (1Stein@gmx.de) 2000 Matthias Ettrich (ettrich@kde.org) 2000 Waldo Bastian 2000-2003 Carsten Pfeiffer This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ // C headers #include #include #include #include #ifndef WITHOUT_ARTS // aRts headers #include #include #include #include #include #endif // QT headers #include #include #include #include // KDE headers #include #include #ifndef WITHOUT_ARTS #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef WITHOUT_ARTS #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include "knotify.h" #include "knotify.moc" class KNotifyPrivate { public: KConfig* globalEvents; KConfig* globalConfig; TQMap events; TQMap configs; TQString externalPlayer; KProcess *externalPlayerProc; #ifndef WITHOUT_ARTS TQPtrList playObjects; TQMap playObjectEventMap; KAudioManagerPlay *audioManager; #endif int externalPlayerEventId; bool useExternal; bool useArts; int volume; TQTimer *playTimer; bool inStartup; TQString startupEvents; }; // Yes, it's ugly to put this here, but this facilitates the cautious startup // procedure. #ifndef WITHOUT_ARTS KArtsServer *soundServer = 0; #endif extern "C"{ KDE_EXPORT int kdemain(int argc, char **argv) { KAboutData aboutdata("knotify", I18N_NOOP("KNotify"), "3.0", I18N_NOOP("TDE Notification Server"), KAboutData::License_GPL, "(C) 1997-2003, KDE Developers"); aboutdata.addAuthor("Carsten Pfeiffer",I18N_NOOP("Current Maintainer"),"pfeiffer@kde.org"); aboutdata.addAuthor("Christian Esken",0,"esken@kde.org"); aboutdata.addAuthor("Stefan Westerfeld",I18N_NOOP("Sound support"),"stefan@space.twc.de"); aboutdata.addAuthor("Charles Samuels",I18N_NOOP("Previous Maintainer"),"charles@kde.org"); TDECmdLineArgs::init( argc, argv, &aboutdata ); KUniqueApplication::addCmdLineOptions(); // initialize application if ( !KUniqueApplication::start() ) { kdDebug() << "Running knotify found" << endl; return 0; } KUniqueApplication app; app.disableSessionManagement(); // KNotify is started on KDE startup and on demand (using // KNotifClient::startDaemon()) whenever a KNotify event occurs. Especially // KWin may fire many events (e.g. when a window pops up). When we have // problems with aRts or the installation, we might get an infinite loop // of knotify crashing, popping up the crashhandler window and twin firing // another event, starting knotify again... // We try to prevent this by tracking our startup and offer options to // abort this. #ifndef WITHOUT_ARTS KConfigGroup config( KGlobal::config(), "StartProgress" ); KConfig artsKCMConfig( "kcmartsrc" ); artsKCMConfig.setGroup( "Arts" ); bool useArts = artsKCMConfig.readBoolEntry( "StartServer", true ); if (useArts) useArts = config.readBoolEntry( "Use Arts", useArts ); bool ok = config.readBoolEntry( "Arts Init", true ); if ( useArts && !ok ) { if ( KMessageBox::questionYesNo( 0L, i18n("During the previous startup, KNotify crashed while creating " "Arts::Dispatcher. Do you want to try again or disable " "aRts sound output?\n\n" "If you choose to disable aRts output now, you can re-enable " "it later or select an alternate sound player " "in the System Notifications control panel."), i18n("KNotify Problem"), i18n("&Try Again"), i18n("D&isable aRts Output"), "KNotifyStartProgress", 0 /* don't call KNotify :) */ ) == KMessageBox::No ) { useArts = false; } } // when ArtsDispatcher crashes, we know it the next start. config.writeEntry( "Arts Init", false ); config.writeEntry( "Use Arts", useArts ); config.sync(); KArtsDispatcher *dispatcher = 0; if ( useArts ) { dispatcher = new KArtsDispatcher; soundServer = new KArtsServer; } // ok, seemed to work. config.writeEntry("Arts Init", useArts ); config.sync(); ok = config.readBoolEntry( "KNotify Init", true ); if ( useArts && !ok ) { if ( KMessageBox::questionYesNo( 0L, i18n("During the previous startup, KNotify crashed while instantiating " "KNotify. Do you want to try again or disable " "aRts sound output?\n\n" "If you choose to disable aRts output now, you can re-enable " "it later or select an alternate sound player " "in the System Notifications control panel."), i18n("KNotify Problem"), i18n("&Try Again"), i18n("D&isable aRts Output"), "KNotifyStartProgress", 0 /* don't call KNotify :) */ ) == KMessageBox::No ) { useArts = false; delete soundServer; soundServer = 0L; delete dispatcher; dispatcher = 0L; } } // when KNotify instantiation crashes, we know it the next start. config.writeEntry( "KNotify Init", false ); config.writeEntry( "Use Arts", useArts ); config.sync(); // start notify service KNotify *notify = new KNotify( useArts ); config.writeEntry( "KNotify Init", true ); config.sync(); #else // start notify service, without aRts KNotify *notify = new KNotify( false ); #endif app.dcopClient()->setDefaultObject( "Notify" ); app.dcopClient()->setDaemonMode( true ); // kdDebug() << "knotify starting" << endl; int ret = app.exec(); delete notify; #ifndef WITHOUT_ARTS delete soundServer; delete dispatcher; #endif return ret; } }// end extern "C" KNotify::KNotify( bool useArts ) : TQObject(), DCOPObject("Notify") { d = new KNotifyPrivate; d->globalEvents = new KConfig("knotify/eventsrc", true, false, "data"); d->globalConfig = new KConfig("knotify.eventsrc", true, false); d->externalPlayerProc = 0; d->useArts = useArts; d->inStartup = true; #ifndef WITHOUT_ARTS d->playObjects.setAutoDelete(true); d->audioManager = 0; if( useArts ) { connect( soundServer, TQT_SIGNAL( restartedServer() ), this, TQT_SLOT( restartedArtsd() ) ); restartedArtsd(); //started allready need to initialize d->audioManager } #endif d->volume = 100; d->playTimer = 0; loadConfig(); } KNotify::~KNotify() { reconfigure(); #ifndef WITHOUT_ARTS d->playObjects.clear(); delete d->globalEvents; delete d->globalConfig; delete d->externalPlayerProc; delete d->audioManager; #endif delete d; } void KNotify::loadConfig() { // load external player settings KConfig *kc = KGlobal::config(); kc->setGroup("Misc"); d->useExternal = kc->readBoolEntry( "Use external player", false ); d->externalPlayer = kc->readPathEntry("External player"); // try to locate a suitable player if none is configured if ( d->externalPlayer.isEmpty() ) { TQStringList players; players << "wavplay" << "aplay" << "auplay"; TQStringList::Iterator it = players.begin(); while ( d->externalPlayer.isEmpty() && it != players.end() ) { d->externalPlayer = KStandardDirs::findExe( *it ); ++it; } } // load default volume d->volume = kc->readNumEntry( "Volume", 100 ); } void KNotify::reconfigure() { kapp->config()->reparseConfiguration(); loadConfig(); // clear loaded config files d->globalConfig->reparseConfiguration(); for ( TQMapIterator it = d->configs.begin(); it != d->configs.end(); ++it ) delete it.data(); d->configs.clear(); } void KNotify::notify(const TQString &event, const TQString &fromApp, const TQString &text, TQString sound, TQString file, int present, int level) { notify( event, fromApp, text, sound, file, present, level, 0, 1 ); } void KNotify::notify(const TQString &event, const TQString &fromApp, const TQString &text, TQString sound, TQString file, int present, int level, int winId) { notify( event, fromApp, text, sound, file, present, level, winId, 1 ); } void KNotify::notify(const TQString &event, const TQString &fromApp, const TQString &text, TQString sound, TQString file, int present, int level, int winId, int eventId ) { // kdDebug() << "event=" << event << " fromApp=" << fromApp << " text=" << text << " sound=" << sound << // " file=" << file << " present=" << present << " level=" << level << " winId=" << winId << " eventId=" << eventId << endl; if( d->inStartup ) { d->startupEvents += "(" + event + ":" + fromApp + ")"; } TQString commandline; KConfig *eventsFile = NULL; KConfig *configFile = NULL; // check for valid events if ( !event.isEmpty() ) { // get config file if ( d->events.contains( fromApp ) ) { eventsFile = d->events[fromApp]; } else { eventsFile=new KConfig(locate("data", fromApp+"/eventsrc"),true,false); d->events.insert( fromApp, eventsFile ); } if ( d->configs.contains( fromApp) ) { configFile = d->configs[fromApp]; } else { configFile=new KConfig(fromApp+".eventsrc",true,false); d->configs.insert( fromApp, configFile ); } if ( !eventsFile->hasGroup( event ) && isGlobal(event) ) { eventsFile = d->globalEvents; configFile = d->globalConfig; } eventsFile->setGroup( event ); configFile->setGroup( event ); // get event presentation if ( present==-1 ) present = configFile->readNumEntry( "presentation", -1 ); if ( present==-1 ) present = eventsFile->readNumEntry( "default_presentation", 0 ); // get sound file name if( present & KNotifyClient::Sound ) { TQString theSound = configFile->readPathEntry( "soundfile" ); if ( theSound.isEmpty() ) theSound = eventsFile->readPathEntry( "default_sound" ); if ( !theSound.isEmpty() ) sound = theSound; } // get log file name if( present & KNotifyClient::Logfile ) { TQString theFile = configFile->readPathEntry( "logfile" ); if ( theFile.isEmpty() ) theFile = eventsFile->readPathEntry( "default_logfile" ); if ( !theFile.isEmpty() ) file = theFile; } // get default event level if( present & KNotifyClient::Messagebox ) level = eventsFile->readNumEntry( "level", 0 ); // get command line if (present & KNotifyClient::Execute ) { commandline = configFile->readPathEntry( "commandline" ); if ( commandline.isEmpty() ) commandline = eventsFile->readPathEntry( "default_commandline" ); } } // emit event if ( present & KNotifyClient::Sound ) // && TQFile(sound).isReadable() notifyBySound( sound, fromApp, eventId ); if ( present & KNotifyClient::Execute ) notifyByExecute( commandline, event, fromApp, text, winId, eventId ); if ( present & KNotifyClient::Logfile ) // && TQFile(file).isWritable() notifyByLogfile( text, file ); if ( present & KNotifyClient::Stderr ) notifyByStderr( text ); if ( present & KNotifyClient::Taskbar ) notifyByTaskbar( checkWinId( fromApp, winId )); if ( present & KNotifyClient::PassivePopup ) notifyByPassivePopup( text, fromApp, eventsFile, checkWinId( fromApp, winId )); else if ( present & KNotifyClient::Messagebox ) notifyByMessagebox( text, level, checkWinId( fromApp, winId )); TQByteArray qbd; TQDataStream ds(qbd, IO_WriteOnly); ds << event << fromApp << text << sound << file << present << level << winId << eventId; emitDCOPSignal("notifySignal(TQString,TQString,TQString,TQString,TQString,int,int,int,int)", qbd); } bool KNotify::notifyBySound( const TQString &sound, const TQString &appname, int eventId ) { if (sound.isEmpty()) { soundFinished( eventId, NoSoundFile ); return false; } bool external = d->useExternal && !d->externalPlayer.isEmpty(); // get file name TQString soundFile(sound); if ( TQFileInfo(sound).isRelative() ) { TQString search = TQString("%1/sounds/%2").arg(appname).arg(sound); soundFile = KGlobal::instance()->dirs()->findResource("data", search); if ( soundFile.isEmpty() ) soundFile = locate( "sound", sound ); } if ( soundFile.isEmpty() || isPlaying( soundFile ) ) { soundFinished( eventId, soundFile.isEmpty() ? NoSoundFile : FileAlreadyPlaying ); return false; } // kdDebug() << "KNotify::notifyBySound - trying to play file " << soundFile << endl; if (!external) { //If we disabled using aRts, just return, //(If we don't, we'll blow up accessing the null soundServer) if (!d->useArts) { soundFinished( eventId, NoSoundSupport ); return false; } #ifndef WITHOUT_ARTS // play sound finally while( d->playObjects.count()>5 ) abortFirstPlayObject(); KDE::PlayObjectFactory factory(soundServer->server()); if( d->audioManager ) factory.setAudioManagerPlay( d->audioManager ); KURL soundURL; soundURL.setPath(soundFile); KDE::PlayObject *playObject = factory.createPlayObject(soundURL, false); if (playObject->isNull()) { soundFinished( eventId, NoSoundSupport ); delete playObject; return false; } if ( d->volume != 100 ) { // It works to access the playObject immediately because we don't allow // non-file URLs for sounds. Arts::StereoVolumeControl volumeControl = Arts::DynamicCast(soundServer->server().createObject("Arts::StereoVolumeControl")); Arts::PlayObject player = playObject->object(); Arts::Synth_AMAN_PLAY ap = d->audioManager->amanPlay(); if( ! volumeControl.isNull() && ! player.isNull() && ! ap.isNull() ) { volumeControl.scaleFactor( d->volume/100.0 ); ap.stop(); Arts::disconnect( player, "left", ap, "left" ); Arts::disconnect( player, "right", ap, "right" ); ap.start(); volumeControl.start(); Arts::connect(player,"left",volumeControl,"inleft"); Arts::connect(player,"right",volumeControl,"inright"); Arts::connect(volumeControl,"outleft",ap,"left"); Arts::connect(volumeControl,"outright",ap,"right"); player._addChild( volumeControl, "volume" ); } } playObject->play(); d->playObjects.append( playObject ); d->playObjectEventMap.insert( playObject, eventId ); if ( !d->playTimer ) { d->playTimer = new TQTimer( this ); connect( d->playTimer, TQT_SIGNAL( timeout() ), TQT_SLOT( playTimeout() ) ); } if ( !d->playTimer->isActive() ) d->playTimer->start( 1000 ); #endif return true; } else if(!d->externalPlayer.isEmpty()) { // use an external player to play the sound KProcess *proc = d->externalPlayerProc; if (!proc) { proc = d->externalPlayerProc = new KProcess; connect( proc, TQT_SIGNAL( processExited( KProcess * )), TQT_SLOT( slotPlayerProcessExited( KProcess * ))); } if (proc->isRunning()) { soundFinished( eventId, PlayerBusy ); return false; // Skip } proc->clearArguments(); (*proc) << d->externalPlayer << TQFile::encodeName( soundFile ).data(); d->externalPlayerEventId = eventId; proc->start(KProcess::NotifyOnExit); return true; } soundFinished( eventId, Unknown ); return false; } bool KNotify::notifyByMessagebox(const TQString &text, int level, WId winId) { // ignore empty messages if ( text.isEmpty() ) return false; // display message box for specified event level switch( level ) { default: case KNotifyClient::Notification: KMessageBox::informationWId( winId, text, i18n("Notification"), 0, false ); break; case KNotifyClient::Warning: KMessageBox::sorryWId( winId, text, i18n("Warning"), false ); break; case KNotifyClient::Error: KMessageBox::errorWId( winId, text, i18n("Error"), false ); break; case KNotifyClient::Catastrophe: KMessageBox::errorWId( winId, text, i18n("Catastrophe!"), false ); break; } return true; } bool KNotify::notifyByPassivePopup( const TQString &text, const TQString &appName, KConfig* eventsFile, WId senderWinId ) { KIconLoader iconLoader( appName ); if ( eventsFile != NULL ) { KConfigGroup config( eventsFile, "!Global!" ); TQString iconName = config.readEntry( "IconName", appName ); TQPixmap icon = iconLoader.loadIcon( iconName, KIcon::Small ); TQString title = config.readEntry( "Comment", appName ); KPassivePopup::message(title, text, icon, senderWinId); } else kdError() << "No events for app " << appName << "defined!" < subst; subst.insert( 'e', event ); subst.insert( 'a', fromApp ); subst.insert( 's', text ); subst.insert( 'w', TQString::number( winId )); subst.insert( 'i', TQString::number( eventId )); TQString execLine = KMacroExpander::expandMacrosShellQuote( command, subst ); if ( execLine.isEmpty() ) execLine = command; // fallback KProcess p; p.setUseShell(true); p << execLine; p.start(KProcess::DontCare); return true; } return false; } bool KNotify::notifyByLogfile(const TQString &text, const TQString &file) { // ignore empty messages if ( text.isEmpty() ) return true; // open file in append mode TQFile logFile(file); if ( !logFile.open(IO_WriteOnly | IO_Append) ) return false; // append msg TQTextStream strm( &logFile ); strm << "- KNotify " << TQDateTime::currentDateTime().toString() << ": "; strm << text << endl; // close file logFile.close(); return true; } bool KNotify::notifyByStderr(const TQString &text) { // ignore empty messages if ( text.isEmpty() ) return true; // open stderr for output TQTextStream strm( stderr, IO_WriteOnly ); // output msg strm << "KNotify " << TQDateTime::currentDateTime().toString() << ": "; strm << text << endl; return true; } bool KNotify::notifyByTaskbar( WId win ) { if( win == 0 ) return false; KWin::demandAttention( win ); return true; } bool KNotify::isGlobal(const TQString &eventname) { return d->globalEvents->hasGroup( eventname ); } void KNotify::setVolume( int volume ) { if ( volume<0 ) volume=0; if ( volume>=100 ) volume=100; d->volume = volume; } void KNotify::playTimeout() { #ifndef WITHOUT_ARTS for ( TQPtrListIterator< KDE::PlayObject > it(d->playObjects); *it;) { TQPtrListIterator< KDE::PlayObject > current = it; ++it; if ( (*current)->state() != Arts::posPlaying ) { TQMap::Iterator eit = d->playObjectEventMap.find( *current ); if ( eit != d->playObjectEventMap.end() ) { soundFinished( *eit, PlayedOK ); d->playObjectEventMap.remove( eit ); } d->playObjects.remove( current ); } } if ( !d->playObjects.count() ) d->playTimer->stop(); #endif } bool KNotify::isPlaying( const TQString& soundFile ) const { #ifndef WITHOUT_ARTS for ( TQPtrListIterator< KDE::PlayObject > it(d->playObjects); *it; ++it) { if ( (*it)->mediaName() == soundFile ) return true; } #endif return false; } void KNotify::slotPlayerProcessExited( KProcess *proc ) { soundFinished( d->externalPlayerEventId, (proc->normalExit() && proc->exitStatus() == 0) ? PlayedOK : Unknown ); } void KNotify::abortFirstPlayObject() { #ifndef WITHOUT_ARTS TQMap::Iterator it = d->playObjectEventMap.find( d->playObjects.getFirst() ); if ( it != d->playObjectEventMap.end() ) { soundFinished( it.data(), Aborted ); d->playObjectEventMap.remove( it ); } d->playObjects.removeFirst(); #endif } void KNotify::soundFinished( int eventId, PlayingFinishedStatus reason ) { TQByteArray data; TQDataStream stream( data, IO_WriteOnly ); stream << eventId << (int) reason; DCOPClient::mainClient()->emitDCOPSignal( "KNotify", "playingFinished(int,int)", data ); } WId KNotify::checkWinId( const TQString &appName, WId senderWinId ) { if ( senderWinId == 0 ) { TQCString senderId = kapp->dcopClient()->senderId(); TQCString compare = (appName + "-mainwindow").latin1(); int len = compare.length(); // kdDebug() << "notifyByPassivePopup: appName=" << appName << " sender=" << senderId << endl; QCStringList objs = kapp->dcopClient()->remoteObjects( senderId ); for (QCStringList::ConstIterator it = objs.begin(); it != objs.end(); ++it ) { TQCString obj( *it ); if ( obj.left(len) == compare) { // kdDebug( ) << "found " << obj << endl; TQCString replyType; TQByteArray data, replyData; if ( kapp->dcopClient()->call(senderId, obj, "getWinID()", data, replyType, replyData) ) { TQDataStream answer(replyData, IO_ReadOnly); if (replyType == "int") { answer >> senderWinId; // kdDebug() << "SUCCESS, found getWinID(): type='" << TQString(replyType) // << "' senderWinId=" << senderWinId << endl; } } } } } return senderWinId; } void KNotify::restartedArtsd() { #ifndef WITHOUT_ARTS delete d->audioManager; d->audioManager = new KAudioManagerPlay( soundServer ); d->audioManager->setTitle( i18n( "Trinity System Notifications" ) ); d->audioManager->setAutoRestoreID( "KNotify Aman Play" ); #endif } void KNotify::sessionReady() { if( d->inStartup && !d->startupEvents.isEmpty()) kdDebug() << "There were knotify events while startup:" << d->startupEvents << endl; d->inStartup = false; } // vim: sw=4 sts=4 ts=8 et