#! /bin/sh
# This is a test script for the Katepart Bash Syntax Highlighting by
#	Wilbert Berendsen.  This is not runnable !!!

# The highlighting recognizes basic types of input, and has a few special cases that
# are all in FindCommands.  The main objective is to create really proper nesting of
# (multiline) strings, variables, expressions, etc.

# ============== Tests: ===============

# basic types:
echo 'single quoted string'
echo "double quoted string"
echo $'string with esc\apes\x0din it'
echo $"string meant to be translated"

# comments:
# this is a comment
#this too
echo this is#nt a comment
dcop kate EditInterface#1 #this is

# brace expansion
mv my_file.{JPG,jpg}

# special characters are escaped:
echo \(output\) \&\| \> \< \" \' \*

# variable substitution:
echo $filename.ext
echo $filename_ext
echo ${filename}_ext
echo text${array[$subscript]}.text
echo text${array["string"]}.text
echo ${!prefix*}
echo ${!redir}
echo short are $_, $$, $?, ${@}, etc.
echo ${variable/a/d}
echo ${1:-default}

# expression subst:
echo $(( cd << ed + 1 ))

# command subst:
echo $(ls -l)
echo `cat myfile`

# file subst:
echo $(<$filename)
echo $(</path/to/myfile)

# process subst:
sort <(show_labels) | sed 's/a/bg' > my_file.txt 2>&1

# All substitutions also work in strings:
echo "subst ${in}side string"  'not $inside this ofcourse'
echo "The result is $(( $a + $b )). Thanks!"
echo "Your homedir contains `ls $HOME |wc -l` files."

# Escapes in strings:
p="String \` with \$ escapes \" ";

# keywords are black, builtins dark purple and common commands lighter purple

# Other colorings:
error() {
	cat /usr/bin/lesspipe.sh
	runscript >& redir.bak
	exec 3>&4

# do - done make code blocks
while [ $p -lt $q ] 
	chown 0644 $file.$p

# braces as well
run_prog | sort -u |
	echo Header
	while read a b d
		echo $a/$b/$c
	echo Footer

# Any constructions can be nested:
echo "A long string with $(
	if [ $count -gt 100 ] ; then
		echo "much"
		echo "not much"
	fi ) substitutions." ;

# Even the case construct is correctly folded:
test -f blaat &&
(	do_something
	case $p in
			do_bak $p
			dont_bak $p
) # despite the extra parentheses in the case construction.

# variable assignments:
LC_ALL="nl" dcop 'kate*'
ARR=(this is an array)
ARR2=([this]=too [and]="this too")
usage="$0 -- version $VERSION
Multiple lines of output
can be possible."
ANSWER=yes	# here 'yes' isn't highlighed as command

# Some commands expect variable names, these are colored correctly:
export PATH=/my/bin:$PATH BLAAT
export A B D
local p=3  x  y='\'
read x y z <<< $hallo
unset B
declare -a VAR1 VAR2 && exit
declare less a && b 

# options are recoqnized:
zip -f=file.zip
./configure  --destdir=/usr
make  destdir=/usr/

# [[ and [ correctly need spaces to be regarded as structure,
# otherwise they are patterns (currently treated as normal text)
if [ "$p" == "" ] ; then
	ls /usr/bin/[a-z]*
elif [[ $p == 0 ]] ; then
	ls /usr/share/$p

# Fixed:
ls a[ab]*		# dont try to interprete as assignment with subscript (fixed)

# Here documents are difficult to catch:
cat > myfile << __EOF__
You're right, this is definitely no bash code
But ls more $parameters should be expanded.

# quoted:
cat << "EOF" | egrep "this" >&4   # the rest of the line is still considered bash source
You're right, this is definitely no bash code
But ls more $parameters should be expanded. :->

# indented:
if true
	cat <<- EOF
		Indented text with a $dollar or \$two
elif [ -d $file ]; then
	cat <<- "EOF"
		Indented text without a $dollar