/* * This file is part of the KDE libraries * Copyright (c) 2001 Michael Goffioul * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. **/ #include "kmlprmanager.h" #include "printcapreader.h" #include "printcapentry.h" #include "lpchelper.h" #include "matichandler.h" #include "apshandler.h" #include "lprngtoolhandler.h" #include "lprsettings.h" #include "driver.h" #include "editentrydialog.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include KMLprManager::KMLprManager(QObject *parent, const char *name, const QStringList & /*args*/) : KMManager(parent,name) { m_handlers.setAutoDelete(true); m_handlerlist.setAutoDelete(false); m_entries.setAutoDelete(true); m_lpchelper = new LpcHelper(this); m_currentprinter = 0; setHasManagement(getuid() == 0); setPrinterOperationMask( KMManager::PrinterEnabling | KMManager::PrinterConfigure | KMManager::PrinterTesting | KMManager::PrinterCreation | KMManager::PrinterRemoval | KMManager::PrinterTesting ); initHandlers(); } void KMLprManager::listPrinters() { QFileInfo fi(LprSettings::self()->printcapFile()); if (m_lpchelper) m_lpchelper->updateStates(); // update only if needed if (!m_updtime.isValid() || m_updtime < fi.lastModified()) { // cleanup previous entries m_entries.clear(); // notify handlers QPtrListIterator hit(m_handlerlist); for (; hit.current(); ++hit) hit.current()->reset(); // try to open the printcap file and parse it PrintcapReader reader; QFile f(fi.absFilePath()); PrintcapEntry *entry; if (f.exists() && f.open(IO_ReadOnly)) { reader.setPrintcapFile(&f); while ((entry = reader.nextEntry()) != NULL) { QPtrListIterator it(m_handlerlist); for (; it.current(); ++it) if (it.current()->validate(entry)) { KMPrinter *prt = it.current()->createPrinter(entry); checkPrinterState(prt); prt->setOption("kde-lpr-handler", it.current()->name()); addPrinter(prt); break; } m_entries.insert(entry->name, entry); } } // save update time m_updtime = fi.lastModified(); } else { QPtrListIterator it(m_printers); for (; it.current(); ++it) if (!it.current()->isSpecial()) { it.current()->setDiscarded(false); checkPrinterState(it.current()); } } } void KMLprManager::insertHandler(LprHandler *handler) { m_handlers.insert(handler->name(), handler); m_handlerlist.append(handler); kdDebug() << "Handler: " << handler->name() << endl; } void KMLprManager::initHandlers() { m_handlers.clear(); m_handlerlist.clear(); insertHandler(new MaticHandler(this)); insertHandler(new ApsHandler(this)); insertHandler(new LPRngToolHandler(this)); // now load external handlers QStringList l = KGlobal::dirs()->findAllResources("data", "kdeprint/lpr/*.la"); for (QStringList::ConstIterator it=l.begin(); it!=l.end(); ++it) { KLibrary *library = KLibLoader::self()->library(QFile::encodeName(*it)); if (library) { kdDebug() << "loading external handler from " << *it << endl; LprHandler*(*func)(KMManager*) = (LprHandler*(*)(KMManager*))(library->symbol("create_handler")); if (func) insertHandler(func(this)); else kdDebug() << "couldn't find the symbol 'create_handler'" << endl; } } // default handler insertHandler(new LprHandler("default", this)); } LprHandler* KMLprManager::findHandler(KMPrinter *prt) { QString handlerstr(prt->option("kde-lpr-handler")); LprHandler *handler(0); if (handlerstr.isEmpty() || (handler = m_handlers.find(handlerstr)) == NULL) { return NULL; } return handler; } PrintcapEntry* KMLprManager::findEntry(KMPrinter *prt) { PrintcapEntry *entry = m_entries.find(prt->printerName()); if (!entry) { return NULL; } return entry; } bool KMLprManager::completePrinter(KMPrinter *prt) { LprHandler *handler = findHandler(prt); PrintcapEntry *entry = findEntry(prt); if (handler && entry) return handler->completePrinter(prt, entry, false); return false; } bool KMLprManager::completePrinterShort(KMPrinter *prt) { LprHandler *handler = findHandler(prt); PrintcapEntry *entry = findEntry(prt); if (!handler || !entry) return false; return handler->completePrinter(prt, entry, true); } void KMLprManager::checkPrinterState(KMPrinter *prt) { if (m_lpchelper) { KMPrinter::PrinterState st = m_lpchelper->state(prt); prt->setState(st); prt->setAcceptJobs(!(st & KMPrinter::Rejecting)); } else { prt->setState(KMPrinter::Idle); prt->setAcceptJobs(true); } } DrMain* KMLprManager::loadPrinterDriver(KMPrinter *prt, bool config) { if (!prt) return NULL; LprHandler *handler = findHandler(prt); PrintcapEntry *entry = findEntry(prt); if (handler && entry) { DrMain *driver = handler->loadDriver(prt, entry, config); if (driver) driver->set("handler", handler->name()); return driver; } return NULL; } DrMain* KMLprManager::loadFileDriver(const QString& filename) { int p = filename.find('/'); QString handler_str = (p != -1 ? filename.left(p) : QString::fromLatin1("default")); LprHandler *handler = m_handlers.find(handler_str); if (handler) { DrMain *driver = handler->loadDbDriver(filename); if (driver) driver->set("handler", handler->name()); return driver; } return NULL; } bool KMLprManager::enablePrinter(KMPrinter *prt, bool state) { QString msg; if (!m_lpchelper->enable(prt, state, msg)) { setErrorMsg(msg); return false; } return true; } bool KMLprManager::startPrinter(KMPrinter *prt, bool state) { QString msg; if (!m_lpchelper->start(prt, state, msg)) { setErrorMsg(msg); return false; } return true; } bool KMLprManager::savePrinterDriver(KMPrinter *prt, DrMain *driver) { LprHandler *handler = findHandler(prt); PrintcapEntry *entry = findEntry(prt); if (handler && entry) { bool mustSave(false); if (handler->savePrinterDriver(prt, entry, driver, &mustSave)) { if (mustSave) return savePrintcapFile(); return true; } } return false; } bool KMLprManager::savePrintcapFile() { if (!LprSettings::self()->isLocalPrintcap()) { setErrorMsg(i18n("The printcap file is a remote file (NIS). It cannot be written.")); return false; } QFile f(LprSettings::self()->printcapFile()); if (f.open(IO_WriteOnly)) { QTextStream t(&f); QDictIterator it(m_entries); for (; it.current(); ++it) { it.current()->writeEntry(t); } return true; } else { setErrorMsg(i18n("Unable to save printcap file. Check that " "you have write permissions for that file.")); return false; } } bool KMLprManager::createPrinter(KMPrinter *prt) { // remove existing printcap entry PrintcapEntry *oldEntry = m_entries.find(prt->printerName()); // look for the handler and re-create entry LprHandler *handler(0); // To look for the handler, either we base ourselves // on the driver (1: new printer, 2: modifying driver) // or we use the handler of the existing printer // (modifying something else, handler stays the same) if (prt->driver()) handler = m_handlers.find(prt->driver()->get("handler")); else if (oldEntry) handler = findHandler(prt); else handler = m_handlers.find("default"); if (!handler) { setErrorMsg(i18n("Internal error: no handler defined.")); return false; } prt->setOption("kde-lpr-handler", handler->name()); // we reload the driver if the printer object doesn't have one // and there's an old entry (sometimes needed to keep the backend // like in Foomatic) if (!prt->driver() && oldEntry) prt->setDriver(handler->loadDriver(prt, oldEntry, true)); QString sd = LprSettings::self()->baseSpoolDir(); if (sd.isEmpty()) { setErrorMsg(i18n("Couldn't determine spool directory. See options dialog.")); return false; } sd.append("/").append(prt->printerName()); if (!KStandardDirs::makeDir(sd, 0755)) { setErrorMsg(i18n("Unable to create the spool directory %1. Check that you " "have the required permissions for that operation.").arg(sd)); return false; } PrintcapEntry *entry = handler->createEntry(prt); if (!entry) return false; // error should be set in the handler // old entry can be removed now m_entries.remove(prt->printerName()); entry->name = prt->printerName(); entry->addField("sh", Field::Boolean); entry->addField("mx", Field::Integer, "0"); entry->addField("sd", Field::String, sd); if (!prt->option("kde-aliases").isEmpty()) entry->aliases += QStringList::split("|", prt->option("kde-aliases"), false); // insert the new entry and save printcap file m_entries.insert(prt->printerName(), entry); bool result = savePrintcapFile(); if (result) { if (prt->driver()) { result = handler->savePrinterDriver(prt, entry, prt->driver()); } // in case of LPRng, we need to tell the daemon about new printer if (LprSettings::self()->mode() == LprSettings::LPRng) { QString msg; if (!m_lpchelper->restart(msg)) { setErrorMsg(i18n("The printer has been created but the print daemon " "could not be restarted. %1").arg(msg)); return false; } } } return result; } bool KMLprManager::removePrinter(KMPrinter *prt) { LprHandler *handler = findHandler(prt); PrintcapEntry *entry = findEntry(prt); if (handler && entry) { if (handler->removePrinter(prt, entry)) { QString sd = entry->field("sd"); // first try to save the printcap file, and if // successful, remove the spool directory m_entries.take(prt->printerName()); bool status = savePrintcapFile(); if (status) { // printcap file saved, entry can be deleted now delete entry; status = (::system(QFile::encodeName("rm -rf " + KProcess::quote(sd))) == 0); if (!status) setErrorMsg(i18n("Unable to remove spool directory %1. " "Check that you have write permissions " "for that directory.").arg(sd)); return status; } else // push back the non-removed entry m_entries.insert(prt->printerName(), entry); } } return false; } QString KMLprManager::driverDbCreationProgram() { return QString::fromLatin1("make_driver_db_lpr"); } QString KMLprManager::driverDirectory() { QPtrListIterator it(m_handlerlist); QString dbDirs; for (; it.current(); ++it) { QString dir = it.current()->driverDirectory(); if (!dir.isEmpty()) dbDirs.append(dir).append(":"); } if (!dbDirs.isEmpty()) dbDirs.truncate(dbDirs.length()-1); return dbDirs; } QString KMLprManager::printOptions(KPrinter *prt) { KMPrinter *mprt = findPrinter(prt->printerName()); QString opts; if (mprt) { LprHandler *handler = findHandler(mprt); if (handler) return handler->printOptions(prt); } return QString::null; } void KMLprManager::createPluginActions(KActionCollection *coll) { KAction *act = new KAction(i18n("&Edit printcap Entry..."), "kdeprint_report", 0, this, SLOT(slotEditPrintcap()), coll, "plugin_editprintcap"); act->setGroup("plugin"); } void KMLprManager::validatePluginActions(KActionCollection *coll, KMPrinter *prt) { m_currentprinter = prt; // FIXME: disabled until completion coll->action("plugin_editprintcap")->setEnabled(0 && hasManagement() && prt && !prt->isSpecial()); } void KMLprManager::slotEditPrintcap() { if (!m_currentprinter || KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(NULL, i18n("Editing a printcap entry manually should only be " "done by confirmed system administrator. This may " "prevent your printer from working. Do you want to " "continue?"), QString::null, KStdGuiItem::cont(), "editPrintcap") == KMessageBox::Cancel) return; PrintcapEntry *entry = findEntry(m_currentprinter); EditEntryDialog dlg(entry, NULL); if (dlg.exec()) { } } QString KMLprManager::stateInformation() { return i18n("Spooler type: %1").arg(LprSettings::self()->mode() == LprSettings::LPR ? "LPR (BSD compatible)" : "LPRng"); } #include "kmlprmanager.moc"