 * This file is part of the KDE Libraries
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Mirko Boehm (mirko@kde.org) and
 * Espen Sand (espen@kde.org)
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Library General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
 * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
 * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
 * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

 * This file declares a class for creating "About ..." dialogs
 * in a general way. It provides geometry management and some
 * options to connect for, like emailing the author or maintainer.


#include <kdialogbase.h>
#include <qstring.h>

class QFrame;
class QLabel;
class QVBoxLayout;
class QTabWidget;
class KURLLabel;
class KAboutContainer;
class KAboutContainerBase;

class KAboutWidgetPrivate;

class KAboutContainerPrivate;
 *  KAboutContainer can be used to make a application specific AboutDialog.
class KDEUI_EXPORT KAboutContainer : public QFrame

    KAboutContainer( QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0,
		     int margin=0, int spacing=0,
		     int childAlignment = AlignCenter,
		     int innerAlignment = AlignCenter );

    void addWidget( QWidget *widget );
    void addPerson( const QString &name, const QString &email,
		    const QString &url, const QString &task,
		    bool showHeader = false, bool showframe = false,
		    bool showBold = false );
    void addTitle(  const QString &title, int alignment=AlignLeft,
		    bool showframe = false, bool showBold = false );
    void addImage( const QString &fileName, int alignment=AlignLeft );

    virtual QSize sizeHint( void ) const;
    virtual QSize minimumSizeHint( void ) const;

    virtual void childEvent( QChildEvent *e );

    void urlClick( const QString &url );
    void mailClick( const QString &name, const QString &address );

    QVBoxLayout *mVbox;
    int mAlignment;
    KAboutContainerPrivate* const d;

class KAboutContributorPrivate;

 * Used internally by KAboutWidget
 * @internal
class KDEUI_EXPORT KAboutContributor : public QFrame

    KAboutContributor( QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0,
		       const QString &username=QString::null,
		       const QString &email=QString::null,
		       const QString &url=QString::null,
		       const QString &work=QString::null,
		       bool showHeader=false, bool showFrame=true,
		       bool showBold=false );

    void setName( const QString &text, const QString &header=QString::null,
		  bool update = true );
    void setEmail( const QString &text, const QString &header=QString::null,
		   bool update = true );
    void setURL( const QString &text, const QString &header=QString::null,
		 bool update = true );
    void setWork( const QString &text, const QString &header=QString::null,
		  bool update = true );
    QString getName( void ) const;
    QString getEmail( void ) const;
    QString getURL( void ) const;
    QString getWork( void ) const;

    virtual QSize sizeHint( void ) const;

    virtual void fontChange( const QFont &oldFont );

  protected slots:
    void urlClickedSlot( const QString& );
    void emailClickedSlot( const QString& emailaddress );

    void updateLayout( void );

    void sendEmail(const QString& name, const QString& email);
    void openURL(const QString& url);

    QLabel *mLabel[4];
    QLabel *mText[4];
    bool mShowHeader;
    bool mShowBold;

    KAboutContributorPrivate* const d;

	virtual void setName(const char *_name) { QFrame::setName(_name); }

 * KAboutWidget is the main widget for KAboutDialog.
 * It has a minimum size set.
class KDEUI_EXPORT KAboutWidget : public QWidget


   * The Qt constructor.
  KAboutWidget(QWidget* parent=0, const char* name=0 );

   * Adjust the minimum size (after setting the properties of the image and
   * the labels.
  void adjust();

   * Sets the image as the application logo.
  void setLogo(const QPixmap&);
   * Sets the author's name and email address.
  void setAuthor(const QString& name, const QString& email,
		 const QString& url, const QString& work);
   * Sets the maintainers name and email address.
  void setMaintainer(const QString& name, const QString& email,
		     const QString& url, const QString& work);
   * Shows this person as one of the major contributors.
  void addContributor(const QString& name, const QString& email,
		      const QString& url, const QString& work);
   * Sets the text describing the version.
  void setVersion(const QString& name);
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
protected slots:
   * Catches the signals from the contributors elements.
  void sendEmailSlot(const QString& name, const QString& email);
   * Catches the clicked URLs.
  void openURLSlot(const QString& url);
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
   * An email address has been selected by the user.
  void sendEmail(const QString& name, const QString& email);
   * An URL has been clicked.
  void openURL(const QString& url);
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // events:
   * The resize event.
  void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent*);
   * The label showing the program version.
  QLabel *version;
   * The label showing the text "Other contributors:".
  QLabel *cont;
   * The frame showing the logo.
  QLabel *logo;
   * The application developer.
  KAboutContributor *author;
   * The application maintainer.
  KAboutContributor *maintainer;
   * Show the maintainer?
  bool showMaintainer;
   * A set of people who contributed to the application.
  QPtrList<KAboutContributor> contributors;
  // #########################################################################
  KAboutWidgetPrivate* const d;

class KAboutDialogPrivate;
 * A KDialogBase with predefined main widget.
 * As a KDialogBase it uses your application wide settings
 * for KDialogBase
 * objects (base frame tiles, main frame tiles etc).
 * To use it, simply create a KAboutDialog object, set all (or some) of its
 * properties and show it. Do not derive it to create your own about dialog
 * until you need some cool features that are unsupported and you have
 * contacted me to add them.
 * The dialog can be created using two different constructors. The
 * difference between these constructors is the available components that
 * can be used to build the contents of the dialog. The first (Constructor I)
 * provides a number of easy to use methods. Basically it allows you
 * to add the components of choice, and the components are placed in a
 * predefined layout. You do not have to plan the layout. Everything is
 * taken care of.
 * The second constructor (Constructor II) works in quite the same manner
 * as the first, but you have better control on where the components
 * are postioned in the layout and you have access to an extended number
 * of components you can install such as titles, product information,
 * a tabbed pages (where you can display rich text with url links) and
 * a person (developer) information field. The "About KDE" dialog box is
 * created with Constructor II.
 * For the derived features, see the basic class KDialogBase.
 * @author Mirko Boehm (mirko@kde.org) and Espen Sand (espensa@online.no)
 * @see KDialogBase
class KDEUI_EXPORT KAboutDialog : public KDialogBase

   * Layout formats.
    enum LayoutType
      AbtPlain         = 0x0001,
      AbtTabbed        = 0x0002,
      AbtTitle         = 0x0004,
      AbtImageLeft     = 0x0008,
      AbtImageRight    = 0x0010,
      AbtImageOnly     = 0x0020,
      AbtProduct       = 0x0040,
      AbtKDEStandard   = AbtTabbed|AbtTitle|AbtImageLeft,
      AbtAppStandard   = AbtTabbed|AbtTitle|AbtProduct,
      AbtImageAndTitle = AbtPlain|AbtTitle|AbtImageOnly

     * The standard Qt constructor (Constructor I).
     * Add components with the following methods:
     * setLogo(), setAuthor(), setMaintainer(),
     * addContributor(), or setVersion().
     * The dialog will be laid out automatically.
    KAboutDialog( QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0, bool modal=true );

    * The extended constructor. (Constructor II).
    * Add components with the methods:
    * setTitle(), setImage(), setImageBackgroundColor(),
    * setImageFrame(), setProduct(), addTextPage(),
    * addContainerPage(), addContainer(), or addPage().
    * @param dialogLayout Use a mask of LayoutType flags.
    * @param caption The dialog caption. The text you specify is prepended
    *        by i18n("About").
    * @param buttonMask Specifies what buttons will be visible.
    * @param defaultButton Specifies what button will be marked as the default.
    * @param parent Parent of the dialog.
    * @param name Dialog name (for internal use only)
    * @param modal Sets dialog modality. If false, the rest of the
    *        program interface (other dialogs, for example) is accessible while
    *        the dialog is open.
    * @param separator If true, a separator line is drawn between the action
    *        buttons an the main widget.
    * @param user1 User button1 text.
    * @param user2 User button2 text.
    * @param user3 User button3 text.
    KAboutDialog( int dialogLayout, const QString &caption, int buttonMask,
		  ButtonCode defaultButton, QWidget *parent=0,
		  const char *name=0, bool modal=false, bool separator = false,
		  const QString &user1 = QString::null,
		  const QString &user2 = QString::null,
		  const QString &user3 = QString::null );

   * Adjusts the dialog.
   * You can call this method after you have set up all
   * the contents but it is not required. It is done automatically when
   * show() is executed.
  void adjust();

   * Makes a modeless (modal = false in constructor) dialog visible.
   * If you reimplement this method make sure you run it
   * in the new method (e.g., show()). Reimplemented
   * from KDialogBase.
  virtual void show( void );

   * Makes a modeless (modal = false in constructor) dialog visible.
   * If you reimplmement this method make sure you run it
   * in the new method (i.e., show( parent )).
   * @param centerParent Center the dialog with respect to this widget.
  virtual void show( QWidget *centerParent );

   * (Constructor II only)
   * Sets a title (not caption) in the uppermost area of the dialog.
   * @param title Title string.
  void setTitle( const QString &title );

   * (Constructor II only)
   * Define an image to be shown in the dialog. The position is dependent
   * on the @p dialogLayout in the constructor
   * @param fileName Path to image file.
  void setImage( const QString &fileName );

   * (Constructor II only)
   * Define the program logo to be shown in the dialog.  Use this to override the
   * default program logo.  For example, use this function if the 
   * KAboutDialog is for a panel applet and you want to override the
   * appletproxy logo with your own pixmap.
   * @param fileName Path to file containing logo data in a format that 
   *        can be loaded by QPixmap.
   * @since 3.3
  void setIcon( const QString &fileName ) KDE_DEPRECATED; // KDE4: remove

   * Overloaded version of setProgramLogo(const QPixmap& pixmap).
   * @since 3.4
  void setProgramLogo( const QString &fileName );

   * (Constructor II only)
   * Define the program logo to be shown in the dialog.  Use this to override the
   * default program logo. For example, use this function if the 
   * KAboutDialog is for a panel applet and you want to override the
   * appletproxy logo with your own pixmap.
   * @param pixmap The logo pixmap.
   * @since 3.4
  void setProgramLogo( const QPixmap &pixmap );

   * (Constructor II only)
   * The image has a minimum size, but is centered within an area if the
   * dialog box is enlarged by the user. You set the background color
   * of the area with this method.
   * @param color Background color.
  void setImageBackgroundColor( const QColor &color );

   * (Constructor II only)
   * Enables or disables a frame around the image. The frame is, by default,
   * enabled in the constructor
   * @param state A value of @p true enables the frame
  void setImageFrame( bool state );

   * (Constructor II only)
   * Prints the application name, KDE version, author, a copyright sign
   * and a year string. To the left of the text the standard application
   * icon is displayed.
   * @param appName The application name.
   * @param version Application version.
   * @param author One or more authors.
   * @param year A string telling when the application was made.
  void setProduct( const QString &appName, const QString &version,
		   const QString &author, const QString &year );

   * (Constructor II only)
   * Adds a text page to a tab box. The text can be regular text or
   * rich text. The rich text can contain URLs and mail links.
   * @param title Tab name.
   * @param text The text to display.
   * @param richText Set this to @p true if 'text' is rich text.
   * @param numLines The text area height will be adjusted so that this
   *        is the minimum number of lines of text that are visible.
   * @return The frame that contains the page.
  QFrame *addTextPage( const QString &title, const QString &text,
                       bool richText=false, int numLines=10 );

   * (Constructor II only)
   * Adds a license page to a tab box.
   * @param title Tab name.
   * @param text The text to display.
   * @param numLines The text area height will be adjusted so that this
   *        is the minimum number of lines of text that are visible.
   * @return The frame that contains the page.
  QFrame *addLicensePage( const QString &title, const QString &text,
                          int numLines=10 );

   * (Constructor II only)
   * Adds a container to a tab box. You can add text and images to a
   * container.
   * @param title Tab name.
   * @param childAlignment Specifies how the children of the container are
   *        aligned with respect to the container.
   * @param innerAlignment Specifies how the children are aligned with
   *        respect to each other.
   * @return The new container.
  KAboutContainer *addContainerPage( const QString &title,
    int childAlignment = AlignCenter, int innerAlignment = AlignCenter );

   * (Constructor II only)
   * Adds a container inside a QScrollView to a tab box. You can add text
   * and images to a container.
   * @param title Tab name.
   * @param childAlignment Specifies how the children of the container are
   *        aligned with respect to the container.
   * @param innerAlignment Specifies how the children are aligned with
   *        respect to each other.
   * @return The new container.
  KAboutContainer *addScrolledContainerPage( const QString &title,
    int childAlignment = AlignCenter, int innerAlignment = AlignCenter );

   * (Constructor II only)
   * Adds a container. You can add text and images to a container.
   * @param childAlignment Specifies how the children of the container are
   *        aligned with respect to the container.
   * @param innerAlignment Specifies how the children are aligned with
   *        respect to each other.
   * @return The new container.
  KAboutContainer *addContainer( int childAlignment, int innerAlignment );

   * (Constructor II only)
   * Adds an empty page to a tab box.
   * @param title Tab name
   * @return The new page.
  QFrame *addPage( const QString &title );

   * (Constructor I only)
   * Sets the image as the application logo.
  void setLogo(const QPixmap&);

   * (Constructor I only)
   * Sets the author's name and email address.
  void setAuthor(const QString& name, const QString& email,
		 const QString& url, const QString& work);

   * (Constructor I only)
   * Sets the maintainer's name and email address.
  void setMaintainer(const QString& name, const QString& email,
		     const QString& url, const QString& work);

   * (Constructor I only)
   * Show this person as one of the major contributors.
  void addContributor(const QString& name, const QString& email,
		      const QString& url, const QString& work);

   * (Constructor I only)
   * Sets the text describing the version.
  void setVersion(const QString& name);

   * Create a modal dialog with an image in the upper area with a
   * URL link below.
  static void imageURL( QWidget *parent, const QString &caption,
			  const QString &path, const QColor &imageColor,
			  const QString &url );

   * Send an email to this person.
   * The application must provide the
   *  functionality.
  void sendEmail(const QString& name, const QString& email);

   * Open the selected URL.
  void openURL(const QString& url);
  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   * The main widget (Constructor I)
  KAboutWidget * about;

   * The main widget (Constructor II)
  KAboutContainerBase *mContainerBase;

  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
protected slots:

   * Connected to widget->sendEmail.
  void sendEmailSlot(const QString& name, const QString& email);

   * Open this URL.
  void openURLSlot(const QString& url);

   * (Constructor II only)
   * Tells the position of the mouse cursor when the left mouse button
   * is pressed above an image
  virtual void mouseTrackSlot( int mode, const QMouseEvent *e );

  // #########################################################################
  virtual void virtual_hook( int id, void* data );
  KAboutDialogPrivate* const d;

#endif // defined KABOUTDIALOG_H