/* -*- C++ -*- This file declares the basic personal information management class used in the KDE addressbook. the KDE addressbook $ Author: Mirko Boehm $ $ Copyright: (C) 1996-2001, Mirko Boehm $ $ Contact: mirko@kde.org http://www.kde.org $ $ License: GPL with the following explicit clarification: This code may be linked against any version of the Qt toolkit from Troll Tech, Norway. $ $Id$ */ #ifndef ADDRESSBOOK_H #define ADDRESSBOOK_H class KeyValueMap; class QConfigDB; class Section; class StringKabKeyMap; /* The type of the mirror map. */ class TQStringList; /* Used to implement field lookup accoording to keys. */ class KeyNameMap; #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /** * The class KabKey is used to select entries out of the database file. * In future, keys might become more complex. */ class KabKey { public: /** * The comparison operator */ bool operator==(const KabKey&) const; /** * Get the key as a QCString */ TQCString getKey() const; /** * Set this key */ void setKey(const TQCString&); protected: /** * The key of the in this database */ TQCString key; class KabKeyPrivate; KabKeyPrivate *d; }; class CategoriesMap : public TQMap { }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // this will be incremented when kab's file format changes significantly: #if defined KAB_FILE_FORMAT #undef KAB_FILE_FORMAT #endif /* 0: all formats before the email list was implemented 1: format enhanced for unlimited number of email addresses 2: format enhanced by more address fields 10: format of kab 2 11: added categories */ #define KAB_FILE_FORMAT 11 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // this defines will contain the program version used for different purposes: #ifdef KAB_VERSION #undef KAB_VERSION #endif #ifdef KAB_MINOR #undef KAB_MINOR #endif #ifdef KAB_PATCH #undef KAB_PATCH #endif #ifdef KAB_STATE #undef KAB_STATE #endif #define KAB_VERSION 2 #define KAB_MINOR 2 #define KAB_PATCH 0 #define KAB_STATE "final" // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** The class AddressBook implements the base class for the KDE addressbook. * \par Overview * It * is used by the KabAPI to make the interface to kab files available to * application programmers.
* Unlike in the first kab version, the configuration file and the data file are * different objects of QConfigDB. This way, the data file is no more limited * to the one in the users KDE directory, multiple files may be used. Different * instances of the program may use different data files. Read-only addressbook * files are possible.
* Only one configuration file per user is used, it is
* ~/.kde/share/apps/kab/kab.config
* A standard user file will automatically be created as
* ~/.kde/share/apps/kab/addressbook.kab
* File changes are watched by the program, so every instance will automatically * update its database on a change of the opened file. * * \par The KDE addressbook database system * kab manages entries in address databases based on a key system where the * program assigns keys to added entries. These keys are not reused in one file, * so API users can rely on a key to be unique and identifying until the entry * is deleted by the user (this is a change to kab 1 that reused freed entry * keys). Of course, in different files a key might be used twice.
* The keys are objects of the type KabKey and define the section in the * addressbook database where the entry is stored (see QConfigDB * reference). Keys invalidate on file changes, so keep track of the * signal ::changed.
* kab watches file changes. If the opened file changes on disk, it is * automatically reloaded and ::changed() is emitted. * * \par The users standard personal information database * kab assumes that it is able to read and write the users standard database. * This way, the kab application itselfes and applications using the KabAPI can * rely on the possibility to add entries to this database (from a browser, for * example). Usually, this file is opened automatically by the constructor. * If - for what reason ever - the file cannot be either created or read, kab * will still start up, but no database operation will work until the user * opened a file. In this case, the method ::getState will return * ::PermDenied. In general it is a good idea to check the return value of the * ::getState method before using KabAPI operations. * * \par The mirror map * The entries are stored in the QConfigDB object ::data which represents the * currently opened file. In every file there is a section with the name * entries that contains a subsection for every entry. The name of * the subsection is the key of the entry.
* When retrieving the sections, they are ordered alphabetically by their keys. * This is not what users expect, since the keys show the insertion order of * the entries, not more and not less. Additionally the displaying order should * be configurable.
* That is why kab uses a STL map to map its entry keys to user * (at least programmer...) defined descriptors. Usually, the descriptors are * created as a combination of the entry data, and then displayed in aphabetical * order in the selector combobox. This map is called the mirror map throughout * the documentation. It is created or updated every time the database changes. * Thus the way to find a special entry is:
  1. the user selects an item in the selector combo box, returning its * index,
  2. *
  3. the index is used to find the key of the entry in the mirror map,
  4. *
  5. and finally the entry is retrieved by its key from the database.
  6. *
* To modify the sorting order, the way to create the entry descriptors in the * mirror map nedds to be changed. * * \par The view * If you display an AddressBook object (that is a derived TQFrame), * it may show an entry * of the database that you might select. The entry you hand over to the method * ::displayEntry does not need to be contained in the currently loaded file. * This way you may integrate views of * the users addressbook database in your own application as a simple widget * type. To allow the user to * navigate through the database, you might want to show kab's own toolbar in * your mainwindow (or whereever). (The toolbar is not implemented by now).
* Some parts of the AddressBook widget are \e interactive, that means they are * displayed as transparent KURLLabels that react when the user clicks on it. * These interactive parts have to be enabled by calling setInteractiveMode(). */ class AddressBook : public TQFrame { // ############################################################################ Q_OBJECT // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- public: /** * The return values of some AddressBook member functions are #ErrorCode * values. */ enum ErrorCode { NoError, /** No error, the operation did not fail. */ PermDenied, /**< Access permissions for the operation are not available. */ Locked, /**< An writing operation on a locked file was requested. */ Rejected, /**< The requested operation has been rejected by the user. */ NoSuchEntry, /**< An entry has been referenced using a unknown key. */ NoEntry, /**< You tried to retrieve an entry but there is none. */ NoFile, /**< No file has been loaded by now. */ NoSuchFile, /**< A filename could not be found on the filesystem. */ InternError, /**< A error in kab's internal logic occurred. */ OutOfRange, /**< An index value was out of the allowed range. */ NoSuchField, /**< You queried a field that does not exist. */ NotImplemented /**< The requested operation is not implemented. */ }; /** * Some predefined telephone types. More are possible, but these are * provided and thus, for example, translated. */ enum Telephone { NoTelephone, Fixed, Mobile, Fax, Modem, User1, User2, User3, NoOfTelephoneTypes }; /** Each entry in a loaded database has its own ::Entry object. * * \par The structure of the address database * As you might have read, kab uses the QConfigDB class to manage its * data files. This class is intended to handle hierarchical structures. * Thus, kab is able to create human readable but still deep and complex * data files. This paragraph describes the overall structure of the * files, the next two deal with special parts of it.
* First of all, kab II data files (that usually end with \c .kab, while in * kab 1 the fixed file name was \c addressbook.database) have two main * sections (see the documentation of the QConfigDB and Section classes), * one is called \c config, it contains different file specific * configuration settings like the last displayed entry, and one section * called \c entries that in turn contains a subsection for each entry in * the database file. The keys of this subsections are the literal strings * that are used in the KabKey class in the member KabKey::key. Each entry * subsection has some key-value-pairs described below and another * subsection "addresses" with one or more addresses in it. See the * following example for a kab II data file (without any key-value-pairs): *
   *  [config]
   *  [END]
   *  [entries]
   *     [1] (the first entry with literal key "1")
   *       [addresses]
   *         [1] (the first address, addresses are enumerated)
   *         [END]
   *         [2] (the second address)
   *         [END]
   *         ... (more addresses may follow)
   *       [END]
   *     [END]
   *     [2] (the second entry)
   *       [addresses]
   *         [1]
   *         [END]
   *       [END]
   *     [END]
   *     ... (more entries may follow)
   *  [END] 

* * \par The fields an entry contains * An entry contains all settings that are expected to be unique for all * addresses directly as key-value-pairs. Everything that is part of a * specific address of this person is part of an object of the member list * \c addresses referenced in the next paragraph.
* The keys defined directly in the entry sections are:
The title of that person.
A possible military rank of that person.
The formatted name. If it is not empty, it replaces the * standard combination of the other name fields in the address * display.
A possible name prefix.
The first name.
The middle name.
The last name.
The birthday (a TQDate).
A free form comment.
The talk addresses (a string list).
The email addresses (a string list).
A list of free-form keywords.
A list of telephone numbers in a special format.
A list of internet addresses.
The first user-declared data field.
The second user-declared data field.
The third user-declared data field.
The fourth user-declared data field.
* See the next section for a description of the addresses subsections. * * \par The fields of the addresses subsections * The section for each entry contains a subsection \c addresses with * in turn a subsection for each address. The addresses are enumerated * in the order they are inserted, their keys are the numbers of * inserting converted to a string.
* The keys defined in an address subsection are:
A headline shown for the address.
The position of the person.
The organization.
The organizational unit.
The organizational subunit.
The role of the person.
A label for delivering to this address.
The street, house no., flat etc line.
A zip or postal code.
The town the person lives in in this address.
The country for federal states.
The state for federal states.
* * \par The local configuration section * For each kab II database file there are some settings that apply * only to the file itselfes, not to all kab databases the user works * with. These settings are called the local configuration. The settings * are stored in the \c config section of the local file. The following * keys are declared in this section:
The \e name of the first user-declared field.
The \e name of the second user-declared field.
The \e name of the third user-declared field.
The \e name of the fourth user-declared field.
* More fields will surely follow. **/ class Entry { public: // types: /** Since an entry may have different addresses, we need a type for them. * Multiple addresses are used to distinguish between addresses at home * and work, for example. */ class Address { public: /** A constructor. */ Address(); // ----- This aggregates are used to access the fields by // keywords. We use char* here to be able to initialize the keys // in code as statics without initializing Qt etc. : /** An aggregat containing the keys of all declared fields: */ static const char* Fields[]; /** The number of elements in Fields. */ static const int NoOfFields; /** Query the literal, translated name of the field given by its key. @return false if key is not defined */ static bool nameOfField(const char* key, TQString& value); /** Get a field by its field name. Field names are defined in @see Fields. Since there are different file types a field may be represented with, a TQVariant is returned. */ ErrorCode get(const char* key, TQVariant&); // ----- the following members represent the fields: /** The headline for this address. */ TQString headline; /** The position of the person at this address. */ TQString position; /** The organization of the person at this address. */ TQString org; /** The org unit of the person at this address. */ TQString orgUnit; /** The org subunit of the person at this address. */ TQString orgSubUnit; /** The description for delivering. */ TQString deliveryLabel; /** Street, with house number. */ TQString address; /** Zip or postal code. */ TQString zip; /** The town. */ TQString town; /** The country for federal states. */ TQString country; /** The state for federal states. */ TQString state; protected: static KeyNameMap *fields; }; /** Contains one or more Address objects. */ std::list addresses; // ----- This aggregates are used to access the fields by // keywords. We use char* here to be able to initialize the keys // in code as statics without initializing Qt etc. : /** An aggregat containing the keys of all declared fields: */ static const char* Fields[]; /** The number of elements in Fields. */ static const int NoOfFields; // methods: /** Use this method to retrieve the address at the given \a index. * The method is provided for convenience. The address data is * returned in \a address. */ AddressBook::ErrorCode getAddress(int index, Address& address) const; /** Returns the number of addresses of this entry. */ int noOfAddresses() const; /** Query the literal, translated name of the field given by its key. @return false if key is not defined */ static bool nameOfField(const char* key, TQString& value); /** Get a field by its field name. Field names are defined in @see Fields. Since there are different file types a field may be represented with, a TQVariant is returned. */ ErrorCode get(const char* key, TQVariant&); // members: // this parts are assumed to be unique for every entry: TQString title; /**< The title of the person. */ TQString rank; /**< The rank of the person. */ TQString fn; /**< The formatted name of the person. */ TQString nameprefix; /**< A possibly name prefix for that person. */ TQString firstname; /**< The first name of the person. */ TQString middlename; /**< The middle name of the person. */ TQString lastname; /**< The last name of the person. */ TQDate birthday; /**< The birthday of this person. */ TQString comment; /**< The comment. */ TQStringList talk; /**< The talk addresses. */ TQStringList emails; /**< The email addresses. */ TQStringList keywords; /**< The user defined keywords for searching. */ /** * Telephon numbers and types. This list contains combinations of telephone * numbers and the types of the phones, in this order. See enum * Telephone above. */ TQStringList telephone; TQStringList URLs; /**< The home or related web pages of this person. */ TQString user1; /**< The first user-declared field. */ TQString user2; /**< The second user-declared field. */ TQString user3; /**< The third user-declared field. */ TQString user4; /**< The fourth user-declared field. */ TQStringList custom; TQStringList categories; /**< The categories this entry is assigned to. */ protected: static KeyNameMap *fields; }; /** * The constructor. If \e load is true, the user standard file will * automatically be loaded into the object. */ AddressBook(TQWidget* parent=0, const char* name=0, bool load=true); ~AddressBook(); /**< The destructor. */ /** * Get the internal state of the object. * If no problem occurred, it returns ::NoError. * If the standard or the latest opened file could not be loaded, * it returns ::PermDenied */ ErrorCode getState(); /** * Load the file with the given path. An empty file name reloads the * currently opened file. */ ErrorCode load(const TQString& filename=TQString::null); /** * Save the file to the given path and file name. An empty file name saves * to the file where the database has been read from. * If force is true, the method will switch to r/w mode for saving and * back. */ ErrorCode save(const TQString& filename=TQString::null, bool force=false); /** * Close this file. * ::closeFile assures sure that the ::data object is reset no matter of the * state of the assigned file. * If \a save is true, it will not close the file if it could not be * saved. */ ErrorCode closeFile(bool saveit=true); /** * Retrieve an entry from the database by its key. */ ErrorCode getEntry(const KabKey& key, Entry&); /** * Retrieve the Section of the entry directly, returning a section object. */ ErrorCode getEntry(const KabKey& key, Section*&); /** * Get all entries in displaying order. This method might be slow (O(n)). */ ErrorCode getEntries(std::list&); /** * Add an ::Entry, \a return the new key for further operations. * If update is false, the mirror map will not be affected, if it is true, * the mirror map gets updated, too. */ ErrorCode add(const Entry&, KabKey& key, bool update=true); /** * Set the entry with the given key to the new contents. Be aware of * #PermDenied for read-only databases or file sharing conflicts. You cannot * change entries in a database for which you do not have write access. */ ErrorCode change(const KabKey& key, const Entry&); /** * Remove the entry with the given key. Returns #NoSuchEntry if there is no * entry with this key, #PermDenied for read only databases. */ ErrorCode remove(const KabKey& key); /** * Returns the number of entries in the loaded database. */ unsigned int noOfEntries(); /** * This method returns the literal name for the entry, * containing either the formatted name (if given) or a * combination of the first, additional and last name. * The name is returned in \a text. * If \a reverse is false, the text looks like * firstname (add. name) last name, * if it is true, + last name, first name (add. name). * If \a initials is true, the text contains initials only: * f. a. name [with reverse==false] or * name, f. a. [with reverse==true]. * If there is no entry with this key, the method returns ::NoSuchEntry. */ ErrorCode literalName(const KabKey& key, TQString& text, bool reverse=false, bool initials=false); /** * This is an overloaded method that differs only in the arguments it takes. */ ErrorCode literalName(const Entry& entry, TQString& text, bool reverse=false, bool initials=false); /** * Get the key of the item in the selector with the given index. */ ErrorCode getKey(int index, KabKey&); /** * Get the index of this key in the selector. This is the reverse * functionality to getKey(). */ ErrorCode getIndex(const KabKey&, int&); /** * Fill the string list with name lines. If your application shows a combobox * containing an overview over the currently loaded KabAPI database, then * call this method when receiving the signal ::changed and display the list * in the combo. */ ErrorCode getListOfNames(TQStringList*, bool reverse=true, bool initials=true); /** * Hand over the configuration database. Careful! */ QConfigDB* getConfig(); /** * This method returns the QConfigDB section where the configuration of the * currently opened file is stored. It might be used to retrieve or to modify * these settings. The file-specific settings are saved along with * the open file. * Do not confuse the configuration section of the opened file with * the configuration of the program. Each file might have its own * local configuration for some settings where it makes sense. * @ return Null if no file has been opened. */ Section *configurationSection(); /** * This method opens a dialog for configuring the file-specific settings * for the loaded file. The database is automatically saved if the user * accepts the changes. */ // ErrorCode configureFile(); /** * Creates a new database with the given file name. If the filename is * empty, it creates the users standard data file. The method does not load * the new database. */ ErrorCode createNew(const TQString& filename=TQString::null); /** * Creates the local configuration file. The filename is fixed to * \c kab.config, it will be created in the local kab directory * (\c $HOME/.kde/share/apps/kab). Adapt the global configuration template * file (\c $KDEDIR/share/apps/kab/template.config) for unusual site-specific * settings. * The method does not load the new config file. */ ErrorCode createConfigFile(); ErrorCode loadConfigFile(); /**< Load the local configuration file. */ // ErrorCode configureKab(); /**< Open the configuration dialog for the KabAPI. */ // TQSize sizeHint(); /**< The preferred (minimal) size of the view. */ // ni /** * This method parses a vCard and creates an Entry object from it. */ ErrorCode makeEntryFromVCard(const TQString& card, Entry&); /** * This method creates a vCard string from an entry. */ ErrorCode makeVCardFromEntry(const Entry& entry, const TQString& card); /** * Returns the complete path to the user standard file. An empty path * indicates an error, but this should not happen. It is NOT ensured * that the file exists. */ TQString getStandardFileName(); /** * Call this to get a telephone type translated to the locale. */ static TQString phoneType(AddressBook::Telephone); /** * Query the entry categories defined for this address * book. Categories may differ between addressbooks. */ ErrorCode categories(CategoriesMap& categories); /** * Modify the categories for this addressbook. The map given will replace the * previoulsy stored one. */ ErrorCode setCategories(const CategoriesMap& categories); /** * Query the real name of a category by its index. */ ErrorCode category(int index, TQString&); /** * Query the category section. This is the "raw" storage of the defined * categories. It is always defined (or will be created if you have an old * file that does not have categories). * @see Section */ Section* categoriesSection(); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef KDE_NO_COMPAT private: #endif TQString getStandardFilename() { return getStandardFileName(); }; protected: QConfigDB *config; /**< The configuration database. */ QConfigDB *data; /**< The currently open data files. */ StringKabKeyMap *entries; /**< The mirror map. */ ErrorCode state; /**< The internal state of the object. */ /** * Get the next available entry key for this file. For internal use only. */ KabKey nextAvailEntryKey(); /** * Returns true if both pathes point to the same file. * The method resolves relative file names to find this out. */ bool isSameFile(const TQString& a, const TQString& b); /** * Parse the section and copy its contents into \a entry. * The method expects a subsection called \e addresses that contains a * number of subsections each containing data for one Entry::Address object. * All other fields are copied directly into the members of \a entry. */ ErrorCode makeEntryFromSection(Section*, Entry&); // nicht beendet /** * For internal use only. This parses one address subsection and puts its * contents in the Address object. */ ErrorCode makeAddressFromMap(KeyValueMap*, Entry::Address&); /** * Create a section from the entries settings. */ ErrorCode makeSectionFromEntry(const Entry&, Section&); // nicht beendet /** * Update the mirror map after changes of the database. */ ErrorCode updateMirrorMap(); /** * Get the entry section of the file. Maybe a NULL pointer if no file is * opened. */ Section* entrySection(); /** * Lock the file for changing. * Since all database files are opened read-only, they must be locked before * the files contents are changed. After changing the file must be saved and * unlocked. Returns ::PermDenied if the file could not be locked, ::NoError * if it was not locked and is now, and ::Locked if the file is already * locked. * @see unlock * @see QConfigDB::setFileName */ ErrorCode lock(); /** * Unlock the file after changes. Returns ::NoError if the file was locked * and could be unlocked, ::PermDenied if the file was not locked and * possibly ::InternError if anything fails. * @see ::lock * @see QConfigDB::setFileName */ ErrorCode unlock(); /** * Set the background image. Kab will store a deep copy of the image. * If the image is a null image nothing will be displayed. */ // void setBackground(const TQImage&); /** * Enable or disable the background image. */ // void setBackgroundEnabled(bool state); /** * Retrieve wether the background image is enabled or not. */ // bool getBackgroundEnabled(); /** * Set if the URL labels are interactive. */ // void setInteractiveMode(bool state); /** * Get if the URL labels are interactive. */ // bool getInteractiveMode(); protected slots: /** * Called when ::data has been cleared or reloaded. */ void reloaded(QConfigDB*); /** * Called when the \e file assigned to ::data has changed on disk. */ void dataFileChanged(); /** * Called when the \e file assigned to ::config has changed on disk. */ void configFileChanged(); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- public slots: /** * This slot is called when an external object changed the database through * the kabapi. */ void externalChange(); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- signals: void changed(); /**< The entries have changed, update the selector. */ void setStatus(const TQString&); /**< This is kab radio with the news... */ void newFile(const TQString&); /**< Notifies changes of the file name. */ // ############################################################################ private: class AddressBookPrivate; AddressBookPrivate *d; }; #endif // ADDRESSBOOK_H