/* * This file is part of the KDE libraries * Copyright (c) 2001 Michael Goffioul * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. **/ #include "kmspecialprinterdlg.h" #include "kmprinter.h" #include "kdeprintcheck.h" #include "kmfactory.h" #include "kmspecialmanager.h" #include "kxmlcommandselector.h" #include "kxmlcommand.h" #include "driver.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include KMSpecialPrinterDlg::KMSpecialPrinterDlg(TQWidget *parent, const char *name) : KDialogBase(parent, name, true, TQString::null, Ok|Cancel, Ok) { setCaption(i18n("Add Special Printer")); TQWidget *dummy = new TQWidget(this); setMainWidget(dummy); // widget creation m_name = new TQLineEdit(dummy); connect(m_name, TQT_SIGNAL(textChanged ( const TQString & )),this,TQT_SLOT(slotTextChanged(const TQString & ))); m_description = new TQLineEdit(dummy); m_location = new TQLineEdit(dummy); TQLabel *m_namelabel = new TQLabel(i18n("&Name:"), dummy); TQLabel *m_desclabel = new TQLabel(i18n("&Description:"), dummy); TQLabel *m_loclabel = new TQLabel(i18n("&Location:"), dummy); m_namelabel->setBuddy(m_name); m_desclabel->setBuddy(m_description); m_loclabel->setBuddy(m_location); KSeparator* sep = new KSeparator( KSeparator::HLine, dummy); sep->setFixedHeight(10); TQGroupBox *m_gb = new TQGroupBox(1, Qt::Horizontal, i18n("Command &Settings"), dummy); m_command = new KXmlCommandSelector(true, m_gb, "CommandSelector", this); TQGroupBox *m_outfile_gb = new TQGroupBox( 0, Qt::Horizontal, i18n( "Outp&ut File" ), dummy ); m_usefile = new TQCheckBox( i18n("&Enable output file"), m_outfile_gb); m_mimetype = new TQComboBox(m_outfile_gb); KMimeType::List list = KMimeType::allMimeTypes(); for (TQValueList::ConstIterator it=list.begin(); it!=list.end(); ++it) { TQString mimetype = (*it)->name(); m_mimelist << mimetype; } m_mimelist.sort(); m_mimetype->insertStringList(m_mimelist); TQLabel *m_mimetypelabel = new TQLabel(i18n("&Format:"), m_outfile_gb); m_mimetypelabel->setBuddy (m_mimetype); m_extension = new TQLineEdit(m_outfile_gb); TQLabel *m_extensionlabel = new TQLabel(i18n("Filename e&xtension:"), m_outfile_gb); m_extensionlabel->setBuddy(m_extension); m_icon = new KIconButton(dummy); m_icon->setIcon("fileprint"); m_icon->setFixedSize(TQSize(48,48)); connect( m_usefile, TQT_SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), m_mimetype, TQT_SLOT( setEnabled( bool ) ) ); connect( m_usefile, TQT_SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), m_extension, TQT_SLOT( setEnabled( bool ) ) ); connect( m_usefile, TQT_SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), m_mimetypelabel, TQT_SLOT( setEnabled( bool ) ) ); connect( m_usefile, TQT_SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), m_extensionlabel, TQT_SLOT( setEnabled( bool ) ) ); m_mimetypelabel->setEnabled( false ); m_mimetype->setEnabled( false ); m_extensionlabel->setEnabled( false ); m_extension->setEnabled( false ); TQWhatsThis::add(m_usefile, i18n("

The command will use an output file. If checked, make sure the " "command contains an output tag.

")); TQWhatsThis::add(m_command, i18n("

The command to execute when printing on this special printer. Either enter " "the command to execute directly, or associate/create a command object with/for " "this special printer. The command object is the preferred method as it provides " "support for advanced settings like mime type checking, configurable options and " "requirement list (the plain command is only provided for backward compatibility). " "When using a plain command, the following tags are recognized:

" "
  • %in: the input file (required).
  • " "
  • %out: the output file (required if using an output file).
  • " "
  • %psl: the paper size in lower case.
  • " "
  • %psu: the paper size with the first letter in upper case.
")); TQString mimetypeWhatsThis = i18n("

The default mimetype for the output file (e.g. application/postscript).

"); TQWhatsThis::add(m_mimetypelabel, mimetypeWhatsThis); TQWhatsThis::add(m_mimetype, mimetypeWhatsThis); TQString extensionWhatsThis = i18n("

The default extension for the output file (e.g. ps, pdf, ps.gz).

"); TQWhatsThis::add(m_extensionlabel, extensionWhatsThis); TQWhatsThis::add(m_extension, extensionWhatsThis); // layout creation TQVBoxLayout *l0 = new TQVBoxLayout(dummy, 0, 10); TQGridLayout *l1 = new TQGridLayout(0, 3, 3, 0, 5); l0->addLayout(TQT_TQLAYOUT(l1)); l1->setColStretch(2,1); l1->addColSpacing(0,60); l1->addMultiCellWidget(m_icon, 0, 2, 0, 0, Qt::AlignCenter); l1->addWidget(m_namelabel, 0, 1); l1->addWidget(m_desclabel, 1, 1); l1->addWidget(m_loclabel, 2, 1); l1->addWidget(m_name, 0, 2); l1->addWidget(m_description, 1, 2); l1->addWidget(m_location, 2, 2); l0->addWidget(sep); l0->addWidget(m_gb); l0->addWidget(m_outfile_gb); TQGridLayout *l6 = new TQGridLayout(m_outfile_gb->tqlayout(), 3, 2, 10); l6->addMultiCellWidget( m_usefile, 0, 0, 0, 1 ); l6->addWidget(m_mimetypelabel, 1, 0); l6->addWidget(m_mimetype, 1, 1); l6->addWidget(m_extensionlabel, 2, 0); l6->addWidget(m_extension, 2, 1); enableButton(Ok, !m_name->text().isEmpty()); // resize dialog resize(400,100); } void KMSpecialPrinterDlg::slotTextChanged(const TQString & ) { enableButton(Ok, !m_name->text().isEmpty()); } void KMSpecialPrinterDlg::slotOk() { if (!checkSettings()) return; KDialogBase::slotOk(); } bool KMSpecialPrinterDlg::checkSettings() { TQString msg; if (m_name->text().isEmpty()) msg = i18n("You must provide a non-empty name."); else KXmlCommandManager::self()->checkCommand(m_command->command(), KXmlCommandManager::Basic, (m_usefile->isChecked() ? KXmlCommandManager::Basic : KXmlCommandManager::None), &msg); if (!msg.isEmpty()) KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Invalid settings. %1.").arg(msg)); return (msg.isEmpty()); } void KMSpecialPrinterDlg::setPrinter(KMPrinter *printer) { if (printer && printer->isSpecial()) { m_command->setCommand(printer->option("kde-special-command")); m_usefile->setChecked(printer->option("kde-special-file") == "1"); int index = m_mimelist.tqfindIndex(printer->option("kde-special-mimetype")); m_mimetype->setCurrentItem(index == -1 ? 0 : index); m_extension->setText(printer->option("kde-special-extension")); m_name->setText(printer->name()); m_description->setText(printer->description()); m_location->setText(printer->location()); m_icon->setIcon(printer->pixmap()); setCaption(i18n("Configuring %1").arg(printer->name())); } } KMPrinter* KMSpecialPrinterDlg::printer() { KMPrinter *printer = new KMPrinter(); printer->setName(m_name->text()); printer->setPrinterName(m_name->text()); printer->setPixmap(m_icon->icon()); printer->setDescription(m_description->text()); printer->setLocation(m_location->text()); printer->setOption("kde-special-command",m_command->command()); printer->setOption("kde-special-file",(m_usefile->isChecked() ? "1" : "0")); if (m_usefile->isChecked ()) { if (m_mimetype->currentText() != "all/all") printer->setOption("kde-special-mimetype", m_mimetype->currentText()); printer->setOption("kde-special-extension",m_extension->text()); } printer->setType(KMPrinter::Special); printer->setState(KMPrinter::Idle); return printer; } #include "kmspecialprinterdlg.moc"