/* This file is part of the KDE libraries Copyright (C) 2003 Hamish Rodda This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KATESUPERCURSOR_H #define KATESUPERCURSOR_H #include "katecursor.h" class KateDocument; class KateView; /** * Possible additional features: * - Notification when a cursor enters or exits a view * - suggest something :) * * Unresolved issues: * - testing, testing, testing * - ie. everything which hasn't already been tested, you can see that which has inside the #ifdefs * - api niceness */ /** * A cursor which updates and gives off various interesting signals. * * This aims to be a working version of what KateCursor was originally intended to be. * * @author Hamish Rodda **/ class KateSuperCursor : public QObject, public KateDocCursor, public Kate::Cursor { Q_OBJECT public: /** * bool privateC says: if private, than don't show to apps using the cursorinterface in the list, * all internally only used SuperCursors should be private or people could modify them from the * outside breaking kate's internals */ KateSuperCursor(KateDocument* doc, bool privateC, const KateTextCursor& cursor, QObject* parent = 0L, const char* name = 0L); KateSuperCursor(KateDocument* doc, bool privateC, int lineNum = 0, int col = 0, QObject* parent = 0L, const char* name = 0L); ~KateSuperCursor (); public: // KTextEditor::Cursor interface void position(uint *line, uint *col) const; bool setPosition(uint line, uint col); bool insertText(const QString& text); bool removeText(uint numberOfCharacters); QChar currentChar() const; /** * @returns true if the cursor is situated at the start of the line, false if it isn't. */ bool atStartOfLine() const; /** * @returns true if the cursor is situated at the end of the line, false if it isn't. */ bool atEndOfLine() const; /** * Returns how this cursor behaves when text is inserted at the cursor. * Defaults to not moving on insert. */ bool moveOnInsert() const; /** * Change the behavior of the cursor when text is inserted at the cursor. * * If @p moveOnInsert is true, the cursor will end up at the end of the insert. */ void setMoveOnInsert(bool moveOnInsert); /** * Debug: output the position. */ operator QString(); // Reimplementations; virtual void setLine(int lineNum); virtual void setCol(int colNum); virtual void setPos(const KateTextCursor& pos); virtual void setPos(int lineNum, int colNum); signals: /** * The cursor's position was directly changed by the program. */ void positionDirectlyChanged(); /** * The cursor's position was changed. */ void positionChanged(); /** * Athough an edit took place, the cursor's position was unchanged. */ void positionUnChanged(); /** * The cursor's surrounding characters were both deleted simultaneously. * The cursor is automatically placed at the start of the deleted region. */ void positionDeleted(); /** * A character was inserted immediately before the cursor. * * Whether the char was inserted before or after this cursor depends on * moveOnInsert(): * @li true -> the char was inserted before * @li false -> the char was inserted after */ void charInsertedAt(); /** * The character immediately before the cursor was deleted. */ void charDeletedBefore(); /** * The character immediately after the cursor was deleted. */ void charDeletedAfter(); //BEGIN METHODES TO CALL FROM KATE DOCUMENT TO KEEP CURSOR UP TO DATE public: void editTextInserted ( uint line, uint col, uint len); void editTextRemoved ( uint line, uint col, uint len); void editLineWrapped ( uint line, uint col, bool newLine = true ); void editLineUnWrapped ( uint line, uint col, bool removeLine = true, uint length = 0 ); void editLineInserted ( uint line ); void editLineRemoved ( uint line ); //END private: KateDocument *m_doc; bool m_moveOnInsert : 1; bool m_lineRemoved : 1; bool m_privateCursor : 1; }; /** * Represents a range of text, from the start() to the end(). * * Also tracks its position and emits useful signals. */ class KateSuperRange : public QObject, public KateRange { friend class KateSuperRangeList; Q_OBJECT public: /// Determine how the range reacts to characters inserted immediately outside the range. enum InsertBehaviour { /// Don't expand to encapsulate new characters in either direction. This is the default. DoNotExpand = 0, /// Expand to encapsulate new characters to the left of the range. ExpandLeft = 0x1, /// Expand to encapsulate new characters to the right of the range. ExpandRight = 0x2 }; /** * Constructor. Takes posession of @p start and @p end. */ KateSuperRange(KateSuperCursor* start, KateSuperCursor* end, QObject* parent = 0L, const char* name = 0L); KateSuperRange(KateDocument* doc, const KateRange& range, QObject* parent = 0L, const char* name = 0L); KateSuperRange(KateDocument* doc, const KateTextCursor& start, const KateTextCursor& end, QObject* parent = 0L, const char* name = 0L); virtual ~KateSuperRange(); // fulfill KateRange requirements virtual KateTextCursor& start(); virtual KateTextCursor& end(); virtual const KateTextCursor& start() const; virtual const KateTextCursor& end() const; void allowZeroLength(bool yes=true){m_allowZeroLength=yes;} /** * Returns the super start cursor. */ KateSuperCursor& superStart(); const KateSuperCursor& superStart() const; /** * Returns the super end cursor. */ KateSuperCursor& superEnd(); const KateSuperCursor& superEnd() const; /** * Returns how this range reacts to characters inserted immediately outside the range. */ int behaviour() const; /** * Determine how the range should react to characters inserted immediately outside the range. * * TODO does this need a custom function to enable determining of the behavior based on the * text that is inserted / deleted? * * @sa InsertBehaviour */ void setBehaviour(int behaviour); /** * Start and end must be valid and start <= end. */ virtual bool isValid() const; /** * This is for use where the ranges are used in a heirachy, * ie. their parents are KateSuperRanges which completely * encapsulate them. * * @todo constrain children when their position changes deliberately; * eliminate() children when they are equivalent to their parents * * @returns true if the range contains the cursor and no children * also contain it; false otherwise. */ bool owns(const KateTextCursor& cursor) const; /** * Returns true if the range includes @p cursor 's character. * Returns false if @p cursor == end(). */ bool includes(const KateTextCursor& cursor) const; /** * Returns true if the range includes @p line */ bool includes(uint lineNum) const; /** * Returns true if the range totally encompasses @p line */ bool includesWholeLine(uint lineNum) const; /** * Returns whether @p cursor is the site of a boundary of this range. */ bool boundaryAt(const KateTextCursor& cursor) const; /** * Returns whether there is a boundary of this range on @p line. */ bool boundaryOn(uint lineNum) const; signals: /** * More interesting signals that aren't worth implementing here: * firstCharDeleted: start()::charDeleted() * lastCharDeleted: end()::previousCharDeleted() */ /** * The range's position changed. */ void positionChanged(); /** * The range's position was unchanged. */ void positionUnChanged(); /** * The contents of the range changed. */ void contentsChanged(); /** * Either cursor's surrounding characters were both deleted. */ void boundaryDeleted(); /** * The range now contains no characters (ie. the start and end cursors are the same). * * To eliminate this range under different conditions, connect the other signal directly * to this signal. */ void eliminated(); /** * Indicates the region needs re-drawing. */ void tagRange(KateSuperRange* range); public slots: void slotTagRange(); private slots: void slotEvaluateChanged(); void slotEvaluateUnChanged(); private: void init(); void evaluateEliminated(); void evaluatePositionChanged(); KateSuperCursor* m_start; KateSuperCursor* m_end; bool m_evaluate; bool m_startChanged; bool m_endChanged; bool m_deleteCursors; bool m_allowZeroLength; }; class KateSuperCursorList : public QPtrList { protected: virtual int compareItems(QPtrCollection::Item item1, QPtrCollection::Item item2); }; class KateSuperRangeList : public QObject, public QPtrList { Q_OBJECT public: /** * @sa autoManage() */ KateSuperRangeList(bool autoManage = true, QObject* parent = 0L, const char* name = 0L); /** * Semi-copy constructor. * * Does not copy auto-manage value, as that would make it too easy to perform * double-deletions. * * Also, does not connect signals and slots to save time, as this is mainly * used by the document itself while drawing (call connectAll() to re-constitute) */ KateSuperRangeList(const QPtrList& rangeList, QObject* parent = 0L, const char* name = 0L); virtual ~KateSuperRangeList() {} /** * Append another list. * If this object was created by the semi-copy constructor, it may not connect items * (unless connectAll() has already been called), call connectAll(). */ void appendList(const QPtrList& rangeList); /** * Connect items that are not connected. This only needs to be called once, * and only if this was created with the semi-copy constructor. */ void connectAll(); /** * Override to emit rangeEliminated() signals. */ virtual void clear(); /** * Automanage is a combination of autodeleting of the objects and * removing of any eliminated() ranges. */ bool autoManage() const; /** * @sa autoManage() */ void setAutoManage(bool autoManage); /** * This is just a straight-forward list so that there is no confusion about whether * this list should be auto-managed (ie. it shouldn't, to avoid double deletions). */ QPtrList rangesIncluding(const KateTextCursor& cursor); QPtrList rangesIncluding(uint line); /** * @retval true if one of the ranges in the list includes @p cursor * @retval false otherwise */ bool rangesInclude(const KateTextCursor& cursor); /** * Construct a list of boundaries, and return the first, or 0L if there are none. * If @p start is defined, the first boundary returned will be at or after @p start. * * @returns the first boundary location */ KateSuperCursor* firstBoundary(const KateTextCursor* start = 0L); /** * @returns the next boundary, or 0L if there are no more. */ KateSuperCursor* nextBoundary(); /** * @returns the current boundary */ KateSuperCursor* currentBoundary(); signals: /** * The range now contains no characters (ie. the start and end cursors are the same). * If autoManage() is true, the range will be deleted after the signal has processed. */ void rangeEliminated(KateSuperRange* range); /** * There are no ranges left. */ void listEmpty(); /** * Connected to all ranges if connect()ed. */ void tagRange(KateSuperRange* range); protected: /** * internal reimplementation */ virtual int compareItems(QPtrCollection::Item item1, QPtrCollection::Item item2); /** * internal reimplementation */ virtual QPtrCollection::Item newItem(QPtrCollection::Item d); private slots: void slotEliminated(); void slotDeleted(QObject* range); private: bool m_autoManage; bool m_connect; KateSuperCursorList m_columnBoundaries; bool m_trackingBoundaries; }; #endif // kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;