/* * This file is part of the KDE libraries * Copyright (c) 2001 Michael Goffioul * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. **/ #include #include "kmcupsmanager.h" #include "kmprinter.h" #include "ipprequest.h" #include "cupsinfos.h" #include "driver.h" #include "kmfactory.h" #include "kmdbentry.h" #include "cupsaddsmb2.h" #include "ippreportdlg.h" #include "kpipeprocess.h" #include "util.h" #include "foomatic2loader.h" #include "ppdloader.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define ppdi18n(s) i18n(TQString::fromLocal8Bit(s).utf8()) static void extractMaticData(TQString& buf, const TQString& filename); static TQString printerURI(KMPrinter *p, bool useExistingURI); static TQString downloadDriver(KMPrinter *p); static int trials = 5; //***************************************************************************************************** KMCupsManager::KMCupsManager(TQObject *parent, const char *name, const TQStringList & /*args*/) : KMManager(parent,name) { // be sure to create the CupsInfos object -> password // management is handled correctly. CupsInfos::self(); m_cupsdconf = 0; m_currentprinter = 0; m_socket = 0; setHasManagement(true); setPrinterOperationMask(KMManager::PrinterAll); setServerOperationMask(KMManager::ServerAll); // change LANG variable so that CUPS is always using // english language: translation may only come from the PPD // itself, or from KDE. setenv("LANG", "en_US.UTF-8", 1); } KMCupsManager::~KMCupsManager() { delete m_socket; } TQString KMCupsManager::driverDbCreationProgram() { return TQString::tqfromLatin1("/opt/kde3/bin/make_driver_db_cups"); } TQString KMCupsManager::driverDirectory() { TQString d = cupsInstallDir(); if (d.isEmpty()) d = "/usr"; d.append("/share/cups/model"); // raw foomatic support d.append(":/usr/share/foomatic/db/source"); return d; } TQString KMCupsManager::cupsInstallDir() { KConfig *conf= KMFactory::self()->printConfig(); conf->setGroup("CUPS"); TQString dir = conf->readPathEntry("InstallDir"); return dir; } void KMCupsManager::reportIppError(IppRequest *req) { setErrorMsg(req->statusMessage()); } bool KMCupsManager::createPrinter(KMPrinter *p) { bool isclass = p->isClass(false), result(false); IppRequest req; TQString uri; uri = printerURI(p,false); req.addURI(IPP_TAG_OPERATION,"printer-uri",uri); // needed to avoid problems when changing printer name p->setUri(KURL(uri)); if (isclass) { req.setOperation(CUPS_ADD_CLASS); TQStringList members = p->members(), uris; TQString s; s = TQString::fromLocal8Bit("ipp://%1/printers/").arg(CupsInfos::self()->hostaddr()); for (TQStringList::ConstIterator it=members.begin(); it!=members.end(); ++it) uris.append(s+(*it)); req.addURI(IPP_TAG_PRINTER,"member-uris",uris); } else { req.setOperation(CUPS_ADD_PRINTER); // only set the device-uri if needed, otherwise you may loose authentification // data (login/password in URI's like smb or ipp). KMPrinter *otherP = findPrinter(p->printerName()); if (!otherP || otherP->device() != p->device()) { /** * As now the device is a TQString instead of KURL, special encoding * required for SMB is not needed anymore. Use a unique mechanism * for all backends. */ req.addURI(IPP_TAG_PRINTER,"device-uri",p->device()); } if (!p->option("kde-banners").isEmpty()) { TQStringList bans = TQStringList::split(',',p->option("kde-banners"),false); while (bans.count() < 2) bans.append("none"); req.addName(IPP_TAG_PRINTER,"job-sheets-default",bans); } req.addInteger(IPP_TAG_PRINTER,"job-quota-period",p->option("job-quota-period").toInt()); req.addInteger(IPP_TAG_PRINTER,"job-k-limit",p->option("job-k-limit").toInt()); req.addInteger(IPP_TAG_PRINTER,"job-page-limit",p->option("job-page-limit").toInt()); if (!p->option("requesting-user-name-denied").isEmpty()) req.addName(IPP_TAG_PRINTER,"requesting-user-name-denied",TQStringList::split(",",p->option("requesting-user-name-denied"),false)); else if (!p->option("requesting-user-name-allowed").isEmpty()) req.addName(IPP_TAG_PRINTER,"requesting-user-name-allowed",TQStringList::split(",",p->option("requesting-user-name-allowed"),false)); else req.addName(IPP_TAG_PRINTER,"requesting-user-name-allowed",TQString::tqfromLatin1("all")); } req.addText(IPP_TAG_PRINTER,"printer-info",p->description()); req.addText(IPP_TAG_PRINTER,"printer-location",p->location()); if (req.doRequest("/admin/")) { result = true; if (p->driver()) result = savePrinterDriver(p,p->driver()); if (result) upPrinter(p, true); } else reportIppError(&req); return result; } bool KMCupsManager::removePrinter(KMPrinter *p) { bool result = setPrinterState(p,CUPS_DELETE_PRINTER); return result; } bool KMCupsManager::enablePrinter(KMPrinter *p, bool state) { return setPrinterState(p, (state ? CUPS_ACCEPT_JOBS : CUPS_REJECT_JOBS)); } bool KMCupsManager::startPrinter(KMPrinter *p, bool state) { return setPrinterState(p, (state ? IPP_RESUME_PRINTER : IPP_PAUSE_PRINTER)); } bool KMCupsManager::setDefaultPrinter(KMPrinter *p) { return setPrinterState(p,CUPS_SET_DEFAULT); } bool KMCupsManager::setPrinterState(KMPrinter *p, int state) { IppRequest req; TQString uri; req.setOperation(state); uri = printerURI(p, true); req.addURI(IPP_TAG_OPERATION,"printer-uri",uri); if (req.doRequest("/admin/")) return true; reportIppError(&req); return false; } bool KMCupsManager::completePrinter(KMPrinter *p) { if (completePrinterShort(p)) { // driver informations TQString ppdname = downloadDriver(p); ppd_file_t *ppd = (ppdname.isEmpty() ? NULL : ppdOpenFile(ppdname.local8Bit())); if (ppd) { KMDBEntry entry; // use the validation mechanism of KMDBEntry to // fill possible missing entries like manufacturer // or model. entry.manufacturer = ppd->manufacturer; entry.model = ppd->shortnickname; entry.modelname = ppd->modelname; // do not check the driver regarding the manager entry.validate(false); // update the KMPrinter object p->setManufacturer(entry.manufacturer); p->setModel(entry.model); p->setDriverInfo(TQString::fromLocal8Bit(ppd->nickname)); ppdClose(ppd); } if (!ppdname.isEmpty()) TQFile::remove(ppdname); return true; } return false; } bool KMCupsManager::completePrinterShort(KMPrinter *p) { IppRequest req; TQStringList keys; TQString uri; req.setOperation(IPP_GET_PRINTER_ATTRIBUTES); uri = printerURI(p, true); req.addURI(IPP_TAG_OPERATION,"printer-uri",uri); /* // change host and port for remote stuffs if (!p->uri().isEmpty()) { // THIS IS AN UGLY HACK!! FIXME // This attempts a "pre-connection" to see if the host is // actually reachable. It times out after 2 seconds at most, // preventing application freezes. m_hostSuccess = false; m_lookupDone = false; // Give 2 seconds to connect to the printer, or abort KExtendedSocket *kes = new KExtendedSocket(p->uri().host(), p->uri().port()); connect(kes, TQT_SIGNAL(connectionSuccess()), this, TQT_SLOT(hostPingSlot())); connect(kes, TQT_SIGNAL(connectionFailed(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(hostPingFailedSlot())); if (kes->startAsyncConnect() != 0) { delete kes; m_hostSuccess = false; } else { TQDateTime tm = TQDateTime::tqcurrentDateTime().addSecs(2); while (!m_lookupDone && (TQDateTime::tqcurrentDateTime() < tm)) tqApp->processEvents(); kes->cancelAsyncConnect(); delete kes; if (!m_lookupDone) m_hostSuccess = false; } if (m_hostSuccess == true) { req.setHost(p->uri().host()); req.setPort(p->uri().port()); } } */ // disable location as it has been transferred to listing (for filtering) //keys.append("printer-location"); keys.append("printer-info"); keys.append("printer-make-and-model"); keys.append("job-sheets-default"); keys.append("job-sheets-supported"); keys.append("job-quota-period"); keys.append("job-k-limit"); keys.append("job-page-limit"); keys.append("requesting-user-name-allowed"); keys.append("requesting-user-name-denied"); if (p->isClass(true)) { keys.append("member-uris"); keys.append("member-names"); } else keys.append("device-uri"); req.addKeyword(IPP_TAG_OPERATION,"requested-attributes",keys); if (req.doRequest("/printers/")) { TQString value; if (req.text("printer-info",value)) p->setDescription(value); // disabled location //if (req.text("printer-location",value)) p->setLocation(value); if (req.text("printer-make-and-model",value)) p->setDriverInfo(value); if (req.uri("device-uri",value)) { /** * No specific treatment required as the device is * a normal TQString instead of a KURL */ p->setDevice( value ); } TQStringList values; /* if (req.uri("member-uris",values)) { TQStringList members; for (TQStringList::ConstIterator it=values.begin(); it!=values.end(); ++it) { int p = (*it).findRev('/'); if (p != -1) members.append((*it).right((*it).length()-p-1)); } p->setMembers(members); }*/ if (req.name("member-names",values)) p->setMembers(values); // banners req.name("job-sheets-default",values); while (values.count() < 2) values.append("none"); p->setOption("kde-banners",values.join(TQString::tqfromLatin1(","))); if (req.name("job-sheets-supported",values)) p->setOption("kde-banners-supported",values.join(TQString::tqfromLatin1(","))); // quotas int ival; if (req.integer("job-quota-period",ival)) p->setOption("job-quota-period",TQString::number(ival)); if (req.integer("job-k-limit",ival)) p->setOption("job-k-limit",TQString::number(ival)); if (req.integer("job-page-limit",ival)) p->setOption("job-page-limit",TQString::number(ival)); // access permissions (allow and deny are mutually exclusives) if (req.name("requesting-user-name-allowed",values) && values.count() > 0) { p->removeOption("requesting-user-name-denied"); p->setOption("requesting-user-name-allowed",values.join(",")); } if (req.name("requesting-user-name-denied",values) && values.count() > 0) { p->removeOption("requesting-user-name-allowed"); p->setOption("requesting-user-name-denied",values.join(",")); } return true; } reportIppError(&req); return false; } bool KMCupsManager::testPrinter(KMPrinter *p) { return KMManager::testPrinter(p); /* TQString testpage = testPage(); if (testpage.isEmpty()) { setErrorMsg(i18n("Unable to locate test page.")); return false; } IppRequest req; TQString uri; req.setOperation(IPP_PRINT_JOB); uri = printerURI(p); req.addURI(IPP_TAG_OPERATION,"printer-uri",uri); req.addMime(IPP_TAG_OPERATION,"document-format","application/postscript"); if (!CupsInfos::self()->login().isEmpty()) req.addName(IPP_TAG_OPERATION,"requesting-user-name",CupsInfos::self()->login()); req.addName(IPP_TAG_OPERATION,"job-name",TQString::tqfromLatin1("KDE Print Test")); if (req.doFileRequest("/printers/",testpage)) return true; reportIppError(&req); return false; */ } void KMCupsManager::listPrinters() { loadServerPrinters(); } void KMCupsManager::loadServerPrinters() { IppRequest req; TQStringList keys; // get printers req.setOperation(CUPS_GET_PRINTERS); keys.append("printer-name"); keys.append("printer-type"); keys.append("printer-state"); // location needed for filtering keys.append("printer-location"); keys.append("printer-uri-supported"); keys.append("printer-is-accepting-jobs"); req.addKeyword(IPP_TAG_OPERATION,"requested-attributes",keys); // filtering by username (hides printers user doesn't have allowance to use) req.addName(IPP_TAG_OPERATION, "requesting-user-name", TQString(cupsUser())); if (req.doRequest("/printers/")) { processRequest(&req); // get classes req.init(); req.setOperation(CUPS_GET_CLASSES); req.addKeyword(IPP_TAG_OPERATION,"requested-attributes",keys); if (req.doRequest("/classes/")) { processRequest(&req); // load default req.init(); req.setOperation(CUPS_GET_DEFAULT); req.addKeyword(IPP_TAG_OPERATION,"requested-attributes",TQString::tqfromLatin1("printer-name")); if (req.doRequest("/printers/")) { TQString s = TQString::null; req.name("printer-name",s); setHardDefault(findPrinter(s)); } // This request may fails for example if no printer is defined. Just // discard the error message. Indeed as we successfully got printers // and classes, the most probable reason why this request may fail is // because of no printer defined. The best would be to actually check // there's no printer (TODO). return; } } // something went wrong if we get there, report the error reportIppError(&req); } void KMCupsManager::processRequest(IppRequest* req) { ipp_attribute_t *attr = req->first(); KMPrinter *printer = new KMPrinter(); while (attr) { TQString attrname(attr->name); if (attrname == "printer-name") { TQString value = TQString::fromLocal8Bit(attr->values[0].string.text); printer->setName(value); printer->setPrinterName(value); } else if (attrname == "printer-type") { int value = attr->values[0].integer; printer->setType(0); printer->addType(((value & CUPS_PRINTER_CLASS) || (value & CUPS_PRINTER_IMPLICIT) ? KMPrinter::Class : KMPrinter::Printer)); if ((value & CUPS_PRINTER_REMOTE)) printer->addType(KMPrinter::Remote); if ((value & CUPS_PRINTER_IMPLICIT)) printer->addType(KMPrinter::Implicit); // convert printer-type attribute printer->setPrinterCap( ( value & CUPS_PRINTER_OPTIONS ) >> 2 ); } else if (attrname == "printer-state") { switch (attr->values[0].integer) { case IPP_PRINTER_IDLE: printer->setState(KMPrinter::Idle); break; case IPP_PRINTER_PROCESSING: printer->setState(KMPrinter::Processing); break; case IPP_PRINTER_STOPPED: printer->setState(KMPrinter::Stopped); break; } } else if (attrname == "printer-uri-supported") { printer->setUri(KURL(attr->values[0].string.text)); } else if (attrname == "printer-location") { printer->setLocation(TQString::fromLocal8Bit(attr->values[0].string.text)); } else if (attrname == "printer-is-accepting-jobs") { printer->setAcceptJobs(attr->values[0].boolean); } if (attrname.isEmpty() || attr == req->last()) { addPrinter(printer); printer = new KMPrinter(); } attr = attr->next; } delete printer; } DrMain* KMCupsManager::loadPrinterDriver(KMPrinter *p, bool) { if (!p) return NULL; if (p->isClass(true)) { KMPrinter *first_class_member = NULL; /* find the first printer in the class */ first_class_member = findPrinter(p->members().first()); if (first_class_member == NULL) { /* we didn't find a printer in the class */ return NULL; } else { p = first_class_member; } } TQString fname = downloadDriver(p); DrMain *driver(0); if (!fname.isEmpty()) { driver = loadDriverFile(fname); if (driver) driver->set("temporary",fname); } return driver; } DrMain* KMCupsManager::loadFileDriver(const TQString& filename) { if (filename.startsWith("ppd:")) return loadDriverFile(filename.mid(4)); else if (filename.startsWith("foomatic/")) return loadMaticDriver(filename); else return loadDriverFile(filename); } DrMain* KMCupsManager::loadMaticDriver(const TQString& drname) { TQStringList comps = TQStringList::split('/', drname, false); TQString tmpFile = locateLocal("tmp", "foomatic_" + kapp->randomString(8)); TQString PATH = getenv("PATH") + TQString::tqfromLatin1(":/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/opt/sbin:/opt/local/sbin"); TQString exe = KStandardDirs::findExe("foomatic-datafile", PATH); if (exe.isEmpty()) { setErrorMsg(i18n("Unable to find the executable foomatic-datafile " "in your PATH. Check that Foomatic is correctly installed.")); return NULL; } KPipeProcess in; TQFile out(tmpFile); TQString cmd = KProcess::quote(exe); cmd += " -t cups -d "; cmd += KProcess::quote(comps[2]); cmd += " -p "; cmd += KProcess::quote(comps[1]); if (in.open(cmd) && out.open(IO_WriteOnly)) { TQTextStream tin(&in), tout(&out); TQString line; while (!tin.atEnd()) { line = tin.readLine(); tout << line << endl; } in.close(); out.close(); DrMain *driver = loadDriverFile(tmpFile); if (driver) { driver->set("template", tmpFile); driver->set("temporary", tmpFile); return driver; } } setErrorMsg(i18n("Unable to create the Foomatic driver [%1,%2]. " "Either that driver does not exist, or you don't have " "the required permissions to perform that operation.").arg(comps[1]).arg(comps[2])); TQFile::remove(tmpFile); return NULL; } DrMain* KMCupsManager::loadDriverFile(const TQString& fname) { if (TQFile::exists(fname)) { TQString msg; /* possible error message */ DrMain *driver = PPDLoader::loadDriver( fname, &msg ); if ( driver ) { driver->set( "template", fname ); // FIXME: should fix option in group "install" } else setErrorMsg( msg ); return driver; } return NULL; } void KMCupsManager::saveDriverFile(DrMain *driver, const TQString& filename) { kdDebug( 500 ) << "Saving PPD file with template=" << driver->get( "template" ) << endl; TQIODevice *in = KFilterDev::deviceForFile( driver->get( "template" ) ); TQFile out(filename); if (in && in->open(IO_ReadOnly) && out.open(IO_WriteOnly)) { TQTextStream tin(in), tout(&out); TQString line, keyword; bool isnumeric(false); DrBase *opt(0); while (!tin.eof()) { line = tin.readLine(); if (line.startsWith("*% COMDATA #")) { int p(-1), q(-1); if ((p=line.tqfind("'name'")) != -1) { p = line.tqfind('\'',p+6)+1; q = line.tqfind('\'',p); keyword = line.mid(p,q-p); opt = driver->findOption(keyword); if (opt && (opt->type() == DrBase::Integer || opt->type() == DrBase::Float)) isnumeric = true; else isnumeric = false; } /*else if ((p=line.tqfind("'type'")) != -1) { p = line.tqfind('\'',p+6)+1; if (line.tqfind("float",p) != -1 || line.tqfind("int",p) != -1) isnumeric = true; else isnumeric = false; }*/ else if ((p=line.tqfind("'default'")) != -1 && !keyword.isEmpty() && opt && isnumeric) { TQString prefix = line.left(p+9); tout << prefix << " => '" << opt->valueText() << '\''; if (line.tqfind(',',p) != -1) tout << ','; tout << endl; continue; } tout << line << endl; } else if (line.startsWith("*Default")) { int p = line.tqfind(':',8); keyword = line.mid(8,p-8); DrBase *bopt = 0; if ( keyword == "PageRegion" || keyword == "ImageableArea" || keyword == "PaperDimension" ) bopt = driver->findOption( TQString::tqfromLatin1( "PageSize" ) ); else bopt = driver->findOption( keyword ); if (bopt) switch (bopt->type()) { case DrBase::List: case DrBase::Boolean: { DrListOption *opt = static_cast(bopt); if (opt && opt->currentChoice()) tout << "*Default" << keyword << ": " << opt->currentChoice()->name() << endl; else tout << line << endl; } break; case DrBase::Integer: { DrIntegerOption *opt = static_cast(bopt); tout << "*Default" << keyword << ": " << opt->fixedVal() << endl; } break; case DrBase::Float: { DrFloatOption *opt = static_cast(bopt); tout << "*Default" << keyword << ": " << opt->fixedVal() << endl; } break; default: tout << line << endl; break; } else tout << line << endl; } else tout << line << endl; } } delete in; } bool KMCupsManager::savePrinterDriver(KMPrinter *p, DrMain *d) { TQString tmpfilename = locateLocal("tmp","print_") + kapp->randomString(8); // first save the driver in a temporary file saveDriverFile(d,tmpfilename); // then send a request IppRequest req; TQString uri; bool result(false); req.setOperation(CUPS_ADD_PRINTER); uri = printerURI(p, true); req.addURI(IPP_TAG_OPERATION,"printer-uri",uri); result = req.doFileRequest("/admin/",tmpfilename); // remove temporary file TQFile::remove(tmpfilename); if (!result) reportIppError(&req); return result; } void* KMCupsManager::loadCupsdConfFunction(const char *name) { if (!m_cupsdconf) { m_cupsdconf = KLibLoader::self()->library("cupsdconf"); if (!m_cupsdconf) { setErrorMsg(i18n("Library cupsdconf not found. Check your installation.")); return NULL; } } void* func = m_cupsdconf->symbol(name); if (!func) setErrorMsg(i18n("Symbol %1 not found in cupsdconf library.").arg(name)); return func; } void KMCupsManager::unloadCupsdConf() { if (m_cupsdconf) { KLibLoader::self()->unloadLibrary("libcupsdconf"); m_cupsdconf = 0; } } bool KMCupsManager::restartServer() { TQString msg; bool (*f1)(TQString&) = (bool(*)(TQString&))loadCupsdConfFunction("restartServer"); bool result(false); if (f1) { result = f1(msg); if (!result) setErrorMsg(msg); } unloadCupsdConf(); return result; } bool KMCupsManager::configureServer(TQWidget *parent) { TQString msg; bool (*f2)(TQWidget*, TQString&) = (bool(*)(TQWidget*, TQString&))loadCupsdConfFunction("configureServer"); bool result(false); if (f2) { result = f2(parent, msg); if ( !result ) setErrorMsg( msg ); } unloadCupsdConf(); return result; } TQStringList KMCupsManager::detectLocalPrinters() { TQStringList list; IppRequest req; req.setOperation(CUPS_GET_DEVICES); if (req.doRequest("/")) { TQString desc, uri, printer, cl; ipp_attribute_t *attr = req.first(); while (attr) { TQString attrname(attr->name); if (attrname == "device-info") desc = attr->values[0].string.text; else if (attrname == "device-make-and-model") printer = attr->values[0].string.text; else if (attrname == "device-uri") uri = attr->values[0].string.text; else if ( attrname == "device-class" ) cl = attr->values[ 0 ].string.text; if (attrname.isEmpty() || attr == req.last()) { if (!uri.isEmpty()) { if (printer == "Unknown") printer = TQString::null; list << cl << uri << desc << printer; } uri = desc = printer = cl = TQString::null; } attr = attr->next; } } return list; } void KMCupsManager::createPluginActions(KActionCollection *coll) { KAction *act = new KAction(i18n("&Export Driver..."), "kdeprint_uploadsmb", 0, this, TQT_SLOT(exportDriver()), coll, "plugin_export_driver"); act->setGroup("plugin"); act = new KAction(i18n("&Printer IPP Report"), "kdeprint_report", 0, this, TQT_SLOT(printerIppReport()), coll, "plugin_printer_ipp_report"); act->setGroup("plugin"); } void KMCupsManager::validatePluginActions(KActionCollection *coll, KMPrinter *pr) { // save selected printer for future use in slots m_currentprinter = pr; coll->action("plugin_export_driver")->setEnabled(pr && pr->isLocal() && !pr->isClass(true) && !pr->isSpecial()); coll->action("plugin_printer_ipp_report")->setEnabled(pr && !pr->isSpecial()); } void KMCupsManager::exportDriver() { if (m_currentprinter && m_currentprinter->isLocal() && !m_currentprinter->isClass(true) && !m_currentprinter->isSpecial()) { TQString path = cupsInstallDir(); if (path.isEmpty()) path = "/usr/share/cups"; else path += "/share/cups"; CupsAddSmb::exportDest(m_currentprinter->printerName(), path); } } void KMCupsManager::printerIppReport() { if (m_currentprinter && !m_currentprinter->isSpecial()) { IppRequest req; TQString uri; req.setOperation(IPP_GET_PRINTER_ATTRIBUTES); uri = printerURI(m_currentprinter, true); req.addURI(IPP_TAG_OPERATION,"printer-uri",uri); /* if (!m_currentprinter->uri().isEmpty()) { req.setHost(m_currentprinter->uri().host()); req.setPort(m_currentprinter->uri().port()); } */ req.dump(2); if (req.doRequest("/printers/")) { ippReport(req, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, i18n("IPP Report for %1").arg(m_currentprinter->printerName())); } else { KMessageBox::error(0, "

"+i18n("Unable to retrieve printer information. Error received:")+"

"+req.statusMessage()); } } } void KMCupsManager::ippReport(IppRequest& req, int group, const TQString& caption) { IppReportDlg::report(&req, group, caption); } TQString KMCupsManager::stateInformation() { return TQString("%1: %2") .arg(i18n("Server")) .arg(CupsInfos::self()->host()[0] != '/' ? TQString(TQString("%1:%2").arg(CupsInfos::self()->host()).arg(CupsInfos::self()->port())) : CupsInfos::self()->host()); } void KMCupsManager::checkUpdatePossibleInternal() { kdDebug(500) << "Checking for update possible" << endl; delete m_socket; m_socket = new KNetwork::KBufferedSocket; m_socket->setTimeout( 1500 ); connect( m_socket, TQT_SIGNAL( connected(const KResolverEntry&) ), TQT_SLOT( slotConnectionSuccess() ) ); connect( m_socket, TQT_SIGNAL( gotError( int ) ), TQT_SLOT( slotConnectionFailed( int ) ) ); trials = 5; TQTimer::singleShot( 1, this, TQT_SLOT( slotAsyncConnect() ) ); } void KMCupsManager::slotConnectionSuccess() { kdDebug(500) << "Connection success, trying to send a request..." << endl; m_socket->close(); IppRequest req; req.setOperation( CUPS_GET_PRINTERS ); req.addKeyword( IPP_TAG_OPERATION, "requested-attributes", TQString::tqfromLatin1( "printer-name" ) ); if ( req.doRequest( "/printers/" ) ) setUpdatePossible( true ); else { kdDebug(500) << "Unable to get printer list" << endl; if ( trials > 0 ) { trials--; TQTimer::singleShot( 1000, this, TQT_SLOT( slotAsyncConnect() ) ); } else { setErrorMsg( i18n( "Connection to CUPS server failed. Check that the CUPS server is correctly installed and running. " "Error: %1." ).arg( i18n( "the IPP request failed for an unknown reason" ) ) ); setUpdatePossible( false ); } } } void KMCupsManager::slotAsyncConnect() { kdDebug(500) << "Starting async connect to " << CupsInfos::self()->hostaddr() << endl; //m_socket->startAsyncConnect(); if (CupsInfos::self()->host().startsWith("/")) m_socket->connect( TQString(), CupsInfos::self()->host()); else m_socket->connectToHost( CupsInfos::self()->host(), CupsInfos::self()->port() ); } void KMCupsManager::slotConnectionFailed( int errcode ) { kdDebug(500) << "Connection failed trials=" << trials << endl; if ( trials > 0 ) { //m_socket->setTimeout( ++to ); //m_socket->cancelAsyncConnect(); trials--; m_socket->close(); TQTimer::singleShot( 1000, this, TQT_SLOT( slotAsyncConnect() ) ); return; } TQString einfo; switch (errcode) { case KNetwork::KSocketBase::ConnectionRefused: case KNetwork::KSocketBase::ConnectionTimedOut: einfo = i18n("connection refused") + TQString(" (%1)").arg(errcode); break; case KNetwork::KSocketBase::LookupFailure: einfo = i18n("host not found") + TQString(" (%1)").arg(errcode); break; case KNetwork::KSocketBase::WouldBlock: default: einfo = i18n("read failed (%1)").arg(errcode); break; } setErrorMsg( i18n( "Connection to CUPS server failed. Check that the CUPS server is correctly installed and running. " "Error: %2: %1." ).arg( einfo, CupsInfos::self()->host())); setUpdatePossible( false ); } void KMCupsManager::hostPingSlot() { m_hostSuccess = true; m_lookupDone = true; } void KMCupsManager::hostPingFailedSlot() { m_hostSuccess = false; m_lookupDone = true; } //***************************************************************************************************** static void extractMaticData(TQString& buf, const TQString& filename) { TQFile f(filename); if (f.exists() && f.open(IO_ReadOnly)) { TQTextStream t(&f); TQString line; while (!t.eof()) { line = t.readLine(); if (line.startsWith("*% COMDATA #")) buf.append(line.right(line.length()-12)).append('\n'); } } } static TQString printerURI(KMPrinter *p, bool use) { TQString uri; if (use && !p->uri().isEmpty()) uri = p->uri().prettyURL(); else uri = TQString("ipp://%1/%3/%2").arg(CupsInfos::self()->hostaddr()).arg(p->printerName()).arg((p->isClass(false) ? "classes" : "printers")); return uri; } static TQString downloadDriver(KMPrinter *p) { TQString driverfile, prname = p->printerName(); bool changed(false); /* if (!p->uri().isEmpty()) { // try to load the driver from the host:port // specified in its URI. Doing so may also change // the printer name to use. Note that for remote // printer, this operation is read-only, no counterpart // for saving operation. cupsSetServer(p->uri().host().local8Bit()); ippSetPort(p->uri().port()); // strip any "@..." from the printer name prname = prname.replace(TQRegExp("@.*"), ""); changed = true; } */ // download driver driverfile = cupsGetPPD(prname.local8Bit()); // restore host:port (if they have changed) if (changed) { cupsSetServer(CupsInfos::self()->host().local8Bit()); ippSetPort(CupsInfos::self()->port()); } return driverfile; } #include "kmcupsmanager.moc"