/* * * This file is part of the KDE libraries * Copyright (c) 2000 Waldo Bastian * Copyright (c) 2000 David Faure * Copyright (c) 2000 Stephan Kulow * * $Id$ * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * **/ #include "slavebase.h" #include #include #ifdef HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H #include // Needed on some systems. #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kremoteencoding.h" #include "kio/slavebase.h" #include "kio/connection.h" #include "kio/ioslave_defaults.h" #include "kio/slaveinterface.h" #include "uiserver_stub.h" #ifndef NDEBUG #ifdef HAVE_BACKTRACE #include #endif #endif using namespace TDEIO; template class TQPtrList >; typedef TQValueList AuthKeysList; typedef TQMap AuthKeysMap; #define KIO_DATA TQByteArray data; TQDataStream stream( data, IO_WriteOnly ); stream #define KIO_FILESIZE_T(x) (unsigned long)(x & 0xffffffff) << (unsigned long)(x >> 32) namespace TDEIO { class SlaveBaseConfig : public TDEConfigBase { public: SlaveBaseConfig(SlaveBase *_slave) : slave(_slave) { } bool internalHasGroup(const TQCString &) const { tqWarning("hasGroup(const TQCString &)"); return false; } TQStringList groupList() const { return TQStringList(); } TQMap entryMap(const TQString &group) const { Q_UNUSED(group); return TQMap(); } void reparseConfiguration() { } KEntryMap internalEntryMap( const TQString &pGroup) const { Q_UNUSED(pGroup); return KEntryMap(); } KEntryMap internalEntryMap() const { return KEntryMap(); } void putData(const KEntryKey &_key, const KEntry&_data, bool _checkGroup) { Q_UNUSED(_key); Q_UNUSED(_data); Q_UNUSED(_checkGroup); } KEntry lookupData(const KEntryKey &_key) const { KEntry entry; TQString value = slave->metaData(_key.c_key); if (!value.isNull()) entry.mValue = value.utf8(); return entry; } protected: SlaveBase *slave; }; class SlaveBasePrivate { public: TQString slaveid; bool resume:1; bool needSendCanResume:1; bool onHold:1; bool wasKilled:1; MetaData configData; SlaveBaseConfig *config; KURL onHoldUrl; struct timeval last_tv; TDEIO::filesize_t totalSize; TDEIO::filesize_t sentListEntries; DCOPClient *dcopClient; KRemoteEncoding *remotefile; time_t timeout; TQByteArray timeoutData; }; } static SlaveBase *globalSlave; long SlaveBase::s_seqNr; static volatile bool slaveWriteError = false; static const char *s_protocol; #ifdef Q_OS_UNIX static void genericsig_handler(int sigNumber) { signal(sigNumber,SIG_IGN); //WABA: Don't do anything that requires malloc, we can deadlock on it since //a SIGTERM signal can come in while we are in malloc/free. //kdDebug()<<"kioslave : exiting due to signal "<setKillFlag(); signal(SIGALRM,SIG_DFL); alarm(5); //generate an alarm signal in 5 seconds, in this time the slave has to exit } #endif ////////////// SlaveBase::SlaveBase( const TQCString &protocol, const TQCString &pool_socket, const TQCString &app_socket ) : mProtocol(protocol), m_pConnection(0), mPoolSocket( TQFile::decodeName(pool_socket)), mAppSocket( TQFile::decodeName(app_socket)) { s_protocol = protocol.data(); #ifdef Q_OS_UNIX if (!getenv("TDE_DEBUG")) { KCrash::setCrashHandler( sigsegv_handler ); signal(SIGILL,&sigsegv_handler); signal(SIGTRAP,&sigsegv_handler); signal(SIGABRT,&sigsegv_handler); signal(SIGBUS,&sigsegv_handler); signal(SIGALRM,&sigsegv_handler); signal(SIGFPE,&sigsegv_handler); #ifdef SIGPOLL signal(SIGPOLL, &sigsegv_handler); #endif #ifdef SIGSYS signal(SIGSYS, &sigsegv_handler); #endif #ifdef SIGVTALRM signal(SIGVTALRM, &sigsegv_handler); #endif #ifdef SIGXCPU signal(SIGXCPU, &sigsegv_handler); #endif #ifdef SIGXFSZ signal(SIGXFSZ, &sigsegv_handler); #endif } struct sigaction act; act.sa_handler = sigpipe_handler; sigemptyset( &act.sa_mask ); act.sa_flags = 0; sigaction( SIGPIPE, &act, 0 ); signal(SIGINT,&genericsig_handler); signal(SIGQUIT,&genericsig_handler); signal(SIGTERM,&genericsig_handler); #endif globalSlave=this; appconn = new Connection(); listEntryCurrentSize = 100; struct timeval tp; gettimeofday(&tp, 0); listEntry_sec = tp.tv_sec; listEntry_usec = tp.tv_usec; mConnectedToApp = true; d = new SlaveBasePrivate; // by kahl for netmgr (need a way to identify slaves) d->slaveid = protocol; d->slaveid += TQString::number(getpid()); d->resume = false; d->needSendCanResume = false; d->config = new SlaveBaseConfig(this); d->onHold = false; d->wasKilled=false; d->last_tv.tv_sec = 0; d->last_tv.tv_usec = 0; // d->processed_size = 0; d->totalSize=0; d->sentListEntries=0; d->timeout = 0; connectSlave(mAppSocket); d->dcopClient = 0; d->remotefile = 0; } SlaveBase::~SlaveBase() { delete d; s_protocol = ""; } DCOPClient *SlaveBase::dcopClient() { if (!d->dcopClient) { d->dcopClient = TDEApplication::dcopClient(); if (!d->dcopClient->isAttached()) d->dcopClient->attach(); d->dcopClient->setDaemonMode( true ); } return d->dcopClient; } void SlaveBase::dispatchLoop() { #ifdef Q_OS_UNIX //TODO: WIN32 fd_set rfds; int retval; while (true) { if (d->timeout && (d->timeout < time(0))) { TQByteArray data = d->timeoutData; d->timeout = 0; d->timeoutData = TQByteArray(); special(data); } FD_ZERO(&rfds); assert(appconn->inited()); int maxfd = appconn->fd_from(); FD_SET(appconn->fd_from(), &rfds); if( d->dcopClient ) { FD_SET( d->dcopClient->socket(), &rfds ); if( d->dcopClient->socket() > maxfd ) maxfd = d->dcopClient->socket(); } if (!d->timeout) // we can wait forever { retval = select( maxfd + 1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, NULL); } else { struct timeval tv; tv.tv_sec = kMax(d->timeout-time(0),(time_t) 1); tv.tv_usec = 0; retval = select( maxfd + 1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv); } if ((retval>0) && FD_ISSET(appconn->fd_from(), &rfds)) { // dispatch application messages int cmd; TQByteArray data; if ( appconn->read(&cmd, data) != -1 ) { dispatch(cmd, data); } else // some error occurred, perhaps no more application { // When the app exits, should the slave be put back in the pool ? if (mConnectedToApp && !mPoolSocket.isEmpty()) { disconnectSlave(); mConnectedToApp = false; closeConnection(); connectSlave(mPoolSocket); } else { return; } } } if( retval > 0 && d->dcopClient && FD_ISSET( d->dcopClient->socket(), &rfds )) { d->dcopClient->processSocketData( d->dcopClient->socket()); } if ((retval<0) && (errno != EINTR)) { kdDebug(7019) << "dispatchLoop(): select returned " << retval << " " << (errno==EBADF?"EBADF":errno==EINTR?"EINTR":errno==EINVAL?"EINVAL":errno==ENOMEM?"ENOMEM":"unknown") << " (" << errno << ")" << endl; return; } //I think we get here when we were killed in dispatch() and not in select() if (wasKilled()) { kdDebug(7019)<<" dispatchLoop() slave was killed, returning"<init(new TDESocket(TQFile::encodeName(path).data())); if (!appconn->inited()) { kdDebug(7019) << "SlaveBase: failed to connect to " << path << endl; exit(); } setConnection(appconn); #endif } void SlaveBase::disconnectSlave() { appconn->close(); } void SlaveBase::setMetaData(const TQString &key, const TQString &value) { mOutgoingMetaData.replace(key, value); } TQString SlaveBase::metaData(const TQString &key) const { if (mIncomingMetaData.contains(key)) return mIncomingMetaData[key]; if (d->configData.contains(key)) return d->configData[key]; return TQString::null; } bool SlaveBase::hasMetaData(const TQString &key) const { if (mIncomingMetaData.contains(key)) return true; if (d->configData.contains(key)) return true; return false; } // ### remove the next two methods for KDE4 (they miss the const) TQString SlaveBase::metaData(const TQString &key) { return const_cast(this)->metaData( key ); } bool SlaveBase::hasMetaData(const TQString &key) { return const_cast(this)->hasMetaData( key ); } TDEConfigBase *SlaveBase::config() { return d->config; } void SlaveBase::sendMetaData() { KIO_DATA << mOutgoingMetaData; slaveWriteError = false; m_pConnection->send( INF_META_DATA, data ); if (slaveWriteError) exit(); mOutgoingMetaData.clear(); // Clear } KRemoteEncoding *SlaveBase::remoteEncoding() { if (d->remotefile != 0) return d->remotefile; return d->remotefile = new KRemoteEncoding(metaData("Charset").latin1()); } void SlaveBase::data( const TQByteArray &data ) { if (!mOutgoingMetaData.isEmpty()) sendMetaData(); slaveWriteError = false; m_pConnection->send( MSG_DATA, data ); if (slaveWriteError) exit(); } void SlaveBase::dataReq( ) { /* if (!mOutgoingMetaData.isEmpty()) sendMetaData(); */ if (d->needSendCanResume) canResume(0); m_pConnection->send( MSG_DATA_REQ ); } void SlaveBase::error( int _errid, const TQString &_text ) { mIncomingMetaData.clear(); // Clear meta data mOutgoingMetaData.clear(); KIO_DATA << (TQ_INT32) _errid << _text; m_pConnection->send( MSG_ERROR, data ); //reset listEntryCurrentSize = 100; d->sentListEntries=0; d->totalSize=0; } void SlaveBase::connected() { slaveWriteError = false; m_pConnection->send( MSG_CONNECTED ); if (slaveWriteError) exit(); } void SlaveBase::finished() { mIncomingMetaData.clear(); // Clear meta data if (!mOutgoingMetaData.isEmpty()) sendMetaData(); m_pConnection->send( MSG_FINISHED ); // reset listEntryCurrentSize = 100; d->sentListEntries=0; d->totalSize=0; } void SlaveBase::needSubURLData() { m_pConnection->send( MSG_NEED_SUBURL_DATA ); } void SlaveBase::slaveStatus( const TQString &host, bool connected ) { pid_t pid = getpid(); TQ_INT8 b = connected ? 1 : 0; KIO_DATA << pid << mProtocol << host << b; if (d->onHold) stream << d->onHoldUrl; m_pConnection->send( MSG_SLAVE_STATUS, data ); } void SlaveBase::canResume() { m_pConnection->send( MSG_CANRESUME ); } void SlaveBase::totalSize( TDEIO::filesize_t _bytes ) { KIO_DATA << KIO_FILESIZE_T(_bytes); slaveWriteError = false; m_pConnection->send( INF_TOTAL_SIZE, data ); if (slaveWriteError) exit(); //this one is usually called before the first item is listed in listDir() struct timeval tp; gettimeofday(&tp, 0); listEntry_sec = tp.tv_sec; listEntry_usec = tp.tv_usec; d->totalSize=_bytes; d->sentListEntries=0; } void SlaveBase::processedSize( TDEIO::filesize_t _bytes ) { bool emitSignal=false; struct timeval tv; int gettimeofday_res=gettimeofday( &tv, 0L ); if( _bytes == d->totalSize ) emitSignal=true; else if ( gettimeofday_res == 0 ) { time_t msecdiff = 2000; if (d->last_tv.tv_sec) { // Compute difference, in ms msecdiff = 1000 * ( tv.tv_sec - d->last_tv.tv_sec ); time_t usecdiff = tv.tv_usec - d->last_tv.tv_usec; if ( usecdiff < 0 ) { msecdiff--; msecdiff += 1000; } msecdiff += usecdiff / 1000; } emitSignal=msecdiff >= 100; // emit size 10 times a second } if( emitSignal ) { KIO_DATA << KIO_FILESIZE_T(_bytes); slaveWriteError = false; m_pConnection->send( INF_PROCESSED_SIZE, data ); if (slaveWriteError) exit(); if ( gettimeofday_res == 0 ) { d->last_tv.tv_sec = tv.tv_sec; d->last_tv.tv_usec = tv.tv_usec; } } // d->processed_size = _bytes; } void SlaveBase::processedPercent( float /* percent */ ) { kdDebug(7019) << "SlaveBase::processedPercent: STUB" << endl; } void SlaveBase::speed( unsigned long _bytes_per_second ) { KIO_DATA << (TQ_UINT32) _bytes_per_second; slaveWriteError = false; m_pConnection->send( INF_SPEED, data ); if (slaveWriteError) exit(); } void SlaveBase::redirection( const KURL& _url ) { KIO_DATA << _url; m_pConnection->send( INF_REDIRECTION, data ); } void SlaveBase::errorPage() { m_pConnection->send( INF_ERROR_PAGE ); } static bool isSubCommand(int cmd) { return ( (cmd == CMD_REPARSECONFIGURATION) || (cmd == CMD_META_DATA) || (cmd == CMD_CONFIG) || (cmd == CMD_SUBURL) || (cmd == CMD_SLAVE_STATUS) || (cmd == CMD_SLAVE_CONNECT) || (cmd == CMD_SLAVE_HOLD) || (cmd == CMD_MULTI_GET)); } void SlaveBase::mimeType( const TQString &_type) { // kdDebug(7019) << "(" << getpid() << ") SlaveBase::mimeType '" << _type << "'" << endl; int cmd; do { // Send the meta-data each time we send the mime-type. if (!mOutgoingMetaData.isEmpty()) { // kdDebug(7019) << "(" << getpid() << ") mimeType: emitting meta data" << endl; KIO_DATA << mOutgoingMetaData; m_pConnection->send( INF_META_DATA, data ); } KIO_DATA << _type; m_pConnection->send( INF_MIME_TYPE, data ); while(true) { cmd = 0; if ( m_pConnection->read( &cmd, data ) == -1 ) { kdDebug(7019) << "SlaveBase: mimetype: read error" << endl; exit(); } // kdDebug(7019) << "(" << getpid() << ") Slavebase: mimetype got " << cmd << endl; if ( cmd == CMD_HOST) // Ignore. continue; if ( isSubCommand(cmd) ) { dispatch( cmd, data ); continue; // Disguised goto } break; } } while (cmd != CMD_NONE); mOutgoingMetaData.clear(); } void SlaveBase::exit() { this->~SlaveBase(); ::exit(255); } void SlaveBase::warning( const TQString &_msg) { KIO_DATA << _msg; m_pConnection->send( INF_WARNING, data ); } void SlaveBase::infoMessage( const TQString &_msg) { KIO_DATA << _msg; m_pConnection->send( INF_INFOMESSAGE, data ); } bool SlaveBase::requestNetwork(const TQString& host) { KIO_DATA << host << d->slaveid; m_pConnection->send( MSG_NET_REQUEST, data ); if ( waitForAnswer( INF_NETWORK_STATUS, 0, data ) != -1 ) { bool status; TQDataStream stream( data, IO_ReadOnly ); stream >> status; return status; } else return false; } void SlaveBase::dropNetwork(const TQString& host) { KIO_DATA << host << d->slaveid; m_pConnection->send( MSG_NET_DROP, data ); } void SlaveBase::statEntry( const UDSEntry& entry ) { KIO_DATA << entry; slaveWriteError = false; m_pConnection->send( MSG_STAT_ENTRY, data ); if (slaveWriteError) exit(); } void SlaveBase::listEntry( const UDSEntry& entry, bool _ready ) { static struct timeval tp; static const int maximum_updatetime = 300; static const int minimum_updatetime = 100; if (!_ready) { pendingListEntries.append(entry); if (pendingListEntries.count() > listEntryCurrentSize) { gettimeofday(&tp, 0); long diff = ((tp.tv_sec - listEntry_sec) * 1000000 + tp.tv_usec - listEntry_usec) / 1000; if (diff==0) diff=1; if (diff > maximum_updatetime) { listEntryCurrentSize = listEntryCurrentSize * 3 / 4; _ready = true; } //if we can send all list entries of this dir which have not yet been sent //within maximum_updatetime, then make listEntryCurrentSize big enough for all of them else if (((pendingListEntries.count()*maximum_updatetime)/diff) > (d->totalSize-d->sentListEntries)) listEntryCurrentSize=d->totalSize-d->sentListEntries+1; //if we are below minimum_updatetime, estimate how much we will get within //maximum_updatetime else if (diff < minimum_updatetime) listEntryCurrentSize = (pendingListEntries.count() * maximum_updatetime) / diff; else _ready=true; } } if (_ready) { // may happen when we started with !ready listEntries( pendingListEntries ); pendingListEntries.clear(); gettimeofday(&tp, 0); listEntry_sec = tp.tv_sec; listEntry_usec = tp.tv_usec; } } void SlaveBase::listEntries( const UDSEntryList& list ) { KIO_DATA << (TQ_UINT32)list.count(); UDSEntryListConstIterator it = list.begin(); UDSEntryListConstIterator end = list.end(); for (; it != end; ++it) stream << *it; slaveWriteError = false; m_pConnection->send( MSG_LIST_ENTRIES, data); if (slaveWriteError) exit(); d->sentListEntries+=(uint)list.count(); } void SlaveBase::sendAuthenticationKey( const TQCString& key, const TQCString& group, bool keepPass ) { KIO_DATA << key << group << keepPass; m_pConnection->send( MSG_AUTH_KEY, data ); } void SlaveBase::delCachedAuthentication( const TQString& key ) { KIO_DATA << key.utf8() ; m_pConnection->send( MSG_DEL_AUTH_KEY, data ); } void SlaveBase::sigsegv_handler(int sig) { #ifdef Q_OS_UNIX signal(sig,SIG_DFL); // Next one kills //Kill us if we deadlock signal(SIGALRM,SIG_DFL); alarm(5); //generate an alarm signal in 5 seconds, in this time the slave has to exit // Debug and printf should be avoided because they might // call malloc.. and get in a nice recursive malloc loop char buffer[120]; snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "kioslave: ####### CRASH ###### protocol = %s pid = %d signal = %d\n", s_protocol, getpid(), sig); write(2, buffer, strlen(buffer)); #ifndef NDEBUG #ifdef HAVE_BACKTRACE void* trace[256]; int n = backtrace(trace, 256); if (n) backtrace_symbols_fd(trace, n, 2); #endif #endif ::exit(1); #endif } void SlaveBase::sigpipe_handler (int) { // We ignore a SIGPIPE in slaves. // A SIGPIPE can happen in two cases: // 1) Communication error with application. // 2) Communication error with network. slaveWriteError = true; // Don't add anything else here, especially no debug output } void SlaveBase::setHost(TQString const &, int, TQString const &, TQString const &) { } void SlaveBase::openConnection(void) { error( ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ACTION, unsupportedActionErrorString(mProtocol, CMD_CONNECT)); } void SlaveBase::closeConnection(void) { } // No response! void SlaveBase::stat(KURL const &) { error( ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ACTION, unsupportedActionErrorString(mProtocol, CMD_STAT)); } void SlaveBase::put(KURL const &, int, bool, bool) { error( ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ACTION, unsupportedActionErrorString(mProtocol, CMD_PUT)); } void SlaveBase::special(const TQByteArray &) { error( ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ACTION, unsupportedActionErrorString(mProtocol, CMD_SPECIAL)); } void SlaveBase::listDir(KURL const &) { error( ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ACTION, unsupportedActionErrorString(mProtocol, CMD_LISTDIR)); } void SlaveBase::get(KURL const & ) { error( ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ACTION, unsupportedActionErrorString(mProtocol, CMD_GET)); } void SlaveBase::mimetype(KURL const &url) { get(url); } void SlaveBase::rename(KURL const &, KURL const &, bool) { error( ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ACTION, unsupportedActionErrorString(mProtocol, CMD_RENAME)); } void SlaveBase::symlink(TQString const &, KURL const &, bool) { error( ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ACTION, unsupportedActionErrorString(mProtocol, CMD_SYMLINK)); } void SlaveBase::copy(KURL const &, KURL const &, int, bool) { error( ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ACTION, unsupportedActionErrorString(mProtocol, CMD_COPY)); } void SlaveBase::del(KURL const &, bool) { error( ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ACTION, unsupportedActionErrorString(mProtocol, CMD_DEL)); } void SlaveBase::mkdir(KURL const &, int) { error( ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ACTION, unsupportedActionErrorString(mProtocol, CMD_MKDIR)); } void SlaveBase::chmod(KURL const &, int) { error( ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ACTION, unsupportedActionErrorString(mProtocol, CMD_CHMOD)); } void SlaveBase::setSubURL(KURL const &) { error( ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ACTION, unsupportedActionErrorString(mProtocol, CMD_SUBURL)); } void SlaveBase::multiGet(const TQByteArray &) { error( ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ACTION, unsupportedActionErrorString(mProtocol, CMD_MULTI_GET)); } void SlaveBase::slave_status() { slaveStatus( TQString::null, false ); } void SlaveBase::reparseConfiguration() { } void SlaveBase::localURL(const KURL& remoteURL) { bool local = remoteURL.isLocalFile(); TQ_INT8 islocal; KURL retURL; if (local) { islocal = true; retURL = remoteURL; } else { islocal = false; retURL = remoteURL; } KIO_DATA << islocal << retURL; m_pConnection->send( INF_LOCALURL, data ); } bool SlaveBase::dispatch() { assert( m_pConnection ); int cmd; TQByteArray data; if ( m_pConnection->read( &cmd, data ) == -1 ) { kdDebug(7019) << "SlaveBase::dispatch() has read error." << endl; return false; } dispatch( cmd, data ); return true; } bool SlaveBase::openPassDlg( AuthInfo& info ) { return openPassDlg(info, TQString::null); } bool SlaveBase::openPassDlg( AuthInfo& info, const TQString &errorMsg ) { TQCString replyType; TQByteArray params; TQByteArray reply; AuthInfo authResult; long windowId = metaData("window-id").toLong(); long progressId = metaData("progress-id").toLong(); unsigned long userTimestamp = metaData("user-timestamp").toULong(); kdDebug(7019) << "SlaveBase::openPassDlg window-id=" << windowId << " progress-id=" << progressId << endl; (void) dcopClient(); // Make sure to have a dcop client. UIServer_stub uiserver( "kio_uiserver", "UIServer" ); if (progressId) uiserver.setJobVisible( progressId, false ); TQDataStream stream(params, IO_WriteOnly); if (metaData("no-auth-prompt").lower() == "true") stream << info << TQString("") << windowId << s_seqNr << userTimestamp; else stream << info << errorMsg << windowId << s_seqNr << userTimestamp; bool callOK = d->dcopClient->call( "kded", "kpasswdserver", "queryAuthInfo(TDEIO::AuthInfo, TQString, long int, long int, unsigned long int)", params, replyType, reply ); if (progressId) uiserver.setJobVisible( progressId, true ); if (!callOK) { kdWarning(7019) << "Can't communicate with kded_kpasswdserver!" << endl; return false; } if ( replyType == "TDEIO::AuthInfo" ) { TQDataStream stream2( reply, IO_ReadOnly ); stream2 >> authResult >> s_seqNr; } else { kdError(7019) << "DCOP function queryAuthInfo(...) returns " << replyType << ", expected TDEIO::AuthInfo" << endl; return false; } if (!authResult.isModified()) return false; info = authResult; kdDebug(7019) << "SlaveBase::openPassDlg: username=" << info.username << endl; kdDebug(7019) << "SlaveBase::openPassDlg: password=[hidden]" << endl; return true; } int SlaveBase::messageBox( MessageBoxType type, const TQString &text, const TQString &caption, const TQString &buttonYes, const TQString &buttonNo ) { return messageBox( text, type, caption, buttonYes, buttonNo, TQString::null ); } int SlaveBase::messageBox( const TQString &text, MessageBoxType type, const TQString &caption, const TQString &buttonYes, const TQString &buttonNo, const TQString &dontAskAgainName ) { kdDebug(7019) << "messageBox " << type << " " << text << " - " << caption << buttonYes << buttonNo << endl; KIO_DATA << (TQ_INT32)type << text << caption << buttonYes << buttonNo << dontAskAgainName; m_pConnection->send( INF_MESSAGEBOX, data ); if ( waitForAnswer( CMD_MESSAGEBOXANSWER, 0, data ) != -1 ) { TQDataStream stream( data, IO_ReadOnly ); int answer; stream >> answer; kdDebug(7019) << "got messagebox answer" << answer << endl; return answer; } else return 0; // communication failure } bool SlaveBase::canResume( TDEIO::filesize_t offset ) { kdDebug(7019) << "SlaveBase::canResume offset=" << TDEIO::number(offset) << endl; d->needSendCanResume = false; KIO_DATA << KIO_FILESIZE_T(offset); m_pConnection->send( MSG_RESUME, data ); if ( offset ) { int cmd; if ( waitForAnswer( CMD_RESUMEANSWER, CMD_NONE, data, &cmd ) != -1 ) { kdDebug(7019) << "SlaveBase::canResume returning " << (cmd == CMD_RESUMEANSWER) << endl; return cmd == CMD_RESUMEANSWER; } else return false; } else // No resuming possible -> no answer to wait for return true; } int SlaveBase::waitForAnswer( int expected1, int expected2, TQByteArray & data, int *pCmd ) { int cmd, result; for (;;) { result = m_pConnection->read( &cmd, data ); if ( result == -1 ) { kdDebug(7019) << "SlaveBase::waitForAnswer has read error." << endl; return -1; } if ( cmd == expected1 || cmd == expected2 ) { if ( pCmd ) *pCmd = cmd; return result; } if ( isSubCommand(cmd) ) { dispatch( cmd, data ); } else { kdWarning() << "Got cmd " << cmd << " while waiting for an answer!" << endl; } } } int SlaveBase::readData( TQByteArray &buffer) { int result = waitForAnswer( MSG_DATA, 0, buffer ); //kdDebug(7019) << "readData: length = " << result << " " << endl; return result; } void SlaveBase::setTimeoutSpecialCommand(int timeout, const TQByteArray &data) { if (timeout > 0) d->timeout = time(0)+(time_t)timeout; else if (timeout == 0) d->timeout = 1; // Immediate timeout else d->timeout = 0; // Canceled d->timeoutData = data; } void SlaveBase::dispatch( int command, const TQByteArray &data ) { TQDataStream stream( data, IO_ReadOnly ); KURL url; int i; switch( command ) { case CMD_HOST: { // Reset s_seqNr, see kpasswdserver/DESIGN s_seqNr = 0; TQString passwd; TQString host, user; stream >> host >> i >> user >> passwd; setHost( host, i, user, passwd ); } break; case CMD_CONNECT: openConnection( ); break; case CMD_DISCONNECT: closeConnection( ); break; case CMD_SLAVE_STATUS: slave_status(); break; case CMD_SLAVE_CONNECT: { d->onHold = false; TQString app_socket; TQDataStream stream( data, IO_ReadOnly); stream >> app_socket; appconn->send( MSG_SLAVE_ACK ); disconnectSlave(); mConnectedToApp = true; connectSlave(app_socket); } break; case CMD_SLAVE_HOLD: { KURL url; TQDataStream stream( data, IO_ReadOnly); stream >> url; d->onHoldUrl = url; d->onHold = true; disconnectSlave(); mConnectedToApp = false; // Do not close connection! connectSlave(mPoolSocket); } break; case CMD_REPARSECONFIGURATION: reparseConfiguration(); break; case CMD_CONFIG: stream >> d->configData; #ifdef Q_OS_UNIX //TODO: not yet available on WIN32 KSocks::setConfig(d->config); #endif delete d->remotefile; d->remotefile = 0; break; case CMD_GET: { stream >> url; get( url ); } break; case CMD_PUT: { int permissions; TQ_INT8 iOverwrite, iResume; stream >> url >> iOverwrite >> iResume >> permissions; bool overwrite = ( iOverwrite != 0 ); bool resume = ( iResume != 0 ); // Remember that we need to send canResume(), TransferJob is expecting // it. Well, in theory this shouldn't be done if resume is true. // (the resume bool is currently unused) d->needSendCanResume = true /* !resume */; put( url, permissions, overwrite, resume); } break; case CMD_STAT: stream >> url; stat( url ); break; case CMD_MIMETYPE: stream >> url; mimetype( url ); break; case CMD_LISTDIR: stream >> url; listDir( url ); break; case CMD_MKDIR: stream >> url >> i; mkdir( url, i ); break; case CMD_RENAME: { TQ_INT8 iOverwrite; KURL url2; stream >> url >> url2 >> iOverwrite; bool overwrite = (iOverwrite != 0); rename( url, url2, overwrite ); } break; case CMD_SYMLINK: { TQ_INT8 iOverwrite; TQString target; stream >> target >> url >> iOverwrite; bool overwrite = (iOverwrite != 0); symlink( target, url, overwrite ); } break; case CMD_COPY: { int permissions; TQ_INT8 iOverwrite; KURL url2; stream >> url >> url2 >> permissions >> iOverwrite; bool overwrite = (iOverwrite != 0); copy( url, url2, permissions, overwrite ); } break; case CMD_DEL: { TQ_INT8 isFile; stream >> url >> isFile; del( url, isFile != 0); } break; case CMD_CHMOD: stream >> url >> i; chmod( url, i); break; case CMD_SPECIAL: special( data ); break; case CMD_META_DATA: //kdDebug(7019) << "(" << getpid() << ") Incoming meta-data..." << endl; stream >> mIncomingMetaData; break; case CMD_SUBURL: stream >> url; setSubURL(url); break; case CMD_NONE: fprintf(stderr, "Got unexpected CMD_NONE!\n"); break; case CMD_MULTI_GET: multiGet( data ); break; case CMD_LOCALURL: { stream >> url; localURL( url ); } break; default: // Some command we don't understand. // Just ignore it, it may come from some future version of KDE. break; } } TQString SlaveBase::createAuthCacheKey( const KURL& url ) { if( !url.isValid() ) return TQString::null; // Generate the basic key sequence. TQString key = url.protocol(); key += '-'; key += url.host(); int port = url.port(); if( port ) { key += ':'; key += TQString::number(port); } return key; } bool SlaveBase::pingCacheDaemon() const { #ifdef Q_OS_UNIX // TODO: Ping kded / kpasswdserver KDEsuClient client; int success = client.ping(); if( success == -1 ) { success = client.startServer(); if( success == -1 ) { kdDebug(7019) << "Cannot start a new deamon!!" << endl; return false; } kdDebug(7019) << "Sucessfully started new cache deamon!!" << endl; } return true; #else return false; #endif } bool SlaveBase::checkCachedAuthentication( AuthInfo& info ) { TQCString replyType; TQByteArray params; TQByteArray reply; AuthInfo authResult; long windowId = metaData("window-id").toLong(); unsigned long userTimestamp = metaData("user-timestamp").toULong(); kdDebug(7019) << "SlaveBase::checkCachedAuthInfo window = " << windowId << " url = " << info.url.url() << endl; (void) dcopClient(); // Make sure to have a dcop client. TQDataStream stream(params, IO_WriteOnly); stream << info << windowId << userTimestamp; if ( !d->dcopClient->call( "kded", "kpasswdserver", "checkAuthInfo(TDEIO::AuthInfo, long int, unsigned long int)", params, replyType, reply ) ) { kdWarning(7019) << "Can't communicate with kded_kpasswdserver!" << endl; return false; } if ( replyType == "TDEIO::AuthInfo" ) { TQDataStream stream2( reply, IO_ReadOnly ); stream2 >> authResult; } else { kdError(7019) << "DCOP function checkAuthInfo(...) returns " << replyType << ", expected TDEIO::AuthInfo" << endl; return false; } if (!authResult.isModified()) { return false; } info = authResult; return true; } bool SlaveBase::cacheAuthentication( const AuthInfo& info ) { TQByteArray params; long windowId = metaData("window-id").toLong(); (void) dcopClient(); // Make sure to have a dcop client. TQDataStream stream(params, IO_WriteOnly); stream << info << windowId; d->dcopClient->send( "kded", "kpasswdserver", "addAuthInfo(TDEIO::AuthInfo, long int)", params ); return true; } int SlaveBase::connectTimeout() { bool ok; TQString tmp = metaData("ConnectTimeout"); int result = tmp.toInt(&ok); if (ok) return result; return DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT; } int SlaveBase::proxyConnectTimeout() { bool ok; TQString tmp = metaData("ProxyConnectTimeout"); int result = tmp.toInt(&ok); if (ok) return result; return DEFAULT_PROXY_CONNECT_TIMEOUT; } int SlaveBase::responseTimeout() { bool ok; TQString tmp = metaData("ResponseTimeout"); int result = tmp.toInt(&ok); if (ok) return result; return DEFAULT_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT; } int SlaveBase::readTimeout() { bool ok; TQString tmp = metaData("ReadTimeout"); int result = tmp.toInt(&ok); if (ok) return result; return DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT; } bool SlaveBase::wasKilled() const { return d->wasKilled; } void SlaveBase::setKillFlag() { d->wasKilled=true; } void SlaveBase::virtual_hook( int, void* ) { /*BASE::virtual_hook( id, data );*/ }