/* This file is part of the KDE libraries
   Copyright (c) 2000 Waldo Bastian <bastian@kde.org>
   Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Christoph Cullmann <cullmann@kde.org>

   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
   License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.

   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   Library General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
   along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
   the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
   Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#ifndef __KATE_BUFFER_H__
#define __KATE_BUFFER_H__

#include "katetextline.h"
#include "katecodefoldinghelpers.h"

#include <kvmallocator.h>

#include <tqptrlist.h>
#include <tqobject.h>
#include <tqtimer.h>
#include <tqvaluevector.h>

class KateLineInfo;
class KateDocument;
class KateHighlighting;
class KateBufBlockList;
class KateBuffer;
class KateFileLoader;

class TQTextCodec;

 * The KateBufBlock class tqcontains an amount of data representing
 * a certain number of lines.
 * @author Waldo Bastian <bastian@kde.org>
 * @author Christoph Cullmann <cullmann@kde.org>
class KateBufBlock
  friend class KateBufBlockList;

     * Create an empty block. (empty == ONE line)
     * @param parent buffer the block belongs to
     * @param prev previous bufblock in the list
     * @param next next bufblock in the list
     * @param stream stream to load the content from, if any given
    KateBufBlock ( KateBuffer *parent, KateBufBlock *prev = 0, KateBufBlock *next = 0,
                   KateFileLoader *stream = 0 );

     * destroy this block and take care of freeing all mem
    ~KateBufBlock ();

     * fill the block with the lines from the given stream
     * @param stream stream to load data from
    void fillBlock (KateFileLoader *stream);

     * state flags
    enum State
      stateSwapped = 0,
      stateClean = 1,
      stateDirty = 2

     * returns the current state of this block
     * @return state
    State state () const { return m_state; }

     * return line @p i
     * The first line of this block is line 0.
     * if you modifiy this line, please mark the block as dirty
     * @param i line to return
     * @return line pointer
    KateTextLine::Ptr line(uint i);

     * insert @p line in front of line @p i
     * marks the block dirty
     * @param i where to insert
     * @param line line pointer
    void insertLine(uint i, KateTextLine::Ptr line);

     * remove line @p i
     * marks the block dirty
     * @param i line to remove
    void removeLine(uint i);

     * mark this block as dirty, will tqinvalidate the swap data
     * insert/removeLine will mark the block dirty itself
    void markDirty ();

     * startLine
     * @return first line in block
    inline uint startLine () const { return m_startLine; };

     * update the first line, needed to keep it up to date
     * @param line new startLine
    inline void setStartLine (uint line) { m_startLine = line; }

     * first line behind this block
     * @return line behind block
    inline uint endLine () const { return m_startLine + m_lines; }

     * lines in this block
     * @return lines
    inline uint lines () const { return m_lines; }

     * prev block
     * @return previous block
    inline KateBufBlock *prev () { return m_prev; }

     * next block
     * @return next block
    inline KateBufBlock *next () { return m_next; }

   * methodes to swap in/out
     * swap in the kvmallocater data, create string list
    void swapIn ();

     * swap our string list out, delete it !
    void swapOut ();

     * VERY IMPORTANT, state of this block
     * this uchar indicates if the block is swapped, loaded, clean or dirty
    KateBufBlock::State m_state;

     * IMPORTANT, start line
    uint m_startLine;

     * IMPORTANT, line count
    uint m_lines;

     * here we swap our stuff
    KVMAllocator::Block *m_vmblock;

     * swapped size
    uint m_vmblockSize;

     * list of textlines
    TQValueVector<KateTextLine::Ptr> m_stringList;

     * parent buffer.
    KateBuffer* m_parent;

     * prev block
    KateBufBlock *m_prev;

     * next block
    KateBufBlock *m_next;

     * list pointer, to which list I belong
     * list element pointers for the KateBufBlockList ONLY !!!
    KateBufBlockList *list;

     * prev list item
    KateBufBlock *listPrev;

     * next list item
    KateBufBlock *listNext;

 * list which allows O(1) inserts/removes
 * will not delete the elements on remove
 * will use the next/prevNode pointers in the KateBufBlocks !
 * internal use: loaded/clean/dirty block lists
 * @author Christoph Cullmann <cullmann@kde.org>
class KateBufBlockList
     * Default Constructor
    KateBufBlockList ();

     * count of blocks in this list
     * @return count of blocks
    inline uint count() const { return m_count; }

     * first block in this list or 0
     * @return head of list
    inline KateBufBlock *first () { return m_first; };

     * last block in this list or 0
     * @return end of list
    inline KateBufBlock *last () { return m_last; };

     * is buf the last block?
     * @param buf block to test
     * @return is this block the first one?
    inline bool isFirst (KateBufBlock *buf) { return m_first == buf; };

     * is buf the last block?
     * @param buf block to test
     * @return is this block the last one?
    inline bool isLast (KateBufBlock *buf) { return m_last == buf; };

     * append a block to this list !
     * will remove it from the list it belonged before !
     * @param buf block to append
    void append (KateBufBlock *buf);

     * remove the block from the list it belongs to !
     * @param buf block to remove
    inline static void remove (KateBufBlock *buf)
      if (buf->list)
        buf->list->removeInternal (buf);

     * internal helper for remove
     * @param buf block to remove
    void removeInternal (KateBufBlock *buf);

     * count of blocks in list
    uint m_count;

     * first block
    KateBufBlock *m_first;

     * last block
    KateBufBlock *m_last;

 * The KateBuffer class maintains a collections of lines.
 * It allows to maintain state information in a lazy way.
 * It handles swapping out of data using secondary storage.
 * It is designed to handle large amounts of text-data efficiently
 * with respect to CPU and memory usage.
 * @author Waldo Bastian <bastian@kde.org>
 * @author Christoph Cullmann <cullmann@kde.org>
class KateBuffer : public TQObject

  friend class KateBufBlock;

     * maximal loaded block count
     * @return max loaded blocks
    inline static uint maxLoadedBlocks () { return m_maxLoadedBlocks; }

     * modifier for max loaded blocks limit
     * @param count new limit
    static void setMaxLoadedBlocks (uint count);

     * global max loaded blocks limit
    static uint m_maxLoadedBlocks;

     * Create an empty buffer.
     * @param doc parent document
    KateBuffer (KateDocument *doc);

     * Goodbye buffer
    ~KateBuffer ();

     * start some editing action
    void editStart ();

     * finish some editing action
    void editEnd ();

     * were there changes in the current running
     * editing session?
     * @return changes done?
    inline bool editChanged () const { return editChangesDone; }

     * dirty lines start
     * @return start line
    inline uint editTagStart () const { return editTagLineStart; }

     * dirty lines end
     * @return end line
    inline uint editTagEnd () const { return editTagLineEnd; }

     * line inserted/removed?
     * @return line inserted/removed?
    inline bool editTagFrom () const { return editTagLineFrom; }

     * edit session recursion
    uint editSessionNumber;

     * is a edit session running
    bool editIsRunning;

     * dirty lines start at line
    uint editTagLineStart;

     * dirty lines end at line
    uint editTagLineEnd;

     * a line was inserted or removed
    bool editTagLineFrom;

     * changes done?
    bool editChangesDone;

     * Clear the buffer.
    void clear();

     * Open a file, use the given filename
     * @param m_file filename to open
     * @return success
    bool openFile (const TQString &m_file);

     * was the last loading broken because of not enough tmp disk space ?
     * (will be reseted on successful save of the file, user gets warning if he really wants to do it)
     * @return was loading borked?
    bool loadingBorked () const { return m_loadingBorked; }

     * is this file a binary?
     * @return binary file?
    bool binary () const { return m_binary; }

     * Can the current codec handle all chars
     * @return chars can be encoded
    bool canEncode ();

     * Save the buffer to a file, use the given filename + codec + end of line chars (internal use of qtextstream)
     * @param m_file filename to save to
     * @return success
    bool saveFile (const TQString &m_file);

     * Return line @p i
    inline KateTextLine::Ptr line(uint i)
      KateBufBlock *buf = tqfindBlock(i);
      if (!buf)
        return 0;

      if (i < m_lineHighlighted)
        return buf->line (i - buf->startLine());

      return line_internal (buf, i);

     * line needs hl
     KateTextLine::Ptr line_internal (KateBufBlock *buf, uint i);

     inline void addIndentBasedFoldingInformation(TQMemArray<uint> &foldingList,bool addindent,uint deindent);
     inline void updatePreviousNotEmptyLine(KateBufBlock *blk,uint current_line,bool addindent,uint deindent);
     * Return line @p i without triggering highlighting
    inline KateTextLine::Ptr plainLine(uint i)
      KateBufBlock *buf = tqfindBlock(i);
      if (!buf)
        return 0;

      return buf->line(i - buf->startLine());

     * Return the total number of lines in the buffer.
    inline uint count() const { return m_lines; }

     * Find the block containing line @p i
     * index pointer gets filled with index of block in m_blocks
     * index only valid if returned block != 0 !
    KateBufBlock *tqfindBlock (uint i, uint *index = 0)
      // out of range !
      if (i >= m_lines)
        return 0;

      if ((m_blocks[m_lastFoundBlock]->startLine() <= i) && (m_blocks[m_lastFoundBlock]->endLine() > i))
        if (index)
          (*index) = m_lastFoundBlock;

        return m_blocks[m_lastFoundBlock];

      return tqfindBlock_internal (i, index);

    KateBufBlock *tqfindBlock_internal (uint i, uint *index = 0);

     * Mark line @p i as changed !
    void changeLine(uint i);

     * Insert @p line in front of line @p i
    void insertLine(uint i, KateTextLine::Ptr line);

     * Remove line @p i
    void removeLine(uint i);

    inline uint countVisible () { return m_lines - m_regionTree.getHiddenLinesCount(m_lines); }

    inline uint lineNumber (uint visibleLine) { return m_regionTree.getRealLine (visibleLine); }

    inline uint lineVisibleNumber (uint line) { return m_regionTree.getVirtualLine (line); }

    inline void lineInfo (KateLineInfo *info, unsigned int line) { m_regionTree.getLineInfo(info,line); }

    inline uint tabWidth () const { return m_tabWidth; }

    void setTabWidth (uint w);

     * Use @p highlight for highlighting
     * @p highlight may be 0 in which case highlighting
     * will be disabled.
    void setHighlight (uint hlMode);

    KateHighlighting *highlight () { return m_highlight; };

     * Invalidate highlighting of whole buffer.
    void tqinvalidateHighlighting();

    KateCodeFoldingTree *foldingTree () { return &m_regionTree; };

  public slots:
    void codeFoldingColumnUpdate(unsigned int lineNr);

     * Highlight information needs to be updated.
     * @param buf The buffer being processed.
     * @param startState highlighting state of last line before range
     * @param from first line in range
     * @param to last line in range
     * @param invalidat should the rehighlighted lines be tagged ?
     * @returns true when the highlighting in the next block needs to be updated,
     * false otherwise.
    bool doHighlight (KateBufBlock *buf, uint from, uint to, bool tqinvalidate);

     * Emittend if codefolding returned with a changed list
    void codeFoldingUpdated();

     * Emitted when the highlighting of a certain range has
     * changed.
    void tagLines(int start, int end);

     * document we belong too
    KateDocument *m_doc;

     * current line count
    uint m_lines;

     * ALL blocks
     * in order of linenumbers
    TQValueVector<KateBufBlock*> m_blocks;

     * last block where the start/end line is in sync with real life
    uint m_lastInSyncBlock;

     * last block found by tqfindBlock, there to make searching faster
    uint m_lastFoundBlock;

     * status of the cache read/write errors
     * write errors get handled, read errors not really atm
    bool m_cacheReadError;
    bool m_cacheWriteError;

     * had we cache error while loading ?
    bool m_loadingBorked;

     * binary file loaded ?
    bool m_binary;

   * highlighting & folding relevant stuff
     * current highlighting mode or 0
    KateHighlighting *m_highlight;

     * folding tree
    KateCodeFoldingTree m_regionTree;

    // for the scrapty indent sensitive langs
    uint m_tabWidth;

    uint m_lineHighlightedMax;
    uint m_lineHighlighted;

     * number of dynamic contexts causing a full invalidation
    uint m_maxDynamicContexts;

   * only used from the KateBufBlocks !
     * all not swapped blocks !
    KateBufBlockList m_loadedBlocks;


// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; tqreplace-tabs on;