/* libvcard - vCard parsing library for vCard version 3.0 Copyright (C) 1999 Rik Hemsley rik@kde.org Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace VCARD; ContentLine::ContentLine() : Entity(), value_(0), paramType_( ParamUnknown ), valueType_( ValueUnknown ), entityType_( EntityUnknown ) { } ContentLine::ContentLine(const ContentLine & x) : Entity(x), group_ (x.group_), name_ (x.name_), paramList_(x.paramList_), value_(x.value_->clone()), paramType_( x.paramType_ ), valueType_( x.valueType_ ), entityType_( x.entityType_ ) { } ContentLine::ContentLine(const TQCString & s) : Entity(s), value_(0), paramType_( ParamUnknown ), valueType_( ValueUnknown ), entityType_( EntityUnknown ) { } ContentLine & ContentLine::operator = (ContentLine & x) { if (*this == x) return *this; paramList_ = x.paramList(); value_ = x.value_->clone(); Entity::operator = (x); return *this; } ContentLine & ContentLine::operator = (const TQCString & s) { Entity::operator = (s); delete value_; value_ = 0; return *this; } bool ContentLine::operator == (ContentLine & x) { x.parse(); TQPtrListIterator it(x.paramList()); if (!paramList_.tqfind(it.current())) return false; return true; } ContentLine::~ContentLine() { delete value_; value_ = 0; } void ContentLine::_parse() { vDebug("parse"); // Unqote newlines strRep_ = strRep_.replace( TQRegExp( "\\\\n" ), "\n" ); int split = strRep_.tqfind(':'); if (split == -1) { // invalid content line vDebug("No ':'"); return; } TQCString firstPart(strRep_.left(split)); TQCString valuePart(strRep_.mid(split + 1)); split = firstPart.tqfind('.'); if (split != -1) { group_ = firstPart.left(split); firstPart = firstPart.mid(split + 1); } vDebug("Group == " + group_); vDebug("firstPart == " + firstPart); vDebug("valuePart == " + valuePart); // Now we have the group, the name and param list together and the value. TQStrList l; RTokenise(firstPart, ";", l); if (l.count() == 0) {// invalid - no name ! vDebug("No name for this content line !"); return; } name_ = l.at(0); // Now we have the name, so the rest of 'l' is the params. // Remove the name part. l.remove(0u); entityType_ = EntityNameToEntityType(name_); paramType_ = EntityTypeToParamType(entityType_); unsigned int i = 0; // For each parameter, create a new parameter of the correct type. TQStrListIterator it(l); for (; it.current(); ++it, i++) { TQCString str = *it; split = str.tqfind("="); if (split < 0 ) { vDebug("No '=' in parameter."); continue; } TQCString paraName = str.left(split); TQCString paraValue = str.mid(split + 1); TQStrList paraValues; RTokenise(paraValue, ",", paraValues); TQStrListIterator it2( paraValues ); for(; it2.current(); ++it2) { Param *p = new Param; p->setName( paraName ); p->setValue( *it2 ); paramList_.append(p); } } // Create a new value of the correct type. valueType_ = EntityTypeToValueType(entityType_); // kdDebug(5710) << "valueType: " << valueType_ << endl; switch (valueType_) { case ValueSound: value_ = new SoundValue; break; case ValueAgent: value_ = new AgentValue; break; case ValueAddress: value_ = new AdrValue; break; case ValueTel: value_ = new TelValue; break; case ValueTextBin: value_ = new TextBinValue; break; case ValueOrg: value_ = new OrgValue; break; case ValueN: value_ = new NValue; break; case ValueUTC: value_ = new UTCValue; break; case ValueURI: value_ = new URIValue; break; case ValueClass: value_ = new ClassValue; break; case ValueFloat: value_ = new FloatValue; break; case ValueImage: value_ = new ImageValue; break; case ValueDate: value_ = new DateValue; break; case ValueTextList: value_ = new TextListValue; break; case ValueGeo: value_ = new GeoValue; break; case ValueText: case ValueUnknown: default: value_ = new TextValue; break; } *value_ = valuePart; } void ContentLine::_assemble() { vDebug("Assemble (argl) - my name is \"" + name_ + "\""); strRep_.truncate(0); TQCString line; if (!group_.isEmpty()) line += group_ + '.'; line += name_; vDebug("Adding parameters"); ParamListIterator it(paramList_); for (; it.current(); ++it) line += ";" + it.current()->asString(); vDebug("Adding value"); if (value_ != 0) line += ":" + value_->asString(); else { vDebug("No value"); } // Quote newlines line = line.replace( TQRegExp( "\n" ), "\\n" ); // Fold lines longer than 72 chars const int maxLen = 72; uint cursor = 0; while( line.length() > ( cursor + 1 ) * maxLen ) { strRep_ += line.mid( cursor * maxLen, maxLen ); strRep_ += "\r\n "; ++cursor; } strRep_ += line.mid( cursor * maxLen ); } void ContentLine::clear() { group_.truncate(0); name_.truncate(0); paramList_.clear(); delete value_; value_ = 0; paramType_ = ParamUnknown; valueType_ = ValueUnknown; entityType_ = EntityUnknown; }