#!/usr/bin/perl # This perl script read stdin and write on stdout. It shall be an XML language file. # # * If the name of the language is 'HTML', then it creates the language 'PHP (HTML)' # which shall be used for PHP hl. # # * If the name of the language is something else (say '*'), it creates the language '*/PHP'. # This new language is the same as the old one, but is able to detect PHP everywhere. # # This script will correctly set extensions & mimetype, and will replace # <IncludeRules context="##*"> by <IncludeRules context="##*/PHP"> # # Generated languages need a language named 'PHP/PHP', which shall take care of PHP hl itself # and which will be called every time something like <?php is encountred. # # Author: Jan Villat <jan.villat@net2000.ch> # License: LGPL my $file = ""; while (<>) { $file .= $_; } $warning = "\n\n<!-- ***** THIS FILE WAS GENERATED BY A SCRIPT - DO NOT EDIT ***** -->\n"; $file =~ s/(?=<language)/$warning\n\n\n/; if ($file =~ /<language[^>]+name="HTML"/) { $root = 1; } if ($root == 1) { $file =~ s/<language([^>]+)name="[^"]*"/<language$1name="PHP (HTML)"/s; $file =~ s/<language([^>]+)section="[^"]*"/<language$1section="Scripts"/s; $file =~ s/<language([^>]+)extensions="[^"]*"/<language$1extensions="*.php;*.php3;*.wml;*.phtml;*.phtm;*.inc"/s; $file =~ s/<language([^>]+)mimetype="[^"]*"/<language$1mimetype="text\/x-php4-src;text\/x-php3-src;text\/vnd.wap.wml;application\/x-php"/s; } else { $file =~ s/<language([^>]+)name="([^"]*)"/<language$1name="$2\/PHP" hidden="true"/s; $file =~ s/<language([^>]+)section="[^"]*"/<language$1section="Other"/s; $file =~ s/<language([^>]+)extensions="[^"]*"/<language$1extensions=""/s; $file =~ s/<language([^>]+)mimetype="[^"]*"/<language$1mimetype=""/s; } $findphp = "<context name=\"FindPHP\">\n<RegExpr context=\"##PHP/PHP\" String=\"<\\?(?:=|php)?\" lookAhead=\"true\" />\n</context>\n"; $file =~ s/<IncludeRules\s([^>]*)context="##(?!Alerts|Doxygen|Modelines)([^"]+)"/<IncludeRules $1context="##$2\/PHP"/g; $file =~ s/(<context\s[^>]*>)/$1\n<IncludeRules context="FindPHP" \/>/g; $file =~ s/(?=<\/contexts\s*>)/$findphp/; print $file; print $warning;