/* This file is part of the KDE project
   Copyright (C) 2005 Christoph Hormann <chris_hormann@gmx.de>
   Copyright (C) 2005 Ignacio Casta�o <castanyo@yahoo.es>

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public
   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
   version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

#include "hdr.h"

#include <tqimage.h>
#include <tqdatastream.h>

#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kglobal.h>

typedef Q_UINT8 uchar;

namespace {	// Private.

#define MAXLINE		1024
#define MINELEN		8       // minimum scanline length for encoding
#define MAXELEN		0x7fff  // maximum scanline length for encoding

	static inline uchar ClipToByte(float value)
		if (value > 255.0f) return 255;
		//else if (value < 0.0f) return 0;	// we know value is positive.
		return uchar(value);

	// read an old style line from the hdr image file
	// if 'first' is true the first byte is already read
	static bool Read_Old_Line (uchar * image, int width, TQDataStream & s)
		int  rshift = 0;
		int  i;

		while (width > 0)
			s >> image[0];
			s >> image[1];
			s >> image[2];
			s >> image[3];

			if (s.atEnd()) return false;

			if ((image[0] == 1) && (image[1] == 1) && (image[2] == 1))
				for (i = image[3] << rshift; i > 0; i--)
					//memcpy(image, image-4, 4);
					(uint &)image[0] = (uint &)image[0-4];
					image += 4;
				rshift += 8;
				image += 4;
				rshift = 0;
		return true;

	static void RGBE_To_QRgbLine(uchar * image, QRgb * scanline, int width)
		for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
			// v = ldexp(1.0, int(image[3]) - 128);
			float v;
			int e = int(image[3]) - 128;
			if( e > 0 ) 
				v = float(1 << e);
				v = 1.0f / float(1 << -e);
			scanline[j] = qRgb( ClipToByte(float(image[0]) * v),
								ClipToByte(float(image[1]) * v),
								ClipToByte(float(image[2]) * v) );

			image += 4;

	// Load the HDR image.
	static bool LoadHDR( TQDataStream & s, const int width, const int height, TQImage & img )
		uchar val, code;

		// Create dst image.
		if( !img.create( width, height, 32 ) )
			return false;

  		TQMemArray<uchar> image( width * 4 );
		for (int cline = 0; cline < height; cline++)
			QRgb * scanline = (QRgb *) img.scanLine( cline );

			// determine scanline type
			if ((width < MINELEN) || (MAXELEN < width))
				Read_Old_Line(image.data(), width, s);
				RGBE_To_QRgbLine(image.data(), scanline, width);

			s >> val;

			if (s.atEnd()) 
				return true;

			if (val != 2)
				s.device()->at( s.device()->at() - 1 );
				Read_Old_Line(image.data(), width, s);
				RGBE_To_QRgbLine(image.data(), scanline, width);

			s >> image[1];
			s >> image[2];
			s >> image[3];

			if (s.atEnd()) 
				return true;

			if ((image[1] != 2) || (image[2] & 128))
				image[0] = 2;
				Read_Old_Line(image.data()+4, width-1, s);
				RGBE_To_QRgbLine(image.data(), scanline, width);

			if ((image[2] << 8 | image[3]) != width)
				return false;

			// read each component
			for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
				for (int j = 0; j < width; )
					s >> code;
					if (s.atEnd())
						return false;
					if (code > 128)
						// run
						code &= 127;
						s >> val;
						while( code != 0 )
							image[i + j * 4] = val;
						// non-run
						while( code != 0 )
							s >> image[i +  j * 4];

			RGBE_To_QRgbLine(image.data(), scanline, width);

		return true;
} // namespace

KDE_EXPORT void kimgio_hdr_read( TQImageIO * io )
	int len;
	char line[MAXLINE];
	//bool validHeader = false;
	bool validFormat = false;
	// Parse header	
	do {
		len = io->ioDevice()->readLine(line, MAXLINE);
		/*if (strcmp(line, "#?RADIANCE\n") == 0 || strcmp(line, "#?RGBE\n") == 0)
			validHeader = true;
		if (strcmp(line, "FORMAT=32-bit_rle_rgbe\n") == 0)
			validFormat = true;
	} while((len > 0) && (line[0] != '\n'));
	if( /*!validHeader ||*/ !validFormat )
		kdDebug(399) << "Unknown HDR format." << endl;
		io->setImage( 0 );
		io->setStatus( -1 );
	io->ioDevice()->readLine(line, MAXLINE);	
	char s1[3], s2[3];
	int width, height;
	if (sscanf(line, "%2[+-XY] %d %2[+-XY] %d\n", s1, &height, s2, &width) != 4)
	//if( sscanf(line, "-Y %d +X %d", &height, &width) < 2 )
		kdDebug(399) << "Invalid HDR file." << endl;
		io->setImage( 0 );
		io->setStatus( -1 );
	TQDataStream s( io->ioDevice() );

	TQImage img;
	if( !LoadHDR(s, width, height, img) ) 
		kdDebug(399) << "Error loading HDR file." << endl;
		io->setImage( 0 );
		io->setStatus( -1 );

	io->setImage( img );
	io->setStatus( 0 );

KDE_EXPORT void kimgio_hdr_write( TQImageIO * )
	// intentionally not implemented (since writing low dynamic range data to a HDR file is nonsense.)