/* This file is part of the KDE project * * Copyright (C) 2000,2001 George Staikos * Copyright (C) 2000 Malte Starostik * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "ksslinfodlg.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#include //#include #include #include "ksslcertificate.h" #include "ksslcertchain.h" #include "ksslsigners.h" class KSSLInfoDlg::KSSLInfoDlgPrivate { private: friend class KSSLInfoDlg; bool m_secCon; TQGridLayout *m_layout; KComboBox *_chain; KSSLCertificate *_cert; KSSLCertificate::KSSLValidationList _cert_ksvl; bool inQuestion; TQLabel *_serialNum; TQLabel *_csl; TQLabel *_validFrom; TQLabel *_validUntil; TQLabel *_digest; TQLabel *pixmap; TQLabel *info; KSSLCertBox *_subject, *_issuer; }; KSSLInfoDlg::KSSLInfoDlg(bool secureConnection, TQWidget *parent, const char *name, bool modal) : KDialog(parent, name, modal, (WFlags)TQt::WDestructiveClose), d(new KSSLInfoDlgPrivate) { TQVBoxLayout *topLayout = new TQVBoxLayout(this, KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint()); d->m_secCon = secureConnection; d->m_layout = new TQGridLayout(topLayout, 3, 3, KDialog::spacingHint()); d->m_layout->setColStretch(1, 1); d->m_layout->setColStretch(2, 1); d->pixmap = new TQLabel(this); d->m_layout->addWidget(d->pixmap, 0, 0); d->info = new TQLabel(this); d->m_layout->addWidget(d->info, 0, 1); if (KSSL::doesSSLWork()) { if (d->m_secCon) { d->pixmap->setPixmap(BarIcon("encrypted")); d->info->setText(i18n("Current connection is secured with SSL.")); } else { d->pixmap->setPixmap(BarIcon("decrypted")); d->info->setText(i18n("Current connection is not secured with SSL.")); } } else { d->pixmap->setPixmap(BarIcon("decrypted")); d->info->setText(i18n("SSL support is not available in this build of KDE.")); } d->m_layout->addRowSpacing( 0, 50 ); // give minimum height to look better TQHBoxLayout *buttonLayout = new TQHBoxLayout(topLayout, KDialog::spacingHint()); buttonLayout->addStretch( 1 ); KPushButton *button; if (KSSL::doesSSLWork()) { button = new KPushButton(KGuiItem(i18n("C&ryptography Configuration..."),"configure"), this); connect(button, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(launchConfig())); buttonLayout->addWidget( button ); } button = new KPushButton(KStdGuiItem::close(), this); connect(button, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(close())); buttonLayout->addWidget( button ); button->setFocus(); setCaption(i18n("KDE SSL Information")); d->inQuestion = false; } KSSLInfoDlg::~KSSLInfoDlg() { delete d; } void KSSLInfoDlg::launchConfig() { KProcess p; p << "kcmshell" << "crypto"; p.start(KProcess::DontCare); } void KSSLInfoDlg::setSecurityInQuestion(bool isIt) { d->inQuestion = isIt; if (KSSL::doesSSLWork()) if (isIt) { d->pixmap->setPixmap(BarIcon("halfencrypted")); if (d->m_secCon) { d->info->setText(i18n("The main part of this document is secured with SSL, but some parts are not.")); } else { d->info->setText(i18n("Some of this document is secured with SSL, but the main part is not.")); } } else { if (d->m_secCon) { d->pixmap->setPixmap(BarIcon("encrypted")); d->info->setText(i18n("Current connection is secured with SSL.")); } else { d->pixmap->setPixmap(BarIcon("decrypted")); d->info->setText(i18n("Current connection is not secured with SSL.")); } } } void KSSLInfoDlg::setup( KSSL & ssl, const TQString & ip, const TQString & url ) { setup( &ssl.peerInfo().getPeerCertificate(), ip, url, ssl.connectionInfo().getCipher(), ssl.connectionInfo().getCipherDescription(), ssl.connectionInfo().getCipherVersion(), ssl.connectionInfo().getCipherUsedBits(), ssl.connectionInfo().getCipherBits(), ssl.peerInfo().getPeerCertificate().validate() ); } void KSSLInfoDlg::setup(KSSLCertificate *cert, const TQString& ip, const TQString& url, const TQString& cipher, const TQString& cipherdesc, const TQString& sslversion, int usedbits, int bits, KSSLCertificate::KSSLValidation /*certState*/) { // Needed to put the GUI stuff here to get the layouting right d->_cert = cert; TQGridLayout *layout = new TQGridLayout(4, 2, KDialog::spacingHint()); layout->addWidget(new TQLabel(i18n("Chain:"), this), 0, 0); d->_chain = new KComboBox(this); layout->addMultiCellWidget(d->_chain, 1, 1, 0, 1); connect(d->_chain, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotChain(int))); d->_chain->clear(); if (cert->chain().isValid() && cert->chain().depth() > 1) { d->_chain->setEnabled(true); d->_chain->insertItem(i18n("0 - Site Certificate")); int cnt = 0; TQPtrList cl = cert->chain().getChain(); cl.setAutoDelete(true); for (KSSLCertificate *c = cl.first(); c != 0; c = cl.next()) { KSSLX509Map map(c->getSubject()); TQString id; id = map.getValue("CN"); if (id.length() == 0) id = map.getValue("O"); if (id.length() == 0) id = map.getValue("OU"); d->_chain->insertItem(TQString::number(++cnt)+" - "+id); } d->_chain->setCurrentItem(0); } else d->_chain->setEnabled(false); layout->addWidget(new TQLabel(i18n("Peer certificate:"), this), 2, 0); layout->addWidget(d->_subject = static_cast(buildCertInfo(cert->getSubject())), 3, 0); layout->addWidget(new TQLabel(i18n("Issuer:"), this), 2, 1); layout->addWidget(d->_issuer = static_cast(buildCertInfo(cert->getIssuer())), 3, 1); d->m_layout->addMultiCell(layout, 1, 1, 0, 2); layout = new TQGridLayout(11, 2, KDialog::spacingHint()); layout->setColStretch(1, 1); TQLabel *ipl = new TQLabel(i18n("IP address:"), this); layout->addWidget(ipl, 0, 0); if (ip.isEmpty()) { ipl->hide(); } layout->addWidget(ipl = new TQLabel(ip, this), 0, 1); if (ip.isEmpty()) { ipl->hide(); } layout->addWidget(new TQLabel(i18n("URL:"), this), 1, 0); KSqueezedTextLabel *urlLabel = new KSqueezedTextLabel(url, this); layout->addWidget(urlLabel, 1, 1); layout->addWidget(new TQLabel(i18n("Certificate state:"), this), 2, 0); layout->addWidget(d->_csl = new TQLabel("", this), 2, 1); update(); layout->addWidget(new TQLabel(i18n("Valid from:"), this), 3, 0); layout->addWidget(d->_validFrom = new TQLabel("", this), 3, 1); layout->addWidget(new TQLabel(i18n("Valid until:"), this), 4, 0); layout->addWidget(d->_validUntil = new TQLabel("", this), 4, 1); layout->addWidget(new TQLabel(i18n("Serial number:"), this), 5, 0); layout->addWidget(d->_serialNum = new TQLabel("", this), 5, 1); layout->addWidget(new TQLabel(i18n("MD5 digest:"), this), 6, 0); layout->addWidget(d->_digest = new TQLabel("", this), 6, 1); layout->addWidget(new TQLabel(i18n("Cipher in use:"), this), 7, 0); layout->addWidget(new TQLabel(cipher, this), 7, 1); layout->addWidget(new TQLabel(i18n("Details:"), this), 8, 0); layout->addWidget(new TQLabel(cipherdesc.simplifyWhiteSpace(), this), 8, 1); layout->addWidget(new TQLabel(i18n("SSL version:"), this), 9, 0); layout->addWidget(new TQLabel(sslversion, this), 9, 1); layout->addWidget(new TQLabel(i18n("Cipher strength:"), this), 10, 0); layout->addWidget(new TQLabel(i18n("%1 bits used of a %2 bit cipher").arg(usedbits).arg(bits), this), 10, 1); d->m_layout->addMultiCell(layout, 2, 2, 0, 2); displayCert(cert); } void KSSLInfoDlg::setCertState(const TQString &errorNrs) { d->_cert_ksvl.clear(); TQStringList errors = TQStringList::split(':', errorNrs); for(TQStringList::ConstIterator it = errors.begin(); it != errors.end(); ++it) { d->_cert_ksvl << (KSSLCertificate::KSSLValidation) (*it).toInt(); } } void KSSLInfoDlg::displayCert(KSSLCertificate *x) { TQPalette cspl; d->_serialNum->setText(x->getSerialNumber()); cspl = d->_validFrom->palette(); if (x->getQDTNotBefore() > TQDateTime::tqcurrentDateTime(Qt::UTC)) cspl.setColor(TQColorGroup::Foreground, TQColor(196,33,21)); else cspl.setColor(TQColorGroup::Foreground, TQColor(42,153,59)); d->_validFrom->setPalette(cspl); d->_validFrom->setText(x->getNotBefore()); cspl = d->_validUntil->palette(); if (x->getQDTNotAfter() < TQDateTime::tqcurrentDateTime(Qt::UTC)) cspl.setColor(TQColorGroup::Foreground, TQColor(196,33,21)); else cspl.setColor(TQColorGroup::Foreground, TQColor(42,153,59)); d->_validUntil->setPalette(cspl); d->_validUntil->setText(x->getNotAfter()); cspl = palette(); KSSLCertificate::KSSLValidation ksv; KSSLCertificate::KSSLValidationList ksvl; if ((x == d->_cert) && !d->_cert_ksvl.isEmpty()) { ksvl = d->_cert_ksvl; ksv = ksvl.first(); } else { if (x == d->_cert) ksvl = d->_cert->validateVerbose(KSSLCertificate::SSLServer); else ksvl = d->_cert->validateVerbose(KSSLCertificate::SSLServer, x); if (ksvl.isEmpty()) ksvl << KSSLCertificate::Ok; ksv = ksvl.first(); if (ksv == KSSLCertificate::SelfSigned) { if (x->getQDTNotAfter() > TQDateTime::tqcurrentDateTime(Qt::UTC) && x->getQDTNotBefore() < TQDateTime::tqcurrentDateTime(Qt::UTC)) { if (KSSLSigners().useForSSL(*x)) ksv = KSSLCertificate::Ok; } else { ksv = KSSLCertificate::Expired; } } } if (ksv == KSSLCertificate::Ok) { cspl.setColor(TQColorGroup::Foreground, TQColor(42,153,59)); } else if (ksv != KSSLCertificate::Irrelevant) { cspl.setColor(TQColorGroup::Foreground, TQColor(196,33,21)); } d->_csl->setPalette(cspl); TQString errorStr; for(KSSLCertificate::KSSLValidationList::ConstIterator it = ksvl.begin(); it != ksvl.end(); ++it) { if (!errorStr.isEmpty()) errorStr.append('\n'); errorStr += KSSLCertificate::verifyText(*it); } d->_csl->setText(errorStr); d->_csl->setMinimumSize(d->_csl->sizeHint()); d->_subject->setValues(x->getSubject()); d->_issuer->setValues(x->getIssuer()); d->_digest->setText(x->getMD5DigestText()); } void KSSLInfoDlg::slotChain(int x) { if (x == 0) { displayCert(d->_cert); } else { TQPtrList cl = d->_cert->chain().getChain(); cl.setAutoDelete(true); for (int i = 0; i < x-1; i++) cl.remove((unsigned int)0); KSSLCertificate thisCert = *(cl.tqat(0)); cl.remove((unsigned int)0); thisCert.chain().setChain(cl); displayCert(&thisCert); } } KSSLCertBox *KSSLInfoDlg::certInfoWidget(TQWidget *parent, const TQString &certName, TQWidget *mailCatcher) { KSSLCertBox *result = new KSSLCertBox(parent); if (!certName.isEmpty()) { result->setValues(certName, mailCatcher); } return result; } KSSLCertBox::KSSLCertBox(TQWidget *parent, const char *name, WFlags f) : TQScrollView(parent, name, f) { _frame = 0L; setBackgroundMode(TQWidget::PaletteButton); setValues(TQString::null, 0L); } void KSSLCertBox::setValues(TQString certName, TQWidget *mailCatcher) { if (_frame) { removeChild(_frame); delete _frame; } if (certName.isEmpty()) { _frame = new TQFrame(this); addChild(_frame); viewport()->setBackgroundMode(_frame->backgroundMode()); _frame->show(); updateScrollBars(); show(); return; } KSSLX509Map cert(certName); TQString tmp; viewport()->setBackgroundMode(TQWidget::PaletteButton); _frame = new TQFrame(this); TQGridLayout *grid = new TQGridLayout(_frame, 1, 2, KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint()); grid->setAutoAdd(true); TQLabel *label = 0L; if (!(tmp = cert.getValue("O")).isEmpty()) { label = new TQLabel(i18n("Organization:"), _frame); label->tqsetAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop); new TQLabel(tmp, _frame); } if (!(tmp = cert.getValue("OU")).isEmpty()) { label = new TQLabel(i18n("Organizational unit:"), _frame); label->tqsetAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop); new TQLabel(tmp, _frame); } if (!(tmp = cert.getValue("L")).isEmpty()) { label = new TQLabel(i18n("Locality:"), _frame); label->tqsetAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop); new TQLabel(tmp, _frame); } if (!(tmp = cert.getValue("ST")).isEmpty()) { label = new TQLabel(i18n("Federal State","State:"), _frame); label->tqsetAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop); new TQLabel(tmp, _frame); } if (!(tmp = cert.getValue("C")).isEmpty()) { label = new TQLabel(i18n("Country:"), _frame); label->tqsetAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop); new TQLabel(tmp, _frame); } if (!(tmp = cert.getValue("CN")).isEmpty()) { label = new TQLabel(i18n("Common name:"), _frame); label->tqsetAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop); new TQLabel(tmp, _frame); } if (!(tmp = cert.getValue("Email")).isEmpty()) { label = new TQLabel(i18n("Email:"), _frame); label->tqsetAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop); if (mailCatcher) { KURLLabel *mail = new KURLLabel(tmp, tmp, _frame); connect(mail, TQT_SIGNAL(leftClickedURL(const TQString &)), mailCatcher, TQT_SLOT(mailClicked(const TQString &))); } else { label = new TQLabel(tmp, _frame); } } if (label && viewport()) { viewport()->setBackgroundMode(label->backgroundMode()); } addChild(_frame); updateScrollBars(); _frame->show(); show(); } TQScrollView *KSSLInfoDlg::buildCertInfo(const TQString &certName) { return KSSLInfoDlg::certInfoWidget(this, certName, this); } void KSSLInfoDlg::urlClicked(const TQString &url) { kapp->invokeBrowser(url); } void KSSLInfoDlg::mailClicked(const TQString &url) { kapp->invokeMailer(url, TQString::null); } #include "ksslinfodlg.moc" // vim: ts=4 sw=4 et