/* This file is part of the KDE libraries Copyright (C) 2002 Christian Couder Copyright (C) 2001, 2003 Christoph Cullmann Copyright (C) 2001 Joseph Wenninger Copyright (C) 1999 Jochen Wilhelmy This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "katecursor.h" #include "katedocument.h" #include "katetextline.h" // // KateDocCursor implementation // KateDocCursor::KateDocCursor(KateDocument *doc) : KateTextCursor(), m_doc(doc) { } KateDocCursor::KateDocCursor(int line, int col, KateDocument *doc) : KateTextCursor(line, col), m_doc(doc) { } bool KateDocCursor::validPosition(uint line, uint col) { return line < m_doc->numLines() && (int)col <= m_doc->lineLength(line); } bool KateDocCursor::validPosition() { return validPosition(line(), col()); } void KateDocCursor::position(uint *pline, uint *pcol) const { if (pline) *pline = (uint)line(); if (pcol) *pcol = (uint)col(); } bool KateDocCursor::setPosition(uint line, uint col) { bool ok = validPosition(line, col); if(ok) setPos(line, col); return ok; } bool KateDocCursor::gotoNextLine() { bool ok = (line() + 1 < (int)m_doc->numLines()); if (ok) { m_line++; m_col = 0; } return ok; } bool KateDocCursor::gotoPreviousLine() { bool ok = (line() > 0); if (ok) { m_line--; m_col = 0; } return ok; } bool KateDocCursor::gotoEndOfNextLine() { bool ok = gotoNextLine(); if(ok) m_col = m_doc->lineLength(line()); return ok; } bool KateDocCursor::gotoEndOfPreviousLine() { bool ok = gotoPreviousLine(); if(ok) m_col = m_doc->lineLength(line()); return ok; } int KateDocCursor::nbCharsOnLineAfter() { return ((int)m_doc->lineLength(line()) - col()); } bool KateDocCursor::moveForward(uint nbChar) { int nbCharLeft = nbChar - nbCharsOnLineAfter(); if(nbCharLeft > 0) { return gotoNextLine() && moveForward((uint)nbCharLeft); } else { m_col += nbChar; return true; } } bool KateDocCursor::moveBackward(uint nbChar) { int nbCharLeft = nbChar - m_col; if(nbCharLeft > 0) { return gotoEndOfPreviousLine() && moveBackward((uint)nbCharLeft); } else { m_col -= nbChar; return true; } } bool KateDocCursor::insertText(const QString& s) { return m_doc->insertText(line(), col(), s); } bool KateDocCursor::removeText(uint nbChar) { // Get a cursor at the end of the removed area KateDocCursor endCursor = *this; endCursor.moveForward(nbChar); // Remove the text return m_doc->removeText((uint)line(), (uint)col(), (uint)endCursor.line(), (uint)endCursor.col()); } QChar KateDocCursor::currentChar() const { return m_doc->plainKateTextLine(line())->getChar(col()); } uchar KateDocCursor::currentAttrib() const { return m_doc->plainKateTextLine(line())->attribute(col()); } bool KateDocCursor::nextNonSpaceChar() { for(; m_line < (int)m_doc->numLines(); m_line++) { m_col = m_doc->plainKateTextLine(line())->nextNonSpaceChar(col()); if(m_col != -1) return true; // Next non-space char found m_col = 0; } // No non-space char found setPos(-1, -1); return false; } bool KateDocCursor::previousNonSpaceChar() { while (true) { m_col = m_doc->plainKateTextLine(line())->previousNonSpaceChar(col()); if(m_col != -1) return true; // Previous non-space char found if(m_line == 0) return false; --m_line; m_col = m_doc->plainKateTextLine(m_line)->length(); } // No non-space char found setPos(-1, -1); return false; } // kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;