/* This file is part of libkabc. Copyright (c) 2002 Tobias Koenig This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "resourcesql.h" #include "resourcesqlconfig.h" using namespace KABC; extern "C" { KDE_EXPORT void *init_kabc_sql() { return new KRES::PluginFactory(); } } ResourceSql::ResourceSql( AddressBook *ab, const KConfig *config ) : Resource( ab ), mDb( 0 ) { TQString user, password, db, host; user = config->readEntry( "SqlUser" ); password = cryptStr( config->readEntry( "SqlPassword " ) ); db = config->readEntry( "SqlName" ); host = config->readEntry( "SqlHost" ); init( user, password, db, host ); } ResourceSql::ResourceSql( AddressBook *ab, const TQString &user, const TQString &password, const TQString &db, const TQString &host ) : Resource( ab ), mDb( 0 ) { init( user, password, db, host ); } void ResourceSql::init( const TQString &user, const TQString &password, const TQString &db, const TQString &host ) { mUser = user; mPassword = password; mDbName = db; mHost = host; } Ticket *ResourceSql::requestSaveTicket() { if ( !addressBook() ) { kdDebug(5700) << "no addressbook" << endl; return 0; } return createTicket( this ); } void ResourceSql::releaseSaveTicket( Ticket *ticket ) { delete ticket; } bool ResourceSql::open() { TQStringList drivers = TQSqlDatabase::drivers(); for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = drivers.begin(); it != drivers.end(); ++it ) { kdDebug(5700) << "Driver: " << (*it) << endl; } mDb = TQSqlDatabase::addDatabase( "QMYSQL3" ); if ( !mDb ) { kdDebug(5700) << "Error. Unable to connect to database." << endl; return false; } mDb->setDatabaseName( mDbName ); mDb->setUserName( mUser ); mDb->setPassword( mPassword ); mDb->setHostName( mHost ); if ( !mDb->open() ) { kdDebug(5700) << "Error. Unable to open database '" << mDbName << "'." << endl; return false; } return true; } void ResourceSql::close() { mDb->close(); } bool ResourceSql::load() { TQSqlQuery query( "select addressId, name, familyName, givenName, " "additionalName, prefix, suffix, nickname, birthday, " "mailer, timezone, geo_latitude, geo_longitude, title, " "role, organization, note, productId, revision, " "sortString, url from kaddressbook_main_" + mUser ); while ( query.next() ) { TQString addrId = query.value(0).toString(); Addressee addr; addr.setResource( this ); addr.setUid( addrId ); addr.setName( query.value(1).toString() ); addr.setFamilyName( query.value(2).toString() ); addr.setGivenName( query.value(3).toString() ); addr.setAdditionalName( query.value(4).toString() ); addr.setPrefix( query.value(5).toString() ); addr.setSuffix( query.value(6).toString() ); addr.setNickName( query.value(7).toString() ); addr.setBirthday( query.value(8).toDateTime() ); addr.setMailer( query.value(9).toString() ); addr.setTimeZone( TimeZone( query.value(10).toInt() ) ); addr.setGeo( Geo( query.value(11).toDouble(), query.value(12).toDouble() ) ); addr.setTitle( query.value(13).toString() ); addr.setRole( query.value(14).toString() ); addr.setOrganization( query.value(15).toString() ); addr.setNote( query.value(16).toString() ); addr.setProductId( query.value(17).toString() ); addr.setRevision( query.value(18).toDateTime() ); addr.setSortString( query.value(19).toString() ); addr.setUrl( query.value(20).toString() ); // emails { TQSqlQuery emailsQuery( "select email, preferred from kaddressbook_emails " "where addressId = '" + addrId + "'" ); while ( emailsQuery.next() ) addr.insertEmail( emailsQuery.value( 0 ).toString(), emailsQuery.value( 1 ).toInt() ); } // phones { TQSqlQuery phonesQuery( "select number, type from kaddressbook_phones " "where addressId = '" + addrId + "'" ); while ( phonesQuery.next() ) addr.insertPhoneNumber( PhoneNumber( phonesQuery.value( 0 ).toString(), phonesQuery.value( 1 ).toInt() ) ); } // addresses { TQSqlQuery addressesQuery( "select postOfficeBox, extended, street, " "locality, region, postalCode, country, label, type " "from kaddressbook_addresses where addressId = '" + addrId + "'" ); while ( addressesQuery.next() ) { Address a; a.setPostOfficeBox( addressesQuery.value(0).toString() ); a.setExtended( addressesQuery.value(1).toString() ); a.setStreet( addressesQuery.value(2).toString() ); a.setLocality( addressesQuery.value(3).toString() ); a.setRegion( addressesQuery.value(4).toString() ); a.setPostalCode( addressesQuery.value(5).toString() ); a.setCountry( addressesQuery.value(6).toString() ); a.setLabel( addressesQuery.value(7).toString() ); a.setType( addressesQuery.value(8).toInt() ); addr.insertAddress( a ); } } // categories { TQSqlQuery categoriesQuery( "select category from kaddressbook_categories " "where addressId = '" + addrId + "'" ); while ( categoriesQuery.next() ) addr.insertCategory( categoriesQuery.value( 0 ).toString() ); } // customs { TQSqlQuery customsQuery( "select app, name, value from kaddressbook_customs " "where addressId = '" + addrId + "'" ); while ( customsQuery.next() ) addr.insertCustom( customsQuery.value( 0 ).toString(), customsQuery.value( 1 ).toString(), customsQuery.value( 2 ).toString()); } addressBook()->insertAddressee( addr ); } return true; } bool ResourceSql::save( Ticket * ) { // we have to delete all entries for this user and reinsert them TQSqlQuery query( "select addressId from kaddressbook_main_" + mUser ); while ( query.next() ) { TQString addrId = query.value( 0 ).toString(); TQSqlQuery q; q.exec( "DELETE FROM kaddressbook_emails WHERE addressId = '" + addrId + "'" ); q.exec( "DELETE FROM kaddressbook_phones WHERE addressId = '" + addrId + "'" ); q.exec( "DELETE FROM kaddressbook_addresses WHERE addressId = '" + addrId + "'" ); q.exec( "DELETE FROM kaddressbook_categories WHERE addressId = '" + addrId + "'" ); q.exec( "DELETE FROM kaddressbook_customs WHERE addressId = '" + addrId + "'" ); q.exec( "DELETE FROM kaddressbook_main_" + mUser + " WHERE addressId = '" + addrId + "'" ); } // let's start... AddressBook::Iterator it; for ( it = addressBook()->begin(); it != addressBook()->end(); ++it ) { if ( (*it).resource() != this && (*it).resource() != 0 ) // save only my and new entries continue; TQString uid = (*it).uid(); query.exec( "INSERT INTO kaddressbook_main_" + mUser + " VALUES ('" + (*it).uid() + "','" + (*it).name() + "','" + (*it).familyName() + "','" + (*it).givenName() + "','" + (*it).additionalName() + "','" + (*it).prefix() + "','" + (*it).suffix() + "','" + (*it).nickName() + "','" + (*it).birthday().toString( Qt::ISODate ) + "','" + (*it).mailer() + "','" + TQString::number( (*it).timeZone().offset() ) + "','" + TQString::number( (*it).geo().latitude() ) + "','" + TQString::number( (*it).geo().longitude() ) + "','" + (*it).title() + "','" + (*it).role() + "','" + (*it).organization() + "','" + (*it).note() + "','" + (*it).productId() + "','" + (*it).revision().toString( Qt::ISODate ) + "','" + (*it).sortString() + "','" + (*it).url().url() + "')" ); // emails { TQStringList emails = (*it).emails(); TQStringList::ConstIterator it; bool preferred = true; for( it = emails.begin(); it != emails.end(); ++it ) { query.exec("INSERT INTO kaddressbook_emails VALUES ('" + uid + "','" + (*it) + "','" + TQString::number(preferred) + "')"); preferred = false; } } // phonenumbers { PhoneNumber::List phoneNumberList = (*it).phoneNumbers(); PhoneNumber::List::ConstIterator it; for( it = phoneNumberList.begin(); it != phoneNumberList.end(); ++it ) { query.exec("INSERT INTO kaddressbook_phones VALUES ('" + uid + "','" + (*it).number() + "','" + TQString::number( (*it).type() ) + "')"); } } // postal addresses { Address::List addressList = (*it).addresses(); Address::List::ConstIterator it; for( it = addressList.begin(); it != addressList.end(); ++it ) { query.exec("INSERT INTO kaddressbook_addresses VALUES ('" + uid + "','" + (*it).postOfficeBox() + "','" + (*it).extended() + "','" + (*it).street() + "','" + (*it).locality() + "','" + (*it).region() + "','" + (*it).postalCode() + "','" + (*it).country() + "','" + (*it).label() + "','" + TQString::number( (*it).type() ) + "')"); } } // categories { TQStringList categories = (*it).categories(); TQStringList::ConstIterator it; for( it = categories.begin(); it != categories.end(); ++it ) query.exec("INSERT INTO kaddressbook_categories VALUES ('" + uid + "','" + (*it) + "')"); } // customs { TQStringList list = (*it).customs(); TQStringList::ConstIterator it; for( it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) { int dashPos = (*it).find( '-' ); int colonPos = (*it).find( ':' ); TQString app = (*it).left( dashPos ); TQString name = (*it).mid( dashPos + 1, colonPos - dashPos - 1 ); TQString value = (*it).right( (*it).length() - colonPos - 1 ); query.exec("INSERT INTO kaddressbook_categories VALUES ('" + uid + "','" + app + "','" + name + "','" + value + "')"); } } } return true; } TQString ResourceSql::identifier() const { return mHost + "_" + mDbName; }