/* This file is part of the KDE libraries Copyright (C) 1999 Daniel M. Duley This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kdualcolorbutton.h" #include "kcolordialog.h" #include "kcolordrag.h" #include "dcolorarrow.xbm" #include "dcolorreset.xpm" #include #include #include #include class KDualColorButton::KDualColorPrivate { public: QWidget* dialogParent; }; KDualColorButton::KDualColorButton(QWidget *parent, const char *name, QWidget* dialogParent) : QWidget(parent, name), d (new KDualColorPrivate) { if (!dialogParent && parent) { d->dialogParent = parent; } else { d->dialogParent = dialogParent; } arrowBitmap = new QBitmap(dcolorarrow_width, dcolorarrow_height, (const unsigned char *)dcolorarrow_bits, true); arrowBitmap->setMask(*arrowBitmap); // heh resetPixmap = new QPixmap((const char **)dcolorreset_xpm); fg = QBrush(Qt::black, SolidPattern); bg = QBrush(Qt::white, SolidPattern); curColor = Foreground; dragFlag = false; miniCtlFlag = false; if(sizeHint().isValid()) setMinimumSize(sizeHint()); setAcceptDrops(true); } KDualColorButton::KDualColorButton(const QColor &fgColor, const QColor &bgColor, QWidget *parent, const char *name, QWidget* dialogParent) : QWidget(parent, name), d (new KDualColorPrivate) { d->dialogParent = dialogParent; arrowBitmap = new QBitmap(dcolorarrow_width, dcolorarrow_height, (const unsigned char *)dcolorarrow_bits, true); arrowBitmap->setMask(*arrowBitmap); resetPixmap = new QPixmap((const char **)dcolorreset_xpm); fg = QBrush(fgColor, SolidPattern); bg = QBrush(bgColor, SolidPattern); curColor = Foreground; dragFlag = false; miniCtlFlag = false; if(sizeHint().isValid()) setMinimumSize(sizeHint()); setAcceptDrops(true); } KDualColorButton::~KDualColorButton() { delete d; delete arrowBitmap; delete resetPixmap; } QColor KDualColorButton::foreground() const { return fg.color(); } QColor KDualColorButton::background() const { return bg.color(); } KDualColorButton::DualColor KDualColorButton::current() const { return curColor; } QColor KDualColorButton::currentColor() const { return (curColor == Background ? bg.color() : fg.color()); } QSize KDualColorButton::sizeHint() const { return QSize(34, 34); } void KDualColorButton::setForeground(const QColor &c) { fg = QBrush(c, SolidPattern); repaint(false); emit fgChanged(fg.color()); } void KDualColorButton::setBackground(const QColor &c) { bg = QBrush(c, SolidPattern); repaint(false); emit bgChanged(bg.color()); } void KDualColorButton::setCurrentColor(const QColor &c) { if(curColor == Background) bg = QBrush(c, SolidPattern); else fg = QBrush(c, SolidPattern); repaint(false); } void KDualColorButton::setCurrent(DualColor s) { curColor = s; repaint(false); } void KDualColorButton::metrics(QRect &fgRect, QRect &bgRect) { fgRect = QRect(0, 0, width()-14, height()-14); bgRect = QRect(14, 14, width()-14, height()-14); } void KDualColorButton::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) { QRect fgRect, bgRect; QPainter p(this); metrics(fgRect, bgRect); QBrush defBrush = colorGroup().brush(QColorGroup::Button); qDrawShadeRect(&p, bgRect, colorGroup(), curColor == Background, 2, 0, isEnabled() ? &bg : &defBrush); qDrawShadeRect(&p, fgRect, colorGroup(), curColor == Foreground, 2, 0, isEnabled() ? &fg : &defBrush); p.setPen(colorGroup().shadow()); p.drawPixmap(fgRect.right()+2, 0, *arrowBitmap); p.drawPixmap(0, fgRect.bottom()+2, *resetPixmap); } void KDualColorButton::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *ev) { ev->accept(isEnabled() && KColorDrag::canDecode(ev)); } void KDualColorButton::dropEvent(QDropEvent *ev) { QColor c; if(KColorDrag::decode(ev, c)){ if(curColor == Foreground){ fg.setColor(c); emit fgChanged(c); } else{ bg.setColor(c); emit(bgChanged(c)); } repaint(false); } } void KDualColorButton::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *ev) { QRect fgRect, bgRect; metrics(fgRect, bgRect); mPos = ev->pos(); tmpColor = curColor; dragFlag = false; if(fgRect.contains(mPos)){ curColor = Foreground; miniCtlFlag = false; } else if(bgRect.contains(mPos)){ curColor = Background; miniCtlFlag = false; } else if(ev->pos().x() > fgRect.width()){ // We handle the swap and reset controls as soon as the mouse is // is pressed and ignore further events on this click (mosfet). QBrush c = fg; fg = bg; bg = c; emit fgChanged(fg.color()); emit bgChanged(bg.color()); miniCtlFlag = true; } else if(ev->pos().x() < bgRect.x()){ fg.setColor(Qt::black); bg.setColor(Qt::white); emit fgChanged(fg.color()); emit bgChanged(bg.color()); miniCtlFlag = true; } repaint(false); } void KDualColorButton::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *ev) { if(!miniCtlFlag){ int delay = KGlobalSettings::dndEventDelay(); if(ev->x() >= mPos.x()+delay || ev->x() <= mPos.x()-delay || ev->y() >= mPos.y()+delay || ev->y() <= mPos.y()-delay) { KColorDrag *d = new KColorDrag( curColor == Foreground ? fg.color() : bg.color(), this); d->dragCopy(); dragFlag = true; } } } void KDualColorButton::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *ev) { if(!miniCtlFlag){ QRect fgRect, bgRect; metrics(fgRect, bgRect); if(dragFlag) curColor = tmpColor; else if(fgRect.contains(ev->pos()) && curColor == Foreground){ if(tmpColor == Background){ curColor = Foreground; emit currentChanged(Foreground); } else{ QColor newColor = fg.color(); if(KColorDialog::getColor(newColor, d->dialogParent) != QDialog::Rejected){ fg.setColor(newColor); emit fgChanged(newColor); } } } else if(bgRect.contains(ev->pos()) && curColor == Background){ if(tmpColor == Foreground){ curColor = Background; emit currentChanged(Background); } else{ QColor newColor = bg.color(); if(KColorDialog::getColor(newColor, d->dialogParent) != QDialog::Rejected){ bg.setColor(newColor); emit bgChanged(newColor); } } } repaint(false); dragFlag = false; } else miniCtlFlag = false; } void KDualColorButton::virtual_hook( int, void* ) { /*BASE::virtual_hook( id, data );*/ } #include "kdualcolorbutton.moc"