/* Copyright (C) 2004-2005 ian reinhart geiser */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static const char description[] = I18N_NOOP( "Builds Qt widget plugins from an ini style description file." ); static const char version[] = "0.2"; static const char classHeader[] = "/**\n" "* This file was autogenerated by makekdewidgets. Any changes will be lost!\n" "* The generated code in this file is licensed under the same license that the\n" "* input file.\n" "*/\n" "#include \n"; static const char classDef[] = "#ifndef EMBED_IMAGES\n" "#include \n" "#endif\n" "\n" "class %PluginName : public QWidgetPlugin\n" "{\n" "public:\n" " %PluginName();\n" " \n" " virtual ~%PluginName();\n" " \n" " virtual TQStringList keys() const\n" " {\n" " TQStringList result;\n" " for (WidgetInfos::ConstIterator it = m_widgets.begin(); it != m_widgets.end(); ++it)\n" " result << it.key();\n" " return result;\n" " }\n" " \n" " virtual TQWidget *create(const TQString &key, TQWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0);\n" " \n" " virtual TQIconSet iconSet(const TQString &key) const\n" " {\n" "#ifdef EMBED_IMAGES\n" " TQPixmap pix(m_widgets[key].iconSet);\n" "#else\n" " TQPixmap pix(locate( \"data\", \n" " TQString::tqfromLatin1(\"%PluginNameLower/pics/\") + m_widgets[key].iconSet));\n" "#endif\n" " return TQIconSet(pix);\n" " }\n" " \n" " virtual bool isContainer(const TQString &key) const { return m_widgets[key].isContainer; }\n" " \n" " virtual TQString group(const TQString &key) const { return m_widgets[key].group; }\n" " \n" " virtual TQString includeFile(const TQString &key) const { return m_widgets[key].includeFile; }\n" " \n" " virtual TQString toolTip(const TQString &key) const { return m_widgets[key].toolTip; }\n" " \n" " virtual TQString whatsThis(const TQString &key) const { return m_widgets[key].whatsThis; }\n" "private:\n" " struct WidgetInfo\n" " {\n" " TQString group;\n" "#ifdef EMBED_IMAGES\n" " TQPixmap iconSet;\n" "#else\n" " TQString iconSet;\n" "#endif\n" " TQString includeFile;\n" " TQString toolTip;\n" " TQString whatsThis;\n" " bool isContainer;\n" " };\n" " typedef TQMap WidgetInfos;\n" " WidgetInfos m_widgets;\n" "};\n" "%PluginName::%PluginName()\n" "{\n" " WidgetInfo widget;\n"; static const char widgetDef[] = " widget.group = TQString::tqfromLatin1(\"%Group\");\n" "#ifdef EMBED_IMAGES\n" " widget.iconSet = TQPixmap(%Pixmap);\n" "#else\n" " widget.iconSet = TQString::tqfromLatin1(\"%IconSet\");\n" "#endif\n" " widget.includeFile = TQString::tqfromLatin1(\"%IncludeFile\");\n" " widget.toolTip = TQString::tqfromLatin1(\"%ToolTip\");\n" " widget.whatsThis = TQString::tqfromLatin1(\"%WhatsThis\");\n" " widget.isContainer = %IsContainer;\n" " m_widgets.insert(TQString::tqfromLatin1(\"%Class\"), widget);\n"; static const char endCtor[] = " %Init\n" "}\n" "%PluginName::~%PluginName()\n" "{\n" " %Destroy\n" "}\n" "TQWidget *%PluginName::create(const TQString &key, TQWidget *parent, const char *name)\n" "{\n"; static const char widgetCreate[] = " if (key == TQString::tqfromLatin1(\"%Class\"))\n" " return new %ImplClass%ConstructorArgs;\n"; static const char endCreate[] = " return 0;\n" "}\n" "KDE_Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN(%PluginName)\n"; static KCmdLineOptions options[] = { { "+file", I18N_NOOP( "Input file" ), 0 }, { "o ", I18N_NOOP( "Output file" ), 0 }, { "n ", I18N_NOOP( "Name of the plugin class to generate" ), "WidgetsPlugin" }, { "g ", I18N_NOOP( "Default widget group name to display in designer" ), "Custom" }, { "p ", I18N_NOOP( "Embed pixmaps from a source directory" ), 0 }, KCmdLineLastOption }; static TQString buildWidgetDef( const TQString &name, KConfig &input, const TQString &group ); static TQString buildWidgetCreate( const TQString &name, KConfig &input ); static TQString buildWidgetInclude( const TQString &name, KConfig &input ); static void buildFile( TQTextStream &stream, const TQString& group, const TQString& fileName, const TQString& pluginName, const TQString& iconPath ); static TQString buildPixmap( const TQString &name, KConfig &input, const TQString &iconPath ); int main( int argc, char **argv ) { new KInstance( "makekdewidgets" ); KAboutData about( "makekdewidgets", I18N_NOOP( "makekdewidgets" ), version, description, KAboutData::License_GPL, "(C) 2004-2005 ian reinhart geiser", 0, 0, "geiseri@kde.org" ); about.addAuthor( "ian reinhart geiser", 0, "geiseri@kde.org" ); KCmdLineArgs::init( argc, argv, &about ); KCmdLineArgs::addCmdLineOptions( options ); KCmdLineArgs *args = KCmdLineArgs::parsedArgs(); if ( args->count() < 1 ) { args->usage(); return ( 1 ); } TQFileInfo fi( args->arg( args->count() - 1 ) ); TQString outputFile = args->getOption( "o" ); TQString pluginName = args->getOption( "n" ); TQString group = args->getOption( "g" ); TQString iconPath = ""; if ( args->isSet( "p" ) ) iconPath = args->getOption( "p" ); TQString fileName = fi.absFilePath(); if ( args->isSet( "o" ) ) { TQFile output( outputFile ); if ( output.open( IO_WriteOnly ) ) { TQTextStream ts( &output ); buildFile( ts, group, fileName , pluginName, iconPath ); } output.close(); } else { TQTextStream ts( stdout, IO_WriteOnly ); buildFile( ts, group, fileName , pluginName, iconPath ); } } void buildFile( TQTextStream &ts, const TQString& group, const TQString& fileName, const TQString& pluginName, const TQString& iconPath ) { KConfig input( fileName, true, false ); input.setGroup( "Global" ); TQMap MainMap; MainMap.insert( "PluginName", input.readEntry( "PluginName", pluginName ) ); MainMap.insert( "PluginNameLower", input.readEntry( "PluginName", pluginName ).lower() ); MainMap.insert( "Init", input.readEntry( "Init", "" ) ); MainMap.insert( "Destroy", input.readEntry( "Destroy", "" ) ); ts << classHeader << endl; TQStringList includes = input.readListEntry( "Includes", ',' ); for ( uint idx = 0; idx < includes.count(); ++idx ) ts << "#include <" << includes[ idx ] << ">" << endl; TQStringList classes = input.groupList(); classes.remove( classes.tqfind( "Global" ) ); // Autogenerate widget includes here for ( uint idx = 0; idx < classes.count(); ++idx ) ts << buildWidgetInclude( classes[ idx ], input ) << endl; // Generate embedded icons if ( !iconPath.isEmpty() ) { for ( uint idx = 0; idx < classes.count(); ++idx ) ts << buildPixmap( classes[ idx ], input, iconPath ) << endl; ts << "#define EMBED_IMAGES" << endl; } // Generate the main class code. ts << KMacroExpander::expandMacros( classDef, MainMap ) << endl; // Autogenerate widget defs here for ( uint idx = 0; idx < classes.count(); ++idx ) ts << buildWidgetDef( classes[ idx ], input, group ) << endl; ts << KMacroExpander::expandMacros( endCtor, MainMap ) << endl; // Autogenerate create code here... for ( uint idx = 0; idx < classes.count(); ++idx ) ts << buildWidgetCreate( classes[ idx ], input ) << endl; ts << KMacroExpander::expandMacros( endCreate, MainMap ) << endl; } TQString buildWidgetDef( const TQString &name, KConfig &input, const TQString &group ) { input.setGroup( name ); TQMap defMap; defMap.insert( "Group", input.readEntry( "Group", group ).replace( "\"", "\\\"" ) ); defMap.insert( "IconSet", input.readEntry( "IconSet", name.lower() + ".png" ).replace( ":", "_" ) ); defMap.insert( "Pixmap", name.lower().replace( ":", "_" ) + "_xpm" ); defMap.insert( "IncludeFile", input.readEntry( "IncludeFile", name.lower() + ".h" ).remove( ":" ) ); defMap.insert( "ToolTip", input.readEntry( "ToolTip", name + " Widget" ).replace( "\"", "\\\"" ) ); defMap.insert( "WhatsThis", input.readEntry( "WhatsThis", name + " Widget" ).replace( "\"", "\\\"" ) ); defMap.insert( "IsContainer", input.readEntry( "IsContainer", "false" ) ); defMap.insert( "Class", name ); return KMacroExpander::expandMacros( widgetDef, defMap ); } TQString buildWidgetCreate( const TQString &name, KConfig &input ) { input.setGroup( name ); TQMap createMap; createMap.insert( "ImplClass", input.readEntry( "ImplClass", name ) ); createMap.insert( "ConstructorArgs", input.readEntry( "ConstructorArgs", "(parent, name)" ) ); createMap.insert( "Class", name ); return KMacroExpander::expandMacros( widgetCreate, createMap ); } TQString buildWidgetInclude( const TQString &name, KConfig &input ) { input.setGroup( name ); return "#include <" + input.readEntry( "IncludeFile", name.lower() + ".h" ) + ">"; } TQString buildPixmap( const TQString &name, KConfig &input, const TQString &iconPath ) { input.setGroup( name ); TQString cleanName = name.lower().replace( ":", "_" ); TQString iconName = input.readEntry( "IconSet", cleanName + ".png" ); TQFileInfo fi( iconPath + "/" + iconName ); TQImage pix( fi.absFilePath() ); TQCString xpm; TQBuffer buff( xpm ); buff.open( IO_WriteOnly ); TQImageIO io( &buff, "XPM" ); io.setFileName( cleanName + "_xpm" ); io.setImage( pix ); io.write(); buff.close(); return xpm; }