/** @mainpage DNSSD <p>DNSSD is a library for handling the DNS-based Service Discovery Protocol (DNS-SD), the layer of <a href="http://www.zeroconf.org">Zeroconf</a> that allows network services, such as printers, to be discovered without any user intervention or centralized infrastructure.</p> Apple's implementation of Zeroconf is <a href="http://www.apple.com/macosx/technology/bonjour.html">Bonjour</a>. Apple's developer documentation provides lots of information about Bonjour in its <a href="http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/NetServices/Articles/about.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40002458-SW1">Bonjour overview</a>. If you are writing an application that wants to discover services on the network, use DNSSD::ServiceBrowser. You can also find available service types using ServiceTypeBrowser. If you want to announce the availability of a service provided by your application, use DNSSD::PublicService. DNSSD::DomainBrowser allows you to find domains (other than the local one) recommended for browsing or publishing to. Note that DNSSD::ServiceBrowser::isAvailable() provides information about the availability of the services provided by this library generally, not just for browsing services. @authors Jakub Stachowski @maintainers Jakub Stachowski @licenses @lgpl */ // Trinity5: get rid of tdeui reference when settings.kcfgc is changed // DOXYGEN_REFERENCES = tdecore tdeui // DOXYGEN_SET_PROJECT_NAME = DNSSD // DOXYGEN_SET_EXCLUDE_PATTERNS += */dnssd/avahi* */dnssd/mdnsd*